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CRSM02S Tutorial Letter: Managing School Teaching Staff

Tutorial letter 101/0/2018
Aspects of managing school teaching staff
Year Module
Centre for Continuing Education and Training
This tutorial letter contains important information
about your module.
Order Recommended Book (Order form on last page).
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE............................................................... 4
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 4
LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 4
Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 4
Department ................................................................................................................................... 5
University ...................................................................................................................................... 5
MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 6
Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 6
Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 6
Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves)................................................................................................. 6
STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 7
MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................. 8
MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING .................................... 9
ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 9
Assessment criteria..................................................................................................................... 10
Assessment plan………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 12
Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 13
Due dates for assignments ......................................................................................................... 14
Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 18
Assignments ............................................................................................................................... 19
OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ........................................................................................... 20
EXAMINATION ........................................................................................................................... 20
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 20
SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 20
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 20
ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 21
Dear Student
Welcome to the module: Aspects of managing school teaching staff. We hope that you find it
both interesting and rewarding. We will do our best to make your study of this module
successful. You will be well on your way to success if you start working immediately and if you
resolve to do the assignment and portfolio properly.
You will not be able to reach the outcomes of this module successfully if you don’t integrate the
activities in the portfolio with your actual operation in the school context. The activities have
been set in such a way that even ordinary teachers will be able to have a chance to improve
their management abilities at the level at which they function, so it is not absolutely necessary to
already be a manager to benefit from this course. You will receive information (theoretical
knowledge in your prescribed book) which will need to be supplemented by interaction with
practice. Using your theoretical knowledge, you must analyse and evaluate your practical
situation. In this way you can further develop your management skills for effective functioning of
practice. You will, by practising this strategy find out which procedures and methods will work
best for you in your unique situation.
The approach demands self-understanding. You as a person and especially as a professional
person will become better acquainted with yourself. In the everyday school situation, you will
sometimes experience unique problems for which there will not be any immediate professional
solutions. A lot of activities in this module are based on the idea that you should develop certain
thinking skills and creativity as a manager. These activities are thus the starting points to critical
thinking and self-discovery.
This tutorial letter contains important information about the study schedule, resources
assignment and portfolio for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand
when working through the study material, preparing the assignment, preparing the portfolio and
addressing questions to your lecturers.
In this tutorial letter, you will find the assignments, assessment criteria and instructions on the
preparation and submission of the assignment and portfolio. This tutorial letter also provides
you with all the information you need about the prescribed study material and other resources –
it also tells you how to obtain these resources. Please study this information carefully. We have
also included certain general and administrative information about this module. Please study
this section of the tutorial letter carefully.
Also consult TL 301 for contact details and guidance regarding your studies.
The success of managers depends on how well they can manage their teaching staff, which is
what is addressed in this module. We hope that you enjoy this module and we wish you
success in your studies!
The purpose of this module is to assist education practitioners and managers to acquire the
leadership and management skills, knowledge and attitudes relating to managing school
teaching staff in order to contribute to the creation and support of conditions in schools under
which effective teaching and learning can take place. Students will know how to manage their
teaching staff after having completed this module.
Specific outcome 1: Learners can apply aspects of sound staff management in the
school context.
Assessment criteria:
Understand and apply principles and skills of motivating school staff.
Analyse an actual school situation, identify disruptions in the channels of communication
and suggest solutions.
Discuss individual and school stress management strategies.
Resolve conflict through negotiation.
Provide leadership towards effective teamwork in specific school settings.
Specific outcome 2: Learners can identify, analyse and solve concrete and abstract
school staff management problems in educational settings.
Assessment criteria:
Identify and analyse various viewpoints in case studies on school staff management and
compare them with the learner’s own views and practice.
Analyse own school staff management practices and improve on these.
Observe and evaluate own staff management situation in the school critically.
Provide solutions to problems in case studies by applying school staff management
knowledge and skills.
Use personnel management theory in the application of educational policy to own
practical school situation.
Apply school staff management skills in changing educational settings.
These are the outcomes that you will have to reach through your completion of the portfolio
activities. They are comprehensive and you will need to work hard to achieve them at an
acceptable standard.
Course leader and
012 429 6773
Lecturer CRSM01R
082 973 2435
Prof NP Grootboom
012 429 4800
Centre For Continuing Education and Training
Prof ST Mampane
University of South Africa
012 4296542
PO Box 392
All queries about the content of this module (ie not administrative queries) should be directed to us.
Please have your study material with you when you contact us. E-mail and telephone numbers are
included above, but you are also welcome to write to us.
PLEASE NOTE: Do not enclose letters to lecturers with your assignments.
Students often go through considerable trouble to visit the university only to
discover to their disappointment that their lecturer is not there or has other
commitments. It is important to arrange a personal interview telephonically
well in advance in order to avoid disappointment.
Centre For Continuing
Education and Training
Please contact the CCET
(012) 481 2731 / 2816 / 2813 / 2831
Address: Centre For Continuing Education and
University of South Africa
PO Box 392
Most administrative matters are handled by the Centre For Continuing Education and Training
at Unisa. All contact particulars are given above.
For other administration issues (eg regarding assignments), contact the following:
Exam enquiries:
When you have completed your assignment and portfolio, send it to the address below:
Assignments, PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003
Prescribed books
You receive the following tutorial material from the CENTRE FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATION
This tutorial letter 101
Study Guide
One prescribed book: Van Deventer, I. (Ed.). 2016. An educator’s guide to school
management-leadership skills (Second Edition). Pretoria: Van Schaik.
If you lose your book, you can buy it from the following address (or any bookstore selling Unisa
prescribed books).
Van Schaik Publishers, PO Box 12681, Hatfield, 0028
Tel: (012) 362 5669
Fax: (012) 362 5673
Recommended books
The following book is strongly recommended to assist you in the completion of your
assignments and the portfolio activities, but it is not included in the above package. You thus
need to purchase it directly from the publisher as soon as possible. For your convenience we
have included an order form at the end of this tutorial letter which you can use to order the
Steyn GM. & Van Niekerk EJ. 2012. Human resource management in education. (Third edition).
Pretoria: University of South Africa.
Make sure you buy the 2012 edition. You can buy Steyn and Van Niekerk from:
Unisa Press
Tel: (012) 429 3515 or 2976
Fax: (012) 429 3449
PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003
Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves)
There will be an optional workshop in Pretoria. Students are strongly advised to attend the
workshop, as this will give you a further opportunity to determine whether the work done by you
is of an acceptable standard. There will be room for discussion of activities and collaboration
with fellow students. The idea of the workshop is to assist students with the activities that they
have completed and still need to complete. Students who come to the workshop thoroughly
prepared will derive the most from this workshop.
Date: 22 June
Duration: 9:00 - 16:00
The workshop will deal mostly with the activities of Module CRSM02S, and is also aimed at fast
tracking your completion of activities.
Please make provision for your own meal and drinks. We think this will be a wonderful
opportunity to meet your lecturers and your fellow students. These workshops will definitely fast
track your progress with the various activities!
The precise venue of the workshop will be communicated to you at a later stage via SMS.
The following should serve as a guide to assist you in compiling a study programme:
Work through the information in Tutorial Letter 101 in order to understand very well what
is expected from you in the portfolio. Order the recommended book using the order form
at the end of this Tutorial Letter. Start doing portfolio activities.
Submit Assignment 01 for CRSM02S as soon as possible, but not later than the closing
date. It is essential to start early.
As you know, you will receive a prescribed book (Van Deventer, I. (Ed.). 2016. An
educator’s guide to school management-leadership skills (Second Edition). Pretoria: Van
Schaik.) which contains the information on the content of the curriculum. Start working
through your first portfolio activity, as time is valuable. Always consult the relevant
content in the prescribed and recommended books as you work through the various
Relate the problems you need to discuss in the portfolio with those at your school. Relate
theory to practice as you reflect on the various portfolio tasks.
Work out a realistic programme in order to be able to finish your portfolio well in advance
of the closing date (see the working programme schedule in the next paragraph). You
need to do excellent planning ahead (just like a true manager) in order to do the right
activities at the right time and in order to collect the necessary resources in time in order
to be able to do the different activities. So plan to finish approximately one activity per
month, but at least three during months that you have school holidays. If you have
finished Module CRSM01R in time by the end of the June school holidays, you will have
lots of courage to finish this module CRSM02S by the due date.
PLEASE NOTE: There are some activities that cannot be completed in a month, as they require
a longer time span. Do not get yourself into a position that you are near to the date that you
have to submit the portfolio with one of these outstanding.
Use this table to plan your work and to ascertain whether you are progressing
satisfactorily (You may include a copy of this in your portfolio, because we would like to
see a summary of your self-evaluation marks).
activity no
Resources and
Completed date
(you must
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria are provided with the assignment and all portfolio activities. Take careful
note of these in completing your work.
Assessment plan
The assignments form an integral part of the assessment plan; therefore both assignments are
compulsory. To gain entrance to the examination you need to submit Assignment 01. It is most
important that you do Assignment 01 properly because this assignment counts 20% towards
your final mark for this module. Your year mark is calculated on the basis of your mark in
Assignment 01. The mark obtained for Assignment 2 (the portfolio), will be the examination
mark. The final mark will consist of your year mark, which is determined by your assignment 1
mark (20%), and the portfolio mark (Assignment 2) (80%) for the module.
General assignment numbers
In this module you should submit two compulsory assignments: Assignment 01 and Assignment
02, which is also your portfolio examination.
Unique assignment numbers
Assignment number
Unique number
Due dates for assignments
Closing date
01 for
COMPULSORY(counts as your year
18 June
COMPULSORY(counts as your exam
10 October
Please remember to give the assignment the same number as the one appearing in this tutorial
Submission of assignments
You may submit assignments either by post or electronically via myUnisa. Assignments may
not be submitted by fax or e-mail.
For submission by post, use the following address:
PO Box 392
Remember Assignment 2 is actually your examination! Post it in time to reach us by the due
date. Remember to keep a copy of the portfolio (Assignment 2) in case it gets lost in the post.
Send the portfolio by registered mail to minimise the chances of it being lost.
To submit an assignment via myUnisa:
Go to myUnisa.
Log in with your student number and password.
Select the module.
Click on assignments in the menu on the left.
Click on the assignment number you want to submit.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
Assignment 1
Submit the following assignment by 6 June doing the stipulated activities according to the
outcomes and assessment criteria.
Topic: Teamwork
Through this assignment activity you should demonstrate that:
you understand the role of teamwork in education
you understand how to improve the culture of teaching and learning through
Assessment criteria:
The mark that you get for this assignment will depend on how well you demonstrate that you
have accomplished the following:
Your understanding of the role of teamwork in improving the culture of teaching
and learning as reflected in your exposition of the role of the SMT and learning
area/subject team in this regard.
Activity: To accomplish the above, do the following and include the required evidence in your
Read Van Deventer Chapter 4 and Van Deventer pp 280-294 (Recommended book: Steyn &
Van Niekerk pp 259-291) in order to be able to do this activity.
Task 1: Make a list of five teams in your school (preferably including the ones you are directly
involved with), and indicate their functions in your school (not more than 1 page).
Task 2: Indicate how the School Management Team (SMT) can assist in improving the culture
of teaching and learning at your school (3 pages).
Task 3: Indicate how the learning area/subject teams can assist in improving the culture of
teaching and learning at your school (4 pages). Pay special attention to the role of the learning
area/subject team with which you are involved. (Please note: If you are not involved in a
learning area/subject team, get involved in one).
Assignment marking grid
Assignment and tasks done according to outcomes and assessment criteria
Language editing of an acceptable standard.
Numbering done according to numbers provided for tasks.
Layout clear.
Relevant headings provided.
Motivated self-evaluation provided at end of each task.
Self-evaluation done according to outcomes and assessment criteria.
Comments reflecting student opinion/growth/problems provided in margins.
Good written communication ability
Neat typing/legible handwriting.
If there are crosses against any of the above items, the matter needs to be attended to in your
portfolio submission being prepared by you.
Please note: The assignments have to be done in the same way as the activities for the
portfolio, which means that they meaningfully assist you to be able to do your portfolio activities
correctly. The purpose of the assignments is to give you an indication of the standard of work
which is expected of you to pass your portfolio.
Assignment 2 (portfolio examination)
The good news is that there will be no formal examination. The portfolio of activities that you will
be handing in will be evaluated in order to determine the level of competence acquired by
students. The portfolio consists of activities that cover the outcomes according to the associated
assessment criteria. With each portfolio activity a clear indication will be given of the outcomes
and assessment criteria that will apply in the evaluation of the activity, so there is no excuse for
handing in work that is not up to standard. The mark obtained for the portfolio of each module,
will be the examination mark for that module. The final mark will consist of your year mark,
which is determined by your assignment 1 mark (20%), and the portfolio mark (Assignment 2)
(80%) for the module.
When you submit your portfolio for evaluation, you are actually implying that your work is of a
sufficient standard to pass this module. The evaluators will then determine whether they agree
with you. Students who do not pass, will be allowed a second chance in the supplementary
examination to improve and resubmit their portfolios within a very short period of time (two
months). So make absolutely sure you pass on your first submission, because for some who fail
there might be too little time to be successful in the second submission.
General information on the completion of your portfolio
What is a portfolio?
A portfolio is a purposeful collection of a student’s work to provide information about a
student’s attitude, motivation, level of development, competence and growth as a learner
over a period of time. Portfolios enable us, as your lecturers, to learn more about your
learning and your development as educational managers and potential managers. You
will also find out more about yourself in the process of developing the portfolio.
The purpose of this portfolio is to provide a comprehensive view of your management
abilities and performance as well as your understanding of the principles of educational
Why a portfolio?
It includes a rich collection of that which you know and can do in the field of educational
management: problem solving, critical thinking, risk taking, independent thought, et
It offers alternative methods of assessment: self-assessment, peer-assessment (you may
ask a colleague or professional friend to give an opinion on what you have done and
include this assessment in your portfolio) and assessment by others such as seniors and
your lecturer. Remember to provide your own motivated assessment at the end of
each learning activity. Apply the assessment criteria in your own self-evaluation and
see how near you come to our evaluation in the percentage mark that you award for your
own work.
You can monitor your own learning and development as a manager, and make
adjustments to reach the desired outcomes. You are empowered as a student to take
control of your own learning, which is directed at reaching certain clearly stated
It provides real-world learning experiences in realistic contexts. Thereby you are oriented
in a practical way for your present and future tasks.
It provides the student with opportunity for making comments on the learning tasks. You
are encouraged to indicate in the margins how you feel about matters and to
comment on the value of the exercise to you personally. We will be looking out for these
It empowers you, the student, to develop a sense of ownership for your learning.
Items that must be included in your portfolio
 A table of contents indicating the various sections of which the portfolio comprises.
A signed declaration that the whole portfolio is your own work and that you did not commit
Although students may work together when preparing assignments and the portfolio,
each student must write and submit his or her own individual work. In other words, you
must submit your own ideas in your own words. It is unacceptable for students to submit
identical work on the basis that they worked together. This is copying (a form of
plagiarism). Furthermore, you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary proceedings
by the university.
All the activities in this portfolio, including the following aspects with each of them:
Your self-evaluation of each activity
Comments in the margin regarding your progress, problems, what you have learnt, etc
A bibliography indicating the sources used in doing the activity
Any other relevant materials that need to be provided with the activity
An evaluation of this module in which you clearly indicate both the strengths and the
weaknesses. Place this at the end of the portfolio.
Please remember to use clear dividers between the various activities, so that the markers
of the portfolio can easily find the different activities.
At the end of this tutorial letter you find a check list to determine whether you have included
everything in your portfolio. Complete it and include it somewhere at the front of your portfolio.
How to round off your portfolio
A word of caution! All of you have seen poor work dressed up in fancy covers. The
purpose of this management portfolio is a careful, thoughtful compilation of activities and
documents that make the best case for your management effectiveness. On the other
hand, present neat and well ordered work, as this will give us an indication of your
administrative ability as a manager. When we open your portfolio, we must be convinced
by its appearance that you are a well ordered manager. Typed work always creates a
better impression, so submit it in typed format if at all possible. When we mark your work,
we do not have time to decipher untidy handwritings.
Do thorough work, but stick to the essence of matters.
Language editing is important. We do not want to mark work that is not properly edited.
This will also create a bad impression of your written communication ability, which is
essential for good management.
Your portfolio should be tidy and compiled in an orderly fashion, thereby also showing
that you have mastered the management skills of working neatly and efficiently.
The value of the portfolio in your learning
This portfolio enables you to take the responsibility of learning on yourself. Your lecturer will
only act as your facilitator and will supply you with guidelines and feedback in order to enrich
the process of learning and to empower you as an educational manager.
The portfolio enables you to use your own experience and to think critically about it as part of
your learning, and also to obtain educational management knowledge that will be of practical
value to you as an educational manager.
The standard expected
Students must understand very well that a high standard will be set for passing this portfolio,
because you have a lot of time to do the activities well and you also have sufficient opportunity
to round it off well. There is absolutely no excuse for work of a mediocre quality. If you submit a
portfolio of mediocre quality, we will simply deduce that you are not serious about obtaining the
required management competencies and you will fail. You will be able to ascertain that your
work is of a high standard through the mark and the feedback that you get from doing the
assignment, which you should therefore do as soon as possible. You will be given a percentage
mark for assignments and the shortcomings and good points will be listed, so that you know
how you need to approach the rest of the portfolio activities.
The length of portfolio activities should be restricted according to the indications given in each
activity. Do not include unnecessary information not asked for. Stick to what is relevant;
otherwise your portfolio length will become a problem. You need to do the activity
comprehensively enough to demonstrate that you have accomplished the assessment criteria
for the activity or task within an activity. We must be able to see from what you present to us
that you have really mastered the outcomes. We will be marking strictly according to the
assessment criteria stated at the beginning of each activity, and the onus lies with you to
provide sufficient evidence that you have mastered the outcomes according to the standards set
in the assessment criteria. So do enough to convince us that you have mastered what is
All activities need to be handed in by 9 October.
Activity 1
Topic: Communication skills for school managers
Through this portfolio activity you should demonstrate that:
you can analyse your own communication style.
you can make good suggestions with regard to the improvement of your school’s communication
with stakeholders.
Assessment criteria:
The mark that you get for this activity will depend on how well you demonstrate that you have
accomplished the following:
You are able to give a detailed analysis of your own communication style in order to
improve it.
You can make meaningful suggestions for the improvement of communication with
stakeholders at your school.
Activity: To accomplish the above, do the following and include the required evidence in your
Read Van Deventer pp 198-210 (Recommended book: Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 142-169) in
order to be able to do this activity.
Task 1: Describe and analyse your communication style Your analysis should consist of about
four pages. Pay attention to the following matters in your description and analysis:
My use of the following communication media:
non-verbal communication (Van Deventer p 203; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp
meetings (Van Deventer p 204-205; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 150)
telephone conversations (Van Deventer p 209)
 An analysis of myself as a listener (Van Deventer p 208-209; Steyn & Van Niekerk
pp 157-159)
 My application of the principles of written communication (you may analyse a text
that you have written) (Van Deventer p 209-210; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 151153)
 Guidelines on how I can improve my communication.
Try to be as objective as possible about yourself, as the purpose of this activity is to reflect
about effective communication and how your own communication can be improved.
Task 2: Write an essay of approximately 5 pages on the effectiveness of your school’s
communication with parents in which you analyse the situation (you can also refer to and
include examples of written communication) at your school. Pay attention to inter alia the
following in your essay:
Make a list of all the ways that the school uses to communicate with parents.
Include 3 short examples of written communication with parents at your school.
Analyse whether the school is successful in its communication with parents. Refer
inter alia to the following:
Impact of the various forms of communication
The response of parents
The role of learners in enhancing communication with parents
The use of electronic media
Make workable suggestions for improvement of the situation.
It must be clear from your essay that you have interpreted the situation in terms of the
information in the prescribed/recommended book.
Activity 2
Topic: Motivation skills for school managers
Through this portfolio activity you should demonstrate that:
you understand the various theories of motivation.
you can apply motivation theories and techniques to your own work situation.
you can analyse and interpret case studies on motivation.
Assessment criteria:
The mark that you get for this activity will depend on how well you demonstrate that you have
accomplished the following:
The insight that you show in motivational theory in answering the case studies.
The insight into motivating staff that is reflected in your credo on motivation.
The relevance of the 10 slogans put up in your staff room/classroom.
The motivational skills that you have acquired as reflected in your two speeches.
Your ability to sustain the motivation of people for a longer period of time as reflected in
the reports.
Activity: To accomplish the above, do the following and include the required evidence in your
Read Van Deventer pp 187-198 (Recommended book: Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 108-139) and
pay special attention to the various theories of motivation in order to be able to do this activity.
Task 1: How do you intend applying Post/Job enrichment and Reinforcement Theory (Van
Deventer pp 194 and 195; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 123 and 125) as motivational techniques in
your class/department/school)? Report in approximately three pages on the following:
how you intend applying the techniques
what you expect the outcome would be.
Task 2: Read through your prescribed book and/or recommended book and in short numbered
statements write down what you will do as an educational manager to motivate staff. Make a
credo of these starting with:
To motivate staff I will...
You must have at least 10 short, numbered credo statements. Decorate your credo and hang it
up where you will see it every day. Include your credo in your portfolio.
Task 3: This task requires of you to be very creative. Think of six things that really motivate you
or have motivated you in the past. Make inspiring statements about these things that will also
motivate other people. Make a poster of each of these and for six weeks pin up a new one
every week in a prominent place where you work to motivate the people with whom you work
(can be staff or learners). Include six of these posters (see example in the relevant part on
Activity 2 in your Study Guide) in your portfolio. Report in your portfolio (one page) what the
benefits were that people derived from these posters.
Task 4: Make two ten-minute speeches (approximately three pages each) for the beginning of
term to (a) motivate staff to promote a culture of teaching and learning at your school, and (b)
motivate learners to establish a culture of learning in the school. It should be clear from your
speeches that you have studied the motivational theories in your prescribed and/or
recommended book. You may also take note of Chapter 4 in Van Deventer. Include your
speeches in the portfolio.
Task 5: Think of someone in the past that did a good job of motivating you. Write two pages on:
why the person had a motivational effect on you
how you can put what you have learnt from this person to good effect in your
motivational task as an educational manager.
Activity 3
Topic: Conflict management
Through this portfolio activity you should demonstrate that:
you can critically evaluate your own conflict management style
you can analyse a conflict situation critically
Assessment criteria:
The mark that you get for this activity will depend on how well you demonstrate that you have
accomplished the following:
your evaluation of your own conflict management style
how well you interpret and analyse conflict situations and suggest appropriate ways of managing
Activity: To accomplish the above, do the following and include the required evidence in your
Read Van Deventer pp 210-215 (Recommended book: Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 170-209) in
order to be able to do this activity.
Task 1: Discuss examples from your own teaching career (or present school environment) on
four of the following sources of conflict that you have selected from the list. Write approximately
10 lines on each:
 individual differences
 limited resources
 departmentalisation and specialisation
 inequitable treatment
 violation of territory
 environmental changes
 communication blocks
Task 2: Indicate in each of the above four examples given by you above which approach was
used to address the conflict (see Van Deventer p 214) and describe what the result of this
approach was.
Task 3: Analyse a conflict situation that occurred at your school (in no more than 6 pages and
using pseudonyms, eg Mr X, and not the real names of the persons) under the following
Introductory background
Type of the conflict (Van Deventer p 211; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 186-188)
Sources of the conflict (Van Deventer p 212; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 184-186)
Approach used to address the conflict (Van Deventer p 214)
The management (eg through peaceful coexistence, compromise or problem
solving) of the conflict (Van Deventer p 213-214; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 189194)
Outcomes of the conflict (positive and/or negative outcomes - Steyn & Van
Niekerk pp 198-201)
How I would have managed the conflict
Please note: These headings relate to the discussion in Van Deventer, which implies that you
need to consult the relevant parts in Van Deventer when you discuss each point. Relevant parts
of Steyn & Van Niekerk are also provided.
Activity 4
Topic: Stress management in education
Through this portfolio activity you should demonstrate that:
You can implement individual stress reduction strategies/techniques.
You can design a stress management plan for your school.
Assessment criteria:
The mark that you get for this activity will depend on how well you demonstrate that you have
accomplished the following:
How well you are able to analyse your own experience of stress in the past and present,
and how well you are able to suggest and motivate individual strategies to cope with your
own stress in future.
How well you are able to analyse the work related factors of stress in your school and the
quality of your school stress reduction plan.
Activity: To accomplish the above, do the following and include the required evidence in your
Read Van Deventer pp 295-214 (Recommended book: Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 210-234) and
pay special attention to individual and organisational stress reduction strategies in order to be
able to do this activity.
Task 1: Learn from your own stress history by writing your own stress life history (not less that
four pages) with specific reference to the following:
Causes of stress/Stressors (Van Deventer p 297; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 219223)
Consequences of stress (Van Deventer p 296; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 223-226)
Past and present coping strategies (Van Deventer p 299; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp
How you would change your coping strategies to be able to handle stress better in
Task 2: Discuss the management of organisational and work related stress in your school in
approximately 4 pages with reference to the following:
Consequences of stress
Past and present coping strategies, and
Your suggestions on how stress can be managed in your school in order to reduce
stress levels.
Carefully justify your stress reduction plan with reference to the strategies described in the
prescribed and/or recommended book.
Activity 5
Topic: Teamwork
Through this portfolio activity you should demonstrate that:
you understand the role of teamwork in education
you understand how to assist teams to improve their functioning
Assessment criteria:
The mark that you get for this activity will depend on how well you demonstrate that you have
accomplished the following:
Your understanding of the role of teamwork in improving the culture of teaching and
Your understanding of making appropriate transparencies for training your staff in
Your understanding of how to assist teams in improving their functioning
Activity: To accomplish the above, do the following and include the required evidence in your
Read Van Deventer pp 280-294 (Recommended book: Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 259-291) in
order to be able to do this activity.
Task 1: Prepare 10 copies of transparencies on A4 size paper (in other words you need not do
it on transparencies) that you can use for training the school staff on the subject of teamwork or
specific aspects thereof. (Please note: You must use your prescribed book and/or
recommended book to obtain information to put on the transparencies). Make sure that your
transparencies comply with the following criteria.
 They are clearly legible from a distance of 10 metres.
 They contain relevant information.
 The information they contain is not excessive.
 They are printed on A4 paper.
 They are well-designed
(Optional: If you have an opportunity to train staff or some members of your staff on
teamwork, do so and report on the effect.)
Include the “transparencies” in your portfolio.
Task 2: Discuss in approximately four pages how you will improve the functioning of a team of
your own choice with which you are involved at your school with reference to the following
aspects of its functioning:
team building (Van Deventer p 286-288; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 272-276)
team motivation (Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 280-283)
team conflict (Van Deventer p 288-291; Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 283-286)
monitoring of team performance (Steyn & Van Niekerk pp 286-287)
Clearly indicate how the team functions presently and how the functioning of the team can be
improved in the above aspects of its functioning.
Remember to provide your own motivated assessment at the end of each portfolio
activity. Apply the assessment criteria in your own self-evaluation. We will look at your selfassessment in assessing your work.
The mark obtained for the portfolio of the module, will be the examination mark. The final mark
will consist of your year mark, which is determined by your assignment 1 mark (20%), and the
portfolio mark (Assignment 2) (80%) for the module.
Submit your portfolio to the Assignment Section in an A4 file (a soft cover will do) after having
attached your completed assignment cover to the front of the file. This is most important.
Portfolios must be submitted to the assignment section and under no circumstances be
sent directly to your lecturer or handed in at the Centre for Continuing Education and Training!
The relevant address is provided in Paragraph 8.4. You are strongly advised to send your
portfolio via registered post.
Van Deventer, I. (Ed.). 2016. An educator’s guide to school management-leadership skills
(Second Edition). Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Steyn GM. & Van Niekerk EJ. 2012. Human resource management in education. (Third edition).
Pretoria: University of South Africa.
We trust that you will experience a very fruitful year in which you learn a lot and also experience
personal growth and satisfaction because of the progress you make.
Best wishes
Your Lecturer
All activities included in portfolio.
Assignment 01 also included in portfolio
Signed declaration that the work is your own and that you did not
commit plagiarism.
Layout clear, and dividers clearly indicate where activities begin.
Whole portfolio is well ordered.
Numbering done according to numbers provided for activities and
Relevant headings (and subheadings, where necessary) provided for
activities and tasks
Activities and tasks done according to outcomes and assessment
criteria provided at the beginning of each activity
Motivated self-evaluation provided at end of each task/activity
Self-evaluation done according to outcomes and assessment criteria
Good written communication ability. Language editing of an
acceptable standard
Neat typing/legible handwriting
Comments reflecting student opinion/growth/problems provided in
margin of all activities
Progress and control list (see TL 101 p 8) included at the beginning of
the portfolio
Table of Content provided at the beginning of the portfolio
Short CV provided at beginning of portfolio
Motivation for taking the Course in School Management included at
beginning of the portfolio
Bibliographical sources used for doing the activity provided at the end
of each activity
Evaluation of the Course in School Management provided at the end
of the portfolio
Tape recordings included, if required
Length restrictions for portfolio tasks taken into consideration (eg if 5
pages are required, one page is inadequate).
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