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Operations Management Course Syllabus - CSUN

Department of Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management
MSE 606 (16342) – Operations Management
Spring 2024
Thursday 7:00 to 9:45 PM, Jacaranda Hall JD1600
David Shternberg
Department of Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management
Faculty Office: JD3338
Office Hours: Wednesdays 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM or by appointment
Faculty E-mail: david.shternberg@csun.edu
MSEM Department Office: JD4510; (818) 677-2167
MSEM Department E-mail: msem@csun.edu
Stevenson, W.J., Operations Management, McGraw-Hill Education 14h Edition (January 9 2020).
ISBN-10 : 1260718425
ISBN-13 : 978-1260718423
1. https://ftp.idu.ac.id/wpcontent/uploads/ebook/ip/BUKU%20MANAJEMEN%20OPERASI/Operations%20Management
2. https://www.academia.edu/23992923/Production_and_Operations_Management_2nd_Editio
3. Heizer, Jay, Render, Barry, and Munson, Chuck, Operation Management: Sustainability and
Supply Chain Management, 14/E, Pearson, Fourteenth Edition 2023
Print ISBN13 9780137476442, ISBN10 0137476442
eText ISBN13 9780137649198, ISBN10 0137649193
The instructor will post weekly lecture notes on Canvas.
This course explores a wide variety of production and operations management topics including
managing operations related to production planning processes, manufacturing, and service
organizations. Production and Operations Management (POM) is the management of resources
required to convert raw materials into finished products and services. Resources may include
materials, equipment, capital, and labor. POM has its roots in a number of areas of study, such
as industrial engineering, materials/inventory management, manufacturing management,
production scheduling, quality management, and other related topics.
In this course students will gain an understanding of the role of POM in manufacturing, service
and retail industries and the application of POM principles and tools in real world situations. In
addition, this course will provide students the opportunity to become more proficient in
preparing written communications and to contribute meaningful discussion on related topics.
This information and skills will improve student’s ability to add value to an organization.
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Course Proposed Outline
Note: Tentative schedule: dates/assignments/topics covered may change as deemed necessary. It is possible the
Instructor will need to add or delete content or make other adjustments based on unique or special circumstances that
develop as the semester progresses.
Lecture Topics
 Introduction to instructor and course
 Lecture: Ch 1 – Introduction to
Operations Management
 Lecture: Ch 2 Competitiveness,
Strategy, and Productivity
 Lecture: Ch 3 Forecasting
 Project Team Assignments
 Lecture: Ch 4 Product and Service
 Lecture: Ch 5 Strategic Capacity
Planning for Products and Services
 Lecture: Ch 6 Process Selection and
Facility Layout
 Lecture: Ch 7 Work Design and
 Lecture: Ch 9 Management of Quality
 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
 Lecture: Ch 10 Quality Control
(session will be recorded and posted)
 Lecture: Ch 11 Aggregate Planning and
Master Scheduling
 Lecture: Ch 12 Inventory Management
 Lecture: Ch 13 MRP and ERP
 Lecture: Ch 14 JIT and Lean Operations
 Submit Team Projects
 Team 1 & 2 Projects Presentations
 Team 3 & 4 Projects Presentations
Chapters (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
Complete before next meeting
 Review canvas and download app if desired
 Read chapter 1 - Introduction to Operations Management
 Read chapter 2 – Competitiveness, Strategy, and Productivity
 Submit HW assignment #1 - Ch 1 Introduction to Operations
 Read chapter 3 – Forecasting
 Submit HW Assignment #2 - Ch 2 Competitiveness, Strategy,
and Productivity
 Read Chapter 4 – Product and Service Design
 Submit HW Assignment #3 - Ch 3 Forecasting
 Read Chapter 5 – Strategic Capacity Planning for Products and
 Submit HW Assignment #4 - Ch 4 Product and Service Design
 Read Chapter 6 – Process Selection and Facility Layout
 Chapter 5 and 6 Online quiz
 Submit HW Assignment #5 - Ch 5 Strategic Capacity Planning
for Products and Services
 Read Chapter 7 – Work Design and Measurement
 Submit HW Assignment #6 - Ch 6 Process Selection and Facility
 Read Chapter 9 – Management of Quality
 Submit HW Assignment #7 - Ch 7 Work Design and
 Study for Midterm Exam (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
 Submit HW Assignment #8 - Ch 9 Management of Quality
 Read Chapter 10 – Quality Control
 Read Chapter 11 – Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
 Submit HW Assignment #9 - Ch 10 Quality Control
 Read Chapter 12 – Inventory Management
 Submit HW assignment #10 - Ch 11 Aggregate Planning and
Master Scheduling
 Read Chapter 13 – MRP and ERP
 Submit HW assignment #11 - Ch 12 Inventory Management
 Read Chapter 14 – JIT and Lean Operations
 Complete Team Project and Presentation
 Submit HW assignment #12 - Ch 13 MRP and ERP
 Prepare for Research Assignment Presentation
 Study for Final Exam
 Submit HW assignment #13 - Ch 14 JIT and Lean Operations
 Study for Final Exam
 Submit Research Paper and Presentation files for each team
NOTE: Exam time is 8 – 10 PM JD3508
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(Teams to select 2 topics, First and Second Choice, out of the topics shown below)
1. Research Assignment One: Operations Management Strategy
Research Operations Management strategies – success and failures in deployment.
Compile examples of key steps used in the process.
Summarize key steps taken by the organization to optimize Operations performance by
deploying tools and methods discussed in the class/textbook (Competitiveness Strategy,
Forecasting Strategy, Product and Service Design, Capacity Planning, and Management of
Identify the Operations Management strategy deployment in terms of Competitiveness
Strategy, Forecasting Strategy, Product and Service Design, Capacity Planning, and
Management of Quality.
 Present (maximum 20 minutes) a summary of research findings to class on Week 17;
presentation order will be randomly assigned.
 Distribute copies of written report handout/summary to all class members at the time of
the presentation, and submit complete report to instructor on Week 16.
 Research paper to be in MLA format and no more than 20 pages long (including cover
page and table of contents).
Submit Partnership Peer Review Reports (printed, one from each class member) on Week
2. Research Assignment Two: Operations Management – Use of
Research the Forecasting process for Operations Management at the employer of one of
the partnership members or for a different organization that provides product or services.
Seek out at least two publicly available references that address Operations Management
deployment of forecasting.
Summarize the process provided in the reference, and compare to the tools and methods
used with those discussed in the class textbook.
Summarize key steps taken by the organization to measure and optimize forecast
Present (maximum 20 minutes) a summary of research findings to class on Week 17;
presentation order will be randomly assigned
Distribute copies of written report summary to all class members at the time of the
presentation, and submit complete report to the instructor on Week 16.
Research paper to be in MLA format and no more than 20 pages long (including cover
page and table of contents).
Submit Partnership Peer Review Reports (one from each class member) on Week 16.
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3. Research Assignment Three: Quality Management and Control
Research and summarize at least two publications that address deployment of quality
management and quality control processes. One that was successful, and one that failed
to meet expectations.
Based on the research, class handouts, and other sources as appropriate, identify at least
two productive approaches taken by business organizations to deploy quality system that
includes quality management and quality control.
Summarize what made the quality system deployment a success at one business
organization, and one organization that failed to deploy a quality system effectively, what
were the reasons, and what were the consequences.
Present (maximum 20 minutes) a summary of research findings to class on Week 17;
presentation order will be randomly assigned
Distribute copies of written report summary to all class members at the time of the
presentation, and submit complete report to the instructor on Week 16.
Research paper to be in MLA format and no more than 20 pages long (including cover
page and table of contents).
Submit Partnership Peer Review Reports (one from each class member) on Week 16.
4. Research Assignment Four: Product and Service Design
Seek out and summarize at least two publications that address either product or service
design that were outstanding and successful.
Based on the publications researched, class handouts, and other sources as appropriate,
identify at least two productive approaches taken by business organizations to deploy
product or service design.
Summarize what made the product or service design a success, how did they do it, and
what were the consequences.
Present (maximum 20 minutes) a summary of research findings to class on week 17;
presentation order will be randomly assigned.
Distribute copies of written report summary to all class members at the time of the
presentation, and submit complete report to the instructor on Week 16.
Research paper to be in MLA format and no more than 20 pages long (including cover
page and table of contents).
Submit Partnership Peer Review Reports (one from each class member) on Week 16.
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Quizzes may be given throughout the semester on any of the lectures topics.
1. Class members are encouraged to maintain personal and professional standards consistent with The
Fundamental Principles of the Code of Ethics of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
2. Withdrawing from (dropping) this course should be accomplished during the first two weeks of
instruction. Please note that failure to officially drop any course results in a grade of U, which is the
equivalent of an F for your transcript and grade point average.
3. It is a University requirement that all undergraduate and graduate students must pass the Writing
Proficiency Examination (WPE) as part of earning their degree. Graduate students must pass the WPE
before completing more than 12 units in their graduate program. Students who earned an
undergraduate degree at CSUN in Spring 1982 or thereafter have already met the requirement.
Delaying the completion of the WPE requirement can delay your graduation. For additional information,
see FAQs at www.csun.edu/~msem, or contact your academic advisor.
4. It is a University requirement that all graduate students whose overall undergraduate degree grade
point average was less than 3.0, and who have not taken the General Aptitude Test of the Graduate
Record Examination (GRE), must take the test before completing more than 12 units in their graduate
program. A delay in meeting the GRE requirement will delay your classification and can delay your
graduation. Information on the test is available at www.gre.org or at FAQs at www.csun.edu/~msem,
or by contacting your academic advisor.
5. The major of each student in this class will be verified using the University course roster. Students
whose majors are not correct must submit a change of major within the first three weeks of the
semester. Graduate students should submit a Change of Objective for Graduate Students to the MSEM
Department Office. The form can be obtained from FAQs at www.csun.edu/~msem, or by contacting
your academic advisor.
6. The classification status of each graduate student in this class will be verified using the University
course roster. Conditionally classified graduate students who are eligible for classification must submit
a Request for Classification during the first three weeks of the semester. Eligible students are in the
correct major and in GRAD status, have met their WPE and GRE requirements, and have a GPA of 3.0
or better. . For additional information, see FAQs at www.csun.edu/~msem, or contact your academic
7. Class members are to be considerate and respectful of their colleagues, particularly in regard to the
project assignment, team effort and presentations.
8. Class members are responsible for material in reading assignments, CD companion, class presentations
and group discussions.
9. Class members are expected to prepare and participate constructively in group discussions and team
10. All graduate students majoring in MSEM Department programs (i.e. Automation Engineering,
Engineering Management, Materials Engineering) are encouraged to add their e-mail addresses to the
Department listing. This listing is used for special notifications (e.g. course scheduling changes,
academic advisement notices, social events, and emergencies). The list may be accessed at
www.csun.edu/~msem/faqs.htm or by e-mailing a request to msem@csun.edu to be added to
the list.
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Item Description
% of Grade
Homework Assignments/Quizzes
Mid-Term Exam
Research Project/Presentation
Final Exam
Letter-Grade Scale
A ≥ 94
88 ≤ B+ < 90
75 ≤ C+ < 80
60 ≤ D < 68
F < 60
90 ≤ A- < 94
83 ≤ B < 88
70 ≤ C < 75
80 ≤ B- < 83
68 ≤ C- < 70
Note: Plus/Minus Grading WILL BE USED for this course.
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