1 Definition of Function Let A, B be sets. A function f: A –> B is a unique assignment of an element f(x) є B for each x є A. To see if a graph of points in the plane R2 is the graph of a funtion: R –> R, do the vertical line test. Set A: domain, set B: codomain, set f(A) = {f(x) є B| x є A}: range of the function f. The function f is called surjective if f(A) = B, injective (one-to-one) if f(x) ≠ f(y) whenever x ≠ y. To see if a function f: R –> R is injective, do the horizontal line test on the graph. If it is bijective (both surjective and injective), it has an inverse f-1 : B –> A defined by f-1(f(x)) = x. Limit and Derivative of a Function: Let f: (a, b) –> R be a function and c є (a, b). L = lim f(x), if the value f(x) becomes as close to L as we please for x sufficiently close to c and x ≠ c. x -> c For two functions f, g, and r є R we have 1) lim (f(x) + g(x)) = lim f(x) + lim g(x) x -> c x -> c x -> c 2) lim (r f(x)) = r lim f(x) x -> c x -> c 3) lim (f(x) g(x)) = lim f(x) lim g(x) x -> c x -> c x -> c 4) lim (f(x)/g(x)) = lim f(x)/lim g(x) if lim g(x) ≠ 0 x -> c x -> c 5) lim (f(x)) = ( lim f(x)) r x -> c r x -> c x -> c x -> c The function f is called continuous at c, if lim f(x) exists and lim f(x) = f(c). x -> c x -> c The function f is called differentiable at c if the limit of the slopes of the secant lines through the point (c, f(c)) and the point (x, f(x)), where x ≠ c, exists. f(x) – f(c) The derivative f’(c) is defined by f’(c) = lim . x -> c x–c For two differentiable functions f, g, and r є R we have 1) (f + g)’ = f’ + g’ Sum Rule 4) (f ◦ g)’ = (f’ ◦ g)g’ Chain Rule 2) (r f)’ = r f’ Factor Rule Inverse Function Rule 3) (f g)’ = f’ g + f g’ Product Rule 5) (f –1)’ ◦ f = 1/f’ f ’ f’ g – f g’ 6) = g g2 Quotient Rule Theorems about Values: Let f: [a, b] –> R be a continuous function. For an intermediate value r є (f(a), f(b)) there exists a number c є (a, b) such that f(c) = r. There exist global extreme values, that is there exists a number u є [a, b] such that f(u) is the maximum, and there exists a number v є [a, b] such that f(u) is the minimum, of all values on [a, b], and if u, v є (a, b) and the function f is differentiable at u and v, we have f’(u) = f’(v) = 0. Let the function f be differentiable on (a, b). Then there exists at least one point c є (a, b) satisfying f(b) – f(a) . f’(c) = mean value = b–a If f’(x) = 0 for all x є (a, b), we have f(x) = constant. 2 List of Derivatives d xa 1) dx = axa – 1 for all a є R d ex 2) = ex (e is Euler’s Number) 3) dx 1 d ln(x) 4) = for x > 0 5) x dx d sin x 6) = cos x 7) dx 1 8) d tan x = 9) cos2 x dx 1 d Arcsin x d Arccos x 10) =– = dx dx √1 – x2 1 d Arctan x 11) = – d Arccot x = 1 + x2 dx dx d ax = ax ln(a) for a > 0 dx d loga(x) 1 = for a > 0 and x > 0 dx x ln(a) d cos x = – sin x dx d cot x = – 1 sin2 x dx for |x| < 1 Theorems about Derivatives: Let f: (a, b) –> R be a differentiable function and let c є (a, b). 1) If f’(c) > 0, then f goes from smaller than f(c) to larger than f(c) near c. 2) If f’(c) < 0, then f goes from larger than f(c) to smaller than f(c) near c. 3) If f’(x) > 0 for all x є (a, b), then f is increasing on (a, b). 4) If f’(x) < 0 for all x є (a, b), then f is decreasing on (a, b). 5) If f’’(x) > 0 for all x є (a, b), then f is concave upward, which means that the graph of f lies above all of its tangents and f’ is increasing on (a, b). 6) If f’’(x) < 0 for all x є (a, b), then f is concave downward, which means that the graph of f lies below all of its tangents and f’ is decreasing on (a, b). 7) If f’(c) = 0 and f’’(c) < 0 (or f’ is continuous and f’ goes from positive to negative near c), then f has a local maximum at c. 8) If f’(c) = 0 and f’’(c) > 0 (or f’ is continuous and f’ goes from negative to positive near c), then f has a local minimum at c.. 9) If f’’(c) = 0 and f’’’(c) ≠ 0 (or f’’ is continuous and f’’ changes sign at c), then f has an inflection point at c, which means that f changes from concave upward to concave downward or vice versa at c and f’ has a local maximum or minimum at c. Exponential Growth Let e be Euler’s Number, that is e = lim (1 + 1 )n. n –> ∞ n f(x) = ae(r/100)x : Exponential Growth of amount a at r %, where x denotes the number of years. We have f(0) = a, f(1) = ba, f(2) = b2a, f(3) = b3a, etc., where b = er/100. ln f(x) = ln a + (r/100)x : linear function. Compute f(x) = 2a, that is ln (2a) = ln a + (r/100)x : We have x = c = 100ln(2)/r ≈ 69.3/r ≈ 70/r and f(c) = 2a, f(2c) = 22a, f(3c) = 23a, etc.