ALFAISAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING COURSE OUTLINE Course Code: ARE 120 Course Credits: 3 Course Title: Drafting and Drawing Lecture Hours: 1 Lectures Schedule: Tue 13:00 PM – 13:50 PM Room: ML3.003 Course Instructor: Name: Dr. Abdulrahman Alymani Office Location: ML1.002A-2 Email: Office Phone: (011) 215 8886 Office Hours: Tue 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Semester: Spring 2024 Tutorial Hours: 2 Lab/Studio Schedule: Section S-1, S-2, S-3: Mon/Wed. | 13:00 – 15:00 Section S-4: Sun/Thu. | 13:00 – 15:00 Teaching Assistant: Name: Arch. Sawsan Omer S1, Email: Office Hours: N/A Name: S2 and S4 Email: N/A Office Hours: N/A Name: Arch.Fatma Al Mulla S3 Email: Office Hours: N/A Office Location: WL1.00143 Required Textbook: • Architectural Drafting and Design, 6th edition, by Alan Jefferis, David A. Madsen and David P. Madsen, Delmar/Cengage Learning, New York, 2011. ISBN-10: 1-4354-8820-2 / ISBN-13: 978-14354-8820-5. • Architecture: Form, Space and Order by Francis D. K. Ching Notes and other supplemental materials: Prerequisites: Co-requisites: N/A Course Type: Required Elective ¨ Selected Elective Course Description: The course is designed for students with little drafting background. Course content includes careers in drafting/engineering, use of drafting equipment, drafting techniques, lettering, geometric construction, multi-view and isometric drawings, sectional and auxiliary views, and basic dimensioning. Major Topics: • Architectural drafting equipment, drafting media and reproduction methods, presentation drawings and renderings. • Visual perception and visualization techniques, sketching applications. • Introduction to architectural graphical language. • Drawing uses: Understanding and communication. • Three-dimensional reality and its graphic representation. • Proportion and control of form. 1 ALFAISAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING • • • • Architectural context. Architectural organization. Formal and spatial structure. Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) in architecture 1: CADD software, productivity, templates, sheet-file names standards, file management, sheet organization, schedules, drafting conventions, line weights, line types, text styles and fonts, dimensioning, terms and abbreviations, notes, symbols, layers, plotting guidelines. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) # CLO Students who successfully complete this course should be able to: 1.0 Knowledge and understanding Recognize architectural drawing systems, proportion, 1.1 1 and scale concepts. 2.0 Level Code of CLOs aligned with the program I PLO 1 (SO 8) Knowledge Base for Engineers Skills 2.3 2 Reproduce the features of a building in two- and threedimensional documents. I PLO 4 (SO 2) Creativity & Design 2.4 3 Draw architectural elements by means of geometry laws and properties through representation systems. I PLO 5 (SO 6) Use of Engineering Tools 4 Explain by means of drawings the fundamental architectural elements in relation to the human scale. Drawings should adhere to geometry laws and properties through representation systems. I PLO 6 (SO 3) Communication & ICT 2.5 Evaluation Course Component Weight Comments Assignments 45% (13) Assignments. (7) assignments for the (project 1), (3) assignments for (project 2), and (3) assignments for (project 3) Midterm 01 Midterm 02 Attendance and participation Final submission Total 10% 10% 5% 30% 100% Week 6 Week 11 May 14th 2 ALFAISAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING Alfaisal University Grading Scale Grade A AB+ B BC+ Percent Range 95%-100% 90%–94% 86%-89% 83%-85% 80%82% 76%-79% Grade C CD+ D F Percent Range 73%-75% 70%-72% 66%-69% 60%-65% 0%-59% Program Student Outcomes The program is committed to providing an educational experience in which students completing our program demonstrate the following student outcomes. SO1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. SO2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors SO3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences SO4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts. SO5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives. SO6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions. SO7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies Policies and Notes Policies and Notes 1) Student Affairs Notes: • The course applies the University policy as expressed in the Undergraduate Student Guide (USG), which can be found at • Sessional dates, in addition to deadlines for registration and withdrawal can be found at • Specific date for final exam will be announced by the Student Affairs towards the end of the semester. 3 ALFAISAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING • 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Once deadlines and exam dates are announced, there will be no rescheduling allowed. In the event of unforeseeable circumstances where the University suspends classes, in-session submissions and exams will automatically be rescheduled to the following session. Attendance Policy: • Policy related to missing classes (lectures, lab sessions or tutorials): Alfaisal University expects students to attend all classes. If a student exceeds, 20% or more of absences for the course’s lecture hours, the student may be given a Dismiss Notification (DN) grade. The 20% absences are intended to accommodate for medical emergencies and cases of bereavement of an immediate family member. In both cases, the student should provide a valid support document(s). Only in these cases will the student be allowed to make up missed class work or missed exams. Please note that excessive absenteeism will be reported, and may result in a loss of eligibility for scholarship and/or an administrative withdrawal from the course and the University. • Arriving late to class (lecture, lab or tutorial): Coming to class 5 minutes after the start of class time is considered late, and 3 times late will count as 1 absence. Coming to class 10 minutes late will be considered as an absence. Electronic Portable Devices (Mobile Phone/Laptop/Tablets) Policy: Students are not allowed to use their electronic portable devices during regular classes without the instructor permission. Any student caught using any of these devices will be instructed to leave the classroom and will be given a full absence for that particular class. All electronic portable devices are also not allowed during exams (except calculators under the instructor permission). Most notably, mobile phones are not allowed even in off mode. An irrevocable score zero (0) will be assigned to any student caught with a mobile phone and may be subject to further disciplinary measures. Student Work (homework, assignments, lab reports and projects) Late Submission Policy: Late submission of student works will not be accepted. They must be completed on the day they are due to receive credit. Submissions past the deadline will be penalized according to the faculty members’ instructions and will not be accepted past two days after the deadline including weekends. Academic Integrity Policy: University policy states that all cheating forms, including plagiarism, is a scholastic offence. Committing a scholastic offence is subject to academic penalties that may include expulsion from the program. Students are expected to maintain academic integrity at all times and to seek assistance from the instructor when uncertain. E-Learning Management System: Moodle will be used by the Instructors to post course material, announcements and messages concerning the course. It is the student’s responsibility to check Moodle and be aware of any information that is posted about the course. Instructional Materials Policy: The course instructor shall post all instructional material no later than two days from the date of the delivered lecture. Lines of Communication: Should a student have an issue (i.e., concern or suggestion) to raise within the course, the student should proceed per the following steps: • The issue should first be raised to the course professor/instructor; • If the issue was not fully addressed by the course professor instructor in reasonable time, it should be raised to the department chair within which the course is offered; • If the issue has merit for escalation, the student may contact the CoE’s Vice Dean for Academic & Student Affairs or the Assistant Dean for Female Students; 4 ALFAISAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING • • If the issue requires further addressing, it will be raised to the Dean by the Vice Dean or Assistant Dean. The issue will then either be handled by the Dean or raised to the Provost – all at the Dean’s discretion; Failure to give due chance and time to resolving your issue with your professor, your Department Chair, and your Vice Dean/Assistant Dean, and going above their heads straight to the Dean or to the Provost, will certainly invite disciplinary measures for not adhering to the institutional lines of communication outlined above. 5