DANGEROUS GOODS PLANE SAFETY TRAINING Definition of Dangerous Goods Dangerous goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods in IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) or which are classified according to DGR. Which classes and categories of Dangerous Goods are transported by our Company • Our company carries without prior approval: - Class 1 ONLY Ammunition in passenger baggage (permitted according to DGR 2.3) - Class 2 .2 Non flammable non toxic gases - Class 3 Flammable liquid - Class 8 Corrosives - Class 9 Miscellaneous • We do not transport as cargo Class 1, Class 7. • We do not transport as cargo Class 1, Class 7. • For carriage of other Classes and Divisions, Local Cargo Sales Office and KC Cargo Sales Head Office must be contacted in advance to get prior approval. contact email is cargo@airastana.com Hotline in case of questions telephone is +7 (727) 356-09-53 at the work time from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Class of compartment is used KC fleets This information should be in: -GOM (Ground Operations Manual) of Air Astana. -IATA AHM (Aircraft Handling Manual). Normally with delivery you get a specification list from the aircraft manufacturer, which contains this information. - AMM (Aircraft Maintenance Manual) has it. All our Fleets (Airbus Family, Boeing 757/767,Embraer) are quipped Class C cargo compartments. Example Special Load Notification to Captain 9.4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DRILL Table 9.4.1 Aircraft Emergency Response Drills 1. COMPLETE APPROPRIATE AIRCRAFT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. 2. CONSIDER LANDING AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE. 3. From the NOTOC determine the proper name on UN Number of DG. 4. From the UN Number list determine the Emergency Response Code (consisting of numbers and a letter or letter ). 5.Use Drill from the chart below. Drill No. INHERENT RISK 1 Explosion may cause structural failure 2 Gas, nonflammable, pressure may create hazard in fire 3 Flammable liquid or solid RISK TO AIRCRAFT RISK TO OCCUPANTS Fire and/or explosion As indicated by the drill letter(s) Minimal As indicated by the drill letter(s) Fire and /or explosion Smoke, fumes and heat, and as indicated by the drill let-ter(s) SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURE Use 100% oxygen; no smoking Use 100% oxygen; establish and maintain maximum ventilation for "A", "i" or "P" drill letter, maximum ventilation: Refer to the QRH B757/767 (Smoke or Fumes Removal) procedure. Use 100% oxygen; establish and maintain maximum ventilation maximum ventilation: Refer to the QRH B757/767 (Smoke or Fumes Removal) procedure. no smoking; minimum electrics, Minimum Electric: UTILITY BUS switches (both) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off. (Note: On P4-KCB cabin attendance must switch off the “In flight entertainment system”)*. FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURE ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS All agents according to availability; use standard fire procedure Possible abrupt loss of pressurization All agents according to availability; use standard fire procedure Possible abrupt loss of pressurization All agents according to availability; no water on "W" drill letter Possible abrupt loss of pressurization Drill No. INHERENT RISK 4 Spontaneously combustible or pyrophoric when exposed to air 5 Oxidizer, may ignite other materials, may explode in heat of a fire 6 Toxic, may be fatal if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed by skin RISK TO AIRCRAFT Fire and/or explosion Fire and/or explosion , Possible corrosion damage Contamination with toxic liquid or solid RISK TO OCCUPANTS Smoke, fumes and heat, and as indicated by the drill let-ter(s) Eye, nose and throat irritation; skin damage on contact Acute toxicity, effects may be delayed FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURE ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Use 100% oxygen; establish and maintain maximum ventilation. Maximum ventilation: Refer to the QRH B757/767 (Smoke or Fumes Removal) procedure. All agents according to availability; no water on "W drill letter Possible abrupt loss of pressurization; minimum electrics if "F" or "H" drill letter Use 100% oxygen; establish and maintain maximum ventilation. Maximum ventilation: Refer to the QRH B757/767 (Smoke or Fumes Removal) procedure. All agents according to availability; no water on "W" drill letter Possible abrupt loss of pressurization All agents according to availability; no water on "W" drill letter Possible abrupt loss of pressurization; minimum electrics if "F" or "H" drill letter All Agents according to availability Call for a qualified person to meet the aircraft SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURE Use 100% oxygen; establish and maintain maximum ventilation. Maximum ventilation: Refer to the QRH B757/767 (Smoke or Fumes Removal) procedure. Do not touch without gloves. 7 Radiation from broken/ unshielded packages Contamination with spilled radioactive material Exposure to radiation and personal contamination Do not move packages, avoid contact Drill No. RISK TO AIRCRAFT RISK TO OCCUPANTS 8 Corrosive, fumes disabling if inhaled or in contact with skin Possible corrosion damage Eye, nose and throat irritation; skin damage on contact 9 No general inherent risk As indicated by the Drill Letter As indicated by the Drill Letter INHERENT RISK SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURE Use 1005 Oxygen; establish and maintain maximum ventilation. Maximum ventilation: Refer to the QRH B757/767 (Smoke or Fumes Removal) procedure. . Do not touch without gloves. Use 100% oxygen; establish and maintain maximum ventilation if "A" drill letter. Maximum ventilation: Refer to the QRH B757/767 (Smoke or Fumes Removal) procedure. FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURE ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS All agents according to availability; no water on "W" drill letter Possible abrupt loss of pressurization; minimum electrics if "F" or "H" drill letter All agents according to availability; no water on "W" drill letter None All agents according to availability Possible abrupt loss of pressurization All agents according to availability. No water on Y drill letter Call for a qualified person to meet the aircraft Use 100% oxygen and maintain maximum ventilation. Maximum ventilation: Refer to the QRH B757/767 (Smoke or Fumes Removal) procedure. 10 Gas, flammable, high fire risk if any ignition source is present Fire and/or explosion Smoke, fumes and heat and as indicated by the drill letter No smoking; minimum electrics. Minimum Electric: UTILITY BUS switches (both) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off. (Note: On P4-KCB cabin attendance must switch off the “In flight entertainment system”)*. 11 Infectious Substances may affect humans or animals if inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the mucous membrane or an open wound Contamination with infectious substances Delayed infection to humans or animals Do not touch, Minimum recirculation and ventilation in affected area * Advise Cabin Crew AIRCRAFT EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURE From tables 9.4.2 determine the additional risk(s). Table 9.4.2 Aircraft Emergency Response Drill - Identification by letter. DRILL LETTER ADDITIONAL RISK DRILL LETTER ADDITIONAL RISK A ANAESTHETIC M C CORROSIVE N NOXIOUS E EXPLOSIVE P TOXIC (POISON)* F FLAMMABLE S SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTIBLE OR PYROPHORIC H HIGHLY IGNITABLE W IF WET GIVES OFF POISONOUS OR FLAMMABLE GAS I IRRITANT/TEAR PRODUCING X OXIDIZER L OTHER RISK LOW OR NONE Y DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCE, THE APPROPRIATE NATIONAL AUTHORITY MAY BE REQUIRED TO QUARANTINE INDIVIDUALS, ANIMALS, CARGO AND THE AIRCRAFT Z * Toxic has the same meaning as poison. MAGNETIC AIRCRAFT CARGO FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM MAY NOT EXTINGUISH OR CONTAIN THE FIRE; CONSIDER LANDING IMMEDIATELY For Airbus fleet: “Minimum electrics” means COMMERSIAL pb OFF, GALY & CAB pb OFF. “Maximum ventilation” means REFER TO SMOKE/FUMES REMOVAL procedure in QRH. For Embraer fleet: Use 100% oxygen; establish and maintain maximum ventilation maximum ventilation: “Maximum ventilation” means perform ‘’SMOKE EVACUATION’’ procedure Embraer QRH. “Minimum electrics” means – ‘’CABIN PC POWER’’ pushbutton -PUSH OUT, cockpit ‘’ PC OUTLET’’ button PUSH OUT and VSS Display OFF*. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS The most common fire extinguishers found on aircraft are those which have halon (BCF), dry agent, carbon dioxide (CO2) or water as the firefighting agent. All of these types may not be present on any one aircraft. Guidance on the use of the fire extinguishers is contained in the operations manual and may also appear on the extinguishers themselves. The emergency response drills, described in Section 4, indicate which firefighting agents should be used and the instances where the use of water is considered dangerous. OXYGEN EQUIPMENT Fixed and portable oxygen equipment is provided in pressurized aircraft for the use of the crew and passengers. The equipment available to the flight crew usually has a gas-tight mask and can supply 100 per cent oxygen. The aircraft may carry portable smoke hoods but, in general, the equipment available to the cabin crew consists of portable oxygen bottles fitted with therapeutic masks. Additional passenger drop-out masks may be available for use by cabin crew in the passenger cabin and galley/toilet areas. Which documents are available for transport of Dangerous Goods • Ground service provides (NOTOC + Location + Code ERG) • Captain signed four copies: 1 - station departure, 1-for Captain, 1- extra copy, 1- for arrival station. • Captain must keep NOTOC in Flight Deck and be aware about Dangerous Goods. AMPLIFIED CHECKLIST FOR DANGEROUS GOODS INCIDENTS IN FLIGHT 1. FOLLOW THE APPROPRIATE AIRCRAFT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR FIRE OR SMOKE REMOVAL • Use appropriate checklist from QRH 2. NO SMOKING SIGN ON • A smoking ban should be introduced when fumes or vapors are present and be continued for the remainder of the flight. 3. CONSIDER LANDING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE • Because of the difficulties and possibly disastrous consequences of any dangerous goods incident, consideration should be given to landing as soon as possible. • The decision to land at the nearest suitable airport should be made early rather than late, when an incident may have developed to a very critical point, severely restricting operational flexibility. AMPLIFIED CHECKLIST FOR DANGEROUS GOODS INCIDENTS 4. CONSIDER TURNING OFF NON-ESSENTIAL ELECTRICAL POWER As the incident may be caused by electrical problems or as electrical systems may be affected by any incident and particularly as fire-fighting activities, etc., may damage electric systems, turn off all non-essential electrical items. Retain power only to those instruments, systems and controls necessary for the continued safety of the aircraft. Do not restore power until it is positively safe to do so. The decision to land at the nearest suitable airport should be made early rather than late, when an incident may have developed to a very critical point, severely restricting operational flexibility 5. DETERMINE SOURCE OF SMOKE I FUMES I FIRE The source of any smoke I fumes I fire may be difficult to determine. Effective fire-fighting or containment procedures can best be accomplished when the source of the incident is identified. AMPLIFIED CHECKLIST FOR DANGEROUS GOODS INCIDENTS 6. FOR DANGEROUS GOODS INCIDENTS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN, SEE CABIN CREW CHECKLIST AND COORDINATE COCKPIT • CREW/CABIN CREW ACTIONS • Incidents in the passenger cabin should be dealt with by the cabin crew using the appropriate checklist and procedures. It is essential that the cabin crew and the flight crew coordinate their actions and that each be kept fully informed of the other's actions and intentions. 7. DETERMINE EMERGENCY RESPONSE DRILL CODE • When the item has been identified, the corresponding entry on the pilot-incommand's dangerous goods notification form should be found. The applicable emergency response drill code may be given on the notification form, or if not given, it can be found by noting the proper shipping name or the UN number on the notification form and using the alphabetical or numerical list of dangerous goods. 8. IF THE SITUATION PERMITS, NOTIFY ATC OF THE DANGEROUS GOODS BEING CARRIED AFTER LANDING IDENTIFY TO GROUND PERSONNEL DANGEROUS GOODS ITEM AND WHERE STOWED Upon arrival, take the necessary steps to identify to the ground staff where the item is stowed. Pass on all information about the item. Remind ATC to park the aircraft on a remote stand. MAKE APPROPRIATE ENTRY IN MAINTENANCE LOG Make an entry in the aircraft maintenance log so that proper maintenance action is undertaken and that the emergency response kit or any aircraft equipment used is replenished or replaced when appropriate. IN CASE OF FIRE USE STANDARD PROCEDURE / CHECK USE OF WATER Standard emergency procedures must be used to deal with any fire. In general, water should not be used. On a spillage or when fumes are present since it may spread the spillage or increase the rate of fuming. Consideration should also be given to the possible presence of electrical components when using water extinguishers. Electronic Cigarettes Electronic, simulated smoking materials (cigarettes. pipes. cigars) should be prohibited from use by both passengers and crew at all times. They can however be accepted on board in the passengers carry-on baggage, for passenger use at destination provided that they remain stowed at all times and unused. How Lithium Batteries can be shipped 1. As a Class 9, fully regulated by the IATA Dangerous; – The Lithium Metal Batteries, UN 3090 and UN 3480 (spare batteries) are FORBIDDEN for transportation onboard of PASSENGER AIRCRAFT, therefore, onboard of ALL AIR ASTANA aircraft! • The shipment of all other Lithium Batteries, such as: – Lithium Metal Batteries contained in equipment (UN 3091); – Lithium Metal Batteries packed with equipment (UN 3091); – Lithium Ion Batteries contained in equipment (UN 3481), – Lithium Ion Batteries packed with equipment (UN 3481), must be prepared in accordance with all relevant requirement of the IATA DGR. How Lithium Batteries can be shipped 2. As an “excepted” lithium battery shipment – "Excepted" means, that shipment of such types of Lithium Ion or Lithium Metal batteries are not classified as Class 9. – NOTOC is NOT REQUIRED to be prepared But, as an option, for informative purpose Cargo Handling Provider may do entry in NOTOC - the box “Other special loads”. Classes of Dangerous Goods 1 2 Explosives 4 7 Radioactive 5 Flammable solids 8 3 Flammable Gases Corrosive Flammable Liquids 6 Oxidizing materials 9 Miscellaneous Toxic & Infectious Handling Labels Incompatible Dangerous Goods The golden rule when loading is to “always follow the loading instruction” But mistakes can happen, and a Ramp Service team member is the last person to see an item loaded into an aircraft 1 5 Explosives Oxidizing materials 2 Flammable Gases 3 Table 5.2.4 (DGR 9.3A) Flammable Liquids 6 Toxic & Infectious 9 Miscellaneous Packing Groups DG are assigned to relevant packaging group according to the degree of hazard they present (Classes 3, 4, Div 5.1, Div 6.1 and Class 8) High danger Medium danger Low danger Packing Group I Packing Group II Packing Group III Packing Groups DG are assigned to relevant packaging group according to the degree of hazard they present (Classes 3, 4, Div 5.1, Div 6.1 and Class 8) Operator Variations КС- 01 The shipper must provide a 24-hour emergency telephone number of a person/ agency who is knowledgeable of the hazards, characteristics and actions to be taken in case of an accident or incident concerning (each of) the dangerous goods being transported. This telephone number, including country and area code, preceded by the words “Emergency contact or “24-hour number” must be inserted on the DGD preferably in the ”Additional Handling Information” box. CANCELLED CANCELLED CANCELLED КС- 02 The following classes/divisions are NOT ACCEPTED for carriage: • • • Class 1, Explosives, except Ammunition of Division 1.4S in passengers baggage (permitted according to DGR 2.3); Division 6.2, Infectious substances; Class 7, Radioactive materials. Carriage of all other Classes and Divisions requires preapproval of KC Cargo Sales Head office (cargo@airastana.com) КС- 03 Carriage of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice), UN 1845, is restricted by aircraft type, and the net dry ice weight must be specified in the reservation process to determine if aircraft limitations may be exceeded. B767- 200 kg per aircraft (100 kg in the FWD compartment, 100 kg in the AFT compartment) A320 / A321 - 250 kg per aircraft (ONLY in the FWD compartment) A321LR - 500 kg per aircraft (250 kg in FWD compartment, 250 kg in AFT compartment) E190-E2 - 50 kg per aircraft (ONLY in FWD compartment) КС- 04 КС- 05 For shipments prepared in accordance with Section II of Packing Instructions 966, 967, 969 and 970, the number of packages (if these are not the only packages in the shipment) must be entered in the "Name and Quantity of Cargo" box on the air waybill. КС- 06 Single packagings containing liquid dangerous goods are not acceptable for transport unless overpacked with, for example, a suitable sized wooden pallet to protect at least the top and bottom of the packagings (see КС- 07 NOT USED КС- 08 Infected animals, dead or alive, will not be accepted for carriage. КС- 09 Dangerous goods consignments must be delivered early enough to allow sufficient time for the completion of the acceptance checks and document preparation. Shippers should contact the Local Cargo Sales Office to confirm the cut-off time (See 1.3.3,, КС- 10 Radioactive materials, including all categories of excepted packages, are NOT ACCEPTED for carriage. КС- 11 Except for ID 8000, Consumer commodity, dangerous goods in Limited Quantities (“Y” packing instructions) are NOT ACCEPTED for carriage (see Subsection 2.7 and all “Y” Packing Instructions). КС- 12 Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities are NOT ACCEPTED for carriage (see Subsection 2.6). КС- 13 NOT USED