OBJECTION HANDLING: I don’t want to discount my services: ● “I totally hear you. We’ve had a lot of chiropractor partners in your shoes so I completely understand. That being said, if we COULD get you a positive ROI on your investment month 1 and bring you qualified patients that are ready to sign up for long term care, would you be open to it?” ● “What would you be comfortable with? THE LAST THING I would want is to run an offer you are not comfortable with. If you are not comfortable with your offer, the customers we will send you, are going to feel it and it will be a challenge to sell them.” - (see if you guys can negotiate an offer here. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, continue presenting the demo until you guys have established an offer.” ● “I had a feeling you would say that, over the last (blank number of months/years you have been in business) we have tested MULTIPLE different offers. A lot of them worked but this specific one CRUSHED the other ones. If you are ok with possibly taking a hit on your ROI than we can do whatever offer you would like. In the end of the day it is your business and we can only market what it is you want. (ALWAYS DIG DEEPER!!!) Low quality leads: ● “I totally understand. That’s why we have training from another chiropractor walking you through how to go from lead all the way to signing up for a long term care plan. “ ● “Let me ask you something though - If we’ve consistently been able to train over (BLANK #) of chiropractors on how to use Facebook ads to get patients that actually come in and sign up for long term care plans that range from $1,000 all the way to $5,000, why do you think we wouldn’t be able to do the same for you?” ● “How many leads did your previous agency send you on a monthly avg? What was your show up rate? What was your close rate? ● “If this worked for this guy in this state, and that gal in that state, why wouldn't this work for you? ● “At what point do you and your staff assess that someone is a low quality lead? Is it done before they come in? Or only when they come in and they are broke?” (Find out at what point did the other agency lose them hammer on that point IF you have a solution) (This is where you want to assess their numbers/closing ratio, F IND THEIR BREAK EVEN POINT WITH YOUR SYSTEM… YOU MUST KNOW THEIR NUMBERS BEFORE THEY KNOW YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Find out WHY the other agency failed. Are you going to be able to do something, someone else was not able to do. If you can make them trust your services… THEY WILL BUY Tried Facebook Ads/Another Agency already: ● “I hear you on that. But let me ask you something. Have you ever gotten a patient/customer that comes in and they’ve already tried another (whatever niche you are in) and they had a terrible experience... But after working with you, they had a much better experience and wanted to sign up for care? This is exactly why we are on the call today…” (HAMMER THE POINT THAT THEY ALSO GET SKEPTICAL CUSTOMERS…) ● In the marketing world... there are better agencies and worse agencies. For example, most other agencies just get you JUST leads. We give you all of the resources and training to get you to go from facebook lead to getting a sales. The scripts, the video trainings for you, the video trainings for your staff, etc. You also get a dedicated success coach, all of the bonuses, and you might even get a free bottle of wine in the mail. (THIS IS FOR THOSE WHO DO PROVIDE TRAINING ETC…) ● “If we COULD get you a positive ROI in your month 1 and bring you qualified patients that are ready to sign up for long term care, would it make sense to move forward today?” THE BEST WAY TO HANDLE THIS OBJECTION IS BY HAVING A RISK FREE GUARANTEE… THE LESS OF A RISK THE CLIENT CAN TAKE THE MORE LIKELY THEY ARE TO SIGN UP RIGHT AWAY. Get aggressive with your guarantee. (X number of leads per month or your money back PLUS $1000, Double their investment in 90 days or full refund minus ad spend, X number of people to show up to their business in the first month or two. The best suggestion I have on this is make the initial guarantee SEXY. S E X Y!!!! LET THEM THINK ABOUT IT AS A NO BRAINER :)) I already have a lot of Referrals: P lease do not get on a demo with someone who is comfortable with where they are at.!!!! ● “Are you comfortable relying on this process as a way to grow your business for the rest of the year?” ● “Have you ever wanted to work with someone who automates marketing for you?” THIS IS A RARE OBJECTION AND YOU SHOULD ONLY GET IT ONCE OR TWICE A QUARTER What makes you different from another agency? ● ● ● (DEPENDING ON WHEN THEY ASK YOU THIS QUESTION, SO IF IT IS AFTER THE VALUE STACK, WHICH MEANS YOU HAVE SHOWN MOST OF THE SYSTEM YOU CAN ASK THEM THAT QUESTION BACK) “Well (First Name) after seeing what I have showed you so far, what would you say makes us different?” (IF THEY ASK THIS QUESTION EARLY ON JUST SAY YOU WILL GET TO IT IN JUST A MINUTE BUT ALSO SAY - “What makes you and your business different, why would I buy specifically from you guys when there are an X amount of businesses like yours in your community…” ● “Our aggressive guarantee” ● “The fact that we have a team of X people so it's not just a one man show.” ● “Our current experience in this field and our results.” ● “Our understanding of marketing and your (niche/business)” THEY TRUST YOU GUYS TO KNOW WTF YOU ARE PUTTING ONLINE AND THE FACT THAT YOU ARE AN EXPERT IN THIS FIELD How much time do I have to decide? ● “How much time do you need to decide?” ● “What exactly do you have to decide on? Is it the money, is it a timing issue, or is it ME?” ● “Is there something in particular you need to think about that we can discuss right now?” ● “Is there anything I can do today to earn your business?” ● “I want to make sure you guys make the best decision for you, and your business, what specifically can we today to start working together?” ● “How about this - (start negotiating) for the first month, we will do this for you and that way you guys can test this system out…” ONLY NEGOTIATE IF THEY ARE WORTHY!!! DO NOT USE THIS TACTIC ALL THE TIME… IF YOU REALLLY REALLLLLY WANT TO WORK WITH THEM, THAN DO IT. :D ● TIME TO PITCH THE DEPOSIT - “You can absolutely sleep on this offer, that being said the only way, I can ensure that your spot get saved and you get a discount is by asking for JUST (however much your deposit is - I would recommend $100). I F THEY DONT TAKE IT, IT IS UP TO YOU IF YOU WANT TO BE LENIENT OR NOT… 6-7 out of 10 who are a good fit and like your system will put down a deposit. I am usually pretty lenient. I believe most people come back and if I treat them RIGHT they will remember that. With that being said, DO NOT LET ANYONE WALK ALL OVER YOU AND YOUR SYSTEMS. PLEAASEEEE I need time to find the money and look over my finances. I just don’t make decisions on the spot. I need to check with partner or spouse. ● “Okay great. When specifically will you be talking with your partner or spouse?” (THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE SURE ALLLL PARTNERS/FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ARE INVOLVED ARE ON THE DEMO CALL!!! THE FIRST THING YOU SHOULD SAY BEFORE EVERY DEMO, “Awesome (First Name) do we have everyone here that needs to see this or are there any other decision makers that should join us? There aren’t?! Perfect I had a feeling you were able to make decisions alone. Thank god for being an adult” - use this last line if they are cool. Assholes will not understand this last joke lol ● “When will you be looking over your finances today?” “Is there a number that you would be comfortable with, if we were to move forward with right now?” ● “How do you usually think about these type of things? Do you talk with someone? Pray on it? Write things down?” ( GET TO THEIR HEAD HERE AND MAKE SURE THIS IS NOT A WAY OF THEM JUST LEAVING THE CALL, THIS IS WHERE YOU GET TO KNOW HOW THEY ACTUALLY THINK…) ● “No matter when you move forward with us, please remember that it takes my team a whole week to build everything out. So if you are ready to take on new business next week, let’s do it now. ● “Once you get the approval from your wife (who should be on the call) or finance manager, will we be able to work then? Are there any other obstacles in the way of us working together? ● (HERE IS AN AMAZING TIP IF YOU COULD NOT OVERCOME AN OBJECTION) -“Awesome, I just friended you on Facebook, let’s follow up with each other through there that way if you have any questions or concerns I will be quick to reply.” I have no money - (PLEASE BE SURE TO KNOW THEIR FINANCES AHEAD OF PITCHING. NOTHING WORSE THAN WASTING AN HOUR OF YOUR TIME WITH SOMEONE WHO IS STRUGGLING TO BUY STARBUCKS) ● "Okay...”(Silence) “We understand that finances can be a challenge, and we always do our best to work with people in this scenario. Let me ask you this, is this something you really want to do? Because if it’s not a good fit, that is okay, too.” ● (HAVING AN AMAZING GUARANTEE HELPS HERE A TON!) “ Look (First Name), if we just bring you an X amount of business you will already make your money back, how much of a no brainer can we make this for us to start working together?” (PLEASE PLEASE KNOW THEIR NUMBERS, KNOW HOW THEY CAN AT LEAAAST BREAK EVEN) ● “Ok (First Name), let me put the ball in your court, after everything you saw today, what would be a fair price point for you, in order for us to move forward TODAY? ● "Tell me more about that.” ( Let them tell you about EVERYTHING!! Divorce, child support, ex business manager betrayal, etc. HEAR OUT THEIR HORROR STORIES, emphasize and build the bridge to how you can help them.) ● "OK, so you shared with me throughout the call that this is exactly what you need to do to move forward. So tell me, how is it that you are going to afford to continue without it?" (“I can’t.”) - THIS IS FUCKING GOLD.. THEY NEED YOUR SHIT!!! ● "So how can we make this a reality for you? You said you need a system that will take you from (blank) to (blank). We both know that this system can help you, so again, how can we make this a realty?” Objection: I don’t have the money. ● “Isn’t that why you came on the call to begin with!?” ● “What will change between now and (however much time they need?) ● “What can we do right now to begin working together?” Once I make some money then I want to work with you: ● “Well… Do you ever offer free services? Do you have clients pay you AFTER earning your business or before?” (LET THIS QUESTION FUCK THEM UP…) ● “How about we make our guarantee even better?” (See if that baits them in..) I need some time to think it over: ● “I get that... and I encourage that. We want this to be a great fit for everyone, but tell me what is there to think about exactly? The money, the system, or me?” ● “Can I ask you this? What haven’t we discussed that you still need to think about? That’s why I take the time on these calls. I’m here right now to help you make an empowered decision. While you still have me on the phone here, what questions or concerns do you still have that are unanswered?” (Discuss those.) ● If they can decide in 24 hours, or the next day, we just set a specific TIME and DAY they need to enroll by to get the incentive price. ● “I think about things all the time, it is why I am single because I don’t want to commit to something I am not sure of. You should have seen how long it took me to buy a car haha… That being said what goes around comes around. If you put out the energy that everything you purchase you have to think about, your customer will do the same.” ● “On a scale of 1-10, 1 being horrible, 10 you are ready to move forward right now, where would you put yourself on this scale?” anything under 10 ask what is holding it back from being a 10. ● “On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you in this system. What are some of the things that are holding you back?” ● PITCH DEPOSIT HERE It’s not a good time: ● “If not now, then when?” ● “You told me that you want to grow this business to X and you have a family to take care (or whatever their “WHY” is) so you are not looking to grow your business. Would you be okay with your competitor taking all your clients?” ● “We have an overwhelming amount of inquiries from your area, if you don't take this now, we will have someone in your area that will be more than happy to take it. ● (STOP SHARING YOUR SCREEN AND LOOK UP NEAR COMPETITORS AND ASK THEM IF THEY WOULD BE OK WITH BLANK TAKING THEIR BUSINESS. MESS WITH THEIR EGOS A BIT. THE EXCUSE OF BAD TIMING SHOULD HAVE COME UP ON THE INITIAL CALL. IF YOU FIND THIS OUT AFTER YOU PITCH, REASSESS YOUR INTRO SCRIPT. :D) I need to check with partner or spouse: (MAKE SURE ALL PARTNERS/RELATIVES/WHOEVER THE HELL NEEDS TO SEE THIS, IS ON THE CALL AT ALLLLL TIMES) ● “Yes, I totally understand. That is very important. So let me clarify here. Are you saying you are in, and you just need to get a ‘sign-off’ from your spouse/partner, and then we are moving forward? Or is there something else?” - If yes, say, “Okay great. When specifically will you guys be able to talk?” “Perfect. So you will have spoken with your spouse by noon eastern tomorrow… “Awesome, I just friended you on Facebook, just reach out to me there and get enrolled by noon tomorrow and I will hold those savings for you until then.” ● If they can decide in 24 hours, or the next day, we just set a specific TIME and DAY they need to enroll by to get the incentive price. ● Note: OFFER to get on the phone with the spouse and discuss, too. It works really well when you do. Just be sure when they do come on the phone that you don’t start blabbing about you. JUST THE SYSTEM AND HOW IT WILL HELP THEIR BUSINESS GROW :D ● Start the conversation by asking “Great, what questions do you have about us helping your husband/wife....(grow their business, lose weight, balance their hormones...etc)?” and address their concerns and questions only. ● “Happy wife, happy life!! When can I chat with your wife and answer all of her questions? ● “Is your partner the only thing that is holding you back from working with us?” ● “I want to roleplay with you how you would speak to your (partner/wife/husband) since we went over A LOT of material today, I want to make sure that it gets delivered correctly.” (LEGIT ROLEPLAY WITH THEM, The first thing they will tell their partner is that they took a demo for fb ads that cost 2k a month lol… so just be sure to push them here) I’ve been in other programs like this and still haven’t gotten the results I wanted. ● “What SPECIFIC outcomes would you need to see to make this TOTALLY worth the investment of time and resources? What would make this a complete NO BRAINER for you?” Omer does not use the following below but it is DAMN good... The Magic Question… Use this magic question if your prospect is on the fence: “Look, the REAL decision you are making isn’t whether or not to work with us or anyone else out there. That’s really irrelevant.... The REAL decision you have to make is whether, or not, you are ready to commit to (having the things they said they wanted to have in their business and/or life), or whether, or not, you want to continue... (having all the problems and challenges they just told you they had). THAT’S the REAL DECISION you are going to be faced with, until you are ready to change. THIS is a magical. It makes the decision about gaining what they want in life, not about coaching with you. REMEMBER: They are not making a DECISION to work with you, coach with you, or “buy your service”, they are making a DECISION on whether or not they want to stay stuck where they are, or move forward and gain the things in life they really want. PLEASE GO READ “The Close Survivor Guide” by Grant Cardone. Has A LOOOT of great objection handlings :)