Basic Reservations Quick Reference City Name Carrier Name Country U.S. State ENCODE/DECODE FUNCTION Encode W/CCDJIBOUTI City Code W/ALASIANA Carrier Code HCCC/THAILAND Country Code HCCCALIFORNIA U.S. State Code Decode W/JCR W/AP HCCC/SG HCCPA PNR CREATION STEP 1: AVAILABILITY Availability More Flights Alternate date Direct Access 122NOVMNLSINPR 1 125NOV General Availability 123OCTMNLGES¥PR 1 128OCT STEP 2: ITINERARY FIELD Confirmed Flight Waitlist Passive Segment Waitlisted Segment Open Segment Open Segment Long Entry Display Itinerary Field Update Status from SS to NN Cancel One Segment Cancel Multiple Segments Insert ARNK After Segment Check booking class table STEP 3: NAME FIELD Adult (12 years old &above) Child ( 2–11 years old) Infant ( 1–23 months old) Direct Flight Conx with Same RBD Conx with Diff RBD Ø1Y3 Ø2Y1 Ø2Y1M2 Ø2Y3LL Ø4Y3LL Ø4H3Y4LL Ø1S1GK Ø2B3GK Ø2T1M2GK Ø1B5GL Ø2M3GL Ø1B1S2GL Ø3Y3OPEN Ø3Y3OPEN Ø4H3Y4OPEN ØBROPENY15SEPMNLTPEDS2 I .3NN (for full availability airlines) X3 Cancel All Segments XI X13 Cancel Multiple Segments X13/5/7 /2A Auto-insert ARNK ØAA DU*/CLS RAMIREZ/JOHNMR VILLANUEVA/ANDREAMS BALINGIT/TRACYMISTC1Ø BOLENA/DANAMISTCØ5 I/PADAMA/ANDREWMSTRI12 I/DACANAY/CEDRICMSTRI22 Add Date of Birth of Child & Infant Child Details 3CHLD/31AUG1Ø3.1 Infant Details under Adult Name 3INFT/PADAMA/ANDREWMSTR/23MAR151.1 Delete Name Field (for un-ended PNR) 2.2 Display Name Field N First Name Change 1.1JOHNPAULMR Display Passenger Data PD Age Modification 3.1CØ9 5.1I15 Add Name Reference Data 3.1PTA356 (for TEC/RTT/PTA356/OEC) (End the PNR first before adding the Name Reference Data) STEP 4: TICKET OPTION FIELD Set Ticketing Deadline 7TAW31AUG/ Display Ticketing Field T (Use the same entry to modify/change/update the Ticket Option Date) STEP 5: PHONE FIELD Press F1 Key & Add Name NC9O8§NM Long Entry 98125628A/SABRE TRAINING PH/RUTH Delete Phone Field 91 Display Phone Field P9 Delete Multiple Lines 91357 STEP 6: RECEIVED FROM FIELD Input Names of Agent & Client STEP 7: END TRANSACTION END the PNR END & Redisplay PNR Ignore & Redisplay PNR 6CHICO/MALOU Display Received From Field P6 E (for new PNR creation) ER Display All Fields IR End, Work & Redisplay A EWR (DO NOT perform the IR command if an error appears after ER. Any modifications made to an ended PNR must again be ended by typing 6AGENT/CLIENT, then ER, then IR.) Consolidated Entry RAMIREZ/JOHNMR§7TAW31AUG/§6MYLES/JANE§ER PNR RETRIEVAL Retrieve by Surname/First Name BADILLO/GEN Retrieve from Name List By Sabre Record Locator AVPGIM By Airline Record Locator Retrieve by Surname with first leg route ¥CANLAS or ¥CANLAS/JOSEPH 2 QPR/HTUMEI Home Contact Hotel Contact Other Message PNR OPTIONAL FIELDS Other Services Information (OSI) 3OSI CX CTCH MNL 7113344 Display OSI *P3O 3OSI YY CTCA HKG GUANDONG HOTEL Delete OSI 31 3OSI SQ ENDO BKG TO GENESIS TRAVEL Delete Multiple OSI 31–2,4,6 Mobile Contact Email Address Special Service Request (SSR) 3CTCM/639171023711 Display SSR 3CTCE/JOHN..CHU//YAHOO.COM Delete SSR Note: Use .. to replace underscore (_) Veggie Meal Request Generic Seat Request Other Special Request Use // to replace the @ sign *P3S 32.XX Use ./ To replace dash (–) 3VGML–1.1 Delete Multiple SSR 31357.XX 3NSSW2.1 Special Meal Table DU/SPM¥AA 3OTHS/RQST AUTH TO BOARD2.1 TRIP CASE Add Email Address PE¥ESTELA==RAMOS@YAHOO.COM¥ (Two = signs represent underscore. Press SHIFT + DASH twice) Display Email Information PE Delete Email Address End, Mail and Redisplay the PNR EMXPR Delete Multiple Email Check Frequent Flyer Agreement Add FF number of Passenger 2 Add TG FF number for SQ sector Add FF number for segments 1 & 2 Delete FF data Switch ON Ticketing Endorsement Delete Remarks Passport Information (DOCS) Visa Number (DOCO) Residence Address Information FREQUENT FLYER PTSQ FFDL123456782.1 FFTG12345678/SQ2.1 FFUA12345678/122.1 FF2 Display Frequent Flyer Data WHOLESALE TICKETING REMARKS 5WTC9O8/ON Switch OFF Ticketing Endorsement 53 Display Remarks Field PE1 PE1356 FF 5WTC9O8/OFF P5 APIS & SFPD 3DOCS/P/Issue County/Document Number/Nationality/Date Of Birth/Gender/ Document Expiry Date/Last Name/First Name–N.N 3DOCO/Country Of Birth/V/Document Number/Issue Country/Issue Date/ Country Where Visa Is Applicable–N.N 3DOCA/R/Country/No. Street Name Village/City//Zip Code Destination Address Information 3DOCA/D/Country/No. Street Name/City/State/Zip Code Date of Birth Information 3DOCS/DB/Date Of Birth/Gender/Last Name/First Name–N.N Note: Use the country code (e.g. PH) and the date format DDMMMYY (e.g. 23OCT72) LUD 23MAR18