PLP 2022-23 Indicator 8.1 Learning Goal: Collaborate with colleagues to design, analyze, and improve common assessments that demonstrate learners’ knowledge and skills. Analyze results of common assessments to evaluate and improve instruction. Collaborate with colleagues to create formative benchmark assessments and summative assessments to analyze student growth and identify student misconceptions and/or incomplete understanding in the content area. Implement the use of a wide array of technology tools to improve student engagement, depth of knowledge, and retention of content. Learning Implementation: Analyze data from common assessments to modify instruction, measure student understanding and retention of learning targets. Utilize Edulastic ® for quarterly benchmark assessments to analyze student understanding and depth of knowledge of content. Frequently implement the use of technology tools (Google Suites Apps,, Notability, etc.) to increase student engagement and learning. Expected Student Impact: Students will actively engage with the content and learning targets. Students will demonstrate understanding and content retention by showing growth on benchmark assessments. Students will successfully complete tasks by utilizing technology tools to support individual learning needs and understanding/implementation of learning targets. Expected Implementation Evidence: Common planning and department meetings to evaluate, redesign, and analyze formative and summative assessments’ data related to student growth and individual needs to ensure mastery of learning targets and standards. Shared technology tools among colleagues for common courses to implement synchronous learning goals and targets.