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Green Building Energy Management Thesis Proposal

Group Details for Online Rubrics Form
Paper Number:
• CE200L-2_A71-12; CE200L-2_A73-11
Title Paper:
• Evaluating the Impact of Green Building Construction on Energy Management System
with the Optimization of a Neurotech-Driven Mobile Eye Tracking Device
Name of Students:
• De Guzman, Samantha C.
• Lu, Christian
• Valdez, Franchatte G.
Please send your evaluation and comments to this email
address fgvaldez@mymail.mapua.edu.ph. Thank you and God bless!
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Evaluating the Impact of Green Building Construction on Energy
Management System with the Optimization of a Neurotech-Driven Mobile
Eye Tracking Device
De Guzman, Samantha C.
Lu, Christian
Valdez, Franchatte G.
A Thesis Paper Submitted to Mapúa University’s School of Civil, Environmental, and Geological
Engineering Department, Intramuros Campus as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Major in Construction, Engineering, and Management (CEM)
Mapúa University
July 2023
Approval Sheet
This thesis proposal entitled “Evaluating the Impact of Green Building Construction on
Energy Management System with the Optimization of a Neurotech-Driven Mobile Eye Tracking
Device” was prepared by Samantha De Guzman, Christian Lu, Franchatte G. Valdez in partial
requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) has been
monitored and is approved for acceptance of thesis defense oral examination.
This thesis paper is dedicated to our friends and family who have been on our side,
motivating and inspiring us to do well in our endeavors, especially in making this thesis paper.
With their supportive and loving presence, they have given us strength, courage, and confidence
when we are about to capitulate in those times of adversity. Indeed, their presence has substantially
impacted us in doing greater goods.
Additionally, this thesis paper was comprehensively completed with the support and
guidance of our thesis adviser, Dr. Dante Silva, who continuously imparts significant knowledge
that enables us to obtain essential concepts for our study. As such, through his expertise in the
field, we are able to rectify the errors present in our paper, thus leading to an enhancement of its
Ultimately, we wholeheartedly dedicate this thesis paper to our Almighty God, who
bestows upon us wisdom, guidance, competence, intelligence, and good health throughout this
pursuit. We express our gratitude for harmonizing all these elements, culminating in our success.
Thus, we offer you all of our accomplishments.
Firstly, the researchers would like to earnestly praise and express our gratitude to our
Almighty God for his constant guidance in making this thesis paper. They would like to thank the
skill sets and abilities that He has conferred on them, as without these, they would not be able to
generate a superb thesis topic, and ponder notions essential in accomplishing the paper. More so,
in turbulent times, when they think of surrendering, His Divine Presence gives them strength and
courage to continue.
To the researchers' families and relatives, who constantly love and support them in every
pursuit that they are partaking in — they have been their number one inspiration to do great things
in life. Their continual trust and belief in the researchers have been an immeasurable worth. The
researchers are sincerely thankful for their existence, endowing them with the fortitude and
inspiration to prevail over the dilemmas and attain this accomplishment.
To the researchers' thesis adviser, Dr. Dante Silva, who has been an essential pillar in the
accomplishment of this paper. His invaluable expertise, and extensive knowledge has played a
pivotal role in shaping the quality and profundity of this thesis paper. His unwavering support and
encouragement have inspired the researchers to aspire for excellence and their utmost potential.
Significantly, his mentorship is bound to impact their academic and professional journey, and they
extend their sincerest gratitude for his support and guidance.
To the researchers' friends and colleagues whose camaraderie has been a constant source
of strength and inspiration, providing invaluable motivation during the most challenging times.
The researchers expressed their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to their friends and colleagues
for their continuous support and encouragement during the entire process of finishing this thesis.
Their presence has given this quest an unparalleled sense of significance and joy, transforming the
thesis process into a pleasant and fulfilling experience.
Presently, there is a global demand for infrastructures and buildings, as they play a pivotal
role in a country's progress. However, the continuous expansion of the construction industry is
undeniably harming the environment. In the Philippines, a country rich in natural resources, the
construction sector faces a significant dilemma with the illegal and harmful extraction of these
resources. Amidst this era of construction sector innovation, advancements have allowed for
integrating energy management systems into neuroscience. This study will utilize a Mobile Eyetracking device (GazePoint-GP3) within the project management team of green building
construction. The goal is to emphasize energy efficiency, enhance sustainability, and improve
overall building performance. Additionally, the researchers will conduct subjective measurements
of the project management team to investigate the relationship between Situation Awareness and
Cognitive ability, along with eye-tracking metrics gathered from Mobile Eye-tracking Devices.
The study aims to demonstrate the psychological benefits of green building in the construction
industry and society. Once the eye movement metrics and subjective measurements are analyzed,
the researchers will employ descriptive and inferential statistics, particularly Kendall's Tau and
Permutation tests using Welsh's t-test. These results will contribute to a precise and fitting
conclusion and enable the recommendation of a neurotech-driven energy management system
specifically tailored for green building construction, considering its unique requirements and
Chapter 1………………………………………………………………………………………...12
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE………………………………………………………18
Related Readings……………………………………………………………………………...20
Related Literature……………………………………………………………………………..22
Energy Management System………………………………………………………..……..25
Green Building…………………………………………………………………………….33
Gaze Point…………………………………………………………………………………38
Related Studies……………………………………………………………………………….39
Energy Management System……………………………………………………………...43
Green Building…………………………………………………………………………....49
Gaze Point…………………………………………………………………………………52
Synthesis and Justification…………………………………………………………………… …54
Theoretical Framework………………………………………………………………………….55
Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………….59
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………..…60
Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………………..62
Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………………………………63
Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………………..66
Chapter 2………………………………………………………………………………………..70
Research Design………………………………………………………………………………...76
Research Setting……………………………………………………………………………..77
Respondents of the Study……………………………………………………………………78
Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………………...79
Data Gathering Instrument…………………………………………………………………..82
Statistical Treatment…………………………………………………………………………84
Figure 1: Eye-Tracking Glasses………………………………………………………………….27
Figure 2: Eye-Tracking Device on Mobile Phones……………………………………...……….29
Figure 3: Benefits of Green Building in the Society……………………………………………..32
Figure 4: Green Building Infrastructure………………………………………………………….34
Figure 5: GP3-Mobile Eye Tracking……………………………………………………………..36
Figure 6: Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………….......57
Presently, infrastructures and buildings are in demand everywhere as they serve as a
keystone to the flourishment of the country. As such, the impacts of construction in society have
positive effects in almost every sector, especially in the economic sector, as it decreases the poverty
rate as job opportunities are prevalent in the construction process — it increases the employment
rate, which promotes economic development. More so, aside from boosting the economy of a
particular place, the construction initiative can also lead to an advantageous benefit in the
community; as communities develop their physical environment, they can diminish the crime rates
in the place as well as improve the mental and emotional health of the individuals residing in that
place (The Impact of Construction: 3 Ways Your Work Affects Everyday Lives, 2022).
However, with the construction industry's recur in expanding is undoubtedly to have a
detrimental impact on the environment. As cited by Sikra (2020) in the report of U.K. Green
Building Council, it is asserted that the construction industry employs more than 400 million tons
of material in a year, leading to adverse environmental consequences; hence, extraction of raw
materials also heightens the deleterious impacts. Similarly, Partnerships (2021) highlights that the
construction industry is responsible for 23% of air pollution, 50% of climate change, 40% of water
pollution, and 50% of landfill waste. It also accounts for 36% of worldwide energy consumption
and 47% of carbon dioxide emissions in the UK alone. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, since the
country is abundant in natural resources, the main dilemma of the construction industry is the
unsheathing of natural resources in an illegal yet deleterious manner. In such a manner,
deforestation and getting of river sand drive this dilemma as some of the construction companies
(large and small scales) resort to the palakasan system wherein they generate their connection in
the government to easily cut down trees and take river sand without legal documents. According
to Global Forest Watch, it is said that our country has lost more than 158,000 hectares (610 sq mi)
of forest from the year 2002 to 2021; the total tree cover loss was approximately 1.34 million
hectares that emits 788 metric tons of carbon emissions. Notably, mitigating the environmental
impacts of the construction industry is essential in order for us to eradicate the ever-detrimental
effects of global warming (Diaz, 2022).
Thus, in order to alleviate this dilemma, several innovative tools have been implemented
in the construction sector. One of which is the establishment of the concept of green building. It
has been shown that green building minimizes the overall environmental impacts generated by the
usage of 35%of the world's energy resources and 38% of the carbon emissions produced during
the construction of buildings and infrastructures. Green building also reduces the amount of energy
used to build green buildings by 38%. As a consequence of this, the objective of green building is
to achieve net-zero emissions, cost-efficient construction, decrease the risks of liability, lower the
expenses over the building's whole life cycle, and conserve energy. Design professionals make it
their priority to ensure that the construction process and the materials they employ comply with
the tenets of sustainable design. This is essential due to the fact that the concept of green buildings
places a key emphasis on environmental responsibility given that one of the main societal issues
that is prevailing currently is environmental degradation. With the concept of green building,
creating infrastructures that conform to sustainability, it allows design professionals to construct
infrastructures and buildings that are to the individuals who will utilize the said structures — offset
the negative repercussions that conventional buildings have on the utilization of energy, the
environment, and the well-being of individuals (Tam et al., 2020). As such, green buildings
combine an extensive variety of techniques and approaches to meet the standards that the
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) established. LEED is a green building
rating system that is utilized by design professionals to ensure that they are constructing structures
that adhere to green building specifications. More so, LEED offers a structured blueprint for
promoting the construction of environmentally sustainable, health-conscious, energy-efficient, and
economically advantageous green buildings. Further, in the Philippines, the analog for LEED is
the Building Ecological Responsive Design Excellence (BERDE) which is used as a framework
and rating system for green buildings in the country; hence, the framework and specifications are
made according to the ecological system in the country.
Consequently, in this era where innovation in the construction sector is continuously
dilating, novel concepts, tools and equipment are generated to meet the ever-changing standards
of society. One of the concepts introduced in the construction sector is the energy management
system which allows individuals to save energy in the most sustainable manner and cost-efficient
way. Thus, it may be regarded as a proactive, well-coordinated, and methodical management of
energy procurement, transformation, distribution, and utilization, aimed at meeting the necessary
demands while duly accounting for environmental and economic goals. Energy users,
encompassing business industries and other entities, employ energy management systems to
oversee their energy consumption. This facilitates businesses in identifying opportunities to adopt
and optimize energy management technologies, some of which may entail little financial
Moreover, energy management systems come in various notions as such can be
incorporated into biology specifically in neuroscience. Innovative tools and technology in
neuroscience can be referred to as neurotechnology. Neurotechnology is dedicated to
implementing diverse techniques, ideas, artificial systems, and technologies to comprehend,
engage with, restore, amplify, and directly impact the brain and its functions. In simpler terms, it
involves technology developed using the brain, for the brain, and in collaboration with the brain.
Generally, neurotechnology operates neural interfaces to access or deliver data to the central
nervous system (CNS), peripheral nervous system (PNS), or autonomic nervous system (ANS).
Henceforth, the idea of neurotechnology can be implemented into energy management system as
signal processing in neurotechnology frequently involves high computing demands. It is feasible
to reduce energy consumption during signal processing and interpretation by using energy
management approaches such as algorithm optimization, reduction of unnecessary calculations,
and efficient task scheduling. Furthermore, researchers and developers can create more
sustainable, long-lasting, and effective devices and systems by incorporating energy management
systems into neurotechnology. This methodology can potentially drive advancement in medical
and non-medical neurotechnology applications, such as in engineering, with possible benefits
ranging from improved patient experiences to the introduction of environmentally sensitive
technological solutions.
Consequently, the most widely-utilized neurotechnology driven device or neurotechdriven device in the construction industry is eye-tracking. An eye-tracking device enables users to
assess what they pay attention to, which points they focus on, what they ignore, and what makes
them uncomfortable (Akcay, 2022). Eye tracking is a sensor-based technology that identifies a
person's sight and monitors their real-time visual focus. This advanced technology translates the
movements of the eyes into a continuous data stream, encompassing essential information like the
position of the pupils, the gaze direction for each eye, and the specific point of visual fixation.
The most recent iteration of eye-tracking glasses is a relatively novel development, and as
a result, they have not been extensively utilized in studies concerning the psychology of
communication. However, these glasses are increasingly introduced in the construction industry,
as mentioned in Honma's book "Consciousness and Cognition" (2013). In the book, Honma
discussed the distinctions between eye-tracking conducted on mobile devices and that performed
on screens, highlighting each method's unique characteristics and applications. Eye-tracking has
proven to be a valuable tool for researchers and safety managers in the construction industry. This
technology comprehensively analyzes construction workers' situational awareness, cognitive
processes, and responses by tracking their visual patterns in different contexts. With this data,
researchers and managers can develop and implement effective strategies to enhance construction
management, specifically focusing on green building construction, as emphasized by Chong et al.
(2021). As a result, eye-tracking has rapidly emerged as an advancing technology in construction
engineering management studies due to its promising applications.
In this study, the utilization of eye-tracking in the project management team in green
building construction is implored to ascertain the substantial impacts of green building on them.
This study will show how beneficial green building is in society in terms of the psychological
aspect of a person. Consequently, in this section, the review of related literature, conceptual
framework, statement of the problem, hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and
delimitation, and definition of terms are presented to fully discern studies' beneficial prospects in
In recent years, the growing emphasis on sustainable and energy-efficient technological
practices has spurred a paradigm shift in the construction industry, driving the evolution of green
building technologies. Green building is elucidated to be buildings that are made sustainably and
energy efficient which advantageously impact not only the environment but also those individuals
occupying such as the residents and workers. Since the concept of green building is evidently
substantial in the construction sector, researchers and design professionals have been integrating
new concepts and technologies into green building in order to enhance its benefits making it more
environmentally friendly to the fact that all of the resources, materials, and processes conform to
sustainability. More so, a very significant approach that can be employed in green buildings is the
efficiency in utilizing energy resources through the energy management system. An energy
management system is the optimization of energy use for the best possible outcomes and taking
steps for its conservation which can also include planning related to the production of energy and
its storage for future usage. The desire to create energy-efficient buildings has spurred the creation
of innovative methods and strategies, ranging from passive design principles to advanced
automation systems. However, the intricacies of energy management in sustainable buildings call
for more advanced and flexible approaches.
Neurotechnology, which enables interaction with and comprehension of human neural
activity, presents an exceptional opportunity to enhance energy management systems by
incorporating human behavior and cognition into the optimization process. With newly developed
theories and methodologies in neurotechnology, our understanding of human experience within
the built environment has expanded. The increasing interest in exploring the intersection of
neuroscience and engineering for knowledge creation has created a promising potential for
synergy. Currently, scholars have reviewed the interdisciplinary application of neuroscience tools
in the field of building construction. For example, Wang et al. (2022) reviewed the application of
eye-tracking techniques in construction safety and described the different indexes used to study
human mental performance in visual, cognitive, and attention aspects. Accordingly, from a safety
training perspective, scan paths and fixation heat maps generated by eye-tracking technology can
effectively reveal focused or personalized feedback to workers, and this feedback communicates
to workers defects in the search process, eliciting reflection and thereby facilitating hazard
This section encompasses the literature analysis and reviews employed by the researchers
to clarify the various terms and concepts considered essential for conducting this study. This
segment delves into integrating neurotechnology, specifically eye-tracking and gaze point
analysis, within green building environments to enhance energy management systems. In this
context, the convergence of neurotechnology and green building presents a unique opportunity to
revolutionize energy management systems and enhance sustainability efforts.
Related Readings
For a building to be referred to as a green building, there are requirements that need to be
met. These requirements are established by government agencies and other environmental
organizations that aim to mitigate the detrimental impacts of the construction industry in the
environment. As such, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) created a program for
green building verification or certification known as Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED). LEED aims to improve building and construction project performance across
seven areas of environmental and human health: use of integrative processes, location and
transportation, sustainable building site development, water efficiency, energy efficiency,
materials and resources selection, and indoor environmental quality. In the Philippines, the
counterpart for LEED is the Building Ecological Responsive Design Excellence (BERDE) which
was established by the Philippine Green Building Council (PHILGBC) and recognized by the
Department of Energy (Culia et al., 2018). It is essentially utilized as a rating system for the green
buildings in the Philippines; made suitable to the ecological system in the country. Through the
development of BERDE, the country will be able to respond to the issue of global warming, and
aid the green building projects in the right track by monitoring, evaluating, and measuring the
performance of these projects adhering to the existing building standards and codes, and
environmental regulations. Notably, the rating schemes of BERDE are available for free so design
professionals can employ it in the design and construction process. Moreover, our country also has
an existing policy about green building which is known as Philippine Green Building Code (P.D.
1096). This code proposes a set of standards that are applicable to the effective employment of
assets site selection, development, construction, occupancy, execution, and maintenance. It also
aims to enhance the quality of building performance through the implementation of measures that
foster resource management productivity and site long-term viability while alleviating the adverse
consequences that buildings have on human health and the environment.
Furthermore, in terms of energy efficiency policies and laws in the country, the Philippine
government enacted a law that promotes energy management. Republic Act 11285, An Act
Institutionalizing Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Enhancing The Efficient Use of Energy,
and Granting Incentives to Energy Efficiency and Conservation Projects, establishes plans to
increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption in the Philippines. This act includes
provisions for financial and other incentives, as well as encouraging the use of concessionary
financing for energy efficiency measures. Additionally, to further improve and make this law
viable for everyone, it calls for the development of new performance and labeling standards by the
Department of Energy (DOE). As such, the current DOE Secretary, Raphael Lostilla, issued a
department order establishing an energy management team (EMT) to develop an energy
management system to follow a systematic approach in achieving sustained improvement of
energy performance, such as energy efficiency, energy use, and consumption in the country. The
energy management system will follow the regulations and actions defined and presented in the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 50001 certification/recertification
implementation. ISO 50001 is an international framework for the systematic practice of managing
energy in order to improve energy consumption through the construction of an energy management
system (Mercurio, 2023). More so, this standard was developed to aid organizations diminish their
ecological footprint, preserve resources, and save money by employing efficient energy
management techniques.
Related Literature
Technology has been taking over applications and machines and has become the norm in
the community. Currently, knowledge is a relevantly significant factor in developing economic
growth. Likewise, technology can be helpful in the construction industry to face challenges that
correlate to the projects’ costs, delays, arguments, labor efficiency, risk analysis, the productivity
of labor, and many more, which are intricate. As stated by Müller and Rotter (2017),
Neurotechnology is an engrossing and contentious field that seeks to establish direct interfaces
between human brains and machines. In the coming years, it is reasonable to expect a higher
prevalence of these integrated brain-machine systems. The neurotechnology field involves
applying methods and tools that enable the smooth integration of technical components with the
nervous system. The technical components used in neurotechnologies, such as electrodes,
computers, and advanced prostheses, have two main objectives: capturing brain signals and
translating them into commands for technology control and modulating brain activity through
applying optical or electrical stimuli.
The human body is a fragile vessel often subjected to external interference. According to
(Vayena & Andorno, 2017), while external forces can readily influence and manipulate the body,
our minds, thoughts, beliefs, and convictions remain beyond external constraints. However,
advancements in neural engineering, brain imaging, and the increasing adoption of
neurotechnology may challenge the notion of the mind as an impenetrable fortress. In this paper,
we will explore how emerging neurotechnologies can grant access to specific facets of mental
information, shedding light on this intriguing phenomenon. When there are strengths, there are
also weaknesses. Although these remarkable advancements offer vast possibilities for improving
the lives of individuals and society, it is essential to acknowledge that they also carry the risk of
misuse. Consequently, they present unprecedented challenges to preserving the autonomy of the
mind and the unrestricted ability of individuals to govern their behavior.
The expanding global population is experiencing significant progress in contemporary
society. Advancements in technology and improved living standards are propelling this growth
and creating favorable conditions for societal development. However, challenges arise due to
negligence and irresponsible decision-making, impacting the general population and political
systems. To address these challenges, the development of decision-making support systems
becomes crucial. Over time, it is crucial for human societies to sustainably meet their needs while
ensuring that future generations can also meet their own needs without compromise. The advent
of ANN, or artificial neural networks, enables the empirical modeling of methods and systems
with remarkable precision. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) can detect subtle connections
between information on various data by acquiring knowledge of patterns and retaining
information. Continuous refinement of these models is necessary to ensure their accuracy in
capturing the intricacies of society. Artificial intelligence, data mining, and neural networks offer
promising potential in this regard. Additionally, it is imperative to keep the population wellinformed, conduct risk assessments, account for real-time risk dynamics, and provide accessible
information on effective measures to address hazards and mitigate their impacts (Grebennik et al.,
Neuroscience, similar to Neurotechnology, aims to delve into human cognitive functions
and mental processes by leveraging biological mechanisms. These disciplines have attracted
attention from diverse fields such as economics, marketing, and education. In building
construction, neuroscience offers practical applications as an interdisciplinary approach. There are
vital areas where neuroscience tools can be applied, including safety, environment, and thermal
comfort. Furthermore, emerging topics in building construction involve utilizing neuroscience
tools for hazard recognition, wayfinding, and managing cognitive load. Considering that the
construction industry encompasses the physiological and psychological states of both practitioners
and building users, integrating neuroscience tools can significantly contribute to research efforts
in building construction, ultimately enhancing building safety, comfort, and overall well-being
(Wang et al., 2022).
The range of potential applications for neurotechnology is extensive, depending on each
context's specific needs and requirements. The progress made in neuroscience has provided fresh
insights into the neural processes that underlie various brain functions, offering valuable
knowledge for enhancing human-in-the-loop systems. However, IoT system designers have to
leverage these insights and integrate the concept of wearable neurotechnology as a novel sensor
modality within the framework of human-in-the-loop systems. By doing so, they can unlock the
full potential of neurotechnology and its contributions to improving human-machine interactions.
The continuous monitoring of the brain through next-generation wearable neurotechnology
devices can play a significant role in enhancing environmental safety. This present era offers a
favorable environment for the flourishing of wearable neurotechnology. The increasing need for
cost-effective and accurate solutions for human-in-the-loop systems has driven substantial
research efforts, particularly in human sensing. The convergence of neuroscience and the Internet
of Things (IoT) has unlocked new possibilities to elevate the overall quality of human life by
leveraging the potential of these two fields in combination (Towards Internet-of-Things for
Wearable Neurotechnology, 2021).
Energy Management Systems
As our society gets more innovative, energy demand rises, resulting in an energy crisis for
future generations. According to Nasir (2021), the world's energy consumption is anticipated to
climb by 48% before 2040, citing a report relayed by the United States Energy Information
Administration (EIA). This is because of the sudden rise of technology, especially gadgets and
home appliances. As a result, the concept of "energy management system" was developed to avoid
this negative phenomenon. An energy management system (EMS) optimizes energy use for the
best possible results and takes actions to save it, which can also include planning for energy
production and storage for future use. It efficiently uses energy sources, and by using this method,
29% of energy resources can be saved. Furthermore, can be defined as the proactive, coordinated,
and systematic coordination of energy purchase, conversion, distribution, and consumption to
satisfy requirements while taking environmental and economic objectives into mind. In essence,
the ultimate goal of this method is to attain perfect environmental sustainability while also saving
Furthermore, with rising energy usage and newer technologies focusing on obtaining the
most and cheapest energy feasible, the use and release of Energy Management Systems (EMS) is
expanding among both end users and utilities. As a result, rapid technological advancements will
have a substantial impact on the design and implementation of future EMS. According to Amara
et al. (2013), EMS can also refer to a computer system designed specifically for the automated
control and monitoring of electromechanical facilities in a building that consume a significant
amount of energy, such as heating, ventilation, and lighting installations in a hotel or
manufacturing plant. The scope of the project might range from a single structure to a collection
of buildings such as institutions, office complexes, retail store networks, or industries. Indeed,
EMS gives customers the infrastructure they need to analyze, regulate, and optimize their energy
consumption. For example, EMS can assist users in avoiding consumption during peak hours,
allowing them to take advantage of financial incentives provided by the utility. Consumers'
widespread use of EMS will eventually lead to more efficient consumption behavior, which will
benefit the utility as well.
Given the numerous energy management systems that have been deployed and devised,
one of the most remarkable that needs further investigation is the EMS as a mobile application.
Future EM systems are projected to have a wide range of mobility capabilities. In the EM domain,
mobile devices can be used to communicate with consumers in real time, adjusting their behavior
in response to near-real-time impulses regarding their energy use, carbon footprint, and current
energy tariffs. A mobile device can deliver value-added services such as appliance
recommendation based on analytics done on fine-grained appliance-specific consumption profiles.
Mobile devices can also be used to crowdsource information gathered by users. The information
might be directly measured by the user or passively obtained from the user's context, such as
location. This data can be used wisely to achieve a variety of objectives. Sensory data such as a
user's position and activity, for example, can be associated with their behavior and collected on a
broad scale to provide insight into a neighborhood's energy usage trends. According to Aman
(2013), the implementation of mobile phone applications as energy management systems by Weiss
et al. discovered that the application can monitor and measure appliance-specific energy
consumption based on data collected by a smart meter. The application can be downloaded from
the Internet and does not require any additional configuration. It gives current and historical energy
usage, device inventory, and measurement. The consumer can measure and manage any appliance
remotely and receive data in near real time. The program is linked to the smart meter via an
information gateway, which receives data from the smart meter every second, parses it, and stores
it in a SQL database. The gateway's functionality is accessible via a web server, and meter readings
are accessible via URLs. The consumption of a device is monitored by turning it on and seeing the
change in consumption data collected in real time by the smart meter. The data is subsequently
added to the device inventory, which keeps track of all previously measured devices. The system's
key shortcomings include the lack of a security method that does not require user identification,
the lack of capability for remotely controlling or programming the devices, and the lack of
embedded intelligence for autonomous functioning.
Consequently, given that the country's electricity tariffs are among the highest in Southeast
Asia, owing in large part to the country's reliance on expensive imported diesel, oil, and coal
(Salonga, 2013). As a result, energy prices in the Philippines are anticipated to grow further. It is
critical that the notion of an energy management system be known throughout the country,
particularly through specific mediums such as mobile applications to reduce energy consumption,
which is necessary for sustainability and energy efficiency.
Eye-tracking technology enables the real-time capture of eye movement information,
offering valuable insights into individuals' cognitive, emotional, and physiological states across
different situations. According to Klaib et al. (2021), eye-tracking involves monitoring fixation
points (where one looks) or eye motion relative to the head. This technique is widely utilized in
diverse fields such as marketing, transportation, medicine, criminalistics, professional education,
and advertising, as highlighted by Rusnak (2021). Eye-tracking is a valuable tool for researchers
and safety managers in the construction industry, facilitating a deeper understanding of
construction workers' situational awareness, cognitive processes, and responses. By analyzing
workers' visual patterns in various contexts, researchers and managers can implement effective
strategies to improve construction management, particularly in green building construction, as
emphasized by Chong et al. (2021). Consequently, eye-tracking has rapidly emerged as an
advancing technology within construction engineering management studies.
2.1 Eye-Tracking Technology
In the book entitled "Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience 2nd Edition,"
published by Coco (2021), it was stated that technology for tracking the eyes had been
around for more than 150 years, illuminating the cognitive mechanisms that allow humans
to move through the visual world with apparent ease. A key turning point in the
development of eye-tracking technology was the advent of the computer, which allowed
for a dramatic increase in data accuracy and the creation of sophisticated experimental
paradigms. His research showed that reading was responsible for a number of these
changes, including the creation of gaze-contingency methods. The basic concept of these
techniques is the persistent tracking of participants' eye-gaze locations while they carry out
activities. Then, depending on the subject's line of sight, various experimental
manipulations begin to occur close to where they are looking or the position of their sight
(Coco, 2021, pp. 2014-2014).
The 21st century may be remembered as a breakthrough for eye-tracking studies
due to the widespread use of the technology and the ease with which it can be integrated
with other gadgets. Because of these developments make it feasible to place vision in a
more comprehensive cognitive framework by coupling eye-movement responses with
motor movements or brain activity (Brown-Schmidt et al., 2020). The construction
business is one of the new areas that has attracted the attention of companies and individual
investors interested in eye-tracking technology. In a study conducted by Schall and
Bergstrom (2014), they investigated whether or not consumers' attentional behavior, as
measured by their eye movements, is a reliable predictor of their eventual purchasing
2.2 Eye-Tracking Glasses
Figure 1. Eye Tracking Glasses (Coskun & Cagiltay, 2020)
Based on research published in the "Journal of Nonverbal Communication" by
Hessels et al. (2020), analyzing a person's gaze during a conversation could bring light to
their communication and behavioral tendencies from a psychological and evolutionary
perspective. The research showed that mobile eye-tracking glasses are increasingly used to
analyze eye contact in interpersonal settings. One's eye-gaze habits may be tracked using
these glasses.
The glasses record what the user sees owing to an infrared camera on each lens and
a forward-facing camera on the nose bridge. Pupil center corneal reflection is used by
infrared video cameras aimed at the eyes to record eye movement. The gaze direction is
determined by combining this information with additional geometrical aspects of the pupil
reflections (Tobii Pro, 2019a). The data collected from mobile eye-tracking registrations
are often presented as a first-person viewpoint video that includes annotations about where
people's gaze is directed by means of a pinpoint on the screen (i.e., a 2D positioning pixel).
The latest version of eye-tracking glasses is still relatively new. Therefore, they
have seen less usage in studies of the psychology of communication, but now it is being
introduced in the construction industry (Honma, 2013). In his book "Consciousness and
Cognition," he discussed this topic, saying there are differences between mobile and screen
eye-tracking. Research conducted with screen eye trackers is limited in that it can only
record where a person is looking at a computer screen; hence, findings are not applicable
to other contexts. In the article by King et al. (2013), it is also stated that wearable eyetracking spectacles offer a sophisticated method for capturing the direction of a person's
gaze while the individual wearing them is moving around in a real-life setting. Wearable
eye-tracking spectacles can therefore be used in any environment to capture individuals'
gaze direction in dynamic environments such as construction sites.
2.3 Mobile Eye-Tracking
Figure 2. Eye Tracking Device on Mobile Phones (GazeRecorder, 2021)
Mobile devices are an everyday companions ensuring users' constant
connectedness. In the book "Procedia Computer Science" written by Gunawardena et al.
(2022), the authors state that having an understanding of human attention and behavior
when using mobile devices is beneficial. Eye-tracking, for example, might be considered
an interactive instrument that provides users with tangible advantages, such as the ability
to infer user operation intents and adjust reactions and interactions appropriately. Other
real-world advantages include the ability to provide users with a more personalized
experience. Mobile devices would include a camera on their front faces to detect eye
movement and estimate screen-based gaze locations (Gunawardena et al., 2022, pp. 22912300). With the development of accurate eye-tracking technology for mobile devices, eyetracking has evolved into a widespread technology. The increasing number of mobile
devices and the rapid development of computer vision technologies assist the development
of eye-tracking methods on mobile devices, allowing for the detection of human attention
without the need for additional tools. These algorithms are pertinent to all applications
where the front-facing camera and display are on the same plane. The substantial variation
in the cranium or head shape and background, however, presents obstacles to achieving
higher levels of accuracy (Wu, 2016).
In the manufacturing and logistics industries, employees perform vital roles.
Releasing employees from routine tasks and allowing them to concentrate on creative,
value-adding activities can improve their performance and well-being and is essential to
the successful implementation of Manufacturing. Mobile Eye Tracking (ET) is an easy-touse technology for measuring human eye movements that, according to Zheng et al. (2022),
can aid in the identification of worker-system interaction patterns. Mobile Eye Tracking
(ET) can provide instantaneous insights into the individual's cognitive state during task
execution, thereby enhancing our knowledge of how people behave and make decisions
within complicated environments. It also permits analyses of the subject's mode of
interaction with the working environment.
Zheng et al. (2022) also revealed in their article titled "Computers & Industrial
Engineering" that mobile eye-tracking technology appears to be an appropriate technique
for measuring the situational awareness of construction laborers on actual construction
sites. The findings imply that workers' visual search habits could differ according to their
experience and understanding of the circumstance. Workers with a high SA allocate their
attention in an inefficiently focused and scattered way, as shown by the eye-tracking
measurements. The results of this study have practical implications because they can be
applied to future studies on the cognitive patterns of construction workers.
Green Building
Through the years, innovation has been a well-utilized concept that is essential for the
progress and flourishment of all sectors in society. As such, in the construction sector, new notions
and technologies have been introduced and incorporated to produce quality, cost-efficient, and
sustainable outcomes in buildings and infrastructures. One of the most recent and implemented
construction technologies that is widely employed nowadays is green building. Green Building is
defined to be an exhaustive model that diminishes the overall environmental outcomes generated
by the 35% global energy resources, and the 38% carbon emissions created when constructing
buildings and infrastructures; hence, aiming to attain a net-zero emissions, cost-efficient
construction, mitigate the risks of liability, decreases the life-cycle costs, and conserves energy
(Utomo et al., 2023). Since sustainability is the primary subject matter in the concept of green
buildings, design professionals ensure that the construction process and materials conform to it.
Correspondingly, green buildings are those which integrate an extensive range of methods and
approaches in order that mitigate the adverse consequences that conventional buildings have on
usage of energy, the environment, and the well-being of people (Tam et al., 2020, 18). As such,
United Stated Environment Protection Agency (2016) asserted that energy and resource efficient,
and environmental-friendly materials are used throughout the life-cycle of the building — siting
and extending through design, constructing, operation, maintenance levels, and refurbishment —
which expands and integrates the conventional aspects of building design, such as economic
performance, accessibility, resilience, and comfort. Accordingly, the benefits of green buildings
are not only discernible in the environmental aspect but also to the well-being of occupants residing
and working in the buildings. This is because the green buildings mitigate the possible risks of
allergies, respiratory diseases, and sick building symptoms. This is because construction materials
that have minimal or do not contain Volatile organic Compound (VOCs) will emit less gas which
is important in the overall-wellness and productivity of the individuals residing and working in
green buildings. Consequently, natural daylighting can also improve the mood, and mental wellbeing of the said individuals.
Figure 3. Benefits of Green Building in the Society (Chakravarthy et al., 2021)
According to the United Stated Green Building Council (USGBC) (2018), buildings,
specifically conventional buildings, commonly found in the United States typically produce 40%
of the nation’s carbon dioxide emission, and consume more energy and water resources compared
to the transportation and industrial sectors. To solve this issue, design professionals adapt the
concept of sustainability in building construction in what later on referred to as “green buildings”
whose impacts are game-changer into the sectors of construction and environment. That said, there
are corresponding protocols and regulations for a certain building to be referred to as a green
building. The US government and environmental organizations created rating tools or schemes
that are implemented in order to create a high-quality green building; hence, making sure that
green buildings are always improving, thriving, and keeping on the right track. The most infamous
rating tools utilized across the world are Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED),
Building Research Establishment, Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) and Green
Building Council of Australia (GBCA) (Meena et al., 2022). Upon implementing these rating tools
and schemes in the green buildings, it is shown that the LEED-approved buildings generate fewer
25% energy and 11% water resources, emits less than 34% carbon dioxide, and reuses and recycle
more than 80 million landfills’ wastes. One of the LEED-approved buildings in our country is the
Zuellig Building in Makati which proves that green building truly enhances the health and comfort
of its occupants through measures such as ventilation and daylighting (Salazar, 2013). This
enhancement in occupant well-being has been shown to elevate productivity, decrease inactivity,
and decrease insurance rates and risks associated with liability.
Figure 4. Green Building Infrastructure (Environlink, 2021)
4.1 Green Building Construction Process
Similar to the conventional construction process of buildings, green buildings also
employ a group of individuals and professionals that will substantially and
comprehensively complete the project. Contrastingly, the edge of green building with
respect to project management is that it wholly utilizes a holistic approach whose primary
objective is to promote sustainability, diminish the detrimental impacts of the construction
materials in the environment, and minimize the total cost. Hence, fundamentally qualifies
as a project team that is known as an integrated design team. This team is composed of
architects and engineers (civil, electrical, mechanical, and landscape) along with the
contractor, and its primary purpose is to collaborate with the project owner or developer to
determine the method that will be the most efficient in adhering to the owner's demands
and desired outcomes. Most importantly, in an integrated design team of green building,
LEED accredited professionals were established as they help manage the project in
attaining LEED certification.
As mentioned beforehand, one of the goals of green building is to drastically
decrease the extent of toxic and hazardous construction materials that are employed in the
construction process (Chakravarthy et al., 2021). These materials can have an enormous
influence on the environment as a whole, which is partially attributed to the numerous
processes that occur, such as the extraction process, production, and transportation, all of
which can have a detrimental effect on our ecosystem. Green building typically
circumvents the employment of toxic construction materials like plastics and treated woods
that significantly wreak havoc on the water and health quality which can potentially harm
our health. Thus, in order to ascertain the construction materials to be utilized in green
building, here are some facets that are considered as per Kubba (2017):
1. Construction materials should be sustainable. Sustainability in construction materials
ascertained through these characteristics: reusability, toxic materials are prohibited,
high recyclability, sustainable harvested materials, and high durability. The use of such
mediums alleviates the inauspicious effects; hence, promotes harmonization with the
2. The use of dimensional and concrete planning, and efficiency strategies minimize the
project costs.
3. Reuse and recycle resources that can be repurposed. Employing recycled-content
materials additionally saves money and promotes established markets for recycled
resources that are diverted from waste dumps.
4. Provide suitable facilities for the collection of recyclables and a solid waste
management program that lessens trash production.
5. Mandate waste management strategies for materials managed all throughout the
deconstruction, disintegration, and construction process.
6. Integrating recycled resources aids to guarantee sustainability of resources. If virgin
raw materials are used in construction ventures, these commodities will eventually run
out. As raw materials become limited, costs are going to increase and the materials will
ultimately become inaccessible. Recycling and reusing resources permits guarantee
that they will be accessible in the long run.
Figure 5. GP3-Mobile Eye Tracking (Gazepoint, 2021)
Gaze tracking is a technique used to estimate and track the direction of a user's gaze by
analyzing facial or eye features. It plays a crucial role in achieving automated vision-based
interaction. In their work, Brand et al. (2020) define the gaze point, or point-of-gaze, as the point
where the gaze direction intersects with the surface of the object being observed. A gaze tracking
device, typically a video system, monitors the movement of the eyes to estimate the gaze direction
or the point of gaze. The ultimate objective is to determine the location of the gaze point on a
computer screen or any other target. The primary challenges in gaze point estimation technology
revolve around accurately and swiftly estimating the gaze direction and the point of gaze. This
technology has already been widely employed as an interaction method for determining a user's
regions of interest in human-machine interfaces. Its applications extend to various fields beyond
its original purpose.
Numerous researchers have proposed various methods for estimating gaze points, as
discussed by Liu et al. (2022). In the article by Sun et al. (2014), they examine several typical
approaches for determining gaze points. One method involves using a head-mounted system that
requires fixed eyes and a screen camera mounted on a helmet or frame. Although this method
offers good accuracy and robustness, it increases the system's complexity. Another method
discussed is gaze point estimation based on the pupil center cornea reflection (PCCR) technique,
which relies on the bright and dark pupil principle. This technique involves extracting pupils from
images captured by a stationary camera, correcting the camera and eyeball's relative position based
on corneal reflection theory, and defining the corneal reflection point as the reference point for
determining the gaze position. This method has widespread use in eye-tracking systems like the
Tobii system developed by a Swedish company. However, its real-time performance may
introduce position errors. Moreover, using infrared light within a specific wavelength range can
cause significant eye damage, such as retinal burns and cataracts. Considering these issues,
researchers such as Cheng et al. (2017) propose that the ideal eye-tracking system of the future
should be a flexible and head-free gaze-tracking system. This system should not be limited to LED
light sources, offer low cost, high reliability, and support a multi-channel configuration.
The evaluation of eye-tracking software's capability to accurately determine the positions
of fixations on a screen is crucial, especially as fixations serve as dependent variables in
psychological research (Dalmaijer, 2014). Identifying fixations can be assessed by employing
tasks requiring participants to make a series of fixations to determine ground truth fixation
locations. A commonly used task for this purpose is the visual search task, wherein participants
must execute saccades and fixations to locate a specific target object amidst distractors. By
instructing participants to indicate when they are fixating on the target object through a button
press, the performance in the visual search task can be employed to evaluate the eye tracker's
ability to identify fixations on the target objects accurately.
Furthermore, gaze tracking technology captures visual information from a user's face and
eyes, measuring their attention towards objects and understanding their desires and needs. Wang
et al. (2023) support this argument by assessing the use of gaze points for evaluating the cognitive
processes and situational awareness of construction workers in the construction field, given its
simplicity and reliable performance. The authors also explore categorizing gaze-tracking systems
into intrusive and non-intrusive systems. Although early intrusive systems demonstrated high
accuracy, they necessitated direct contact between the eye and the device, resulting in significant
interference for the user. However, with advancements in computer vision and artificial
intelligence, gaze-tracking systems must now meet accuracy requirements while prioritizing the
user experience.
Related Studies
In a study by Doya et al. (2022), artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed notable
advancements over the past few years. Significant strides have been made wherein computers have
acquired the ability to perceive visual information, interpret auditory inputs, and even demonstrate
competent driving skills, sometimes rivaling or surpassing human capabilities. The rapid progress
in AI and neurotechnology carries substantial risks alongside its advancements. This study
examined the expected benefits and potential risks associated with these technologies.
Additionally, it will explore practical strategies and approaches for managing AI and
neurotechnology to minimize the occurrence of undesirable outcomes. According to Kitano
(2016), relying solely on a single, fixed pipeline is insufficient for an autonomous AI scientist.
This is exemplified by the development of AlphaGo, a computer program designed to play the
board game Go. Initially, AlphaGo utilized a vast amount of data derived from human
competitions and extensively explored billions of simulated self-play scenarios, ultimately
achieving the capability to surpass human players. However, the subsequent iteration, AlphaGo
Zero, diverged from using human-generated data and instead relied on continuous refinement,
leading to even greater proficiency than both human players and its predecessor. Choe and Mann
(2012) argue that the common belief is that asking the right questions is crucial for scientific
advancements, and some people question whether AI can do so. However, this skepticism might
stem from the limitations of human cognition and the sociological constraints scientists encounter
in their research endeavors. If these limitations can be overcome by significantly speeding up the
process of testing hypotheses, where every question can be swiftly answered, the significance of
asking the right questions may diminish. Exclusively focusing on asking the "right" questions from
a human perspective might be less effective in optimizing scientific progress.
Cannard et al. (2020) state that our society grapples with health disparities, limited
healthcare access, and increasing costs. However, the emergence of wearable neurotechnologies
in technology offers potential solutions. These devices allow individuals to monitor and receive
real-time physiological and neural activity feedback, which can lead to personalized treatment and
improved healthcare outcomes. Wearable neurotechnologies have expanded beyond physiological
measurements to include wireless electroencephalography (EEG) monitoring neural activity. This
progress unlocks novel possibilities and renders wearable EEG technology a highly encouraging
choice for self-monitoring one's health. EEG research has played a vital role in comprehending
various aspects of human cognition, sleep patterns, neurodegenerative conditions, and disorders
affecting the brain.
The internet's role in data communication has contributed significantly to globalization. It
enables the remote processing of large volumes of data from various sources, leading to the
unfolding of Industry 4.0. In developing countries like the Philippines, resistance to new
technology is understandable due to the need for significant changes across organizations and
supply chain networks. Comprehending the factors that propel technological transformations is
crucial in facilitating a fundamental shift in thinking. Vital catalysts in this emerging epoch
encompass the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, the vast realm of big data, self-driving
vehicles, genetic engineering, and advancements in neurotechnology (Obiso et al., 2019).
Energy Management Systems
For decades, the global energy problem has been one of the major threats to the global
economy and a healthy living environment. The construction sector demands a sustainable energy
solution in the form of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency technology to reduce the
present associated energy and environmental impact (Aliero et al., 2021). Renewable energy
sources enable new inhabitants to create their own sort of electricity. According to Kumar et al.
(2023), an effective energy management strategy is critical to ensuring maximum system
dependability, stability, operational efficiency, and cost-effective operation of renewable energy
sources. Using the efficiency of energy management systems in organizations such as businesses
to improve their respective energy consumptions was the primary goal of Knayer and Kryyinska's
(2023) study titled "The Influence of Energy Management Systems on the Progress of Efficient
Energy Use in Cross-Cutting Technologies in Companies." Correlations between individual
measurements and potentials are an essential element in this investigation. Because a company's
future needs can be estimated if specific steps have already been adopted. If there is a link, more
targeted expansion and promotion plans may be established, and investments in energy efficiency
can be activated sooner. As a result, this study evaluates energy efficiency potentials at the crosscutting energy technology level for small and big enterprises in the manufacturing and
nonmanufacturing sectors. Furthermore, the results give actual evidence that the energy efficiency
potential in enterprises varies substantially, not least due to the heterogeneity of the participating
companies. It was also discovered that the status of implementation is largely reliant on the energy
efficiency measures evaluated in each scenario. In essence, the findings suggest that energy
management improves energy efficiency.
Similarly, the findings of Loyola et al. (2020) coincide with this because reducing energy
use would, of course, have a chain effect and lower energy costs while also having a good effect
on the environment due to reduced carbon emissions. Monitoring and collecting data on energy
usage, analyzing meter data to uncover opportunities to decrease energy waste, implementing the
goal opportunity to save energy, and tracking success in energy saving initiatives are all frequent
processes in energy management.
An effective energy management system has controls that are as simple and dependable as
feasible while yet addressing the equipment's and operators' basic safety criteria. Shyra et al.
(2018) integrate Internet of Things (IOT) into Energy Management System to reduce energy
consumption, particularly lighting, on their individual university campus. As previously stated, the
goal of their research is to help users better understand the energy consumption of each individual
appliance, allowing them to make more informed decisions about energy consumption and
improve energy efficiency through appropriate management of each individual appliance based on
the rules specified by the user. The experimental results resulted in significant energy savings by
removing standby consumptions and/or modifying appliance behavior to real-world environmental
circumstances. In fact, the current costs of electrical sensors and actuators are extremely costly.
They are, however, projected to diminish as their market penetration increases. In addition, sensors
and actuators will be included into next-generation electrical appliances. Other energy
management systems will be implemented in intelligent buildings as research progresses. In the
future, electricity usage data can be further evaluated for equipment diagnosis and demand
forecasting, providing even greater benefits to campus energy conservation.
Eye-tracking provides a means to capture real-time eye movement information, providing
insights into individuals' various cognitive, emotional, and physiological states in different
scenarios. As Klaib et al. (2021) stated, eye-tracking involves monitoring fixation points (where
one is looking) or eye motion relative to the head. This technique enables the measurement of
individual visual attention and has found widespread application in fields such as marketing,
transportation, medicine, criminalistics, professional education, and advertising (Rusnak, 2021).
Eye-tracking is a valuable tool for researchers and safety managers in the construction industry, as
it allows for a deeper understanding of construction workers' situational awareness, cognitive
processes, and responses. By observing and analyzing workers' visual patterns under various
circumstances, researchers and managers can implement effective measures to enhance
construction management, particularly within green building construction (Chong et al., 2021).
Consequently, eye-tracking has emerged as a rapidly advancing technology within construction
engineering management studies.
3.1 Eye-Tracking Technology
Studies using human eyes extend back decades. What and where a person is looking
at may tell you a lot about their visual habits, and this is exactly what eye movement
analysis achieves (Han, 2020). According to Sharma et al. (2020), Recent research has
shown that eye-tracking systems are able to reliably detect minute eye movements and
gestures, providing insightful data on factors including visual focus, awareness or
consciousness, tiredness level, cognitive processes, and response perception components.
Since oculomotor activity during various visual tasks is indicative of thinking, search
strategy, and problem-solving, the bulk of research has used objective approaches to
explore this connection.
As noted by Jongerius et al. (2021), studies using eye-tracking technology have
been more popular over the last decade and can be found in many different sectors; almost
all of these studies aim to predict an observer's future behavior by examining where their
gaze is now fixed. It may be useful to create tools for evaluating employees' cognitive
processes since building sites are complex, dynamic environments that need hours of
continuous and focused attention. The field of human factors has made great use of studies
of eye tracking and gaze patterns because they correlate with cognition. Eye-tracking
technology provides a direct and quantifiable link between the environment and the
cognitive processes and brain activity involved in detecting and perceiving it. Eye-tracking
technology is used to examine the effects of different stimuli, which is an example of
standalone or independent variables) on eye-movement metrics, an example of variables
dependent on others (Shi, 2020).
Using remote eye-tracking technology, Martinez-Marquez (2021) evaluated
construction workers' hazard detection abilities by showing them pictures of potential
dangers on the job site. Even though this research was an early adopter of eye tracking for
the purpose of construction safety, the authors did note that a still picture may not
adequately represent an actual construction location. In the Philippines, Christian et al.
(2023) employed eye-tracking technology to analyze how application listing affected
consumers' actions while making a decision about a mobile gaming app. Using data
collected from eye sensors, they were able to determine that human attention and cognitive
processes could be identified and analyzed by tracking the locations of individuals' gazes.
3.2 Eye-Tracking Glasses
In the past, eye-tracking glasses have been used to investigate how individuals
interpret visual cues, typically in the context of navigation, security, or aesthetics. The
automobile sector, for example, has researched how different types of visual stimuli affect
workers' ability to finish a task. However, most eye-tracking research in the construction
and design sectors has included questionnaires or searches rather than actual work.
However, the construction industry will need assistance due to a lack of available expertise.
The eyes do not have to fixate on a single point of interest to comprehend it fully; rather,
they use a collection of gaze sites. A person's point of gaze, also known as the fixation
point, pinpoints the exact area of their sight (Schweizer et al., 2022).
Using eye-tracking glasses, Al-Haddad et al. (2022) could observe participants'
unrestricted eye movement and focus on different objects in any environment. However, it
is hard to accomplish since it requires taking the research equipment to the participants to
understand their behavior in their natural environments. The non-invasive nature of eyetracking glasses paves the way for a previously unattainable understanding of the human
visual system. One advantage of glasses with built-in eye-tracking technology is that they
provide a cutting-edge method of recording the subject's gaze direction even when their
head is moving freely in the actual world.
Wearable eye-tracking glasses may be utilized in any environment to record the
gaze patterns of people interacting in a dynamic environment. Eye-tracking glasses allow
mobility, making this method ideal for analyzing eye contact during one-on-one
discussions (Ye et al., 2020). When only one participant in an interaction wears the glasses,
researchers may learn about their behavior in terms of unidirectional gaze. In contrast,
when both participants do so, they can learn about their mutual gaze patterns (Macdonald
& Tatler, 2018).
3.3 Mobile Eye-Tracking
According to Cognolato et al. (2018), "Mobile eye-tracking devices are also headmounted or wearable devices." These gadgets typically have a secondary camera to record
the surrounding area or scene. This is supported by another study that discovered that
participants might freely roam around the experimental setting while using mobile eyetracking equipment like a headband, glasses, or a helmet-mounted system (Kovesdi, 2018).
Additionally, Cognolato et al. (2018) outlined how binocular mobile devices are often more
accurate than distant equipment. Mobile device gaze tracking is appropriate for field
studies since it is conducted concerning the entire field of vision (AndrychowiczTrojanowska, 2018).
Although remote eye tracking is a trustworthy approach for direct and continuous
attention measurement, its use is constrained by the fact that the unpredictable nature of
everyday living calls for portable eye sensors with real-time processing. Mobile eye
tracking employs high-speed cameras to precisely record the observer's gaze to gauge his
or her visual attention, whether the system is mounted on a flat, stable surface or the
participant is wearing a pair of glasses. Mobile eye trackers come in a few different
varieties, the most popular of which uses a camera that records video and infrared lightemitting diodes (LEDs) to provide light to the eye and captivate eye movements. After the
photograph has been taken, the center of the pupil and the infrared light reflected from the
cornea are used to precisely locate the subjects' lines of sight (Macdonald & Tatler, 2018).
In accordance with Kovesdi's (2018) study findings, Since it allows for head
movement and other components of realistic vision, mobile eye-tracking, also known as
"remote eye-tracking," is an alternative that is preferable to stationary eye-tracking
technologies for the purpose of researching visual attention and perception in natural
environments (Kiefer et al., 2012). Mobile eye trackers are a useful research tool for
construction sites because, in contrast to remote eye trackers, they permit strong monitoring
of all eye types, rapid and continuing calibration, and a low possibility of losing sight while
recording eye movement (Mento et al., 2021). Additionally, sample sizes for mobile eyetracking investigations of face-to-face interaction are typically tiny (Franchak et al., 2018).
Albeit, up to this point, the analysis of these mobile eye-tracking data has been laborintensive and difficult to automate.
Green Building
Caraiman et al. (2023) asserted that green building is the technique of creating or
renovating building structures to be energy and resource-efficient throughout their life cycle,
decommissioning/demolition. At the same time, the financial benefits of green buildings include
reduced energy costs, waste elimination, reduced water consumption, reduced environmental costs
and emissions, reduced operating and maintenance costs, and, last but not least, significant savings
generated by increased productivity and health of occupants.
According to Malik et al. (2022) green buildings have enormous market potential. They
are extremely marketable products with their own marketable qualities and significant benefits, so
proper strategies and awareness activities in this regard are essential. Implementing green
buildings is critical in all countries to offset the negative impacts of the construction and energy
Green buildings are thriving in the Philippines, and Franco et al. (2021) undertook a
research to examine green buildings in Metro Manila. Four critical pieces of information were
discovered in their study, "Green Building Policies in Cities: A Comparative Assessment and
Analysis." First, there are supportive regulations in Manila to stimulate the expansion of the green
construction sector; nevertheless, one must be cognizant of the city's existing historical, physical,
and social surroundings. There is also an overreliance on local governments and the private sector
to implement green building development policies. Second, while there are economic incentives
in Metro Manila to encourage green building investments, the country's current political situation
may damage company confidence in investing in green buildings. Third, public acceptability is
critical to reaping the social benefits of green and energy efficient technologies, such as improved
quality of life and well-being. Fourth, there is a chance to develop green building technologies that
are not only energy efficient but also catastrophe resilient. Local perspective and capacities must
be developed to stimulate innovative thinking about green construction solutions. Finally, once
mature construction methodologies, forecasting and prediction tools are created and applied, the
green building industry may be a constructive force in driving Metro Manila to be a low-carbon
and natural disaster resilient city.
4.1 Green Building Construction Process
In a Yuan (2023) study, during the first project site selection of high-rise green
buildings (HRGB), it is required to investigate the surrounding environment of the building
and consider the local climatic and geological characteristics. Natural resource recycling,
purification, and reuse are also meant to be stressed. The greening of high-rise structures
in accordance with local conditions requires not only industry thought, but also legislative
and economic assistance from the government and financial institutions. HRGB initiatives
must also be supported by investors, whose expectations for green building projects are
influenced by the cost of green building and the availability of green building incentives.
As a result, how to minimize the overall cost of HRGB while increasing investor trust
should be a challenge for individuals in the construction sector, as well as legislators and
financial institution managers. To create a better development environment for green
buildings, all linked sectors of society should work together (Susanto & Sujana, 2023).
Similarly, Karimi et al.'s (2023) work has significant implications for politicians
and designers seeking to promote green buildings as a healthy and sustainable alternative.
We can achieve sustainable development goals, boost citizen health, and reduce our
environmental footprint by implementing green building solutions. The significance of
encouraging occupant health and well-being, conserving the environment, and
guaranteeing a sustainable future for future generations cannot be understated, particularly
in the Global South, where these aims are central to the 2030 UN Agenda and the climate
change agenda. Green buildings offer a tremendous chance to fulfill these objectives, and
the data reported in this study can play an important role in supporting their development
and implementation.
Recent studies by Shi and Du (2022) have shown the significance of comprehending the
attentional behavior of professionals involved in design, construction, and facilities management
processes. This understanding is crucial for identifying performance obstacles and enhancing the
current workflow designs in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Facility
Management (AEC/FM) industry. The emergence of eye-tracking technologies has increasingly
captivated researchers due to their effectiveness in analyzing attention. However, the currently
available eye trackers, which are mounted on monitors, are primarily designed to track gaze focus
on 2D screens, such as during a review of 2D drawings. Consequently, these trackers must be
improved when understanding attentional patterns in 3D model reviews.
The gaze points can undergo automatic analysis and classification to achieve precise visual
aiming of the servo platform. This involves establishing a learning relationship between features
through feature encoding of the gaze image and gaze points. In the study conducted by Bao et al.
(2022), they introduced the CRF model, which further generates the predicted classification of
gaze points. The study results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively analyzes gaze
points from various perspectives. Compared to relevant algorithms, the subjective results indicate
that the proposed method can efficiently classify the target gaze points. Additionally, objective
comparisons with related algorithms reveal that the proposed method enhances accuracy, recall
rate, and weight value. Moreover, it can be employed in diverse fields of work such as Engineering,
Architecture, construction, and others to achieve more precise visual aiming of the servo platform.
Cuve et al. (2021) conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the Gazepoint GP3-HD eyetracker and Gazepoint Biometrics (GPB) system provided by Gazepoint. The study findings
indicate that these eye trackers' accuracy, precision, and robustness are comparable to other
competing systems. Reliable extraction of fixation and saccade events is possible; however, the
study of saccade kinematics is affected by the low sampling rate of the system. The GP3-HD eyetracker can capture psychological influences on pupil dilation and the clearly defined pupillary
light reflex. Additionally, the study reveals moderate-to-strong correlations between physiological
recordings and derived skin conductance (SC) metrics and heart rate (HR) between the GPB
system and the well-established BIOPAC MP160, supporting the validity of the GPB system.
Nonetheless, the low amplitude of the SC signal obtained from the GPB system may diminish
sensitivity in distinguishing phasic and tonic components. Similarly, data loss in pulse monitoring
could pose challenges for certain analyses of heart rate variability.
Currently, there is a growing trend among manufacturers to provide affordable eyetracking devices, such as the GP3 and GP3-HD models from Gazepoint, as well as the Tobii 4C
and Tobii Eye Tracker 5 models from Tobii (Tobii et al.). Furthermore, there is an increasing
availability of open-source software for data acquisition and analysis, as Geller et al. (2020) noted.
This development has made it easier to automate laborious pre-processing procedures, thanks to
various established open-source tools that specialize in analyzing signals like skin conductance
response (SCR), heart rate, and variability (Kirk et al., 2021).
Synthesis and Justification
Developing sustainable technologies has become crucial in mitigating the adverse effects
of climate change. One area of significant interest is the construction industry, which plays a
significant role in energy consumption and environmental impact. Integrating Neurotechnology,
specifically using Eye-tracking devices and techniques such as Gaze Point, can revolutionize
energy management systems in green building construction. This synthesis explores the potential
impact of incorporating neurotech-driven device in energy management systems and justifies
further research in this field. Construction professionals can gain real-time insights into occupant
behavior and energy usage patterns by incorporating Eye-tracking devices and Gaze Points. This
technology can capture data on where occupants focus their attention within buildings, allowing
for the identification of energy-intensive areas and potential efficiency improvements.
Theoretical Framework
Three primary theoretical constructs directed this study. The first theory is based on the
theory of mind Czajeczny et al. (2022). Czajeczny’s theory introduced the idea that the Theory of
Mind (ToM) is a socio-cognitive skill that involves understanding and interpreting one's and
others' mental states, including emotions, desires, beliefs, and knowledge. It entails recognizing
that individuals can have different thoughts and perspectives and considering the factors that
influence these mental states. Developing a strong ToM is crucial for effective social functioning
as it enables individuals to comprehend others' thoughts, predict their actions, engage in social
interactions, and navigate interpersonal conflicts. Acknowledging and understanding others'
mental states can promote meaningful communication and collaboration in their social
Although the Theory of Mind is frequently researched in developmental psychology, its
applicability spans several industries, including the Construction Industry. Complex collaborative
tasks involving project management call for efficient coordination and communication.
Understanding and interpreting project team members' intentions, beliefs, and emotions relies
heavily on the Theory of Mind. Construction workers can improve cooperation and productivity
by better communicating, cooperating, and resolving problems by understanding and empathizing
with the viewpoints and mental states of others. Moreover, the Theory of Mind enables
construction workers to comprehend decision-makers' requirements, preferences, and limitations.
Because they can anticipate and consider the numerous stakeholders' varied viewpoints and
interests in the context of the development of green buildings, workers are better able to solve
In recent experiments, Kulke and Hinrichs (2021) used a mobile eye-tracker to analyze
gaze patterns indicating the Theory of Mind as participants observed a real-life encounter between
an experimenter and a confederate. Based on their findings, the Theory of Mind allows for a
unique, intermediate conceptualization of eye-tracking data connected to underlying
neurocognitive processing and daily activities. A further benefit of mobile eye-tracking is the
ability to record in-the-moment eye movements, revealing where people focus their attention when
seeing something. Researchers can better understand similarities and differences in visual attention
patterns by studying eye-tracking data from various subjects. Concerning the Theory of Mind
(ToM), this knowledge can help create a shared understanding of how people view and respond to
visual stimuli. Monitoring eye movements using mobile eye-tracking devices can also infer
people's visual interests, preferences, and intents. This can help understand others' viewpoints and
intentions, which is significant in the Theory of Mind.
Another theory that supports the theory is the Perceptual Theory. Gold and Watanabe
(2010), states that the Theory of Perception is the transformative process through which an
individual's sensory abilities undergo improvement utilizing practice and experience. This leads to
an enhanced capacity for processing sensory information facilitated by the brain's adaptive
mechanisms for optimizing perception. On the other hand, Neurotechnology encompasses diverse
techniques and devices designed to interact with the nervous system. Its overarching objective is
to enhance the overall functioning of the nervous system and, in particular, to restore sensory or
motor abilities that may have been compromised or lost.
According to Davis and Francis (2023), the integration of Neurotechnology into energy
management systems offers several benefits through the application of perceptual learning
principles as outlined in Gibson's Theory of Perceptual Learning. By utilizing Neurotechnology,
users can receive real-time sensory feedback, enabling them to monitor and track their energy
consumption patterns effectively. Wearable devices, such a those equipped with neurotechnology
sensors and eye-tracking devices, can gather and analyze data on energy usage. Perceptual learning
principles allow Neurotechnology to enhance energy management systems by implementing
gamification and incentivization techniques. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and wearable
sensors enable users to engage in energy-saving challenges or games, where they can earn rewards
or incentives based on their energy-saving achievements. Through the provision of sensory
feedback, adaptive interfaces, gamification strategies, personalized suggestions, and cognitive
load management, Neurotechnology contributes to the optimization of energy management
practices, leading to improved efficiency and sustainability.
A further theory is the Pragmatism theory. Dewey (2013) believed that the logical and
investigative approach employed in successful scientific inquiries could be beneficially extended
to the realms of ethics and politics when approached thoughtfully. Pragmatism is a philosophical
theory emphasizing the practical outcomes and consequences of ideas and actions. It suggests that
attention should be directed toward real-world problems and their solutions, considering the
specific context and circumstances. In developing an innovative and sustainable neurotech-driven
energy management system for green building construction, applying pragmatism ensures a focus
on practicality, effectiveness, and adaptability. This approach involves considering system users'
actual needs and requirements, assessing the feasibility and efficiency of various neurotech
solutions, and considering the specific constraints and opportunities within the construction
industry. By adopting a pragmatic perspective, the design and implementation of the energy
management system can prioritize tangible results and effectively address real-world challenges.
This approach ensures that the solution is practical and adaptable to the needs of users and the
broader context of sustainable construction.
When applied to green building construction, pragmatism emphasizes understanding the
unique requirements and challenges. This philosophical theory advocates for the active
involvement of various stakeholders, including architects, engineers, energy consultants, and
building occupants, during the design phase. By engaging these stakeholders, valuable insights can
be gathered regarding their needs, expectations, and goals concerning energy management.
Pragmatism also highlights the importance of tangible outcomes and practical results. Clear
metrics and performance indicators should be established to evaluate the effectiveness and
sustainability of the energy management system. Monitoring energy consumption, greenhouse gas
emissions, and cost savings provides evidence of the system's impact and helps identify areas that
require improvement. By incorporating Pragmatism into the design and evaluation process, green
building projects can achieve practical and meaningful results in energy management.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 6. Conceptual Framework
The analysis's primary objective is to Evaluate the Impact of Green Building Construction
on Energy Management System with the Optimization of a Neurotech-Driven Mobile Eye
Tracking Device. Based on these notions, the study aims to test and evaluate the energy efficiency
and sustainability outcomes achieved by a Mobile Eye-Tracking device in green building
construction employing a GazePoint-GP3.
Figure 6 depicts a conceptual framework to assess the energy efficiency and sustainability
implications of implementing mobile eye-tracking neurotechnology in contemporary construction
engineering management for green building construction. The framework incorporates five (5)
phases, which will serve as inputs for the researchers to analyze and understand the study
comprehensively, and its impact in Construction Engineering Management (CEM).
Statement of the Problem
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of green building construction
on an energy management system optimizing a neurotech-driven mobile eye tracking device to
develop cutting-edge and optimal systems that highlights energy efficiency, improves
sustainability, and overall building performance.
Specifically, this study aims to address the following:
1. Determine how the concept of neurotechnology can be incorporated into the energy
management systems.
2. Explore existing neurotech-driven energy management systems applications.
3. Analyze the efficiency and sustainability of Mobile Eye-Tracking neurotechnology device
in energy management system in the context of project management in green building
4. Test and Evaluate the energy efficiency and sustainability outcomes achieved by a Mobile
Eye-Tracking device employing a GazePoint-GP3, along with the subjective
measurements conducted in Green building construction.
5. Recommend an innovative and sustainable energy management system tailored
specifically for green building construction, considering the unique requirements and
challenges in this context.
To evaluate the impact of green building construction on an energy management system
with the optimization of a neurotech-driven mobile eye-tracking device using a mix quantitative
and qualitative analysis, the researchers will develop assumptions that are in line with the study's
objectives, which are outlined in the statement of the problem. These assumptions will serve as
the foundation and direction for the whole research study. The following hypotheses will be
developed in response to the problem mentioned above:
Ho: There is little to no impact between mobile eye-tracking metrics and the subjective
processes/functions, emotional and physiological states, and productivity in energy
management systems in the context of green building construction.
Ha: There is an impact between mobile eye-tracking metrics and the subjective measures
of GazePoint-GP3 in measuring Project Managements' cognitive processes/functions,
emotional and physiological states, and productivity in energy management systems in the
context of green building construction.
Significance of the Study
This study will provide novel insights into the construction industry and dive into the
concept of the impact of green building construction on an energy management system with the
use of a neurotech-driven mobile eye-tracking device. These findings carry substantial
implications for the sustainable progress of constructed spaces. The furnished data will aid
professionals like architects and engineers in recognizing trends and preferences, empowering
them to optimize building designs and characteristics to enhance occupant comfort and energy
efficiency to the fullest extent. The collected data will guide engineers in evaluating occupant
interactions and appraising the efficacy of sustainable design interventions. It will empower them
to make well-informed choices and contribute to the shift towards greener and more sustainable
construction practices.
Moreover, the outcomes of this study will be instrumental in ascertaining the social and
economic importance of the research. Its application to energy management systems can be tested
and evaluated by a Mobile Eye-Tracking device in eco-friendly building construction utilizing a
Gazepoint. It can significantly benefit workers and laborers by improving energy efficiency,
enhancing worker comfort and productivity, facilitating training and skill development, promoting
health and safety, and enabling data-driven decision-making. The improved cognitive
understanding derived from the study can be translated into the precise implementation of energyefficient measures, creating a more resilient and enduring green building that adheres to
sustainability and proves its long-term viability.
Ultimately, this study's findings will enrich individuals by enhancing their comprehension
of energy usage, advocating for energy-conserving behaviors, enhancing the quality of indoor
environments, delivering tailored health and well-being advantages, and bolstering educational
and behavioral transformation efforts. These discoveries possess the potential to foster the
development of sustainable and healthier living spaces for individuals and communities alike. The
study's findings will provide researchers with valuable information for devising a unique and
formally-structured energy management system driven by neurotechnology to ensure the
innovation and sustainability of green building development.
Scope and Delimitation
This research study aims to evaluate the impact of green building construction on energy
management system with the optimization of a neurotech-driven mobile eye tracking device.
Specifically, this study concentrates on evaluating and designing an innovative Neurotech-Driven
Energy Management System (NEMS) for green building construction and employing an EyeTracking neurotechnology device in green building construction to develop cutting-edge and
optimal systems that highlight energy efficiency, improve sustainability, and overall building
performance. This study will be conducted from the first term of the Academic Year 2023-2024.
The research will utilize a mixed quantitative and qualitative research design to collect,
analyze, and interpret the results supplemented by the data gathered. In gathering the data, the
researchers will visit specific construction sites within the Philippines that are industriously
promoting and implementing green building practices. The selection of this particular location was
based on the researchers' observation that there was a scarcity of construction projects
incorporating green building methods. This scarcity provided a rationale for focusing on this
specific location. However, the researchers must expand the study's geographical coverage to
obtain a more comprehensive understanding and data on green building construction. This
expansion entails identifying specific site locations where green building construction will be
implemented but within the Philippines. By this, the researchers aim to capture a more diverse
range of construction projects that contribute to sustainable development and environmentallyfriendly practices in the Philippines.
The primary subjects of this research are the project management team involved in the
green building project/construction composed of the Project Manager, Design Professionals
(Engineers, Architects, etc), Contractors, and Construction Workers. The subjects' visual attention
patterns, cognitive processes/functions, and emotional and physiological states throughout their
energy management activities will be investigated and captured using the Eye-Tracking
neurotechnology device employing GazePoint-GP3 and subjective measurement questionnaires.
GazePoint-GP3 Mobile Eye-Tracking device will extract pupils from images acquired by a mobile
camera, adjusting the relative position of the camera and eyeball based on corneal reflection theory
and identifying the corneal reflection point as the reference point for establishing gaze position. It
will consistently detect minute eye movements, gestures, and psychological influences on pupil
dilation and the distinctive pupillary light reflex. This will provide valuable data on AOI time to
the first fixation, Time spent (Dwell Time), fixation and gaze point counts, and heat maps.
In addition to utilizing a Mobile Eye-Tracking device, the researchers will employ
subjective measurement questionnaires to gather data. Participants will be required to complete
the Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART) and Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire
(CAQ) to examine the relationship to the eye-tracking metrics obtained from Mobile Eye-Tracking
Device. This will support the researchers in defending the data they have gathered using a Mobile
Eye-Tracking Device employing GazePoint-GP3 and interpreting it based on the study's
objectives. It will also determine whether there is an impact between mobile eye-tracking metrics
and the subjective measures of the GazePoint-GP3 in measuring Project Management's cognitive
processes/functions, emotional and physiological states, situational awareness, and productivity in
energy management systems in the context of green building construction.
However, the research study is also subject to certain limitations and weaknesses. The
study's cover will only be in the Philippines, and the findings may not be generalizable to other
regions or countries. Since the study only focuses on one (1) green building construction project,
researchers had to also rely solely on online research articles, journals, books, previous studies,
and other publications to gather knowledge on the roles of Neurotechnology in Energy
Management Systems in the context of Green Building Construction. As the Philippines continues
to advance the field of construction engineering, it is also clear that literature and studies on the
subject are severely lacking, causing researchers to rely on and use materials from other countries.
This may make it difficult for the researchers to get generalized results that apply to the entire
population. Everything that exceeds the defined constraints will be deemed outside the scope of
the study.
Definition of Terms
Neurotechnology - This involves the harmonious fusion of technical elements and the intricate
nervous system. These elements encompass a range of devices, such as computers and electrodes,
designed to connect with the electrical impulses flowing within our bodies (Technology Networks,
2022). Neurotechnology encompasses applying cutting-edge technologies and systematic
approaches that seamlessly integrate with the human nervous system. Its purpose is to enhance
energy management processes within the development and functioning of environmentally
sustainable structures. This system incorporates neurofeedback, neurostimulation, and intelligent
algorithms to facilitate efficient decision-making concerning energy consumption, elevate
occupant comfort levels, and optimize overall energy efficiency in projects focused on green
Eye-tracking - Encompasses a range of technological processes that enable the precise
measurement of eye motions, eye positions, and gaze points. It identifies and monitors an
individual's visual attention, providing valuable insights into their focus's location, objects, and
duration (Eyeware, 2023). By employing an eye-tracking device, the precise motions of the
participant's eyes are recorded and measured, including the direction, duration, and fixation points.
These measurements are taken while the participant engages in energy management tasks within
either a simulated or real-world environment of green building construction. The collected metrics
offer valuable insights into the participants' visual attention patterns and cognitive processes
throughout their energy management activities. Ultimately, this data aids in evaluating the impact
of the neurotechnology-driven energy management system on the construction of green buildings.
Gaze Point - This is a fundamental measurement unit employed in eye-tracking research. Each
gaze point represents a discrete record of the participant's visual focus at a particular moment. The
frequency at which these individual moments are captured depends on the sampling rate of the
eye-tracking device, typically measured in samples per second (Try Evidence, 2021). The eyetracking system will precisely measure the coordinates of the point where an individual's eyes
fixate in real-time. By capturing the eye position at a sufficiently high frequency, the system can
accurately determine the duration and direction of the gaze. Through a comprehensive analysis,
the aggregated and summarized gaze point data can reveal patterns, trends, and correlations
relevant to energy management tasks in green building construction. The analysis explores the
relationship between gaze point patterns and behaviors and their implications for the system's
influence on energy efficiency, user experience, and the overall environmental sustainability of
green building construction.
Green Building Construction - Green construction embodies a philosophy and set of processes
aimed at minimizing the negative impact on the natural environment throughout the creation and
utilization of the built environment. From the design phase to assembly and the structure's
operational stage, green construction strives to reduce environmental harm while providing
potential positive contributions (Phoscreative, 2021). Integrating a Neurotech-Driven Energy
Management System is crucial in line with this approach. This system leverages advanced
neurotechnologies and data analytics to intelligently monitor, control, and optimize energy
consumption in green building construction. The study will evaluate the potential of neurotechdriven energy management systems to enhance energy management practices and foster the
development of sustainable and intelligent green buildings in the Philippines. The evaluation
process will span the first term of the Academic Year 2023-2024. It will involve comprehensive
data collection, analysis, and assessment of specific green building projects implementing
neurotech-driven energy management systems in the country.
Energy Management Systems - It serves as a comprehensive framework for energy consumers,
encompassing industrial, commercial, and public sector organizations, to effectively manage and
optimize their energy usage. Its primary function is to assist companies in identifying opportunities
for adopting and enhancing energy-saving technologies, even those that do not necessitate
significant capital investments (What Is an Energy Management System? n.d.). These systems
continuously gather real-time data on various energy-related parameters within green building
construction. By incorporating neurotech-driven techniques, such as wearable neurotechnological
devices or other neural monitoring technologies, the energy management system strives to improve
its operational efficiency and effectiveness in green building construction projects in the
Philippines. These neurotech-driven enhancements aim to enhance the system's ability to
accurately measure, analyze, and optimize energy usage within the construction project, ultimately
contributing to improved energy efficiency and sustainable practices in the built environment.
This chapter presents a comprehensive outline of the research methods employed in the
study. It encompasses various aspects, including the research design, research setting, study
participants, procedure for data collection, instruments used for data gathering, and the statistical
treatment applied. Notably, as this research study evaluates the impact of an Eye-Tracking
neurotechnology device as an energy management system in the context of green building
construction, the researchers prepared comprehensive and detailed phases and steps on how the
study will be undertaken. More so, through these phases and steps, the researchers will be able to
obtain veracious, comprehensive, and objective data.
Phases and Steps
Phase one. It entails obtaining extensive background data and information gathering, including a
literature review and analysis of existing studies, journals, books, and other materials on
neurotechnology and how it could be incorporated into energy management systems. This phase
intends to establish a foundational understanding of the topic and collect relevant data to guide the
following phases. The initial step in this process is identifying the notion of neurotechnology and
how it can be integrated into energy management systems. The second step involves gathering
literature, existing studies, journals, books, etc., on neurotechnology and energy management
systems and how these two could be connected. The third step involves collecting data regarding
neurotechnology and its incorporation into construction energy management systems in the
Philippines and foreign countries. The researchers will gather this data from various references,
including government organizations, corporations, library services, and academic institutions. The
information will provide insights into the aspects of neurotechnology and how it affects the
functionality of energy management systems. The fourth step is to analyze the gathered data to
find practices and trends. The researchers' understanding of Neurotech-Driven Energy
Management Systems (NEMS) for green building construction in green building construction will
benefit from this analysis.
Phase two. It thoroughly evaluates existing literature, research papers, and articles on neurotechdriven energy management systems and their applications. The first step in this process is to look
for research studies and articles that address the application of neurotechnology in energy
management and system optimization. The second step is to analyze the literature review findings
to identify the significant neurotech-driven device utilization in energy management systems
developed and established. The third step is to seek out case studies and actual-world examples of
neurotech-driven device utilization in energy management systems. These could be projects
implemented in commercial, industrial, and residential buildings and investigate the outcomes,
benefits, challenges, and lessons learned from these applications. The fourth step is assessing the
benefits and potential neurotech-driven device utilization in energy management systems.
Investigate how these systems can optimize energy consumption, reduce waste, improve
efficiency, and contribute to greater environmental goals. The final step is consolidating all the
information obtained during the exploration process. Summarize the existing applications,
significant technologies, challenges, advantages, and opportunities connected with neurotech-
driven energy management systems and how they will support the study's objectives and
throughout the study.
Phase three. It involves a meticulous collection of background data and information, including a
literature review and the gathering and analysis of data concerning the efficiency and the role of
Mobile Eye-Tracking in energy management systems within green building construction. This
phase aims to develop a fundamental understanding of the topic and gather pertinent data to guide
the subsequent stages of the study. The initial step in this process is to research and gather data
concerning Mobile Eye-Tracking and determine its efficiency and sustainability. The Second step
is to have a background check on the energy management system in the Philippines and foreign
countriefs. The researchers will look for existing case studies and ongoing or past studies
incorporating Mobile Eye-tracking in an energy management system with the Project Management
Team as the study's respondents. The third step is to look for Mobile Eye-tracking applications
used in green building construction. The researchers will analyze and filter out the data gathered,
consolidate the information gathered, and ascertain how it will help and be used in the study.
Phase four. This phase will consist of three steps to obtain the data needed for the study. As such,
the researchers will test and evaluate the energy efficiency and sustainability outcomes of the
GazePoint-GP3 Eye-Tracking device in green building construction. For the first step of this phase,
the researchers will allow the respondents to wear their eye-tracking devices throughout their civil
works. The second step, subjective measurement questionnaires, will be conducted on the same
respondents to support the data gathered using a Mobile Eye-Tracking Device employing
GazePoint-GP3 and interpret it based on the study's objectives. Lastly, the researchers will
interpret and analyze the data gathered from the study's two types of data collection methods using
Kendall's Tau and Permutation tests using Welsh's t-test.
Step 1. Gaze Point-GP3 Set-Up in Green Building Construction
The research study's respondents will first wear the Mobile Eye-tracking device
before going and doing their respective civil works. Participants will be instructed to start
the Gazepoint control program, which displays a live video feed to check eye capture and
guarantee proper screen distance. Green boxes encompass the left and right eyes to indicate
effective eye acquisition. The participant's distance from the screen is measured using a
moving dot that turns red if they are too far away and yellow if they are too close. A green
dot in the center indicates the correct distance. Participants will be prompted to ensure that
their eyes are centered in the image and being caught and that the green dot is centrally
situated to signify the accurate distance.
Researchers will utilize a Mobile Eye-Tracking neurotechnology device,
specifically the GazePoint-GP3, to gather participant data during the testing phase. The
Tobii Glass Analyzer Software will capture participants' responses and extract gaze
patterns and other eye movement metrics during the study. Using the Tobii Glass Analyzer
Software, the researchers could gather valuable insights into the participants' visual
interactions with the given scenario. During the initial phase of the analysis, the researchers
will investigate the relationship between four eye movement metrics: AOI time to first
fixation, Time spent (Dwell Time), fixation and gaze point count, and heat maps.
Step 2. Subjective Measurement Questionnaires
Participants will be asked to complete two questionnaires: the Situation Awareness
Rating Technique (SART) and the Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire (CAQ). The
SART consists of ten dimensions that assess individual Situation Awareness (SA) and are
grouped into three broader categories. On the other hand, the CAQ comprises 25 individual
items that evaluate cognitive ability or function. By utilizing these questionnaires along
with data obtained from the Mobile Eye-Tracking Device (specifically, GazePoint-GP3),
the research team aims to investigate the relationship between SA, as measured by the
SART, and cognitive ability, as assessed by the CAQ, alongside eye-tracking metrics. This
comprehensive approach will enable the researchers to justify and interpret the data
collected through the Mobile Eye-Tracking Device (GazePoint-GP3) under the study's
objectives. Moreover, the analysis will explore potential connections between the mobile
eye-tracking metrics and subjective measures obtained from the GazePoint-GP3, focusing
on cognitive processes/functions, emotional and physiological states, situational
awareness, and productivity within the context of energy management systems in green
building construction.
Step 3. Data Interpretation
In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research topic and address
the research objectives and questions, the researchers will meticulously interpret and
analyze the data obtained from the study's two types of data collection methods. Firstly,
the researchers will conduct a correlation analysis to examine the relationship between
Situation Awareness (SA), measured through the Situation Awareness Rating Technique
(SART), and cognitive ability or function, assessed via the Cognitive Assessment
Questionnaire (CAQ), in addition to eye-tracking metrics obtained from Mobile EyeTracking Device. Secondly, the researchers will employ a grouping approach, wherein the
participants will be categorized based on their SA and CA scores derived from the SART
and CAQ methods and how eye movement metrics change when the state of the Area of
Interest (AOI) changes. Furthermore, the researchers will compare these groups' eyetracking metrics using inferential statistics.
Phase five. After assessing the energy efficiency and sustainability outcomes achieved by a
Mobile Eye-Tracking device employing a GazePoint-GP3, along with the subjective
measurements conducted in Green building construction, the researchers can recommend an
innovative and sustainable energy management system conformed explicitly to green building
construction, given the unique requirements and challenges aligned to it. Concurrently, to provide
an efficient and sustainable energy management system design, the researchers will analyze the
data obtained to determine the concepts that must be avoided.
Research Design
The optimal methodology for this investigation is the deliberate choice of an experimental
research design. The variables employed in this study are well-suited for this approach due to their
qualitative and quantifiable nature, systematic progression, and objectivity. Moreover, the
conclusions drawn from this study will be derived through rigorous testing and avoid subjective
inferences or suppositions. Furthermore, this study is rich in scientific and engineering tools and
principles, necessitating statistical data and calculations for comprehensive analysis. A range of
investigations will be conducted to gather data on the attributes of Mobile Eye-Tracking, precisely
its efficiency and sustainability, which position it as an optimal neurotechnology device for
assessing cognitive processes and functions within project management team operating in green
building construction. The collected data will undergo analysis to establish the relationship
between Mobile Eye-Tracking metrics and subjective measurements obtained from GazepointGP3 in assessing the outcomes of Project Management in energy management systems within
green building construction. This analysis will enable researchers to draw conclusions and offer
recommendations and concrete information pertaining to advancements in neurotechnology.
Research Setting
This research will be conducted during the Academic Year 2023-2024 in a specific
construction site within the Philippines that is industriously promoting and implementing green
building practices to explore the efficiency and sustainability of Mobile Eye-Tracking in green
building construction. The researchers will seek necessary approvals from the construction site to
ensure ethical compliance. Choosing the Philippines as the research location offers multiple
advantages, as the country is actively pursuing energy efficiency and sustainability in the
construction industry. Additionally, the Philippines' rich and green community will provide
valuable support to the researchers throughout the study.
Respondents of the Study
The Project Management Team, composed of the Project Manager, Design Professionals
(Engineers, Architects, etc.), Contractors, and Construction Workers, will serve as the respondents
of this study. They will provide adequate details on the practices, dynamics, and effectiveness of
green building projects or constructions within the context of sustainable construction practices,
notably within the Philippines, which industriously promotes and implements green building
practices, which will greatly assist the study that the researchers are conducting. Since they have
the necessary insights into the processes, challenges, and collaborative practices that enhance the
successful implementation of green building projects, the researchers aim to investigate and record
the visual attention patterns, cognitive processes/functions, situation awareness and emotional and
physiological states of the project management team during their energy management activities
will be investigated and captured using the Eye-Tracking neurotechnology device employing
The researchers perceive that the project management team, composed of the Project
Manager, Design Professionals (Engineers, Architects, etc.), Contractors, and Construction
Workers, has a broader grasp and is appropriate enough to be undertaken. Respondents may
discuss their observations with the researcher. Only respondents willing to collaborate with the
researchers will be tested. It will assist the researchers in further understanding and exploring the
findings and data concerning the energy efficiency and sustainability outcomes achieved by a
Mobile Eye-Tracking device in green building construction using a GazePoint-GP3.
Data Gathering Procedures
The research team will adopt two primary methodologies for the study. Firstly, the
researchers will conduct a correlation analysis to examine the relationship between Situation
Awareness (SA), measured through the Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART), and
cognitive ability or function, assessed via the Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire (CAQ), in
addition to eye-tracking metrics obtained from Mobile Eye-Tracking Device. Secondly, the
researchers will employ a grouping approach, wherein the participants will be categorized based
on their SA and CA scores derived from the SART and CAQ methods and how eye movement
metrics change when the state of the Area of Interest (AOI) changes. Furthermore, the researchers
will compare these groups' eye-tracking metrics using inferential statistics.
Through this, the researchers will be able to distinguish if the notion of green building
construction substantially impacts the overall well-being, specifically the cognitive and mental
well-being of the project management team, As such, the project management team will serve as
the respondents of the study who will aid the researchers to ascertain if their claims are veracious
and feasible. More so, the sampling technique that will be utilized in this research study is a
purposive sample. A purposive sampling is an intentional approach of choosing respondents or
informants based on their capacity to explain a certain phenomenon, and notion which precisely
suit the substantial information that the researchers need to obtain the data of their study. From the
ideology of purposive sampling itself, the researchers will choose from the project management
team individuals who will be partaking in the data gathering procedure — individuals who will
wear the Mobile Eye-tracking device throughout their construction work.
Accordingly, the researchers will allocate ample time and effort in the data gathering
procedure to be able to come up with reliable data. A test and questionnaires will be the primary
data collection method for this study wherein for the testing part the researchers will use a Mobile
Eye-Tracking neurotechnology device with GazePoint-GP3 as a tool to measure or gather the data
from the device. As mentioned earlier, those individuals who will partake in the eye-tracking test
will also be the one who will be answering the questionnaires. The answering of the questionnaires
with these individuals will take place between their free time or after their construction work
without the eye-tracking neurotechnology device.
In the context of correlation analysis for an experimental research project at a single
construction site dedicated to green building construction, the non-parametric Kendall's tau
statistic is deemed a more appropriate measure to estimate correlation within the population. In
relation to inferential statistics, the statistical analysis of most experimental studies becomes
increasingly complex due to challenges such as nonnormality in data distributions, unequal
variances, and limited sample sizes. The researchers have chosen to employ a Permutation tests
using Welsh's t-test to address these issues. This test is preferred over other statistical analyses
because it offers greater statistical power, robustness against outliers and non-normal distributions,
and enhanced reliability when dealing with small sample sizes. The fundamental objective of the
permutation method is to generate a reference distribution by repeatedly recalculating data
statistics through a resampling technique.
The participants will engage in multiple scenarios as the Project management team
comprises various members. Each scenario involves an assigned team member and encompasses
multiple areas of interest (AOI) and visual environments defined by the research team. To capture
participants' responses, the Tobii Glass Analyzer Software will be utilized to extract gaze patterns
and other eye movement metrics. This specialized software is designed to work with Tobii eyetracking technology integrated into the Tobii Glass device, allowing for precise and non-intrusive
eye-tracking measurements. By using the Tobii Glass Analyzer Software, the researchers could
gain valuable insights into how the participants visually interacted with the scenario. In the initial
phase of the analysis, the relationship between four eye movement metrics (AOI time to first
fixation, Time spent (Dwell Time), fixation and gaze point counts, and heat maps) and the overall
Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART) score and Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire
(CAQ) dimensions will be examined for each participant. To perform this examination, Kendall's
tau correlation will be employed.
The second analysis will focus on examining the distinction between participants
concerning attention allocation. The research team will categorize participants into high and low
levels of Situation Awareness (SA) and Cognitive ability/function (CA), determined by their
overall scores from the Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART) and Cognitive Assessment
Questionnaire (CAQ). Permutation tests using Welsh's t-test will be employed for this
The third analysis will investigate how eye movement metrics change when the state of the
Area of Interest (AOI) changes. Unlike controlled laboratory settings, the real-world experiment
involves a dynamic AOI, where both the AOI's position in the environment and the participants'
position can vary due to the ongoing activity at the construction site, following its schedule without
interruptions. To account for the impact of this dynamic AOI, participants will be grouped based
on the state of the AOI, distinguishing between "working" and "stopping" states.
Data Gathering Instruments
The researchers would gather the data for this study in various ways. As stated in the datagathering procedure, different types of data are required for the researchers to proceed with the
study; in gathering data regarding the visual attention patterns, cognitive processes/functions, and
emotional and physiological states of the project management team, researchers will use a
GazePoint-GP3 Mobile Eye-Tracking device and Subjective Measurement Questionnaires.
The researchers will be using the GazePoint-GP3 Mobile Eye-Tracking device to extract
pupils from images recorded by a mobile camera, adjusting the camera's and eyeball's relative
positions based on corneal reflection theory and identifying the corneal reflection point as the
reference point for establishing gaze position. It will consistently detect minute eye movements,
gestures, and psychological influences on pupil dilation and the distinctive pupillary light reflex.
This will provide valuable data on AOI time to the first fixation, Time spent (Dwell Time), fixation
and gaze point counts, and heat maps.
In addition to utilizing a Mobile Eye-Tracking device, the researchers will employ
subjective measurement questionnaires to gather data and examine the relationship to the eyetracking metrics obtained from Mobile Eye-Tracking Device. Participants will be required to
complete the Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART), which is adapted from Taylor (1990)
and Strater et al. (2001). The research team chose the SART subjective method due to its
widespread use as a measure of situational awareness, ease of implementation, and applicability
across various task types. The SART questionnaire assesses Situation Awareness (SA) based on
respondents' subjective opinions using a seven-point Likert scale (1= Low, 7=High). It comprises
ten dimensions that measure individual SA, organized into three broader categories:
demand on attentional resources (instability, complexity, and variability of the situation)
supply of attentional resources (arousal, spare mental capacity, concentration, and division
of attention)
understanding of the situation (information quantity and familiarity with the situation)
The ratings from these dimensions are then combined to calculate a measure of individual
SA, achieved by subtracting the demand score from the understanding score and adding it to the
supply score.
Additionally, the researchers will employ a Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire (CAQ),
originally known as the cognitive failures questionnaire (CFQ), developed by Broadbent et al.
(1982). The CAQ assesses the frequency of cognitive failures experienced by individuals in
everyday life, encompassing slips, and errors of perception, memory, and motor functioning. The
scale is scored straightforwardly by summing the ratings of the 25 individual items, resulting in a
score ranging from 0 to 100. This score on the scale predicts episodes of absent-mindedness in
both laboratory and everyday settings, including slow performance on focused attention tasks,
traffic and work accidents, and forgetting to save data on a computer. Research by Rast et al.
(2008) indicates that the CFQ items load on three factors, and adding scores across relevant items
allows for the calculation of subscale scores representing different dimensions of forgetfulness:
Forgetfulness (Items 1, 2, 5, 7, 17, 20, 22, and 23): "a tendency to let go from one's mind
something known or planned, for example, names, intentions, appointments, and words."
Distractibility (Items 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 19, 21, and 25): "mainly in social situations or
interactions with other people such as being absentminded or easily disturbed in one's
focused attention."
False Triggering (Items 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 18, 23, and 24): "interrupted processing of sequences
of cognitive and motor actions."
These questionnaires will help in examining the relationship between Situation Awareness
(SA), measured through the Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART), and cognitive ability
or function, assessed via the Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire (CAQ), in addition to eyetracking metrics obtained from Mobile Eye-tracking Device. This will support the researchers in
defending the data they have gathered using a Mobile Eye-Tracking Device employing GazePointGP3 and interpreting it based on the study's objectives. It will also determine whether there is an
impact between mobile eye-tracking metrics and the subjective measures of the GazePoint-GP3 in
measuring Project Management's cognitive processes/functions, emotional and physiological
states, situational awareness, and productivity in energy management systems in the context of
green building construction. Lastly, evaluate it to reach an effective conclusion for the study.
Statistical Treatment
The statistical treatment for this thesis would involve analyzing the data collected through
the GazePoint-GP3 Mobile Eye-Tracking device and Subjective Measurement Questionnaires.
The data-gathering procedure for this study involves using multiple methods to collect different
types of data related to the project management team's visual attention patterns, cognitive
processes/functions, and emotional and physiological states. In the interpretation of data, the
following statistical tools will be used in order to answer specific questions and test the hypothesis.
To analyze our data, the researchers will use Kendall's tau statistic, and Permutation tests using
Welsh’s t-test. Accordingly, Kendall’s tau statistics is employed to link the relationship of the eye
movement metric gathered from the mobile eye tracking, and the results of the respondents on the
Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire and the Situation Awareness Rating Technique. Meanwhile
for the Permutation tests using Welsh’s t-test, it will allow the researchers to ascertain if there is a
significant difference in eye movement metrics between the two groups.
By using Kendall’s tau statistics:
Kendall's tau is a descriptive statistics measure that quantifies the degree of correlation
between two variables. It is non-parametric, meaning it does not rely on assumptions about the
data distribution. Instead, it assesses the similarity of rankings between the two variables, making
it suitable for ordinal data or situations where the assumptions for parametric correlation measures,
like Pearson's correlation coefficient, are not satisfied. It is a valuable tool in cases where the data
may not meet the requirements for traditional correlation measures, providing a robust alternative
for assessing relationships between variables.
To analyze the correlation between the eye movement metrics from the eye-tracking device
and the participants' results on the Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire and the Situation
Awareness Rating Technique, we can use Kendall's tau statistic. Kendall's tau is a non-parametric
rank correlation coefficient that measures the strength and direction of the association between
two variables. It is suitable for ordinal data, making it appropriate for analyzing the relationship
between eye movement metrics and questionnaire responses.
Let us denote the variables as follows:
X: Eye movement metrics (continuous or ordinal data)
Y1: Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire results (ordinal data)
Y2: Situation Awareness Rating Technique results (ordinal data)
Step 1. Rank the data. First, we need to rank the data for each variable separately. Assign
a rank to each value within each variable.
Step 2. Calculate the number of concordant and discordant pairs. Next, we calculate the
number of concordant (consistent order between X and Y) and discordant (inconsistent
order between X and Y) pairs. A concordant pair is one where the ranks are in the same
order for both variables, and a discordant pair is one where the ranks are in opposite order.
Step 3. Calculate Kendall's tau statistic The formula for Kendall's tau is:
n_c is the number of concordant pairs
n_d is the number of discordant pairs
n_t is the number of tied ranks in X
n_u is the number of tied ranks in Y
Step 4. Test for statistical significance (optional). The researchers can also perform a
significance test to determine if the correlation is statistically significant. Kendall's tau is
approximately normally distributed for large sample sizes, and researchers can use standard
regular tables to find the critical value.
By Permutation tests using Welsh’s t-test:
Permutation tests using Welsh's t-test are a form of inferential statistics. Inferential
statistics involves making inferences or conclusions about a population based on data collected
from a sample. Inferential statistics aims to estimate parameters, test hypotheses, and make
To conduct a statistical treatment using Welsh's t-test and permutation tests to correlate eye
movement metrics with the results of the Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire (CAQ) and the
Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART), follow these steps:
Step 1: Data Collection
Collect data from participants, including eye movement metrics from the eyetracking device and scores from the CAQ and SART questionnaires. Ensure that each
participant has a complete set of data for all variables.
Step 2: Data Preparation
Organize the data into three separate groups:
1. Eye movement metrics group (EM): All participants' eye movement metrics
2. Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire group (CAQ): Contains the scores of
the CAQ for all participants.
3. Situation Awareness Rating Technique group (SART): Contains the scores
of the SART for all participants.
Step 3: Assumptions Check
Before proceeding with the statistical tests, checking the assumptions for each
group and the correlation analysis is essential. The main assumptions for Welsh's t-test
and correlation analysis are normality and homoscedasticity (equal variance).
Step 4: Permutation Test for Correlation
Since the sample size may be limited and to avoid potential violations of
assumptions, we can use a permutation test to assess the correlation between eye
movement metrics (EM) and scores from CAQ and SART.
The null hypothesis for the permutation test is that there is no correlation between
the two variables (EM and either CAQ or SART scores).
The alternative hypothesis is that there is a correlation between the variables.
The steps for the permutation test are as follows:
1. Calculate the observed correlation coefficient between eye movement
metrics (EM) and CAQ scores (or SART scores). Denote this as r_obs.
2. Pool the data from both groups (EM and CAQ or SART scores).
3. Shuffle the scores randomly, keeping the pairing intact, and calculate the
correlation coefficient (r_perm) between the shuffled eye movement
metrics and the shuffled questionnaire scores.
4. Repeat the shuffling process (e.g., 1000 times) to create a distribution of
correlation coefficients under the null hypothesis.
5. Compare the observed correlation coefficient (r_obs) to the distribution of
permuted correlation coefficients to determine the p-value. The p-value
represents the proportion of shuffled correlations equal to or greater than
the observed correlation coefficient.
Step 5: Welsh's t-test
If you are interested in comparing the eye movement metrics (EM) between two
groups based on a categorical variable (e.g., gender or any other variable of interest), you
can use Welsh's t-test, which is a variation of the independent samples t-test. This test is
appropriate when the assumption of equal variance is violated.
The formula for Welsh's t-test is:
X-bar_1 and X-bar_2 are the means of the two groups (e.g., Combined
Result of SART and CAQ; and Result of eye-movement metrics from the
Mobile Eye-tracking device).
s_1 and s_2 are the standard deviations of the two groups.
n_1 and n_2 are the sample sizes of the two groups.
Calculate the t-value using this formula and then determine the corresponding pvalue using the t-distribution with appropriate degrees of freedom.
Step 6: Interpretation
For the permutation test, if the p-value is small (typically less than 0.05), you can
reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant correlation between eye
movement metrics and the CAQ or SART scores. If the p-value is large, you fail to reject
the null hypothesis, suggesting no significant correlation.
For Welsh's t-test, if the p-value is less than 0.05, you can conclude that there is a
significant difference in eye movement metrics between the two groups.
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