N E U R OT Y P E 2 B P R O G R A M M I N D M U S C L E C O N N E C T I O N A N D B O DY B U I L D I N G PH ASE 1 - ACCUMULAT ION SCHEDULE M O N DAY T U E S DAY Chest & biceps Legs W E D N E S DAY T H U R S DAY F R I DAY SAT U R DAY Back Delts & triceps Posterior chain S U N DAY © 2018 Ballistic Management Inc. All Rights Reserved Without limiting rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, introduced into a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including without limitation photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. The scanning, uploading, and/or distribution of this document via the internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and is punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrightable materials. "Thibarmy" and Thibarmy logo are trademarks of Ballistic Management Inc. For more information, visite us at www.thibarmy.com or contact us at info@ballisticmanagement.com M O N DAY – C H E ST & B I C E P S EXERCISE M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 R E ST WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS Slow eccentric 4 8 4 sec ecc. 4 8 6 sec ecc 4 8 8 sec ecc 3 Max normal reps1 2-3 min A INCLINE BENCH PRESS B1 DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS Low double contraction2 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 30 sec B2 ROPE HAMMER CURL High double contraction3 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 75 sec C1 DECLINE BENCH PRESS Partial + Full reps4 3 6 + 8-10 4 6+8-10 4 4+6-8 3 4+6-8 30 sec C2 PREACHER CURL Partial + Full reps 3 6 + 8-10 4 6+8-10 4 4+6-8 3 4+6-8 75 sec D1 CABLE CROSS-OVER Hold peak contraction 3 sec 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 30 sec D2 INCLINE DUMBBELL CURL Hold peak contraction 3 sec 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 75 sec 1 Max normal reps: use the same weight as the previous week and do normal reps (no slow eccentric), as many good reps as you can 2 Low double contraction: Go down to the low position, lift halfway up slowly, go back down, lift up completely = ONE rep 3 High double contraction: Lift up completely, lower halfway down slowly, lift back up, lower back down completely = ONE rep 4 Partial + Full reps: Start by doing slow, partial reps (low half) then do the prescribed full reps T U E S DAY – L E G S EXERCISE M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 R E ST WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS Slow eccentric 4 8 4 sec ecc. 4 8 6 sec ecc 4 8 8 sec ecc 3 Max normal reps1 2-3 min A BACK SQUAT B1 HACK SQUAT MACHINE Low double contraction2 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 60 sec B2 LEG CURL (LYING OR SEATED) High double contraction3 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 90 sec C1 ROMANIAN DEADLIFT Slow eccentric 3 8 4 sec ecc. 4 8 6 sec ecc 4 8 8 sec ecc 3 Max normal reps1 60 sec C2 LEG PRESS Partial + Full reps4 3 10 + 10-12 4 10+10-12 4 8+8-10 3 8+8-10 90 sec D BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT Low double contraction2 3 10-12/leg 4 10-12/leg 4 8-10/leg 3 8-10/leg 90 sec 1 Max normal reps: use the same weight as the previous week and do normal reps (no slow eccentric), as many good reps as you can 2 Low double contraction: Go down to the low position, lift halfway up slowly, go back down, lift up completely = ONE rep 3 High double contraction: Lift up completely, lower halfway down slowly, lift back up, lower back down completely = ONE rep 4 Partial + Full reps: Start by doing slow, partial reps (low half) then do the prescribed full reps T H U R S DAY – B AC K EXERCISE M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS R E ST A DEADLIFT FROM PINS (2" FROM FLOOR) 4 8 4 8 4 6 3 6 2-3 min B1 STRAIGHT-ARM PULLDOWN 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 As little as possible Pre-fatigue superset B2 LAT PULLDOWN SUPINATED 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 90 sec C1 CHEST-SUPPORTED (INCLINE) REAR DELTS RAISE 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 As little as possible Pre-fatigue superset C2 CHEST-SUPPORTED T-BAR ROW 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 90 sec D1 DB SHRUGS 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 As little as possible 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 90 sec Pre-fatigue superset D2 1 SHRUG STANDING ROW¹ Shrug standing row: https://youtu.be/RqLIEYruspQ F R I DAY – D E LT S & T R I C E P S EXERCISE M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS R E ST A DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS Slow eccentric 4 8 4 sec ecc. 4 8 6 sec ecc 4 8 8 sec ecc 3 Max normal reps1 2-3 min B CLOSE-GRIP BENCH PRESS Slow eccentric 4 8 4 sec ecc. 4 8 6 sec ecc 4 8 8 sec ecc 3 Max normal reps1 2-3 min C1 LATERAL RAISE SEATED ON INCLINE BENCH Low double contraction2 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 30 sec C2 OVERHEAD ROPE TRICEPS EXTENSION High double contraction3 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 75 sec D1 STANDING LATERAL RAISE Partial + Full reps4 3 6 + 8-10 4 6+8-10 4 4+6-8 3 4+6-8 30 sec D2 LYING DUMBBELL TRICEPS EXTENSION Partial + Full reps 3 6 + 8-10 4 6+8-10 4 4+6-8 3 4+6-8 75 sec E1 BARBELL FRONT RAISE Hold peak contraction 3 sec 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 30 sec E2 ROPE TRICEPS PUSHDOWN Hold peak contraction 3 sec 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 75 sec 1 Max normal reps: use the same weight as the previous week and do normal reps (no slow eccentric), as many good reps as you can 2 Low double contraction: Go down to the low position, lift halfway up slowly, go back down, lift up completely = ONE rep 3 High double contraction: Lift up completely, lower halfway down slowly, lift back up, lower back down completely = ONE rep 4 Partial + Full reps: Start by doing slow, partial reps (low half) then do the prescribed full reps SAT U R DAY – P O ST E R I O R C H A I N EXERCISE M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 R E ST WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS Slow eccentric 4 8 4 sec ecc. 4 8 6 sec ecc 4 8 8 sec ecc 3 Max normal reps1 2-3 min A UPPER BACK DEADLIFT2 B1 SEATED ROW NEUTRAL GRIP Hold peak contraction 3 sec 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 30 sec B2 BACK EXTENSION Hold peak contraction 3 sec 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 75 sec C1 LEG CURL (SEATED OR LYING) Hold peak contraction 3 sec 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 30 sec C2 FACE PULL Hold peak contraction 3 sec 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 75 sec 1 Max normal reps: use the same weight as the previous week and do normal reps (no slow eccentric), as many good reps as you can 2 Upper back deadlift: https://thibarmy.com/special-exercises-series-no-13-upper-drop-snatch/ N E U R OT Y P E 2 B P R O G R A M M I N D M U S C L E C O N N E C T I O N A N D B O DY B U I L D I N G PH ASE 2 - IN T EN SIF ICAT ION SCHEDULE M O N DAY T U E S DAY Chest & biceps Legs W E D N E S DAY T H U R S DAY F R I DAY SAT U R DAY Back Delts & triceps Posterior chain S U N DAY © 2018 Ballistic Management Inc. All Rights Reserved Without limiting rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, introduced into a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including without limitation photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. The scanning, uploading, and/or distribution of this document via the internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and is punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrightable materials. "Thibarmy" and Thibarmy logo are trademarks of Ballistic Management Inc. For more information, visite us at www.thibarmy.com or contact us at info@ballisticmanagement.com M O N DAY – C H E ST & B I C E P S EXERCISE 1 M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS R E ST A BENCH PRESS Full reps + Patials1 3 8 + max 4 8 + max 4 6 + max 3 6 + max 2-3 min B1 DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS Mechanical drop set2 3 10 + max + max 4 10 + max + max 4 8 + max + max 3 8 + max + max 90 sec B2 DUMBBELL CURL Mechanical drop set 3 10 + max + max 4 10 + max + max 4 8 + max + max 3 8 + max + max 90 sec C1 MACHINE CHEST PRESS Drop set3 3 12 + max 4 12 + max 4 10 + max 3 10 + max 90 sec C2 ROPE HAMMER CURL Drop set 3 12 + max 4 12 + max 4 10 + max 3 10 + max 90 sec D1 CABLE CROSS-OVER Drop set 3 12 + max 4 12 + max 4 10 + max 3 10 + max 90 sec D2 INCLINE DUMBBELL CURL Drop set 3 12 + max 4 12 + max 4 10 + max 3 10 + max 90 sec Full reps + Partials: Perform the prescribed full reps then do as many top half reps as possible Mechanical drop set: Use 3 variations of the same exercise (High incline DB press, Low incline DB press, flat DB bench press for pressing and reverse curl, normal curl, hammer curl). Do the prescribed number of reps for the first exercise, rest 10-15 sec do as many reps as you can on the 2nd, rest 10-15 sec, do as many reps as you can on the third... this is ONE set 2 3 Drop set: Do as many good reps as possible, drop the weight by 25% and do as many additional reps as possible T U E S DAY – L E G S EXERCISE 1 M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS R E ST A BACK SQUAT Full reps + Patials1 3 8 + max 4 8 + max 4 6 + max 3 6 + max 2-3 min B1 LEG PRESS Mechanical drop set2 3 10 + max + max 4 10 + max + max 4 8 + max + max 3 8 + max + max 90 sec B2 LYING LEG CURL Mechanical drop set 3 10 + max + max 4 10 + max + max 4 8 + max + max 3 8 + max + max 90 sec C1 ROMANIAN DEADLIFT WITH FRONT OF FEET ELEVATED (1") Mechanical drop set B3 3 12 + max 4 12 + max 4 10 + max 3 10 + max 90 sec C2 LEG EXTENSION Drop set4 3 12 + max 4 12 + max 4 10 + max 3 10 + max 90 sec D WALKING LUNGES Mechanical drop set2 3 12 + max 4 12 + max 4 10 + ma 3 10 + max 90 sec Full reps + Partials: Perform the prescribed full reps then do as many top half reps as possible Mechanical drop set: Use 3 variations of the same exercise (High incline DB press, Low incline DB press, flat DB bench press for pressing and reverse curl, normal curl, hammer curl). Do the prescribed number of reps for the first exercise, rest 10-15 sec do as many reps as you can on the 2nd, rest 10-15 sec, do as many reps as you can on the third... this is ONE set 2 3 Mechanical drop set B: Do the prescribed number of reps with the front of the feet elevated and legs almost straight, then as many reps as you can with the feet flat a bit more knee bend). 4 Drop set: Do as many good reps as possible, drop the weight by 25% and do as many additional reps as possible T H U R S DAY – B AC K EXERCISE M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS R E ST A DEADLIFT 4 6 4 6 4 4 3 4 2-3 min B1 BENT OVER BARBELL ROW 3 8-10 4 8-10 4 6-8 3 6-8 As little as possible 3 8-10 4 8-10 4 6-8 3 6-8 120 sec 3 8-10 4 8-10 4 6-8 3 6-8 As little as possible B2 CHEST-SUPPORTED (INCLINE) REAR DELTS RAISE C1 NEUTRAL GRIP CHIN-UP (ADD WEIGHT IF YOU CAN, USE BAND ASSISTANCE IF YOU NEED) Post-fatigue superset Pre-fatigue superset C2 ROPE STRAIGHT-ARM PULLDOWN 3 8-10 4 8-10 4 6-8 3 6-8 120 sec D1 KIRK SHRUGS 3 8-10 4 8-10 4 6-8 3 6-8 As little as possible 3 8-10 4 8-10 4 6-8 3 6-8 120 sec D2 DB SHRUGS, LEANING FORWARD 15 DEGREES Pre-fatigue superset F R I DAY – D E LT S & T R I C E P S EXERCISE 1 M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS R E ST A MILITARY PRESS Full reps + Patials1 3 8 + max 4 8 + max 4 6 + max 3 6 + max 2-3 min B CLOSE-GRIP FLOOR PRESS Full reps + Patials1 3 8 + max 4 8 + max 4 6 + max 3 6 + max 2-3 min C1 DB SHOULDER PRESS Mechanical drop set2 3 10 + max + max 4 10 + max + max 4 8 + max + max 3 8 + max + max 90 sec C2 EZ BAR CABLE TRICEPS PRESSDOWN Mechanical drop set 3 10 + max + max 4 10 + max + max 4 8 + max + max 3 8 + max + max 90 sec D1 DB LATERAL RAISE Mechanical drop set 3 10 + max + max 4 10 + max + max 4 8 + max + max 3 8 + max + max 90 sec D2 LYING DB TRICEPS EXTENSION Drop set3 3 10 + max 4 10 + max 4 8 + max 3 8 + max 90 sec Full reps + Partials: Perform the prescribed full reps then do as many top half reps as possible Mechanical drop set: Use 3 variations of the same exercise (High incline DB press, Low incline DB press, flat DB bench press for pressing and reverse curl, normal curl, hammer curl). Do the prescribed number of reps for the first exercise, rest 10-15 sec do as many reps as you can on the 2nd, rest 10-15 sec, do as many reps as you can on the third... this is ONE set 2 3 Drop set: Do as many good reps as possible, drop the weight by 25% and do as many additional reps as possible SAT U R DAY – P O ST E R I O R C H A I N EXERCISE M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS R E ST A UPPER BACK DEADLIFT WITH ADDED BAND RESISTANCE 4 8 4 8 4 6 3 6 2-3 min B1 CHEST-SUPPORTED T-BAR ROW 3 8-10 4 8-10 4 6-8 3 6-8 30 sec B2 BACK EXTENSION 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 8-10 3 8-10 90 sec C1 SINGLE LEG ROMANIAN DEADLIFT 3 8-10/leg 4 8-10/leg 4 6-8/leg 3 6-8/leg 30 sec C2 BAND PULL APART 3 10-12 4 10-12 4 12-15 3 12-15 90 sec N E U R OT Y P E 2 B P R O G R A M M I N D M U S C L E C O N N E C T I O N A N D B O DY B U I L D I N G PH ASE 3 - REALIZAT ION SCHEDULE M O N DAY T U E S DAY Chest & biceps Legs W E D N E S DAY T H U R S DAY F R I DAY SAT U R DAY Back Delts & triceps Posterior chain S U N DAY © 2018 Ballistic Management Inc. All Rights Reserved Without limiting rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, introduced into a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including without limitation photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. The scanning, uploading, and/or distribution of this document via the internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and is punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrightable materials. "Thibarmy" and Thibarmy logo are trademarks of Ballistic Management Inc. For more information, visite us at www.thibarmy.com or contact us at info@ballisticmanagement.com M O N DAY – C H E ST & B I C E P S EXERCISE 1 M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 R E ST WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS 4 6,6,8,8 5 5 4 6,6,4,4 3 6,5,4 2-3 min A BENCH PRESS B1 INCLINE BENCH PRESS Rest/Pause1 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec B2 BARBELL CURL Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec C1 DECLINE BENCH PRESS Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec C2 PREACHER CURL Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec D1 CABLE CROSS-OVER Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec D2 EZ BAR REVERSE CURL Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec Rest/Pause: Perform the prescribed number of reps (you should be close to failure, or hit failure), rest 15 seconds and do as many additional reps (same weight) as possible T U E S DAY – L E G S EXERCISE 1 M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 R E ST WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS 4 6,6,8,8 5 5 4 6,6,4,4 3 6,5,4 2-3 min A BACK SQUAT B1 HACK SQUAT Rest/Pause1 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec B2 ROMANIAN DEADLIFT Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec C1 LEG PRESS Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec C2 LEG CURL (LYING OR SEATED) Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec Rest/Pause: Perform the prescribed number of reps (you should be close to failure, or hit failure), rest 15 seconds and do as many additional reps (same weight) as possible T H U R S DAY – B AC K EXERCISE 1 M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 R E ST WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS 4 6,6,8,8 5 5 4 6,6,4,4 3 6,5,4 2-3 min A DEADLIFT B CHEST-SUPPORTED T-BAR ROW Rest/Pause1 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec C NEUTRAL GRIP PULL-UPS (ADD WEIGHT IF POSSIBLE, USE BAND ASSISTANCE IF NEEDED) Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec D SUPINATED SEATED ROW Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec E BARBELL SHRUGS Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec Rest/Pause: Perform the prescribed number of reps (you should be close to failure, or hit failure), rest 15 seconds and do as many additional reps (same weight) as possible F R I DAY – D E LT S & T R I C E P S EXERCISE 1 M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS R E ST A MILITARY PRESS 4 6,6,8,8 5 5 4 6,6,4,4 3 6,5,4 2-3 min B CLOSE-GRIP INCLINE BENCH 4 6,6,8,8 5 5 4 6,6,4,4 3 6,5,4 2-3 min C ARNOLD PRESS Rest/Pause1 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec D EZ BAR LYING TRICEPS EXTENSION Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec E DB LATERAL RAISE Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec Rest/Pause: Perform the prescribed number of reps (you should be close to failure, or hit failure), rest 15 seconds and do as many additional reps (same weight) as possible SAT U R DAY – P O ST E R I O R C H A I N EXERCISE 1 M E T H O D/ TEMPO WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WO R K SETS REPS WO R K SETS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS WO R K S E TS REPS R E ST A SUMO DEADLIFT 4 6,6,8,8 5 5 4 6,6,4,4 3 6,5,4 2-3 min B PENDLAY ROW 4 6,6,8,8 5 5 4 6,6,4,4 3 6,5,4 2-3 min C LYING LEG CURL Rest/Pause1 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec D BACK EXTENSION Rest/Pause 2 8-10 + max 3 8-10 + max 3 6-8 + max 2 6-8 + max 90 sec Rest/Pause: Perform the prescribed number of reps (you should be close to failure, or hit failure), rest 15 seconds and do as many additional reps (same weight) as possible