Uploaded by Rentaro Mereu

International Business Fundamentals BBB4M Course Outline

International Business
Plan for Today
Course Outline
Getting to know each other
Course Outline
Four Units:
Business, Trade and the Economy
The Global Environment for Business
Factors Influencing Success in International Markets
Marketing Challenges and Approaches, and Distribution
70% of marks based on work throughout the course, 30% based
on final exam and assessment
Course Outline
Business, Trade and the Economy
What is a business?
What are the various ways of conducting business
Key economic and globalization concepts related to
international business
Course Outline
The Global Environment for Business
Effects of globalization on businesses
How do consumer choices and attitudes affect business
Factors that influence business’ participation in the
Business trends
Course Outline
Factors Influencing Success in International Markets
How do cultural factors influence goods and services?
Common mistakes made by business that affects them
Ethical considerations
Course Outline
Marketing Challenges and Approaches, and Distribution
Legal, political, financial challenges companies face
when trying to access different markets
How do products get distributed domestically?
How do products get distributed internationally?
Ethical considerations
Be prepared for class
Don’t talk when someone else is talking
Late Assignments
Things should be submitted before the due date; if you
are unable to meet a deadline, speak to me at least 24
hours before
Ultimate deadline is 2 days/48 hours after the due date;
after the ultimate deadline passes, I will no longer
accept submissions
“The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing
them off as one’s own.”(Oxford Dictionary)
Includes taking information from friends, the internet, books, etc.
without making a reference to your source
Students found to be plagiarizing will need to redo the assignment.
If caught plagiarizing a second time, the office and parents will
be informed, and you will receive a zero for that assignment.
If you are ever unsure whether you are plagiarizing, ask me!
Go get the textbook from the library
Tell me:
- Your name
- Where you are from
- Some of your main interests/hobbies
What do you know about international business?
What do you want to learn about international business?
How does international business affect your life?
Ask me any questions you have! What do you want to know
about me? Do you have any questions about this course?
Send me your responses: rentaro@borenschool.com
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