Uploaded by Jackson Hicks

Unit one essay

Today, there is conflict in every facet of our lives. But when it comes to something as
important as a worldwide pandemic, why would people disagree? Covid-19 is a virus that started
in Wuhan, China in 2019. It quickly spread throughout the world, so there had to be a solution.
One of those solutions presented was the Vaccine. It was rolled out quickly and has shown to be
effective in aiding the prevention of the spread. The problem is shown when the question is
posed; should it be mandatory or not? The vaccine presents us with a great option for immunity,
but should we have to get it? Businesses, workers, the Government, and the general public are all
affected greatly by this dilemma. They all have their own view on this dilemma and I will
explain each side to the story.
The covid vaccine was proposed to be mandatory by President biden for workers across
the country. Many businesses followed suit and made the vaccine mandatory for their workers.
This brought about many concerns for the validity of the vaccine and people began to argue. The
vaccine was developed in a short amount of time, therefore there was not a long period of testing
done. That is the main argument people present when on the side of having the vaccine non
mandatory. The people that want to make the vaccine manditory say that it is necessary to be
mandatory in order to stop the spread and avoid more people getting infected. This belief has
been shown to be mainly prevalent in places such as New York which require a vaccine card to
be presented before entering any establishment. Another factor to this situation would be the
dynamic between each of these stakeholders. Employees and businesses go hand and hand in this
situation, and same goes for the Government which is the main cause for the situation itself.
Companies may want their employees to get the vaccine, but the employees could oppose this
One of the main stakeholders that I presented before was large businesses. The reason
that Large businesses are greatly affected is because the vaccine mandate is mainly directed
towards them. Many of these businesses have to decide whether to make it mandatory and lose
workers and cause some opposition, or ignore it and face persecution from the populus, and the
risk of having an outbreak. The rule presented for these companies by the government was
“Private-sector companies with 100 or more workers must require their employees to be fully
vaccinated against COVID-19 or be tested for the virus weekly and wear masks on the job.” This
rule was made to be instated on January 4th, 2021, so we have seen the effects of it so far. One
major event was the southwest airlines mandate for the vaccine. This was heavily protested by
the By the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association. This organization represents around 9,000 of
the southwest airlines pilots and opposed the new ruling. “Companies covered by the new
mandates still risk losing workers to smaller companies that are exempt from them, especially at
a time when many businesses are struggling to fill job openings and workers are quitting in
record numbers.” Companies also have to examine the risk management that can come with
requiring the vaccine. The more of their employees that have the vaccine, the less they have to
worry about losing workers due to being sick and not able to go to work, and they do not have to
worry as much about a spread in their workforce rendering many unable to work, and possibly
some deaths. Most companies cannot afford employees taking two weeks off due to having
Covid. Therefore many companies are going in the direction of a mandate because of how many
benefits it can pose compared to the consequences.
Employees of these large companies are another stakeholder. They are mainly affected by
having to make the choice of getting the vaccine and keeping their job, or not receiving the
vaccine and risking losing their position. Many workers were in contempt with the vaccine
mandate and got vaccinated almost immediately. But, as mentioned before, some did not support
it and decided to protest in order to voice their opinion. Recently “A Kaiser Family Foundation
survey last month found that 37% of unvaccinated workers say they would leave their job if they
were required to get jabbed or submit to weekly tests”. This number of unvaccinated workers
stating they would rather quit than get vaccinated shows that some really do not trust the vaccine
and could risk losing their job because of their distrust in the vaccine. The overall numbers seem
to be low for the amount of people quitting for this reason alone. That 37 percent study is
somewhat misleading because it does not account for the number of workers that are already
vaccinated. In an article by HRExecutive, they estimated that around 70% of companies saw no
change to employee turnovers, and the other thirty percent only saw a five percent or less change
to their employee turnover. These numbers make light that most workers do support the vaccine
and have no problem with the new rulings. Employees are given a choice to support the company
they work for and keep things running smoothly if a vaccine mandate is presented. Or the
unvaccinated to stick to their beliefs and hurt the company they work for by not receiving the
The government is the main decider in whether this vaccine will become mandatory or
not. At the start of 2021, President Biden working with OSHA, detailed a “requirement for
employers with 100 or more employees to ensure each of their workers is fully vaccinated or
tested for COVID-19 on at least a weekly basis.”(white house website.) When deciding to
implement a plan as impactful as a vaccine mandate there are major effects that the government
will have to consider these include but are not limited by; opposition from the populous,
requirement for safe vaccine testing and proven results, coordinating with distribution
companies, and many other effects. Distribution and testing for the vaccine has gone terrific with
no major problems except for the early lack of vaccine doses. By this point, anyone can get the
vaccine with ease. This decision was received well by most but there was some backlash by the
populus. This backlash was mainly conveyed by Conservatives in the southern region of the
United States. The government has also seen opposition from many state and local governments
such as “A federal court in Texas… blocked the Biden administration's vaccine requirement for
federal workers,” This has been copied in many other states relieving the mandate to gain
support from the local populous.
As mentioned before, the general American public is another group affected by this
mandate. While no mandate has been made for the public, there are still some limitations
presented to those who decide to avoid the vaccine. One great example would be in New York
where most, if not all, retail stores require a vaccination card to be presented upon entry. The rule
goes as follows; “People 5 and older participating in the below public indoor activities are now
required to show proof they have received two vaccine doses, except for those who have
received the one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.” This was New York’s way of
convincing the populous to get vaccinated without requiring them too. As a result, over 75% of
their population has been vaccinated by now and most seem to have no problems with this. On
the other hand, anyone traveling to the state has to get the vaccine in order to enjoy any of the
local retail. This also goes for citizens who have been vaccinated that now have to in order to get
groceries, go to restaurants, stay in hotels, or any other activities involving human to human
contact. The General public also is greatly affected because their voice is not heard easily in this
situation. These laws were voted on, but it is difficult to voice the minority in this event. Some
have shown to be outraged because of this factor, but the overall effect of this is minimal.
In my opinion, I believe that this vaccine should not become mandatory. The reason
being is because I believe when it comes down to a choice regarding your own body, the choice
should be up to you. The vaccine is something that I have not personally received, but I may be
planning to get it soon. I would like to have that decision instead of someone else making it for
me. Many of my friends and family support the idea that I have, and that may be because I am
from a conservative location and family. Nevertheless, my point is that when it comes to many
other situations like this one, the choice is normally up to the person. That is due to the fact that
it is because most people would like to have control over what goes into their body, whether it is
due to health issues, or just personal opinion. In an article that I came upon when researching this
topic, the author stated “ When one person’s choice might harm others, it can be ethical for that
choice to be limited. That’s why we have speed limits and stop signs; both limit your right to
drive as you might wish, but they are necessary for public safety.” This is a great argument made
by the author, but I do have some problems with her statement. I think the argument of ethicality
is perfect for this dilemma, but my belief is opposite of hers. A law such as a speed limit or stop
sign is meant to keep the general public safe from each other's mistakes. Not everyone is a great
or respectful driver, so these rules must be there. When it comes to something being injected into
my own body, the question of ethicality should be up to me, the person who is putting a
substance they know very little about into themselves. Freedom is a word that most, if not all,
Americans hold very dear to themselves. It is what our country was founded on. So, shouldn’t I
have the freedom to choose in this situation?
To conclude, this vaccine mandate has many supporters and opposers. Companies,
Employees, Government, and the General populace are all affected by this in unique ways. The
coronavirus spread has slowed greatly in the past year and this could be due to the mandate, but
the main takeaway that I have seen is people are willing to get the vaccine regardless of a
mandate or not. Therefore, having it mandated seems to cause more problems than solve in my
Works Cited
Basu, Malini. “Southwest Airlines Workers Protest Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate.”
Wfaa.com, 18 Oct. 2021, https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/southwest-airlinesprotest-covid-19-vaccine-mandate/287-14a0e66d-feec-4536-991d-894b7074e0c6.
Feuer, Will. “37 Percent of Unvaccinated Workers Say They Would Quit Job over
Mandate: Survey.” New York Post, New York Post, 28 Oct. 2021,
GOV, NYC. “Covid-19: Vaccine.” COVID-19: Vaccine Key to NYC - NYC Health, 2022,
Mayer, Kathryn. “How Many Workers Have Quit to Avoid Vaccine Mandates?” HR
Executive, 6 Feb. 2022, https://hrexecutive.com/how-many-unvaccinated-workers-havequit-to-avoid-vaccine-mandates/?eml=20211209&oly_enc_id=1905D8423578I8F.
SHRM, SHRM. “Vaccine Mandate For Companies.” Scribd, Scribd, 2022,
White House, Statements and Releases. “Fact Sheet: Biden Administration Announces
Details of Two Major Vaccination Policies.” The White House, The United States
Government, 4 Nov. 2021, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statementsreleases/2021/11/04/fact-sheet-biden-administration-announces-details-of-two-majorvaccination-policies/.
Wise, Alana. “Federal Court Blocks Biden's Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers.” NPR,
NPR, 23 Jan. 2022, https://www.npr.org/2022/01/21/1074815838/federal-court-blocksbidens-vaccine-mandate-for-federal-workers.
Wynia, Matthew K., et al. “Why a Universal Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Is Ethical Today:
Health Affairs Forefront.” Health Affairs, 3 Nov. 2021,