Uploaded by Renald Mok

3-Week Workout Plan: Chest, Back, Legs, Shoulders, Arms

Each workout should take 45 minutes per body part, 2 body parts = 1 hour 30 minutes
4-5 second negatives, week 1-10 reps, week 2 – 8 reps, week 3- 6 reps
Monday – Chest & Biceps
Tuesday – Back & Triceps
Wednesday -Shoulders & Hamstrings
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Chest & Biceps
Saturday - Back & Triceps
Sunday - Shoulders & Quads
Warm up 4 sets of leg press
3 working sets of leg press
3 working sets of squats
3 working sets of dumbbell hill squats
3 working sets of leg extensions
Warm up 4 sets of dumbbell stiff leg deadlift
3 working sets of dumbbell stiff leg deadlift
4 working sets of lying leg curl
3 working sets of single leg lying leg curl
Warm up 4 sets of close grip low pulley row
3 working sets of close grip low pulley row
3 working sets of standing dumbbell row
3 working sets of barbell rack pulls
3 working sets of close grip pull downs
Warm up with 4 sets of flat dumbbell press
3 working sets of flat dumbbell press
3 working sets of incline dumbbell press
3 working sets of weighted dips
3 working sets of incline barbell press
Warm up with 4 sets of dumbbell press
4 working sets of dumbbell press
4 working sets of standing dumbbell side lateral raise
2 working sets of dumbbell front raise
4 working sets of dumbbell bent over raise
Warm up with 4 sets of lying ez-bar skull crushers
3 working sets of lying ez-bar skull crushers
3 working sets of seated dumbbell extensions
3 working sets of straight bar cable pushdowns
Warm up with 4 sets of standing dumbbell curl
4 working sets of standing dumbbell curl
3 working sets of standing barbell curl
2 working sets of low pulley cable curl