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Career Services Engagement Essay: Langan Internship

John Parios
FYEL Section 4
Career Services Engagement Essay
Langan was one of the companies which attended one of the recent career fairs offering
an internship spot for my major (Environmental Engineering). This company supplies a hybrid of
engineering and consulting services which contribute to a variety of land development projects,
corporate real estate, and the energy industry. This diverse workload would allow me to gain
experience in a variety of fields which I could very easily deal with once I graduate, providing
me with a level of familiarity which could prove useful in several work environments. Langan
was founded in 1970 which leads me to believe I would enjoy being an intern for this company
due to the experience that this company has in the field, as I thoroughly enjoy diversifying my
own skills and knowledge. Langan has also expanded from their founding in the United to
having 5 global offices, which provides useful insight for if I were to transfer or if I were curious
as to how different global branches functioned.
I may be able to add an internship to my resume within the next year. I would hopefully
be able to obtain an internship that has some form of engineering or environmental relevance to
gain experience and familiarity with the professional side of handling environmental issues or
how engineers actually handle issues they are faced with. I will also be able to add relevant
coursework such as calculus 3 and physics to my resume to portray a higher level of academic
knowledge on subjects which will be useful in my professional career, and hopefully appeal to
companies which may want to utilize my knowledge for an internship. I could also possibly join
an honor society of some sort or the Honors college which could help strengthen my academic
resume and hopefully make me stand out from the rest of my peers in the hiring process, possibly
even assuming a leadership role.
One clear benefit of services like Nole Network for those who utilize it is an ability to
take note of companies who offer opportunities for their future. Even if they do not utilize the
opportunity at the time, it could prove to be useful in a time where you may need an opportunity.
Another benefit of using career based programs as a freshman or sophomore is the ability to also
gain contacts. Although these people you may come into contact with on these sites may not be
looking for your services at that time, an employer will always choose someone they are familiar
with over someone they do not know, given you have the same qualifications. Another clear
benefit of networking sites as a freshman or sophomore is the presentation of internship
opportunities. Although internships may not necessarily lead to careers with that company, they
provide a plethora of experience which will prove to be very useful in your career in your field,
regardless of where you go, as experience is the best way to gain understanding of how certain
systems work. I will attend a career fair at some point in my time attending the FAMU-FSU
college of engineering. Whether it is for an internship or a full-time job coming out of college, a
career fair presents a great opportunity to not only find employment, but make connections for
possible future endeavors if an opportunity I have does not fully materialize in the way I hope.