4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode Google Notice We've improved our algorithm that calculates company tags and their frequencies to be more accurate and current. This page updates weekly on Saturday. You can filter the results by different time periods. You have solved 68 / 534 problems. Show problem tags Select time period: # Title Acceptance 904 Fruit Into Baskets (/problems/fruit-into-baskets) 41.2% Medium 929 Unique Email Addresses (/problems/unique-emailaddresses) 72.8% Easy 681 Next Closest Time (/problems/next-closest-time) 42.4% Medium 482 License Key Formatting (/problems/license-keyformatting) 40.7% Easy 1 Two Sum (/problems/two-sum) 43.5% Easy 683 K Empty Slots (/problems/k-empty-slots) 34.0% Hard 159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters (/problems/longest-substring-with-at-mosttwo-distinct-characters) 46.7% Hard 975 Odd Even Jump (/problems/odd-even-jump) 49.3% Hard 399 Evaluate Division (/problems/evaluate-division) 47.3% Medium 843 Guess the Word (/problems/guess-the-word) 42.8% Hard 844 Backspace String Compare (/problems/backspacestring-compare) 45.7% Easy 857 Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers 47 2% Hard https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty 1 year Frequency 1/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 857 # Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers Title (/problems/minimum-cost-to-hire-k-workers) 47.2% Acceptance 489 Robot Room Cleaner (/problems/robot-room-cleaner) 63.8% Hard 947 Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column (/problems/most-stones-removed-with-same-row-orcolumn) 54.2% Medium 308 Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable (/problems/rangesum-query-2d-mutable) 31.6% Hard 222 Count Complete Tree Nodes (/problems/countcomplete-tree-nodes) 32.7% Medium 753 Cracking the Safe (/problems/cracking-the-safe) 45.7% Hard 803 Bricks Falling When Hit (/problems/bricks-fallingwhen-hit) 28.3% Hard 299 Bulls and Cows (/problems/bulls-and-cows) 39.1% Medium 410 Split Array Largest Sum (/problems/split-array-largestsum) 42.2% Hard 833 Find And Replace in String (/problems/find-andreplace-in-string) 45.7% Medium 135 Candy (/problems/candy) 28.1% Hard 158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times (/problems/read-n-characters-given-read4-iicall-multiple-times) 25.9% Hard 849 Maximize Distance to Closest Person (/problems/maximize-distance-to-closest-person) 40.8% Easy 939 Minimum Area Rectangle (/problems/minimum-arearectangle) 50.1% Medium 731 My Calendar II (/problems/my-calendar-ii) 43.9% Medium 777 Swap Adjacent in LR String (/problems/swapadjacent-in-lr-string) 33.1% Medium 642 Design Search Autocomplete System (/problems/design-search-autocomplete-system) 37.0% Hard https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Hard Difficulty Frequency 2/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 736 Parse Lisp Expression (/problems/parse-lispTitle expression) Acceptance 44.2% 846 Hand of Straights (/problems/hand-of-straights) 48.7% Medium 253 Meeting Rooms II (/problems/meeting-rooms-ii) 42.7% Medium 527 Word Abbreviation (/problems/word-abbreviation) 49.1% Hard 248 Strobogrammatic Number III (/problems/strobogrammatic-number-iii) 36.3% Hard 205 Isomorphic Strings (/problems/isomorphic-strings) 37.1% Easy 465 Optimal Account Balancing (/problems/optimalaccount-balancing) 42.6% Hard 686 Repeated String Match (/problems/repeated-stringmatch) 31.3% Easy 900 RLE Iterator (/problems/rle-iterator) 49.6% Medium 679 24 Game (/problems/24-game) 42.3% Hard 734 Sentence Similarity (/problems/sentence-similarity) 40.5% Easy 850 Rectangle Area II (/problems/rectangle-area-ii) 44.4% Hard 818 Race Car (/problems/race-car) 34.6% Hard 809 Expressive Words (/problems/expressive-words) 42.9% Medium 56 Merge Intervals (/problems/merge-intervals) 35.4% Medium 457 Circular Array Loop (/problems/circular-array-loop) 27.4% Medium 911 Online Election (/problems/online-election) 46.0% Medium 774 Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station (/problems/minimize-max-distance-to-gas-station) 41.1% Hard 418 Sentence Screen Fitting (/problems/sentence-screenfitting) 30.9% Medium 359 Logger Rate Limiter (/problems/logger-rate-limiter) 64.8% Easy 524 Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting (/problems/longest-word-in-dictionary-throughdeleting) 45.5% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Hard Frequency 3/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 200 deleting) Title Number of Islands (/problems/number-of-islands) Acceptance 41.1% Difficulty Medium 288 Unique Word Abbreviation (/problems/unique-wordabbreviation) 19.8% Medium 727 Minimum Window Subsequence (/problems/minimum-window-subsequence) 36.8% Hard 394 Decode String (/problems/decode-string) 44.5% Medium 562 Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix (/problems/longest-line-of-consecutive-one-in-matrix) 43.5% Medium 271 Encode and Decode Strings (/problems/encode-anddecode-strings) 26.3% Medium 776 Split BST (/problems/split-bst) 52.3% Medium 329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix (/problems/longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix) 39.7% Hard 684 Redundant Connection (/problems/redundantconnection) 51.2% Medium 2 Add Two Numbers (/problems/add-two-numbers) 31.0% Medium 766 Toeplitz Matrix (/problems/toeplitz-matrix) 61.4% Easy 163 Missing Ranges (/problems/missing-ranges) 23.1% Medium 353 Design Snake Game (/problems/design-snake-game) 30.3% Medium 855 Exam Room (/problems/exam-room) 37.8% Medium 4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays (/problems/median-oftwo-sorted-arrays) 26.1% Hard 475 Heaters (/problems/heaters) 31.6% Easy 246 Strobogrammatic Number (/problems/strobogrammatic-number) 42.1% Easy 750 Number Of Corner Rectangles (/problems/number-ofcorner-rectangles) 64.3% Medium 528 Random Pick with Weight (/problems/random-pickwith-weight) 42.7% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Frequency 4/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 837 Title 21 Game (/problems/new-21-game) New Acceptance 31.1% 835 Image Overlap (/problems/image-overlap) 51.7% Medium 42 Trapping Rain Water (/problems/trapping-rain-water) 42.7% Hard 247 Strobogrammatic Number II (/problems/strobogrammatic-number-ii) 44.0% Medium 549 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II (/problems/binary-tree-longest-consecutivesequence-ii) 44.1% Medium 568 Maximum Vacation Days (/problems/maximumvacation-days) 37.9% Hard 685 Redundant Connection II (/problems/redundantconnection-ii) 30.4% Hard 403 Frog Jump (/problems/frog-jump) 35.8% Hard 380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) (/problems/insertdelete-getrandom-o1) 42.5% Medium 157 Read N Characters Given Read4 (/problems/read-ncharacters-given-read4) 29.1% Easy 913 Cat and Mouse (/problems/cat-and-mouse) 28.7% Hard 146 LRU Cache (/problems/lru-cache) 25.0% Hard 375 Guess Number Higher or Lower II (/problems/guessnumber-higher-or-lower-ii) 37.5% Medium 767 Reorganize String (/problems/reorganize-string) 41.8% Medium 340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters (/problems/longest-substring-with-at-most-k-distinctcharacters) 39.4% Hard 659 Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences (/problems/split-array-into-consecutivesubsequences) 40.4% Medium 723 Candy Crush (/problems/candy-crush) 62.4% Medium 68 Text Justification (/problems/text-justification) 23.0% Hard 346 Moving Average from Data Stream (/problems/moving average from data stream) 65.9% Easy https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Medium Frequency 5/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 317 (/problems/moving-average-from-data-stream) Title Shortest Distance from All Buildings (/problems/shortest-distance-from-all-buildings) Acceptance 37.4% 57 Insert Interval (/problems/insert-interval) 31.1% Hard 428 Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree (/problems/serialize-and-deserialize-n-ary-tree) 53.4% Hard 315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self (/problems/count-of-smaller-numbers-after-self) 37.8% Hard 729 My Calendar I (/problems/my-calendar-i) 46.9% Medium 307 Range Sum Query - Mutable (/problems/range-sumquery-mutable) 28.2% Medium 544 Output Contest Matches (/problems/output-contestmatches) 73.2% Medium 444 Sequence Reconstruction (/problems/sequencereconstruction) 20.3% Medium 85 Maximal Rectangle (/problems/maximal-rectangle) 33.0% Hard 486 Predict the Winner (/problems/predict-the-winner) 46.7% Medium 853 Car Fleet (/problems/car-fleet) 39.2% Medium 737 Sentence Similarity II (/problems/sentence-similarityii) 43.2% Medium 943 Find the Shortest Superstring (/problems/find-theshortest-superstring) 36.9% Hard 471 Encode String with Shortest Length (/problems/encode-string-with-shortest-length) 44.8% Hard 920 Number of Music Playlists (/problems/number-ofmusic-playlists) 43.3% Hard 745 Prefix and Suffix Search (/problems/prefix-and-suffixsearch) 30.2% Hard 497 Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles (/problems/random-point-in-non-overlappingrectangles) 35.7% Medium 358 Rearrange String k Distance Apart 32 8% H d https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Frequency Hard 6/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 358 # Rearrange String k Distance Apart Title (/problems/rearrange-string-k-distance-apart) 32.8% Acceptance 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (/problems/longest-substring-without-repeatingcharacters) 28.2% Medium 800 Similar RGB Color (/problems/similar-rgb-color) 59.3% Easy 815 Bus Routes (/problems/bus-routes) 39.6% Hard 23 Merge k Sorted Lists (/problems/merge-k-sorted-lists) 34.0% Hard 150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation (/problems/evaluate-reverse-polish-notation) 31.9% Medium 722 Remove Comments (/problems/remove-comments) 30.9% Medium 43 Multiply Strings (/problems/multiply-strings) 30.4% Medium 166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal (/problems/fraction-torecurring-decimal) 19.4% Medium 694 Number of Distinct Islands (/problems/number-ofdistinct-islands) 50.9% Medium 788 Rotated Digits (/problems/rotated-digits) 53.8% Easy 31 Next Permutation (/problems/next-permutation) 30.3% Medium 354 Russian Doll Envelopes (/problems/russian-dollenvelopes) 33.7% Hard 636 Exclusive Time of Functions (/problems/exclusivetime-of-functions) 48.4% Medium 347 Top K Frequent Elements (/problems/top-k-frequentelements) 54.4% Medium 739 Daily Temperatures (/problems/daily-temperatures) 59.8% Medium 208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (/problems/implementtrie-prefix-tree) 37.9% Medium 127 Word Ladder (/problems/word-ladder) 23.6% Medium 269 Alien Dictionary (/problems/alien-dictionary) 30.7% Hard 1007 Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row (/problems/minimum-domino-rotations-for-equal-row) 46.7% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Hard Difficulty Frequency 7/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 640 (/problems/minimum domino rotations for equal row) Title Solve the Equation (/problems/solve-the-equation) Acceptance 40.1% Difficulty 616 Add Bold Tag in String (/problems/add-bold-tag-instring) 39.0% Medium 304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable (/problems/rangesum-query-2d-immutable) 31.9% Medium 66 Plus One (/problems/plus-one) 41.0% Easy 187 Repeated DNA Sequences (/problems/repeated-dnasequences) 35.8% Medium 799 Champagne Tower (/problems/champagne-tower) 33.8% Medium 363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K (/problems/max-sum-of-rectangle-no-larger-than-k) 35.0% Hard 715 Range Module (/problems/range-module) 34.9% Hard 138 Copy List with Random Pointer (/problems/copy-listwith-random-pointer) 26.6% Medium 139 Word Break (/problems/word-break) 35.0% Medium 124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum (/problems/binarytree-maximum-path-sum) 29.8% Hard 210 Course Schedule II (/problems/course-schedule-ii) 34.4% Medium 407 Trapping Rain Water II (/problems/trapping-rainwater-ii) 38.9% Hard 770 Basic Calculator IV (/problems/basic-calculator-iv) 45.2% Hard 126 Word Ladder II (/problems/word-ladder-ii) 17.4% Hard 281 Zigzag Iterator (/problems/zigzag-iterator) 55.7% Medium 302 Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels (/problems/smallest-rectangle-enclosing-black-pixels) 48.9% Hard 951 Flip Equivalent Binary Trees (/problems/flipequivalent-binary-trees) 65.2% Medium 845 Longest Mountain in Array (/problems/longestmountain-in-array) 34.1% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Frequency Medium 8/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 133 Title Graph (/problems/clone-graph) Clone Acceptance 26.1% 817 Linked List Components (/problems/linked-listcomponents) 54.3% Medium 398 Random Pick Index (/problems/random-pick-index) 49.6% Medium 552 Student Attendance Record II (/problems/studentattendance-record-ii) 32.7% Hard 792 Number of Matching Subsequences (/problems/number-of-matching-subsequences) 42.4% Medium 543 Diameter of Binary Tree (/problems/diameter-ofbinary-tree) 46.5% Easy 724 Find Pivot Index (/problems/find-pivot-index) 40.9% Easy 392 Is Subsequence (/problems/is-subsequence) 46.6% Medium 332 Reconstruct Itinerary (/problems/reconstruct-itinerary) 31.2% Medium 708 Insert into a Cyclic Sorted List (/problems/insert-intoa-cyclic-sorted-list) 28.7% Medium 224 Basic Calculator (/problems/basic-calculator) 32.3% Hard 447 Number of Boomerangs (/problems/number-ofboomerangs) 49.7% Easy 297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree (/problems/serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree) 40.3% Hard 76 Minimum Window Substring (/problems/minimumwindow-substring) 30.5% Hard 298 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence (/problems/binary-tree-longest-consecutivesequence) 43.8% Medium 518 Coin Change 2 (/problems/coin-change-2) 42.2% Medium 769 Max Chunks To Make Sorted (/problems/max-chunksto-make-sorted) 51.4% Medium 365 Water and Jug Problem (/problems/water-and-jugproblem) 28.9% Medium 852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array (/problems/peakindex in a mountain array) 69.5% Easy https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Medium Frequency 9/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 688 index-in-a-mountain-array) Title Knight Probability in Chessboard (/problems/knightprobability-in-chessboard) Acceptance 43.8% Difficulty Medium 378 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix (/problems/kth-smallest-element-in-a-sorted-matrix) 49.1% Medium 635 Design Log Storage System (/problems/design-logstorage-system) 53.7% Medium 218 The Skyline Problem (/problems/the-skyline-problem) 31.5% Hard 341 Flatten Nested List Iterator (/problems/flatten-nestedlist-iterator) 47.5% Medium 54 Spiral Matrix (/problems/spiral-matrix) 30.1% Medium 370 Range Addition (/problems/range-addition) 60.4% Medium 38 Count and Say (/problems/count-and-say) 40.2% Easy 941 Valid Mountain Array (/problems/valid-mountainarray) 35.0% Easy 351 Android Unlock Patterns (/problems/android-unlockpatterns) 45.7% Medium 215 Kth Largest Element in an Array (/problems/kthlargest-element-in-an-array) 47.2% Medium 310 Minimum Height Trees (/problems/minimum-heighttrees) 30.0% Medium 493 Reverse Pairs (/problems/reverse-pairs) 22.9% Hard 591 Tag Validator (/problems/tag-validator) 32.1% Hard 695 Max Area of Island (/problems/max-area-of-island) 56.8% Medium 320 Generalized Abbreviation (/problems/generalizedabbreviation) 48.5% Medium 369 Plus One Linked List (/problems/plus-one-linked-list) 56.0% Medium 388 Longest Absolute File Path (/problems/longestabsolute-file-path) 39.0% Medium 228 Summary Ranges (/problems/summary-ranges) 35.7% Medium 162 Find Peak Element (/problems/find-peak-element) 41 1% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Frequency 10/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 162 # 963 Find Peak Element (/problems/find peak element) Title Minimum Area Rectangle II (/problems/minimumarea-rectangle-ii) 41.1% Acceptance 44.0% 285 Inorder Successor in BST (/problems/inordersuccessor-in-bst) 34.3% Medium 381 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed (/problems/insert-delete-getrandom-o1-duplicatesallowed) 31.7% Hard 149 Max Points on a Line (/problems/max-points-on-aline) 15.7% Hard 361 Bomb Enemy (/problems/bomb-enemy) 43.0% Medium 34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array (/problems/find-first-and-last-position-ofelement-in-sorted-array) 33.4% Medium 312 Burst Balloons (/problems/burst-balloons) 46.8% Hard 936 Stamping The Sequence (/problems/stamping-thesequence) 35.9% Hard 386 Lexicographical Numbers (/problems/lexicographicalnumbers) 45.5% Medium 742 Closest Leaf in a Binary Tree (/problems/closest-leafin-a-binary-tree) 38.4% Medium 261 Graph Valid Tree (/problems/graph-valid-tree) 39.7% Medium 393 UTF-8 Validation (/problems/utf-8-validation) 35.7% Medium 20 Valid Parentheses (/problems/valid-parentheses) 36.3% Easy 772 Basic Calculator III (/problems/basic-calculator-iii) 43.8% Hard 10 Regular Expression Matching (/problems/regularexpression-matching) 25.2% Hard 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence (/problems/longestconsecutive-sequence) 41.4% Hard 305 Number of Islands II (/problems/number-of-islands-ii) 42.1% Hard 759 Employee Free Time (/problems/employee-free-time) 61.2% Hard https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Medium Difficulty Frequency Medium 11/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Title (/problems/convert-sorted-list-to-binary-search-tree) Acceptance 40.4% 295 Find Median from Data Stream (/problems/findmedian-from-data-stream) 36.0% Hard 702 Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size (/problems/search-in-a-sorted-array-of-unknown-size) 58.0% Medium 710 Random Pick with Blacklist (/problems/random-pickwith-blacklist) 30.8% Hard 250 Count Univalue Subtrees (/problems/count-univaluesubtrees) 48.4% Medium 360 Sort Transformed Array (/problems/sort-transformedarray) 46.7% Medium 464 Can I Win (/problems/can-i-win) 27.0% Medium 48 Rotate Image (/problems/rotate-image) 47.9% Medium 406 Queue Reconstruction by Height (/problems/queuereconstruction-by-height) 59.4% Medium 72 Edit Distance (/problems/edit-distance) 37.2% Hard 490 The Maze (/problems/the-maze) 47.1% Medium 425 Word Squares (/problems/word-squares) 43.9% Hard 91 Decode Ways (/problems/decode-ways) 22.2% Medium 973 K Closest Points to Origin (/problems/k-closestpoints-to-origin) 63.2% Medium 498 Diagonal Traverse (/problems/diagonal-traverse) 45.2% Medium 242 Valid Anagram (/problems/valid-anagram) 51.7% Easy 155 Min Stack (/problems/min-stack) 36.5% Easy 280 Wiggle Sort (/problems/wiggle-sort) 60.9% Medium 15 3Sum (/problems/3sum) 23.8% Medium 41 First Missing Positive (/problems/first-missingpositive) 28.6% Hard 732 My Calendar III (/problems/my-calendar-iii) 54.2% Hard https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Medium Frequency 12/29 4/24/2019 y (p y ) Google - LeetCode # 239 Title Sliding Window Maximum (/problems/sliding-windowmaximum) Acceptance 37.8% 221 Maximal Square (/problems/maximal-square) 32.7% Medium 22 Generate Parentheses (/problems/generateparentheses) 54.3% Medium 529 Minesweeper (/problems/minesweeper) 52.4% Medium 284 Peeking Iterator (/problems/peeking-iterator) 40.2% Medium 761 Special Binary String (/problems/special-binary-string) 50.9% Hard 17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (/problems/letter-combinations-of-a-phone-number) 41.2% Medium 282 Expression Add Operators (/problems/expressionadd-operators) 32.6% Hard 296 Best Meeting Point (/problems/best-meeting-point) 54.5% Hard 249 Group Shifted Strings (/problems/group-shiftedstrings) 48.5% Medium 334 Increasing Triplet Subsequence (/problems/increasing-triplet-subsequence) 39.5% Medium 433 Minimum Genetic Mutation (/problems/minimumgenetic-mutation) 37.8% Medium 424 Longest Repeating Character Replacement (/problems/longest-repeating-character-replacement) 43.9% Medium 50 Pow(x, n) (/problems/powx-n) 27.8% Medium 743 Network Delay Time (/problems/network-delay-time) 41.3% Medium 935 Knight Dialer (/problems/knight-dialer) 39.7% Medium 213 House Robber II (/problems/house-robber-ii) 35.2% Medium 140 Word Break II (/problems/word-break-ii) 27.1% Hard 858 Mirror Reflection (/problems/mirror-reflection) 51.9% Medium 765 Couples Holding Hands (/problems/couples-holdinghands) 51.2% Hard https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Hard Frequency 13/29 4/24/2019 ) Google - LeetCode # 459 Title Repeated Substring Pattern (/problems/repeatedsubstring-pattern) Acceptance 39.7% 787 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops (/problems/cheapest-flights-within-k-stops) 34.5% Medium 751 IP to CIDR (/problems/ip-to-cidr) 58.9% Easy 535 Encode and Decode TinyURL (/problems/encodeand-decode-tinyurl) 76.4% Medium 687 Longest Univalue Path (/problems/longest-univaluepath) 33.6% Easy 564 Find the Closest Palindrome (/problems/find-theclosest-palindrome) 18.6% Hard 53 Maximum Subarray (/problems/maximum-subarray) 43.3% Easy 120 Triangle (/problems/triangle) 39.0% Medium 121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (/problems/besttime-to-buy-and-sell-stock) 46.9% Easy 165 Compare Version Numbers (/problems/compareversion-numbers) 23.2% Medium 324 Wiggle Sort II (/problems/wiggle-sort-ii) 27.8% Medium 5 Longest Palindromic Substring (/problems/longestpalindromic-substring) 27.1% Medium 212 Word Search II (/problems/word-search-ii) 28.2% Hard 265 Paint House II (/problems/paint-house-ii) 41.2% Hard 348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe (/problems/design-tic-tac-toe) 49.3% Medium 460 LFU Cache (/problems/lfu-cache) 28.6% Hard 484 Find Permutation (/problems/find-permutation) 57.3% Medium 488 Zuma Game (/problems/zuma-game) 38.5% Hard 152 Maximum Product Subarray (/problems/maximumproduct-subarray) 29.0% Medium 316 Remove Duplicate Letters (/problems/removeduplicate-letters) 32.2% Hard https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Easy Frequency 14/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 84 # Largest Rectangle in Histogram (/problems/largestTitle rectangle-in-histogram) 30.8% Acceptance 771 Jewels and Stones (/problems/jewels-and-stones) 83.0% Easy 69 Sqrt(x) (/problems/sqrtx) 31.1% Easy 287 Find the Duplicate Number (/problems/find-theduplicate-number) 49.2% Medium 283 Move Zeroes (/problems/move-zeroes) 54.1% Easy 805 Split Array With Same Average (/problems/split-arraywith-same-average) 24.0% Hard 45 Jump Game II (/problems/jump-game-ii) 27.9% Hard 130 Surrounded Regions (/problems/surrounded-regions) 22.6% Medium 730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences (/problems/count-different-palindromicsubsequences) 38.3% Hard 760 Find Anagram Mappings (/problems/find-anagrammappings) 79.2% Easy 333 Largest BST Subtree (/problems/largest-bst-subtree) 32.8% Medium 266 Palindrome Permutation (/problems/palindromepermutation) 59.9% Easy 419 Battleships in a Board (/problems/battleships-in-aboard) 65.5% Medium 854 K-Similar Strings (/problems/k-similar-strings) 33.2% Hard 132 Palindrome Partitioning II (/problems/palindromepartitioning-ii) 27.1% Hard 926 Flip String to Monotone Increasing (/problems/flipstring-to-monotone-increasing) 49.1% Medium 505 The Maze II (/problems/the-maze-ii) 43.3% Medium 940 Distinct Subsequences II (/problems/distinctsubsequences-ii) 38.9% Hard 55 Jump Game (/problems/jump-game) 31.7% Medium 572 Subtree of Another Tree (/problems/subtree-of- 41 6% Easy https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Hard Difficulty Frequency 15/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 572 # Subtree of Another Tree (/problems/subtree of Title another-tree) 41.6% Acceptance 981 Time Based Key-Value Store (/problems/time-basedkey-value-store) 50.7% Medium 463 Island Perimeter (/problems/island-perimeter) 60.7% Easy 480 Sliding Window Median (/problems/sliding-windowmedian) 32.0% Hard 692 Top K Frequent Words (/problems/top-k-frequentwords) 45.4% Medium 785 Is Graph Bipartite? (/problems/is-graph-bipartite) 42.9% Medium 37 Sudoku Solver (/problems/sudoku-solver) 36.4% Hard 21 Merge Two Sorted Lists (/problems/merge-twosorted-lists) 46.8% Easy 773 Sliding Puzzle (/problems/sliding-puzzle) 51.6% Hard 49 Group Anagrams (/problems/group-anagrams) 46.0% Medium 62 Unique Paths (/problems/unique-paths) 47.2% Medium 318 Maximum Product of Word Lengths (/problems/maximum-product-of-word-lengths) 48.2% Medium 621 Task Scheduler (/problems/task-scheduler) 45.2% Medium 379 Design Phone Directory (/problems/design-phonedirectory) 40.7% Medium 416 Partition Equal Subset Sum (/problems/partitionequal-subset-sum) 40.3% Medium 668 Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table (/problems/kth-smallest-number-in-multiplicationtable) 41.4% Hard 807 Max Increase to Keep City Skyline (/problems/maxincrease-to-keep-city-skyline) 81.3% Medium 827 Making A Large Island (/problems/making-a-largeisland) 43.0% Hard 110 Balanced Binary Tree (/problems/balanced-binarytree) 40.7% Easy 211 Add and Search Word Data structure design 29 9% M di https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Easy Difficulty Frequency 16/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 211 # Add and Search Word - Data structure design Title (/problems/add-and-search-word-data-structuredesign) 29.9% Acceptance 768 Max Chunks To Make Sorted II (/problems/maxchunks-to-make-sorted-ii) 45.6% Hard 979 Distribute Coins in Binary Tree (/problems/distributecoins-in-binary-tree) 66.3% Medium 198 House Robber (/problems/house-robber) 40.9% Easy 630 Course Schedule III (/problems/course-schedule-iii) 31.4% Hard 834 Sum of Distances in Tree (/problems/sum-ofdistances-in-tree) 39.2% Hard 19 Remove Nth Node From End of List (/problems/remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list) 34.2% Medium 752 Open the Lock (/problems/open-the-lock) 45.4% Medium 894 All Possible Full Binary Trees (/problems/all-possiblefull-binary-trees) 70.1% Medium 105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal (/problems/construct-binary-tree-frompreorder-and-inorder-traversal) 40.5% Medium 294 Flip Game II (/problems/flip-game-ii) 48.1% Medium 65 Valid Number (/problems/valid-number) 13.9% Hard 400 Nth Digit (/problems/nth-digit) 30.2% Easy 26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array) 40.3% Easy 46 Permutations (/problems/permutations) 54.6% Medium 273 Integer to English Words (/problems/integer-toenglish-words) 24.2% Hard 207 Course Schedule (/problems/course-schedule) 37.4% Medium 279 Perfect Squares (/problems/perfect-squares) 41.6% Medium 64 Minimum Path Sum (/problems/minimum-path-sum) 46.4% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Medium Difficulty Frequency 17/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 116 # Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Title (/problems/populating-next-right-pointers-in-eachnode) 37.5% Acceptance 300 Longest Increasing Subsequence (/problems/longestincreasing-subsequence) 40.6% Medium 277 Find the Celebrity (/problems/find-the-celebrity) 36.4% Medium 350 Intersection of Two Arrays II (/problems/intersectionof-two-arrays-ii) 47.4% Easy 11 Container With Most Water (/problems/container-withmost-water) 43.8% Medium 240 Search a 2D Matrix II (/problems/search-a-2d-matrixii) 40.7% Medium 449 Serialize and Deserialize BST (/problems/serializeand-deserialize-bst) 46.7% Medium 195 Tenth Line (/problems/tenth-line) 34.0% Easy 108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree (/problems/convert-sorted-array-to-binary-searchtree) 50.2% Easy 417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow (/problems/pacific-atlanticwater-flow) 37.2% Medium 7 Reverse Integer (/problems/reverse-integer) 25.2% Easy 30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words (/problems/substring-with-concatenation-of-all-words) 23.4% Hard 652 Find Duplicate Subtrees (/problems/find-duplicatesubtrees) 45.0% Medium 840 Magic Squares In Grid (/problems/magic-squares-ingrid) 35.4% Easy 450 Delete Node in a BST (/problems/delete-node-in-abst) 39.7% Medium 36 Valid Sudoku (/problems/valid-sudoku) 42.6% Medium 914 X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards (/problems/x-of-a-kindin-a-deck-of-cards) 34.3% Easy https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Medium Difficulty Frequency 18/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 322 Title Change (/problems/coin-change) Coin Acceptance 29.9% 171 Excel Sheet Column Number (/problems/excel-sheetcolumn-number) 51.3% Easy 175 Combine Two Tables (/problems/combine-two-tables) 50.8% Easy 337 House Robber III (/problems/house-robber-iii) 47.8% Medium 510 Inorder Successor in BST II (/problems/inordersuccessor-in-bst-ii) 52.8% Medium 721 Accounts Merge (/problems/accounts-merge) 39.8% Medium 238 Product of Array Except Self (/problems/product-ofarray-except-self) 54.6% Medium 698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets (/problems/partition-to-k-equal-sum-subsets) 41.9% Medium 134 Gas Station (/problems/gas-station) 33.5% Medium 278 First Bad Version (/problems/first-bad-version) 29.6% Easy 395 Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters (/problems/longest-substring-with-at-leastk-repeating-characters) 38.4% Medium 161 One Edit Distance (/problems/one-edit-distance) 31.6% Medium 366 Find Leaves of Binary Tree (/problems/find-leaves-ofbinary-tree) 65.1% Medium 859 Buddy Strings (/problems/buddy-strings) 27.5% Easy 689 Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays (/problems/maximum-sum-of-3-non-overlappingsubarrays) 44.0% Hard 141 Linked List Cycle (/problems/linked-list-cycle) 36.5% Easy 487 Max Consecutive Ones II (/problems/maxconsecutive-ones-ii) 46.5% Medium 539 Minimum Time Difference (/problems/minimum-timedifference) 47.7% Medium 662 Maximum Width of Binary Tree (/problems/maximumwidth of binary tree) 39.7% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Medium Frequency 19/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 243 width-of-binary-tree) Title Shortest Word Distance (/problems/shortest-worddistance) Acceptance 56.8% 877 Stone Game (/problems/stone-game) 61.1% Medium 74 Search a 2D Matrix (/problems/search-a-2d-matrix) 34.8% Medium 373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums (/problems/find-kpairs-with-smallest-sums) 33.6% Medium 412 Fizz Buzz (/problems/fizz-buzz) 59.3% Easy 470 Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() (/problems/implement-rand10-using-rand7) 44.6% Medium 33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array (/problems/search-inrotated-sorted-array) 32.8% Medium 368 Largest Divisible Subset (/problems/largest-divisiblesubset) 34.7% Medium 676 Implement Magic Dictionary (/problems/implementmagic-dictionary) 51.4% Medium 968 Binary Tree Cameras (/problems/binary-treecameras) 34.9% Hard 229 Majority Element II (/problems/majority-element-ii) 31.8% Medium 1011 Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days (/problems/capacity-to-ship-packages-within-d-days) 51.6% Medium 259 3Sum Smaller (/problems/3sum-smaller) 44.7% Medium 890 Find and Replace Pattern (/problems/find-andreplace-pattern) 70.7% Medium 268 Missing Number (/problems/missing-number) 48.0% Easy 836 Rectangle Overlap (/problems/rectangle-overlap) 46.2% Easy 18 4Sum (/problems/4sum) 30.2% Medium 63 Unique Paths II (/problems/unique-paths-ii) 33.4% Medium 97 Interleaving String (/problems/interleaving-string) 27.7% Hard 289 Game of Life (/problems/game-of-life) 44.6% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Frequency Easy 20/29 4/24/2019 (p g ) Google - LeetCode # 794 Title Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State (/problems/valid-tic-tac-toestate) Acceptance 29.4% 804 Unique Morse Code Words (/problems/unique-morsecode-words) 74.5% Easy 98 Validate Binary Search Tree (/problems/validatebinary-search-tree) 25.6% Medium 156 Binary Tree Upside Down (/problems/binary-treeupside-down) 50.2% Medium 203 Remove Linked List Elements (/problems/removelinked-list-elements) 35.6% Easy 226 Invert Binary Tree (/problems/invert-binary-tree) 57.8% Easy 35 Search Insert Position (/problems/search-insertposition) 40.7% Easy 79 Word Search (/problems/word-search) 31.0% Medium 336 Palindrome Pairs (/problems/palindrome-pairs) 30.7% Hard 632 Smallest Range (/problems/smallest-range) 46.6% Hard 70 Climbing Stairs (/problems/climbing-stairs) 43.9% Easy 202 Happy Number (/problems/happy-number) 44.9% Easy 232 Implement Queue using Stacks (/problems/implement-queue-using-stacks) 42.8% Easy 556 Next Greater Element III (/problems/next-greaterelement-iii) 29.9% Medium 806 Number of Lines To Write String (/problems/numberof-lines-to-write-string) 62.7% Easy 881 Boats to Save People (/problems/boats-to-savepeople) 43.5% Medium 81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II (/problems/searchin-rotated-sorted-array-ii) 32.6% Medium 236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree (/problems/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree) 36.6% Medium 725 Split Linked List in Parts (/problems/split-linked-list-inparts) 48.8% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Medium Frequency 21/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 101 parts) Title Symmetric Tree (/problems/symmetric-tree) Acceptance 43.2% Difficulty Easy 167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted (/problems/twosum-ii-input-array-is-sorted) 50.0% Easy 264 Ugly Number II (/problems/ugly-number-ii) 36.1% Medium 647 Palindromic Substrings (/problems/palindromicsubstrings) 56.5% Medium 889 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal (/problems/construct-binary-tree-frompreorder-and-postorder-traversal) 59.3% Medium 8 String to Integer (atoi) (/problems/string-to-integeratoi) 14.6% Medium 384 Shuffle an Array (/problems/shuffle-an-array) 49.9% Medium 560 Subarray Sum Equals K (/problems/subarray-sumequals-k) 42.1% Medium 87 Scramble String (/problems/scramble-string) 31.4% Hard 540 Single Element in a Sorted Array (/problems/singleelement-in-a-sorted-array) 57.5% Medium 438 Find All Anagrams in a String (/problems/find-allanagrams-in-a-string) 37.0% Easy 733 Flood Fill (/problems/flood-fill) 50.4% Easy 830 Positions of Large Groups (/problems/positions-oflarge-groups) 47.7% Easy 977 Squares of a Sorted Array (/problems/squares-of-asorted-array) 72.4% Easy 241 Different Ways to Add Parentheses (/problems/different-ways-to-add-parentheses) 49.5% Medium 468 Validate IP Address (/problems/validate-ip-address) 21.2% Medium 103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal (/problems/binary-tree-zigzag-level-order-traversal) 41.3% Medium 118 Pascal's Triangle (/problems/pascals-triangle) 45.5% Easy 374 Guess Number Higher or Lower (/problems/guess- 39 2% Easy https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Frequency 22/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 374 # Guess Number Higher or Lower (/problems/guess Title number-higher-or-lower) 39.2% Acceptance 720 Longest Word in Dictionary (/problems/longest-wordin-dictionary) 44.3% Easy 362 Design Hit Counter (/problems/design-hit-counter) 58.8% Medium 872 Leaf-Similar Trees (/problems/leaf-similar-trees) 62.9% Easy 6 ZigZag Conversion (/problems/zigzag-conversion) 31.4% Medium 143 Reorder List (/problems/reorder-list) 30.4% Medium 496 Next Greater Element I (/problems/next-greaterelement-i) 59.3% Easy 863 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree (/problems/allnodes-distance-k-in-binary-tree) 46.5% Medium 301 Remove Invalid Parentheses (/problems/removeinvalid-parentheses) 38.9% Hard 717 1-bit and 2-bit Characters (/problems/1-bit-and-2-bitcharacters) 49.2% Easy 78 Subsets (/problems/subsets) 52.2% Medium 100 Same Tree (/problems/same-tree) 49.8% Easy 230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST (/problems/kthsmallest-element-in-a-bst) 50.9% Medium 435 Non-overlapping Intervals (/problems/nonoverlapping-intervals) 41.5% Medium 115 Distinct Subsequences (/problems/distinctsubsequences) 34.8% Hard 153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array (/problems/find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array) 42.8% Medium 206 Reverse Linked List (/problems/reverse-linked-list) 54.0% Easy 690 Employee Importance (/problems/employeeimportance) 53.8% Easy 274 H-Index (/problems/h-index) 34.5% Medium 343 Integer Break (/problems/integer-break) 47 6% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Easy Difficulty Frequency 23/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 343 # 994 Integer Break (/problems/integer break) Title Rotting Oranges (/problems/rotting-oranges) 47.6% Acceptance 46.3% 176 Second Highest Salary (/problems/second-highestsalary) 26.8% Easy 415 Add Strings (/problems/add-strings) 43.5% Easy 716 Max Stack (/problems/max-stack) 39.8% Easy 14 Longest Common Prefix (/problems/longest-commonprefix) 33.3% Easy 16 3Sum Closest (/problems/3sum-closest) 44.4% Medium 44 Wildcard Matching (/problems/wildcard-matching) 22.7% Hard 104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (/problems/maximumdepth-of-binary-tree) 60.1% Easy 821 Shortest Distance to a Character (/problems/shortestdistance-to-a-character) 63.1% Easy 938 Range Sum of BST (/problems/range-sum-of-bst) 80.5% Medium 13 Roman to Integer (/problems/roman-to-integer) 52.1% Easy 188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV (/problems/besttime-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iv) 26.1% Hard 559 Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree (/problems/maximumdepth-of-n-ary-tree) 65.2% Easy 701 Insert into a Binary Search Tree (/problems/insertinto-a-binary-search-tree) 75.0% Medium 503 Next Greater Element II (/problems/next-greaterelement-ii) 50.8% Medium 542 01 Matrix (/problems/01-matrix) 35.3% Medium 931 Minimum Falling Path Sum (/problems/minimumfalling-path-sum) 58.5% Medium 83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List (/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list) 42.3% Easy 680 Valid Palindrome II (/problems/valid-palindrome-ii) 34.0% Easy 933 Number of Recent Calls (/problems/number-of-recent- 69 3% Easy https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Medium Difficulty Frequency Easy 24/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 933 # Number of Recent Calls (/problems/number of recent Title calls) 69.3% Acceptance 25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group (/problems/reverse-nodesin-k-group) 36.0% Hard 99 Recover Binary Search Tree (/problems/recoverbinary-search-tree) 34.3% Hard 136 Single Number (/problems/single-number) 59.7% Easy 185 Department Top Three Salaries (/problems/department-top-three-salaries) 25.0% Hard 92 Reverse Linked List II (/problems/reverse-linked-list-ii) 34.6% Medium 476 Number Complement (/problems/numbercomplement) 62.3% Easy 426 Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List (/problems/convert-binary-search-tree-to-sorteddoubly-linked-list) 51.3% Medium 144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal (/problems/binarytree-preorder-traversal) 51.0% Medium 169 Majority Element (/problems/majority-element) 52.2% Easy 32 Longest Valid Parentheses (/problems/longest-validparentheses) 25.3% Hard 89 Gray Code (/problems/gray-code) 45.5% Medium 114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List (/problems/flattenbinary-tree-to-linked-list) 41.9% Medium 160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists (/problems/intersection-of-two-linked-lists) 33.3% Easy 191 Number of 1 Bits (/problems/number-of-1-bits) 42.8% Easy 173 Binary Search Tree Iterator (/problems/binary-searchtree-iterator) 48.1% Medium 270 Closest Binary Search Tree Value (/problems/closestbinary-search-tree-value) 43.6% Easy 674 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence (/problems/longest-continuous-increasingsubsequence) 44.1% Easy https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Easy Difficulty Frequency 25/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 707 subsequence) Title Design Linked List (/problems/design-linked-list) Acceptance 23.2% 137 Single Number II (/problems/single-number-ii) 45.7% Medium 414 Third Maximum Number (/problems/third-maximumnumber) 28.9% Easy 567 Permutation in String (/problems/permutation-instring) 38.1% Medium 658 Find K Closest Elements (/problems/find-k-closestelements) 37.8% Medium 60 Permutation Sequence (/problems/permutationsequence) 32.8% Medium 125 Valid Palindrome (/problems/valid-palindrome) 30.8% Easy 154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II (/problems/find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array-ii) 39.2% Hard 344 Reverse String (/problems/reverse-string) 63.1% Easy 204 Count Primes (/problems/count-primes) 28.7% Easy 451 Sort Characters By Frequency (/problems/sortcharacters-by-frequency) 55.7% Medium 494 Target Sum (/problems/target-sum) 45.0% Medium 429 N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal (/problems/n-arytree-level-order-traversal) 59.1% Easy 703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream (/problems/kthlargest-element-in-a-stream) 46.2% Easy 59 Spiral Matrix II (/problems/spiral-matrix-ii) 46.1% Medium 95 Unique Binary Search Trees II (/problems/uniquebinary-search-trees-ii) 35.4% Medium 349 Intersection of Two Arrays (/problems/intersection-oftwo-arrays) 54.1% Easy 811 Subdomain Visit Count (/problems/subdomain-visitcount) 64.9% Easy 986 Interval List Intersections (/problems/interval-listintersections) 62.5% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Frequency Easy 26/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode # 131 Palindrome Partitioning (/problems/palindromeTitle partitioning) Acceptance 40.4% 227 Basic Calculator II (/problems/basic-calculator-ii) 33.1% Medium 235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree (/problems/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binarysearch-tree) 44.2% Easy 237 Delete Node in a Linked List (/problems/delete-nodein-a-linked-list) 53.0% Easy 404 Sum of Left Leaves (/problems/sum-of-left-leaves) 48.9% Easy 443 String Compression (/problems/string-compression) 37.4% Easy 12 Integer to Roman (/problems/integer-to-roman) 50.6% Medium 290 Word Pattern (/problems/word-pattern) 34.8% Easy 75 Sort Colors (/problems/sort-colors) 41.9% Medium 117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II (/problems/populating-next-right-pointers-in-eachnode-ii) 34.0% Medium 168 Excel Sheet Column Title (/problems/excel-sheetcolumn-title) 28.8% Easy 234 Palindrome Linked List (/problems/palindrome-linkedlist) 35.8% Easy 665 Non-decreasing Array (/problems/non-decreasingarray) 19.4% Easy 80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II (/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array-ii) 40.0% Medium 82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II (/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list-ii) 32.7% Medium 190 Reverse Bits (/problems/reverse-bits) 30.9% Easy 653 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST (/problems/two-sum-ivinput-is-a-bst) 52.2% Easy 77 Combinations (/problems/combinations) 47.1% Medium 129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers (/problems/sum-root-to- 42 1% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Difficulty Medium Frequency 27/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 129 # Sum Root to Leaf Numbers (/problems/sum root to Title leaf-numbers) 42.1% Acceptance 148 Sort List (/problems/sort-list) 34.8% Medium 209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum (/problems/minimumsize-subarray-sum) 34.6% Medium 219 Contains Duplicate II (/problems/contains-duplicate-ii) 35.1% Easy 328 Odd Even Linked List (/problems/odd-even-linked-list) 48.8% Medium 96 Unique Binary Search Trees (/problems/uniquebinary-search-trees) 45.8% Medium 9 Palindrome Number (/problems/palindrome-number) 42.9% Easy 24 Swap Nodes in Pairs (/problems/swap-nodes-in-pairs) 44.2% Medium 387 First Unique Character in a String (/problems/firstunique-character-in-a-string) 49.7% Easy 448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array (/problems/find-all-numbers-disappeared-in-an-array) 53.1% Easy 704 Binary Search (/problems/binary-search) 46.9% Easy 819 Most Common Word (/problems/most-common-word) 42.1% Easy 27 Remove Element (/problems/remove-element) 44.2% Easy 73 Set Matrix Zeroes (/problems/set-matrix-zeroes) 39.5% Medium 113 Path Sum II (/problems/path-sum-ii) 40.2% Medium 142 Linked List Cycle II (/problems/linked-list-cycle-ii) 31.6% Medium 700 Search in a Binary Search Tree (/problems/search-ina-binary-search-tree) 67.6% Easy 832 Flipping an Image (/problems/flipping-an-image) 72.2% Easy 94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (/problems/binary-treeinorder-traversal) 56.1% Medium 102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (/problems/binarytree-level-order-traversal) 48.0% Medium 119 Pascal's Triangle II (/problems/pascals-triangle-ii) 43.0% Easy 199 Binary Tree Right Side View (/problems/binary-tree- 47 5% Medium https://leetcode.com/company/google/ Medium Difficulty Frequency 28/29 4/24/2019 Google - LeetCode 199 # Binary Tree Right Side View (/problems/binary tree Title right-side-view) 47.5% Acceptance 29 Divide Two Integers (/problems/divide-two-integers) 16.2% Medium 595 Big Countries (/problems/big-countries) 73.4% Easy 905 Sort Array By Parity (/problems/sort-array-by-parity) 72.5% Easy 39 Combination Sum (/problems/combination-sum) 47.8% Medium 67 Add Binary (/problems/add-binary) 38.7% Easy 122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II (/problems/besttime-to-buy-and-sell-stock-ii) 51.6% Easy 28 Implement strStr() (/problems/implement-strstr) 31.7% Easy Medium Difficulty Frequency Copyright © 2019 LeetCode Help Center (/support/) | Terms (/terms/) | Privacy Policy (/privacy/) United States (/region/) https://leetcode.com/company/google/ 29/29