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Lifehack Summit 2017 Workbook: Mindset, Focus, Memory

The Lifehack Summit 2017
Summit Workbook
From Your Summit Hosts,
Carey & Demir Gjokaj
The Lifehack Summit 2017
Day One
Uplevel Your Mindsets
Lifehack Summit 2017
Lewis Howes
NYT Bestselling Author, The
School of Greatness
"How To Become Great"
Why Lewis seeks out discomfort on a daily basis
Why having a vision is actually the most important tool to have to defeat
What 'vision' actually is and how to define it for yourself
He compares his current career to his previous career in sports - and
explains why leveling up in both is a very similar process
How his new booklet "Millionaire Morning" can help bring clarity and vision to
anyone trying to level up in their life and career
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"I'm a ____________________ of life."
"The only way for us to grow is to constantly step into things we've
________________ done."
"My vision demands more of _______________."
"If you lose sight of the dream - even for ______________________ - it's going to
"You've got to master the art of ____________________ in yourself."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Marisa Peer
Pioneering Hypnotherapy
Trainer and Coach
"How To Win The Mental Game"
How Marisa uses Rapid Transmission Therapy to treat underlying mental
Why she can get such rapid results in one 90-minute RTT session with clients
Why praising yourself is the best way to trick your brain into peak
Why Marisa tells her clients to project the best version of themselves into the
world, starting from within themselves
Why she believes creating positive mindsets should be as important to all of
us as they are to Olympic athletes
How being able to collaborate with yourself is a critical tool for productivity
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"You can't fix emotional issues with logic, because one of the rules of the
___________________ is that emotion defeats logic."
"Every habitable action comes from a __________________________."
"RTT sets people free - it gives them their ________________________ back, but
better than it was before."
"Do you think _______________ told himself he wasn't that great at boxing? No!
He told himself he was the greatest even before he did something great."
"Start to collaborate with your ________________________."
"If you can upgrade your phone or laptop, why can't you upgrade the
software in your ___________________?"
"If you ___________ talent and belief, you can go anywhere and do anything."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Jessica Geist
Co-Founder, The Coach
"Defeating Overwhelm In Your Day-To-Day"
What performance coaching is and why top-performers seek out coaches
How top performing people experience, display and overcome overwhelm
Why letting go of control over every aspect of your life will bring your most
important priorities into focus
The two 'flavors' of overwhelm - and why both of them are so dangerous
The 3 main members of Demir's 'itty bitty sh*tty committee', and how they try
and hold you back
Step-by-step explanation of her 4-step process of how to DEFEAT
OVERWHELM the second it comes up in your day
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"The experience of overwhelm is a __________________ experience."
"Asking for help, and seeing strengths in other people, is not a _______________
in yourself."
"You are not your mind, you are not your ______________________."
"Nowadays we aren't being chased by bears, we're being chased by our
"We starting '___________________' all over ourselves."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Cal Newport
Best Selling Author, Deep Work
"4 Steps To Developing Deep Focus"
How "deep work" is a superpower for the 21st century
Examples of industry names who use deep work tactics and why it's
benefited them so much
How our current digital culture has been expertly constructed to distract us
from our work
Why you should quit social media altogether!
Why FOCUS is becoming an economic scarcity
How to get started doing deep work
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"Deep work is really intense, ________________ concentration with zero
"The 'stars' are stars at _______________________."
"The human brain is not a _____________________ processor."
"Technopoly: the assumption that if it's high-tech, it's ___________________."
"Just take the apps __________________ your phone!"
"Shallow work is what stops your startup from going bankrupt, deep work is
what grows it ______________________."
"Shallow work is what keeps you from getting fired. Deep work is what gets
you ________________________."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Caitlin Pyle
Founder, Proofread Anywhere
"Practical Performance Mindsets"
How to get work done when you don't even feel like getting out of bed
How Caitlin took a horrible experience being fired from her job and used it as
a catalyst to increase her courage
How you can create your own incredible "self-fulfilling prophesy" in your life
How she anticipates and circumvents mental roadblocks when she's
experiencing "analysis paralysis"
Caitlin's "1% Better Rule" and how it's helped her be more productive and
less stressed
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"Mindsets are the ____________________ for the reality we create for ourselves"
"There is no limitation unless you _______________ limitation"
"It is 100% possible to create _______________ with the skills and mindsets you
have. It's not easy - you have to _____________________ to have it everyday"
"Think smaller - you're not going to become a millionaire overnight, you're
not going to change your mindsets overnight, it's a ________________ process"
"The "Bare Ass ___________________________": the one thing I need to do to make
myself feel successful for the day"
Lifehack Summit 2017
Rick Hanson
Psychologist and Bestselling
"Hardwiring Your Brain For Happiness"
How to cultivate positive traits like happiness, resilience, and motivation
The two step process required to teach your brain how to grow
Why our brain has a negativity bias, and how we can combat that on a daily
How our brain is designed to be changed by our experiences
How to go from feeling like you're running on empty to 'running on full' using
a SUPERHACK that only takes 20 seconds!
The 3 easiest ways to bring yourself out of a stress episode quickly and
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"If you want to improve your bottom line...[the 3 factors it boils down to] are:
challenges, vulnerabilities, and ____________________."
"Now that we know what we want to grow, ________________ do we grow it?"
"Experience-dependent neuroplasticity: we're __________________________ as we
go through life."
"To learn happiness, confidence, strength...that takes________________________."
"The superpower of superpowers: ___________________________ itself."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Nelson Dellis
4x USA Memory Champion,
Memory Consultant
"How Memory Translates To Performance"
How Nelson went from having an "average memory" to having superhuman
Why there's such a huge debate around the need to have a good memory at
all in this day and age
Why a "human touch" on technology is becoming increasingly essential
How he uses memory training as personal meditation
How training your brain now is going to allow you to focus on your aging
processes with much less stress and anxiety
He shows us a SUPERHACK that anyone can use to start using spacial
memory to memorize information
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"People are more willing to believe you can do this naturally versus the fact
that it's a ________________________ skill."
"We're __________________________ what psychologists even thought was
possible or not with the human mind."
"Everyone is going to get Alzheimers at some point, it's just a matter of
"It's not just our body, it's our ________________________."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Jairek Robbins
Best Selling Author, LIVE IT!
Achieve Success By Living With
"LIVE IT! How To Live In The Moment While
Reaching For The Stars"
How immersing yourself in a 'personal development' atmosphere can change
your life in ways you could never predict
Two of his favorite 'SUPERHACK' apps to help him stay focused - and why
they ACTUALLY work
How to take things you don't enjoy and make them into beneficial
experiences for yourself or your business
Why he loves being business partners with his wife Amanda
Why asking the right questions about your partner's roles in the company will
catapult your relationship forward
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"There's a handful of people in the world who are competing for gold, and all
of a sudden you take that small group and say 'hey, I want to be
_________________ of that group'."
"Until you can wrap your head completely around the concept of you just
being wrong and them being ___________________, you'll never be able to get
them to understand where you're coming from."
"What's ________ way? What's ___________ way? What's ________ way?"
"33% of the people in your peer group should be _________________ ahead of
The Lifehack Summit 2017
Day Two
Create Your Perfect Workflow
Lifehack Summit 2017
Kevin Harrington
Serial Entrepreneur, Shark
"How To Think Like A Top-Performing
Why good time management is one of the greatest tools an entrepreneur
can have in their tool belt
How to leverage the people and resources around you to cut to the front of
the line
The one thing that most entrepreneurs are doing WRONG
What percentage of time Kevin divides between his ongoing projects,
business development, and self education
His habits that keep him at his peak performance
How a fateful meeting with Donald Trump was a turning point in how Kevin
thinks about time
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"My time management strategy is what I call my "_________________ per minute
"You should spend ___________ of your day educating yourself"
"Sometimes people are close to getting there, but never make it all the way
because they were that much shy of getting the _____________________ to help
Lifehack Summit 2017
Jay Papasan
Best-selling Author, The One
"How To Juggle Competing Priorities And Get Big
Things Done"
How a great manager isn't even a manager at all - they're teachers and
Why the phrase "success is sequential not simultaneous" has shaped him as
a professional
How the "focusing question" can be a huge catalyst as you reach for success
How to project yourself into your future to really understand where you want
to be and what you want to accomplish
How to invest your time NOW to save time in the future
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"Leadership is teaching people how to ________________________"
"If you try and do it all at once, it's a recipe for ______________________"
"You can use money to buy future time, but there's no amount of money that
can buy time you __________________________ in the past"
"When you really say yes to something, you are in fact saying _______________
to other stuff"
"Very few people are going to have a 'Road to Damascus' moment, where
everything becomes _________________________ in a flash"
Lifehack Summit 2017
Dan Martell
Serial Entrepreneur, Angel
"Inspiration, Motivation, And Concrete Advice
From A Top Founder"
How Dan uses his ADHD as a superpower instead of a limitation
How Dan puts structure into his days and weeks, and why his system works
for both multi-million dollar companies AND his family
Why batching similar tasks optimizes his creative energy flow
Small 'games' that anyone can play to trick themselves into being productive
Why his entire life (business and family) is one giant system - and how to get
access to his templates to build your own!
How to adapt the tools you have at your disposal to work for you
Concrete advice about how to move forward after a huge failure or loss
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"When you get to rock bottom the only place you can go is _________________."
"_________________ vs. have: I get to wake up in the morning to go to work!"
"Everything before noon is MY time...________________ vs. time management."
[Ask your partner weekly] "On a scale of 1 to 10, _________________ have I been
as a husband or wife for you?"
"I document what I need done so I don't have to do it twice, because that is
"The more you push on the world, the more you _____________________."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Mel Robbins
CNN legal and social
"Defeating Overthinking, Laziness, and Anxiety
With The 5 Second Rule"
How hitting rock bottom 9 years ago and feeling so helpless pushed Mel to
become the person she is today
How to make yourself DO things instead of just thinking about them
How confidence is a skill acquired simply through TRYING
Why a solid morning routine is the reason Mel is so productive throughout
her day
How she defeated severe anxiety after battling with it for over 25 years
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"You can _________________ your brain in furtherance of higher goals."
"You don't make a phone call by ___________________ about making a phone
call. Ever."
"What is the purpose of your ______________________?"
"I focus on __________________ and ___________________. That's all I ever focus on."
"Don't you deserve ___________________________ before all those idiots get your
Lifehack Summit 2017
charlie gilkey
Founder, Productive
"From Idea To Done: Finishing Your Projects"
Why productivity without context or planning is UNproductive
How to to get a project from 'fuzzy' to 'clear'
ONE question that everyone should be asking themselves as they work on
important projects
The 'culture of email' and why it might be a good idea to reevaluate your
relationship to email!
Two reasons people are afraid to move outside of their comfort zone
How to fix the major roadblocks people usually face in project planning and
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"[A lot of us can look back at our week and say] "I can show you what I've
done, but I don't feel like I did what ______________________."
"We ___________________ have a word for a big project the way that we have a
word for a big house: a mansion."
"Whenever we have a conceptual hole in language...we have a
_______________________ hole that follows."
"The process is going from IDEA to _______________________."
"To be creative is to be functionally ______________________________."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Chris bailey
Author, The Productivity Project
"Managing Time Isn't Enough: How To Manage
Your Attention And Energy"
How being intentional in your productivity is going to help you work smarter,
not harder
The 3 attributes that distractions can have that draw our attention away from
what we should be doing
"Procrastination Triggers" and how they determine what tasks in our lives we
are likely to procrastinate on
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"Productivity is about doing the right things, and doing those things
"It used to be that _____________________ was all we had to manage."
"The state of our attention determines the state of our ____________________."
"The most productive people are the ones that ___________________ most
Lifehack Summit 2017
Derek Pando
Video evangelist at Zoom
Video Communications
"The Future Is Video: How To Leverage Video To
Improve Your Productivity And Expand Your
Why video conferencing is the future of business
Why video communication is the next best thing to face-to-face interactions
What sets Zoom apart from other cloud video conference platforms
Why video conferencing can help remote workers connect and network in
ways most digital platforms don't
The tremendous "reach, brand and productivity" opportunities that video can
create for entrepreneurs
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"[Zoom's Mission is to] Make video ___________________."
"You have the chance to show yourself as a brand that is _________________
than you actually are."
"I can't think of any situation where having an audio conference call is going
to give you an ______________________."
"However you connect with people is going to be a _____________________ of
your brand."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Brett Terpstra
Podcast host, Systematic and
"What It's Like To Automate Your Entire Life"
How leveraging the tools you've got at hand can help to AUTOMATE areas of
your life you never thought possible
How Brett has used his ADHD as an essential advantage
Why the 'dream we're all sold' - making more and working less - is a
dangerous social norm
Why the "no before yes" mentality works for him in his career
Brett's top tips for reclaiming time and mental space
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"[Automation] is _______________________ worth the time."
"People don't want a single piece to the puzzle, they want something they
can just _______________________!"
"It was a drive to make up for my shortcomings, but focus on my
"People will lose ____________________ for you more if you take on a project, get
them excited about it, and then fail to finish it because you're spread too
"[I make sure to] take the time to say out loud "This is ___________________. I'm
happy with this.'"
Lifehack Summit 2017
Erik Fisher
Podcast Host, Beyond The RoDo List
"Beyond The To-Do List: Hacks To Optimize Your
How he combats his ADHD with productivity systems and tools
How 'pre-planning' differentiates his tasks as either just 'productive' or both
'productive and optimal'
Why it's important to consciously shift your mind off of work on a regular
How starting off his day right actually starts the night before
Why batching your work is the easiest way to get ahead and feel
Erik's #1 tip for overcoming distractions
How to choose the task management software that's best for you
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"Passing the ____________________ to my future self."
"Work can often _____________________ to fill the time you give it."
"You've ______________________ it, and now you know you'll get to it - it's
important, but not as important as what you're doing right now."
"It's got to __________________ you. It's got to be something you're going to
commit to and stick with."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Ray Sidney-Smith
Podcast Host, ProdPod
"Overcoming Procrastination and Perfectionism "
What overwhelm actually is and concrete ways you can overcome it
Why reflection is such a key component of preventing future overwhelm
What true Rejuvenation Time should be (hint: it's not plopping down for a
Netflix marathon!)
How to look at your to-do list as a timeline instead of a task list
Ray's ""Progress Imperative"" and why he believes you can overcome
The parallels between perfectionism and procrastination and how to identify
these traits in yourself
How overwhelm, procrastination and perfectionism are all very similar
emotions and how shifting your attitude towards one will improve all three!
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"The first step to overcoming overwhelm: knowing you have the capacity to
"The more you externalize something, the more you can __________________ it."
"Everything that you're not doing [right now] is a '________________/maybe'
"Accountability - among all other kinds of motivation - is the
"Procrastination is ___________________."
The Lifehack Summit 2017
Day Three
Experience Life After Overwhelm
Lifehack Summit 2017
Greg McKeown
NYT Bestselling Author,
Essentialism: The Disciplined
Pursuit Of Less
"Long Term Goal Setting, Demystified"
How the 3 key aspects of Essentialism work together to create the philosophy
called 'The Way of The Essentialist"
Why it's important to radically broaden your "time horizons" when it comes to
finding your mission and defining your goals
How using the word "no" is the most powerful tool you can have
His 21-day Essentialist Challenge helps you to really understand what centers
you and how you should move forward
Why our "concentration norms" are shattered in this day and age
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"The antidote is the disciplined pursuit of _________________."
"If you don't _______________________ your life, someone else will."
"It's difficult to overstate the ________________________ of practically everything."
"It's not about getting more things done...it's about getting the _____________
things done."
"The key to saying no is how clear we are on ____________________."
"Verb, population, __________________, date"
"There are two types of people in this world: people who are lost, and people
who _______________________ they are lost."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Jules Schroeder
Founder, Unconventional Life
"How To Ignore Conventional Wisdom"
How Jules learned to calculate risks in a world telling her "that's not a safe
Her definition of an "unconventional life" - and how you can lead one
How success and failure are on equal and opposite spectrums - the more of
one you get, the more of the other you get
How to weed through the mountain of noise and truly listen to yourself what you want, who you want to be, what matters to you
Why self care is at the root of all success
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"If there are people in your life that just "don't get it" or don't get you, THAT'S
"If you don't know how to do something, the easiest way to get started is
______________________ to someone who's already doing it."
"Ask yourself, "Is this a hell YES or a hell _______?"
"No matter what is happening in your life, you are ____________________. You
are winning, because you are showing up to this conversation."
"Grief is ____________. Humility, struggle, if you're going through something, it's
Lifehack Summit 2017
Laura Vanderkam
Best-selling author, 168 Hours:
You Have More Time Than You
"You Have More Time Than You Think!"
Why it seems like we are constantly losing time
Why it's a MYTH that "Americans working more hours than they ever have
How to track your energy and productivity levels in tandem to get the most
work done
The data behind our overwhelm and overwork
How to tackle the issue of not feeling happy in your current career
How to free up space in your work day using a few simple tricks
Why she separates her priority list into 3 key categories - Career,
Relationships, and Health
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"Saying 'I don't have time' really means it's not a ___________."
"One of the reasons time seems to speed up as we get older is it's a lot more
"Ask yourself, "How is today going to be different from ____________?"
"Ask yourself, "What is my ______________ here?"
"Look back on your day and say 'what did I like? What did I not like? What can
I _____________________?'"
Lifehack Summit 2017
Amy Porterfield
Online marketing expert, host
of Online Marketing Made Easy
"Online Marketing Made Easy: What Small
Business Owners Should Focus On!"
Amy talks about the ONE shift you can make in your online marketing
technique to sustain an engaged following
Why it's more important to consistently add value to your following than
expect anything from them as you build the relationship
How to decide what value you should give out for free vs. what you should
have people pay for
Who should be focused on building an email list
Why content creation doesn't have to be hard!
What her "Tiger Time" is and why it's an essential tool for content creators
How to structure your content calendar if you're just starting out
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"The ________________ of your business is tied directly to the strength of your
"You definitely don't have to have it all ____________________ out to start building
your email list."
"Don't be afraid to _______________ away your best stuff!"
"I have to ___________________ my right to sell to my audience."
"I was taught that if you're not __________________ yourself to work hard, you're
not working hard enough. But in this world, no thank you!"
"You have to be ____________________ in your business in order for it to grow."
"________________ the Do-er!"
Lifehack Summit 2017
Natalie Sisson
CEO, The Suitcase
"Create Endless Freedom"
How Natalie decided to make life-altering career moves after years in a
corporate environment
How to become a "leading learner"
Why location independence is more than just a current trend - it's the way of
the future
What work-life balance looks like as someone who is "location independent"
The spectrum of people she helps to create a freedom lifestyle - from single
millennials to retired couples to families of 6
How to tell if you're in "No Freedom Land" (aka a state of overwhelm)
Why and how she went on sabbatical from her online business for 3 months
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"Freedom is ALWAYS your _____________________ of freedom."
"Do ________________ you want, ___________________ you want, with
________________ you want."
"How can I monetize my knowledge and package it in a way that is
___________________________________ to many people?"
"What am I doing right now that's not ____________________________ me?"
"[Daily Freedom Routines] are little moments of freedom you give to yourself
throughout the day, and make them _________________________________."
Lifehack Summit 2017
todd henry
Founder, Accidental Creative
"Staying Passionate, Productive, and Happy"
How he stays passionate about his job after more than 10 years
2 practical tips for anyone struggling to start an important project
How he uses pre-planning to help himself dive right in to his work the next
How a "mid-day routine" helps him to stay engaged for the rest of the day
How to "Run Your Day From The Back Of An Index Card"
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"To be creative is to solve _________________________."
"End with the ___________________________ in mind."
"You have to be confidently __________________."
"Confidence says I can get this right, _____________ says I can do no wrong."
"Get your best work out of you so you don't take your best work with you to
the _______________________."
"Don't be in such a hurry to ___________________."
Lifehack Summit 2017
Clinton Senkow
Co-founder and COO,
"Lifehacking The Relationship Economy"
Why he built Influencive - and who he built it for
How he chose when faced with two conflicting career opportunities
Why a personal brand is so important for entrepreneurs
How he uses social media to create a powerful professional network
How open lines of communication has allowed for his team to work well
together from around the world
How to create a productive environment for yourself if you're working
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"Say _________________ now and figure it out later."
"When it comes to relationships, it's important to provide ___________________
"If you want to be a _______________________________, you need to learn from
people that have done it before!"
Lifehack Summit 2017
Charlie Hoehn
Author, Play It Away: A
Workaholic's Cure For Anxiety
"How To Bring Play To Your Workday"
How Charlie went from having panic attacks to banishing anxiety from his life
Why PLAY is essential for our happiness, mental health, and business
Why Improv Comedy is a SUPERHACK to become "better at failing" - and why
that's a good thing for your career
How to use "Free Work" to network with incredible people and start doing
work you're passionate about
Fill-In-The-Blank Quotables
"The opposite of play isn't work, it's ________________."
"You are a human being. You are innately _____________."
"When you are your most _____________ self, people gravitate towards that."
"I took money and success completely out of the equation, and solely
focused on the _____________."
Lewis Howes
10 minutes
Marisa Peer
Caitlin Pyle
Jessica Geist
to-do list
Cal Newport
Rick Hanson
Nelson Dellis
Jairek Robbins
Your​, ​my​, O
​ UR
5 steps
Kevin Harrington
right person
Jay Papasan
Dan Martell
Mel Robbins
Trying​, ​progress
30 minutes
Charlie Gilkey
Chris Bailey
Derek Pando
Brett Terpstra
Success, choose
Mohammed Ali
Erik Fisher
Ray Sidney Smith
Amy Porterfield
Greg McKeown
Jules Schroeder
Laura Vanderkam
Natalie Sisson
what, when, who
Todd Henry
Clinton Senkow
Charlie Hoehn