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Abraham-Hicks: Deliberate Creation & Allowing Transcript

Abraham-Hicks Publications
Tarrytown, New York
This is the Science of Deliberate Creation, and this Abraham-Hicks dialog was recorded at
Tarrytown, New York, on Saturday, the 14th day of October, of the year 2000. Recorded and
printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks, and the
unauthorized duplication of this recording is strictly prohibited. Our primary intent with this
work is to connect with those who are attracting this information, and your purchase of these
materials fulfills that intention. Plus, you also help us to afford the means to connect with other
seekers, and Esther and I are most appreciative of the role of your intentions in this joyous cocreative experience. For additional tapes, books, catalogs, or to reserve your space at an
Abraham-Hicks Science of Deliberate Creation Workshop, please call 755-2299, area code 830,
or write to Abraham-Hicks Publications at Post Office Box 690070, San Antonio, Texas, and the
zip code is 78269. Also, for an immediate overview of our work, visit our interactive website at:
Preferences, and the Evolution of Your Planet.
Good morning. We are extremely pleased that you are here. It is good to come together
for the purpose of co-creating, do you agree? You are knowing what you are wanting?
Continually changing? Always clarifying? More specific, less specific, new idea?
You are appreciating the contrast of your time and place? The Universe does not hear
your words, you know. ‘Tis through your vibrational offering that all things are known about
you. You are understanding that you are creator, and that you create through your vibrational
offering? And that whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are offering a vibration,
not so different from a radio signal, that is being received vibrationally and answered
And that all things that you are living, all things that everyone you know is living, all
things wanted or unwanted without exception, are coming in response to the vibrational offering
that you are outputting.
‘Tis a wonderful thing when you come to recognize that you are offering a vibration and
that it is being answered, because you’ve been saying that exact thing in different words all
along. Most of you just did not realize you were saying it. When you said, “Ask and it is given,”
that’s what you meant. Because you are offering a vibration, and the vibration that you are
offering is literally your asking, because you live in a Universe that is attraction-based.
So whatever it is that you are offering vibrationally, is your literal asking for response.
And the response that you are living is the manifestation of your life. So when you say, “I have
things in my life that I adore,” we say, they are coming in response to your vibrational offering.
And when you say, “We have things in our life, or I have things in my life that I would rather not
be there,” we say, it, or they, are coming in response to your vibrational offering.
So then you might say, “Well, how do I receive only the things that I want, and not
receive the things that I do not want?” And we say, well, an adjustment in your vibrational
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offering is in order. And you may say, “Well, how does one go about adjusting a vibration when
I do not even know that I am offering a vibration?” And we say, well, here is where we begin.
First, you must understand that you are offering a vibration, and next, you must identify
some means of reconciling what that vibration is. Unless you are able to know what the content
of your vibration is, you will never be able to control the content of your manifestation. So
understanding the content of your vibration is what this gathering is about.
Your emotions are the key to that, because the emotions that you feel in every case,
without exception, are the indicator of what your vibrational offering is. And since Law of
Attraction, the most powerful Law in the Universe, really the only one worth spending any time
considering…it’s sort of like the law of gravity—it just is, whether you understand that it is or
When you are little you don’t go to school to learn about gravity, because your mother is
afraid you might just float off if you don’t know. She knows that gravity is going to affect you,
just like gravity affects everyone else, whether you know about it or not. So understanding it is
not really necessary to its affecting you.
And Law of Attraction is that way, too. It’s not necessary that you understand it for it to
affect you, but it is oh so much more delicious when you do understand it, because then there’s
never a mystery about your life or anyone else’s. If you are understanding, if you can get up
close to anyone and be able to sort of sniff out what their mood or attitude is, then it’ll never
again be a mystery to you why they are getting the manifestations that they are getting, because
their mood or their attitude is their indicator of their vibrational content. Their mood or their
attitude is letting them know, and usually those around them know, what they are doing in terms
of vibration.
For some time we’ve been talking about deliberately offering vibration. In fact we’ve
been calling this gathering the Science of Deliberate Creation, because we are wanting to point
you in the direction of deliberately choosing thought, so that you could deliberately choose
vibration, so that you could deliberately control the content of your manifestations.
And we think it is a lovely title. It is a science, meaning it is an ongoing study, and
certainly you are all an important part of that. Recently we have given it a new title; we are
calling it the Art of Allowing because we are wanting to put your attention upon that which you
are most about, which is lettin’ it in.
In other words, we want to remind you, and many of you have forgotten this, and so it
takes considerable salesmanship in order to reacquaint you with this. We’re wanting to remind
you that there is only a Source of Well-Being. And as you stand in the middle of something not
wanted, we know it is hard for you to hear that. If you are standing in the middle of a war zone,
or in the middle of an illness, or in the middle of an unwanted anything, we know that it is hard
for you to hear that there is only a Source of Well-Being, because your logic says, “I want good
to come to me, and I want good to come to other. And good isn’t coming, instead something that
seems the opposite good is my experience, so therefore there must be some source of not good
that is somehow asserting itself into my experience.”
And we say, we know it may seem like that, but we want so much for you to come to a
realization that it cannot possibly be like that, because, first of all, there is no assertion, there is
only attraction. And next, there is no source of anything other than good. You don’t come into a
room and look for a dark switch, there is not one.
Someone sent Jerry and Esther a cartoon, a little one sitting in a lighted theatre, and she
said, “The movie is about to start. They’re getting ready to turn the dark on.” It really doesn’t
happen that way, does it? They don’t turn the dark on, they resist the light. There is no source of
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sickness; there is just a resistance or a disallowing of the wellness. There is no source of evil;
there is just the pinching oneself off from the Source of that which you consider to be good.
But what happens when enough of you are living the experience of pinching off the WellBeing that you so much want, then you come to say, “Well, there must be a source of this bad
stuff, because not only am I, but others are living something unwanted.” When you begin to
accept that it cannot be that way—there is no such thing—then you come to understand that there
is only Well-Being. It is nice when you think of it in this way: Imagine a cork bobbing on a body
of water, up there where the—in our analogy—pure, high, fast vibration is. Pure high fast all
means the same thing, pure because there’s no resistance within it, high because there’s no
resistance within it, fast because there’s no resistance within it. Pure high fast vibration up here
on the surface of the water.
Now take hold of this bobbing cork and hold it under the water. It is an unnatural act for
that cork to be other than bobbing on the surface. Just as it is an unnatural act for you to be
feeling negative emotion. Negative emotion is not where your vibration usually is. Negative
emotion means you are giving your attention to something not vibrationally up to speed with
who-you-really-are, but as you are giving your attention to it, you are including it in your
vibration, and as you include it in your vibration, the vibration of your offering has slowed, so
you’re not quite up to speed with who-you-really-are. You are resisting who-you-really-are, and
your cork is therefore under the water.
When you distract yourself, or turn your attention from whatever it is that is causing the
negative emotion, which causes you to no longer hold yourself in vibrational harmony with that
unwanted thing, which causes you to release the resistance that has slowed your vibration to
begin with, your vibration speeds and your cork floats again.
And the reason that we offer this analogy—it is the most important thing that you will
ever hear from us—is because we are wanting so much for you to finally come to the realization
that your natural place is in the pure high fast vibration. And the reason that we are putting such
emphasis upon this is because we are wanting you to understand what we mean when we talk
about the Art of Allowing.
The art of allowing what? The art of allowing your cork to float. The art of allowing you
to be who-you-really-are. The art of allowing the natural Energy that is you to flow fully through
you. The art of allowing wellness. The art of allowing clarity. The art of allowing God Force.
The art of allowing all good things that you are a part of that you have come forth from. The art
of allowing Energy. The art of allowing Life Force. The art of allowing who-you-really-are to be
there where you are right now.
The Art of Allowing. You might call it the Art of Lettin’ It In, because that speaks even
more clearly to your part in this, because you are in this moment, whether you know it or not,
you are lettin’ it in or you are not lettin’ it in, but nothing else is a factor in what’s happening to
Somebody else is not keeping it from you. God is not keeping it from you. Evil forces are
not keeping it from you, or thrusting it to you. The only thing that is affecting you, right here
right now—or in any point in time which is always where your power is—is in the present
moment, any present moment you’re either lettin’ it in or you’re not lettin’ it in. That’s all there
is to it. You are letting it in or not.
We do not think that the majority of our friends, who are physically focused, have any
sense of the power and importance of your focused position. We do not think that you know fully
that eternity moves forward because of your willingness to move through contrast and come to
conclusion or preference or desire.
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Whether you know that you are holding the desire or not, you are. Sometimes you know
it, sometimes you don’t. But do you know that you cannot stand in any focused moment without
coming to a preference? The large beasts that inhabited your planet even before you got here
were doing that, too—large and small beasts. As they moved around in the atmosphere, they
found new desires in their unspoken verbally preferences. And the Universe literally yielded to
them to prepare these atmospheres for your arrival.
And as you now stand here on the leading edge, picking your way through the contrast,
variety, perfection of where you stand, you are constantly coming to new preferences and
conclusions, even on cellular levels. And every time you ask, whether it is your human genius
that is asking, whether it is a cell in your body that is asking, whether it is the clam in the sea that
asks, every time it is asked, it is given. And the evolution of the species, the evolution of AllThat-Is, moves forward in response.
Jealous of recognition of another’s success?
It is our quest as we move forward, for we hold goals too, you know. We always say to
you, “Don’t worry, we will wedge our message in the crack.” We’ll give you one of ours here.
The strong intention that we hold for you, is that you leave here today finally, once and for all,
feeling satisfied in your unfulfillment. We want you to recognize that you never get it done. And
that each time contrast produces a new desire within you, that even though that desire is not
fulfilled, even though that love of your life has not yet found you, even though those millions
that you were sure that you want that you have very good use for, even though that more
preferred bodily condition, or that brighter more beautiful car, or that more specific home, even
though those things that you want so much have not yet come to you in terms of manifestation,
we want you to reach that place that you are exhilarated in their becoming, rather than
discouraged in their not yet manifestation.
And if you can get there, ah, then you begin your true work as you intended as you came
forth into this environment. Because you knew from your Broader Nonphysical Perspective that
we never get it done, that there will always be the new platform where we stand.
So think about it. All of the days of your physical life, you’ve been yippeeing and
yahooing and booing. You’ve been saying, “Yes yes yes, no no no, I like that, I don’t like that.”
Whether you speak it with your words or not, you have been noting preference. And every time
you note preference, the Universe at large hears your vibration and begins, in that moment, to
yield to you that which you are wanting—every single time.
If you could see an aerial view of your experience, you would be heartened to recognize
the long stream of answers and fulfillments that are lined up waiting for your discovery. It is a
sight to behold. For most of you, because you’ve been diligent in sifting through the contrast,
and you’ve launched endless preferences, if you could see an aerial view it would look like this:
Here you stand, here is a wall with a door in it, and piled up in heaps, beyond our ability to
describe, are lovers, beautiful houses, endless piles of money, perfect bodies, all things wanted,
laying right against the door—there to be received by you, in the moment you open the door.
That’s the allowing part we’re talking about. The asking has been done. Oh, it’s really been
You have enough wanting to keep yourselves busy for 20 or 30 lifetimes. You’ve been
very good at that. The contrast has served you very well. There is a huge momentum of
fulfillment awaiting you. This seminar is not about that. We don’t have to teach you to want. The
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entire Universe has been established to produce that desire within you. You could not hold that
wanting down if you tried—and you have tried.
This seminar is about finding a way to hold yourself in vibrational harmony with the
perfect body, with the house you want, with the perfect mate. Because the only thing that could
be keeping you, in this attraction-based Universe, from these things that you want, is that you
must be holding, if you’re not receiving them, a different vibration than they are. Because in the
moment that you achieve vibrational harmony with any of your desires that are piled up on the
other side of that door, the door dissolves, as far as that desire is concerned, and it comes right
through into your experience.
So it turns out the door does not really exist. It is a vibrational separation that you are
achieving through your attention to not having what you want, rather than through your attention
of having what you want. You cannot stand here without something, and talk about not having it
to your friends and your mother and to your diary, and find the feeling place of being without the
lover, or the home, or the money, or the perfect body, or the state of Well-Being that you desire.
You cannot hold yourself in vibrational harmony with what-is, and at the same time be in
vibrational harmony with something different. Your vibration is whatever your vibration is, and
your vibration is what is letting in or not letting in these things you’ve already said you want. See
how it works?
When you pick up a stick, which is the same thing as saying I’m focused upon a subject,
a subject like dollars, a subject like physical wellness, a subject like relationship, a subject like
new house or new car, when you focus upon any subject, that subject has two ends. There is the
end of it that you want, and there is the end of it that is the absence of what you want. There is
wellness or not. There is abundance or not. There is perfect Well-Being or not.
And you can tell by what’s manifesting in your experience right now, which end of that
subject stick you have developed a habit of vibrating with. In other words, that’s all beliefs are.
Beliefs are just habits of thought. They’re thoughts that you keep thinking.
When someone talks to you about their financial well-being, and they say, “Ah, I’ve hit
the mother lode. Someone died and left me a fortune.” Or, “I picked the winning lottery
numbers.” Or, “I dug up a big box in my back yard and it was full of gold.” And when you hear
them say that, if your heart jumps for joy, then you are a Vibrational Match to abundance.
But if you feel injustice, if you feel unfairness, if you feel jealousy, if you feel
disappointment, or anything that you would call negative emotion, it means you are in this
moment not holding yourself in vibrational harmony with the abundance that you want. You are
not a Vibrational Match to your desire; you are a Vibrational Match to the opposite of your
If you’re watching television, and you see a commercial—and if you’re watching
television you are seeing this commercial—telling you about all of the things that are wrong with
your body, probably. Endless pleading to come in and let us take a closer look, because we are
certain that if it’s not there today, it will be there tomorrow, and we would like to look every day
for the probable decline that is present within you.
As you see that commercial, they offer different words than that, and they usually play
different music behind it. But as you watch that commercial and you feel fear, or concern, or
worry, then you are vibrating on a different end of this stick than you really mean to.
When you feel passion, it means there is a lot of desire within you, and you are allowing
it fully. The reason that we are giving it to you in that way, is because we want you to recognize
that creation is a two-part process. One is the identifying and summoning—that’s the same
thing—the identifying and summoning—same thing—the identifying and asking and
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summoning—same thing. The focusing, the identifying, and summoning, attracting, pulling—
same thing.
There is the summoning of the desire, the focusing, the remembering, the perusing, the
musing, the discussing, the desiring, the summoning, the pulling—same thing. You getting a
sense of this? In other words, if I’m focused upon it and I am holding my attention to it for as
little as 17 seconds, there’s pulling power. So the first part of these two parts that we want you to
pay attention to, is the summoning power.
When you hold a desire, you are pulling Nonphysical Energy through you—Creative Life
Force Energy. You’re all doing that. So the first part of this is happening, whether you are aware
that it is or not. As you are pulling it through you, you are letting it flow, or you are resisting it. If
you’re letting it flow, you feel positive emotion. If you’re not letting it flow, you feel negative
So when you feel passion, or eagerness, that means there’s a lot of pulling power
happening, quite a strong focused desire, and no resistance within your vibration. Which means,
when you pick up the stick about the subject of your desire, you are always vibrating on this end
of it. When you feel strong negative emotion, like rage or depression, it means there’s lots of
pulling power, it means you still have a strong desire going on, but you’re not letting it in.
If you can hear this differentiation, it will help you to understand your emotions, and it
will help you to understand everyone else’s emotions, too. When you come face to face with
someone, someone you love or someone you don’t even know, and they are displaying strong
negative behavior, it means they’ve got one whopping desire going on here, but they are holding
a belief that is contradictory to it. So if you could focus upon the desire that they hold, in that
moment it would diffuse your negative response to whatever they are offering to you.
As we are moving forward here today, we are eager to talk with you about anything that
is important to you. There is no order of business here, all questions are appropriate. What you
will discover as we are unfolding together is that there are some here today that are in a situation
where they can more accurately and articulately express your question even than you are ready to
do. Sometimes a question will be born within you that will feel so powerful that you’ll feel as if
you cannot stand to hold it in. Every question that you hold, and every question that will occur to
you, is received by us, whether you express it with your words or not, because remember, we are
all communicating in a Vibrational Universe.
We encourage you to raise your hand if there is something you want to express, and we
will select from among you the one that we believe is in a position to express, for the most, that
which you are wanting. And together, we will ask and answer every question that you hold
without exception. There will not be anything that is left undone within you. So we give this to
you so that you will sort of relax and enjoy the unfolding.
When it is over and you receive your recordings, you will discover that the answer to
your specific questions will be there in multiple answers. You will also discover that questions
that will be born within you in days to come are also being answered today. Because we are not
only knowing where you are today, we are knowing where you will be tomorrow.
When you live in a Vibrational Universe, it is easy to understand probable futures. This
workshop is not about predicting probable outcomes—it’s about creating probable outcomes.
What is in your probable future right now is going to change, even within the hours that we are
together today. Because as we are chewing together, you are finding vibrational harmony with
who-you-really-are, and you’ve begun, already, by your patient listening to our rambling, the art
of lettin’ it in.
You cannot hold yourself in vibrational attention to Source Energy, without it adjusting
your vibration. And Source Energy is flowing to you at all times, it is just more predominantly
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focused as we are all chewing here together. Good. You are ready to begin? You are ready to
begin. Right here.
Joy equals success equals Joy equals success.
I want to first say something I’ve learned and then ask you a question. I saw that the
cause of success is joy, and that we’ve often had a superstition that success would make us
We want to give you something before you go further. We do want to hear you, but in our
words, in our experience, and the words that Esther has found from it as we’ve expressed it, we
would say, success is joy. Because when you are in that place where you feel joy, all that you
want must flow to you. So all that stuff, whether it’s money, or relationships, or experiences,
you’re lettin’ it in. When you are in your joy, you’re lettin’ it in. And when you’re lettin’ in what
you want, that’s what most call success.
If he can, I can; there’s no competition.
I wanted to ask you about this thing of the matching of the vibration. So when you gave
that example of the person who came into a lot of money, I saw something very clearly for
myself about where I have a mismatch. So the example for me is, I’m in the business of sales.
We have these events where people get recognized. And I notice that, for the most part at those
events, if I’m not being recognized, I don’t experience joy when the other person is being
recognized. I experience jealousy.
Alright, now let’s talk about what that is. It’s because they are being spotlighted and it is
amplifying your desire. So it’s speeding the Energy relative to your desire, while you’re holding
yourself in a vibration that’s not speeding along with it. In other words, you have this belief
about where you are.
Remember, there’s two parts to this: the pulling power and the allowing power. So if the
spotlight is on someone, it amplifies your desire and makes your desire go faster, but the
resistance is amplified within you. You may have heard us say, we say it often; it is a wonderful
way of looking at this. If you’re in your car and you are speeding at 100 mph and you crash into
a tree, it is more painful than if you are moving at 5 mph and you hit a tree.
So let’s say you’re moving along in your experience, you’re doing the best you can, and
you’ve sort of done your best to diffuse your awareness of your desire. It’s the way you keep
yourself from just going nuts. You sort of say, “Oh never mind, I’ll do it later, all in good time.”
You’re trying to kind of talk your desire down, or diffuse your attention to it.
Then you go to the awards ceremony where a spotlight is put upon the desire that you
have launched on many, many occasions. And so, as your desire is activated, your car speeds up,
but your belief hasn’t speeded up along with it. And so you crash and burn, so to speak.
Have you ever had an experience where you were trying to remember the name of
something, and you can’t remember it? It happens to Jerry and Esther all the time. They’ll drive
into an area that they’ve been before, and Jerry’ll say, “What was the name of that restaurant
where we ate?” And neither one of them can remember. But as they hang around the area longer,
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all of a sudden it’s like the thought is reactivated within them, and it comes into their conscious
Now the key word that we’re wanting you to hear in all of that is, when the thought is
activated. So you stand in every moment as a mix of vibrations. There are many thoughts that are
within you that are active and inactive. You might call them active, or dormant. They have the
potential of being activated or not, and it depends upon how much attention to them you’ve been
giving. What you’re beginning to notice, those of you who are actively playing with the idea of
Law of Attraction is, that you can hardly hold an idea in your mind without it popping up all over
the place.
It is not an uncommon thing for you, it happens with Jerry and Esther frequently, where
one or the other of them will speak a word, turn on the television, and those exact words are right
there. In other words, there are thought activations that are taking place all around you on all
different levels, you see.
So when a thought is activated within you, it becomes a player in your vibration. And you
can tell that it’s a player in your vibration because there is emotion around it. If you’re thinking
thoughts and the thoughts are not affecting any feeling within you, then they’re not active
enough, they’re not activated enough to be big players in your vibration. But if they produce
emotion within you, now they are bigger players.
So when you feel jealousy or discomfort, you might even call it self-loathing—we’re
amplifying that—or discouragement, it’s a fine line between whether I’m jealous or whether I’m
just mad at myself—doesn’t matter. What it means is, right now, a thought has been activated
within me, a thought of desire. The awards program has activated my desire thought, and it has
also activated my belief thought. And these two activated thoughts are not in vibrational
harmony, thus the negative emotion. If you are watching someone win and you are thrilled, now
your desire has been activated and so has your belief, and they are in harmony.
When you say belief, you mean belief that I would achieve that?
Let’s break down the word “belief”, because all belief is, is a thought that you keep
thinking. It would be better if we would use the word thought and thought. There’s this thought
and there’s this thought. Do they match? But the reason we’re calling this thought a belief, is
because it’s a habit of thought; it’s a thought that I really think a lot; it’s a thought that I’ve
thought so much. When you look into a physical environment, you all are using your physical
senses to decipher vibration, and you actually see things and smell things and taste them and
touch them and feel them.
This is a very strong, exaggerated amplification of a thought. That’s all that’s happening
here. That’s what this is all about. So you might say, “Well, there are thoughts that I can’t see,
and then there are thought forms that some people can see, and then there are manifestations that
all of us can see.” And now we’ll take you through it again.
There’s thought that most people don’t see. There’s thought forms that some people can
see. And there’s manifestations that we all mostly see. There’s thought, there’s belief, there’s
thought form, there’s manifestation. So beliefs are in that area around “thought forms”. In other
words, it’s a thought that you’ve practiced so much, that it’s a bigger, more active thought. It’s a
bigger player in your vibration. You are reaching for the thought that feels better.
It’s like, you know these security places where you have an access card that lets you in to
different facilities? And if your card doesn’t have the right information on it, they just don’t let
you in, or they don’t let you in all the way. They might let you in to part of it. And you have a
sort of vibrational access card. And so you go to the librarian of all things and you say, “I would
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like a book on wining that award.” And she says, “Card please.” And she swipes your card and
she said, “I can give you defeat and anger.” And you say, “No, no, no, you don’t understand, I
want winning the award. I want living happily ever after.”
She says, “Let me swipe your card again.” She swipes it, she says, “Well, I have
something here on discouragement and jealousy, and oh here’s something for you, anger
management.” We’re having fun with this, but it is not so different from that. You can’t get there
from there. You cannot get to where you want to be from the feeling place that is something
different. You have to adjust the feeling first.
Sometimes people will say, “Well, give it to me and I’ll feel better.” We imagine that you
would, but you have to feel better, and then you get there. And you say, “Well, why don’t you
just give it to me, and then I will feel better?” And we say, adjust your vibration first. You say,
“Well, how can I adjust my vibration when I’m living here in the absence of something that I
want? Or, worse still, in the presence of something I don’t want?” And we say, you have to be
willing to distract yourself somewhat from the reality that you are living—that’s what we would
call suspending my beliefs.
Don’t highlight the belief, highlight the desire. If you want something enough, it doesn’t
matter what you believe, it will happen if you’re focusing upon what you want. And so the
question is, “am I fanning the flames of my beliefs that aren’t serving me, or am I fanning the
flames of my desire that will?”
Here’s a good way to look at it. Do you know that you cannot appreciate and resist what
you want at the same time? Just like a mother can’t love her child and worry about her child at
the same time—they’re two opposite vibrations. So as you’re sitting in that audience and you are
appreciating this guy, you’re appreciating the effort he made, you’re appreciating the system in
which he is working, you are appreciating the fact that the awards ceremony even exists, you are
appreciating the orchestrators or the organization that have set it all up and made it possible, you
are appreciating the product that you have to sell and you’re appreciating the people that are out
there wanting it, and you are appreciating the clarity and the talent that you’ve achieved in your
offering of it, and you’re appreciating the potential of where you’re going.
You are feeling real anticipation about standing up there one day. And as you are doing
that, then you feel that knot go away, and you find yourself applauding sincerely, and you find
yourself feeling exhilaration, and you’re saying to yourself, “Me there next time.” Now your
vibration has shifted, and your cells will go much smoother under that vibration than under the
former vibration.
When you were saying that, when you were saying the first part of those things, I didn’t
connect it. Then when you said the anticipation, then I could start to connect. That started to
cause me to shift.
Because anticipation took your attention away from what-is. In other words, you were
sitting there in that awards ceremony, and what-is was really stinky. What-is was not the way
you wanted it to be. You wanted to throw a little fit about it. “I’m not where I want to be. I’m not
where I want to be! He’s where I want to be, and I’d like him dead. I’m not where I want to be.”
But when you think about anticipation, then you think about you being there, your vibration
shifted. It took the emphasis off the belief which is where you are, and upon the desire which is
where you are going. Very good. Very good acknowledgment.
So going back to this access card that we were talking about. Law of Attraction is your
very best friend. And Law of Attraction will let you off the hook, too. What we mean by that is,
what you’ve been offering vibrationally is what your vibrational make up is made up of. We
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
cannot ask Law of Attraction to give you something differently than what you’re offering. It’s
good that Law of Attraction is giving you what you’re offering vibrationally, so you can get a
look at it.
Sometimes people say, “Well, I want to learn how to offer my vibration so I can have
good manifestations.” And we say, that’s wonderful. We want that for you too. But it is equally
good for you to be able to observe the content of your manifestation in order to understand what
the content of your vibration is. If it’s not turning out the way you want it, you must adjust your
vibration. Which means, you just can’t go on feeling ornery about something and have
something good come out of it—it’s not a Vibrational Match. “I must find a way of feeling
good.” That’s why we said to you, joy and success are the same thing. Joy is success. Success is
Because when you find a way of feeling joy over his success, now you’re no longer
mismatching your own. And so, what we are getting at here is that there is no limit to the
Universe’s ability to deliver to this current winner, or to you, or to all winners. In other words,
when you get it that you are not in competition with anyone, and his success should put you in a
place of feeling greater exhilaration, because if he can do it I can do it. “He’s an example of what
can be done. He’s an example of all that I want. This is a good thing that is happening here. I
want to…”
That’s like if you were a really healthy person, and let’s say you’ve got a cold, and you’re
walking down the street, and you see someone really well, would you hate them? Some do. In
other words, some might. But you might say, “Not fair, he’s getting all the wellness today, and
I’m being deprived of it.” Or here’s another way of looking at it.
Let’s say that you have been well for a very long time, so you announce to everyone,
“I’ve decided to be sick for the next ten years to allow more of those sick people to be well.”
You would never say that would you, because you do not think that wellness is divvied out in
that way, and that there is a bucket of it that if you use it, you are depriving someone else of it.
Success, abundance, awards, it’s all the same.
So often we see you, and you gave it to us so clearly here... So the contrast gives you the
rocket, and you say, “I hate this! I have this desire that I have not yet fulfilled. And it is even
worse because that guy did fulfill it. This is a terrible thing to have this unfulfilled desire.” And
we say, it’s not only not terrible, it’s glorious. You will always be in a place of an unfulfilled
desire. This is what puts the eternalness in eternity.
If you could not, from where you stand, conclude yet something more, you would be
dead in the way there is not dead. In other words, you can never get it done. There is not
finished. We see so many of you, just can’t wait until you get complete. We watch Esther, she
will work for a few days on the Newsletter with Jerry, and it will be all finished, and get it all
wrapped up and get it on the disk to send off to the printer, and before she even has the envelope
sealed shut, Jerry will say, “Hmm, what do you think about working on this next weekly tape?”
And Esther will say, “We really do never get it done, do we?” If her goal is to get it done, then
she will have a very difficult time in this tiger-by-the-tail life that she is living, because there is
always something more that is being called through her.
So what we would recommend is, rather than resisting the flow that you’ve already
established through your previous desires, get in harmony with your desire. It’s the only way you
can win. You must become a Vibrational Match to your desire, otherwise your own desires will
beat you to a pulp. And that’s what’s happening here. It is your desire alone that is causing the
discord within you.
And many would say, “Well, child, it is wrong for you to want. That’s what all your
trouble is about. You should not want these worldly things. You should not want this success.”
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
And we say, find us a Universe where desire is not naturally born, and we would agree with that
philosophy. But as long as you live in this attraction-based Universe where desire is constantly
born within you, it is time for you to go with the flow of it.
So we would love it to hear you say, “Hmm, a rocket of desire!” And your friend said,
“Did you get that yet? Did you win the reward?” And you say, “No! I didn’t win!” And they say,
“What’s wrong with you? Why aren’t you discouraged and depressed?” You say, “Because it’s
still there, summoning life through me.” You will never get it done. There will always be
another, and another, and another.
And for you to ever stand in a place in an awards banquet or anywhere else, for you to
ever stand in a place beating yourself up for something not yet achieved, is a misuse of this
Universe. This Universe always promises you something more—that is the reward. We would so
much rather see you, with this burning desire within you, unfulfilled, than we would having just
won the trophy and not yet having defined where you want to go next. Because there is much
more life flowing through you here, than at the manifestation.
And many of you know that, because you receive these manifestations, and you say,
“Now what?” Esther said to Jerry, “Ah why don’t you buy me that beautiful car? It will make me
happy for the afternoon.” And that’s about it. Those manifestations do not last very long, because
they have never been what made you happy. It is the promise of them. It is the hope of them. It is
the drawing power that always feels good. That’s why we say, joy is success.
When you go on a vacation—we’re giving you everything we’ve got in our arsenal here.
When you go on a vacation, you know you’re going to go. You’re going to go to fourteen or
twenty cities, and you’re going to go here and here and here, and then you’re going to come back
home. And so, you say, if you’re approaching it from the logical standpoint that humans often
do, you say, “Well, I’m home and I’m going to all those places, and then I’ll come back home.
So my final destination is home. Why go? I’ve already got it done. Vacation achieved.” You
check it off the list. “One more thing I don’t have to do.”
And you say, it’s easy to hear the absurdity of it with a vacation, because you’re not
going on the vacation to get it done. And you are not winning this award to get it done either. It
is the goal that you use for your purpose to focus to summon the life. It is the excuse for Life
Force flowing through you now. And when you get the award, all it means is you’ve allowed life
to flow through you.
[Jerry: This is the end of side A of this recording. Please turn the cassette over and continue with
the message.]
But it does not mean you’re done. There will never be a final award or reward, ever. You
will never get the final big trophy. Physical humans seem to think there is one, you keep trying.
“Oh, I’ll finally get it done and then I’ll rest in heaven.”
Why aren’t we offered only good stuff?
Why didn’t we just bring ourselves into a world where we didn’t have to have these
choices about the other thoughts versus the thoughts that give us the good feeling? Why not just
create for ourselves this world where all our thoughts are going to uplift? We have to keep
making these choices all the time.
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
Well, because the contrast is necessary for making the choices. That’s like saying, why
don’t they just put the food I like on the buffet?
Right. Why is that?
Why all that stuff I don’t want? And we say, well then, what about the other people that
like different food at the buffet?
So they get what they want.
And that’s exactly what you’ve got. It’s just a big buffet. Now think about what you just
said. “I acknowledge that I’m happy as a camper if the food that I like is on the buffet.” And then
your logic says, “And if the food I like is there, then the food that others like should be there,
too.” And we say, well then, why should you be put in a position where you have to choose?
Wouldn’t it be better if their choices weren’t there, and just your choices were there?
We say, now you’re trying to limit the Universe. And so many physical Beings try to do
that. That’s what your laws are about. Your laws say, “When I look at this pile I feel good; when
I look at that pile I feel bad. So we must destroy that pile. We must eradicate that pile. We must
get rid of that pile.” And we say, well, that would be fine except there’s no exclusion in the
Universe. When you see something you want and you say “yes” to it, you include it in your
vibration. When you see something you don’t want and you shout “no” at it, you include it in
your vibration.
And so physical Beings say, “Well, let’s look deeper. Why should these bad things exist
at all? Why should I not just be able to look out and see only things that I consider to be good?”
And we say, well, it’s a very conditional love you’re living that says change the condition and
then I’ll look at it and I’ll feel good. That’s far from the creation you intended.
It takes variety. We didn’t say conflict, and we don’t mean contrast in that way, although
that is variety, and that is contrast. But when you get it that when you look out into the contrast
and you come to this place that you are “yessing” your way through it, rather than shouting “no”,
then this Universe serves you all in the way you’ve intended it.
And you were not worried about this, because you knew you came forth for the Guidance
System that would let you know whether you were including something not wanted and slowing
your vibration or not. Like the fan is blowing on you, you know it’s blowing on you, it’s moving
very fast, can’t hear it because it’s so quiet, but you know it’s blowing on you. And you stick a
pencil in it, and all of a sudden it’s not so quiet, rrrrrrrrrrr, as your pencil is slowing the fan.
Well, that’s what a thought about something not wanted does. It slows the vibration of
you, and makes you a mismatch to your Source and a mismatch to your desire. And then you
say, “Well, get rid of those things that have slowed my fan.” And we say, take your attention
away from those things that have slowed your fan, and your vibration will raise again, and then
you’ll again be a Vibrational Match.
It’s like if somebody gives you a radio, it’s the first one you’ve ever seen. You
understand that there’s a tower out there broadcasting, and they say, “Plug it in and you’ll hear
what’s being broadcast.” And you plug it in and you hate what you hear, it’s just an awful thing.
You don’t want to hear it; you don’t want your family to hear it. And so you say, “I’m going to
get rid of that.” And you devote your life to knocking down radio towers, because you don’t like
what you’re hearing—when all you had to do was adjust your dial.
Limiting the buffet is like knocking down the radio towers, it’s not necessary. And if you
were to limit the buffet, your exposure to experience would produce less satisfying desires within
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
you. The more variety, and the more specific that variety is honed by you, then the more
powerful the rocket, and the more Life Force flows through you, or is summoned through you.
You are livers of life, which means you are focusers of Energy. That’s what a creator is.
A creator is one who focuses Energy. And how do you focus? By deciding. By determining. By
preferring. And how do you ask? Vibrationally. Sometimes your words match your vibration, but
often they don’t. Good, you’ve got it.
Someone asked Esther on the segment of refreshment, “How do you get picked?” And
Esther said, “I don’t know. It’s not me.” And we would say, shine bright. What does that mean?
It means have a clearly focused desire; it makes you visible to us. So you could have a desire
that’s not so strong, and no resistance, which makes you shine bright. Or a strong desire that you
have resistance, but the desire is still so strong that it shines bright. In other words, it’s about the
Energy that is focused within you that makes you visible.
Wants pleasure and passion from sexual intimacy.
I want to feel better about sexuality—my sexuality and intimacy. I’m realizing that no
matter how many experiences I’ve had, sexual experiences I’ve had, it’s no excuse for me to feel
disconnected—which I did for so long.
Have you been able to identify what is at the heart of that? Do you feel guilty?
Well, a lot of it’s that. I felt, well, the experiences I went through were through terror and
fear and manipulation, to the point where there was many times I just wanted to die. I wanted to
go back to Nonphysical. I want to understand what it is to connect. I want to understand what
you mean by passion, because for so long I numbed that part of myself out. And now that I’m
reconnecting more and feeling less guilty and being more selfish in my happiness, I’m realizing
that that’s a big gap that I’ve pushed away from.
When we use the word passion, we’re talking about having a focused desire that’s
summoning through you, and having no resistance. So it’s passion or eagerness relative to lots of
different topics. When you use the word passion relative to sexuality, it means the same thing. It
means eagerness relative to the subject of the physical intertwining.
I don’t feel that. I’ve really resisted that, because what I’ve felt has been so painful.
Well often, and we can feel it within you in a strong way... Sexuality, or the coming
together of two people, is something that Law of Attraction is orchestrating. And so it’s not the
easiest thing to hear, sometimes, that when you are in the midst of an abusive relationship, that
there is something within your vibration that has made you a Vibrational Match to that.
Sometimes friends will say, “Well, how can you say, Abraham, that the one who is
murdered is the same vibration to the one who murders? Because the one who is murdered is not
a murderer, or not an abuser, or not an inflictor of pain.” And we say, attention to a subject
causes you to find vibration with it. So the reason that we’re starting there, is that it is not always
true, in fact it is usually not true, but it is sometimes true, enough that it’s really worth talking
about, that in relationships with male and female, that very often male feels dominant and female
feels not dominant.
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
Now there are lots of relationships where the dominance varies. We’ve said, and some
laugh at us as they hear us say it, but it really does make for a more expressive and ultimately
delicious dancing on the dance floor, if one leads and the other follows. And it doesn’t mean that
the leader is superior to the follower, it means that it is a co-creative dance. And so, sometimes in
the dance when two come together, one leads, and sometimes the other does, and in the best of
relationships those roles move about. But always because there’s enough difference in your
vibration, two can never lead.
When you are in alignment with your Source Energy, the Manager is orchestrating on
your behalf. So the ideal relationship is a person connected to Source Energy offering desires,
and offering no resistance, so the Manager is orchestrating things—and the other doing the same
thing. So now the Manager is yielding to both, and it turns out that both are leading their own
experience, and the Manager is offering the results, and both thrive.
But most people are not aware of this Manager called Law of Attraction. And most
people are not paying attention to the way they feel. They don’t realize that they have control of
their vibrational offering. So they learn to vibrate by watching their mother, and by watching
their sisters, and by watching soap operas, and by watching movies and by observing. And so
their vibration is sort of all over the place—it’s sort of a mix of things wanted and things not
wanted. Shouting “yes” to things wanted, and including them in vibration; shouting “no” to
things not wanted and including them in vibration.
So having a sort of cluttered vibration that is yielding them all kinds of things, some
wanted and some not wanted, and not have any idea what it is that’s the reason behind why
they’re getting what they’re getting. So then you feel vulnerable, or insignificant, or unworthy, or
really not wise enough to guide your own experience. And as you feel that way and talk about it
with your girlfriends, and talk about it with your mother, you offer a vibration that says, “I don’t
know how to guide myself and I feel very vulnerable.”
And so the Manager matches you up with the perfect vibration that matches that, which is
someone who feels that way too, who has learned to compensate for that feeling by offering
strength and resistance and loudness and, sometimes, even violence. You come together, two
peas in a pod playing it out differently, but same vibration underlying it.
And so, in an early experience where you are attracting differently than what you really
want, but you are attracting perfectly to what you’re offering vibrationally, you feel trapped
within such a relationship, because it’s not unfolding at all the way you want it to. And so, then
you live that relationship. There are some things good, some things not good, but ultimately
you’re not happy within it. And so, then you take your body and you march right out of it. You
say, “Enough of this for me.”
But you don’t know about vibration, so you march right out of it, and you talk to your
friends about how bad it was, and how you didn’t want it, and how it played out, and how this
happened and this happened and this happened, so that you hold yourself in that vibration. And
they add to it their experiences, until you convince yourself vibrationally, that this is the way
your experience is, which makes it impossible for the Manager to give you the relationship you
want, because you are so much a Vibrational Match to the vibration, or to the relationship, that
you do not want.
Yeah. And what happened was because I kept knocking myself up in the same direction,
keep bumping myself up, I just threw it all out, and said, “No more connection in relationships,
no more of that stuff. I can’t trust myself.” I don’t know what this is about. And until recently,
really going back, and I’ve had to go back to infancy, because this is when it started for me, to
just go where did it start? And how did this happen?
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
Well, here’s the thing that we would give you about that. We wouldn’t spend too much
time going too far back, because it does not matter where it got started. The only thing that
matters is the vibration that you’re offering and its relationship to your desire. And people use an
expression: it’s like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. There are aspects of a relationship
that you want, and there are aspects of a relationship that you don’t want. But your vibration
about what you don’t want is so dominant, that you said, “Well, no more relationships for me.”
Physical friends often say, “This contrast is too uncomfortable, and so I would be happier
if I were off by myself.” So they step into a quieter or less contrasting place, and then, even that
contrast bothers them. So they say, “Too much for me,” so they step into a quieter even less
contrasting place. Until finally they’re in a place where there’s not too much stimulation that is
hurting them, but their own thoughts. And then they are resentful that they’re in this lonely place.
And what this seminar is about, is about stepping out into the boldness and the fantastic
adventure of the contrast, but doing it with such clarity about your own vibration, that the parts
that don’t please you just bounce off of you, because you’re not hooking into them with
vibrational patterns.
It’s usually not something that you can change fast, but it is something that within a
month or two, or certainly three, you can shift your vibration enough. Now here’s the way you
do it: You want a relationship but you do not believe that that relationship is available to you.
And you don’t have much from your past that you can use as starting points. And so, you’re
going to have to do our favorite thing anyway. You’re going to have to make it up. You’re going
to have to pick and choose from the very best soap operas, from the very best movies.
In other words, from the very best books you’ve read, from the very best relationships
that you’ve seen, you just take a little bit from this one and a little bit from this one, and a little
bit from this one, and you literally write your own script. You say to this Manager who is
working for you, we’re not kidding you about that…
Someone said to Jerry and Esther in a restaurant one day, she came up to them, tears
running down her face and said, “When I’m your age I hope that I have someone that I can be as
much in love with as the two of you are in love with each other.” And Esther wanted to say, “We
are in love but that’s not what you’re seeing here.” They had just read a book that was making
them happy. In other words, they can look like they’re in love over a delicious meal.
When you’re tuned in, tapped in, turned on, Source Energy is flowing through you.
That’s what being in love is. Being in love is holding someone as your object of attention and
seeing so much positive in that other person, that you’re using that as your excuse to hook up to
Source Energy. When you say, “Oh, she’s in love, she’s got stars in her eyes,” that’s what that
means. She’s looking for the positive aspects and using this one as the excuse to hook up to
Source Energy. And when the other one’s doing it back, ah, it is sublime to be in a situation like
that where both of you are hooked to Source Energy and flooding it all over each other.
So you take a little piece from that, and a little piece from that, and a little piece from
that. And you say to the Manager as you see someone doing something in a relationship that
pleases you, you say to the Manager, “That please.” And the Manager says, “Consider it done.”
And then you see something else and you say, “And some of that please.” And the manger says,
“Consider it done.”
But when you see someone mistreating someone and you say, “Not that Manager,” the
Manager says, “Consider it done.” Meaning, I’ll give you some of that too, because you’re
giving your attention to it. Because the Manager thinks everything you point out means yes.
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
My other question is feeling comfortable, feeling pleasure, feeling intimacy, ‘cause I
disconnected for so long, and I attribute that…
It’ll come right back to you. When you are hooked up to Source Energy, it will be right
back. Spend no more time worrying about that. That’s like saying, “I’ll never laugh again,” and
then you hear a joke and you just fall out laughing. And you say, “Oh, I wasn’t going to laugh
anymore.” And then you can talk yourself right out of it real quick. But something else funny is
going to happen, and you’re going to laugh again.
Alright, thank you. I just want to say, too, that this also got started a little bit with... I
heard on the news, I was flipping through TV stations and this…
Now don’t go there.
Oh really? Okay.
Well, before you go there, ask yourself, “If I go there, how will I feel when I get there?”
That’s the only question ever to ask. In other words, it might be interesting, it might be
fascinating, it might be provocative, it might be something the whole room would like to erupt in
conversation about. Every now and again Jerry and Esther will flash through the television and
the news will say something, and one or the other of them will start to comment. Last night Jerry
said, “He’d read about it or he’d heard about it...”, and Esther said, “Please don’t tell me, please
don’t tell me, please don’t tell me.” Because she could see by the look on his face, and she could
feel by the vibration in the room, that if they went there, it would not feel good.
Oh. Well, this is actually something that was positive.
Go there then.
Okay thanks. This scientist was saying to an interviewer, like fish are having a blast. Fish
are having a blast. They’re getting tickled all day and having sex all night, and they’re just
having the best time, all the time. And they’re together in groups, they’re having fun. And that
feels like, “Oh my god, where am I?” So that’s what I’ve been thinking. And then I was thinking
about the clam, and how you talk about how “happy as a clam”. And I never really got the clam
business as much. But when I heard about the fish, then I thought about the clam. And then I
thought well…
Alright, well let us change it. The clams are having sex all day all night. That make it
happier? (Fun!)
Well, it just makes it more interesting to me, ‘cause I didn’t equate…
You can’t relate to what the clam’s life is about. But the reason that we like the analogy
so much, is because we want you to understand that the clam has desires that by your standards
would be not even worth talking about, but the clam in its paltry desires, is not resisting even one
of them. So the clam is in its measured, obvious diminished, by your standard, experience, it is
noting its own personal preference, and it’s not blocking any of it. So the clam is identifying
desire and letting it flow. So the clam is as happy as it could possibly be. The clam is happier in
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
most cases than most humans who have sublime desires, very powerfully pointed sophisticated
desires that they are blocking through their beliefs that are not a Vibrational Match.
Okay that helps. Just to know that they’re really happy, but ecstasy and just fulfilling and
all that helps me a little bit more. Okay thank you.
You are complete?
I’m complete thank you.
Health professional now wants health for self.
I’ve been devoted to health and physical fitness for over 30 years.
What’s your conclusion?
My conclusion is that my attention to it has brought me a lot of problems with it. I’ve
experienced a lot of declining health; I’ve had a lot of things happen to me, and two years ago…
Well, now stop before you go any further. We’re not wanting to go too far into that. But
the reason that we asked what is your conclusion, when you talk about 30 years, which is a lot of
experience, and when we say what is your conclusion and you say, “Well, I’ve experienced some
decline.” And we say, the very thing that you are offering all of that effort to avoid, becomes
your experience, because there’s no such thing as exclusion.
When you say, “Oh, I really don’t want that, and since I don’t want that I’m going to do
this, this and this,” the action doesn’t make any difference. In fact, the action often holds you in a
stronger vibration with what you do not want as you offer the action in order to try to avoid
something. So through all of that, you have actually served yourself well, because through all of
that hard work and action you have finely tuned your desire.
That’s why when we said the light that is shining bright, in other words there’s 30 years
of rockets going off that we’re now addressing. You’ve got one whopper of a desire, and that’s
the only thing that matters. Doesn’t matter where you’ve been in relationship to it before. The
Universe is not asking for your resume. The Universe doesn’t say, “Well, how have you been
doing? That will affect how we now allow you to do.”
The Universe is only saying, “What is your relationship right now with your desire?”
And you can tell by the way you feel as you talk about it right now what that relationship is. So
speak your desire from where you now stand, and let’s offer some vibrations that bring you into
alignment, and that will be that.
Oh good. I want to be well. I want to be healthy. And I want to be slim and feel that way
when I look in the mirror and I see myself. And instead of feeling that way, I’m diabetic, I’ve
had a hysterectomy…
Now you’re not talking…you’ve forgotten our question already. Our question is, what do
you want? It’s easy to slip back into the what I don’t want, because it’s a pressing part of your
experience. But we are doggedly determined to hold you to your desire. So what is your desire
again? We’re listening.
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
I want to be healthy. I want to be strong. I want to be well. I want to be slim.
Yes, now embellish that. We were talking with a woman one day who wanted a
relationship, and she was describing, “I see two people walking down the beach.” And we said
are you one of them? In other words, if you are, get in there. “I’m walking down the beach.”
Well, what are you doing? “Well, I am walking down the beach.” Well what are you doing?
“Well, I’m walking down the beach.” Well, what are you doing? What’s it like to walk down the
beach? “Well, I’ve got my feet in the sand, and the sand’s coming up between my toes.” Are you
alone? “No, my lover is walking down the beach with me, and I’ve got hold of his hand.” Now
that’s different than I see two people walking down the beach.
Yours felt a little removed from that too, so get into it. “I’m in this body, this body that
feels great.” Now give that to us.
I’m in this slim wonderful body that feels strong and energetic, that looks good, that can
wear clothing without concern of the bulges…
Now you’re going there again. You keep forgetting the question. The question is, “What
is your desire?” You must think that we’re saying, “How’s it going?” Or, “how have you been?”
This question is, “What do you want?” Go again, this is good. Everyone understands.
As I continue moving and doing and dancing…
Stop for a moment. Get in there. Get in the body and now talk about what the body is,
how the body feels. Get in it.
It feels wonderful. It feels like freedom and sparks and Energy, and that my heart is
You’re right on it. Now take that body and go somewhere and tell us what it’s like. Go to
the beach; tell us what it’s like.
Oh, the beach is great. I love to walk in the waves and hear the birds…
You’ve made it a different tense now. Get in there.
The sand feels wonderful under my feet. I feel water coming in and out, and it feels
invigorating. And I jump into the water and it feels cold and I love it, and I swim way out and I
just keep going.
Alright now, get in it again. Swim. I’m swimming…
I’m swimming.
Alright, now what’s that about? Talk to us about that. I’m swimming…
I’m swimming, I’m moving, I feel alive. I love how it feels. I feel sparks of Energy, and
I’m happy and I feel connected.
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
There you go, there you go. You’re right in there. You just achieved vibrational harmony
with your desire. Didn’t last very long, doesn’t have to. In other words, you did that. That’s the
work. That is what the work is. Right there. You just demonstrated the work, that’s what it is.
You just have to get in there and find the feeling place. Because when you find the feeling place,
you’re offering the vibration that must be matched. It has to be. It has to be.
And it didn’t come quite naturally, because you kept wanting to explain other stuff. But
when you found it you could feel it, can’t you?
I can remember it.
Yes, that’s all the better.
So if I find myself looking in a mirror and feeling sadness…
Don’t go there.
Then don’t look in the mirror.
Briefly. Streak. (Fun!)
How do I change physical reality for myself…?
Yes, the Manager will do it. The cells of your body will adjust. Your metabolism will be
affected. Your impulses will be affected. All things will come into play, things that you don’t
even have to know about. You do this work; everything else will come into alignment.
Even something like diabetes.
Especially something like that, because in that contrasting experience, other strong
rockets have been launched. As you began to talk to us here, you were talking about one facet of
your desire. You were talking about the appearance facet of your desire. You talked about how
you want to feel and the Energy within your body. And as you amplify that, you could take that
body that you are coming to love again already, and you could take that body somewhere else.
You could take that body to a restaurant, and you could dive into something delicious to eat, and
you could feel the perfection of it.
You can take any aspect of it and get inside of it in the way that you demonstrated here.
So you just come at it from lots of different directions until, before you know it, you are allowing
the Well-Being that you’ve been saying with your words that you want.
Every time your body feels bulky or uncomfortable or stiff or slow or lethargic or
uncomfortable in any way, in the middle of that contrasting experience, a preference is shooting
up out of you that the Universe is seeing. That’s what we were talking about with the clam.
Every experience is causing those rockets to go off, whether you know that it is or not.
So the Universe, or the Manager, or God, or whatever you’re wanting to call these
Universal Forces, are aware of your desire because you’ve been shooting rockets through all
kinds of contrasting experiences. So what you want is not in question. Are you lettin’ it in is.
So as we encourage you to get inside your body and find the feeling place of it, it’s not
because the Universe needs to hear it from you, once again, more clearly what it is you want.
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
The Universe already knows that. It’s that in that dialog, you held yourself, for the first time in a
long time, in a place of lettin’ it in. The more you do that, then the more it comes in, until
eventually Well-Being will just be yours. It just feels like seas are parting everywhere. Traffic
opens for you, and people smile at you and hold doors open for you, and dollars flow to you, and
clarity comes to you. And all these things, and all aspects of your life that you’ve been saying
you want, begin to flow into your experience.
And you say, “What has happened? Did somebody hit me over the head with a magic
wand and transform me?” And we say, no, you finally found a way of dissolving that door that’s
been keeping you from all of those things that are piled up against it, that you’ve been wanting.
So you don’t beat up on yourself and say, “For 30 years I’ve been wasting my effort
going about it in the wrong way.” You say, “For many years I’ve been honing my desire, and it’s
sharp and clear right now.” And if it weren’t, with this sea of people all wanting something from
us, we promise you, you would not have been the one we chose. Your desire is sharp and clear. It
is bright. There’s a rocket that is easy to behold. All you have to do is relax and let it in. Good?
Can I have a positive influence on someone else's health?
Real good. Can I ask another question? [yes] If only I can affect my own vibrational path,
how can I have a positive impact as a health care professional on someone across the room by
focusing good vibration on them?
Well, you are the only one who can…in other words, you vibrate, and no one else can
vibrate for you. But others can influence your vibration—just as you can influence others’
vibration. If two people come together and all day long this one’s been thinking about how bad
her mother is, and irritated about how her life is going, and feeling guilty about what’s been
happening, and feeling irritated about the way things are, and talking to friends about it, so she’s
got herself in a really strong dither.
And she comes into a room with a mother, or with another friend who has not been
deliberately holding thoughts anywhere, who’s been watching television, whose thoughts are all
over the place, who has a kind of mix of vibration—that 5 and 5 that we were talking about, 5
points feeling good and 5 points not feeling good—but sort of spinning around irresponsibly,
indeliberately, by default, we call it. And so this one who’s got a very strong negative vibration
going, and the two of them walk into each other’s experience, because they have an appointment,
or because they live together, or because they work together, so they walk into each other’s
experience. This one is going to dominate the vibration. This one in its negative attention is
going to dominate the vibration. Because this one is going to stomp around and ooze around, and
spew around, and talk around.
And it is highly probable that this one who was feeling sort of neutral, not all that good,
in spending a little bit of time around this one who feels awful, it is more likely that this one’s
going to join this one, than that the one that was feeling neutral will bring the one that is feeling
bad over that way.
Now on the other hand, one who is connected to Source Energy is more powerful than a
million who are not. So a little bit of effort in hooking yourself up to Source Energy makes you
easily the most influential one. So if you’re tuned in, tapped in, turned on, if you’ve been feeling
good, and this one’s determined not to feel good, Law of Attraction would not naturally bring
you together.
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
But let’s say you live together. And so you come together, you walk into each other’s
experience. If you are tuned in, tapped in, turned on, then you will dominate the vibration. That’s
what unconditional love is. It’s saying, “I want so much to feel good,” meaning, “I want so much
to be connected to Source Energy, that I’m not going to let your circumstance dissuade me.” So
this one can talk all they want about what’s going wrong. And this one can hear it, but not hear it
as problems that need to be solved, but hear it as contrast that’s giving birth to rockets of desire.
It is so easy for us to witness you in your struggle, and feel exhilarated about the lifegiving desires that are being born in it. While you’re all wrapped up in your struggle, we’re
focusing on the rockets that are being born out of it.
And if I work with someone, because I do work with people all the time that are suffering
and not in a good place, can I focus, vibrationally, good things on them to affect them?
Oh yes you can. What you do is you let the contrast that they are living, which gives birth
to desire within them, and as soon as a rocket is born within them, you turn and look at the
rocket. And you never again turn and look back at where they are. That’s what power of
influence is. When someone is living contrast and therefore giving birth to rockets of desire, you,
as their mentor, the quicker you can hook into their rocket and hold that doggedly as the aspect
of them that you focus upon, the more power you have to influence them toward the achievement
of that which they want.
And can it be done nonverbally to someone that you don’t know, but is sitting across
from you?
Oh yes, it is always more effective when it is nonverbal, because you give them less
reason to defend their negative place.
Even if you have no conversation, and you don’t…
Your words are an insignificant part of your communication anyway. You are much more
vibrationally interchanging than any of you recognize. And so, by holding someone as your
object of attention while you’re connected with Source Energy, it is a powerful thing. When you
know something, when you are connected to Source Energy and you know it, and you are
holding someone else in your attention, they tend to know it too. They might not admit that they
know it.
You see, some would say, “Well then, I can create in another’s experience.” And we say,
really, what we’re saying to you is, their contrast is giving birth to their desire. And all you’re
doing is rooting for their desire. So everyone should be so lucky to have someone helping out in
that way. All you’re doing is helping them to achieve that which their contrast has helped them
to identify that they want.
We don’t know anything that anybody has ever wanted that has been for any other reason
than they want to feel good. They want a relationship because they think they would feel good.
They want a pregnancy because they think they would feel good. They want more money
because they think it would feel good. Or this house, or whether it is a relationship, or a material
object, or a circumstance, or an event, everybody wants everything because they believe in the
having of it, they would feel better.
Most people are so accustomed to just observing what-is, and then having a feeling
response to it. So as you see a friend struggling, and you observe their struggle, now you’re not
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
connected to Source Energy, and you’re just sort of wallowing with them. That’s what true
empathy is. And you’re being what many would want you to be, you’re “there” for them. Boy,
are you really there for them. In other words, you’ve joined their vibration. But we wouldn’t call
it being there for them.
If you were drowning, wouldn’t you rather a strong swimmer come? Or would you like
one that’s tired and weak and got as many cramps in his feet as you do. You say, “I want you to
be there for me,” meaning, “Come and save me, you crippled one, and at least we will go down
together knowing that we love each other.” And we say, noble, but really sick. Of course, you
want someone strong and capable to come, and that’s what you want to be for them. But you
can’t be that on their behalf.
Esther’s father has recently had some surgery, and then he had some complications, they
said he had a stroke. And so then he was paralyzed. And Esther’s sisters were there, and they
wanted her to come. And Esther knew that she would be of much greater assistance to him from
a distance than right there. Because from a distance she could stay in her knowing much more
easily than when she was standing right there.
And so, she just held her ground, and held her clear vision, and said, “It’s going to be
alright.” And Esther knew it so clearly, that they all heard it. In other words, Esther was a much
greater advantage to them knowing what she knew from her distance, than observing what they
were all observing up close.
Can an “evil eye” impact another’s Well-Being?
From what I’ve heard in all the tapes, I know that there couldn’t have a bad effect of one
person on another with an evil eye, and yet I’ve heard…
Because there’s no assertion. You can’t assert your evil or your good to anyone. But what
you can do is hold someone as your object of attention. Now that’s not assertion. In other words,
that’s attraction. So let’s say that you have a friend, and your friend is struggling. You look at the
struggle. Now you’ve included her struggle in your vibration. But let’s say you’ve trained
yourself because you want to feel good, to look for the positive aspects within her. So you don’t
hook into her struggle. Instead you imagine her positive outcome. You imagine her happy in the
achievement of what she is wanting. And you thrill to the idea of it.
And so now you’re holding her as your object of attention. She becomes part of your
creation. You stay connected to Source Energy. And now, because she is part of your creation,
and you’re holding to it in a very powerful way, her vibration begins to resonate with your
vibration. In other words, it’s like sympathetic vibration. Not assertion, it’s attraction.
You hook into a part of her that she offers occasionally, maybe even often, and you hold
it so steadily that you evoke more of that from her. So that she becomes more like that more of
the time. That’s what upliftment is. Upliftment is staying connected to Source Energy—and
holding other things as my object of attention.
That’s why healers can heal. As a healer looks at you and holds you in awareness of
Well-Being, and really knows it, it’s not possible for you to hold yourself not in Well-Being,
because Well-Being is so much more powerful. And so, as a healer has you in their gaze and
knows your Well-Being, at least for the time of that gaze, you cannot vibrate in the illness. It’s
not possible. And then you say, “Oh good, well I need that gaze always.” And we say, well now,
that’s borderline getting somebody else to create in your experience, and they cannot do that.
You cannot ask someone else to release all other objects of attention and only hold you. And
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
what they are is a catalyst to hook you up to the same Source that they are flowing all over you
in the first place. You don’t need any other.
I understand that positive stuff, but I have been told by others that there is such a thing as
evil eye. And I don’t believe it, but my dad always believed it. I’ve heard of other people that are
afraid if you look too good, if you seem to have it all, that others can focus evil on you or
All the evil eye does, is hold the holder of the evil eye apart from his own Well-Being.
He cannot hold you apart from your Well-Being; he can only shoot himself in the foot. But take
no pleasure in that, or then you’re just doing the same things yourself. As you say, “Aha, oh evil
one, you’ve only hurt yourself,” now you’re hurting yourself in your glee that he’s hurting
himself. Chain of pain. You are complete? Yes indeed.
When to stay, and when to go?
Thank you so much, I’m so glad you’ve picked me. My question grew out of listening to
everyone today and coming to a point of clarity. My question has to do with relationships,
marriage relationships, work relationships, in fact your relationship with your work itself. How
do you know when to stay and how do you know when to go?
By making only one relationship in all of the Universe matter, and that’s your
relationship between You and you. By saying, “Nothing in all of the Universe is more important
to me than my joy. Because when I am in my joy, I’m in full concert with who-I-really-am. I’m a
living, breathing, physical extension of who-I-really-am. And when I am in that Energy,
everything else takes care of itself.”
If you say my relationship with that one, that mother, or that lover, is more important to
me than my relationship with Source, then you find yourself standing on your head to please that
one, and standing on your head to please that one, and then you’re all scattered in your Energy.
But when you learn to pay attention to the way you are feeling, then you are always holding
yourself in vibrational harmony with who-you-are. Then you’re always letting it in. And when
you’re always lettin’ it in…
Lettin’ what in? Lettin’ clarity in, lettin’ vitality in, lettin’ Energy in, letting Creative Life
Force in, letting that which many call God Force in, letting Well-Being in, letting abundance in,
letting good times in.
We love the subject of relationships, because as we began visiting with you in the
beginning of our interaction through Esther, we talked to you about the Inner Being and the
physical you—because so many were recognizing themselves in their physicalness that they did
not have a keen awareness of that Nonphysical part. And while our effort was to assist you in
recognizing that you are an older, wiser Being than you know, that you are blessed and beloved
and worthy, that you are Pure Positive Energy focused here in this physical body, in our effort to
help you to recognize that you are an extension of that Source Energy, sometimes in the two
labels of physical you and Inner Being You, it served to separate you as much as it did to blend
And so, recently as we are talking about the art of letting it in, the reason that we are
putting the emphasis in that way is because we are wanting you to recognize that your quest is to
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00
let in all-of-you. In other words, you’re wanting to let in the whole-of-you. And you can tell
when you’re letting You flow through you, because you feel wonderful.
Esther will say, following a gathering like this, it takes her awhile to settle back down
into her physical experience, because she feels powerful, she feels all knowing, she feels clear,
she feels sure. Everything about her experience feels more, because in this environment she is
allowing more of that which she is to flow through her. It is the relationship with Source that is
your dominant quest.
So let’s say that somebody has lost their sense of joy, or used to covering it up. How can
they get back to that?
The reason that they have lost that is because they hold desires that they do not know
how to achieve vibrational harmony with. And they are accustomed to holding themselves in
thoughts that don’t allow the connection to that. And then the discomfort is so strong that they
try not to focus upon their desire, which just serves as a numbing. It’s like shooting Novocain
into your fingers so that you can’t feel the hot stove, and then wondering why your hands are
getting all burned and broken as you shut them in car doors and things, because you cannot feel
The numbing of the senses, it’s a well-meaning thing that it is about, it’s about an attempt
to not feel your disconnection. Now we’ll get right to the heart of your question, because we are
nearly out of time here. The fastest way that we know to resensitize yourself to your emotion, is
by deliberately reaching for thoughts that feel better, and once you find one, holding it. Because
then you will be more aware when you take your next dip.
Often people will say to us, “Is it normal for all hell to break loose once we begin doing
Abraham work? Or once we begin doing meditation work?” And we say, yes it is, because when
you quiet your mind, you stop thought. When you stop thought, you stop resistance. When you
stop resistance, your vibration raises. And when your vibration raises, you feel more like you
really feel. And then the next time you return to a habit of thought that’s not up to speed with
that, you feel the discord more.
And so, it’s a good thing when you feel negative emotion. Negative emotion is a good
thing, because it’s an indicator that this thought is separating you a bit from who-you-really-are.
It’s a good thing when you feel positive emotion, because that means this thought is holding you
in vibrational harmony with where-you-are.
So if we were standing in your physical shoes, and we had made a decision that we were
wanting to work at reestablishing the relationship, the only relationship that really matters, which
is my relationship with Source Energy, it is primary. We would do two things: We would
practice rampages of appreciation. We would walk into a room and we would say. “Let’s see,
what can I appreciate about this?” We would look into the face of anyone, we would say, “Let’s
see, what can I do to appreciate this?”
And then we would take subjects that are important to you, and look for reasons to
rampage in appreciation about them. And then watch the way the Universe yields to you. And
you will be knocked over at the response.
Tarrytown, NY Workshop Closing.
There is great love here for you.
©Jerry & Esther Hicks
Tarrytown NY — 10/14/00