Name: CSUID: Homework Self-Reflection Subject: CIVE 260 Statics Assignment: HW22 Individual Problem Reflection Problem Name/#: Topics covered: HW22_#1 MOI_A How are area moments of inertia similar AND different from centroids? Problem Name/#: Topics covered: 10-67 Write out WHY you knew that each step was the correct one to solve this problem. Problem Name/#: Topics covered: HW22_#3 MOI Happy What did you learn on this problem? How would you grade your effort to learn on this assignment? (fill box) 0 1 2 3 4pts How would you grade your effort on this self-reflection? 0 1 2 3 4pts HW22_#1 MOI_A (former exam question) A uniform density 2D plate is shown below. Find the area moment of inertia about the Y axes (Iy). Ans: Iy=436.225 m4 # 1 2 3 Ans: πΌπ₯π¦ = 0.74 ππ^4 HW22_#3 MOI HAPPY You are designing a custom steel plate for McDonalds headquarters which is designed to look like a happy meal box. It consists of (1) a rectangle, (2) an isosceles triangle, and (3) a half circle cut out (centered in the cross-section). A. Find the moment of inertia of the shaded cross section about the x axes (Ix) B. Find the product of inertia of the cross section (Ixy). Ans: A. IX=434.99 cm4, B. Ixy= - 236.13 cm4 half circle cut out Optional. Does not need to be submitted. Ans: F=2.49 kN as A&B stick and slip on surface C