Document No : LBDB-CAL-50-101-A4 Status : IFA 04/07/2023 4 OF 20 CALCULATION SHEET FOR STORAGE TANK 10.000 KL FOUNDATION Discipline : Civil & Structure 1 Revision : 0 Date : Page : Document Type : Calculation GENERAL 1.1 Scope This document presents calculation of foundation for Pertamax Storage Tank for proyek "Pembangunan Tangki kapasitas 3x10.000 KL Labuhan Deli Project". 1.2. CODE AND STANDARDS - ACI 318-02 - ASCE 7/05 - UBC 1997 Volume 2 - Bowles, J. E. - Tomlinson, M. J. - SNI-03 1726-2012 - SNI 03-2847-2002 2 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures Uniform Building Code Foundation Analysis and Design: 4th edition", McGraw-Hill,Inc. Pile Design and Construction Practices: 4th edition", E&FN Spon Tata cara perencanaan ketahanan gempa untuk struktur bangunan gedung dan non gedung Tata cara perencanaan struktur beton untuk bangunan gedung SUMMARY CALCULATION RESULT From result of the design calculation, all part of concrete foundation structure are tabulated as bellow : 308.8 Ton = 3028.4517 kN = Berat Tangki kosong (Tank Empty weight) 9,378.2 Ton = 91970.392 kN = Berat Tangki ketika Operasi (Tank Operating weight) 11,166.6 Ton = 109508.55 kN = Berat Tangki ketika Hydro test (Tank Test weight) Pile Type Diameter Size (mm) Length (m) Total (pcs) Use Spun pile: 500 180 55 Allowable capacity 1 pile : 76.83 Ton dengan SF 2.5 Ultimate capacity 1 pile : 192.1 Ton Slab Rebar use Dimension Diameter (m) Bottom rebar Thicknes (m) Top rebar 35.9 D 16-150 D 16-150 0.50 3 QUALITY OF MATERIAL a. Concrete for structure concrete f'c = for Spun pile f'c = ( f'c = compressive strength of concrete ) Beban terbesar 1 pile (ton) 74.76 Convinement Bar 2D13 = = 25.00 Mpa 52.00 Mpa b. Reinforcing bar ASTM A615 or JIS G3112 SR 390/40 or SII 0136-84 BJTD 40 deformed steel bar fy = = plain steel bar c. Spun Pile Diamter 500 mmm - Class A1 : Outer Diameter Concrete Strength Pile Depth/ length Elastic Modulus Cracking Moment Ultimate Moment Pile Allowable Axial Load Nominal Weight fys = D= fc' = L= Ep = Mcrack = Mult = Pult = q-DL = = 400 MPa 240 MPa 500 mm 52.00 55 23500 10.5 10.5 185.3 290.00 Beban terkecil 1.pile (Ton) 52.82 MPa m Mpa Ton.m Ton.m Ton kg/m = = K-250 K-600 CALCULATION SHEET FOR STORAGE TANK 10.000 KL FOUNDATION Discipline : Civil & Structure 4 5 UNIT WEIGHT OF MATERIAL Reinforced Concrete Lean Concrete Steel Soil Water Document Type : Calculation = = = = = Revision : 0 Date : Page : 24.00 22.00 78.50 9.61 10.00 Document No : LBDB-CAL-50-101-A4 Status : IFA 04/07/2023 5 OF 20 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m3 CALCULATION 5.1 Foundation Data Pile Capacity Diameter of pile Length of pile = 500 = 0.5 = 55 mm m m Allowable Pile compression and tension, refer to Attachment C "Pile Capacity "(Permanent and Temporary Condition). Allowable Pile Bearing Capacity Permanent Condition Compression Tension Lateral (kN) 753.41 251.39 83.68 Pile Group Efficiency = 0.96 d= s= 0.5 3 (Ton) 76.83 25.64 8.53 Temporary / Test Load Condition (kN) (Ton) 1002.03 102.18 334.36 34.09 111.30 11.35