Uploaded by Khian

Cover letter

November 9, 2023
Kamille Bollozos
Hiring Manager
ABC Company
San Francisco St. Butuan City
Dear Ms. Bollozos
I am a fresh graduate from Father Saturnino Urios University with the Bachelors degree in
Computer Science. I am compelled to apply for your company as Tech Specialist with ABC
company. I have the necessary skills for a Tech Specialist that would make the company to its
Even though I am a fresh graduate. I was able to receive awards with the skills that I have. I
receive an award for making the most highly rated software for helping students manage their
study habits. I also received an award for being the winner for the 2019 and 2020 Robotics and
AI competition, held in Germany and Tokyo Respectively. I also did a part-time job as an
assistant Tech Specialist in DEF company for two years since 2019 to 2021. I also did my
Internship at VCM company for 4 months, July 2027 to September 2027.
With the skills that I have and the era we live in where Technology is a big part for a company.
I can improve the Company’s Technology aspects. I can also improve the date security for the
company. I can also share my expertise in Technology
I am confident that I am fit for the Tech Specialist position. I am also excited to know more
about the opportunity with the skills and history that I have. I am confident that I will be a great
help to the company. I look forward for discussing my qualification during the interview.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Khian Jay S. Tagapulot