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Weld Defect Detection From Imbalanced

Weld Defect Detection From Imbalanced
Radiographic Images Based on Contrast
Enhancement Conditional Generative
Adversarial Network and
Transfer Learning
Runyuan Guo, Han Liu , Member, IEEE, Guo Xie , Member, IEEE,
and Youmin Zhang , Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract —When a sensor data-based detection method
is used to detect the potential defects of industrial products, the data are normally imbalanced. This problem affects
improvement of the robustness and accuracy of the defect
detection system. In this work, welding defect detection is
taken as an example: based on imbalanced radiographic
images, a welding defect detection method using generative
adversarial network combined with transfer learning is proposed to solve the data imbalance and improve the accuracy of defect detection. First, a new model named contrast
enhancement conditional generative adversarial network is
proposed, which is creatively used as a global resampling
method for data augmentation of X-ray images. While solving
the limitation of feature extraction due to low contrast in some images, the data distribution in the images is balanced,
and the number of the image samples is expanded. Then, the Xception model is introduced as a feature extractor in the
target network for transfer learning, and based on the obtained balanced data, fine-tuning is performed through frozen–
unfrozen training to build the intelligent defect detection model. Finally, the defect detection model is used to detect five
types of welding defects, including crack, lack of fusion, lack of penetration, porosity, and slag inclusion; an F1-score
of 0.909 and defect recognition accuracy of 92.5% are achieved. The experimental results verify the effectiveness and
superiority of the proposed defect detection method compared to conventional methods. For other similar applications
to defect detection, the proposed method has promotional value.
Index Terms — Contrast enhancement conditional generative adversarial network, deep learning, imbalanced data,
sensor data processing, transfer learning, weld defect detection.
Manuscript received January 4, 2021; revised February 11, 2021;
accepted February 11, 2021. Date of publication February 16, 2021;
date of current version April 5, 2021. This work was supported in
part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
61973248 and Grant 61833013, in part by the Key Project of Shaanxi
Key Research and Development Program under Grant 2018ZDXM-GY089, and in part by the Research Program of the Shaanxi Collaborative
Innovation Center of Modern Equipment Green Manufacturing under
Grant 304-210891704. The associate editor coordinating the review
of this article and approving it for publication was Prof. Guiyun Tian.
(Corresponding author: Han Liu.)
Runyuan Guo, Han Liu, and Guo Xie are with the School of Automation and Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an
710048, China (e-mail: xianryan@163.com; liuhan@xaut.edu.cn).
Youmin Zhang is with the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and
Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8,
Canada (e-mail: youmin.zhang@concordia.ca).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3059860
EFECTS arising from welding operations damage the
quality of manufactured products. Therefore, welding
defects must be detected in the manufacturing process [1].
Considering the defect detection of a pipeline weld seam
as an example, the internal defects are generally observed
by X-raynondestructive testing technology [2]. However,
the existing X-ray nondestructive testing processes are still
dominated by manual observations of real-time sensor images,
and such observations are highly subjective. In low-contrast
images, the defects cannot be accurately detected, and the
detection results are easily affected by visual fatigue of the
detection inspectors during mass production, resulting in the
false and undetected defects [3]. Therefore, the research of
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an intelligent high accuracy weld defect detection method has
become popular in the sensor data-driven detection field in
recent years.
To detect weld defects based on X-ray images, the main
process is divided into three steps: weld seam extraction,
defect segmentation, and defect detection [4]. Defect detection
refers to the detection of defects after extracting their features
(the detection ability is evaluated by two aspects: the first is
whether the detection method can accurately detect defects,
and the second is whether the specific type of defect can be
identified if an image is recognized as containing defects) [5].
Scholars have carried out extensive studies on these three
aspects and have achieved limited progress [6], [7]. In these
studies, defect detection is mostly achieved by machine learning methods based on the artificially designed features. The
detection results of such methods are always limited by the
quality of the designed features and the number of image data.
Compared with traditional machine learning methods, deep
learning technology can automatically extract deep representative features from sensor data, which makes it unnecessary
to manually design the features [8], [9]. Another advantage
of deep learning is that the networks, such as SAE and
DBN, can be trained using unlabeled data [10]. Given the
massive acquisition of industrial sensor data, this advantage
is conducive to comprehensively learning the information in
the sensor data [11]. Therefore, more scholars have attempted
to use deep learning models for weld defect detection [12].
We also designed a convolutional neural network (CNN) for
the detection of weld defects, and the detection accuracy was
improved compared with the traditional methods [13]. This
is attributable to the fact that the convolutional structure can
extract the essential features at the pixel level independently
and more information is introduced with massive data to
facilitate CNNs to achieve comprehensive characterization for
each type of defect [14]. According to the current research
results, the advantages of deep learning can indeed improve
detection. However, it must be noted that such new methods
also have problems that must be solved.
Complex industrial production practices today generally
follow the six-sigma quality management requirements, that is,
minimizing the number of defects in products and processes
to improve product quality. Therefore, the quantity of defective products will be significantly lower than that of intact
products [15]. This phenomenon also exists in production
involving welding, and the different types of welding defects
are often unevenly distributed. The imbalanced distribution
of these different defect types is called the imbalanced type
problem or the imbalanced data problem in weld defect
detection. This problem may be attributed to the technological
gaps in the welding process, so it is intrinsic to the defect
detection field. Therefore, when the new intelligent feature and
deep learning method is used for defect detection, the data
imbalance also exists [16]. Therefore, defect detection from
imbalanced data must be further studied.
Research strategies for the imbalanced data problem can be
roughly divided into two groups. The first involves research
at the data level. This method mainly changes the distribution of the training dataset through resampling, so that the
number of different types of data tends to be balanced, and
then the traditional detection and classification algorithms are
used for the study [17]. The second entails research at the
algorithm level. This method often improves the classification
algorithm, for example, by setting a high misclassification cost
factor to improve the learning ability for the minority class,
thus achieving improved classification effect [18]. In general,
methods at the algorithm level are more effective for some
specific detection and recognition problems, while data-level
methods are preferable in practice because they are applicable
to any learning system used for detection and recognition
without changing the basic learning strategies [19]. Owing to
the late research interest for imbalanced data problem, very
few studies have been conducted to solve for the imbalanced
data in the field of welding defect detection, among which the
most representative works are [20] and [21]. The work in [20]
is the first known research to study this problem; it evaluates
the effectiveness of a total of 22 resampling methods for
processing imbalanced data for welding defect detection at the
data level, and concludes that no resampling method dominates
the other techniques, regardless of their combination with
any classifier. We believe that this is because the resampling
methods used in that work were all sampled from the local
neighborhood without considering the overall distribution of
the dataset. If we can directly sample from the distribution
of the global data and balance the training dataset, an ideal
learning method for imbalanced data at the data level may be
obtained. The research results of [21] show that deep features
extracted by a deep CNN (DCNN) allow better characterization capability for welding defects than the features designed
artificially, such as the histogram of oriented gradient features.
Therefore, to obtain better defect detection results, a DNN with
more advanced structure and stronger feature extraction ability
must be used. Meanwhile, although three resampling methods
are used in [21] to solve the imbalanced data problem, namely
random oversampling (ROS), random under sampling (RUS),
and the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE),
the possible influence of the different resampling methods
on detection results are not discussed in detail. Moreover,
the effects of the three resampling methods are necessarily
limited because resampling from the global distribution of data
is not considered.
To determine an ideal resampling method, we considered
the generative adversarial network (GAN), which has been a
hot topic in academia [22]. GAN adopts internal adversarial
mechanisms for training and directly samples from the global
distribution of data, which can theoretically achieve a closer
approximation to real data [23]. However, GANs tend to obtain
better algorithm performance for public datasets, whereas
many sensor images collected in industrial scenarios do not
have the obvious foreground, which makes it difficult to detect
and identify the target. For example, some of the radiographic
defect images have low contrast, which means the defect area
as the image foreground cannot be highlighted, thus affecting
the neural network’s performance in extracting the defect features. Therefore, the industrial image resampling method based
on GAN needs further study. In addition, it has been proven
that the new defect detection method of intelligent features
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and deep learning has great advantages. To further improve the
accuracy and robustness of defect detection, we introduce the
transfer learning technology to defect detection [24]. Since
the features of the deep neural network (DNN) are extracted
layer-wise, the features from the lower layers tend to be
general, and only the features from the upper layers are related
to specific tasks. A DNN trained by large quantities of data
usually has strong feature extraction ability at the lower layers.
Therefore, a new DNN based on these lower layers is built,
and the fine-tuning training for this new network is carried
out to cater to specific applications, such as defect detection,
so that the obtained network has improved feature extraction
performance for defects [25].
Hence, to solve the problem of imbalanced data and further improve the accuracy of defect detection, a new defect
detection method (contrast enhancement conditional GAN
(CECGAN) combined with Xception transfer leaning) is proposed in this paper. The CECGAN model is first proposed
and then introduced to defect detection as a resampling
method for the imbalanced data. By adding external condition
information (such as label information of data) on the basic
GAN model, CECGAN is able to guide the model to generate
data of corresponding types, which greatly reduces the impact
of the GAN’s mode collapse phenomenon [26]. Meanwhile,
the contrast enhancement operation is integrated into the
structure of the GAN model to eliminate the influence of
obscure foreground features in industrial images during feature
extraction. The Xception model has a residual structure, and
its excellent feature extraction performance has been proven
with natural images based on its improved depth separable
convolution operation. Introducing Xception to defect detection as a base learner for transfer learning is of great value to
study its applicability for industrial image data [27]. In this
study, considering the weld defect detection of petroleum
pipelines as an example, a series of comparative experiments
were performed, and the results confirm the effectiveness and
superiority of the proposed defect detection method compared
to conventional methods.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
In Section II, the characteristics of the X-ray welding defect
data are introduced. Further, the CECGAN resampling method
(including CECGAN’s structure and training method, as well
as CECGAN-based resampling method) is proposed and
detailed, and the basic theories of transfer learning and Xception model are introduced. In Section III, the proposed welding
defect detection method is described in detail. In Section IV,
test experiments are presented to verify the effectiveness and
superiority of the proposed method. Finally, the conclusions
are presented in Section V.
A. Radiographic Image Dataset
For the automatic nondestructive detection of welding
defects in petroleum pipelines, the detection object is the
X-ray welding image obtained by the real-time welding seam
imaging system. In this study, we detect five main welding defects in the weld seam based on the X-ray images:
Fig. 1. Examples of the five defects and non-defect.
crack (CR), lack of fusion (LF), lack of penetration (LP), slag
inclusion (SI), and porosity (PO) [28]. In our previous research
on welding defect segmentation, we proposed a clustering
algorithm based on the ordering points to successfully achieve
accurate segmentation of defects of any shape or size in the
weld seam [13]. Based on this method, a total of 20,360 X-ray
images of size 71 × 71 are obtained, including 4,640 image
samples containing defects and 15,720 images without defects;
this original welding defect dataset is denoted as Data original .
As shown in Fig. 1, five examples are listed for each defect in
Data original , and the ND in the figure represents image data
without defects. It is seen that owing to the influence of the
X-ray projection angle and X-ray quantum quantity, some of
the X-ray defect images have relatively low contrast, making
the defect part in the weld seam area difficult to identify, which
is unfavorable for feature extraction of weld defects [29].
From further observation of the defect characteristics, it is
seen that the shape or geometric characteristics of the defects
of a specific type have some common features. For example,
the shapes of CR, LF, and LP are more linear; compared with
the other three types of defects, PO and SI are generally
round in shape. It should be noted that the classification
distribution of the welding defect data used is still imbalanced.
The numbers in brackets represent the number of samples in
each category.
B. Contrast Enhancement Conditional Generative
Adversarial Network
Because GANs can learn the actual global distribution
of data, this work solves the imbalanced data problem in
the defect detection field based on GANs. However, both
discriminator networks (D networks) and generator networks
(G networks) in simple GANs are multilayer perceptrons, and
their ability to extract image features is limited. Moreover,
mode collapse and mode mixing often occur in the training
process, which means that the diversity and quality of the
generated image data cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, some
scholars introduced a category label variable, y, into both the
G and D networks of a simple GAN, and the constructed
conditional generative adversarial network (CGAN) model
extends the unsupervised GAN to a supervised learning model
so as to guide the generation of specific categories of defect
images and avoid the phenomenon of mode mixing [30].
On this basis, we propose for introducing the contrast enhancement operation into the CGAN and replacing the multilayer
perceptrons in the D and G networks with DCNN to enhance
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Fig. 2. Structure and parameter settings of the proposed CECGAN.
feature extraction capability. The proposed CECGAN model is
shown in Fig. 2. At the beginning of the D network, contrast
enhancement is performed on both the generated and real
data so that the relatively obscure defect areas in the lowcontrast images can be highlighted, which is conducive to
the subsequent convolution operation in the D network to
more accurately extract defect features while not affecting the
generation of the defect images without contrast enhancement
in the G network. The resampling method based on the
CECGAN model is divided into two stages: CECGAN training
and resampling. In the training process of the CECGAN,
the objective function follows the formulae presented in [31].
The validity of this objective function was proved via mathematical derivation and it was considered to be able to help
GAN achieve effective training. The specific steps are shown
in Table I.
C. Xception
To further improve the accuracy of defect detection,
we introduce transfer learning technology into defect detection. During the implementation of transfer learning, the network obtained by training with a large-scale dataset is called
the base network, and the lower layers of the base network
are extracted to build a new network called the target network
(these lower layers are used as the feature extractor of the
new network). The specific implementation steps for transfer
learning will be detailed in Section III. In this study, the
Xception model is selected as the feature extractor of the
target network in transfer learning because it is not only one
of the most advanced CNN structures developed thus far but
also beneficial as it occupies less memory and is convenient
for deployment. The main internal structure of the model is
realized by combining the residual structure with the improved
depthwise separable convolution (channel adjustment before
feature extraction). More information of Xception model is
detailed in [27].
A. Radiographic Image Resampling
To solve the problem of data imbalance and further improve
detection accuracy, a new defect detection method combining
CECGAN with Xception transfer learning is proposed here.
First, we design a CECGAN whose structure and parameter
settings are as shown in Fig. 2. This CECGAN is used for
resampling to balance the data distribution. It should be noted
that batch normalization is not used in the output deconvolution layer of the generator or the input convolution layer
of the discriminator; this setting is intended to prevent batch
normalization from being used in all layers and to prevent
model instability [32]. The specific parameter settings of the
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Fig. 3. Transfer learning and fine-tuning process.
and the model is trained by the means of frozen–unfrozen
method. The training process is shown in Fig. 3, and the
specific steps are as follows. First, the base network is obtained
after training with the ImageNet dataset. The first n layers of
the base network are copied to the first n layers of the target
network, and each layer of the new classifier in the target
network is randomly initialized. Then, the weights of the first
n layers are frozen, and the new classifier in the target network
is trained based on the balanced welding defect data. To further improve the performance of transfer learning, the target
network is fine-tuned after the new classifier is trained and
converged. The fine-tuning here refers to unfreezing the top
layers of the first n layers and continuing to freeze the bottom
layers of these first n layers to train the new classifier layers as
well as the unfrozen top layers simultaneously. In this manner,
the higher-order feature representation of the first n layers is
fine-tuned to make it more relevant to specific defect detection
tasks. In the training process of the target network in this work,
the number of unfrozen layers h is set to 30. After training,
the target network obtained is used for defect detection.
CECGAN model are depicted in Fig. 2. The dimension p
is 100, and c is 6 (because there are six defect types to
be detected of which five are defects and one is the nondefect), and the one hot coding procedure is performed on
the type labels. Based on the algorithm shown in Table I,
the number of training epochs, T E, is set to 200, and the
Adam optimizer is used to train the CECGAN network. The
exponential decay rate of the first-order moment estimation,
β1 , is equal to 0.4, while the other parameters are maintained
at default values [33]. When the training of the CECGAN
is complete, random noise and specific category labels are
input to the trained G network to generate the corresponding
types of welding defect images, thus completing the X-ray
data resampling with global scope based on the CECGAN
B. Transfer Learning Based Defect Detection Model
Based on the balanced data obtained after resampling,
a defect detection model is established using transfer learning,
C. Defect Detection and Defect Recognition Process
Welding defect detection requires that we first determine
the presence of any defects in the weld seam and then apply
pattern recognition on the types of defects. Therefore, two
target networks are trained to complete the required detection
tasks. The specific detection scheme is as shown in Fig. 4.
A 71 × 71 pixel window is used to move horizontally and
vertically on the X-ray images of the pipeline, and the step
size is set as 3 pixels. Then, the image block is extracted and
input to the first target network, and the model is used to judge
whether the image block is a defect. Each pixel of an image
block judged to be a part of a defect is marked as “1”, and
each pixel judged to be nondefective is marked as “0”. As the
window moves over the image, each pixel in the image is
marked multiple times, and the greater the cumulative value
is, the more likely is a pixel to represent a defect. When the
window movement is complete, the defect location is realized
by combining the threshold judgment mechanism, and the
defect image is then input to the second target network to
finally identify the specific defect type.
To summarize, the overall steps of the defect detection
method proposed in this work are presented in Table II.
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Fig. 4. Defect detection process.
This section presents verification of the effectiveness
and superiority of the proposed defect detection method
(CECGAN combined with Xception transfer learning) through
experiments. The evaluations are mainly divided into two
parts: verification of the CECGAN resampling method and
verification of the Xception transfer learning method. All the
experiments were conducted in Linux Ubuntu OS, with a
computational platform having 3.20 GHz CPU and 6 GB GPU.
The program was compiled in the integrated development
environment Spyder 3.1.4 using Python 3.6.1 and the opensource deep learning framework TensorFlow 2.0.
A. Parameter Setting and Evaluation Criterion
For the verification of the CECGAN resampling, we use
CECGAN resampling, simple random resampling, and data
enhancement resampling to conduct comparative experiments.
The most commonly used image data resampling method is
simple random resampling. Based on the original imbalanced
dataset, this method randomly selects samples from a minority
class for replication to achieve the same number of defective
and non-defective data. The balanced dataset generated by
this method is denoted as Data copy_bal . We also realize
data augmentation resampling by flipping the image data and
adjusting the contrast of the image data. Flipping means
randomly calculating horizontal image or vertical image of
the image data. Adjusting the contrast means doubling the
contrast of the image data. The two augmentation operations are alternated to achieve the same number of defective
and non-defective data. Such operations do not change the
geometry and shape features of the defect image. Compared
with simple random resampling, the samples obtained by this
approach are different, and a balanced dataset is rendered,
which is recorded as Data aug_bal . Meanwhile, CECGAN is
used for data resampling, and the sine contrast enhancement
method is used in the experiment [34]; this balanced dataset
is denoted as Data C EC G AN_bal . Thus, the three X-ray welding defect balanced datasets Data copy_bal , Data aug_bal , and
Data C EC G AN_bal are obtained, with the same number of
samples of 31,440, which comprise 15,720 each of the defect
and non-defect samples.
With these three balanced datasets and the original dataset
Data original , the defect detection experiments were carried out
on each dataset using the proposed Xception transfer learning
method. In actual industrial production, the F1 value is the
most important indicator of weld defect detection. Therefore,
the F1 value is considered as one of the evaluation criteria
for the detection results. The larger the F1 value, the more
are the correctly detected defects using this method, indicating
that the corresponding dataset is of higher quality with a more
effective data resampling method. Meanwhile, it is meaningful
to carry out the subsequent defect type identification only in
the case of a high F1 value; otherwise, even if all of the types
of defects that have been detected in the weld seam can be
accurately identified, it is likely that the problem of missing
detection still exists. The formulas to calculate the F1 value
are given in (3)-(5):
recall = T P/(T P + F N),
precision = T P/(T P + F P),
F1 = 2 ∗ recall ∗ presision/(recall + presision).
In the above three equations, T P represents the number of
correctly identified defect samples, F N represents the number
of incorrectly identified defect samples, and F P represents the
number of non-defect samples that are incorrectly identified
as defects. It is seen from the formulas that the F1 value
is the harmonic average of the recall and precision. If the
F1 value is high, it indicates that the classification based on
the corresponding dataset is ideal and that the defect detection
ability of the approach is good.
For the validation of the Xception transfer learning method,
we verified its feature extraction capability. This is because in
the defect detection task, in addition to assessing whether the
defect can be detected correctly, the subsequent identification
of the detected defect type is also required. The Xception
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Fig. 5. Loss function curves during CECGAN training.
Fig. 6. Defect images generated by CGAN and CECGAN.
model is thus a deep image feature extractor after training completion. In this work, the deep stacked autoencoder
(DSAE) and DCNN are also used to extract the deep features
of the defect images. The extracted deep features are correspondingly recorded as D F X cept ion , D F S AE , and D F C N N ,
and all these features are input to a softmax classifier. Then,
the performance of each feature extractor is evaluated by the
final defect recognition accuracy, which is denoted as ACC,
and refers to the quantity ratio of the accurately classified
samples to the total test samples. The structures and parameter
settings of the DSAE, DCNN, and new softmax classifier
in Xception transfer learning are shown in Table III, and
these network architectures are selected using cross-validation.
In addition, the loss functions of the DSAE and DCNN models
are all of the sparse categorical cross entropy type. The Adam
algorithm is used for optimization, and its parameters remain
in the default settings.
B. Results and Discussion
1) Resampling Results Using CECGAN: The CECGAN
designed in this work is used to resample the X-ray defect
images, and the change in loss value for the training process
of the CECGAN model is shown in Fig. 5. The loss value of
the discriminator is the sum of the loss values obtained when
the real and generated images are input to the discriminator
for training. The yellow and green curves represent the loss
values obtained in each epoch when the real and generated
images are input to the discriminator. The change in the total
loss value of the discriminator is shown by the blue curve,
and the change in the generator’s loss value is shown by the
red curve. By observing the changes in the trends of these
two curves, it can be concluded that the discriminator and
generator have been in adversarial states during training, and
the change trends of the two curves have evolved from violent
shock to stability after 25 epochs, which indicates that the
designed CECGAN has been trained more effectively. Finally,
the training process is considered complete after reaching the
scheduled training epochs.
The trained CECGAN is used to resample the X-ray defect
dataset Data original , and a CGAN is also trained to resample
Data original in the same manner. The resampling results of the
two models are shown in Fig. 6 (for the five types of defect
samples, each type is randomly selected for display). It can
be seen that the image quality generated by CGAN is not
ideal, while the images generated by the CECGAN maintain
the shapes and geometric features of each type of defect,
which indicates that the sine contrast enhancement operation
helps the model learn the defect features more accurately and
eliminate the limitations of low-contrast image features, which
are usually not obvious. Based on the CECGAN resampling
results, 500 images are selected and mixed with 500 real
defect images. Two defect inspectors are organized to carry
out the Turing test. The first inspector has ten years’ working
experience and the second inspector has three years’ working
experience. The judgment criterion is that the image that
cannot clearly represent the defect features is assigned a score
of 1, while the image that better represents the defect features
is assigned a score of 5. For the real images, the first and
the second inspectors score 4.98 and 4.95, respectively. For the
generated images, the first inspector scores 4.80 and the second
inspector scores 4.75. The results show that although the average score of the generated images is slightly lower than that
of the real images, the generated images also achieved a high
score, confirming the effectiveness of CECGAN resampling.
2) Defect Detection Results and Discussion: The defect
detection models are established on the basis of four different
datasets, and the evaluation results of their detection abilities
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are shown in Table IV. The models constructed by each dataset
are evaluated by the five-fold cross validation procedure,
where AVG represents the arithmetic average of the five
F1 values obtained by the five-fold cross validations.
It can be seen that the average F1 value of defect detection
based on the original dataset Data original is 0.812, while the
F1 value based on Data copy_bal is almost the same as 0.812,
which indicates that the resampling method of simple random
replication cannot solve the data imbalance problem well in
this application. The average F1 value based on Data aug_bal
increases to 0.825, but the increased magnitude of 10−2 is
considered as a small increment. This indicates that although
the operations such as flip and shift help increase the diversity
of the samples, they do not add new information, so it was
not enough to solve the problem of data imbalance. In fact,
these data enhancement operations do not change the pixel
distributions of the defect images, so the information in the
receptive field do not change much, and the improvement
of detection ability is limited. Defect detection based on
Data C EC G AN_bal achieves the highest F1 value of 0.909,
which is greatly improved compared with the F1 value of
Data original . In addition, the F1 value in each fold of
Data C EC G AN_bal is higher than the F1 values corresponding
to the other three datasets, which indicates that the CECGAN
resampling method achieves optimal defect detection, that is,
the balanced dataset obtained by this method helps better
differentiation between defects and non-defects. The greatest
difference between CECGAN and other resampling methods
is that CECGAN is performed within the global distribution
of the defect data. In this manner, the imbalanced data distribution can be balanced, and the real distribution of the data
can be learned to generate representative new samples to solve
the problem of data imbalance and further improve the defect
detection. Based on the above experimental results, the validity
and superiority of the CECGAN as a resampling method for
X-ray defect images are demonstrated.
3) Defect Recognition Results and Discussion: First,
the DSAE, DCNN, and Xception transfer learning models
are trained according to the network structures and parameter
settings as shown in Table III. Then, a total of 500 images
containing five types of defects are randomly selected as
the inputs of the three models from Data C EC G AN_bal
(100 images for each type of defect), and the separability of
the original data and the three different defect characteristics,
D F X cept ion , D F S AE , and D F C N N , are shown in twodimensional space by adopting the t-distributed stochastic
neighbor embedding (t-SNE) method [35]. The t-SNE is a
manifold learning dimension reduction algorithm that uses
the probability modeling approach, which can effectively
realize visualization of high-dimensional data. The dimension
reduction results are shown in Fig. 7. First, observing the
results of the 500 defect pictures in Fig. 7(a), and it is seen
that the 500 defects overlap in two-dimensional space and
are difficult to distinguish, which reflects the difficulty of
the defect detection task. This difficulty is determined by
the welding process and the characteristics of the various
defects themselves. For example, the shapes of the PO and
SI defects usually show round characteristics, while those of
CR, LF, and LP show linear characteristics to a certain extent.
Different types of defects have similar shape characteristics,
which makes it difficult to accurately identify the types of
defects. Fig. 7(b) shows the dimension reduction results of the
feature D F S AE . It is seen that the 500 defects are distributed
in homogeneously, indicating that their separability is poor.
Fig. 7(c) shows the dimension reduction results of D F C N N
features, and its separability is seen to be greatly improved
compared with the results of D F S AE , which manifests as
relatively poor separability for only LP and CR defects,
whereas the other three types of defects are able to achieve
more accurate separation. By observing the dimension
reduction results shown in Fig. 7(d), it can be concluded that
the feature D F X cept ion has the strongest separability among
the five types of defects, which indicates that the residual
structure and improved depthwise separable convolution
of the Xception model can effectively extract the deep
characteristics of the welding defects. Moreover, compared
with the DSEA and DCNN models, the Xception model
has stronger feature extraction capability, and the extracted
features can better represent the various defects. However,
some LF and CR defects still overlap in the two-dimensional
space because these defects are very similar in shape. This
will cause the Xception network to extract similar defect
features, making it difficult to effectively distinguish between LF and CR defects. The similarity in defect features is
caused by the formation mechanism of the defects. Therefore,
the accurate recognition of defects having similar shape
characteristics needs to be further studied in the future.
The results of the above t-SNE analyses have proven that
applying Xception transfer learning to the feature extraction of
welding defects is effective. To further verify this superiority,
we first apply the CECGAN method to generate a balanced dataset Data C EC G AN_recognit ion for defect recognition.
Data C EC G AN_recognit ion has a total of 12,500 X-ray welding
defect images (there are five types of defects in this dataset,
and the number of defects of each type is 2,500), and about
10,000 of these are used as the training dataset, with the
remaining 2,500 used as the test dataset. Then, the DSAE,
DCNN, and Xception are used to establish a defect detection
model in combination with the softmax classifier, and the test
dataset is input for testing. The statistical results of the ACC
are shown in Table V.
As presented in Table V, the Xception transfer learning
model achieves the highest defect detection accuracy of 92.5%,
followed by DCNN (82.3%) and DSAE (61.0%). The accuracy
of 92.5% is higher than the accuracy of manual detection and
meets the generally accepted requirements of accuracy [36].
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This indicates that the Xception transfer learning model
benefited from the effective training and advanced network
structure to provide better defect detection results than the
DSAE and DCNN; that is, more defects are correctly classified. Therefore, the effectiveness and superiority of the
proposed defect detection method compared to other methods
are proved.
Next, the detection results are compared with the results presented in [15] and [16]. In [15], the optimal combination of the
preprocessing and classifier achieved an F1 value of 0.833 and
a defect recognition accuracy of 94.5%. The F1 value is much
lower than that achieved by our approach while the recognition
accuracy is slightly higher than our accuracy value. However,
it should be noted that the dataset used in [15] contains only
147 samples; a small dataset may lead to over-fitting of the
test results. By contrast, our dataset contains 12500 samples
and the test results are considered to have good generalization
ability. In [16], the author did not calculate the F1 value of
the detection model. The optimal defect recognition accuracy
was as high as 97.2%, which was attributed to the excellent
feature extraction ability of the designed deep learning model.
However, the dataset used in that study is different from
ours. In fact, scholars conducting different studies have used
different datasets, so the testing accuracy results obtained
are, to a certain extent, not comparable [37]. In view of
this situation, it is necessary to further study and publish
a representative public welding defect dataset to facilitate
scholarly research.
In addition, we show the confusion matrix of the defect
recognition results (obtained by the combination of CECGAN
and Xception transfer learning) in Table VI, and it can be
seen that the recognition rates of the model for the five
types of defects are all >90%. This result shows that the
Xception model can directly and effectively extract pixel-level
intrinsic characteristics of the defects in an image based on
the depthwise separable convolution operation, then realize
accurate identification of all types of defects. The highest
recognition accuracy for weld defects is 94.6% for SI, and the
lowest recognition accuracy of weld defects is 91.0% for LF.
The reason for this recognition result is that the defect shape
of LF is more diverse than those of other defects. Its aspect
Fig. 7. t-SNE map of different features. (a) t-SNE map of the defect
images in DataCECGAN_bal ; (b) t-SNE map of DFSAE ; (c) t-SNE map
of DFCNN ; (d) t-SNE map of DFXception .
ratio is not fixed and the blackness is not uniform, which
causes some challenges in defect recognition. Although the
boundary of the SI defects is irregular, their shape is mostly
fixed (spherical), which makes it relatively easy to identify
and achieve a higher recognition rate.
Based on the above experimental results and discussion,
we conclude that the proposed defect detection method
(CEGAN combined with Xception transfer learning) solves
the data imbalance problem well and realizes more accurate detection of the welding defects. The superiority of the
detection results is reflected in two aspects. First, the method
can accurately distinguish whether an X-ray image contains
any welding defects; in the experiments, our method achieves
the highest of F1-score of 0.909. Second, when a defect is
detected, our method can recognize the specific defect type
with the highest accuracy rate of 92.5%, comparing with other
comparative methods.
This paper proposes a new GAN model named CECGAN
that is applicable to the defect detection field to solve the
problem of data imbalance. The main conclusions are as
1) Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and
superiority of the CECGAN method compared to conventional resampling methods. The CECGAN method
solves the data imbalance problem well, while it also
solves the impact of low-contrast defect images on
2) The Xception model is used as the base learner to build
the target network for defect detection. The experimental
results confirm successful construction of a DNN with
stronger feature extraction capabilities than the typically
used deep learning models, which further improves the
accuracy of defect detection and proves that the transfer
Authorized licensed use limited to: University Town Library of Shenzhen. Downloaded on February 22,2022 at 02:02:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
learning technology has good applicability to industrial
3) The experiments in this study are all based on real
industrial cases of welding defect detection. We believe
that the defect detection method proposed in this paper
can be easily generalized to other sensor data-based
application scenarios for detection.
4) This paper focuses on the study of defect recognition in
defect detection, Next, by considering the mechanisms
of various defects, a hybrid (mechanism and data driven)
detection model with stronger detection ability could
be constructed in the future. In addition, the CECGAN
algorithm can also be further studied.
Runyuan Guo thanks the Chinese National Engineering
Research Center for Petroleum and Natural Gas Tubular Goods
for their assistance of defect detection experiments.
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