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Anatomy & Physiology Midterm Study Guide: Endocrine, Blood, Heart

Summer II- Midterm Study Guide
Lab 1: Endocrine System
o Endocrine System Model (Flat)- Be able to identify the next endocrine organs and what
hormones they produce/release
▪ Parathyroid gland
▪ Ovary
▪ Pineal gland
▪ Anterior pituitary
▪ Posterior pituitary
▪ Adrenal glands
▪ Hypothalamus
▪ Thyroid gland
▪ Thymus
▪ Pancreas
▪ Testis
o Endocrine Slides- Be able to identify the endocrine organ and the hormone it
▪ Thyroid
▪ Pituitary (anterior or posterior)
▪ Pancreas
▪ Testis
▪ Ovary
▪ Pineal gland
▪ Parathyroid
▪ Adrenal gland
o Endocrine Disorders- Be able to describe the next concepts
▪ Dwarfism
▪ Hypoglycemia
▪ Role of Insulin
▪ Role of Glucagon
o Cat Dissection- Be able to identify the next endocrine organs
▪ Pancreas
▪ Ovary
▪ Testis
▪ Thyroid
▪ Adrenal glands
▪ Thymus
Lab 2: Composition of Blood
o Know how to identify the Blood Type of an individual by looking at the results of a
Blood Typing Card
o Know how to identify the Antigens present in the plasma of an individual by looking
at the results of a Blood Typing Card
o Know how to identify the Antibodies present in the plasma of an individual by
looking at the results of a Blood Typing Card
o Know how to identify a Universal Blood Donor/Receiver by looking at the results of a
Blood Typing Card
o Know Blood Composition % (plasma, formed elements, etc.)
o Be able to identify the Blood Cell Models and their corresponding cell functions
o Be able to identify an erythrocyte, eosinophil, neutrophil, basophil, lymphocyte, and
monocyte in a blood slide, and state their functions
o Be able to identify the tools used to measure the hematocrit (hematocrit reader,
capillary tubes and centrifuge)
Lab 3: Cardiovascular System
o Pig Heart Dissection- Be able to identify the next structures
▪ Interventricular Septum
▪ Chordae Tendineae
▪ Papillary Muscle
▪ Trebaculae Carnae
▪ Left Atrium (know if this chamber has oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor blood)
▪ Right Atrium (know if this chamber has oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor blood)
▪ Right Ventricle (know if this chamber has oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor blood)
▪ Left Ventricle (know if this chamber has oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor blood)
o Heart Model- Be able to identify the next structures
▪ Tricuspid Valve
▪ Bicuspid Valve
▪ Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
▪ Aortic Semilunar Valve
▪ Aorta
▪ Left Auricle
▪ Pulmonary Trunk
▪ Right Auricle
▪ Sinoatrial (SA) node
▪ Atrioventricular (AV) node
▪ Purkinje fibers
▪ Bundle Branches
o Cardiac Muscle Slides- Be able to identify the next structures
▪ Intercalated Disc
▪ Sarcolemma
▪ Nucleus
▪ Striation
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation- Be able to explain their differences and the
blood (oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor) that arteries and veins carry in each one
ECG Diagram- Be able to identify each wave/complex and describe what event of the
cardiac cycle do they represent
Key Concepts- Be able to describe them
▪ Tachycardia
▪ Bradycardia
▪ Fibrillation
▪ Heart Sounds (“lub-dup”)
▪ Murmurs
▪ Hypotension
▪ Hypertension
▪ Systole
▪ Diastole
Be able to identify the different pulse points
Be able to identify the different heart auscultation points and what can be heard in each
Blood Pressure Tools- Be able to identify them
▪ Sphygmomanometer
▪ Stethoscope
Lab 4: Blood Vessels and Lymphatic System
o Be able to describe the function of arteries and veins
o Blood Vessel Model- Be able to identify the next structures
▪ Tunica Externa
▪ Tunica Media
▪ Tunica Intima
o Lymphatic Slides- Be able to identify the lymphatic organ and their corresponding
▪ Cortex
▪ Capsule
▪ Medulla
▪ Trabeculae
▪ White Pulp
▪ Red Pulp
o Lymphatic System Model (Flat)- Be able to identify the next structures
▪ Axillary Lymph Nodes
▪ Cervical Lymph Nodes
▪ Bronchial Lymph Nodes
▪ Hepatic Lymph Nodes
▪ Peyers Patches
▪ Axillary Lymph Nodes
▪ Inguinal Lymph Nodes
▪ Cisterna Chyli
▪ Right Lymphatic Duct
▪ Thoracic Duct
Lymphatic System Diagram- Be able to identify the next organs
▪ Appendix
▪ Spleen
▪ Thymus
▪ Tonsils
▪ Peyer’s Patches
Key Concepts- Be able to describe them
▪ Autoimmunity
▪ Antigen
Labs 5&6: Cat Blood Vessels Dissection
o Be able to identify the next blood vessels