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Strategisk ledning: PESTEL, Porter & VRIO - Anteckningar

Anteckningar Strategic Management
Kapitel 2: Macro-environment Analysis
Under Vietnamkriget steg efterfrågan/försäljning av tandborstar ökade och de hade
svårt att lista ut varför. Några år senare insåg de att det var för att soldaterna använde
tandborstar för att rengöra sina vapen.
Ett amerikanskt gruvföretag som hade verksamhet i (the pacific) och (south pacific). I
ett av länderna såg chefen att de lokala landägarna kom till hans hus i mitten av natten.
Han ringde efter security för att han trodde att det var en säkerhetsrisk för han och
hans familj. Till sist fick han reda på att i landets kultur så ville landägarna diskutera
så fort de kom på att de ville det, och de visste inte att det skulle ses som en
säkerhetsrisk för amerikanerna. Amerikanerna förlorade affären (the deal) för att de
ringde dit säkerhetsvakter.
Pepsi in southeast Asia: På 80 talet ändrade de färgen på loggan i vending machines
till ljusblå och det gick snett och de tappade försäljning för att människor i området
relaterar död till ljusblå.
Ikea när de påbörjade försäljning i Kina: De fick inte upp försäljningen och även när
de skulle in på den indiska marknaden var det svårt pga regulations. Allt detta hände
för att de inte var i direkt kontroll över företaget. De fick komma upp med nya
strategier för att kunna komma in på marknaderna och gaina på de situationerna.
BMWs competitors är audi osv.
o Används för att undersöka makromiljön och identifiera risker för företaget.
o “Key points from a PESTEL analysis can be incorporated into other industry and
firm-level frameworks, such as Ansoff’s Matrix, Porter’s 5 Forces, and SWOT
Företagsbeskattning (”corporate taxation”) eller: taxes on companies
Finanspolitik (”fiscal policys”) eller: Financial politics
Frihandelskonflikter (”free trade disputes”) eller: laws against free trade
Konkurrensbegränsade frågor (“anti-competition issues”) eller: limitations against
competition => kan skapa möjligheter eller hot
• Brexit har påverkat marknaden för Europa och hela världen mycket.
Exempel: Apple, IKEA, H&M McDolands har lämnat Ryssland pga kriget i Ukraina =>
detta kan även vara en social pga det är förväntat av konsumenterna
The exchange rate (växelkurs), operation of the banks
Rate of interest (ränta)
Sysselsättningsgrad (level of employment in the country)
Kostnaden för företag har ökat sedan kriget mellan Ryssland och Ukraina och
tillexempel coop och willys som kräver mycket transport mellan städer för högre
kostnader pga det dyrare drivmedlet. De måste lista ut en ny strategi för att överleva.
Exempel: SAS har haft stora ekonomiska problem, speciellt när corona slog till och nu när
drivmedelspriset är så högt så drabbar det också.
Vissa företag lägger för mycket fokus på den ekonomiska faktorn i PESTEL för att
den är mycket lättare att beräkna än de andra som kan ses som med kvalitativa
(qualitative, quantitative)
“Lifestyle trends” eller: Trends in peoples lifestyles, how people life their life
“Consumer beliefs” eller: The opinions/way of thinking that consumers have
Consumers opinions on their working rights and conditions
Folkets inkomst och beteende
Exemplet om pepsi I synöstra asien gäller här
Exempel: I rapporten -> H&M som gjorde en olämplig kampanj
”Automation” Yrken som blir mer automatiska och kan ersättas av maskiner (kan va
möjlighet och hot)
Teknologin förändras hela tiden och det är bäst att anpassa sig till det, om man inte gör
det så kan man behöva möta stora risker gällande andra rivaler.
Bob Dylan: när vi började lyssna på honom hade vi kassetspelare då vi hade 10-ish
låtar, senare hade vi CD, senare MP3 då vi kunde ha 100-ish låtar.
Mataffärer (ICA, Willys, Coop) har infört snabbkassor
Globala uppvärmningen, regulations regarding the forest and land.
Lagar av ett land eller region som påverkar företaget.
Companies might need licences to have business in a certain region.
Some countries have stronger laws to protect consumers and employees.
Exempel: När Ikea skulle in i Indien men kunde inte pga lagar.
à Att inte ha koll på sin makro-environment kan skada företaget och genom
att ha koll på det så kan det skapa fördelar för företaget mot sina
konkurrenter (competators).
à Dessa olika faktorer i pestel kan vara både möjligheter och hot
à Alla faktorer påverkar inte alla företag. För vissa företag kan vissa
bokstäver vara aktuella och andra påverkar dem inte så mycket.
à Faktorerna hör inte alltid ihop med endast en punkt utan de kan överlappa.
Based on pestel.
Pepsi: forecasting: if they change color they will increase sale -> it was the other way around.
Ikea: in india and china, they targeted a different consumer base. They forcasted it will work
in india, and it did.
Kapitel 3
Competitive rivalry:
A company has less power on the market, the more competitors there are, and the amount of
similar services and products that the competitors can offer. It is important to know who your
competitors are and how many of them there are to see if you can offer something that is
better or has a better price. If you don’t have many competitors then you can offer higher
The threat of entry:
If it is easy for other companies to enter a new market, then an existing company in the
market can easily get a weakened position by this.
The threat of substitutes:
The easier a product or service can be replaced by others, the less power a company has. If a
company offers a service or product that is not easily replaced then the company has more
power and can offer a higher price.
The power of buyers:
If a company has many customers, then the customers have less power to demand a lower
price because each customer isn’t as important. If a company has a small amount of
customers, then each customer is more important and they have more power and the company
might have to set a lower price.
The power of suppliers:
The more suppliers a company has, the less important the supplier is to the company, they
don’t need to depend on that single supplier as much. If they have fewer suppliers, then each
supplier is more important and they suppliers can demand a higher cost for their services.
Kapitel 4
Är en resurs värdefull eller inte? Fungerar den tillsammans med andra interna resurser och
förmågor, och bidrar den till att vi kan ta tillvara möjligheter eller hantera hot? Då kan just
den resursen betraktas som en av företagets styrkor.
Om det inte finns något samspel mellan denna förmåga/resurs och andra resurser som erbjuds
internt i företaget så kan vi hitta en svaghet genom att vi har en resurs som inte används, eller
går att använda, optimalt.
“What is the Value of a service, product, or corporate investment?”
“How profitable is it?”
“Do you possess a strong brand identity?”
“What differentiates you from your rivals?”
Är tillgången sällsynt, ovanlig eller finns den bara i begränsad omfattning?
Det är en stor konkurrensfördel om vi har tillgång till något onom ett företag som är sällsynt
eller finns i en begränsad mängd.
Om vi kommer fram till att vi kan svara ja när vi undersöker om en tillgång är sällsynt så blir
nästa fråga naturlig: hur länge kan vi dra nytta av det här?
Om vi tror att konkurrenterna snart är ifatt och har tillgång till samma tillgångar som vi så har
vi en tillfällig konkurrensfördel.
Om vi tror att vår unika tillgång fortsätter vara unik så har vi en långsiktig konkurrensfördel
”How widespread is the item in question? “
“Is the marketplace already saturated with it?”
“Could it be easily accessed by competitors?”
“Do your competitors possess the same resources?“
Är tillgången svår att imitera för en konkurrent?
Frågan om imiterbarhet handlar främst om kostnad när allt kommer kring.
Kan en konkurrent till bolaget vi analyserar skaffa sig en tillgång till samma, eller lägre
kostnad, än bolag vi tittar på så är imiterbarheten ganska hög och vi har sannolikt hittat något
som bara är en tillfällig konkurrensfördel.
Men om en konkurrent måste betala ett mycket högre belopp än vad bolaget vi tittar på
investerat i tillgången så har vi identifierat en långsiktig konkurrensfördel.
Frågan om imiterbarhet är lite av en nyckelfråga när vi utvärderar bolag.
Ofta räcker inte värdefulla och sällsynta tillgångar helt för att skapa tillräckligt långsiktig
Men forskning har visat att innovativa bolag som har förmågan att utveckla tillgångar som är
mycket svåra att efterlikna, till rimliga kostnader, ofta kan skaffa mycket långsiktiga
“How difficult is it to imitate?“
“Can it be copied easily?”
“Do you have a patent to protect it?”
“Is there a substitute available in the market?”
De sista av fyra ord i VRIO-modellen handlar om organisationen, det vill säga hur effektivt
eller duktigt ett bolag är på att hantera sina resurser.
Bolag som är duktiga på att organisera sig kring sina tillgångar kan ofta skapa långsiktiga
”How successfully does the company handle it? “
”Does the firm recognize its complete commercial viability?”
”Do you reward innovation within your team?”
Konkurrensmässig nackdel: Vi har en tillgång som inte har något värde för oss, då
är den en belastning.
Konkurrensmässig jämlikhet: Vi har en tillgång som krävs och som alla
konkurrenter har.
Kortsiktig/tillfällig konkurrensfördel: Troligtvis kommer konkurrenterna komma
ikapp, men vi kan ha stora fördelar av att vara tidigt ute på en marknad.
Outnyttjad konkurrensfördel
Långsiktig konkurrensfördel
Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Vilket är faktorer som organisationen
har någon form av kontroll över och kan ändra om de skulle vilja det.
Opportunities and threats are external factors. Organisationen har ingen direkt kontroll
över dessa och de kan inte ändra på dem.
The things that the organization does well or in a way that differentiates the organization from
it’s competitors.
Exempel: If an airline has “a loyal customer base, a reputation of being punctual, short and
easy check-in process”
Exempel: If a retail shop has “ a good network all over the country, a better customer service
than its competitors, a quicker home delivery service compared to competitors”
Exempel: If a car manufacturing company has “a good reputation of manufacturing safe and
secure cars, a loyal customer base who buys the brand no matter what”
For an organization like Spotify and Airbnb, having trademarks, patents and
copyrights can be strengths.
Factors that keep the company in a disadvantage compared to it’s competitors. Any areas that
the company is not good at and can improve on, are it’s weaknesses.
Exempel: If an organization has “a little markes presence, poor social media presence, small
distribution network, a bad reputation”
Openings or chances that the organization can take advantage of. Opportunities rise from
situations outside the organization. What is happening and what might happen in the future.
Being able to spot opportunities can make a huge difference to the companies’ ability to
compete and take a lead in the market.
They don’t always need to be game-changers, even a small advantage can increase
Exempel: If an organization sees that there is a changing trend in the market, they can modify
their product according to the trend.
Threats include factors that can negatively affect an organization from outside, such as a sharp
shift in market trend or shortage of raw materials.
It is important to anticipate trends and to take action against those before becoming a victim
of it.
Exempel: If an organization anticipates “there will be a shortage of raw materials after eight
months, it can start looking for other suppliers.”
Exempel: If an organization anticipates “existing technology will change soon, it can start
focusing more on its research and development.”
The don’ts:
Mixing up the internal factors and external factors
Listing common strengths and weaknesses that all organisations have
Making lists too long
Being unrealistic
Tips on preparing a SWOT analysis:
o Research well – gather as much information about the organization and it’s
competitors as possible.
o Think about the context – Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an
organization depends on the context.
o Think of factors that are applicable for the organization you’re doing the SWOTanalysis for and not for all other organizations operating in the same industry.
o Conduct brainstorming sessions if you’re working in a group “two heads are better
than one and three heads are better than two”
o Keep it short and do not get carried away
Exempel Zara:
Strengths: They are the leading company in the world regarding fashion retail stores.
Weakness: Zara has has problems combining sustainability with bringing worth quick fashion
Opportunity: They could focus more on sustainability. People are getting more interesred in
environmental topics.
Threat: The war in Russia and Ukraine, they have to close down shops and in return lose
Kapitel 5
“A stakeholder is any individual or organization who has a vested interest in the activities and
decision making of a business”
A stakeholder can be an individual, a group och people or an entire organization.
o Have an interest in the business – but do not own it
o May work for (employees) or otherwise transact with the business
o Own the business
o May also work in the business
o Benefit directly from increases in the value of the business
Some stakeholders might support a business decision while other stakeholders are oppose it,
this is something that can be tricky for companies to deal with but it is important that they do.
“Some stakeholders have more power over a business than others”
Exempel: Om man driver ett företag och är skyldig banken tre miljoner kronor och man får
inte in så mycket intäkter, och företaget säljer inte så mycket så har banken väldigt mycket
makt över en. Det är en väldigt viktig stakeholder. Mycket viktigare än en individuell kund
eller en anställd.
Stakeholder mapping:
A business should spend more time responding to stakeholders that firstly has a high level of
power bus also a high level of interest
Samma som power/attention matrix i boken:
Kapitel 5
“A self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its
stakeholders, and the public.”
By engaging in this, companies can improve factors such as economic, social and ecological.
The idea of CSR is that if a company engages in it, they can affect the society end
environment positively instead of negatively.
Starbucks är ett företag som jobbar mycket för hållbarhet vilket visar att de jobbar mycket
med CSR. De använder kaffe som är nästan helt etiskt odlat och ett Collegeprogram för deras
Olika sätt som man kan arbeta med CSR:
Ekologiskt sett (citat från internet):
“Reducing pollution, waste, natural resource consumption, and emissions through
its manufacturing process”.
”Recycling goods and materials throughout its processes including promoting re-use
practices with its customers.”
”Offsetting negative impacts by replenishing natural resources or supporting causes
that can help neutralize the company's impact. For example, a manufactorer that
deforests trees may commit to planting the same amount or more.”
”Distributing goods consciously by choosing methods that have the least impact on
emissions and pollution.”
”Creating product lines that enhance these values. For example, a company that
offers a gas lawnmower may design an electric lawnmower.”
Etiskt sett (Citat från internet):
“Fair treatment across all types of customers regardless of age, race, culture, or
sexual orientation.”
“Positive treatment of all employees including favorable pay and benefits in excess
of mandated minimums. This includes fair employment consideration for all
individuals regardless of personal differences.”
“Expansion of vendor use to utilize different suppliers of different races, genders,
Veteran statuses, or economic statuses.”
“Honest disclosure of operating concerns to investors in a timely and respectful
manner. Though not always mandated, a company may choose to manage its
relationship with external stakeholders beyond what is legally required.”
Filantropiskt (philanthropic) sett (välgörenhet) (citerat från internet):
“Whether a company donates profit to charities or causes it believes it.”
“Whether a company only enters into transactions with suppliers or vendors that
align with the company philanthropically.”
“Whether a company supports employee philanthropic endeavors through time off
or matching contributions.”
“Whether a company sponsors fundraising events or has a presence in the
community for related events.”
Finansiellt sett (citerat från internet):
“Research and development for new products that encourage sustainability.”
“Recruiting different types of talent to ensure a diverse workforce.”
“Initiatives that train employees on DEI, social awareness, or environmental
“Processes that might be more expensive but yield greater CSR results.”
“Ensuring transparent and timely financial reporting including external audits.”
Kapitel 6
If you try to focus on more than one of these strategies, you can get stuck in the middle
and you can get neither cost-effective or differentiated.
Exempel: Sony => They have many different products, but they do not have a cost-effective
advantage or differentiating-advantage than their competitors at the moment.
Cost-leadership strategy:
à Become the lowest priced provider for a broad customer base.
Achieved by:
• Efficient/Lean production methods
• Closer relationships with suppliers
• Investment in the newer technologies
Exempel: Amazon => Säljer samma produkter som många andra med generellt billigare priser.
A single marketplace for many different types of product.
ð De har fördel med billigare priser och även enkelhet
Exempel: Ryanair
Differentiation strategy:
à Doing something different/unique/more efficient to make the customers pay more.
Achieved by:
• Higher quality
• Better brand value
• Wider distribution
Exempel: Apple => Huge focus on brand value
Exempel: Mercedes-Benz
Cost-Focus strategy:
Cost leadership in a narrow or focused market
Cheaper alternatives to popular brands and products.
Differentiation-Focus strategy:
Differentiaiton strategy in a narrow or focused market.
Premium products for people who want a specific product and are willing to pay more.
Kapitel 6
Kapitel 6
A business model includes suggesting something that can bring forth value for
customers and other stakeholders, how this value is going to be brought forth, and how
this is going to financially be implemented and work for the company.
Value ceration: What is going to be offered and what marked segment is it going to be
offered in? What does the customers need? Choose what market and customer
segment to focus on. How will this value others?
Value configuration: What structure is the value proposition going to have? Here we
are going to choose resources and what capabilities we are going to use. We are going
to make a plan of who will do what.
Value capture: Why is the value proposition reliable financially? What are the cost
structures and
Exempel: A fashion company
Som inte finns i boken (från internet så gör om texten):
”One of the more common business models most people interact with
regularly is the retailer model. A retailer is the last entity along a supply
chain. They often buy finished goods from manufacturers or distributors
and interface directly with customers.”
”A manufacturer is responsible for sourcing raw materials and producing
finished products by leveraging internal labor, machinery, and equipment.
A manufacturer may make custom goods or highly replicated, mass
produced products. A manufacturer can also sell goods to distributors,
retailers, or directly to customers.”
Exempel: Ford Motor Company
”Instead of selling products, fee-for-service business models are centered
around labor and providing services. A fee-for-service business model may
charge by an hourly rate or a fixed cost for a specific agreement. Fee-forservice companies are often specialized, offering insight that may not be
common knowledge or may require specific training.”
“Subscription-based business models strive to attract clients in the hopes
of luring them into long-time, loyal patrons. This is done by offering a
product that requires ongoing payment, usually in return for a fixed duration
of benefit. Though largely offered by digital companies for access to
software, subscription business models are also popular for physical goods
such as monthly reoccurring agriculture/produce subscription box
Exempel: Spotify
”If a company is concerned about the cost of attracting a single customer, it
may attempt to bundle products to sell multiple goods to a single client.
Bundling capitalizes on existing customers by attempting to sell them
different products. This can be incentivized by offering pricing discounts for
buying multiple products.”
”Marketplaces are somewhat straight-forward: in exchange for hosting a
platform for business to be conducted, the marketplace receives
compensation. Although transactions could occur without a marketplace,
this business models attempts to make transacting easier, safer, and
Exempel: eBay
”Affiliate business models are based on marketing and the broad reach of a
specific entity or person's platform. Companies pay an entity to promote a
good, and that entity often receives compensation in exchange for their
promotion. That compensation may be a fixed payment, a percentage of
sales derived from their promotion, or both.”
The franchise business model leverages existing business plans to expand
and reproduce a company at a different location. Often food, hardware, or
fitness companies, franchisers work with incoming franchisees to finance
the business, promote the new location, and oversee operations. In return,
the franchisor receives a percentage of earnings from the franchisee.
“Instead of charging a fixed fee, some companies may implement a payas-you-go business model where the amount charged depends on how
much of the product or service was used. The company may charge a fixed
fee for offering the service in addition to an amount that changes each
month based on what was consumed.”
”A brokerage business model connects buyers and sellers without directly
selling a good themselves. Brokerage companies often receive a
percentage of the amount paid when a deal is finalized. Most common in
real estate, brokers are also prominent in construction/development or
Reverse Razor Blade
Instead of relying on high-margin companion products, a reverse razor
blade business model tries to sell a high-margin product upfront. Then, to
use the product, low or free companion products are provided. This model
aims to promote that upfront sale, as further use of the product is not highly
Exempel: Apple
Exempel på Freemium: Linkedin
Ansoff Kapitel 7
Marknadsutveckling (marknadspenetration) = ett företag vill öka sin försäljning på
nuvarande marknad med en befintlig produkt. Gräv där du står. Väx genom att öka
dina marknadsandelar på din befintliga marknad (ta från konkurrenter) eller väx
genom att hela din marknad växer och du med den (öka din leveranskapacitet).
Låg risk, men yttre omständigheter sätter ramarna för hur mycket eller hur länge du
kan växa.
Produktutveckling = ett företag utvecklar nya produkter till nuvarande
marknadssegment Utöka ditt erbjudande mot dina redan befintliga kundgrupper.
Rekommenderas när företagets starkaste sida är nära relationer till kunderna och stor
förståelse för deras behov.
Viss risk, det är inte säkert att dina utvecklingskostnader leder till ökade intäkter.
Marknadsexpansion = ett företag utvecklar nya marknadssegment för nuvarande
produkter. Gå in på en ny marknad med dina befintliga produkter. Nya marknader kan
vara geografiska områden, nya kundsegment eller försäljning genom nya säljkanaler.
Marknadsutveckling rekommenderas när du har särskilda kärnkompetenser. Det kan
vara att du är specialist på något svårt eller har ett patent som det gäller att använda
inom en viss tid.
Viss risk, du kan inse att de nya marknaderna inte beter sig som dina gamla.
Diversifiering = företaget tar fram nya produkter till en helt ny marknad. Du går in på
nya marknader med nya produkter.
Här är risken hög, rutan brukar kallas ”The Suicide Cell”. Men, som alltid, bör du
ställa risken mot den potentiella vinsten.
• Hur ska du växa framöver?
• Med vilka kunder och produkter?
Marknadssegment => Man delar upp marknaden i mindre delar baserade på ex
demografiska, geografiska, psykologiska, beteendemässiga variabler.
Demografiska: Ålder, kön, inkomst
Geografiska: Område, land, region
Psykologiska: Attityder, aktiviteter, värderingar
Beteende: Köpbeteende, användning
Kapitel 7
Från internet:
”Low Growth, High Share. Companies should milk these “cash cows” for
cash to reinvest.” “The simple rule here is to ‘Milk these products as much
as possible without killing the cow! Often mature, well-established products.
The company Procter & Gamble which manufactures Pampers nappies to
Lynx deodorants has often been described as a ‘cash cow company’.”
”High Growth, High Share. Companies should significantly invest in these
“stars” as they have high future potential.” ”Can be the market leader
though require ongoing investments to sustain being the market leader.
They generate more ROI than other product categories.”
Exempel: Zoom var tidiga på marknaden när covid-19 slog till och folk
behövde arbeta hemifrån.
”High Growth, Low Share. Companies should invest in or discard these
“question marks,” depending on their chances of becoming stars.” “As the
name suggests, it’s not known if they will become a star or drop into the dog
quadrant. These products often require significant investment to push them
into the star quadrant. The challenge is that a lot of investment may be
required to get a return. For example, Rovio, creators of the very successful
Angry Birds game has developed many other games you may not have
heard of. Computer games companies often develop hundreds of games
before gaining one successful game. It’s not always easy to spot the future
star and this can result in potentially wasted funds.”
”Low Share, Low Growth. Companies should liquidate, divest, or
reposition these “pets.”” “The usual marketing advice here is to aim to
remove any dogs from your product portfolio as they are a drain on
“However, this can be an over-simplification since it's possible to generate
ongoing revenue with little cost.”
Taget från internet:
1- Create Urgency
“The first step is to create a sense of urgency about the need for
“In order to achieve lasting transformation, all involved should feel the
sense of urgency for change and believe that change is needed for
organizational growth. If they don’t support the initiative, then the
momentum will be difficult to maintain and as such any changes made
may not last very long.”
“Here is what you need to do to create an environment where everyone is
aware of the existing problem and motivated to participate in its tackling:”
“Identify the company’s existing problems and opportunities.
You can use a SWOT analysis with the team for this.”
“Discuss openly with staff what is going on and why change is
needed at this moment.”
“Create a discussion forum to discuss the challenges, threats, and
possible solutions.”
“Ask for support from stakeholders and industry experts to back you
2- Put A Team Together
“This step focuses on creating a strong team with all the necessary skills,
qualifications, reputation, connections, and authority to lead change
initiatives and influence stakeholders.”
“For a team to be effective it should consist of: “
“Once you’ve put together a team, focus on establishing clear objectives
and cultivating a culture of trust and commitment at all levels in the
3- Develop Vision and Strategies
“The aim of this step is to build up a clear vision for the company’s
initiative and plan effective strategies to help the team in achieving it.”
“It encourages team members in their efforts by presenting an achievable
picture of what success will look like in the end.”
“The vision for a company is what motivates and guides its team’s actions.
It should provide realistic goals that are achievable in order to help measure
success, which will appeal to the stakeholders of the company as well.”
4- Communicate the Change Vision
“The goal of this step is to communicate the vision and strategy in a way
that encourages the rest of the company to accept and support the change
“The objective is to win the hearts and minds of your employees, to
encourage them to make sacrifices in order to support the change, and
persuade them that the change is achievable and that the rewards are
beneficial to both the business and themselves.”
5- Remove Obstacles
“When implementing organizational-wide change, obstacles will come up
often. “
“Inadequate processes, employee resistance to change, disempowering
management, organizational rules and structure, and so on, are just some
of the examples that can pose a serious obstacle.”
“At this stage, the guiding coalition and senior management
should concentrate on removing any obstacles that are slowing down
the organization’s progress toward its change goal.”
6- Set Short-Term Goals
“Beware: It may take some time to achieve actual change.”
“Employees may become discouraged after working for long without having
a sense of accomplishment with the tasks.”
“That’s why it is critical to set short-term goals to achieve and
celebrate early in the change process in order to maintain momentum and
inspire employees to continue supporting the effort.”
“A short-term win brings a huge improvement to an organization because it
can be executed in a short amount of time. A fast success like this
should be made transparent and obvious to anyone in the
company, recognizable, and connected to the change initiative.”
7- Keep the Momentum
“This step is all about keeping the change going by ensuring that the
teams are working hard to achieve the change vision while keeping track of
their progress.
It’s critical that people are advised to refrain from big victory celebrations
after just a few successfully attained goals.”
8- Make The Change Stick
“The change leaders’ goal in this step is to create a new culture where
change can be sustained.”
“This includes adjusting organizational norms and values, procedures,
reward systems, and other infrastructure components to ensure that
everything is in line with the new strategy.”
¨ What is typically associated with corporate governance?
structures and systems of control to which managers are held accountable to those
who have a legitimate stake in an organization.
¨ Stakeholder mapping is best defined by which of the following definitions?
Identification of stakeholder power ad attention to understand strategic positions.
¨ Which of the following alternatives is related to the set of assumptions held in
common in an organization?
The paradigm.
¨ Which of these steps in the entrepreneurial processes is recognized as a critical
assessment of an entrepreneurial idea?
Inte: Opportunity recognition eller business model and strategy
¨ Why is it important to understand organizational structures?
To design organizations and other system for optimum performance.
¨ What does differentiation strategy offer?
A broad segment of something unique.
¨ Which of these steps in Kotter´s change model involves inspiring the necessary
teamwork, ideas and eagerness to make sacrifices relating to the change?
Inte: Develop a vision and strategy.
¨ According to Porter, if an organization does not follow either a cost reduction strategy
or a differentiation strategy they are:
Stuck in the middle.
¨ Raising income taxes would be included in which section(s) of a PESTLE analysis?
Political and legal.
¨ In the process of an internal analysis, which of the following is crucial to overall
Inte: Competitor analysis.
¨ Which statement is not considered to have an impact on the strategic positioning of the
The organizations need for consolidation.
¨ Dynamic capabilities are an organizations capacity to have an effective:
Competitive advantage.
¨ Which of the following would increase the bargaining power of suppliers in a market?
Byers know that switching costs are high.
¨ A particular industry has recently experienced a slowdown in growth, their profits
have become variable and some smaller competitors are being pushed out of the
industry. Which phase of the industry life cycle are they most likely to be in?
Inte: Maturity
¨ A manufacturer of ready-made meals has always sold their products through a number
of different retailers as part of their supply chain. Recently they decided to open an ecommerce platform where they can sell their products to their end consumer and
bypass the retailer. What is this an example of?
Forward vertical integration
¨ Which of the following is an example of a corporate brand engaging in a valuedestroying activity?
Where the underperformance of one business unit can be obscured in a large
diversified company.
Which aspect of the business model is focused on the cost structure and revenue
mechanisms in the business?
Value capture.
Which of these steps in Kotter’s change model involves the change leader selection
and recruiting a team of individuals who will be capable of carrying out the change?
Create the guiding coalition
Which type of strategic change involves rapid change but without fundamentally
changing the culture?
Inte adaption.
Changes in the culture and demographic composition of society would be included in
which section(s) of PESTEL?
The major, uncontrollable external forces that influence a firms decision-making and
impacts its performance, can be referred to as:
Inte scenario planning
A strategic inflection point can be defined as:
An indicator of a potentially emerging issue, that may become significant in the future.
Which of the following examples of resources or assets that a firm can call upon for
long-term survival and competitive advantage of the firm?
Human skills, knowledge strong relationships
What is true when it comes to the implications of Porters five forces framework?
It can help managers to take advantage of weak forces
Which one of the statements below is current when it comes to market segments?
A market segment should consist of a group of customers with similar needs and be
bases o an organizations strategy
The BCG matrix uses market share and market growth criteria for determining the
attractiveness and balance of a business portfolio. The growth/share axes of the matrix
define four sort of business. What is typical about a business unit with high level of
market share and low level of growth?
The business unit is typically a profitable cash provider.
Organic development, mergers, acusitions and alliances are key methods for growth
and expansions. What distinguish organic development?
Growth by building upon internal capabilities.
o When the textbook talks about competitors and markets the concept of strategic
groups are brought up. What is true when it comes to strategic groups?
The concept of strategic groups might be useful to analyze opportunities for an
o Which one of the statements below is correct when it comes to market segments?
A market should consist of a group of customers with similar needs and be based on
an organization.
o A critical success factor (CSF)…
Could for example be the geological location of an organization if it brings advantages
when it comes to shipping costs
o What is correct when it comes to value innovation?
Value innovation can be about both unrecognized needs and established customer
o What is true about an industry?
An industry analysis is about analyzing the companies producing essentially the same
goods and services
o Porters Five Forses Framewor (PFFF)…
Is about analyzing the attractiveness of a company
o What statement is true when it comes to the industry life cycle (ILC)?
In the “development stage”, the ability to innovate is particularly important
o In porters five forces framework the threat of entry tend to decrease when…
Economies of scale is important in the industry
o In Porters five forces framework (PFFF) the power of buyers tend to increase
When the customer have the capability to produce the products themselves
o What is true when it comes to the implications of Porters five forces
It can help managers to take advantage of weak forces
Which one of the following statements is correct regarding a SWOT analysis?
A SWOT-analysis could be used as a base for strategy development
can help organizations with a competitive disadvantage to perform to the level of their
What is true about the value system?
Costs can be analysed across the internal value chain as well as across the value system
Which one of the following statements regarding the value chain is true?
Installation services at the customer is a primary activity
Which one of the following statements is wrong regarding a SWOT analysis?
A SWOT-analysis should list the strength and weaknesses of competitors
The VRIO analysis…
is an internal analysis, but the customers’ perspective is still very important
A distinctive capability…
will help the organization to compete in a given market
When you perform a SWOT-analysis…
it is most useful when it examines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats in relation
to competitors
Opportunity recognition, feasibility analysis, industry analyses are three typical
steps in an:
Entrepreneurial process
Entrepreneurial ventures are often seen as going through the four stages of
start-up, growth, maturity, and exit. What are these four stages typically
Entrepreneurial life cycle progress.
Innovation diffusion can be explained as:
The process by which innovations spread among users. This can vary with respect to both
speed and extent.
Collaboratories, crowd sourcing, and platform ecosystems are different types
Open innovation
First-mover advantage exist where an organization is better off than its
competitors due to:
The result of being first to the market with a new product, process, or service.
What is typically the outcome of disruptive innovation?
Substantial growth by offering a new performance trajectory that, even if initially inferior
to the performance of existing technologies, has the potential to become markedly
What is not a typical first mover advantage?
Free-riding benefits.
Technology push view and market pull are examples of:
Innovation dilemmas.
The relative importance of product innovation and process innovation typically
changes as industries evolve. This has several strategic implications. Which of
the following statements are not correct?
New developing industries typically favor process innovation.
The pace of diffusion can vary widely according to the nature of the product
concerned and the combination of supply-side and demand-side factors. What
is true about the determining factors on the supply side?
Degree of improvement, compatibility, complexity, and experimentation.
What are organizational structures? They are:
Designs and strategies to achieve organizational goals. Reccuring
cycles/systems of relationships and activities in an organization. Interlocking
strategies, plans and roles that coordinate activities.
Why is it important to understand organizational structures? To:
Design organizations and other systems for optimum performance.
What is the culture of an organization? It is its:
Integration of common values, assumptions and behavior.
Why is it so important to know about culture? Because it:
Influences everything people do in an organization.
Which one of the following statements is true?
Balanced Scorecards can be used in Not-for-Profit organizations.
Which of these steps in Kotter's change model involves the change leader
selecting and recruiting a team of individuals who will be capable of carrying
out the change?
create the guiding coalition
Which of these steps in Kotter's change model involves inspiring the necessary
teamwork, ideas, and eagerness to make sacrifices relating to the change?
establish a sense of urgency