W W W .AN I TE.COM / N EMO NEMO HANDY- A USER MANUAL NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Copyr ig h t The inform at ion cont ained in t his docum ent is confident ial and no part of it m ay be copied or reproduced in any form wit hout t he writ t en consent of Anit e Net work Test ing. Addit ionally, t his docum ent is not t o be passed t o or discussed wit h t hird part ies wit hout t he prior writ t en perm ission of Anit e Net work Test ing. Anit e’s product s are subj ect t o cont inual developm ent and specificat ions m ay change. Users of Anit e’s product s and docum ent at ion should exercise t heir own independent j udgem ent t o evaluat e t he suit abilit y of Anit e’s product s and docum ent at ion for t heir part icular use. Anit e does not accept any liabilit y arising from t he applicat ion or use of t he product or t his docum ent at ion. All reasonable care has been m ade t o ensure t hat t his docum ent is accurat e. I f you have any com m ent s on t his docum ent , or would like det ails of any Anit e product s, services or equipm ent , please cont act us t hrough t he Anit e websit e. Revision 2.61.00 Last edit ed July 2015 Page 2 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL CON TEN TS 1 QUI CK GUI DE ................................................................................................... 9 2 BEFORE YOU BEGI N .......................................................................................... 10 2.1 Not es ...................................................................................................... 10 2.2 I m port ant ................................................................................................ 10 2.2.1 End- user license agr eem ent ............................................................... 10 2.2.2 Traffic safet y .................................................................................... 10 2.2.3 Operat ing environm ent ...................................................................... 10 2.2.4 Local laws and r egulat ions ................................................................. 11 3 NEMO HANDY- A SYSTEM OVERVI EW ................................................................... 12 4 NEMO HANDY- A SETUP ..................................................................................... 13 4.1 I nst alling Nem o Handy- A using SD card ....................................................... 13 4.2 I nst alling Nem o Handy- A fr om Nem o User Club ............................................ 13 4.3 Nem o Handy- A OTA ( Ov er- t he- air) updat e ................................................... 14 4.4 I nst alling Nem o Handy- A license ................................................................. 14 4.5 Superuser r equest .................................................................................... 16 4.6 Connect ing an ext ernal GPS ....................................................................... 17 5 DURI NG MEASUREMENTS .................................................................................. 18 5.1 Manual applicat ion t est ing.......................................................................... 19 5.1.1 Manual voice call t est ing .................................................................... 19 5.1.2 Manual SMS t est ing ........................................................................... 20 5.1.3 Manual MMS t est ing .......................................................................... 21 5.1.4 Manual HTTP t est ing .......................................................................... 22 5.1.5 Manual FTP t est ing ............................................................................ 24 5.1.6 Manual SFTP t est ing .......................................................................... 25 5.1.7 Manual I Perf t est ing .......................................................................... 27 5.1.8 Manual I CMP Ping ............................................................................. 27 5.1.9 Manual Facebook t est ing .................................................................... 28 5.1.10 Manual YouTube t est ing ..................................................................... 30 5.1.11 Manual LinkedI n t est ing ..................................................................... 33 5.1.12 Manual Twit t er t est ing ....................................................................... 33 5.1.13 Manual I nst agram t est ing .................................................................. 34 5.1.14 Manual Dropbox t est ing ..................................................................... 35 5.1.15 Manual E- m ail t est ing ........................................................................ 36 5.1.16 Manual scanning ............................................................................... 38 5.1.17 Cell check ........................................................................................ 39 5.2 Script ed applicat ion t est ing ........................................................................ 40 5.2.1 Page 3 Creat ing script s ................................................................................ 42 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.2 Script ed voice calls ........................................................................... 46 5.2.3 Script ed call answer .......................................................................... 47 5.2.4 Script ed FTP t ransfer ......................................................................... 48 5.2.5 Script ed SFTP t ransfer ....................................................................... 49 5.2.6 Script ed HTTP t ransfer ....................................................................... 51 5.2.7 Script ed HTML browsing .................................................................... 53 5.2.8 Script ed I CMP Ping ............................................................................ 53 5.2.9 Script ed SMS send ............................................................................ 54 5.2.10 Script ed MMS send ............................................................................ 55 5.2.11 Script ed I perf TCP/ UDP...................................................................... 56 5.2.12 Script ed YouTube t est ing ................................................................... 57 5.2.13 Script ed Facebook t est ing .................................................................. 58 5.2.14 Script ed Twit t er t est ing ..................................................................... 59 5.2.15 Script ed I nst agram t est ing ................................................................. 59 5.2.16 Script ed LinkedI n t est ing ................................................................... 60 5.2.17 Script ed Dr opbox t est ing ................................................................... 60 5.2.18 Script ed scanning ............................................................................. 61 5.2.19 Wait ................................................................................................ 63 5.2.20 Airplane m ode .................................................................................. 63 5.2.21 Band lock ......................................................................................... 64 5.2.22 Channel lock .................................................................................... 64 5.2.23 AMR lock ......................................................................................... 65 5.2.24 Script ed E- m ail t est ing ...................................................................... 65 5.2.25 Nest ed script .................................................................................... 67 5.3 Aut om at ed t est ing .................................................................................... 67 5.3.1 Aut om at ed t est ing set t ings ................................................................ 68 5.3.2 Maint enance FTP............................................................................... 70 5.3.3 Maint enance SFTP ............................................................................. 72 5.3.4 Scheduling m aint enance and m easur em ent sessions m anually ............... 73 5.3.5 Manual st art and st op ........................................................................ 76 5.3.6 Access point for m aint enance and script ed connect ions ......................... 77 5.4 Voice qualit y t est ing .................................................................................. 77 5.4.1 POLQA NB/ SWB m ode select ion .......................................................... 77 5.4.2 Voice qualit y t est ing in uplink+ downlink m ode ...................................... 77 5.4.3 PESQ v oice qualit y t est ing .................................................................. 78 5.4.4 PEVQ- S video qualit y t est ing .............................................................. 78 5.4.5 Nem o serv er r em ot e configurat ion ...................................................... 78 5.5 Forcing feat ur es ....................................................................................... 79 5.5.1 Syst em lock ..................................................................................... 80 5.5.2 Band lock ......................................................................................... 81 5.5.3 GERAN/ GSM carrier lock .................................................................... 82 5.5.4 UTRAN/ WCDMA carrier lock ................................................................ 82 5.5.5 EUTRAN/ LTE car rier lock, LTE cell lock ................................................. 83 5.5.6 AMR codec act ivat ion......................................................................... 84 5.6 Support ed chipset s ................................................................................... 84 5.7 Forcing feat ur es of Broadcom chipset .......................................................... 85 5.7.1 Page 4 GSM channel lock ( ARFCN) ................................................................. 85 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.7.2 WCDMA car rier lock ( UARFCN) ............................................................ 86 5.7.3 LTE carrier lock ( EARFCN/ PCI ) ............................................................ 87 5.7.4 Cell barring ...................................................................................... 88 5.7.5 Measurem ent m ode........................................................................... 88 5.7.6 Measurem ent suppr ession .................................................................. 88 5.7.7 Measurem ent biasing ........................................................................ 88 5.8 I P capt ur e ................................................................................................ 90 5.9 I ndoor m easur em ent s ............................................................................... 91 5.9.1 I m port ing m aps and defining m ap set t ings........................................... 91 5.9.2 I m port ing iBwave m aps ..................................................................... 92 5.9.3 Per form ing indoor m easurem ent s ....................................................... 94 5.9.4 Dist ribut ed ant enna syst em s ( DAS) ..................................................... 97 5.10 Out door m easurem ent s ............................................................................. 99 5.10.1 BTS inform at ion on a m ap................................................................ 100 5.10.2 Line drawing on t he m ap for serving cell ............................................ 102 5.10.3 Use case 1 – A m ap wit h rout e, BTS, and not ificat ion icons .................. 102 5.11 Defining rout e param et er s ....................................................................... 104 5.12 File explorer ........................................................................................... 107 5.13 Playback ................................................................................................ 108 6 NEMO HANDY- A MEASUREMENT VI EWS ............................................................. 110 6.1 Param et er m enu ..................................................................................... 111 6.1.1 Set act ive ...................................................................................... 111 6.1.2 Aut o scale ...................................................................................... 112 6.1.3 Num ber form at ............................................................................... 112 6.2 St at us view ............................................................................................ 113 6.3 Script view ............................................................................................. 114 6.4 GPS ...................................................................................................... 115 6.5 Not ificat ion hist ory .................................................................................. 116 6.6 Map ...................................................................................................... 117 6.7 I ndoor m ap ............................................................................................ 118 6.8 BTS view ............................................................................................... 119 6.9 WEB view .............................................................................................. 120 6.10 YouTube view ......................................................................................... 121 6.11 YouTube param et ers ............................................................................... 121 6.12 Facebook view ........................................................................................ 122 6.13 LinkedI n view ......................................................................................... 122 6.14 Twit t er view ........................................................................................... 123 6.15 I nst agram view ...................................................................................... 123 6.16 St at ist ics views ....................................................................................... 124 6.17 Signaling view ........................................................................................ 125 6.18 Voice qualit y view ................................................................................... 126 6.19 WiFi view ............................................................................................... 127 6.20 Transact ion log view ............................................................................... 129 6.21 Analysis of RF ingress view ...................................................................... 130 6.22 GSM view s ............................................................................................. 131 6.22.1 Page 5 Sum m ary view for GSM ................................................................... 131 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.22.2 Cell m easurem ent s view for GSM ...................................................... 133 6.22.3 GSM cell t able / GSM hopping channels ............................................. 134 6.22.4 GSM int er- sy st em cells .................................................................... 134 6.22.5 GSM view ...................................................................................... 135 6.22.6 Throughput view for GSM................................................................. 135 6.22.7 PPP t hr oughput view for GSM ........................................................... 136 6.22.8 GPRS view for GSM ......................................................................... 136 6.23 WCDMA views ........................................................................................ 137 6.23.1 Sum m ary view for WCDMA .............................................................. 137 6.23.2 WCDMA cell m easur em ent s .............................................................. 140 6.23.3 WCDMA cell t able ............................................................................ 141 6.23.4 WCDMA int er- syst em cells ............................................................... 141 6.23.5 WCDMA MI MO ................................................................................ 142 6.23.6 WCDMA/ WCMA power cont rol view ................................................... 142 6.23.7 Throughput View for WCDMA ............................................................ 143 6.23.8 PPP t hr oughput for WCDMA .............................................................. 144 6.23.9 I per f for WCDMA ............................................................................. 144 6.23.10 HSDPA view for WCDMA .................................................................. 145 6.23.11 WCDMA HSUPA view ....................................................................... 146 6.24 LTE views .............................................................................................. 147 6.24.1 Sum m ary view for LTE .................................................................... 147 6.24.2 LTE cell m easurem ent s view ............................................................. 151 6.24.3 LTE cell t able .................................................................................. 151 6.24.4 LTE int er- syst em cells ..................................................................... 152 6.24.5 LTE MI MO ...................................................................................... 152 6.24.6 Applicat ion t hroughput view for LTE .................................................. 153 6.24.7 PPP t hr oughput view for LTE ............................................................ 153 6.24.8 I per f view for LTE ........................................................................... 154 6.24.9 LTE link adapt at ion dow nlink ............................................................ 155 6.24.10 LTE link adapt at ion uplink ................................................................ 156 6.24.11 LTE CA cells ................................................................................... 156 6.24.12 LTE CA t hr oughput .......................................................................... 157 6.25 CDMA/ EVDO views .................................................................................. 157 6.25.1 Sum m ary view for CDMA/ EVDO ........................................................ 157 6.25.2 Cell m easurem ent s view for CDMA/ EVDO ........................................... 160 6.25.3 RX pow er view for CDMA/ EVDO ........................................................ 161 6.25.4 Pow er cont rol view for CDMA/ EVDO .................................................. 161 6.25.5 Applicat ion t hroughput view for CDMA/ EVDO ...................................... 162 6.26 Cust om view .......................................................................................... 163 6.26.1 Creat e split .................................................................................... 163 6.26.2 Cust om display exam ple .................................................................. 169 7 SETTI NGS .................................................................................................... 174 7.1 General set t ings ..................................................................................... 174 7.2 Logins ................................................................................................... 175 7.3 Display set t ings ...................................................................................... 176 7.3.1 Page 6 Not ificat ions ................................................................................... 177 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7.4 Logging set t ings ..................................................................................... 181 7.4.1 I dle logging .................................................................................... 183 7.4.2 Log file split t ing .............................................................................. 183 7.4.3 Defining m easur em ent upload configurat ions ..................................... 186 7.5 GPS set t ings .......................................................................................... 190 7.6 Map set t ings .......................................................................................... 191 7.7 I ndoor set t ings ....................................................................................... 192 7.8 BTS set t ings ........................................................................................... 193 7.9 UI cust om izat ion set t ings ......................................................................... 196 7.9.1 Ser ving info param et er s .................................................................. 197 7.9.2 Ser ving info bar .............................................................................. 199 7.10 Voice qualit y set t ings .............................................................................. 200 7.11 Nem o Serv er config set t ings .................................................................... 202 7.12 Check for updat es ................................................................................... 203 7.13 Scanner set t ings ..................................................................................... 203 8 DRT4311B SCANNER ....................................................................................... 204 8.1 I nst alling Mps Scanner Ser vice Air using SD car d ........................................ 204 8.2 I nst alling Mps Scanner Ser vice: ................................................................ 204 8.3 I nst alling Mps Scanner Ser vice from Nem o User Club .................................. 204 8.4 I nst alling Mps Scanner Ser vice license ....................................................... 205 8.5 Bluet oot h pairing .................................................................................... 205 8.5.1 GSM fr equency scan ........................................................................ 207 8.5.2 UMTS pilot scan .............................................................................. 209 8.5.3 LTE pilot scan ................................................................................. 211 8.5.4 CDMA pilot scan .............................................................................. 213 8.5.5 EVDO pilot scan .............................................................................. 215 8.5.6 Scanning result s ............................................................................. 218 9 PCTEL I BFLEX SCANNER .................................................................................. 220 9.1 I nst alling PCTEL Scanner Service using SD card.......................................... 220 9.2 I nst alling Scanner Ser vice: ...................................................................... 220 9.3 I nst alling Scanner Ser vice fr om Nem o User Club ........................................ 220 9.4 Bluet oot h pairing .................................................................................... 221 9.4.1 Frequency scan .............................................................................. 221 9.4.2 Pilot scan ....................................................................................... 224 9.4.3 LTE OFDM scan ............................................................................... 227 9.4.4 Scanning result s ............................................................................. 229 10 ENDI NG MEASUREMENTS ................................................................................ 231 11 EXPORTI NG AND CONVERTI NG FI LES ............................................................... 232 11.1 Uploading log files on serv er .................................................................... 232 11.2 Export ing files m anually .......................................................................... 233 12 POST- PROCESSI NG MEASUREMENTS ................................................................ 234 12.1 Post - pr ocessing wit h Nem o Out door .......................................................... 234 12.2 Post - pr ocessing wit h Nem o Analyze .......................................................... 234 Page 7 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 13 TI PS AND HI NTS ............................................................................................ 235 13.1 St art ing m easurem ent s ........................................................................... 235 13.2 File locat ions .......................................................................................... 235 13.3 Using t he GPS r eceiver ............................................................................ 235 14 TECHNI CAL SUPPORT ...................................................................................... 236 14.1 User Club ............................................................................................... 236 14.2 Nem o Support Port al ............................................................................... 236 14.3 Phone and em ail support ......................................................................... 237 APPENDI X A A1 Page 8 .................................................................................................... 238 END- USER LI CENSE AGREEMENT .............................................................. 238 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 1 QUI CK GUI D E This quick guide will explain briefly how t o set up t he Nem o Handy- A m easurem ent syst em and how t o st art t he act ual m easurem ent s. ♦ D o not upgr a de , r oot , or r e fla sh your N e m o H a n dy m e a sur e m e nt t e r m in a l fir m w a r e . D oing so w ill ca use t he t e r m ina l t o pe r m a ne nt ly lose it s m e a sur e m e n t ca pa bilit y! ∇ Using N e m o H a n dy 1. Select t he Nem o Handy but t on from t he Apps view by t apping Apps on your Nem o Handy- A m obile. 2. I f you want t o use script s, t ap t he Scr ipt but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar. I f t here are no script s creat ed yet , t ap t he N o scr ipt field and select N e w scr ipt from t he dialog box. Add script com m ands by t apping Add at t he bot t om right corner of t he t ouchpad. Ot herwise, choose a script from t he list and select St art from t he dialog box. 3. To st art recording m anually, t ap t he St a r t logging but t on ( recording has st art ed, t he recording icon ( 4. ) on t he t oolbar. Once t he ) appears on t he t ouchpad. You can browse t he different views by dragging your finger horizont ally across t he screen. I f a view has several pages, you can m ove bet ween t he pages by dragging your finger vert ically across t he screen. To act ivat e band lock, syst em lock, preferred channel lock ( UMTS only) , or AMR codec, t ap t he M e nu but t on ( ) and select For cing. Please not e t hat unless you deact ivat e forcing feat ures, t hey will st ay act ive even if you exit Nem o Handy- A. 5. While Nem o Handy- A is logging, you can use t he m obile norm ally for m aking calls, sending SMS m essages, et c. Press t he H om e but t on t o swit ch bet ween different applicat ions or t o m ake a call. 6. St op t he recording by t apping t he St op loggin g but t on ( . Aft er pausing you can cont inue logging by t apping delet e t he result ing log file. 7. Page 9 Export t he m easurem ent file for post - processing. ) , or pause logging by t apping . You are able t o keep, renam e or NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 2 BEFORE YOU BEGI N This m anual explains how t o set up and operat e t he Nem o Handy- A m easurem ent t ool soft ware developed by Anit e Finland Lt d. Nem o Handy- A is a port able engineering t ool for m easuring and m onit oring t he air int erface of digit al net works. The support ed net work st andards are: GSM, WCDMA, HSPA, LTE, CDMA, EVDO, WI FI ( HETNET) Nem o Handy- A is an effect ive t ool for t racing m obile net works. Nem o Handy- A collect s m easurem ent result s and st ores t hem on a m em ory card. Measurem ent result s provide useful inform at ion for net work opt im izat ion, verificat ion, and m aint enance purposes. Result s can be efficient ly and easily viewed wit h t he Nem o analysis t ool Nem o Analyze for Windows® . 2 .1 N ot e s When using t he Nem o Handy- A t est m obile for m easurem ent use, t he bat t ery operat ion t im e is reduced from norm al use. The best operat ion t im es will be achieved when t he bat t eries are regularly charged and discharged as inst ruct ed in t he m obile user m anual. See also ot her inst ruct ions and hint s from t he m obile user m anual regarding t he bat t ery use. 2 .2 I m por t a n t 2.2.1 En d- u ser lice n se a gr e e m e nt The soft ware described in t his docum ent is furnished under End- user license agreem ent and m ay be used only in accordance wit h t he t erm s of t hat agreem ent . 2.2.2 Tr a ffic sa fet y Do not operat e Nem o Handy- A ( or any t est device) and drive at t he sam e t im e. Rem em ber, t raffic safet y com es first . Not e t hat in som e count ries it is illegal t o drive a car and operat e a device at t he sam e t im e. 2.2.3 Ope r a t in g e nvir onm e n t Do not operat e Nem o Handy- A wit hout reading t he User Manual, including it s w arnings, for t he devices used by Nem o Handy- A. Always st op using Nem o Handy- A and swit ch off t he Nem o Handy- A t est device( s) when it is forbidden t o use radio equipm ent or when it m ay cause int erfer ence or danger. Do not use t he Nem o Handy- A t est device( s) in a hospit al. I t m ay int erfere wit h nearby elect ronic devices. Never use Nem o Handy- A in an aircraft . The use of m obiles in an aircraft m ay be dangerous. Observe rest rict ions on t he use of radio equipm ent in gas st at ions, fuel depot s, chem ical plant s, or sit es where blast ing operat ions are in progress. Page 10 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 2.2.4 Loca l la w s a n d r e gu la t ion s Not e t hat t he local laws and/ or regulat ions m ay set lim it at ions, rest rict ions or ot her obligat ions on t he use of t he Nem o Handy- A and/ or t he t est devices. Observe t he laws and regulat ions of t he count ry ( as well as of any ot her relevant j urisdict ion) where t he Nem o Handy- A and/ or t est device is used. Anit e Finland Lt d assum es no responsibilit y or liabilit y arising from t he failure t o com ply wit h t he local laws and/ or regulat ions. Page 11 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 3 N EM O H AN D Y- A SYSTEM OV ERVI EW The t est ing environm ent consist s of a Nem o Handy- A com pat ible sm art phone or t ablet . The package also includes t he connect ing cable, a m em ory card, and a Bluet oot h GPS receiver ( opt ional) . For connect ing t he GPS receiv er t o t he syst em , please refer t o t he docum ent at ion in t he GPS receiver package. The Nem o Handy- A soft ware is preinst alled in t he m obile so you can st art m easurem ent s as soon as you receive t he product package. You can use t he Nem o Handy- A m obile as a regular phone while Nem o Handy- A is logging in t he background: you can m ake calls, send SMS/ MMS m essages, m ake dat a t ransfers, et c. Page 12 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 4 N EM O H AN D Y- A SETUP 4 .1 I n st a llin g N e m o H a n d y- A u sin g SD ca r d Nem o Handy- A m obiles are delivered preinst alled but you m ay need t o updat e Nem o Handy- A yourself. Please follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully t o inst all Nem o Handy- A. ∇ I n st a llin g N e m o H a n d y- A: 1. Uninst all t he old Handy- A version by going t o Apps | Se t t ings | M or e | Applica t ion M a na ge r and t apping Uninst a ll. 2. Connect t he USB cable t o t he Nem o Handy- A m obile and t o t he com put er where you have t he Nem o Handy- A inst allat ion files. 3. Select D isk dr ive / M e dia de vice ( M TP) as t he connect ion t ype. 4. Copy Nem o Handy- A HandyRelease.apk file ont o your m obile device under Nem o folder. ( W he n using Sa m sun g Ga la x y N ot e 3 or Sa m su ng ga la x y N ot e 3 T- M obile se e * ) 5. Disconnect t he dat a cable from t he m obile. 6. Go t o Apps | M y File s | All File s | N e m o and select HandyRelease.apk file from t he list . 7. Select I nst a ll. 8. I nst allat ion is st art ed and once it is finished, you can st art using Nem o Handy- A. *) When using Sam sung Galaxy Not e 3 or Sam sung Galaxy Not e 3 T- Mobile, not e t hat inst allat ion of Superuser soft ware is required prior t o using Handy- A for t he fir st t im e. Devices have pre- inst alled Superuser soft ware, so you only need t o re- inst all t he soft ware if it has been rem oved from t he device. 4 .2 - Wit h Not e 3 handysuperuser.apk is required - Wit h Not e 3 T- Mobile superuser.apk is required I n st a llin g N e m o H a n d y- A fr om N e m o Use r Clu b Nem o Handy- A m obiles are delivered preinst alled but you m ay need t o updat e Nem o Handy- A yourself. Please follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully t o inst all Nem o Handy- A. ∇ I n st a llin g N e m o H a n d y- A fr om N e m o Use r Clu b : 1. Uninst all t he old Handy- A version by going t o Apps | Se t t ings | M or e | Applica t ion M a na ge r and t apping Uninst a ll on your Nem o Handy- A m obile. 2. St art a browser on your Nem o Handy- A m obile and log in t o t he Nem o User Club. You m ust have a valid Technical Support Agreem ent and valid access codes ( usernam e and password) . 3. Go t o t he lat est Nem o Handy- A release and select t he set up file ( e.g. Nem o_HandyA_1.10.42_Set up) Page 13 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 4. Select Apps | M y File s | All File s | D ow nloa d and t ap t he set up package ( .apk) aft er t ransfer is com plet ed. ( W he n usin g Sa m su ng Ga la x y N ot e 3 or Sa m su ng Ga la x y N ot e 3 T- M obile se e * ) *) 5. Select I nst a ll. 6. I nst allat ion is st art ed and once it is finished, you can st art using Nem o Handy- A. When using Sam sung Galaxy Not e 3 or Sam sung Galaxy Not e 3 T- Mobile, not e t hat inst allat ion of Superuser soft ware is required prior t o using Handy- A for t he first t im e. Devices have pre- inst alled Superuser soft ware, so you only need t o re- inst all t he soft ware if it has been rem oved from t he device. Superuser soft war e can be found from User Club. 4 .3 N e m o H a n dy- A OTA ( Ove r - t h e - a ir ) u pda t e To check if t here are new updat es available you can go t o Nem o Handy- A set t ings and t ap Che ck for Upda t e s. I f a new version is found you can choose t o download and inst all it . Nem o Handy- A will also check at every st art up w het her t here is a new version available. Not ice t hat your Technical Support agreem ent needs t o be valid before a new version will be det ect ed. 4 .4 I n st a llin g N e m o H a n d y- A lice n se Nem o Handy- A m obiles are delivered preinst alled but you m ay need t o updat e t he Nem o Handy- A license. Nem o Handy- A ret rieves t he license aut om at ically over t he air when st art ing Nem o Handy- A for t he first t im e wit hout a license. I f you do not have t he possibilit y t o connect t he Nem o Handy- A m obile t o int ernet via m obile connect ion or WiFi, please cont act Nem o Helpdesk for t he license. Please follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully t o select t he Nem o Handy- A license. Page 14 ∇ NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Se le ct in g N e m o H a n d y- A lice n se : ♦ The se inst r uct ions a r e m e a nt t o be follow e d w he n a lice nse ha s be e n upda t e d, e .g. w he n a ne w pr oduct ve r sion cont a inin g ne w fe a t ur e s r e quir ing a lice nse is publishe d or w he n a cust om e r ha s pur cha se d a ne w opt ion for a n e x ist ing lice nse . A ne w lice nse is uploa de d t o t he se r ve r by N e m o Te chnica l Suppor t a nd N e m o H a n dy- A a ut om a t ica lly conne ct s t o t he se r ve r a nd r e t r ie ve s t he a va ila ble lice nse s. 1. I n Nem o Handy- A, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | About | Lice nce and t ap Br ow se lice nse s. The License Browser view opens. 2. Tap Re fr e sh t o refresh t he list of available licenses for Nem o Handy- A. The current ly used license is highlight ed in green. A net work license displays a product variant , opt ions, and expirat ion dat e. There is no addit ional inform at ion available for a regular license. I f t here is a problem regarding t he license, an error dialog appears. Page 15 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 3. Select t he correct license from t he list by t apping it and select ing Loa d. I f you want t o release a license, select Re le a se . You can now st art using Nem o Handy- A. 4 .5 Su pe r u se r r e qu e st Aft er inst alling Nem o Handy- A t o a device for t he first t im e, Superuser access will be request ed. I t is recom m ended t o select Rem e m be r ch oice for e ve r . ♦ N ot e t ha t w he n u sing N ot e 3 a nd N ot e 3 T- M obile de vice s, t he Supe r use r soft w a r e m ust not be r e m ove d or N e m o H a ndy- A w ill not funct ion. Page 16 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 4 .6 Con n e ct in g a n e x t e r n a l GPS Nem o Handy- A uses an int ernal GPS receiver by default . I f you want t o use an ext ernal GPS, you have t o pair a Bluet oot h GPS wit h t he phone. Turn t he Bluet oot h GPS on. I f you have several devices, swit ch on only one GPS at a t im e t o avoid an incorrect ly paired syst em . Bluet oot h I D is not print ed on t he Bluet oot h GPS case. Choose Apps | Se t t in gs | Blue t oot h and select t he corresponding GPS. When you have a connect ion t o t he GPS, t he GPS view is visible. I f you cannot see t he GSP view, check t hat you have chosen t he correct GPS device. Page 17 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5 D URI N G M EASUREM EN TS When Nem o Handy- A is st art ed, hom e view wit h short cut s is displayed. The hom e view can be cust om ized by t he user t o include t he m ost used pages and short cut s t o t hem . To leave t he hom e view, t ap t he ret urn but t on. You can re- ent er t he hom e view by t apping Handy icon bar. To select pages for t he hom e view, t ap and hold on a page slot . in t he act ion Aft er you st art logging wit h Nem o Handy- A ( M e nu | St a r t loggin g or t ap if visible) you can use t he m obile as any regular m obile. Nem o Handy- A runs in t he background r ecording all m easurem ent dat a. Press t he H om e but t on t o swit ch bet ween different applicat ions or t o m ake a call. To pause logging go t o M enu pausing go t o M e nu St op loggin g or t ap | Pa use logging or t ap | Resum e logging or t ap if visible, t o cont inue logging aft er if visible, and t o st op logging go t o M e nu | if visible. During m easurem ent s, calls and dat a t ransfers can be m ade and/ or t he phone can be left in an idle st at e, during which t im e m easurem ent s are carried out . Measurem ent result s are st ored int o a file filenam e.nm f. You can view t he m easurem ent process in a num ber of views. You can browse t he various views by swiping t he t ouchpad wit h your finger or by t apping t he page header and select ing from t he list of displays in t he popup short cut m enu. I f a page has several views, you can m ove bet ween t he views by dragging your finger vert ically across t he screen. Not e t hat t he scales in t he line graphs will change according t o t he act ive param et er in t he graph. You can change t he act ive param et er from t he param et er m enu t hat pops up when t he param et er nam e is t apped and hold down on t he screen. The different views are described in det ail in chapt er Nem o Handy- A Measurem ent Views. You can add m arkers, t ext ual m arkers, predefined m arkers, and phot o m arkers t o t he log file t o m ark point s of int erest during t he m easurem ent . Page 18 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL To add a m arker t o an .nm f file, t ap m arker/ phot o m arker, t ap on t he t oolbar. To add m arker/ t ext ual m arker/ predefined and select Add m a r k e r / Add t e x t ua l m a r k e r / Add pr e de fine d m a r k e r / Add phot o m a r k e r from t he pop up m enu. To add a phot o m arker, t ap and select Add phot o m a r k e r from t he pop up m enu. The cam era preview screen opens. Tap t he cam era icon ( ) t o capt ure t he im age. Tap Sa ve t o save t he im age, ent er t he phot o nam e in t he opening dialog, and select OK. 5 .1 M a n u a l a pplica t ion t e st in g ♦ W he n pe r for m in g m a n u a l da t a t e st ing, se le ct t h e a cce ss point t ha t w ill be use d in t he da t a m e a sur e m e n t . Ple a se follow t he t e r m ina l m a nua l t o de fine a cce ss point . 5.1.1 M a n u a l voice ca ll t e st in g ♦ W he n t e st ing voice ca lls m a nua lly, a lw a ys m a k e t he ca lls fr om N e m o H a ndy- A. I f you m a k e a ca ll by e nt e r ing t he num be r usin g k e ypa d a nd t he n t a ppin g , phone e ve nt s ( ca ll a t t e m pt , ca ll conne ct e d, e t c.) w ill not be w r it t e n t o log file s. To t est voice calls m anually, t ap t he Tools but t on ( Page 19 ) on t he t oolbar and select M a k e ca ll. NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Ent er a phone num ber by t apping t he Phone num ber field. Alt ernat ively you can or select an exist ing cont act from t he address book by t apping t he folder icon. Finally, t ap Ca ll. When m aking a call at t em pt t he call alert ing icon ( screen. To end t he call, t ap t he Tools but t on ( ) appears on t he t op right corner on t he ) and select H a ng up ca ll. You can adj ust t he volum e by pressing t he volum e up or volum e down key on t he upper left - hand side of t he phone. 5.1.2 M a n u a l SM S t e st in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . To m anually t est sending SMS m essages, t ap t he Tools but t on ( ) and select Se nd SM S. Select t he Re que st de live r y r e por t opt ion t o receive a report about t he m essage sending. Page 20 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Select t he End- t o- e nd t e st ing opt ion t o t est end- t o- end delivery t im e. Bot h t erm inals m ust use GPS t im e ( see GPS set t ings) . Cust om se r vice ce nt e r defines a service cent er, ot her t han t he default service cent er, used t o send m essages. I f you leave t his field em pt y, Nem o Handy will use t he default service cent er. D e st ina t ion defines t he r ecipient m obile num ber. Tap t he folder icon t o select t he recipient from address book. M e ssa ge refers t o t he t est SMS m essage sent . Type here t he t est m essage. Finally t ap Se nd t o send t he t est m essage. 5.1.3 M a n u a l M M S t e st ing ♦ N ot e t ha t t o a ble t o pe r f or m M M S t e st ing, t he M M S t e st ing fe a t ur e s m u st be t ur ne d on in Ge ne r a l se t t ings. ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . N ot e t ha t Andr oid ve r sion 4 .4 or la t e r is r e quir e d for pe r for m ing M M S t e st s. To m anually t est sending MMS m essages, t ap t he Tools but t on ( Se le ct M M S file defines t he MMS file t hat will be sent . Page 21 ) and select Se nd M M S. NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Com pose allows com posing t he m essage. Ent er phone num ber and subj ect , wr it e a m essage and add an at t achm ent . To discard m essage t ap M e nu | D isca r d. Con ne ct ion t im e out ( s) defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he connect ion at t em pt . Tr a nsfe r t im e out ( s) defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he t ransfer at t em pt . Finally t ap Se nd t o send t he t est m essage. Re ce nt … displays recent MMS m essages. 5.1.4 M a n u a l H TTP t e st ing ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . Tap t he Tools but t on ( ) and select Make HTTP t ransfer. Ent er t he HTTP URL or specify alt ernat ive port num ber, ent er dat a am ount in k B ( only in upload) , define t he at t em pt t im eout and m ax durat ion, and select t he direct ion of t he t ransfer. To download aut om at ically generat ed t est dat a from Nem o Server, select t he D ow nloa d dyn a m ic da t a fr om N e m o Se r ve r opt ion. Wit h Upload you can enable H t t p PUT. Page 22 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Finally, select St a r t t o begin t he HTTP t ransfer. Tap t he Re ce nt t r a nsfe r but t on t o access a list of previously used HTTP t ransfers. This way you can quickly define HTTP connect ion set t ings and t he file used in t he t ransfer. I f t here are no previously used t ransfer set t ings, t ap t he Se le ct host but t on. Select H TTP or H TTPS. On t he Select HTTP/ S connect ion page, select one of t he predefined HTTP/ S connect ions. To creat e a new connect ion, see chapt er HTTP( S) connect ion set t ings. Page 23 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.1.5 M a n u a l FTP t est in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . Go t o Nem o Handy- A t o define t he FTP set t ings. Tap t he Tools but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar and select M a k e FTP t r a nsfe r . Aft er defining t he set t ings, select St a r t t o begin t he dat a process. Se r ve r defines t he I P addr ess for t he FTP server, for exam ple, Por t defines t he port num ber for t he FTP server, for exam ple, 21. Pa ssive , w hen select ed, t he passive m ode is used. When unselect ed, t he act ive m ode is used. Use r na m e and Pa ssw or d are required for t he FTP server. Thr e a ds defines how m any t hreads Handy t ransfers dat a wit h sim ult aneously ( 1- 20) . For exam ple, wit h one t hread Handy creat es one FTP session and wit h five t hreads it creat es five sessions. Select whet her t he FTP file is D ow nloa de d from t he server or Uploa de d from t he phone t o t he server. Pa t h ( wit h Uplink only) defines t he dest inat ion folder for t he t ransferred package. Br ow se allows browsing t hrough and select ing files t o be downloaded once t he server address has been set . File defines t he nam e of t he downloaded file. Page 24 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap t he Re ce nt t r a nsfe r but t on t o access a list of previously used FTP t ransfers. This way you can quickly define FTP connect ion set t ings and t he file used in t he t ransfer. I f t here are no previously used t ransfer set t ings, t ap t he Se le ct host but t on. On t he Select FTP connect ion page, select one of t he predefined connect ions and t ap Se le ct . To cr eat e a new connect ion, see chapt er Creat ing New FTP Connect ions. 5.1.6 M a n u a l SFTP t est ing ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . Go t o Nem o Handy- A t o define t he SFTP set t ings. Tap t he Tools but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar and select M a k e SFTP t r a nsfe r . Aft er defining t he set t ings, select St a r t t o begin t he dat a process. Br ow se allows browsing t hrough and select ing files t o be downloaded once t he server address has been set . Page 25 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Se r ve r defines t he I P addr ess for t he SFTP server, for exam ple, Por t defines t he port num ber for t he SFTP server, for exam ple, 21. Use r na m e and Pa ssw or d are required for t he SFTP server. Select whet her t he SFTP file is D ow nloa de d from t he server or Uploa de d from t he phone t o t he server. Pa t h ( wit h Uplink only) defines t he dest inat ion folder for t he t ransferred package. Br ow se allows browsing t hrough and select ing files t o be downloaded once t he server address has been set . File defines t he nam e of t he downloaded file. Tap t he Re ce nt t r a nsfe r but t on t o access a list of previously used SFTP t ransfers. This way you can quickly define SFTP connect ion set t ings and t he file used in t he t ransfer. I f t here are no previously used t ransfer set t ings, t ap t he Se le ct host but t on. On t he Select SFTP connect ion page, select one of t he predefined connect ions and t ap Se le ct . To cr eat e a new connect ion, see chapt er Creat ing New SFTP Connect ions. Page 26 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.1.7 M a n u a l I Pe r f t est ing ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . Tap t he Tools but t on ( ) and select Make I Perf t ransfer t o define I Perf set t ing. Ent er t he Server address and port , select t he direct ion of t he t ransfer ( Dow nlink/ Uplink/ Bot h) , and ent er t he t ransfer durat ion. Finally, select St a r t t o begin t he t ransfer. 5.1.8 M a n u a l I CM P Pin g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . Tap t he Tools but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar and select I CM P ping. Aft er defining t he set t ings, select St a r t t o begin t he I CMP ping t est . Page 27 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL H ost defines t he ping host address. Re pe a t s defines how m any t im es t he ping is repeat ed. Pa ck e t siz e defines t he size of t he ping package in byt es. I nt e r va l defines t he int erval in seconds bet ween ping repeat s. Tim e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he PI NG at t em pt . 5.1.9 M a n u a l Fa ce book t e st in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . First , m ake t he Facebook page visible by going t o Me nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge List | Fa ce book . Select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Tap t he Menu but t on ( ) and select Se t t ings | Se t t ings | Logins. Tur n Login Facebook On. A dialog allowing you t o log on t o your Facebook account opens. Ent er you usernam e and password and select Log in. Tap OK t o allow Nem o Handy- A t o access your public profile, friend list , News Feed and phot os. Allow Nem o Handy- A t o also post t o your friends on your behalf by select ing OK. Not e t hat usually it is bet t er t o creat e separat e Facebook account for t est ing purposes. Page 28 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Next , t ap t he Tools but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar and select Fa ce book . You are able t o, e.g. post a st at us updat e t o Facebook. Tap Post St a t us Upda t e and ent er a m essage int o t he opening dialog and select OK. The st at us updat e is displayed in t he Facebook view. The following m et rics and event s are recorded from Facebook applicat ion: • Facebook Transfer At t em pt s o • Token Facebook Transfer Success o Page 29 Dat a t ransfer at t em pt ( DAA) event . Trigger point : Checks validit y of User Access Dat a t ransfer connect ( DAC) event . Trigger point : User Access Token is valid NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL • Facebook Transfer Failures o • expired Dat a Transfer Request o • Dat a t ransfer failure ( DAF) event . Trigger point : User Access Token is invalid or DREQ event . Trigger point : JSON call t o get user wall feed/ friend list / HTTP post Dat a Transfer Com plet ed o DCOMP event . Trigger point : Ret urn success if t he r et rieval is OK or HTTP POST wit h t he im age dat a is successfully uploaded 5.1.10 M a n u a l You Tu be t est in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . ♦ N ot e t ha t Opt icom PEV Q- S is a va ila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct lice nse opt ion suppor t s it . First , m ake t he YouTube page visible by going t o M enu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge List | YouTu be . Select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Tap t he Tools but t on ( Page 30 ) and select YouTube. Select one of t he opt ions t o search for a video. NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Select a video from t he list and t ap Se le ct t o st art playing t he video. The video plays in t he YouTube view. On t he screen are displayed som e video st ream ing relat ed param et ers. I nit displays t he video init ializat ion t im e in seconds. m in s / m in s displays t he current point and t he durat ion of t he video. W idt h defines t he widt h of t he video view in pixels. H e ight defines t he height of t he video view in pixels. For m a t displays t he YouTube m edia encoding opt ion t hat defines t he size and encoding of t he video ( e.g. MPEG- 4, H.264, or VP8) . A list of opt ions can be found, for exam ple, in Wikipedia ( ht t p: / / en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ YouTube) . Page 31 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5 .1 .1 0 .1 ♦ Opt icom PEVQ- S N ot e t ha t Opt icom PEV Q- S is a va ila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct lice nse opt ion suppor t s it . When Opt icom PEVQ- S is select ed, t ap t he t ext field next t o it t o open t he pulldown m enu. Tap on one of t he video opt ions. The m easurem ent init iat es aut om at ically, and t he YouTube view displays t he video. I nit displays t he video init ializat ion t im e in seconds. m in s / m in s displays t he current point and t he durat ion of t he video. W idt h defines t he widt h of t he video view in pixels. H e ight defines t he height of t he video view in pixels. Page 32 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL For m a t displays t he YouTube m edia encoding opt ion t hat defines t he size and encoding of t he video ( e.g. MPEG- 4, H.264, or VP8) . A list of opt ions can be found, for exam ple, in Wikipedia ( ht t p: / / en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ YouTube) . M os displays t he MOS value. 5.1.11 M a n u a l Link e dI n t est in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . First , m ake t he LinkedI n page visible by going t o M enu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge List | Link e dI n. Select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Tap t he M e nu but t on ( ) and select Se t t ings | Se t t ings | Login s. Turn Login LinkedI n On. A dialog allowing you t o log on t o your LinkedI n account opens. Tap t he Tools but t on ( ) and select LinkedI n. Select one of t he opt ions from t he list . 5.1.12 M a n u a l Tw it t er t e st in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . First , m ake t he Twit t er page visible by going t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge List | Tw it t e r . Select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Tap t he M e nu but t on ( ) and select Se t t ings | Se t t ings | Login s. Turn Login Twit t er On. A dialog allowing you t o log on t o your Twit t er account opens. Page 33 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap t he Tools but t on ( ) and select Twit t er. Select one of t he opt ions from t he list . 5.1.13 M a n u a l I nst a gr a m t e st in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . First , m ake t he I nst agram page visible by going t o Me nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge List | I nst a gr a m . Select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Tap t he M e nu but t on ( ) and select Se t t ings | Se t t ings | Login s. Turn Login I nst agram On. A dialog allowing you t o log on t o your I nst agram account opens. Tap t he Tools but t on ( Page 34 ) and select I nst agram . Select one of t he opt ions from t he list . NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.1.14 M a n u a l D r opbox t est in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . Tap t he M e nu but t on ( ) and select Se t t ings | Se t t ings | Login s. Turn Login Dropbox On. A dialog allowing you t o log on t o your Dropbox account opens. Tap t he Tools but t on ( opens. ) and select Dropbox. The Dropbox view wit h Download and Upload opt ions I n Dow nload view you choose which file will be downloaded. I nsert t he file and pat h eit her by t apping Br ow se t o select a file or by t apping t he t ext field and t yping t he pat h and filenam e. I f t apping Br ow se , t ap on a file from t he list and t ap Se le ct . Re ce nt t r a nsfe r s opens a view displaying recent t ransfers. Transferred files can be select ed or delet ed in t his view. St a r t begins t he downloading process. Page 35 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Cle a r em pt ies t he File field. I n Upload view, insert t he folder pat h by t apping on t he t ext field and t yping t he pat h. Define t he file size in KB by t apping on t he t ext field and insert ing a num ber. Re ce nt t r a nsfe r s opens a view displaying recent t ransfers. Transferred files can be select ed or delet ed in t his view. St a r t begins t he uploading process. Cle a r em pt ies t he Folder field. 5.1.15 M a n u a l E- m a il t e st in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . Tap t he Tools but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar and select E- m a il. I n t he Te st t ype field you can select whet her t o send em ail or t o receive em ail. 5 .1 .1 5 .1 Se n d E- m a il Use r na m e defines t he user nam e of t he em ail account . The form and lengt h of t he user nam e is em ail account server dependent . Pa ssw or d defines t he password of t he em ail account . SM TP host defines t he SMTP host ident ificat ion/ code. SMTP is a prot ocol used for sending em ails. SSL, w hen select ed, act ivat es t he SSL ( Secure Socket Layer) encrypt ed link. Por t defines t he port used for em ail t est ing. Page 36 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL At t a ch m e nt defines whet her an at t achm ent is sent wit h t he em ail. The opt ions are N one ( no at t achm ent is sent ) ; File ( a file browsed from t he device is sent as an at t achm ent ) and Ge ne r a t e ( Nem o Handy- A generat es t he at t achm ent of user- definable size) . Fr om defines t he sending em ail address of t he t est em ail. To defines t he recipient em ail address of t he t est em ail. Subj e ct defines t he cont ent of t he subj ect field of t he t est em ail. M e ssa ge defines t he cont ent t ext displayed in t he t ext field of t he t est em ail. Se nd sends t he t est em ail. Cle a r clears all insert ed dat a from t he E- m ail window. When Gm a il is t apped, Nem o Handy- A searches t he device for previously configured em ail account set t ings and insert s t he account inform at ion aut om at ically. 5 .1 .1 5 .2 Re ce ivin g E- m a il Use r na m e defines t he user nam e of t he em ail account . The form and lengt h of t he user nam e is em ail account server dependent . Pa ssw or d defines t he password of t he em ail account . Re ce iving pr ot ocol defines t he receiving prot ocol, POP3 or I MAP. POP3 and I MAP prot ocols are used for receiving em ails. POP3 / I M AP host defines t he host for respect ive prot ocols. SSL, w hen select ed, act ivat es t he SSL ( Secure Socket Layer) encrypt ed link. Por t defines t he port used for em ail t est ing. Cou nt defines t he num ber of lat est received m essages im port ed for t he receive em ail t est ing. Re ce iving init iat es t he em ail t est ing process. Cle a r clears all insert ed dat a from t he E- m ail window. When Gm a il is t apped, Nem o Handy- A searches t he device for previously configured em ail account set t ings and insert s t he account inform at ion aut om at ically. Page 37 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.1.16 M a n u a l sca nn in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only in Br oa dcom - ba se d t e r m in a ls Tap t he Tools but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar and select Sca nnin g. Aft er defining t he set t ings, select St a r t t o begin t he I CMP ping t est . To select scanning t ype, t ap Add ne w . Scanning t ype dialog opens. Tap Sca n ning t ype t o select bet ween GERAN band scan, GERAN ARFCN scan, UTRAN band scan and UTRAN UARFCN scan. Tap Ba nd t o select band. M a x r e por t e d ce lls allows select ing from 10 t o 80 m axim um report ed cells. Bsic de codin g allows enabling or disabling t he base st at ion ident it y code. When a new scan t ype has been added, t ap St a r t t o begin scanning. To discard added scan, t ap t he recycle bin icon. To edit scanning t ype, t ap t he w heel icon. To clear t he list of added scans, t ap Cle a r a ll. Page 38 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL To view scanning result s, go t o Se t t ings | Pa ge list t o allow UM TS Pilot Scan Re sult s page or GSM Fr e que ncy Sca n Re sult s page, depending on t he select ed t ype of scan. 5.1.17 Ce ll ch e ck ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . To display t he Cell Check v iew, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list | Ce ll Che ck , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. I deal feat ure for field t echnicians t est ing new sit es, cell check enables users t o t est dat a t ransact ion ( net work, voice call, download, upload, ping) using a sim ple preconfigured t est cycle. Result s are indicat ed wit h a t raffic light display and saved in a separat e .csv t ext file. Page 39 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap t he set t ings icon ( ) next t o each it em t o define set t ings. Once you have defined t he set t ings, view t he set t ings by t apping . Net work defines t he RSRP ( reference signal received power) lim it and SNR ( signal t o noise rat io) lim it Download & Upload: See Manual FTP t est ing Ping: see Manual I CMP Ping Voice call: See Manual voice call t est ing 5 .2 Scr ipt e d a pplica t ion t e st in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy- A license su ppor t s it . I t is possible t o use script files t o run m easurem ent s wit h Nem o Handy- A. When a script is used, Nem o Handy- A m akes voice calls and dat a t ransfers aut om at ically. Script s can be creat ed and edit ed wit h Nem o Handy- A’s int egrat ed Script Edit or funct ionalit y ( see Creat ing script s) . Script files can be st ored on t he int ernal m em ory card ( sdcard/ Nem o/ Handy/ Script ) or an ext ernal m em ory car d. ♦ Ple a se use only t he folde r spe cifie d a bove for st or ing scr ipt s. First define your access point . Please follow t he t erm inal m anual for furt her inst ruct ions. To open a script in Nem o Handy, t ap t he Scr ipt s but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar. I f t here are no script s creat ed yet , t ap t he N o scr ipt field and select N e w scr ipt from t he dialog box. Add script com m ands by t apping Add at t he bot t om right corner of t he t ouchpad. For m ore inform at ion, see Creat ing script s) . Next , select a script file from t he list of available script s and t ap Loa d & Run. The select ed script is loaded and st art ed. I f t he Aut ologging opt ion is select ed, Nem o Handy- A will st art logging when t he script is st art ed. Page 40 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL A new Script view appears wit h inform at ion about t he select ed script . I f you did not st art t he script direct ly when it was loaded, i.e. select ed Loa d inst ead of Loa d & Run, t he loaded script appears under Cu r r e nt scr ipt . Tap t he script nam e and select St a r t from t he dialog t hat opens or t ap on t he t oolbar t o st art t he script . Nem o Handy- A st art s m aking t he calls/ dat a t ransfers as defined in t he script file. The Script view displays t he script st at us. The script will finish aut om at ically but t o int errupt t he script , t ap on t he t oolbar and select Ye s in t he dialog prom pt ing whet her script ing should be st opped. I f t he Aut ologging opt ion is act ivat ed, Nem o Handy- A will st op logging and save t he file. You can follow t he script by scrolling down all t he way t o t he end of t he script v iew. The script hist ory view displays t he progress of t he script from beginning t o end. Page 41 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.1 Cr e a t in g scr ipt s You can creat e script s wit h Nem o Handy- A’s int egrat ed Script Edit or. First , define your access point . I f you do not select t he access point , Nem o Handy- A w ill use t he default access point . Please follow t he t erm inal m anual for furt her inst ruct ions on defining t he access point and configuring t he m obile dat a connect ions. To avoid WLAN connect ions during m easurem ent s, user should disable WLAN connect ions before m aking m easurem ent s. Tap t he Scr ipt s but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar. I f t here are no script s creat ed yet , t ap t he N o scr ipt field and select N e w scr ipt from t he dialog box. An em pt y script is creat ed and opened in t he Script Edit or m ain view. Add script com m ands by t apping Add at t he bot t om right corner of t he t ouchpad. Ot herwise, choose a script from t he list and select St a r t from t he dialog box. When you select a com m and from t he Add m enu, a dialog wit h set t ings specific t o t he select ed com m and is opened. Those dialogs are described in t he following chapt ers. To m ove a com m and, select t he com m and in t he Scr ipt Edit or m ain view, and press Up/ D ow n. To edit a com m and, select t he com m and in t he Script Edit or m ain view, and press Edit . To delet e a com m and, select t he com m and in t he Script Edit or m ain view, and press D e le t e . Save a script by t apping t he M e nu but t on at t he t op right corner of t he t ouchpad. Select Sa ve a s…, ent er filenam e and select OK. From t he sam e m enu, select Scr ipt opt ion s t o define repeat s, durat ion and m ax durat ion. Nem o Handy- A support s parallel script ing of dat a t ransact ions. This can be used t o sim ulat e real world user scenarios wit h m ult iple act ive dat a t ransact ions of different t ype, such as, sim ult aneous uplink and downlink dat a t ransfer s. Anot her applicat ion is t he m axim um t hroughput t est ing. I n order t o rule out possible effect s of t he t est server, dat a can be downloaded sim ult aneously from m ult iple servers. I n order t o perform parallel dat a t ransfers in t he script , add m ult iple t ransact ions, such as FTP t ransfers, int o t he script . I nt erleave t he st art and end lines of t he t ransact ions so t hat t he st art lines of t he t ransact ions appear consecut ively in t he script t ransact ion list and aft er t hat t he end lines, respect ively. Page 42 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL To st art t he current script , t ap t he script nam e and select St a r t from t he dialog t hat opens. Alt ernat ively, t ap on t he t oolbar. To st art a script from t he script list , select t he script and t ap Loa d & Run from t he dialog t hat opens. Page 43 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL To creat e a script t hat is repeat ed a num ber of t im es, select a script from t he list , t ap Edit and t ap on Re pe a t s. Define how m any t im es t he script is repeat ed. I n addit ion, you can set a m axim um durat ion for t he script . To define a m inim um durat ion for t he script , select t he D ur a t ion opt ion and ent er t he durat ion in m inut es. Syst em lock allows locking a script t o a specific syst em . To select syst em lock t ap Syst e m . Page 44 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Select t he M a x dur a t ion opt ion and define how m any m inut es t he script will be run. The script will be st opped eit her aft er t he script has been repeat ed t he defined num ber of t im es or t he m axim um durat ion is reached. Select Sa ve . Before saving a script , it is advised t hat t he script is verified, i.e. Nem o Handy will check t hat t he script is valid and t he script com m ands are in t he correct order. Tap t he Ve r ify but t on ( ) on t he t oolbar. I f t he script is valid, a Ve r ifie d m essage is displayed. I f t here are errors in t he script , Nem o Handy will t ell you where t he problem is. Tap t he Sa ve ( ) but t on t o save a script . To save t he script , select M e nu | Sa ve As. Ent er a nam e for t he script file and t ap OK. Page 45 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.2 Scr ipt e d voice ca lls To add a script com m and for voice call, select Add | Voice ca ll in t he Script Edit or m ain view. Phone n um be r defines t he recipient phone num ber. Ra ndom dur a t ion enables random izing t he call durat ion of t he call( s) . When Ra ndom dur a t ion is select ed, every t im e t his script is run a new value for call durat ion is random ized. Ca ll dur a t ion defines t he durat ion ( in seconds) of t he call, unless used wit h Call End Condit ion ( see below) . At t e m pt t im e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he call at t em pt . Ca ll e nd condit ion defines an end condit ion for t he call based on t he act ive syst em ( Unt il syst em is GSM/ UMTS/ LTE) , i.e. t he call is t erm inat ed when a specific syst em becom es act ive. ♦ I f a ca ll e nd condit ion is de fine d, ca ll dur a t ion coun t dow n w ill be gin only a ft e r t he ca ll e nd con dit ion t e r m ina t e s t he ca ll. Thus it is r e com m e nde d t ha t a lso ca ll dur a t ion is de fine d. This is t o e nsur e t ha t t he e ve nt s a ft e r t he ha ndove r a r e logge d a s w e ll. ♦ Ca ll e nd condit ion s a r e suppor t e d w it h voice ca lls only. Voice qua lit y m ode ( Off/ Uplink + dow nlink ) defines t he voice qualit y m ode. The opt ions are off and uplink+ downlink. Sa m ple file defines t he voice sam ple file used in t he voice qualit y t est ing. There are t wo t ypes of sam ples: wideband and narrowband. I f t he sam ple filenam e has a “ wb” post fix, t he sam ple is wideband. Ot herwise it is narrowband. POLQA m easurem ent s can be done in Super Wideband ( SWB) or in Narrowband ( NB) m ode. The m ode is select ed aut om at ically based on t he sam ple, t hat is, if a wb sam ple is select ed, SWB POLQA m easurem ent m ode will be used. Respect ively, if NB sam ple file is select ed, NB POLQA m easurem ent m ode will be used. M OS t hr e sh old can be used t o lim it t he num ber of sam ples saved t o t he m easurem ent file. For exam ple, only sam ples wit h a MOS score below 3 are saved. Page 46 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Uplink volum e set s t he uplink volum e level. Please not e t hat in m ost cases t he default value is recom m ended. 5.2.3 Scr ipt e d ca ll a n sw er Tim e out defines t he m axim um t im e in seconds t hat Handy wait s for an incom ing call before m oving t o next script com m and. M a x dur a t ion ( se conds) defines t he m axim um dur at ion of t he call ( in seconds) before Nem o HandyA ends t he call. Wit h t he default value 0 Nem o Handy- A does not rest rict t he durat ion of t he call but wait s for t he count erpart y t o end t he call. Voice qua lit y m ode ( Off/ Uplink+ downlink) defines t he voice qualit y m ode. The opt ions are off and uplink+ downlink. Sa m ple file defines t he voice sam ple file used in t he voice qualit y t est ing. There are t wo t ypes of sam ples: wideband and narrowband. I f t he sam ple filenam e has a “ wb” post fix, t he sam ple is wideband. Ot herwise it is narrowband. M OS t hr e sh old can be used t o lim it t he num ber of sam ples saved t o t he m easurem ent file. For exam ple, only sam ples wit h a MOS score below 3 are saved. Uplink volum e default value varies depending on t he device in use. Page 47 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.4 Scr ipt e d FTP t r a nsfe r ♦ N ot e t ha t FTP Tr a nsfe r com m a nd m ust be sit ua t e d in t he scr ipt be t w e e n t he Pa ck e t Se ssion com m a n ds Pa ck e t Act iva t e a nd Pa ck e t D e a ct iva t e . Add a script com m and for FTP t ransfer by select ing Add | FTP t r a nsfe r in t he Script Edit or m ain view. H ost defines t he FTP host address. Use r na m e defines t he host sit e logon user nam e. Pa ssw or d defines t he host sit e logon password. Por t defines t he host port . Pa ssive m ode opt ion defines whet her passive m ode is used or not . Br ow se allows browsing t hrough and select ing files t o be downloaded once t he server address has been set . File ( wit h Downlink only) defines t he file nam e of t he downloaded file. Pa t h ( wit h Uplink only) defines t he dest inat ion folder for t he t ransferred package. Siz e ( wit h Uplink only) defines t he size of t he uploaded package in kilobyt es. At t e m pt t im e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he t ransfer at t em pt . M a x dur a t ion ( se conds) defines t he m axim um dur at ion of t he FTP t ransfer. Thr e a ds defines how m any t hreads Handy t ransfers dat a wit h sim ult aneously ( 1- 20) . For exam ple, wit h one t hread Handy creat es one FTP session and wit h five t hreads it creat es five sessions. Page 48 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap t he Re ce nt t r a nsfe r but t on t o access a list of previously used FTP t ransfers. This way you can quickly define FTP connect ion set t ings and t he file used in t he t ransfer. I f t here are no previously used t ransfer set t ings, t ap t he Se le ct host but t on. On t he Select FTP connect ion page, select one of t he predefined connect ions and t ap Se le ct . To cr eat e a new connect ion, see chapt er Creat ing New FTP Connect ions. 5.2.5 Scr ipt e d SFTP t r a nsfe r ♦ N ot e t ha t FTP Tr a nsfe r com m a nd m ust be sit ua t e d in t he scr ipt be t w e e n t he Pa ck e t Se ssion com m a n ds Pa ck e t Act iva t e a nd Pa ck e t D e a ct iva t e . H ost defines t he SFTP host address. Use r na m e defines t he host sit e logon user nam e Page 49 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Pa ssw or d defines t he host sit e logon password. Por t defines t he host port . Br ow se allows browsing t hrough and select ing files t o be downloaded once t he server address has been set . File ( wit h Downlink only) defines t he file nam e of t he downloaded file. Pa t h ( wit h Uplink only) defines t he dest inat ion folder for t he t ransferred package. Siz e ( wit h Uplink only) defines t he size of t he uploaded package in kilobyt es. At t e m pt t im e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he t ransfer at t em pt . M a x dur a t ion ( se conds) defines t he m axim um dur at ion of t he SFTP t ransfer. Tap t he Re ce nt t r a nsfe r but t on t o access a list of previously used SFTP t ransfers. This way you can quickly define SFTP connect ion set t ings and t he file used in t he t ransfer. Page 50 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.6 Scr ipt e d H TTP t r ansfe r ♦ N ot e t ha t H TTP Tr a nsfe r com m a nd m u st be sit u a t e d in t he scr ipt be t w e e n t he Pa ck e t Se ssion com m a n ds Pa ck e t Act iva t e a nd Pa ck e t D e a ct iva t e . To add a script com m and for HTTP t ransfer, select Add | H TTP t r a nsfe r in t he Script Edit or m ain view. URL defines t he file t hat will be downloaded. I n upload, only pat h is defined. You can also specify alt ernat ive port num ber, e.g. ww w.server.com : 1234/ pat h/ file, in t he URL field. Uplink / dow nlink defines t he direct ion of t ransfer. Select t he D ow nloa d dyn a m ic da t a fr om N e m o Se r ve r opt ion t o download aut om at ically generat ed t est dat a from Nem o Server. H t t p PUT ( Uplink select ed) defines t hat HTTP PUT is used as t he file upload m et hod inst ead of HTTP POST ( default ) . Siz e ( wit h uplink only) defines t he size of t he uploaded package in kilobyt es. At t e m pt t im e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he t ransfer at t em pt . M a x dur a t ion ( se conds) defines t he m axim um dur at ion of t he HTTP t ransfer. Page 51 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap t he Re ce nt t r a nsfe r but t on t o access a list of previously used HTTP t ransfers. This way you can quickly define HTTP connect ion set t ings and t he file used in t he t ransfer. I f t here are no previously used t ransfer set t ings, t ap t he Se le ct host but t on. Select H TTPS or H TTP. On t he Select HTTP/ S connect ion page, select one of t he predefined HTTP/ S connect ions and t ap Se le ct . To creat e a new connect ion, see chapt er HTTP( S) connect ion set t ings. Page 52 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.7 Scr ipt e d H TM L br ow sin g ♦ N ot e t ha t H TM L br ow sin g com m a nd m ust be sit ua t e d in t he scr ipt be t w e e n t he Pa ck e t Se ssion com m a n ds Pa ck e t Act iva t e a nd Pa ck e t D e a ct iva t e . To add a script com m and for HTML browsing, select Add | H TM L br ow sing in t he Script Edit or m ain view. URL defines t he URL of t he page t hat will be browsed. Press t he Ch oose pr e viously loa de d URL but t on t o select a URL t hat has been used before. 5.2.8 Scr ipt e d I CM P Pin g ♦ N ot e t ha t I CM P ping com m a n d m u st be sit ua t e d in t he scr ipt be t w e e n t he Pa ck e t Se ssion com m a n ds Pa ck e t Act iva t e a nd Pa ck e t D e a ct iva t e . To add a script com m and for I CMP ping, select Add | I CM P ping in t he Script Edit or m ain view. Page 53 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL H ost defines t he ping host address. Re pe a t s defines how m any t im es t he ping is repeat ed. Pa ck e t siz e defines t he size of t he ping package in byt es. I nt e r va l defines t he int erval in seconds bet ween ping repeat s. Tim e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he PI NG at t em pt . 5.2.9 Scr ipt e d SM S se n d To add a script com m and for Send SMS, select Add | Se nd SM S in t he Script Edit or m ain view. D e st ina t ion defines t he r eceiving phone num ber. Se r vice ce nt e r defines t he service cent er address. Tim e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he SMS send at t em pt . Select t he End- t o- e nd t e st ing opt ion t o t est end- t o- end delivery t im e. Bot h t erm inals m ust use GPS t im e ( see GPS set t ings) I n t he M e ssa ge field you can t ype t he t est m essage t o be sent . Page 54 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.10 Scr ipt e d M M S se n d ♦ N ot e t ha t t o a ble t o pe r f or m M M S t e st ing, t he M M S t e st ing fe a t ur e s m u st be t ur ne d on in Ge ne r a l se t t ings. ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . N ot e t ha t Andr oid ve r sion 4 .4 or la t e r is r e quir e d for pe r for m ing M M S t e st s. To add a script com m and for Send MMS, select Add | Se nd M M S in t he Script Edit or m ain view. Se le ct M M S file defines t he MMS file t hat will be sent . Com pose allows com posing t he m essage. Ent er phone num ber and subj ect , wr it e a m essage and add an at t achm ent . To discard m essage t ap M e nu | D isca r d. Con ne ct ion t im e out ( s) defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he connect ion at t em pt . Page 55 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tr a nsfe r t im e out ( s) defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he t ransfer at t em pt . 5.2.11 Scr ipt e d I pe r f TCP/ UD P ♦ N ot e t ha t t he I pe r f TCP/ I pe r f UD P com m a n d m ust be sit ua t e d in t he scr ipt be t w e e n t he Pa ck e t Se ssion com m a nds Pa ck e t Act iva t e a nd Pa ck e t D e a ct iva t e . To add a script com m and for using I perf TCP or I perf UDP, select Add | I pe r f TCP t r a nsfe r / I pe r f UD P t r a nsfe r in t he Script Edit or m ain view. First define whet her you ar e sending ( Uplink ) or receiving ( D ow nlink ) dat a or bot h. Se r ve r is t he I P address used in Nem o Server. Se r ve r por t refers t o t he port used by Nem o Server. For TCP and UDP prot ocols, t he default port is 5001. D ur a t ion defines t he lengt h of t he dat a t ransfer in seconds. D a t a size defines t he lengt h of t he t ot al dat a t ransfer in kilobyt es; t hat is, t he t ransfer finishes w hen t he defined am ount of dat a has been t ransferred. TCP w indow ( KB) defines t he size of t he receive window during TCP/ I P t ransm ission. I f it is t oo sm all, it can decrease t he m axim um dat a t hroughput , and if it is t oo high it can increase t he ret ransm ission round- t rip t im e ( RTT) . To be able t o avoid decrease of dat a t hroughput , t he window size should be at least t he m axim um t hroughput m ult iplied by RTT. For exam ple, wit h HSDPA wit h cat egory 8 t he m axim um t hroughput is about 7.3 Mbit / s and RTT is about 100 m s. To avoid reduct ion of t he t hroughput t he TCP window size should be set at least t o 7.3 Mbit / s * 0.1 s = 730 kbit = 91.25 kB. UD P da t a gr a m siz e defines t he size of t he UDP packet in byt es. I t should be sm aller t han t he m axim um packet size of t he lower layers t o be able t o avoid packet fragm ent at ion in t he lower layers. Packet fragm ent at ion has a huge negat ive im pact t o t he achieved dat a t hroughput and it should be avoided. On t he ot her hand if t oo sm all UDP packet size is used t he port ion of t he UDP and I P header increases which decreases t he am ount of t ransm it t ed user dat a wit h t he result of sm aller dat a t hroughput . Norm ally good m axim um v alue for UDP dat agram is a lit t le bit less t han m axim um Et hernet packet size which is 1,500 byt es. A good default value for t he UDP dat agram size is 1,460 byt es. Page 56 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL UD P ba ndw idt h ( k bps) defines how m uch dat a is at t em pt ed t o be t ransm it t ed. Since UDP does not guarant ee successful dat a t ransm ission, it is not lim it ed by m axim um t hroughput of t he lower layers. I f higher bandwidt h is used, t he packet error rat e ( PER) increases. For exam ple, if lower layers are capable of t ransm it t ing 100kbit / s and UDP bandwidt h is configured t o 400kbit / s, t here should be a 75% packet error rat e ( only every fourt h packet has been able t o t ransm it successfully) . Nat urally UDP bandwidt h should not be configured t oo sm all since it lim it s t he m axim um t hroughput t hat is not norm ally desired. At t e m pt t im e out defines t he t im e in seconds for how long Nem o Handy wait s for t he connect ion t o be est ablished. I f a connect ion is not est ablished wit hin t he defined t im e, connect ion at t em pt will fail. 5.2.12 Scr ipt e d YouTu be t e st in g Wit h Nem o Handy- A you can st ream videos from YouTube. To add a script com m and for st ream ing videos from YouTube, select Add | YouTube in t he Script Edit or m ain view. URL defines t he link t o t he YouTube video. YouTube I D defines t he I D of t he select ed video. Vide o dur a t ion defines for how long ( in seconds) t he video is st ream ed. At t e m pt t im e out defines t he t im e in seconds for how long Nem o Handy- A wait s for t he connect ion t o be est ablished. I f a connect ion is not est ablished wit hin t he defined t im e, connect ion at t em pt will fail. Page 57 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap t he Se a r ch but t on t o search for a video from YouTube. Select from t he following opt ions: search video, m ost popular, lat est , or m ost viewed. Select a video from t he list and t ap t he st ill im age t o add it t o t he script . When you r un t he script , t he video will play for t he defined durat ion. Opt icom PEVQ- S enables t he select ion of an Opt icom PEVQ- S preloaded video for video qualit y t est ing. Select Opt icom PEVQ- S, t ap t he t ext field next t o it and t ap on a video from t he pulldown m enu t o add it t o t he script . When you r un t he script , t he video will play for t he defined durat ion. 5.2.13 Scr ipt e d Fa ce book t e st in g Te st t ype defines whet her you w ant t o get friend list , get wall feed, post st at us updat e or post phot o. At t e m pt t im e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he at t em pt . Page 58 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.14 Scr ipt e d Tw it t e r t est in g Te st t ype defines whet her you are t est ing hom epage loading, profile loading, following a Twit t er feed, t ext t weet or phot o t weet . At t e m pt t im e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he at t em pt . 5.2.15 Scr ipt e d I n st a gr a m t e st in g Te st t ype defines whet her you are t est ing hom e feed loading or a t ag search. N um be r of it e m s allows you t o ent er t he num ber of show n it em s. At t e m pt t im e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he at t em pt . Page 59 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.16 Scr ipt e d Lin k e dI n t e st in g Te st t ype defines whet her you are t est ing self feed loading, profile loading from cont act list , profile loading from public URL, share t ext and URL, or loading m y info. At t e m pt t im e out defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he at t em pt . 5.2.17 Scr ipt e d D r opbox t e st in g Select Uplink or Downlink. I n Uplink view, insert t he folder pat h by t apping on t he t ext field and t yping t he pat h. Siz e ( KB) defines t he size of t he file. At t e m pt t im e out ( s) defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he at t em pt . Se le ct r e ce nt t r a nsfe r enables you t o choose a file from a list of recent ly t ransferred files. Page 60 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I n Dow nlink view you choose which file will be downloaded. I nsert t he file and pat h eit her by t apping Br ow se t o select a file from a list or by t apping t he t ext field and t yping t he pat h and filenam e. At t e m pt t im e out ( s) defines t he m axim um durat ion ( in seconds) of t he at t em pt . Se le ct r e ce nt t r a nsfe r enables you t o choose a file from a list of recent ly t ransferred files. 5.2.18 Scr ipt e d sca nn in g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only in Br oa dcom - ba se d t e r m in a ls To select scanning t ype, t ap Add ne w . Scanning t ype dialog opens. Tap Sca n ning t ype t o select bet ween GERAN band scan, GERAN ARFCN scan, UTRAN band scan and UTRAN UARFCN scan. Tap Ba nd t o select band. M a x r e por t e d ce lls allows select ing from 10 t o 80 m axim um report ed cells. Bsic de codin g allows enabling or disabling t he base st at ion ident it y code. Page 61 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL When a new scan t ype has been added, press Sa ve t o save scan t ype. To discard added scan, t ap t he recycle bin icon. To edit scanning t ype, press t he wheel icon. To clear t he list of added scans, t ap Cle a r a ll. To view scanning result s, go t o Se t t ings | Pa ge list t o allow UM TS Pilot Scan Re sult s page or GSM Fr e que ncy Sca n Re sult s page, depending on t he select ed scan t ype. Page 62 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.19 W a it To add a wait period in t he script , click t he Add but t on and select W a it from t he popup m enu. The Wait Propert ies view opens. Ra ndom w a it t im e enables random izing t he wait durat ion. I f Ra ndom w a it t im e is select ed, every t im e t his script is run a new value for wait t im e is random ized. W a it t im e ( s) defines t he wait period in seconds. But a t m ost value is t he m axim um wait t im e in seconds if t he defined not ificat ion does not appear. W a it Condit ion defines a wait condit ion based on t he act ive syst em ( When syst em is GSM/ When syst em is UMTS) , i.e. t he wait period cont inues unt il a specific syst em becom es act ive. N ot e : I f bot h W a it Condit ion and W a it ( s) are defined, t he W a it ( s) count down will begin only aft er t he W a it Con dit ion is m et . W a it fr om enables you t o select one of t he following opt ions: Cur r e nt t im e enables you t o define a pause bet ween it em s in t he script . For exam ple, you can set a 10 second pause aft er a v oice call is finished and before t he next call st art s. The opt ions Ca ll At t e m pt , Vide o Ca ll At t e m pt , and Cont e x t Act iva t ion At t e m pt enable you t o define a wait period aft er t he select ed event not ificat ion. For exam ple, you can m ake t he script pause for 60 seconds aft er a call at t em pt event . This will prevent t he script from cont inuing before t he call at t em pt has com plet ed. ♦ I f a W ait Condit ion is de fine d, it is r e com m e nde d t ha t a lso a w a it pe r iod ( W a it ) be de fine d. This is t o e nsur e t ha t logging st a r t s only a ft e r ha ndove r ha s su cce ssfully occur r e d. 5.2.20 Air pla n e m ode Airplane m ode can be swit ched on and off. When t he script run is com plet e t he airplane m ode ret urns t o t he st at e is was in before t he script was st art ed. Airplane m ode can be used t o check how t he LTE det ach and at t ach t o t he net work is working. Not ice t hat t he Bluet oot h connect ion will also be t urned off when t his is enabled. This m eans t hat for inst ance t he connect ion t o t he possible Bluet oot h GPS will be disabled. Page 63 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.21 Ba n d lock To add a band lock t o t he script , t ap t he Add but t on and select Ba nd lock from t he popup m enu. The Band lock view opens. Tapping on t he Ba nds field opens a list of bands. Select t he band( s) and t ap Sa ve . 5.2.22 Ch ann e l lock To add a channel lock t o t he script , t ap t he Add but t on and select Cha n ne l lock from t he popup m enu. The Channel lock view opens. ARFCN allows you t o define t he GSM carrier and band where t o lock t he EU. UARFCN allows you t o define t he WCDMA carrier and scram bling code where t o lock t he EU. LTE PCI allows you t o define t he LTE carrier and physical cell ident it y ( PCI ) where t o lock t he EU. Page 64 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.2.23 AM R lock To add an AMR lock t o t he script , t ap t he Add but t on and select AM R lock from t he popup m enu. The AMR lock view opens. Tapping on t he AM R code cs field opens a list of AMR codecs. Select a codec and t ap Sa ve . 5.2.24 Scr ipt e d E- m a il t e st in g To add em ail t est ing t o t he script , t ap t he Add but t on and select E- m a il from t he popup m enu. The Em ail view opens. I n t he Te st t ype field, select whet her t o send em ail or receive em ail. 5 .2 .2 4 .1 Se n d E- m a il Use r na m e defines t he user nam e of t he em ail account . The form and lengt h of t he user nam e is em ail account server dependent . Page 65 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Pa ssw or d defines t he password of t he em ail account . SM TP host defines t he SMTP host ident ificat ion/ code. SMTP is a prot ocol used for sending em ails. SSL, w hen select ed, act ivat es t he SSL ( Secure Socket Layer) encrypt ed link. Por t defines t he port used for em ail t est ing. At t a ch m e nt defines whet her an at t achm ent is sent wit h t he em ail. The opt ions are N one ( no at t achm ent is sent ) ; File ( a file browsed from t he device is sent as an at t achm ent ) and Ge ne r a t e ( Nem o Handy- A generat es t he at t achm ent of user- definable size) . Fr om defines t he sending em ail address of t he t est em ail. To defines t he recipient em ail address of t he t est em ail. Subj e ct defines t he cont ent of t he subj ect field of t he t est em ail. M e ssa ge defines t he cont ent t ext displayed in t he t ext field of t he t est em ail. When Gm a il is t apped, Nem o Handy- A searches t he device for previously configured em ail account set t ings and insert s t he account inform at ion aut om at ically. Tap Sa ve t o save t he script . Ca nce l em pt ies t he script . 5 .2 .2 4 .2 Re ce ive E- m a il Use r na m e defines t he user nam e of t he em ail account . The form and lengt h of t he user nam e is em ail account server dependent . Pa ssw or d defines t he password of t he em ail account . Re ce iving pr ot ocol defines t he receiving prot ocol, POP3 or I MAP. POP3 and I MAP prot ocols are used for receiving em ail. POP3 / I M AP host defines t he host for respect ive prot ocols. SSL, w hen select ed, act ivat es t he SSL ( Secure Socket Layer) encrypt ed link. Por t defines t he port used for em ail t est ing. Cou nt defines t he num ber of lat est received m essages im port ed for t he receive em ail t est ing. Page 66 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Re ce iving init iat es t he em ail t est ing process. Cle a r clears all insert ed dat a from t he E- m ail window. When Gm a il is t apped, Nem o Handy- A searches t he device for previously configured em ail account set t ings and insert s t he account inform at ion aut om at ically. 5.2.25 N e st e d scr ipt A nest ed script is a script inside a script . Nest ed script s enable you t o run aut om at ed m easurem ent s com bining m ult iple script s. You can use nest ed script s t o run several script s one aft er anot her. You can use nest ed script s t o e.g. m ake 10 voice calls followed by 10 dat a t ransfers and repeat t hat for 1000 t im es, wit hout having t o define 20 t ransact ions in t he script . I nst ead, creat e a script t hat m akes one voice call wit h a repeat of 10, and anot her script wit h 1 dat a t ransfer wit h repeat of 10, and put t hem bot h as nest ed script s in t he sam e parent script . To add a script com m and for a nest ed script , select Add | N e st e d scr ipt in t he Script Edit or m ain view. ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t ne st e d scr ipt s ca n be only a dde d in scr ipt s t ha t do not ha ve ot he r t r a nsa ct ion s t ha n ot he r ne st e d scr ipt s. Scr ipt defines t he script file t hat will be nest ed. Tap t he field and select a script from t he list . Run con dit ion defines how long t he script will be run. I f you select Unt il finishe d, t he script will be run unt il it is finished. I f y ou select M a x t im e , you will need t o define in m inut es t he m axim um durat ion of t he script . Re pe a t s defines how m any t im es t he script is repeat ed. 5 .3 Au t om a t e d t e st in g ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t a ut om a t e d t e st ing r e quir e s t h e a ut om a t e d t e st ing lice nse opt ion. Nem o Handy- A offers t he aut om at ed t est ing m ode, i.e., t he abilit y t o schedule Nem o Handy- A t o perform m easurem ent s aut om at ically using t he Aut om at ed t est ing st at us view. During t he aut om at ed Page 67 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL t est ing m ode, t he dat a views are viewable, but you will not be able t o cont rol t he m easurem ent or use forcing feat ures. Also, t he log files can be aut om at ically sent t o a FTP or HTTPS server. I n addit ion t o running st andalone aut om at ed t est ing, Nem o Handy- A can be connect ed wit h t he Nem o Aut onom ous syst em and r em ot ely configured and cont rolled by Nem o Com m ander. For m ore inform at ion on t he Nem o Aut onom ous syst em , please refer t o t he Nem o Com m ander user m anual. 5.3.1 Au t om a t e d t e st in g se t t in gs Select M e nu | Se t t in gs | Se t t ings | Ge ne r a l and act ivat e t he Aut om at ed t est ing opt ion t o act ivat e aut om at ed t est ing m ode. Next , select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | Au t om a t e d t e st ing t o open t he Aut om at ed Test ing set t ings page. Phone n um be r defines t he phone num ber of t he Nem o Handy- A m obile t erm inal. M a int e na nce da t a pr ot ocol defines t he prot ocol for uploading m aint enance dat a. For m ore inform at ion, see Maint enance dat a prot ocol. St a r t u p m a int e n a nce defines whet her m aint enance is perform ed aut om at ically w hen Nem o Handy- A is st art ing. During m aint enance sessions, Nem o Handy- A unit uploads report s and m easurem ent files t o a FTP/ HTTPS server if server is configured. Uploa d config enables configurat ion upload. Page 68 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Low m a int e na nce pr ior it y defines t he priorit y of a m aint enance session, i.e. m aint enance can be delayed if a new m easurem ent session is set t o run im m ediat ely aft er t he previous one or if a m easurem ent is st ill running when a m aint enance sessions is scheduled t o t ake place. M a int e na nce by W iFi, when select ed WiFi is used for m aint enance. When t he set t ing is select ed, WiFi is aut om at ically swit ched on for m aint enance and any available configured net work is used. M a int e na nce int e r va l defines in m inut es how oft en m aint enance is perform ed if t he m easurem ent is in idle m ode. Wit h Nem o Aut onom ous license t he phone will be aut om at ically rest art ed aft er every 10 t h m aint enance session. • N ot e t ha t Aut o st a r t m u st be sw it che d on for t h e m obile t o r e st a r t . Unit pr e fix defines t he prefix at t ached t o t he m easurem ent file nam e. St a t u s SM S nu m be r defines t he num ber where SMS report s are sent t o. SMS st at us m essages are sent when m easurem ent session is st art ed and st opped, and w hen doing m aint enance. Er r or SM S nu m be r defines t he num ber w here error report s are sent t o. Applicable only when Nem o Handy- A is used wit h t he Nem o Aut onom ous syst em . The possible error m essages are: • • • • • No Packet Connect ion: check t hat APNs are configured correct ly No Cont act FTP: check t hat I P address is correct and t hat t he server is running Cannot Login FTP: check t hat t he server is running I nvalid Configurat ion: check m easurem ent configurat ion Configurat ion Not Found: check t hat t he configurat ion file is available on t he server M e a sur e m e nt APN defines which APN is used for m easurem ent s. M a int e na nce APN defines which APN is used for m aint enance. Aut o st a r t , if select ed, aut om at ically st art s Nem o Handy- A in phone st art up. 5 .3 .1 .1 M a in t e n a n ce d a t a p r ot ocol The prot ocol for m aint enance dat a upload can be defined in t he Maint enance dat a prot ocol view. Define t he prot ocol by select ing FTP, HTTPS,Dropbox, or SFTP. I f HTTPS is select ed, t here m ight be a need t o creat e a configurat ion t o define set t ings needed for t he file upload. I n t his case, please see Defining m easurem ent upload configurat ions for furt her inform at ion. Page 69 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.3.2 M a in t e n an ce FTP The FTP server address needs t o be ent ered m anually. Select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | M a int e na nce FTP and ent er t he FTP server inform at ion. I f no server is set up, t he log files will be st ored on t he Nem o Handy- A t erm inal. Addr e ss defines t he I P address of t he server. Por t defines t he host port . Use r na m e defines t he host sit e logon user nam e Pa ssw or d defines t he host sit e logon password. M ode defines w het her act ive or passive m ode is used in FTP connect ion. When t his is done, go t o t he Calendar view and t ap session. Page 70 on t he t oolbar t o init iat e m aint enance NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL The Aut om at ed t est ing st at us view should look as t he im age below. Tap t he bet ween t he different calendar and st at us views. but t on t o swit ch I f t he unit has never been used wit h t he Nem o Server before, t he Self- check view will look like in t he screen below. Aft er about t en m inut es, t he unit has been aut om at ically regist ered t o server and is ready for use. You can now copy new a ut oconfig.x m l file t o sdcard\ N em o\ H a ndy m anually. Page 71 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.3.3 M a in t e n an ce SFTP The SFTP server address needs t o be ent ered m anually. Select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | M a int e na nce SFTP and ent er t he SFTP ser ver infor m at ion. I f no server is set up, t he log files will be st ored on t he Nem o Handy- A t erm inal. Addr e ss defines t he I P address of t he server. Por t defines t he host port . Use r na m e defines t he host sit e logon user nam e Pa ssw or d defines t he host sit e logon password. Page 72 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.3.4 Sch e du lin g m a in t ena n ce a n d m e a su r em e n t sessions m a nu a lly Go t o t he Aut om at ed t est ing st at us view and t ap t o creat e a new m aint enance or m easurem ent session. From t he opening dialog, select t he session t ype and t ap OK. Select ing M e a sur e m e nt session t ype opens t he Measurem ent Session set t ings dialog: St a r t da t e , St a r t t im e , End da t e , and En d t im e define t he st art and end dat e and t im e of t he m easurem ent session. Scr ipt file opens a list of all available script s, allowing you t o select t he script you want t o run. I f t here are no script s in t he view, you are able t o browse for t hem . Select a script by t apping Se le ct . Scr ipt r e pe a t s defines how m any t im es t he script will be run, defining t he lengt h of t he m easurem ent session based on repeat s rat her t han a fixed end t im e. For exam ple, a voice call can be defined t o be perform ed 100 t im es aft er a defined st art t im e. Aft er t he repeat s have been perform ed, Nem o HandyA will upload t he m easurem ent file t o t he server. I f script repeat is set t o - 1, t he script is repeat ed for t he durat ion t he m easurem ent session. Uploa d file s a ft e r ne st e d scr ipt defines w het her m easurem ent files are uploaded t o t he server aft er nest ed script . W a it a ft e r ne st e d scr ipt uploa d ( se c) defines t he wait period in seconds aft er m easurem ent files have been uploaded t o t he server aft er nest ed script . M e a sur e m e nt split du r a t ion ( m in) defines in m inut es t he split t ing of t he m easurem ent session int o m ult iple log files. When set t o - 1, t he whole m easurem ent session will be gat hered in one log file. I m m obile lim it ( m inut e s) defines t he m easurem ent t o be st opped aft er t he probe has been im m obile for t he defined t im e. The feat ure is disabled if t he lim it is set t o 0 or if t he GPS does not have a fix. N o GPS fix lim it ( m inut e s) defines t he m easurem ent t o be st opped aft er t he GPS fix has been lost for t he defined am ount of m inut es. N o GPS fix lim it ( m inut e s) defines t he m easurem ent t o be st opped aft er t he GPS fix has been lost for t he defined am ount of m inut es. Answ e r incom in g ca lls opt ion allows Nem o Handy- A t o answer incom ing calls in aut om at ed m ode. Needed in m obile t o m obile call t est ing. Page 73 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Se ssion pr e fix defines t he prefix of t he m easurem ent file creat ed during t he new m easurem ent session. Pa ck e t ca pt u r e ( Off/ Ena ble d) When packet capt ure is enabled, Handy can ut ilize t he packet capt ure int erface for get t ing cert ain specific KPI ’s wit hout act ually st oring t he PCAP log. Ca pt u r e When packet capt ure is in capt ure m ode, a pcap log will be writ t en t oget her wit h t he m easurem ent file Use pa ck e t ca pt ur e filt er defines whet her t he packet capt ure filt er is used Pa ck e t ca pt u r e filt e r – packet capt ure filt ering is based on t he Wireshark filt ers. For m ore inform at ion, please refer, for exam ple, t o ht t ps: / / wiki.wireshark.org/ Capt ureFilt ers. Se ssion st a r t SM S info, when set t o Ye s, defines an SMS t o be sent t o Com m ander when t he m easurem ent session has begun/ ended. Applicable only w hen Nem o Handy- A is used wit h t he Nem o Aut onom ous syst em . Eve r yda y se ssion defines whet her t he m easurem ent session is t o be repeat ed every day ( unt il a different m easurem ent configurat ion is received) . M a nua l m ode allows you t o define t he m easurem ent as a m anual m easurem ent session. I n m anual m ode, t he m easurem ent is st art ed when an SMS com m and is sent t o t he t erm inal, or St a r t is t apped on t he calendar st at us view. Se nd r e por t t o se r ve r defines whet her a st at us report is t o be uploaded t o t he server during t he m aint enance session. Se nd m e a sur e m e nt s t o se r ve r defines whet her m easurem ent files are t o be sent t o t he server aft er t he m easurem ent session. Loa d ne x t config fr om se r ve r defines whet her a configurat ion file is t o be downloaded from t he server during t he m aint enance session. Allow scr ipt conne ct ion defines when t he phone is allowed t o m ake voice calls and dat a t ransfer at t em pt s. Alw a ys – The phone will m ake voice calls and dat a t ransfer at t em pt s always, also in roam ing sit uat ion. I n se r vice – The phone w ill m ake voice calls and dat a t ransfer at t em pt s only when it finds a net work. I n hom e ne t w or k – The phone will m ake voice calls and dat a t ransfer at t em pt s only when it is in t he hom e net work. Aft er session set t ings have been defined, press t he Ba ck but t on on your m obile device. A dialog prom pt ing whet her you want t he changes saved t o t he server during t he next m aint enance is displayed. Select Ye s. Page 74 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Select ing M a int e na nce session t ype opens t he Maint enance Session set t ings dialog: St a r t da t e , St a r t t im e , End da t e , and En d t im e define t he st art and end dat e and t im e of t he m aint enance session. The m aint enance or m easurem ent session is now displayed in t he Session propert ies view wit hin t he Aut om at ed t est ing st at us view. To edit an exist ing m aint enance or m easurem ent session, t ap t he Edit but t on in t he Session propert ies view. To delet e a session, select D e le t e in t he Session propert ies view. Page 75 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL The session is also displayed in t he m ont hly and weekly view wit hin t he Aut om at ed t est ing st at us view as a t im e scale, ranging fr om t he st art t im e t o t he end t im e. Tap To init iat e a m aint enance session m anually, select 5.3.5 t o swit ch bet ween views. fr om t he calendar view t oolbar. M a n u a l st a rt a n d st op To enable m anually- t riggered m easurem ent s set M a nua l m ode t o Ye s in t he Session set t ings in Nem o Handy- A. Tap St a r t in t he session dialog on t he Calendar View t o st art t he m easurem ent and St op t o st op t he m easurem ent and aut om at ically perform m aint enance. When Nem o Handy- A is in aut om at ed t est ing m ode, you are also able t o st art and st op m easurem ent s rem ot ely via SMS. Set Nem o Handy- A t o aut om at ed t est ing m ode by select ing M e nu ( ) | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | Ge ne r a l and set t ing Aut om at ed t est ing opt ion On. Aft er t his, schedule m easurem ent session from Se ssion Se t t in gs by going t o t he Calendar view and t apping . Set m anual m ode t o Yes and select t he script you wish t o run. SMS com m ands are sent t o t he phone Page 76 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL num ber of t he addressed field unit . The m essage t ext defines t he com m and. Av ailable com m ands are list ed below: St a r t m e a sur e m e nt SM S: ! SM prefix ♦ Pr e fix de fine s t he pr e fix a dde d t o t he file na m e . Pr e fix ca n a lso be le ft bla nk , in w hich ca se no pr e fix is a dde d t o t he file na m e . St op m e a su r e m e nt SM S: ! EM 5.3.6 Acce ss point for m a in t e n an ce a n d scr ipt e d con ne ct ions To change t he I nt ernet Access Point used for dat a connect ions during m aint enance ( m easurem ent file t ransfer and configurat ion file ret rieval) , please follow t he t erm inal m anual. A valid I nt ernet access point on t he phone is required for Nem o Handy- A operat ions. I f your service cont ract does not include an access point , you will need t o cont act your service provider. By default , Nem o Handy- A will use t he phone's default access point . 5 .4 Voice qu a lit y t e st in g ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t voice qua lit y t e st ing r e quir e s t he voice qua lit y lice nse opt ion. Nem o Handy- A support s voice qualit y m easurem ent s based on POLQA ( I TU- T Rec. P.863) and PESQ ( I TU- T P.862.1) algorit hm s bot h in uplink and downlink direct ions. SWB ( Super Wideband) and NB ( Narrowband) POLQA m easurem ent m odes are support ed. Result s are report ed on MOS ( Mean Opinion Score) scale. The POLQA MOS scores are calculat ed in real- t im e in Nem o Handy- A and displayed on t he screen. The PESQ MOS scores are calculat ed in t he post - processing wit h Nem o File Manager based on t he audio sam ples t hat are saved in t he m easurem ent files. Go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | Voice qua lit y. Define t he voice qualit y m ode and select t he sam ple file ( see Voice qualit y set t ings) . Voice qualit y t est ing can also be perform ed using script s. To t urn voice qualit y t est ing off, select Off in t he Voice qualit y m ode field. 5.4.1 POLQA N B/ SW B m ode se le ct ion POLQA m easurem ent s can be perform ed in Super Wideband ( SWB) or in Narrowband ( NB) m ode. The m ode is select ed aut om at ically based on t he sam ple used, t hat is, if a wb sam ple is select ed, SWB POLQA m easurem ent m ode will be used. Respect ively, if NB sam ple file is select ed, NB POLQA m easurem ent m ode will be used. ♦ N ot e t ha t SW B POLQA m e a sur e m e nt m ode sh ould only be use d w it h voice ca lls w he r e W B AM R code cs a r e use d. W B AM R is use d only in m obile - t o- m obile voice ca lls w he r e in bot h e n ds t he m obile is W B AM R ca pa ble a nd t he W B AM R code c is e na ble d in t he ne t w or k . Also AM R W B code c m u st be a ct iva t e d fr om t he AM R code cs se le ct ion in for cing m e n u. 5.4.2 Voice qu a lit y t e st ing in u plin k + dow n lin k m ode I f you select t he Uplink+ downlink voice qualit y m ode, you will need t wo t erm inals or one t erm inal and a Nem o Server. M a k e sur e you ha ve t he sa m e se t t ings ( m ode a nd sa m ple ) in bot h e nds. Also act ivat e t he aut o- answer m ode in t he t erm inals ( M enu | Se t t in gs | Se t t in gs | Ge ne r a l | Answ e r incom in g ca lls) . Page 77 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Make a voice call from one unit t o t he ot her. The unit s will be sending and receiving t he sam ple in t urns unt il t he voice call ends. 5.4.3 PESQ voice qu a lit y t e st in g PESQ score cannot be calculat ed in t he phone in real t im e. I nst ead, it is calculat ed in t he post processing in Nem o File Manager. I n t he File Manager t he saved audio sam ples are cont ained in a .zip file. The .nm f file will t hus cont ain bot h PESQ and POLQA scores, which are calculat ed for every audio sam ple, em bedded in t he .zip file. When t he PESQ dongle is inst alled and a POLQA m easurem ent file wit h em bedded audio sam ples is processed, also t he PESQ score is calculat ed. ♦ N ot e t ha t copy pr ot e ct ion dongle w it h PESQ opt ion is r e quir e d in t he N e m o File M a na ge r PC t o pe r for m t he PESQ ca lcula t ion. ♦ N ot e t ha t Voice Qua lit y se t t ings in t he File M a na ge r do n ot a ffe ct w he t he r t he a udio sa m ple s a r e sa ve d or n ot . MOS t hreshold defines t he lim it for saved audio sam ples ( M e nu | Se t t ings | Voice qua lit y | M OS t hr e shold) . All audio sam ples wit h POLQA MOS score t hat is below t he defined lim it will be saved wit h t he logfile. This m akes it possible t o playback t he act ual audio sam ples in t he post - processing. ♦ N ot e t ha t t he t hr e shold m ust be se t t o 5 ( a ll sa m ple s a r e sa ve d) w he n m e a sur ing a lso PESQ. This is be ca u se PESQ ca lcula t ion is done in t he N e m o File M a na ge r in post pr oce ssin g. 5.4.4 PEVQ- S vide o qu a lit y t e st in g ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t PEVQ- S vide o qua lit y t e st ing r e quir e s t he PEVQ- S vide o qua lit y t e st ing lice nse opt ion. PEVQ- S is an advanced fram ework algorit hm developed by OPTI COM for full- reference video qualit y analysis in adapt ive st ream ing environm ent s. I t com bines FR high accuracy v ideo qualit y m easurem ent s wit h real- t im e m easurem ent s. Video qualit y m easurem ent m odels can be classified int o t hree cat egories: • • • Full Reference ( FR) : Original uncom pressed source ( reference) is available t o t he m odel Reduced Reference ( RR) : Only part ial inform at ion about t he reference is available t o t he m odel No Reference ( NR) : No reference inform at ion is available t o t he m odel I n Nem o Handy- A PEVQ- S m easurem ent s can be perform ed wit hin YouTube t est ing eit her m anually ( see Opt icom PEVQ- S) or in script ed t est ing ( see Script ed YouTube t est ing) . Once t he PEVQ- S t est ing is enabled, t he user is able t o select bet ween t hree preloaded video files placed in phone\ Nem o\ Handy\ Pevqs and run t he m easurem ent . 5.4.5 N e m o se rve r r e m ot e con figur a t ion Nem o Handy can opt ionally com m unicat e wit h Nem o Server t o perform synchr onized voice qualit y t est ing. Com m unicat ion is done over packet dat a connect ion using Nem o Server API int erface ( HTTP API ) . To perform com m unicat ion wit h Nem o Server, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | N e m o Se r ve r config and enable Nem o server configurat ion. For m ore Nem o server config set t ings, see chapt er Nem o Server Config Set t ings. Page 78 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I n script s, Make Voice Call com m and sends "ServerWait Call" com m and t o Nem o Server t hat includes t he Nem o Server configurat ion set t ings, call durat ion and an aut om at ically generat ed unique Call I D. Receive Voice Call com m and sends " ServerMakeCall" com m and t o Nem o Server t hat includes t he Nem o Server configurat ion set t ings, call durat ion and an aut om at ically generat ed unique Call I D. 5 .5 For cin g fe a t u r e s Nem o Handy- A support s band locking, cell locking, syst em locking, channel locking, scram bling code ( SC) locking, physical cell ident it y ( PCI ) , and AMR codec act ivat ion. Support for t he locks is t erm inalspecific so please refer t o t he Nem o Handy- A dat a sheet s t o see which locks are support ed by your t est device. Please not e t hat unless you deact ivat e forcing feat ures, t hey will st ay act ive even if you exit Nem o Handy- A. Tap t he M e nu but t on ( ) and select For cing. The For cin g dialog is opened wit h fields for syst em lock, band lock, channel lock, GSM channel lock, scram bling code lock, and AMR codec act ivat ion. ♦ N ot e t ha t som e of t he se funct iona lit ie s a r e a va ila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy de vice suppor t s t he m . Page 79 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL The St at us view displays t he st at us for t he different locks. 5.5.1 Syst e m lock To act ivat e t he syst em lock, t ap t he Syst e m field. Select a syst em from t he pop- up m enu. Tap Act iva t e t o lock t he device t o t he select ed syst em ( s) . • N ot e t ha t GSM W CD M A a nd GSM W CD M A Aut o bot h do t he sa m e t hing. The r e is no diffe r e nce be t w e e n how t he y funct ion. Page 80 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.5.2 Ba n d lock To act ivat e t he band lock, t ap t he Ba nds field. Select a band and/ or syst em from t he Se le ct ba n ds dialog. All support ed bands from t he syst em s support ed by t he t erm inal are displayed. However, t he t erm inal does not necessarily support all t he list ed bands. I f you are t rying t o lock t he phone t o a band t hat t he phone does not support , t he phone will revert back t o default . Band lock overrides t he syst em lock when used sim ult aneously. For exam ple, if you lock t o t he WCDMA 2100 band, you cannot choose t he GSM sy st em lock. Tap Act iva t e t o confirm t he select ion. ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t t he lock is not r e le a se d by r e boot in g t he de vice or by e x it ing N e m o H a ndy- A. The lock ca n only be r e le a se d w it h N em o H a ndy- A. I f t he de vice r e quir e s a r e boot , a not ifica t ion is displa ye d a ut om a t ica lly. Page 81 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.5.3 GERAN / GSM ca r r ier lock Phone locks t o a GSM carrier based on t he select ed carrier and band. To act ivat e t he carrier lock, t ap t he ARFCN field. I n t he GERAN carrier lock dialog you can select t he GSM carrier and t he band. I f your serving syst em is current ly GMS, t apping Pick opens a dialog in which you can select t he t arget cell where t o lock t he UE. 5.5.4 UTRAN / W CD M A ca r r ie r lock Phone locks t o a WCDMA carrier and scram bling code. To act ivat e t he carrier lock, t ap t he UARFCN field. I n t he UTRAN carrier lock dialog you can select t he WCDMA carrier and t he scr am bling code where t o lock t he UE. I f your serving syst em is current ly WCDMA, t apping Pick opens a dialog in which you can select t he t arget cell where t o lock t he UE. Page 82 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.5.5 EUTRAN / LTE ca rr ie r lock , LTE ce ll lock Phone locks t o LTE cell based on select ed Channel and PCI ( Physical Cell I D) . To act ivat e cell lock, t ap LTE PCI field. I n LTE PCI lock dialog you can define values for EARFCN and PCI . I f your serving syst em is current ly LTE, t apping Pick opens a dialog in which you can select t he t arget cell where t o lock t he UE. ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t syst e m lock t o “LTE only” m ust be a ct iva t e d pr ior t o a ct iva t ing LTE PCI lock . ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t LTE ce ll lock w or k s w it h se le ct e d t e r m ina ls, su ch a s Sa m su ng Ga la x y S4 4 G+ , Sa m sun g Ga la x y N ot e 3 , Sa m sun g Ga la x y N ot e 3 ( T- M obile ) a nd N ot e 1 0 .1 2 0 1 4 Edit ion ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t bot h cha nne l a nd PCI m ust be se le ct e d. Only ce ll lock is suppor t e d, not LTE cha nne l/ ca r r ie r lock . Page 83 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.5.6 AM R code c a ct iva t ion To act ivat e t he AMR codec, t ap t he AM R code cs field. Select AMR codec from t he Se le ct AM R code cs dialog and t ap t he ret urn but t on. ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t som e de vice m ode ls ne e d t o be pow e r e d off a nd on in or de r t o a ct iva t e t he AM R Code c. I f t he de vice r e quir e s a r e boot , a n ot ifica t ion is displa ye d a ut om a t ica lly. 5 .6 Su ppor t e d ch ipse t s Nem o Handy- A support s Qualcom m and Broadcom chipset s. The Broadcom M320 chipset is support ed by Sam sung Galaxy Core LTE and Sam sung Galaxy Ace St yle, and Qualcom m by all ot her support ed devices. The locking feat ures differ bet ween t he t wo chipset s: Br oa dcom Qua lcom m Syst em lock Syst em lock Band lock Band lock ARFCN EARFCN + PCI UARFCN + scram bling code AMR codec EARFCN + PCI GSM channel lock Cell barring Measurem ent suppression Measurem ent biasing Page 84 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5 .7 For cin g fe a t u r e s of Br oa dcom ch ipse t Tap t he M e nu but t on ( ) and select For cing. Syst e m lock a n d Ba n d lock a r e use d t he sa m e w a y a s w it h Qua lcom m . For m or e info, se e Syst em lock / Band lock. 5.7.1 GSM ch an n e l lock ( ARFCN ) Wit h GSM Channel Lock Nem o Handy can be locked on a GSM channel. Select Opt ions | For cin g | ARFCN . Tap N ot Lock e d field t o act ivat e GSM channel lock. Geran carrier lock dialog opens. Ent er t he num ber of t he channel t hat you want t o lock t o and press OK. To select a GSM band t ap t he Ba nd field. ♦ N ot e t ha t Syst e m m ust be sw it che d t o GSM Only for ARFCN lock t o sh ow a s a n opt ion. For cha n ne l lock t he de vice m ust be in idle m ode . Page 85 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.7.2 W CD M A ca r r ier lock ( UARFCN ) Wit h t he WCDMA Carrier Lock t he m obile can be locked on a UMTS carrier and a scram bling code. Select Opt ions | For cing | UARFCN / SCR. Tap N ot Lock e d field t o act ivat e t he WCDMA carrier lock. Scram bling code m ay get an undefined value: t he device changes scram bling code freely, while being locked t o a specific carrier. Ut ran carrier lock dialog opens. Ent er t he num ber of t he carrier ( UARFCN) and t he scram bling code t hat you want t o lock t o and press Lock . Press Pick t o Pick cell. ♦ N ot e t ha t Syst e m m ust be sw it che d t o W CD M A for UARFCN / SCR lock t o show a s a n opt ion. For W CD M A ca r r ie r lock t he de vice m ust be in idle or conne ct e d m ode . Page 86 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.7.3 LTE ca rr ie r lock ( EARFCN / PCI ) Wit h t he LTE carrier Lock t he m obile can be locked t o a carrier. Select Opt ion s | For cing | EARFCN . Select Opt ions | For cing | EARFCN . Tap N ot Lock e d field t o act ivat e t he carrier lock. PCI m ay get an undefined value: t he device changes PCI freely, w hile being locked t o a specific carrier. Eut ran carrier lock dialog opens. Ent er t he num ber of t he carrier ( EARFCN) and t he PCI t hat you want t o lock t o and press Lock . Press Pick t o Pick cell. ♦ N ot e t ha t Syst e m m ust be sw it che d t o LTE for EARFCN lock t o show a s a n opt ion. For ca r r ie r lock t he de vice m ust be in idle or conne ct e d m ode . Page 87 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5.7.4 Ce ll ba r r in g I n Cell Barring t he opt ions are norm al, reverse, and ignore. The St at us view will display t he st at us for each forcing feat ure. Select Opt ions | For cin g | Ce ll Ba r r ing. Select Re ve r se or I gnor e t o act ivat e t he cell barring. 5.7.5 M e a sur e m en t m ode You can select m easurem ent m ode by t apping M e a sur e m e nt m ode | N or m a l. Two m ore opt ions appear: M e a sur e m e nt su ppr e ssion and m e a sur e m e nt bia sin g. 5.7.6 M e a sur e m en t su ppr e ssion Nem o Handy offers support for m easurem ent suppression from t he current ser ving cell. Measurem ent suppression prevent s m easuring neighboring cells and swit ching cells. Act ivat e m easurem ent suppression by t apping Act iva t e . ♦ N ot e t ha t for m e a su r e m e nt suppr e ssion t he syst e m m ust be sw it che d t o GSM or UM TS ne t w or k a n d t he de vice m ust be in idle or conne ct e d m ode . 5.7.7 M e a sur e m en t bia sin g Wit h m easurem ent biasing t he param et ers of a specific cell are enhanced while t he param et ers of t he neighboring cells are degraded t o facilit at e a handover t o a specific cell. Select Opt ions | For cin g | M e a sur e m e nt m ode | M e a sur e m e nt bia sin g. ♦ N ot e t ha t for m e a su r e m e nt bia sing, sy st e m m u st be sw it che d t o W CD M A or GSM a nd t he de vice m ust be in idle or conne ct e d m ode . Page 88 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Define m easurem ent biasing set t ings. Not e t hat t he set t ings depend on t he select ed syst em . W he n in W CD M A W he n in GSM Ta r ge t ce ll ( Pick ) defines t he t arget cell UARFCN ( w he n in W CDM A) defines t he num ber of t he carrier ( UARFCN) . Scr a m bling code ( w he n in W CD M A) defines t he t arget cell using scram bling code. EcN o e nha nce ( w he n in W CD M A) increases t he Ec/ No of t he select ed t arget cell by t he value ent ered. The enhanced value is report ed t o t he base st at ion t o facilit at e handover t o t he select ed cell. RSCP e nha nce ( w he n in W CD M A) increases t he RSCP of t he select ed t arget cell by t he value ent ered. The enhanced value is report ed t o t he base st at ion t o facilit at e handover t o t he select ed cell. Ba nd ( w he n in GSM ) defines t he GSM band. ARFCN ( w he n in GSM ) defines t he GSM channel. BSI C ( oct a l) ( w he n in GSM ) defines t he t arget cell using BSI C. EcN o de gr a de decreases t he Ec/ No of all pot ent ial t arget cells ot her t han t he select ed t arget cell by t he value ent ered. The degraded Ec/ No values are report ed t o t he base st at ion t o prevent handover t o ot her opt im al cells. RSCP de gr a de decreases t he RSCP of all pot ent ial t arget cells ot her t han t he select ed t arget cell by t he value ent ered. The degraded RSCP values are report ed t o t he base st at ion t o prevent handover t o ot her opt im al cells. Rx le ve l bia sing defines Rx level biasing, value range from - 127 t o 127. Rx qua lit y bia sing defines Rx qualit y biasing, value range from - 7 t o 7. Page 89 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5 .8 I P ca pt u r e ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy- A license su ppor t s it . Applicat ion level dat a can be capt ured wit h Nem o Handy- A. The dat a is collect ed in a separat e log file in .pcap form at . Pcap files can be processed wit h Nem o Out door, Nem o Analyze, or Wireshark. By default , full I P capt ure, including I P and all above layers are capt ured. Pcap log files can be very large if no filt ering is applied. Therefore, it is pract ical in m ost cases t o apply filt ering t o capt ure only t he prot ocol layers of int erest . Capt ure filt er rules are read from a t ext file. Rules m ust be defined in t he st andard Wireshark filt er form at . I P ca pt ur e opt ion enables/ disables I P packet capt uring. Off Ena ble d When packet capt ure is enabled, Handy can ut ilize t he packet capt ure int erface for get t ing cert ain specific KPI ’s wit hout act ually st oring t he PCAP log. Ca pt u r e When packet capt ure is in capt ure m ode, a pcap log will be writ t en t oget her wit h t he m easurem ent file. I P ca pt ur e filt e r opt ion defines whet her capt ured packet s are filt ered. I P ca pt ur e filt e r r ule s allows you t o define I P capt ure filt er rules. The rules m ust be placed in t he root direct ory ( / Nem o/ Handy/ ) as a t ext file wit h .t xt ending. I P capt ure is st art ed whenever you st art logging wit h Nem o Handy- A and st opped when logging is st opped. You can upload I P capt ure files t o a server by select ing t he Uploa d pa ck e t ca pt u r e file s opt ion in t he Log file nam e dialog t hat appears when you st op logging. Page 90 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5 .9 I n door m e a su r e m e n t s ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy- A license su ppor t s it . You can view indoor m aps in Nem o Handy- A and plot t he m easurem ent rout e on t he m ap wit h m arkers or use GPS if available. 5.9.1 I m por t in g m a ps a nd de fin in g m a p se t t in gs I f t his is t he first t im e you are perform ing indoor m easurem ent s wit h Nem o Handy- A, you will need t o im port an indoor m ap ( i.e. a floorplan) t o Nem o Handy- A as an im age file. The support ed form at s are .j pg, .j peg, .gif, and .png. Transfer t he im age file ( e.g. Floorplan.j pg) t o t he phone/ Nem o/ Handy/ Maps folder on t he m em ory card of your Nem o Handy- A t erm inal by using e.g. a Bluet oot h connect ion, a cable connect ion, or a m em ory card reader. You can also t ake a phot o, for exam ple, of an em ergency exit plan wit h t he Nem o Handy- A m obile phone cam era and use t hat as an indoor m ap. I n Nem o Handy- A, select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | I ndoor | Floor pla n s and t ap Add t o choose or im port a m ap or t ake a pict ure t o be used as floorplan. I f t his is t he first t im e you are perform ing indoor m easurem ent s, Nem o Handy- A will generat e a MapI nfo file ( .t ab) based on t he im age file. Next t im e you m ake m easurem ent s and use t he sam e m ap, Nem o Handy- A will use t he .t ab file aut om at ically. A MapI nfo m ap always consist s of t w o files: a MapI nfo .t ab file and an im age file. The result ing floorplan ( .t ab) will be list ed on t he Floor pla n s page. You can have several floorplans loaded at t he sam e t im e. For exam ple, you can have a floorplan from each of t he floors of a building. Select a file and t ap t he Up and D ow n but t ons t o rearrange t o order of t he floors on t he m ap. Page 91 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Select a floorplan and t ap Edit . On t he Ta b file se t t ings page you can define t he dim ensions of t he floorplan and select a rout e plan. La ye r na m e defines t he floorplan nam e. The nam e can be edit ed. Select t he D ispla y r out e pla n opt ion t o display a rout e plan on t he indoor m ap. Rout e pla n defines t he rout e plan file ( .rpf) displayed on t he indoor m ap. File t ype defines whet her t he floorplan dim ensions are defined in m et ers ( widt h/ height ) or in geodet ic coordinat es. W idt h defines t he floorplan widt h in m et ers. Nem o Handy- A ent ers a default value ( num ber of pixels in t he im age divided by t en) for t he field, but you should ent er t he correct value. H e ight defines t he floorplan height in m et ers. Nem o Handy- A ent ers a default value ( num ber of pixels in t he im age divided by t en) for t he field, but you should ent er t he correct value. Longit u de defines t he geodet ic coordinat es of t he left and right sides of t he m ap. Ent er coordinat es in decim al degrees ( e.g. 25.4714) . La t it ude defines t he geodet ic coordinat es of t he t op and bot t om sides of t he m ap. Ent er coordinat es in decim al degrees ( e.g. 25.4714) . Next , define indoor set t ings from t he I ndoor set t ings view ( see I ndoor) . Aft er defining indoor set t ings, you are ready t o begin m easurem ent s. 5.9.2 I m por t in g iBw a ve m a ps iBwave is a t hird- part y indoor planning t ool. iBwave has a propriet ary indoor m ap form at ( .ibwc) wit h floorplans for every floor of a building, indoor coverage overlay, and ant enna array/ cabling visualizat ion. I f t his is t he first t im e you are perform ing indoor m easurem ent s wit h iBwave m aps, you will need t o im port iBwave m ap files ( .ibwc) t o Nem o Handy- A. Please refer t o iBwave docum ent at ion on how t o creat e iBwave m aps t hat can be im port ed t o Nem o Handy- A. Transfer t he files t o t he phone/ Nem o/ Handy/ Maps folder on t he m em ory card of your Nem o Handy- A t erm inal by using e.g. a Bluet oot h connect ion, a cable connect ion, or a m em ory card reader. Page 92 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I n Nem o Handy- A, select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | I ndoor and t ap I m por t iBw a ve m a ps t o choose or im port a m ap ( .ibwc file) . I f t he m ap file cont ains several building, choose one of t hem . The floorplans ( .t ab) are list ed on t he Floor pla n s page. Select a floorplan and t ap t he Up and D ow n but t ons t o rearrange t o order of t he floors on t he m ap. Page 93 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Select a floor/ t ab file and t ap Edit . On t he Ta b file se t t ings page you can select a rout e plan t o be displayed on t he m ap. You can also select t he file t ype bet ween m et ric and geodet ic, and define t he widt h and t he height of t he indoor m ap. Next , define indoor set t ings from t he I n door se t t in gs view ( see I ndoor) . Aft er defining indoor set t ings, you are ready t o begin m easurem ent s. 5.9.3 Pe r for m in g in door m e a sur e m en t s You can view indoor m aps ( floorplans) in Nem o Handy- A and plot a m easurem ent rout e on t he m ap wit h m arkers. First , m ake t he m ap page visible by going t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge List | Ma p. Select Sh ow pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Load t he floorplan on t op of t he m ap in M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | I ndoor | Floor pla n. To change, edit , or delet e t he floorplan, t ap and hold t he Floor but t on on t he upper left - hand corner of t he m ap view t o open t he Se le ct floor popup m enu. Tap t he opt ion you wish t o select . Tapping Ex it building rem oves t he floorplan from t he m ap but leaves t he floorplan area m arked in red. To reopen t he floorplan, t ap and hold t he red area. Page 94 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tapping t he Floor but t on locat es t he floorplan on t he m ap. I f t he floorplan is not visible, zoom in on t he m ap. The zoom level m ay have t o be over 17 for t he floorplan t o be displayed. I t is possible t o rot at e t he m ap/ floorplan by placing t wo fingers on t he screen and t urning t he fingers in a circular m ovem ent on t he screen. The com pass on t he upper left - hand side of t he screen indicat es t he cardinal direct ions, and t apping on t he com pass t urns t he m ap back int o upright posit ion. To pan t he m ap t hrough t he screen, lock t he m ap in it s posit ion by t apping t he m ap is locked t he icon changes int o accident . on t he t oolbar. When and t he m ap can be panned wit hout changing t he page by You are able t o zoom in and out by “ pinching” t he scr een using t wo fingers ( for exam ple, t hum b and index finger) . You can select whet her GPS or insert ed m arkers are used in m arking t he m easurem ent rout e on t he m ap: when t he icon is displayed Nem o Handy- A uses GPS for rout e m arking ( r ecom m ended for out door m easurem ent s) . When t he icon is displayed Nem o Handy- A uses insert ed m arkers t o m ark t he m easurem ent rout e ( recom m ended for indoor m easurem ent s) . Tapping t he displayed icon changes t he m ode int o t he ot her. To st art logging, t ap M e nu | St a r t logging. To st op logging, t ap M e nu | St op loggin g. When you are logging, you are able t o draw a rout e on t he m ap by placing m ark ers along t he rout e by t apping on t he t oolbar. To rem ove last m arker, t ap To add a m arker t o an .nm f file, t ap m arker/ phot o m arker, t ap . on t he t oolbar. To add m arker/ t ext ual m arker/ predefined and select Add m a r k e r / Add t e x t ua l m a r k e r / Add pr e de fine d m a r k e r / Add phot o m a r k e r from t he pop up m enu. To add a phot o m arker, t ap and select Add phot o m a r k e r from t he pop up m enu. The cam era preview screen opens. Tap t he cam era icon ( ) t o capt ure t he im age. Tap Sa ve t o save t he im age, nam e t he file, and t ap OK. Page 95 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I f t he D r a w r ou t e set t ing is on in t he M a p set t ings, t he m arkers will be connect ed t o form a rout e. Not e also t hat Nem o Handy- A m ust be logging for you t o be able t o place m arkers on t he rout e. You are able t o view t he m easured rout e wit h color- coded param et er values in real- t im e on indoor m aps. You can also observe t he values of user- configurable net work param et ers from t he rout e coloring on t he m ap and define which color refers t o which param et er value. ♦ N ot e t ha t if t he Pa r a m e t e r it e m is not visible in t he indoor m a p m e n u, go t o Se t t in gs | Se t t ings | M a p a n d se le ct ON for I ndica t e pa r a m e t e r , de fine t he r out e color a n d se le ct a r out e pa r a m e t e r . Select a param et er and t he rout e will be colored accordingly. See Defining rout e param et ers for defining cust om rout e param et ers and color set s. The D r a w z one s ( on/ off) set t ing can be enabled in I ndoor set t ings. The zones are used in iBwave proj ect files as one layer t hat will be drawn on t op of t he indoor floorplan. The zone layer inform at ion is st ored in t he iBwave proj ect file. Zones are used for e.g. drawing areas for DAS ant enna groups t o graphically show where a cert ain cell is t ransm it t ing. Aft er t he m easurem ent s have been perform ed, st op logging by t apping St op loggin g. Page 96 or by going t o M e nu | NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I t is possible t o use t he iBwave floorplan inform at ion as part of t he m easurem ent file nam e. The file nam es indicat es t he used m ap GUI D, and t o indicat e a floor, ent rance, or exit you can choose FLR ( floor) , ENT ( ent rance) , or EXT ( exit ) prefix from t he pulldown m enu by t apping t he Re na m e but t on. Tap t he iBw a ve pr e fix field t o open t he pulldown m enu. Not ice t hat before t his feat ure is show n, you need t o have an iBwave pr oj ect file loaded and rout e m arkers set in your m easurem ent . 5.9.4 D ist r ibu t e d a nt en na syst e m s ( D AS) Test ing and verifying DAS ant ennas is possible wit h t he DAS Anom alies feat ure which enables you t o view indoor sm all cell ant ennas and t ransm it t ers on t he indoor m ap in real t im e by using eit her iBwave indoor plans or our BTS file. While m arking y our rout e during walking m easurem ent s you are able t o verify whet her different ant ennas are t ransm it t ing or not . A visual not ificat ion ( red/ green) is displayed in t he indoor m ap indicat ing whet her t he current DAS ant enna is t ransm it t ing. ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y r e quir e s a n a ddit ion a l lice nsing opt ion ( Adv a nce d I ndoor Ana lysis) . First , m ake t he m ap page visible by going t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge List | Ma p. Select Sh ow pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Load a floorplan on t op of t he m ap in M e n u | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | I ndoor | Floor pla n. Page 97 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Act ivat e t he DAS Anom alies feat ure by going t o M e nu ( enabling D AS Anom a lie s. ) | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | I ndoor and Tap D AS An om a lie s Se t t ings t o open t he DAS Anom alies Set t ings view. Wit h CELL/ AN TEN N A TESTABLE W H EN M ATCH I N G you are able t o select which m et hod is used for act ivat ing Cell or Ant enna for t est ing. Ant enna is available for t est ing when t he chosen param et ers are valid. E.g. if you choose t he Syst e m a n d cha n n e l opt ion, you have t o have t hat inform at ion eit her in your basest at ion ( BTS) or iBwave file. The pulldown m enu cont ains t he following opt ions: To define t he radius of t he t est area, t ap on t he Ra dius field and insert a value. To define t he hue of t he circle m arking t he t est area, m ove t he blue dot along t he blue line under Color a lph a . Page 98 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL To set t he signal lim it s for accept able t est values, t ap on t he respect ive fields and insert a value. The t est result s are shown on t he indoor m ap as green and red circles according t o your set t ings. 5 .1 0 Ou t door m e a su r e m e n t s First , m ake t he m ap page visible by going t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge List | Ma p. Select Sh ow pa ge and t ap t he Ba ck key of t he device. Define m ap set t ings by going t o t he Map set t ings view by select ing M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | M a p ( see Map set t ings) . St art logging by t apping Me nu ( ) | St a r t logging. . You can view t he m aps in Nem o Handy- A and plot a m easurem ent rout e on t he m ap wit h m arkers. You can select whet her GPS or insert ed m arkers are used in m arking t he m easurem ent rout e on t he m ap: when t he Page 99 icon is displayed Nem o Handy- A uses GPS for rout e m arking ( r ecom m ended for NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL out door m easurem ent s) . When t he icon is displayed Nem o Handy- A uses insert ed m arkers t o m ark t he m easurem ent rout e ( recom m ended for indoor m easurem ent s) . Tapping t he displayed icon changes t he m ode int o t he ot her. To pan t he m ap t hrough t he t ouchpad, lock t he m ap in it s posit ion by t apping When t he m ap is locked t he icon changes int o page by accident . on t he t oolbar. and t he m ap can be panned wit hout changing t he You are able t o zoom in and out by “ pinching” t he scr een using t wo fingers ( for exam ple, t hum b and index finger) t o zoom in or zoom out when viewing a m ap. Tap t o focus on your current locat ion. Zoom level of t he m ap can be also adj ust ed by using zoom slider in t he bot t om of t he screen. I t is possible t o rot at e t he m ap/ floorplan by placing t wo fingers on t he screen and t urning t he fingers in a circular m ovem ent on t he screen. The com pass on t he upper left - hand side of t he screen indicat es t he cardinal direct ions, and t apping on t he com pass t urns t he m ap back int o upright posit ion. Wit h t he Clear rout e t ool ( ) you can rem ove t he m easurem ent rout e from t he m ap. You are able t o see t he m easured rout e wit h color- coded param et er values in real- t im e on live m ap. To quickly swit ch bet ween different param et ers, t ap on t he t oolbar. See Defining rout e param et ers for defining cust om rout e param et ers and color set s. To st op logging, t ap M e nu ( ) | St op loggin g. Once t he logging is st opped, you are able t o choose whet her t o Ke e p, Re na m e or D e le t e t he result ing log file. The saved log files along wit h capt ured screenshot s and indoor m arker files are saved t o File explorer ( see File explorer for m ore inform at ion) . 5.10.1 BTS in for m a t ion on a m a p Wit h Handy- A you can view BTS icons on a m ap. Open a m ap and go t o M e nu ( ) | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | BTS. Act ivat e Show BTS and define t he color for act ive syst em BTS icons, ot her BTS icons, and act ive cell. Select a BTS file and act ivat e Use BTS file . I f you w ish t o see det ailed inform at ion about t he individual cells, t ap t he Ce ll info it em and select t he inform at ion t o be displayed. A m ap wit h t he BTS sit e icons is displayed. During m easurem ent , t he BTS t hat t he m easurem ent device is connect ed t o is highlight ed wit h t he color t hat you select ed for Act ive cell in t he Out door set t ings page. Page 100 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL ♦ The t e r m ina l ne e ds t o h a ve a GPS fix a nd t he z oom fa ct or ne e ds t o be a t le a st 8 be for e t he BTS icon s a r e displa ye d. To display BTS focus but t on in t he m ap, Show BTS in Map Set t ings m ust be swit ched on. Tapping t he BTS focus but t on adj ust s zoom level aut om at ically t o 13, which best displays BTS icons on t he m ap, and focuses m ap t o t he locat ion of BTS icons. To view inform at ion on individual cells, t ap a BTS icon, and from t he Se le ct se ct or dialog, select a sect or. Page 101 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Cell inform at ion for t he select ed sect or will be displayed on t he m ap. Select M e nu | Show BTS da t a t o view a list of all BTS sit es in t he current BTS file. 5.10.2 Lin e dr a w in g on t he m a p for se r vin g ce ll Nem o Handy- A support s line drawing t o t he serving cell BTS icon on t he m ap. Line drawing can be act ivat ed from Se t t ings | Out door | D r a w se r vin g line ( s) . 5.10.3 Use ca se 1 – A m a p w it h r out e , BTS, a nd n ot ifica t ion icon s This use case describes how t o play back a m easurem ent file on a m ap and t o view BTS icons and not ificat ion icons on t he m ap. Select M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list and m ake t he m ap page visible. Go t o M enu | Se t t in gs | Se t t ings | M a p, select On for t he Sh ow n ot ifica t ion icons on m a p opt ion and Alw a ys for t he D r a w r out e opt ion. Page 102 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Make sure t hat you have a GPS connect ed t o t he syst em or use t he t erm inal’s int ernal GPS. Select M e nu | Se t t in gs | Se t t in gs and go t o t he GPS page. Select a GPS in t he GPS sour ce field. Next select t he BTS file. Select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings and go t o t he BTS page. Select a BTS file and act ivat e t he Use BTS file opt ion. Make sure t hat t he BTS file m at ches t he SI M card you are using in t he Nem o Handy- A t erm inal. They m ust from t he sam e operat or. Also not e t hat t he BTS file needs t o be from t he sam e area where you m ade t he m easurem ent . Close t he Set t ings dialog and go t he m ap view. Select M e nu | File e x plor e r . Select a m easurem ent file and select M e nu | Pla y. Once t he file has been loaded t he rout e and not ificat ion icons will appear on t he m ap. I f t he BTS files are not visible, check t hat your t erm inal has a GPS fix and t hat t he zoom fact or is at least 17. Page 103 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5 .1 1 D e fin in g r ou t e pa r a m e t e r s You can creat e cust om color set s for various net work param et ers. These param et ers can be viewed on a m ap. Select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | UI cu st om iz a t ion | M a p pa r a m e t e r s. You will see a list of available t echnologies. Tap on a t echnology and a second- level list of param et ers opens. Select a param et er by t apping t he checkbox next t o it . Next , t ap t he color set icon ( Page 104 ). NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL First select t he t echnology for which t he param et er should be displayed by t apping t he Add ne w but t on in t he Color set edit or. Not e t hat all param et ers are not available for all t echnologies. I f t here is no readym ade color set , t ap t he range t o edit t he values. The Value range edit or displays t he m inim um and m axim um values of t he select ed param et er. These values cannot be edit ed. Add a param et er value by t apping t he + but t on. The value can be anyt hing bet ween t he m in and m ax value. Just t ap t he value field and t ype in a new value. Tap OK and t he value is added in t he Value range edit or. Page 105 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Define a color for t he value by t apping t he color field below t he value. Pick a color from t he circle and t ap OK. I n t he exam ple below, values 0- - 15 are colored green, values - 15- - 22 orange, and - 22- - 30 red. Aft er you have defined all values and colors, t ap t he Ba ck but t on. Page 106 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL The Color set edit or will display t he new values and colors. Tap Ok and Sa ve . To see t he available color set s, swit ch bet ween param et ers by t apping on t he t oolbar. 5 .1 2 File e x plor e r Log files, capt ured screenshot s, and indoor m ap m arkers are saved t o File explorer t hat can be found by select ing M e nu | File ex plor e r or by t apping t he file explorer but t on . File explorer displays a list of various Handy- relat ed files. The cont ent s can be filt ered by select ing/ deselect ing t he configs, m aps, result s, and script s it em s at t he t op of t he screen. You can also t ype a filt er t ext in t he filt er field and t he list will display it em s t hat m at ch t he filt er. The list can be organized by t apping t he By nam e/ size/ dat e but t on. An icon in front of t he logfile det ails shows whet her t he logfile was saved on int ernal • Page 107 or ext ernal Configs list s Nem o Handy- A configurat ion files ( .xm l) SD card. NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL • • Maps list s m ap im age files ( .bm p, .j pg) , MapI nfo t ab files ( .t ab) , and rout e plans ( .rpf) Result s list s log files ( .nm f) , screenshot s ( .png, .j pg) , and m ar ker files ( .m rk) . Tap t he Logs only but t on t o display only t he .nm f files. Tap t he Scr shot only but t on t o display screenshot s • only. Script s list s Nem o Handy- A script files ( .nsf) To delet e files from t he file explorer, select files by t apping t he check m ark next t o t he file and select M e nu | Re m ove . To rem ove all files at once, select M e nu | Se le ct a ll and t hen M e n u | Re m ove . To play back m easurem ent files, select a file from t he list and select M e nu | Pla y. For m ore inform at ion on playback, see Playback. You can also upload m easurem ent files t hrough t he file explorer on an FTP ser v er. Select a file and select M e nu | Uploa d. For m ore inform at ion on uploading m easurem ent s on an FTP server, see Uploading log files on server. To close t he file explorer, select M e nu | Close . 5 .1 3 Pla yba ck To play back m easurem ent files, open t he File explorer by t apping or by select ing M e nu | File e x plor e r . Select a file from t he list by t apping t he checkbox next t o it and select M e nu | Pla y. Nem o Handy- A will load t he file and st art t he playback. The playback cont rols w ill appear at t he bot t om of t he view. You can hide and display t hem by t apping t he Playback icon in t he t oolbar. Page 108 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Wit h t he + and – cont rols you can adj ust t he playback speed. You can also Pa u se and Re sum e t he playback. Wit h t he slider in t he m iddle you can scroll t o a specific point in t he m easurem ent . The Not ificat ion Hist ory view can also be used t o j um p t o a specific point in t he m easurem ent . Tap a not ificat ion and select Jum p t o n ot ifica t ion t im e . The playback will j um p t o t he point where t he not ificat ion occurred. To end t he playback, t ap t he Close pla yba ck icon ( Page 109 ). NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 N EM O H AN D Y- A M EASUREM EN T VI EW S Below are present ed t he various m easurem ent views available in Nem o Handy- A. Subset of t he available pages is visible by default . Full list of Views, and abilit y t o hide/ show individual pages is available at M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list . To creat e a new page, select M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list , t ap t he N e w pa ge but t on at t he bot t om of t he dialog and select a page from t he exist ing pages list . Nam e t he page and add or creat e split s if you wish. The scales in t he bar and line graphs will change according t o t he select ed param et er. Select ed param et er can be changed from t he Param et er m enu t hat opens by t apping and holding on t he value of a param et er on chart legend. You can browse t hrough t he different pages by dragging your finger horizont ally across t he screen. I f a page has several views, you can m ove bet w een t he views by dragging your finger vert ically across t he screen. To j um p t o a specific page, t ap t he t it le bar of a page ( t op of t he page) t o open t he Jum p t o pa ge dialog. From t he list , t ap a page t o m ove t he view t o t hat page. Scroll up and down by dragging your finger vert ically across t he dialog. I t is also possible t o split screens by select ing M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge List and select ing from t he list t he view you want t o split . A dialog box of t he view opens. Tap Add split and select a page from t he Se le ct pa ge s list . To rem ove split , t ap t he t rash can but t on. Page 110 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL From t he sam e dialog, you are able t o hide and m ake visible pages by select ing/ unselect ing Show pa ge . From t he Page list m enu it is also possible t o add new pages, m ake all pages visible, or reset pages t o default st at e. To j um p t o a specific page, t ap t he t it le bar of a page ( t op of t he page) t o open t he Jum p t o pa ge dialog. From t he list t ap a page t o m ove t he view t o t hat page. Scroll up and down by dragging your finger vert ically across t he dialog. 6 .1 Pa r a m e t e r m e n u Through t he Param et er m enu you can edit t he appearance of dat a views. Param et er m enu is accessed by t apping and holding on t he param et er value. Please not e t hat t he cont ent of t he m enu depends on t he view t ype ( line, t ext , et c.) . 6.1.1 Se t a ct ive Tap and hold a v alue in t he line view t o select a param et er. Select Se t a ct ive from t he pop up view t o set t he select ed param et er act ive. This m eans t hat t he scales will display values for t hat param et er. Page 111 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.1.2 Au t o sca le Tap and hold a v alue in t he line view t o select a param et er. When a scalable param et er is select ed, t ap t he Pa r a m e t e r but t on and select Aut o sca le from t he popup view. ♦ N ot e t ha t you ca n de fin e t he sca ling individua lly for e a ch pa r a m e t e r in t he line gr a ph. Select N one and t he scales ret urn t o norm al. Select H igh and Nem o Handy- A changes t he scales and zoom s in on t he view so t hat t he line is at t he t op of t he graph and t he m inim um value is at t he bot t om of t he scale. The sy m bol changes t o ↑. Select Low , and Nem o Handy- A changes t he scales and zoom s in on t he view so t hat t he line is at t he bot t om of t he graph and t he m axim um value is at t he t op of t he scales. The sym bol changes t o ↓. Select Bot h and Nem o Handy- A checks t he m inim um and m axim um values for t he graph from t he visible area and zoom s in on t he view so t hat t he line is in t he m iddle. The ↕ sym bol appears next t o t he param et er nam e at t he t op of t he view. 6.1.3 N u m ber for m a t Tap and hold a v alue in t he line view t o select a param et er Select t he num ber form at and t ap t he ret urn but t on. I f you would like t o save t his set t ing so t hat t he param et er will now on be displayed in t he select ed form at , t ap t he Pa r a m e t e r but t on again and select Sa ve configur a t ion. Sav e t he changes in t he configurat ion file. Page 112 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .2 St a t u s vie w Loggin g st a t us displays t he current recording st at us. Log file size displays t he size of t he m easurem ent file in byt es. Log file na m e displays t he m easurem ent file nam e. Log file pa t h displays t he locat ion where t he m easurem ent files are st ored on t he m em ory card. Fr e e st or a ge displays t he available m em ory card m em ory space. Fr e e m e m or y displays t he current am ount of free RAM. H e a p siz e displays t he am ount of m em ory t hat Handy current ly occupies in t he operat ing syst em . Ba t t e r y t e m p displays t he bat t ery t em perat ure. Scr ipt st a t us displays t he current st at us of t he script . Scr ipt file displays t he nam e of t he script file. GPS st a t u s displays t he st at us of t he GPS receiver. I M EI displays t he I nt ernat ional Mobile Equipm ent I dent it y ( I MEI ) num ber of t he m obile t erm inal. The I MEI num ber is used by t he GSM net work t o ident ify valid devices. I M SI ( I nt ernat ional Mobile Subscriber I dent it y) displays a unique num ber associat ed wit h all GSM and UMTS net work m obile phone users. I t is sent by t he phone t o t he net work. Syst e m lock displays t he syst em lock st at us. Ba nd lock displays t he band lock st at us. Ca r r ie r lock displays t he channel lock st at us. APN , PD P Type , I nt e r fa ce , Addr e ss, Ga t e w a y , D N S, N SAPI display inform at ion about t he current access point . Page 113 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .3 Scr ipt vie w Scr ipt file displays t he nam e of t he script file. St a t u s displays t he current st at us of t he script . Posit ion shows t he current posit ion in t he script Re pe a t displays how m any t im es t he script is repeat ed and t he ordinal num ber of t he current repeat . Com m a nd displays which script com m and is current ly running. Act ive t r a nsa ct ions displays t he act ive t ransact ions t aking place. Scr ipt com m a n ds displays t he script com m ands of t he script file. Page 114 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .4 GPS The GPS view is available only if t he license support s a GPS. To display GPS view, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge List | GPS, select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Sour ce defines t he GPS source. La t it ude / Longit ude displays t he lat it ude/ longit ude coordinat es. Alt it ude displays t he curr ent elevat ion in m et ers. H e a ding displays t he direct ion in which a person or vehicle is m oving. D ist a nce displays t he dist ance t ravelled from t he st art ing point . Spe e d displays t he current velocit y of t he t est unit in kilom et res per hour. GPS st a t u s displays t he current st at us of t he GPS, i.e., if t here is a fix. GSP t im e displays t he t im e from t he GPS. This feat ure can be enabled and disabled by t apping t he Menu but t on ( ) and select ing Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | GPS | U se GPS t im e . Sa t e llit e s displays t he num ber of sat ellit es current ly visible. Page 115 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL GPS st a t u s displays t he current st at us of t he GPS, i.e., if t here is a fix. Spe e d displays t he current speed in km / h. D ist a nce displays t he dist ance t ravelled from t he st art ing point . 6 .5 N ot ifica t ion h ist or y The Not ificat ion hist ory view displays a list of not ificat ions and t heir t im est am ps. To display t he Not ificat ion hist ory view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge List | N ot ifica t ion hist or y, select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Page 116 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .6 Map To display t he Map view, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list | M a p, select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. To pan t he m ap t hrough t he screen, drag your finger up and down on t he screen. Tap t o lock t he m ap view for panning wit hout accident ally. Tap t o unlock t he m ap view so t hat changing views is possible. You are able t o zoom in and out by “ pinching” t he scr een using t wo fingers ( for exam ple, t hum b and index finger) t o zoom in or zoom out when viewing a m ap. Tap t o focus on your current locat ion. Zoom level of t he m ap can be also adj ust ed by using zoom slider on t he t op of t he screen. I t is possible t o rot at e t he m ap/ floorplan by placing t wo fingers on t he screen and t urning t he fingers in a circular m ovem ent on t he screen. The com pass on t he upper left - hand side of t he screen indicat es t he cardinal direct ions, and t apping on t he com pass t urns t he m ap back int o upright posit ion. Tap t o focus on your curr ent locat ion. You can view t he m easured rout e wit h color- coded param et er values in real- t im e on live m ap. To observe different param et ers, t ap . The param et ers and t he relat ed color set s are userconfigurable. See Defining rout e param et ers for m ore inform at ion. You can select whet her GPS or insert ed m arkers are used in m arking t he m easurem ent rout e on t he m ap: when t he icon is displayed Nem o Handy- A uses GPS for rout e m arking ( r ecom m ended for out door m easurem ent s) . When t he icon is displayed Nem o Handy- A uses insert ed m arkers t o m ark t he m easurem ent rout e ( recom m ended for indoor m easurem ent s) . Tapping t he displayed icon changes t he m ode int o t he ot her. The Cle a r r out e icon ( Page 117 ) rem oves rout e m arkings from t he m ap. NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .7 I n door m a p I ndoor m aps ( floorplans) are viewed as layers on t op of t he m ap. To view floorplans, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | I ndoor , where you can select bet ween floorplans and iBwave m aps t o be uploaded as layers on t op of t he m ap. The floorplan layers can be viewed one at a t im e on t he m ap view by t apping and holding t he Floor but t on on t he upper left - hand corner of t he m ap view. Tap and hold t he but t on t o open t he Se le ct floor popup window and select a floor. The floor you select is displayed on t he m ap. To change t he floorplan viewed, t ap and hold t he sam e but t on, now indicat ing t he nam e of t he current floorplan layer, and select anot her floorplan. See I ndoor m easurem ent s for furt her det ails on indoor m easurem ent s. I t is possible t o rot at e t he m ap/ floorplan by placing t wo fingers on t he screen and t urning t he fingers in a circular m ovem ent on t he screen. The com pass on t he upper left - hand side of t he screen indicat es t he cardinal direct ions, and t apping on t he com pass t urns t he m ap back int o upright posit ion. Page 118 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL To delet e t he indoor m ap layer( s) from t he m ap view , go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | I ndoor | Floor pla n , select t he floor( s) t o be delet ed and t ap D e le t e . 6 .8 BTS vie w To display t he BTS view, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list | BTS, select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Ce ll na m e displays t he nam e of t he act ive cell. Sit e na m e displays t he nam e of t he act ive base st at ion. D ist a nce displays t he dist ance in km t o t he act ive base st at ion. BTS CI displays t he cell ident it y of t he act ive base st at ion. Page 119 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .9 W EB vie w ♦ N ot e t ha t t he w e b vie w , YouTu be vie w , Fa ce book vie w , Link e dI n vie w , Tw it t e r vie w a nd I nst a gr a m vie w funct iona lit ie s a r e a va ila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy- A lice nse suppor t s t he m . To display t he web view, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge List | W e b vie w , select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. You are able t o zoom in and out by t apping and but t ons on t he t oolbar. Alt ernat ively, you can “ pinch” t he screen using t wo fingers ( for exam ple, t hum b and index finger) t o zoom in or zoom out when viewing a m ap. Tap Page 120 on t he t oolbar t o load a web page. To go back t o t he local hom e page st art view, t ap . NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .1 0 You Tu be vie w I n t he YouTube view you can select t o st ream YouTube videos. See chapt er Manual YouTube t est ing for m ore inform at ion on YouTube t est ing. To display t he YouTube view, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list | YouTube , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 6 .1 1 You Tu be pa r a m e t e r s To display t he YouTube param et ers view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | YouTu be pa r a m e t e r s, select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. App. Th r ough put D L displays t he applicat ion t hroughput in downlink direct ion in kb per second. YouTube Pla y St a t e displays t he current st at e of t he video st ream ing. Page 121 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .1 2 Fa ce book vie w I n t he Facebook view you can view friend list , wall feed, post ed st at us updat e or post ed phot o. See chapt er Manual Facebook Test ing for m ore inform at ion on Facebook t est ing. To display t he Facebook view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | Fa ce book , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 6 .1 3 Lin k e dI n vie w I n t he LinkedI n view you can view self feeds, loaded profiles, shared t ext s and URLs as well as loaded info. See chapt er Manual LinkedI n Test ing for m ore inform at ion on LinkedI n t est ing. To display t he LinkedI n view, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list | Link e dI n, select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Page 122 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .1 4 Tw it t e r vie w I n t he Twit t er view you can view loaded hom epages, profiles, followed t weet s, t ext ed t weet s and phot o t weet s. See chapt er Manual Twit t er Test ing for m ore inform at ion on Twit t er t est ing. To display t he Twit t er view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | YouTu be , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 6 .1 5 I n st a gr a m vie w I n t he I nst agram view you can view loaded hom e feeds and t ag searches. See chapt er Manual I nst agram Test ing for m ore inform at ion on I nst agram t est ing. To display t he I nst agram v iew, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list | I n st a gr a m , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Page 123 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .1 6 St a t ist ics vie w s The st at ist ics views display st at ist ics for various m easurem ent event s. The st at ist ics views display voice and video call relat ed and applicat ion t est ing relat ed st at ist ics. To reset t he st at ist ics view, select M e nu | Re se t st a t ist ics. To save t he current st at ist ics t o a .csv file select M e nu | Sa ve st a t ist ics. The saved st at ist ics can be found in Result folder. The file nam e form at is St at ist ic_dat e_t im e.csv. St at ist ics views include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Page 124 St at ist ics ( success rat e st at ist ics) Voice call st at ist ics o Voice call o CSFB o SRVCC FTP st at ist ics SFTP st at ist ics HTTP st at ist ics Dropbox st at ist ics Browsing st at ist ics Ping st at ist ics SMS st at ist ics MMS st at ist ics I perf st at ist ics E- m ail st at ist ics Signal level and qualit y st at ist ics NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .1 7 Sign a lin g vie w Signaling m essages view displays a list of signaling m essages. Tap an individual m essage t o view t he t im est am p for t hat m essage or L3 m essages in decoded form . To ret urn t o t he signaling m ain view, t ap anyw here on t he t ouchpad. Page 125 on t he upper right corner of t he m essage det ails view or NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I t is possible t o use filt ers in t he Signaling view. Tap t he Filt e r t ext field on t he t op of t he view and t ype in t he desired filt er( s) . You can use m ore t han one filt er at t he sam e t im e, j ust insert a space bet ween t he filt er t erm s. Tap D one . The new filt er act ivat es and new m essages are displayed on t he view accordingly. I f you er ase t he filt er from t he Filt e r t ext field, all signal m essages are displayed on t he view. 6 .1 8 Voice qu a lit y vie w The Voice Qualit y view is available only if t he license support s VQ m easurem ent s. To display t he Voice Qualit y view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | Voice qua lit y and select Show pa ge . The voice qualit y view 1/ 2 displays t he dow nlink M OS scor e , dow nlink block e r r or r a t e , and t he AM R m ode in dow nlink dir e ct ion. Alt ernat ives are 4.75, 5.15, 5.9, 6.7, 7.4, 7.95, 10.2, and 12.2. Page 126 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL The voice qualit y view 2/ 2 displays t he MOS value dist ribut ion. 6 .1 9 W iFi vie w The WiFi view is available only if t he license support s WiFi m easurem ent s. Act ivat e WiFi scanning by select ing Act ive W iFi sca nning opt ion On ( Set t ings – General) and select M e nu | Ena ble W iFi. W iFi st a t e defines t he current st at e of t he WiFi net work. The possible st at es are: • • • • • Page 127 WI FI _STATE_DI SABLI NG WI FI _STATE_DI SABLED WI FI _STATE_ENABLI NG WI FI _STATE_ENABLED WI FI _STATE_UNKNOWN NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL W iFi conne ct ion displays t he current st at us of t he WiFi connect ion. The possible st at es are: • • • • • • CONNECTI NG CONNECTED SUSPENDED DI SCONNECTI NG DI SCONNECTED UNKNOWN SSI D displays t he WLAN service set ident ifier. BSSI D displays t he basic service set ident ifier, also known as WLAN MAC addr ess. Link spe e d displays t he m axim um t ransfer rat e in Mbit / s. I P a ddr e ss displays t he current I P address. The view also displays a list of available WiFi net works and t he frequency, channel, securit y m ode, and RSSI per net work. Act ive RSSI displays t he RSSI value in dBm for t he current WLAN net work. Link spe e d displays t he m axim um t ransfer rat e in Mbit / s. ♦ N ot e : W he n W iFi sca nning is e na ble d, t h r ough put w ill be lim it e d due t o sca nnin g. Ot he r pr oce sse s, such a s spe e dt e st , m a y a lso be a ffe ct e d. Page 128 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .2 0 Tr a n sa ct ion log vie w To display t he Transact ion log view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | Tr a nsa ct ion log and select Show pa ge . All t ransact ions t hat can be m ade wit h Nem o Handy- A are show n in a log window, row per t ransact ion, wit h key inform at ion, such as st at us ( success/ failure) , and avg. dat a t hroughput . To clear t he t ransact ion list , select M e nu | Cle a r t r a nsa ct ions. Page 129 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .2 1 An a lysis of RF in gr e ss vie w ♦ The Ana lysis of RF ingr e ss vie w is a va ila ble only w it h t he a ddit iona l Adv a nce d I ndoor Ana lysis lice nse opt ion. To view t he Analysis of RF ingress page go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | Ana lysis of RF ingr e ss and select Show pa ge . Type indicat es t he percent age dist ribut ion bet ween Macro ( out door cells) and Sm all Cells ( indoor cells) . All cells not in t he BTS file are considered as m acro cells. Cells defined as sm all_cell or DAS are included in t he Sm all Cell value. M a cr o vs. SC indicat es t he RF ingress am ount com ing out side during indoor m easurem ent s. LTE displays t he t ype of serving cells and neighbour. The t ype is eit her MACRO or SC. A cell is not defined in t he BTS file is considered as a m acro cell. Not e t hat t his split displays t echnology- relat ed inform at ion. For furt her inform at ion on different t echnology views, see respect ive t echnology views. Page 130 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .2 2 GSM vie w s 6.22.1 Su m m a r y vie w for GSM Syst e m displays t he current cellular syst em , e.g., GSM 1800. Pa ck e t t e chn ology displays t he current packet t echnology. W iFi Conne ct ion displays t he current st at us of t he WiFi connect ion. The possible st at es are: • • • • • • CONNECTI NG CONNECTED SUSPENDED DI SCONNECTI NG DI SCONNECTED UNKNOWN SSI D displays t he WLAN service set ident ifier. Ce ll na m e displays t he nam e of t he act ive cell. D ist a nce t o BTS displays t he dist ance in km t o t he act ive base st at ion. Cha n ne l displays t he curr ent channel num ber. CI displays t he 16- bit cell ident ificat ion code. BCCH displays t he broadcast cont rol channel num ber. BSI C displays t he base st at ion ident it y code. RX Le vel displays t he RX level full value when t he m obile is in idle m ode and t he RX level sub value when a call is connect ed. Values range from - 120 t o - 10 dBm . RX Qua lit y displays t he RX qualit y full value when t he m obile is in idle m ode and t he RX qualit y sub value when a call is connect ed. Values range from 0 t o 7. C1 & C2 display t he C1 and C2 values. Page 131 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL N 1 Cha nne l displays t he channel num ber for t he first neighbor. N 1 RX Leve l displays t he RX level for t he first neighbor. LAC displays t he locat ion area code. M CC displays t he m obile count ry code. M N C displays t he m obile net work code. TA displays t he t im ing advance value. Values range from 0 t o 63. M SP displays t he m obile st at ion Tx power. Values range from 0 t o 32. RLT displays t he radio link t im eout . AM R I nit Code c displays t he AMR init ial codec m ode. Alt ernat ives are 4.75, 5.15, 5.9, 6.7, 7.4, 7.95, 10.2, and 12.2. GSM AM R Code c UL/ D L displays t he current ly used AMR codec for sending and receiving. LQE displays t he link qualit y est im at e. Values range from 0 t o 32. H oppin g displays hopping st at us ( On/ Off) . H SN displays hopping sequence num ber. M AI O displays m obile allocat ion index offset . Page 132 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.22.2 Ce ll m e a su re m e nt s vie w for GSM The Cell m easurem ent s 1/ 2 view ( neighbor line view) for GSM displays t he cha nne l num be r and RX le ve l for t he serving and neighbor channels. The ser ving channel is displayed first on t he list ( in black) . The RX level line for t he serving channel is displayed in bold. The Cell m easurem ent s 2/ 2 view ( neighbor bar view) for GSM displays t he cha nne l num be r, BSI C, and RX le ve l for t he serving and neighbor channels. The serving channel is displayed first on t he list ( in black) . The serving channel bar is color coded. RX level: I f t he value goes below - 95, t he bar color changes from blue t o red. Page 133 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.22.3 GSM ce ll t a ble / GSM h oppin g ch a nn e ls The GSM Cell Table view displays t he cha n ne l num be r, CI ( ce ll ide nt it y) , BSI C, C1 , C2 , RX le ve l, and LAC ( loca t ion a r e a code ) for t he serving ( first on list ) and neighbor channels. The hopping channels view displays a list of hopping channels and t he channel num ber, C/ I , and RX level per hopping channel. 6.22.4 GSM in t e r - syst e m ce lls The Cell m easurem ent int er- syst em line view displays for GSM t he cha nne l nu m be r , and RX le ve l for t he serving and best neighbors. Page 134 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.22.5 GSM vie w RX Le vel displays t he RX level full value when t he m obile is in idle m ode and t he RX level sub value when a call is connect ed. Values range from - 120 t o - 10 dBm . RX Qua lit y displays t he RX qualit y full value when t he m obile is in idle m ode and t he RX qualit y sub value when a call is connect ed. Values range from 0 t o 7. LQE displays t he link qualit y est im at e. Values range from 0 t o 32. 6.22.6 Thr ou gh pu t vie w for GSM The dat a t hroughput line v iews display t he applicat ion dat a t hroughput in kilobit s per second for UL and DL direct ions. The value is also displayed as a line. ♦ Page 135 N ot e t ha t you ne e d t o h a ve a da t a t r a nsfe r on t o se e da t a in t he se vie w s. NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL The gauge view displays t he a pplica t ion t h r ou gh put in downlink and in uplink direct ion in kb per second and t he am ount of dat a t ransferred in downlink and in uplink direct ion in byt es. 6.22.7 PPP t h r ou gh put view for GSM PPP Thr ou gh put view displays t he downlink and uplink t hroughput values in kbps. The value is calculat ed based on t he SDUs ( service dat a unit s) t hat are successfully t ransfer red t hrough t he PPP layer. Missing and erroneous PPP packet s are excluded from t he t hroughput calculat ion. To display t he PPP Throughput view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | PPP Thr oughput , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 6.22.8 GPRS vie w for GSM Codin g D L/ UL displays t he CS dat a channel coding for downlink/ uplink direct ions. Alt ernat ives are 9.6 and 14.4. Page 136 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .2 3 W CD M A vie w s 6.23.1 Su m m a r y vie w for W CD M A Syst e m displays t he current cellular syst em , e.g., UMTS FDD. Pa ck e t t e chn ology displays t he current packet t echnology. W iFi Conne ct ion displays t he current st at us of t he WiFi connect ion. The possible st at es are: • • • • • • CONNECTI NG CONNECTED SUSPENDED DI SCONNECTI NG DI SCONNECTED UNKNOWN SSI D displays t he WLAN service set ident ifier. Ce ll na m e displays t he nam e of t he act ive cell. D ist a nce t o BTS displays t he dist ance in km t o t he act ive base st at ion. Ce ll I D ( 1 6 - bit ) displays t he 16- bit cell ident ificat ion code. RN C displays t he radio net work cont roller I D. LAC displays t he locat ion area code. M CC displays t he m obile count ry code. M N C displays t he m obile net work code. UARFCN displays t he radio frequency channel num ber in use. RRC St a t e displays t he RRC st at e. Alt ernat ives are I dle, URA PCH, Cell PCH, Cell FACH, and Cell DCH. Act ive Ec/ N o displays t he act ive Ec/ No value. Act ive RSCP displays t he act ive RSCP v alue. Page 137 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Act ive Scr a m bling Code s displays t he act ive scram bling code. M onit or e d Ec/ N o displays t he m onit ored Ec/ No value. M onit or e d RSCP displays t he m onit ored RSCP value. M onit or e d Scr a m bling Code s displays t he m onit ored scram bling code values. BLER displays block error rat e. SI R displays t he signal- t o- int erference rat io. Values r ange from –50 t o 50. TX Pow e r displays t he TX power level in dBm . Values range from 30 t o - 120. D L/ UL Pw r Up % displays t he percent ages of downlink ( DL) and uplink ( UL) power up com m ands. AI CH St a t u s displays t he RACH m essage t ransm ission result . Pr e a m ble Cou nt displays t he t ransm it t ed pream ble count . Values range from 1 t o 65. RACH TX Pow e r displays t he RACH m essage power in dB. UL I nt e r fe r e nce displays uplink int erference in dB. AM R Code c UL/ D L displays t he AMR m ode in uplink ( UL) and downlink ( DL) direct ions. Alt ernat ives are 4.75, 5.15, 5.9, 6.7, 7.4, 7.95, 10.2, and 12.2. Page 138 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL CQI Pr im a r y displays t he Channel Qualit y I ndicat or for prim ary carrier in DC ( dual carrier) m ode. CQI Se conda r y displays t he Channel Qualit y I ndicat or for secondary carrier in DC m ode. N um be r of code s displays t he num ber of HS- PDSCH channelizat ion codes. M odula t ion displays t he rat io of QPSK/ 16QAM act ivit y. Tr a nspor t Block Siz e displays t he Transport Block Size I ndicat or. M AC BLER displays MAC block error rat e. M AC Tr ou gh put D ow nlink displays t he MAC downlink dat a t ransfer rat e in kilobit s per second. Act ivit y Ra t e displays t he downlink Act ivit y rat e. E- TFCI displays inform at ion about t he t ransport block set size. E- D CH Tr a n spor t Block Siz e displays t he average of t ransport block size used during t he previous report ing period. Page 139 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Act ivit y Ra t e displays t he downlink act ivit y rat e. Se r ving Gr a nt I nde x defines how m uch power is given for t he uplink dat a t ransm ission. The net work cont rols current serving grant using absolut e and relat ive grant s. Se r ving gr a n t defines t he power rat io of E- DPDCH and DPCCH. TTI defines t he t ransm ission t im e int erval. SI Tot a l E- D CH Buffe r St a t us ident ifies t he t ot al am ount of dat a available across all logical channels for which report ing has been request ed by t he RRC, and indicat es t he am ount of dat a in a num ber of byt es t hat is available for t ransm ission and ret ransm ission in t he RLC layer. H a ppy bit - t he happy bit st at us is periodically report ed t o t he net work t o indicat e when t he m obile has enough power t o t ransm it current dat a buffers in a predefined t im e period. M AC- e Re t r a nsm ission displays t he rat io of ret ransm it t ed PDUs and all t ransm it t ed PDUs in t he MAC- e layer. SI UE Pow e r H e a dr oom defines t he difference bet ween t he m axim um possible power and current ly used power. Se r ving Scr a m bling Code displays t he serving scram bling code. N on- Se r ving Scr a m blin g Code s displays t he non- serving scram bling codes. 6.23.2 W CD M A ce ll m e a sur e m e nt s The WCDMA cell m easurem ent s views ( t he neighbor views) 1/ 2 and 2/ 2 display t he Se t , Ec/ N O and RSCP values for t he serving and neighbor channels. A refers t o act ive set , D t o det ect ed set and M t o m onit ored set . Page 140 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.23.3 W CD M A ce ll t a ble The WCDMA Cell Table view displays t he Se t , Cha nn e l num be r, Scr a m bling Code , Ec/ N o, and RSCP for t he serving ( first on list ) and neighbor channels. To display t he WCDMA Cell Table view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | W CD M A ce ll t a ble , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 6.23.4 W CD M A in t er - syst em ce lls The Cell m easurem ent int er- syst em line view displays for WCDMA t he Se t , scr a m bling code , and Ec/ N 0 for t he act ive set and for best pilot s in m onit ored set . A refers t o act ive set , D t o det ect ed set and M t o m onit ored set . Page 141 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.23.5 W CD M A M I M O The WCDMA MI MO view displays t he Cha nne l num be r, Scr a m blin g Code , Por t , and Ec/ N o. To display t he MI MO view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | M I M O, select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 6.23.6 W CD M A/ W CM A pow e r con t r ol vie w The WCDMA and WCDMA power cont rol views display t he carrier RSSI value, TX power level, and 1AS RSCP ( t he best RSCP in t he act ive set ) , block error rat e value in downlink direct ion, percent ages of downlink ( DL) and uplink ( UL) power up com m ands, and signal- t o- int erference rat io. Page 142 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.23.7 Thr ou gh pu t Vie w for W CD M A ♦ N ot e t ha t you ne e d t o h a ve a da t a t r a nsfe r on t o se e da t a in t he se vie w s. The dat a t hroughput line v iews display t he block e r r or r a t e value in downlink direct ion and t he a pplica t ion t h r oughpu t in downlink and in uplink direct ion in kb per second. The gauge views display t he a pplica t ion t hr ou gh put in downlink and in uplink direct ion in kb per second and t he am ount of dat a t ransferred in downlink and in uplink direct ion in byt es. Page 143 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.23.8 PPP t h r ou gh put for W CD M A PPP Thr ou gh put views display t he downlink and uplink t hroughput values in kbps. The value is calculat ed based on t he SDUs ( service dat a unit s) t hat are successfully t ransfer red t hrough t he PPP layer. Missing and erroneous PPP packet s are excluded from t he t hroughput calculat ion. To display t he PPP Throughput view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | PPP Thr oughput , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 6.23.9 I pe r f for W CD M A To display t he I perf view, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list | I pe r f, select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. App. Th r ough put D L displays t he applicat ion t hroughput in downlink direct ion in kb per second. Page 144 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL iPe r f PER D L displays t he downlink packet error rat e, i.e., t he percent age of erroneously t ransferred packet s from t he t ot al num ber of t ransferred packet s. iPe r f Jit t e r D L displays t he packet j it t er downlink in m s. App. Th r ough put UL displays t he applicat ion t hroughput in uplink direct ion in kb per second. iPe r f PER UL displays t he uplink packet error rat e, i.e., t he percent age of erroneously t ransferred packet s from t he t ot al num ber of t ransferred packet s. iPe r f Jit t e r UL displays t he packet j it t er uplink in m s. 6.23.10 H SD PA vie w for W CD M A M AC Thr oughput displays MAC t hroughput . M AC BLER displays MAC block error rat e. N um be r of Code s displays t he num ber of HS- PDSCH channelizat ion codes. CQI Pr im a r y displays t he Channel Qualit y I ndicat or for prim ary carrier in DC ( dual carrier) m ode. CQI Se conda r y displays t he Channel Qualit y I ndicat or for secondary carrier in DC m ode. Table 1. displays t he relat ive rat io of QSPK, 16QAM and 64QAM m odulat ion act ivit y for t he current dat a session. Table 2. displays t he relat ive rat io of QSPK, 16QAM and 64QAM m odulat ion act ivit y for t he ent ire m easurem ent . Page 145 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.23.11 W CD M A H SUPA view M AC- e Thr oughput displays MAC t hroughput . M AC- e r e t r a n sm ission displays t he rat io of ret ransm it t ed PDUs and all t ransm it t ed PDUs in t he MAC- e layer. E- D CH Tr a n spor t Block Siz e displays t he average of t ransport block size used during t he previous report ing period. Act ivit y Ra t e displays t he downlink Act ivit y rat e Se r ving gr a n t defines t he power rat io of E- DPDCH and DPCCH. SI UE Pow e r H e a dr oom defines t he difference bet ween t he m axim um possible power and current ly used power. TX Pow e r displays t he TX power level in dBm . Values range from 30 t o - 120. The H a ppy Bit st at us is periodically report ed t o t he net work t o indicat e when t he m obile has enough power t o t ransm it current dat a buffers in a predefined t im e period. SI Tot a l E- D CH Buffe r St a t us ident ifies t he t ot al am ount of dat a available across all logical channels for which report ing has been request ed by t he RRC, and indicat es t he am ount of dat a in a num ber of byt es t hat is available for t ransm ission and ret ransm ission in t he RLC layer. Page 146 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .2 4 LTE vie w s 6.24.1 Su m m a r y vie w for LTE Syst e m displays t he current cellular syst em . Pa ck e t t e chn ology displays t he current packet t echnology. W iFi Conne ct ion displays t he current st at us of t he WiFi connect ion. The possible st at es are: • • • • • • CONNECTI NG CONNECTED SUSPENDED DI SCONNECTI NG DI SCONNECTED UNKNOWN SSI D displays t he WLAN service set ident ifier. Ce ll na m e displays t he nam e of t he act ive cell. D ist a nce t o BTS displays t he dist ance in km t o t he act ive base st at ion. Ce ll I D displays t he E- UTRAN cell global I D ( ECGI ) . e N ode B/ CI D displays t he eNodeB I D and cell I D. RN C/ CI D displays radio net work cont roller I D and cell I D. TAC displays t he t racking area code. M CC displays t he m obile count ry code. M N C displays t he m obile net work code. EARFCN displays t he radio frequency channel num ber in use. Ca r r ie r RSSI displays t he carrier RSSI value. Values range from - 120 t o - 10. Page 147 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Se r ving SN R displays t he SNR ( signal t o noise rat io) for t he serving channel in dB. Se r ving RSRQ displays t he reference signal received qualit y for t he serving channel in dB. Se r ving RSRP displays t he reference signal received power for t he serving channel in dBm . Se r ving PCI displays t he physical channel ident ifier num ber for t he serving channel. List e d RSRQ displays t he reference signal received qualit y values for t he list ed channels in dB. List e d RSRP displays t he reference signal received power values for t he list ed channels in dBm . List e d PCI displays t he physical channel ident ifier num bers for list ed channels. EM M St a t e displays t he LTE EPS Mobilit y Managem ent st at e. EM M Subst a t e displays t he LTE EPS Mobilit y Managem ent subst at e. Tr a nsm ission M ode displa ys t he current MI MO configurat ion set for t he t erm inal. TD D UL D L configur a t ion displays t he uplink and downlink configurat ion for LTE TDD. PD SCH BLER displays t he block error rat e for t he PDSCH ( physical downlink shared channel) in percent age. PD SCH Thr oughput displays t he downlink dat a t hroughput for t he PDSCH in bps. PD SCH Ra nk 2 Pe r ce nt a ge displays t he percent age of TTI s ( t ransm ission t im e int ervals, 1m s) during t he report ing period where Rank 2 ( MI MO 2x2) has been used in PDSCH channel. PD SCH M odula t ion Code w or d 0 displays t he PDSCH m odulat ion for codeword 0. This is t he m odulat ion order as defined by 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. The available values are • • • 1 = QPSK 2 = 16QAM 3 = 64QAM PD SCH M odula t ion Code w or d 1 displays t he PDSCH m odulat ion for codeword 1. This is t he m odulat ion order as defined by 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. Page 148 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL PD SCH M CS Code w or d 0 displays t he PDSCH MCS index for codeword 0. The value defines t he m odulat ion and t he am ount of coding used. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. Values range from 0 t o 31. PD SCH M CS Code w or d 1 displays t he PDSCH MCS index for codeword 1. The value defines t he m odulat ion and t he am ount of coding used. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. Values range from 0 t o 31. PD SCH PRB Alloca t ion displays t he num ber of allocat ed physical resource blocks for t he PDSCH. D L Ba ndw idt h indicat es t he DL bandwidt h of t he act ive carrier in MHz. TX Pow e r PUSCH displays t he TX power level for t he PUSCH ( physical uplink shared channel) in dBm . Values range from 30 t o - 120. TX Pow e r PUCCH displays t he TX power level for t he PUCCH ( physical uplink cont rol channel) in dBm . Values range from 30 t o - 120. PUSCH Thr ough pu t displays t he uplink dat a t hroughput for t he PUSCH in bps. PUSCH M odula t ion displays t he PUSCH m odulat ion for codeword 0. This is t he m odulat ion order as defined by 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. PUSCH Ra nk defines how m any dat a st ream s are used for t he dat a t ransm ission. The value of t he param et er is zero when dat a is not t ransm it t ed. Possible values are 0 and 1. PUSCH M CS M odula t ion displays t he PUSCH MCS index for codeword 0. The value defines t he m odulat ion and t he am ount of coding used. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. Values range from 0 t o 31. Tim ing Adva nce displays t he t im ing advance value for t he serving channel. Tim ing advance is used t o adj ust uplink t ransm ission t im ing in a way t hat allows node B t o receive t ransm issions from all UEs sim ult aneously. Values range from 0 t o 1282. Cyclic Pr e fix defines t he t ype of signal t he t erm inal is set t o m easure. Wit h Aut odet ect select ed, t he t erm inal will aut om at ically det ect t he appropriat e signal t ype. RRC St a t e displays t he st at e of RRC connect ion. Page 149 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL RACH Type displays t he RACH ( random - access channel) m essage t ype. The possible values are cont ent ion based and non- cont ent ion based. RACH Re sult displays t he RACH m essage result . The possible values are succeeded, abort ed, and failed. RACH M a x im um Allow e d Pr e a m ble s displays t he m axim um allowed num ber of RACH pream bles. See 3GPP 136.133 subclause 6.3.2 and 3GPP 136.321 subclause 5.1. Values range from 3 t o 200. RACH N um be r of Tr a ns. Pr e a m ble s displays t he num ber of pream bles t hat were sent during t he RACH procedure. RACH I nit ia l TX Pow e r displays t he init ial TX power level for t he RACH. RACH Succ. Pr e a m ble Pow e r Le ve l displays t he power level for a successful RACH pream ble. RACH PUSCH Pow e r displays t he power level for sim ult aneous RACH and PUSCH procedures. H O Pa ck e t Loss displays t he HO packet loss. H O U- pla ne I nt e r r upt ion defines t he t im e from t he last packet in t he old cell t o t he first packet in t he new cell ( m inim um value: 0, unit : m s) . I M S Se r ve r St a t e displays t he current I MS server st at e. I M S Re gist r a t ion Se t up Tim e displays t he I MS regist rat ion set up t im e. I M S Re gist r a t ion Fa ilur e Ra t io displays t he I MS r egist rat ion failure rat io. SI P H a ndsha k e Tim e defines t he t im e from SI P invit e t o 100 Trying m essage ( m inim um value: 0, unit : m s) . VoLTE Code c displays t he current ly used VoI P codec t hat can change during t he VoI P call. AM R Code c Uplink displays t he current act ive AMR codec for uplink. AM R Code c D ow nlink displays t he current act ive AMR codec for downlink. Page 150 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.24.2 LTE ce ll m e a su r e m e n t s vie w The LTE cell m easurem ent s views ( t he neighbor views) display t he Se t , PCI ( physical channel ident ifier) and RSRQ ( reference signal received qualit y) and RSRP ( reference signal received power) for t he serving and neighbor channels. A refers t o act ive set , D t o det ect ed set and M t o m onit ored set . 6.24.3 LTE ce ll t a ble The LTE Cell Table view displays t he Se t , Ba nd, Cha nne l num be r , PCI ( physical channel ident ifier) , RSRQ ( reference signal received qualit y) , and RSRP ( reference signal received power) for t he serving ( first on list ) and neighbor channels. To display t he LTE Cell Table view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | LTE Ce ll Ta ble , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Page 151 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.24.4 LTE int e r - syst e m cells The Cell m easurem ent int er- syst em line view displays for LTE t he PCI ( physical channel ident ifier) and RSRP ( reference signal received power) for t he serving and neighbor channels. A refers t o act ive set , D t o det ect ed set and M t o m onit ored set . 6.24.5 LTE M I M O The LTE MI MO view displays t he Cha n ne l num be r , PCI ( physical channel ident ifier) , RSRQ ( reference signal received qualit y) , and RSRP ( reference signal received power) for each MI MO ant enna port . To display t he MI MO view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | M I M O, select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Page 152 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.24.6 Applica t ion t h r ou ghpu t vie w for LTE ♦ N ot e t ha t you ne e d t o h a ve a da t a t r a nsfe r on t o se e da t a in t he se vie w s. App. Th r ough put D ow nlink displays t he dat a t hroughput rat e in downlink direct ion. The gauge view displays t he a pplica t ion t hr ou gh put in downlink direct ion in kb per second and t he am ount of dat a t ransferred in downlink and in uplink direct ion in byt es. App. Th r ough put Uplin k displays t he dat a t hroughput rat e in uplink direct ion. The gauge view displays t he a pplica t ion t hr ou gh put in uplink direct ion in kb per second and t he am ount of dat a t ransferred in downlink and in uplink direct ion in byt es. 6.24.7 PPP t h r ou gh put view for LTE Page 153 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL PPP Thr ou gh put view displays t he downlink and uplink t hroughput values in kbps. The value is calculat ed based on t he SDUs ( service dat a unit s) t hat are successfully t ransfer red t hrough t he PPP layer. Missing and erroneous PPP packet s are excluded from t he t hroughput calculat ion. To display t he PPP Throughput view, go t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Pa ge list | PPP Thr oughput , select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 6.24.8 I pe r f vie w for LTE App. Th r ough put D L displays t he applicat ion t hroughput in downlink direct ion in kb per second. iPe r f PER D L displays t he downlink packet error rat e, i.e., t he percent age of erroneously t ransferred packet s from t he t ot al num ber of t ransferred packet s. iPe r f Jit t e r D L displays t he packet j it t er downlink in m s. App. Th r ough put UL displays t he a pplica t ion t hr ough put in uplink direct ion in kb per second. iPe r f PER UL displays t he uplink packet error rat e, i.e., t he percent age of erroneously t ransferred packet s from t he t ot al num ber of t ransferred packet s. iPe r f Jit t e r UL displays t he packet j it t er uplink in m s. To display t he I perf view, go t o M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list | I pe r f, select Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. Page 154 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.24.9 LTE link a da pt a t ion dow n lin k Se r ving SN R displays t he SNR ( signal t o noise rat io) for t he serving channel in dB. PD SCH PRB Alloca t ion displays t he num ber of allocat ed physical resource blocks for t he PDSCH. Table 1. displays t he relat ive rat io of downlink QSPK, 16QAM and 64QAM m odulat ion act ivit y for codeword 0. Table 2. displays t he relat ive rat io of downlink QSPK, 16QAM and 64QAM m odulat ion act ivit y for codeword 1. PD SCH Thr oughput displays t he downlink dat a t hroughput for t he PDSCH in bps. PD SCH PRB Alloca t ion displays t he num ber of allocat ed physical resource blocks for t he PDSCH. The downlink m odulat ion rat io displays t he relat ive rat io of uplink QSPK, 16QAM and 64QAM m odulat ion act ivit y for codeword 0 am d codeword 1. CQI W ide ba nd Code w or d 0 displays t he wideband channel qualit y indicat or value for codeword 0. This is t he average wideband CQI calculat ed over t he report ing period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Values range from 0 t o 15. CQI W ide ba nd Code w or d 1 displays t he wideband channel qualit y indicat or value for codeword 1. This is t he average wideband CQI calculat ed over t he report ing period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Values range from 0 t o 15. Page 155 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.24.10 LTE link a da pt a t ion u plin k PUSCH Thr ough pu t displays t he uplink dat a t hroughput for t he PUSCH in bps. PUSCH PRB Alloca t ion displays t he num ber of allocat ed physical resource blocks for t he PUSCH. The uplink m odulat ion rat io displays t he relat ive rat io of uplink QSPK, 16QAM and 64QAM m odulat ion act ivit y for codeword 0. 6.24.11 LTE CA ce lls LTE RSRP displays LTE reference signal received power in dBm . LTE SN R displays LTE signal t o noise rat io dB. Page 156 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.24.12 LTE CA t hr ou gh pu t Applica t ion Th r oughpu t D ow nlink displays t he applicat ion t hroughput in downlink. PC PD SCH Thr oughput displays prim ary cell PDSCH t hroughput in kbps. SC PD SCH Thr ou ghput displays secondary serving cell PDSCH t hroughput in kbps. PC SN R displays prim ary cell signal t o noise rat io in dB. SC SN R displays secondary serving cell signal t o noise rat io in dB. 6 .2 5 CD M A/ EVD O vie w s 6.25.1 Su m m a r y vie w for CD M A/ EVD O Syst e m displays t he current cellular syst em , e.g., CDMA2000 1900. Pa ck e t t e chn ology displays t he current packet t echnology, e.g., 1xEVDO REV B Page 157 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL W iFi conne ct ion displays t he current st at us of t he WiFi connect ion. The possible st at es are: • • • • • • CONNECTI NG CONNECTED SUSPENDED DI SCONNECTI NG DI SCONNECTED UNKNOWN SSI D displays t he WLAN service set ident ifier. M CC displays t he m obile count ry code. Cha n ne l t ype displays t he current channel t ype. Syst e m I D displays t he syst em I D. N e t w or k I D displays t he net work I D. Act ive pilot num be r displays t he act ive pilot num ber( s) . Act ive Ec/ I 0 displays t he Ec/ I 0 value for t he act ive pilot ( s) . Act ive RSCP displays t he RSCP value for t he act ive pilot ( s) . Cha n ne l num be r displays t he current channel num ber. RX pow e r 0 / 1 displays t he RX power for ant ennas 0 and 1. The values range from −120 t o 30 dBm . TX pow e r displays the TX power. Values range from −99 to 99 dBm. Fr a m e e r r or r a t e display s t he fram e error rat e in percent age. D ow nlink / uplink pow e r up % displays t he percent age of "DL/ UL power up" com m ands out of all com m ands. I f t his value is 100% , all com m ands request t o increase power. RLP dow nlink / uplink t h r ou ghput displays t he DL/ UL user t hroughput in radio link prot ocol layer. RRI cha nne l t o pilot r a t io displays RRI channel t o pilot rat io in dB ( Rev A) . Page 158 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL EVD O pa r a m e t e r s pe r ca r r ie r : Cha n ne l N um be r displays t he current channel num ber. Cha n ne l I D displays t he channel I D. RX Pow e r displays RX power in dBm . RX Pow e r a nt e n na 0 displays t he RX power in dBm for ant enna 0. RX Pow e r a nt e n na 1 displays t he RX power in dBm for ant enna 1. TX Pow e r Lim it e d displays TX power lim it ed in dBm . TX Pilot Pow e r displays displays TX pilot power in dBm . TX Adj u st displays TX adj ust in dBm . TX Pow e r displays TX power in dBm . Pow e r Am plifie r On/ Off displays t he st at us of power am plifier. Physica l la ye r t hr oughput UL displays physical layer t hroughput UL in bit / s. Physica l la ye r t hr oughput D L displays physical layer t hroughput DL in bit / s. I nst a nt a ne ous PER displays inst ant aneous PER in % . Shor t PER displays short PER in % . Long PER displays long PER in % . D RC inde x displays DRC index. TX T2 P displays TX T2P in dB. Page 159 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.25.2 Ce ll m e a su re m e nt s vie w for CD M A/ EVD O The Cell m easurem ent s view displays t he pilot num be r and Ec/ I 0 for t he ser ving ( first on list ) and neighbor pilot s. The Cell m easurem ent s view displays t he Cha n ne l num be r, PN , Ec/ I 0 , and RSCP for t he serving ( first on list ) and neighbor channels. Page 160 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.25.3 RX pow e r vie w for CD M A/ EVD O The RX power line view displays the RX power for antennas 0 and 1. The values range from −120 to 30 dBm . 6.25.4 Pow e r con t r ol vie w for CD M A/ EVD O The Power cont rol line view displays t he TX power and FER ( for CDMA) and RRI channel t o pilot rat io. Page 161 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL D ow nlink / uplink pow e r up % displays t he percent age of DL/ UL power up com m ands out of all com m ands. I f t his value is 100% , all com m ands request t o increase power. D RC I nde x displays t he digit al rat e cont rol index. 6.25.5 Applica t ion t h r ou ghpu t vie w for CD M A/ EVD O ♦ N ot e t ha t you ne e d t o h a ve a da t a t r a nsfe r on t o se e da t a in t he se vie w s. App. Th r ough put D ow nlink displays t he dat a t hroughput rat e in downlink direct ion. The gauge view displays t he a pplica t ion t hr ou gh put in downlink direct ion in kb per second and t he am ount of dat a t ransferred in downlink and in uplink direct ion in byt es. App. Th r ough put Uplin k displays t he dat a t hroughput rat e in uplink direct ion. The gauge view displays t he a pplica t ion t hr ou gh put in uplink direct ion in kb per second and t he am ount of dat a t ransferred in downlink and in uplink direct ion in byt es. Page 162 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .2 6 Cu st om vie w Wit h Nem o Handy- A’s cust om view you can t ailor a view t o your own needs. You can creat e a new cust om view by t apping t he m enu but t on | Se t t ings | Pa ge list and select ing N e w Pa ge | [ Em pt y] . Give a nam e for t he page and t ap Cr e a t e split ( split can also be used as st andalone view/ page) . The page( s) you creat e will be visible in t he page list . Alt ernat ively, creat e a new Cust om view by t apping t he Menu but t on ( se t t ings and select ing Cr e a t e split . 6.26.1 Cr e a t e split The Cust om display view opens. Add… enables you t o add a page or a param et er. Page 163 ) | Se t t ings | Pa ge NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Edit … enables you t o edit t he display or page configurat ions. 6 .2 6 .1 .1 Add in g a p a g e Select ing Add... Pa ge enables you t o add a new page in t he view. Tap Pa ge and an edit or view opens. N a m e defines t he nam e of t he page and is displayed on t he t op of t he view. Syst e m defines t he syst em used. Tap t he syst em field t o open t he list of syst em s. This will define when t he page is visible. E.g. if you choose LTE t he page is only visible when t he UE is connect ed t o LTE net work. La yout defines t he layout of t he view, for exam ple t he posit ion of a graph. Tap on t he layout field t o open t he list of layout choices. N one / Ba r Gr a ph: no graph displayed in t he view if Visual is set t o None or t o eit her of t he t wo line graph opt ions in param et er set t ings, and a bar graph is displayed in t he view if Visual is set t o Bar Graph in param et er set t ings. N ot e t ha t t he opt ion N one / Ba r Gr a ph se le ct e d he r e ove r r ide s t he Line Gr a ph opt ion in pa r a m e t e r se t t ings. Bot t om Line Gr a ph: t he graph is displayed on t he bot t om of t he view. Right Line Gr a ph: t he gr aph is displayed in t he right side of t he view. Te x t siz e ( 1 - 3 0 ) defines t he size of t he t ext displayed in t he view. Page 164 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .2 6 .1 .2 Add ing a p a r a m e t e r Select ing Add... Pa r a m e t e r enables you t o add a param et er in t he view. Tap Pa r a m e t e r and an edit or view opens. Please not e t hat t he cont ent s of t he dialog vary slight ly depending on select ions m ade. Pa r a m e t e r defines t he param et er used. I nsert t he param et er by t apping on t he t ext field and t yping in t he param et er. A list of param et ers opens once let t ers are insert ed in t he field. List I nde x defines t he par am et ers shown in t he graph. The best value of a param et er wit h m ult iple values is 0, t he second best is 1, et c. For exam ple, List I ndex 1 used for param et er Monit ored Set Ec/ N0 displays t he second best Monit ored Ec/ N0 value. La be l defines t he param et er nam e displayed in t he view. I f no label is insert ed, t he param et er shown in t he Param et er field will be displayed as t he label. Visua l defines w het her a graph is displayed in t he view. Tap on t he Visua l field t o open a list of choices. N one : no graph is displayed in t he view. Gr a ph 1 : one graph is displayed in t he view. Gr a ph 2 : t wo graphs are displayed in t he view. Gr a ph Type defines t he graph t ype, t he opt ions are bar graph and line graph. M in Va lue defines t he m inim um value for t he param et er, set aut om at ically according t o t he param et er. Page 165 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL M a x Va lue defines t he m axim um value for t he param et er, set aut om at ically according t o t he param et er. Lim it Va lue defines t he t hreshold value for t he param et er, m ust be set m anually. Good Color defines t he color for t he good values in t he graph. Select a color by t apping Se le ct and t apping on a desired color in t he circle and OK. Ba d Color defines t he color for t he bad values in t he graph. Select a color by t apping Se le ct and t apping on a desired color in t he circle and OK. Line Siz e defines t he size of t he line shown in t he gr aph. Te x t St yle defines t he st yle of t he t ext . Tap t he field t o select a st yle: norm al, bold, or cursive. 6 .2 6 .1 .3 Edit in g t h e displa y Select ing Edit … D ispla y enables you t o edit t he display t it le. Tap D ispla y and an edit or view opens. Tit le defines t he t it le of t he display. Tap on t he t ext field and t ype a t it le. 6 .2 6 .1 .4 Edit in g a pa ge Select ing Edit … Pa ge enables you t o edit t he page set t ings. Tap Pa ge and an edit or view sim ilar t o Adding a page opens. Page 166 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6 .2 6 .1 .5 Cu st om d isp la y liv e v ie w Once t he Cust om display is in live view, it is possible t o set param et ers act ive, scale param et ers, or save configurat ions. Tap and hold a param et er. A Param et er dialog opens. Se t a ct ive act ivat es t he select ed param et er. This m eans t hat t he scales will display values for t hat param et er. Aut o sca le defines t he scale for t he param et er. Tap Aut o sca le t o open a list of choices. Select N one and t he scales ret urn t o norm al. Select H igh and Nem o Handy- A changes t he scales and zoom s in on t he view so t hat t he line is at t he t op of t he graph and t he m inim um value is at t he bot t om of t he scale. The sym bol changes t o ↑. Select Low , and Nem o Handy- A changes t he scales and zoom s in on t he view so t hat t he line is at t he bot t om of t he graph and t he m axim um value is at t he t op of t he scales. The sym bol changes t o ↓. Select Bot h and Nem o Handy- A checks t he m inim um and m axim um values for t he graph from t he visible area and zoom s in on t he view so t hat t he line is in t he m iddle. The ↕ sym bol appears next t o t he param et er nam e at t he t op of t he view. Page 167 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Sa ve configur a t ion enables saving t he configurat ion. Page 168 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 6.26.2 Cust om displa y e x am ple Here is an exam ple of how t o creat e a new page wit h cust om display. Page 169 1. Tap M e nu | Se t t in gs | Pa ge list and N e w pa ge . 2. The Select page dialog opens. Select [ Em pt y] . NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 3. Type a nam e for t he page ( t his is t he nam e visible on t he display field in live view) and select Show pa ge . Tap Cr e a t e split . 4. The Cust om display view opens. Tap Edit … Pa ge . 5. The edit or view opens. I nsert t he inform at ion and t ap OK. The nam e insert ed in N a m e field is t he nam e visible on t he page. Page 170 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Page 171 6. The new page opens. To add a param et er, t ap Add… Pa r a m e t e r. 7. The edit or view opens. I nsert t he inform at ion and t ap OK. NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 8. The Cust om display edit or view opens. I n t his view it is possible t o add new pages or param et ers, and t o edit or rem ove t he exist ing display, page( s) , or param et er( s) . To add a page t ap Add… Pa ge and insert t he inform at ion for t he page. To add a param et er t ap Add… Pa r a m e t e r and insert t he inform at ion for t he param et er. To edit t he display, t ap Edit … D ispla y. To edit t he param et er( s) , t ap Edit … Pa r a m e t e r and t ap on t he param et er you wish t o edit . To edit t he page( s) , t ap Edit … Pa ge and t ap on t he page you wish t o edit . 9. To save t he Cust om display, t ap Sa ve . 10. Tap t he back but t on of t he device t o exit t he Cust om display edit or view. 11. The New page view opens. I n t his view you can edit ( ) or delet e ( ) t he Cust om display view, or creat e a new split by t apping Cr e a t e split . Tap t he back but t on of t he device t o exit t he Cust om display. Page 172 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 12. The Test case page creat ed in Cust om display can now be viewed in t he live view. The page is displayed on t he page list ( Se t t ings | Pa ge list ) . The page can be edit ed by t apping Se t t ings | Pa ge se t t ings, or by t apping on t he page nam e on Se t t in gs | Pa ge list . 13. To scale a desired param et er in t he graph, t ap and hold on t he param et er. A param et er dialog opens. Tap Se t a ct ive t o set t he param et er act ive. Page 173 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 SETTI N GS The chapt ers below describe t he Set t ings pages. 7 .1 Ge n e r a l se t t in gs I n Nem o Handy- A, select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | Ge ne r a l t o define som e general set t ings. Ba ck light opt ion defines t he bright ness of t he backlight . Answ e r incom in g ca lls opt ion act ivat es/ deact ivat es t he aut o answer m ode. When Nem o Handy- A is in aut o answer m ode, it answers all incom ing voice calls. Use dia le r for ca lls opt ion allows using t he inbuilt Android phone dialer. The Dialer allows using for exam ple a Bluet oot h headset t o hear t he audio while perform ing voice call t est ing wit h Handy. Act ive W iFi sca nning act ivat es/ deact ivat es WiFi scanning. Ena ble M M S t e st in g opt ion enables MMS t est ing. Not e t hat Android version 4.4 or lat er is required for perform ing MMS t est s. When MMS t est ing is enabled, t he Android default MMS applicat ion is Handy. Not e t hat if Handy is t he default MMS applicat ion, all received MMS m essages are rout ed t o Handy and not visible in t he UI . To use t he st andard MMS feat ure in t he t erm inal, t he user needs t o t urn off t he MMS t est ing feat ure from Handy set t ings. Se nd cr a sh r e por t s, if select ed Handy will send crash report s. I m por t / e x por t se t t ings opt ion enables im port ing and export ing set t ings. Wit h t his feat ure users can share set t ings wit h ot her users and device m odels from t heir Nem o Handy- A t erm inal. Page 174 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Scr e e nshot for m a t defines in which form at ( .pgn or .j pg) t he capt ured screenshot will be saved. Scr e e nshot t im e st a m p, if select ed, leaves a t im est am p on t he capt ured screenshot . Scr e e nshot a ll vie w s, if select ed, capt ures a screenshot of all views. Ask, when select ed, prom pt s Nem o Handy- A t o ask w het her t o t ake screenshot of all views whenever t he user is t aking a screenshot . Aut om a t e d t e st ing opt ion act ivat es/ deact ivat es t he aut om at ed t est ing feat ure. See Aut om at ed t est ing for m ore inform at ion. I n addit ion t o t he m anual export ing of set t ings, it is also done aut om at ically w hen closing Nem o Handy. When st art ing new ly inst alled Nem o Handy for t he first t im e previously export ed set t ings are checked and loaded. 7 .2 Login s Login Fa ce book , if select ed, allows you t o log int o Facebook. Logging in is m andat ory when perform ing Facebook t est ing. Login Tw it t e r , if select ed, allows you t o log int o Twit t er. Logging in is m andat ory when perform ing Twit t er t est ing. Login I nst a gr a m , if select ed, allows you t o log int o I nst agram . Logging in is m andat ory when perform ing I nst agram t est ing. Login Link e dI n, if select ed, allows you t o log int o LinkedI n. Logging in is m andat ory when perform ing LinkedI n t est ing. Login D r opbox , if select ed, allows you t o log int o Dropbox. Logging in is m andat ory when perform ing Dropbox t est ing. Page 175 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 .3 D ispla y se t t in gs I n Nem o Handy- A, select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | D ispla y t o define t he display set t ings. D ispla y config file defines which views are displayed. Select ing Default uses t he default configurat ion, while Select configurat ion file enables you t o open a cust om ized configurat ion file. Unit s defines t he m easurem ent unit s used w hen defining t he Nem o Handy- A m aps ( Met ric/ I m perial) . Show se r ving info displays/ hides t he serving channel inform at ion on every page. N ot ifica t ion volum e set s t he volum e level for voice not ificat ions. N ot ifica t ions enables you t o select which not ificat ion icons and/ or not ificat ion audio files are in use. See chapt er Not ificat ions for m ore inform at ion on not ificat ions. Page 176 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7.3.1 N ot ifica t ion s Select M e nu | Se t t in gs | Se t t ings | D ispla y | N ot ifica t ions t o access t he N ot ifica t ions page. Here you can act ivat e/ deact ivat e, edit exist ing, and creat e new not ificat ions. See chapt er Cust om not ificat ions for m ore inform at ion on edit ing and creat ing new not ificat ions. There are t wo t ypes of not ificat ions: audio and icon. Audio not ificat ions will play an audio file when t riggered. Not ificat ions wit h icons will appear as icons on t he m easurem ent rout e on a m ap and in line graphs. A popup m essage can be select ed for bot h t ypes of not ificat ions. The popup appears briefly at t he bot t om of t he screen. Wit h t he but t ons at t he t op you can select / clear all icons, audio files, and popups. By t apping each param et er, you can select individual not ificat ions. By t apping t he speaker icon, you can preview t he audio file. Notification Page 177 Icon Audio Trigger Best RSCP Low yes Act ive set received signal code power under - 95 Best Ec/ N0 Low yes Act ive set Ec/ N0 under - 15 Tx Power High yes TX power over 14 BLER High yes Block error rat e downlink over 5 RX Level Low yes RX level under - 95 RX Qualit y Bad yes RX qualit y over 4 C/ I Low yes C/ I under 12 DL Power Up High yes Percent age of downlink power up com m ands over 60 UL Power Up High yes Percent age of uplink power up com m ands over 60 Cell I D Changed yes Channel Changed yes LAC Changed yes NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Syst em Changed yes CDMA Syst em Changed yes GPS Fix Acquired yes GPS Fix Lost yes GPS Disconnect ed yes GPS Connect ed yes Voice Call At t em pt Voice Call Connect ed Voice Call Failed Voice Call Disconnect ed Voice Call Dropped FTP Connect ion At t em pt FTP Connect ion Success FTP Connect ion Failed FTP Connect ion Disconnect ed FTP Connect ion Dropped FTP Transfer At t em pt FTP Transfer Success FTP Transfer Failed HTTP Connect ion At t em pt HTTP Connect ion Success HTTP Connect ion Failed HTTP Connect ion Disconnect ed HTTP Connect ion Dropped HTTP Transfer At t em pt HTTP Transfer Success HTTP Transfer Failed Recorded Sam ple Skipped Sync Page 178 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 .3 .1 .1 Cu st om n ot if ica t ion s I t is possible t o edit exist ing not ificat ions and also creat e new not ificat ions. To edit a not ificat ion, t ap t he but t on next t o a not ificat ion. La be l defines t he nam e of t he not ificat ion. Pa r a m e t e r na m e defines t he param et er or m easurem ent event for which t he not ificat ion is creat ed. Tr igge r defines t he condit ion for t he not ificat ion. The opt ions are Change, Equals t hreshold, Over t hreshold, and Under t hreshold. Thr e shold defines t he value t hat t riggers t he not ificat ion. This set t ing is hidden w hen t he Change t rigger opt ion is select ed. H yst e r e sis defines a t olerance value for t riggering t he not ificat ion. Value 0 m eans hyst eresis is not used. This set t ing is hidden w hen t he Change t rigger opt ion is select ed. D e fa ult a ct ion defines how you will be not ified. The opt ions are audio, icon, or popup. You can also select all t hree. Page 179 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL To creat e a new not ificat ion, t ap t he but t on at t he t op right - hand corner of t he Not ificat ions page. La be l defines t he nam e of t he not ificat ion. Pa r a m e t e r na m e defines t he param et er or m easurem ent event for which t he not ificat ion is creat ed. Tr igge r defines t he condit ion for t he not ificat ion. The opt ions are Change, Equals t hreshold, Over t hreshold, and Under t hreshold. Spe a k defines t he audio ( t ext t o speech) used in connect ion wit h t he not ificat ion. Type in t he t ext and it will be played when t he not ificat ion is t riggered. I con defines t he appearance of t he not ificat ion icon ( circle, square, t riangle) . Also select t he color. D e fa ult a ct ion defines how you will be not ified. The opt ions are audio, icon, or popup. You can also select all t hree. Aft er defining all t he set t ings, t ap Sa ve and t he new/ edit ed not ificat ion is added t o t he list . Page 180 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 .4 Loggin g se t t in gs I n Nem o Handy- A, select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t ings | Loggin g t o define t he logging set t ings. Log file pr e fix allows you t o define your own prefix for log file nam e. M e a sur e m e nt File For m a t defines t he file form at used in m easurem ent s. The file form at opt ions are Measurem ent file ( .nm f, default ) and Debuglog ( .nbl) . N ot e t ha t if t he D e bu glog ( .nbl) opt ion is se le ct e d you ca nn ot a cce ss or u se t he .nbl logging file a s such. I t is r e com m e n de d n ot t o se le ct t he D e buglog opt ion unle ss pr om pt e d by Anit e N e t w or k Te st in g. I f t he Aut ologging opt ion is select ed, Nem o Handy- A will st art logging when a script is st art ed and st op logging when t he script is finished. I t is also possible t o swit ch aut ologging off in t he m iddle of a script if you would like t o cont inue logging even aft er t he script is finished. Log file split t ing opt ion allows you t o split t he log files int o m anageable sized files inst ead of having one large file. See Log File Split t ing chapt er below for m ore inform at ion. Log File Split t ing Page 181 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL M e a sur e m e nt uploa d allows you t o save connect ion set t ings int o configurat ions t hat can be used when uploading files on a server. See Defining m easurem ent upload configurat ions for m ore inform at ion. Que st ion na ir e allows defining when a quest ionnaire is displayed. You can choose t o show it when a m easurem ent is st art ed, paused, resum ed, or st opped. A sum m ary of answers is shown w hen all quest ions have been answ ered. When a quest ionnaire has been creat ed it can be used by engineers in t he field. The idea is t o collect inform at ion from m easurem ent environm ent t o a m easurem ent file. Using quest ionnaire reduces errors by user ( e.g. t yping cit y or locat ion wrong) . Quest ionnaire result s are st ored t o QNOTE file form at event as specified in Nem o File Form at . I dle logging ( OFF/ ON ) , when act ivat ed, enables idle logging wit h Nem o Handy- A. I n idle logging m ode m easurem ent s files are st ill logged int o Nem o Handy- A m em ory while Nem o Handy- A is idle and not logging. I dle log le ngt h defines t he lengt h of t he idle log in m inut es. I n idle logging m ode Nem o Handy- A saves dat a for t he lengt h of t im e defined here. Tap I dle log le ngt h t o define t he idle log lengt h. I P ca pt ur e opt ion act ivat es/ deact ivat es I P packet capt uring. See I P capt ure for m ore inform at ion on I P capt uring. I P ca pt ur e m a x pa ck e t siz e defines how m any by t es t o capt ure from each packet . I P ca pt ur e filt e r opt ion defines whet her capt ured packet s are filt ered. I P ca pt ur e filt e r r ule s allows you t o define I P capt ure filt er rules. I nit ia l m a r k e r , w hen select ed, a dialog will be displayed when logging begins, in w hich t he user can define a m easurem ent descript ion. Pr e de fine d m a r k e r allows user t o define t he m arker before st art ing logging. St e p- by- st e p Use Ca se D e scr ipt ion: • • • • • • Connect t he UE t o a PC and open t he XML t o a t ext edit or Add / m odify XML t o m at ch your need Dist ribut e t he used XML w hich is locat ed in / Nem o/ Config folder t o all users ( users need t o put t heir XML t o each m easurem ent syst em ) Aft er t he XML has been m oved t o / Nem o/ Config folder, go t o Handy set t ings. Enable Quest ionnaire and when it will be shown When Handy- A is configur ed and a m easurem ent st art ed, t he quest ionnaire is displayed for t he first t im e ( depending on t he set t ings) . I f a m easurem ent is paused, act ual file writ ing will not st op unt il t he user has answered t he Quest ionnaire ( depending on t he set t ing) . Sam e t hing happens w hen st opping t he m easurem ent ( depending on t he set t ing) . Page 182 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7.4.1 I dle loggin g ♦ N ot e t ha t t his funct iona lit y is a vaila ble only if your N e m o H a ndy pr oduct opt ion suppor t s it . I dle logging enables t he recording of for exam ple pot ent ial issues out side act ive m easurem ent s. When I dle logging is act ivat ed in Logging set t ings, and Nem o Handy- A is in norm al use or in idle m ode in t he background, Nem o Handy- A records all det ect ed problem s or issues even if t here is no act ual m easurem ent running at t he t im e. To save t hese det ect ed issues in a m easurem ent file, go t o H a ndy | M e nu | Sa ve idle logging da t a . You can keep, renam e, or delet e t he file. Not e t hat in idle logging m ode Nem o Handy- A st ores dat a only for t he lengt h of t im e defined in Loggin g | I dle log le ngt h. The default lengt h is set t o five m inut es, which m eans t hat t he last five m inut es are st ored in Nem o Handy- A m em ory. I f t his five m inut e lim it is exceeded Nem o Handy- A erases t he dat a from t he st art of t he idle logging session onwards, keeping t he t ot al t im e of t he log wit hin t he set lim it . Any det ect ed issues can be saved only wit hin t he set t im e lim it . 7.4.2 Log file split t in g Log file split t ing allows you t o split t he log files int o m anageable sized files inst ead of having one large file. The files can be split based on file size or file lengt h. Log file split t ing is available only when running script s. You can access t he Log file split t ing dialog t hrough M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | Loggin g | Log file split t ing. Page 183 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I f you select t he Fle x ible file siz e lim it opt ion, you can define a file size in MB aft er which t he file will be saved and a new file creat ed. Wit h t he flexible opt ion, t he ongoing script will not be int errupt ed when t he lim it is reached. I nst ead, logging will cont inue unt il t he current script r ound ( repeat ) is finished, and a new file is creat ed when t he next script round is st art ed. I f you select t he Fix e d siz e lim it opt ion, you can define a file size in MB aft er w hich t he file will be saved and a new file creat ed. Wit h t he fixed opt ion, t he ongoing script round ( repeat ) is int errupt ed when t he lim it is reached, a new file is creat ed, and t he ongoing script round is st art ed from t he beginning. ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t if you de fine a ve r y sm a ll file size a nd se le ct t he fix e d file size lim it opt ion, t he r e is a possibilit y t ha t t he scr ipt w ill loop in de finit e ly. I n such a ca se , a dj u st t he file siz e lim it big e nou gh for t he scr ipt t o finish. Page 184 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I f you select t he Fle x ible file le ngt h lim it opt ion, you can define a file lengt h in m inut es aft er which t he file will be saved and a new file creat ed. Wit h t he flexible opt ion, t he ongoing script will not be int errupt ed when t he lim it is reached. I nst ead, logging will cont inue unt il t he current script round ( repeat ) is finished, and a new file is creat ed when t he next script round is st art ed. I f you select t he Fix e d file le ngt h lim it opt ion, you can define t he file lengt h in m inut es aft er w hich t he file will be saved and a new file creat ed. Wit h t he fixed opt ion, t he ongoing script round ( repeat ) is int errupt ed when t he lim it is reached, a new file is creat ed, and t he ongoing script round is st art ed from t he beginning. ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t if you de fine a ve r y shor t file le ngt h a n d se le ct t he fix e d file le ngt h lim it opt ion, t he r e is a possibilit y t ha t t he scr ipt w ill loop inde finit e ly. I n such a ca se , a dj u st t he file le ngt h lim it long e nough for t he scr ipt t o finish . Page 185 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7.4.3 D e fin in g m e a su r e m e n t u ploa d con figu ra t ion s A m easurem ent upload configurat ion cont ains set t ings for t he connect ion used t o upload t he files and inform at ion about how t he files are nam ed and w her e t hey are uploaded. Select one of t he exist ing configurat ions or creat e a new one by t apping t he Cr e a t e N e w but t on. First select t he prot ocol used for t he t ransfer. On t he Creat e configurat ion page define set t ings needed for t he file upload. Once you have defined all set t ings, t ap Sa ve . The configurat ion will appear on t he Select Configurat ion page. Not e t hat t he cont ent s vary slight ly depending on t he select ed prot ocol. Page 186 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Ta r ge t folde r pa t h defines t he t arget locat ion for t he uploaded files when FTP prot ocol is used. Type in t he pat h and t ap Ve r ify Pa t h and t he t arget folder pat h will be checked. I f y ou want t o creat e a new t arget folder on t he FTP server, t ype in t he nam e in t he Target folder pat h field ( e.g. / handy) and t ap t he Cr e a t e a nd Ve r ify but t on. I f t he pat h is correct , a Pat h verificat ion successful m essage is displayed. URL defines t he t arget pat h for t he uploaded files when HTTP or HTTPS prot ocol is used. Type in t he address and t ap Ve r ify URL and t he t arget pat h will be checked. I f t he pat h is correct , a Verificat ion successful m essage is displayed. Pr e fix t ype defines a prefix t hat will be added at t he beginning of t he file nam e. Select None and no prefix will be added and I MEI will add t he t erm inal’s I MEI code. You can also t ype in a cust om prefix. Se le ct e d H TTP( S) / ( S) FTP conne ct ion defines t he connect ion used for t he file upload. To select a prem ade connect ion, t ap Se le ct , select a connect ion from t he list and t ap Se le ct . To creat e a new connect ion, t ap Se le ct on t he Creat e configurat ion page and t hen t ap Cr e a t e N e w . Page 187 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 .4 .3 .1 FTP con n e ct ion se t t in gs On t he Creat e FTP connect ion page, define t he FTP connect ion set t ings. H ost defines t he FTP host address. Por t defines t he host port . Pa ssive m ode opt ion defines whet her passive m ode is used or not . Use r na m e defines t he host sit e logon user nam e Pa ssw or d defines t he host sit e logon password. Aft er defining all set t ings, t ap t he Ve r ify Conne ct ion but t on t o check t hat t he set t ings are correct . You should see t he Verificat ion successful m essage. Aft er t he connect ion has been verified, t ap Sa ve t o save t he connect ion for fut ure use. The saved connect ion will be added on t he Se le ct FTP conne ct ion page. You can access t he Select FTP connect ion page also t hrough t he script edit or when defining FTP logon set t ings and w hen defining set t ings for m anual FTP t ransfers. Page 188 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 .4 .3 .2 H TTP( S) con n e ct ion se t t in g s On t he Creat e HTTP/ HTTPS connect ion page, define t he connect ion set t ings for HTTP and HTTPS prot ocols. H ost defines t he host I P address. Use r na m e defines t he host sit e logon user nam e Pa ssw or d defines t he host sit e logon password. Select t he Aut he nt ica t e se r ve r opt ion ( for HTTPS) t o aut hent icat e t he HTTPS server. Aft er defining all set t ings, t ap t he Ve r ify Conne ct ion but t on t o check t hat t he set t ings are correct . You should see t he Verificat ion successful m essage. Aft er t he connect ion has been verified, t ap Sa ve t o save t he connect ion for fut ure use. 7 .4 .3 .3 D r opbox con n e ct ion se t t in g s On t he Creat e configurat ion page, define t he connect ion set t ings for t he Dropbox prot ocol. Ta r ge t folde r pa t h defines t he t arget locat ion for t he uploaded files when Dropbox is used. Type in t he pat h and t ap Ve r ify Pa t h and t he t arget folder pat h will be checked. I f you want t o creat e a new t arget folder on t he Dropbox server, t ype in t he nam e in t he Target folder pat h field ( e.g. / handy) and t ap t he Cr e a t e a nd Ve r ify but t on. I f t he pat h is correct , a Pat h verificat ion successful m essage is displayed. Page 189 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Pr e fix t ype defines a prefix t hat will be added at t he beginning of t he file nam e. Select None and no prefix will be added and I MEI will add t he t erm inal’s I MEI code. You can also t ype in a cust om prefix. Aft er defining t he t he set t ings, t ap Sa ve t o save t he connect ion for fut ure use. 7 .5 GPS se t t in gs When U se GPS t im e opt ion is act ivat ed, t he syst em clock is synchronized wit h GPS t im e at t he beginning of a m easurem ent . Logging is not st art ed before t here is a GPS fix and t he clock can be synchronized. I f logging is st art ed and t here is no GPS fix, Nem o Handy will go int o "Wait ing st at e" during which Nem o Handy cannot be used. GPS sour ce defines t he GPS source ( No GPS/ I nt ernal GPS/ Ext ernal GPS) Blue t oot h de vice s displays t he enabled devices. When aut om at ed t est ing is t urned on in Se t t ings | Ge ne r a l t he following opt ions are displayed. Page 190 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL When GPS r e quir e d opt ion is act ivat ed, GPS is required. When U se fix e d loca t ion opt ion is act ivat ed, Nem o Handy- A does not log GPS dat a wit h m easurem ent s but will inst ead writ e t he sam e coordinat es int o all m easurem ent files and report s. Tapping Loca t ion allows y ou t o define t he locat ion for t he coordinat es writ t en int o all m easurem ent files and report s. ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t t his opt ion a ffe ct s t he syst e m clock in N e m o H a ndy. N ot t he clock in t he Andr oid t e r m ina l. 7 .6 M a p se t t in gs D r a w r out e defines when t he m easurem ent rout e is drawn on t he m ap. The alt ernat ives are always, when logging, and never. Show not ifica t ion s on m a p ( Ye s/ N o) defines whet her not ificat ions appear on t he m ap. Rout e w idt h defines t he widt h of t he rout e line on t he scale from 1- 20. Rout e a ut or e se t ( Ye s/ N o) , defines whet her logging st art s and st ops drawing t he rout e. Rout e color defines t he color displaying t he rout e on t he m ap. I ndica t e pa r a m e t e r on r out e color , when set t o Ye s, enables you t o observe t he values of cert ain net work param et ers from t he rout e coloring on t he m ap. The colors referring t o each param et er is predefined. I ndica t e pa r a m e t e r .. displays m ap param et ers in t he m ap. M a p w hit e nin g pe r ce nt a ge enables t he user t o define t he m ap w hit ening percent age t o highlight t he cont rast . M a p r e posit or y enables t he user t o select from which m ap reposit ory t he OSM m ap is downloaded from . H TTP m a p loa ding defines when Handy- A is allowed t o load a m ap ( Always/ When not logging/ Never) Page 191 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 .7 I n door se t t in gs Floor pla n s displays a list of .t ab files t hat have been loaded in Nem o Handy- A. See I m port ing m aps and defining m ap set t ings. I m por t iBw a ve m a ps allows you t o im port iBwave m ap files ( see I m port ing iBwave m aps for m ore inform at ion) . D AS An om a lie s, ( on/ off) when act ivat ed, allows you t o t est and verify in- building DAS ( Dist ribut ed Ant enna Syst em s) ant ennas and view t he ant ennas on t he indoor m ap. D AS An om a lie s Se t t ings allows you t o define t he DAS t est area radius, int ensit y of t he colors indicat ing t he result s, and t he signal lim it s for accept able t est result s. D r a w z one s ( on/ off) , when act ivat ed, draws zones on t he indoor m ap aft er t he loading of iBwave m ap files. Page 192 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 .8 BTS se t t in gs BTS file defines t he BTS file displayed on t he m ap. To select a BTS file, t he files ( which are * .nbf or * .csv form at ) m ust be first loaded from a PC int o t he phone’s BTS folder ( phone/ Nem o/ Handy/ BTS) , from where t hey are list ed in t he BTS set t ings. I f no BTS files have been loaded, t he list ing will be em pt y. Select a BTS file from t he list of files shown on t he popup window. Encr ypt BTS file s enables you t o encrypt t he BTS files. Aft er encrypt ing a BTS file a password is required t o open t he file. The encrypt ed .nab file can be t ransferred t o a PC via USB cable or Bluet oot h wit hout a password. A m essage is displayed if t here are no BTS files t o encrypt . Swit ch on t he U se BTS file opt ion in order t o view t he BTS icons on t he m ap and t o define BTS cells set t ings. Show BTS file cells defines whet her BTS icons are displayed on t he m ap. Also select a BTS file on t he BTS set t ings page. Page 193 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL BTS ce lls se t t ings defines t he size and t he color of BTS cells. You can define in pixels t he size of act ive cell, act ive syst em and ot her syst em BTS icons. Use ce ll r a nge , if select ed, shows act ual cell ranges on t he m ap. Ra nge t r a n spa r e ncy defines t he t ransparency of t he cell range showed on t he m ap. D r a w se r vin g line s ( ON/ OFF) , w hen act ivat ed, draws line( s) from t he current locat ion t o t he act ive cell( s) . Act ive ce ll siz e defines t he size of t he act ive serving cell when a BTS file is used. Act ive ce ll color defines t he color for t he serving cell when a BTS file is used. Act ive syst e m ce lls ce ll size defines t he size for t he serving syst em base st at ions when a BTS file is used. Act ive syst e m color defines t he color for serving syst em base st at ions when a BTS file is used. For exam ple, if t he device is connect ed t o a WCDMA net work, all WCDMA base st at ions are colored wit h t he select ed color. Show ot he r sy st e m ce lls, when select ed, shows cells from non- serving syst em base st at ions when a BTS file is used. Ot he r syst e m color defines t he color for t he non- serving syst em base st at ions when a BTS file is used. For exam ple, if t he device is connect ed t o a WCDMA net work, all ot her base st at ions are colored wit h t he select ed color. Page 194 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL To adj ust t he cell colors, t ap on t he color icon. To display BTS focus but t on in t he m ap, Show BTS in Map set t ings m ust be swit ched on. Tapping t he BTS focus but t on adj ust s zoom level aut om at ically t o 13, which best displays BTS icons on t he m ap, and focuses m ap t o t he locat ion of BTS icons. Ce ll info allows you t o display select ed cell inform at ion on a m ap. First select a BTS file and t hen swit ch on t he Use BTS file opt ion. Select t he inform at ion you would like t o view on a m ap. See chapt er BTS inform at ion on a m ap for m ore inform at ion. Page 195 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 .9 UI cu st om iz a t ion se t t in gs Through t he UI Cust om izat ion page you can select param et ers t o be displayed on a m ap and in t he serving info param et er bar. M a p pa r a m e t e r s allows you t o select param et ers t o be displayed on a m ap. You can also define a color set for t he param et ers. Se r ving info pa r a m e t e r s allows you t o select param et ers t o be displayed in t he serving info bar t hat can be displayed at t he t op of t he screen ( select M e nu | Se t t in gs | Se t t in gs | D ispla y | Sh ow se r ving info) . Tap t he Serving info param et ers it em t o select and edit t he param et ers. Page 196 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7.9.1 Se r vin g in fo pa r a m e t e rs When you t ap t he Serving info param et ers it em in t he UI Cust om izat ion page, t he Se r ving infopa r a m e t e r s dialog appears. Here you will find a list of param et ers t o choose from . ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t only e pa r a m e t e r s su ppor t e d by t he cur r e nt sy st e m w ill be displa ye d in t he se r ving info ba r . For e x a m ple , if you se lect pa r a m e t e r s fr om t he GSM gr oup a n d t he de vice is conne ct e d t o a W CD M A ne t w or k , t he pa r a m e t e r s w ill not be displa ye d. Tap on a t echnology from t he list . A second- level list opens. Select a param et er from t he second- level list by t apping on t he check m ark. I f you wish t o edit t he propert ies of t he param et er, t ap t he but t on. Page 197 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL You can edit t he appearance of t he param et er in t he serving info bar and define for which t echnologies t he param et ers is displayed. Finally t ap Sa ve . La be l refers t o t he param et er nam e displayed in t he serving info bar. For m a t defines t he form at in w hich t he value is displayed. The opt ions are decim al, hexadecim al, and oct adecim al. Show unit defines whet her t he param et er value unit is displayed in t he serving info bar. Syst e m defines for which net work t echnologies t he param et er is displayed. ♦ N ot e t ha t t he w idt h of t he se r ving info ba r is lim it e d so a ll of t he se le ct e d pa r a m e t e r s m a y not fit in t he ba r . Tur nin g t he t e r m ina l hor izont a lly w ill m a k e t he se r ving info ba r w ide r a nd m or e pa r a m e t e r s w ill fit in. Page 198 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7.9.2 Se r vin g in fo ba r You can select param et ers t o be displayed in t he serving info bar t hat is displayed at t he t op of t he screen ( select M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | D ispla y | Sh ow se r ving info) . To edit t he param et er info bar, t ap and hold on t he param et er info bar t o open t he set t ings popup. The set t ings icon ( ) opens t he Serving info param et er window, w here you can select m ore param et ers t o be displayed on t he serving info bar. Page 199 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL The paint brush icon ( ) opens a popup window in w hich you can define t he color of t he t ext displayed on serving info bar. The m inus icon – allows y ou t o decrease t he font size of t he t ext displayed on t he serving info bar. The plus icon + allows you t o increase t he font size of t he t ext displayed in t he serving info bar. 7 .1 0 Voice qu a lit y se t t in gs ♦ Ple a se not e t ha t t his pa ge a ppe a r s only if your lice nse include s t he voice qua lit y opt ion. Through t he Voice Qualit y page you can define voice qualit y t est ing set t ings. See chapt er Voice qualit y t est ing for m ore inform at ion on perform ing voice qualit y t est s. Voice qua lit y m ode defines t he voice qualit y m ode. The opt ions are off and uplink+ downlink. Page 200 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL • Uplink+ downlink: Sam ple is sent and received in t urns. The dow nlink voice qualit y is m easured by t he Nem o Handy- A t erm inal and uplink qualit y by Nem o Server or anot her Nem o Handy- A t erm inal. Sa m ple file defines t he voice sam ple file used in t he voice qualit y t est ing. There are t wo t ypes of sam ples: wideband and narrowband. I f t he sam ple filenam e has a “ wb” post fix, t he sam ple is wideband. Ot herwise it is narrowband. POLQA m easurem ent s can be done in Super Wideband ( SWB) or in Narrowband ( NB) m ode. The m ode is select ed aut om at ically based on t he sam ple, t hat is, if a wb sam ple is select ed, SWB POLQA m easurem ent m ode will be used. Respect ively, if NB sam ple file is select ed, NB POLQA m easurem ent m ode will be used. ♦ N ot e t ha t SW B POLQA m e a sur e m e nt m ode sh ould be only use d w it h voice ca lls w he r e W B AM R code cs a r e use d. W B AM R is only use d in m obile - t o- m obile voice ca lls w he r e in bot h e n ds t he m obile is W B AM R ca pa ble , a nd t he W B AM R code c is ena ble d in t he ne t w or k . ♦ N ot e t ha t SW B POLQA ca nnot be use d w he n t e st ing a ga in st a fix e d line , for e x a m ple , be t w e e n N e m o H a ndy- A a nd N e m o Se r ve r . M OS t hr e sh old can be used t o lim it t he num ber of sam ples saved t o t he m easurem ent file. For exam ple, only sam ples wit h a MOS score below 3 are saved. Uplink volum e set s t he uplink volum e level. Please not e t hat in m ost cases t he default value is recom m ended. Loca l a udio out put defines t he audio out put of voice qualit y calls. The out put is handset by default . You can also select loudspeaker or Bluet oot h- headset . To pair a Bluet oot h- headset wit h t he phone go t o Apps | Se t t ings | Blue t oot h. Page 201 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 7 .1 1 N e m o Se r ve r con fig se t t in gs Use configur a t ion allows enabling/ disabling Nem o server configurat ion. When Tim e syn c is enabled, lat ency and UTC t im e inform at ion is sent t o Nem o Server wit h every com m and. Addr e ss defines Nem o server URL. Use r na m e defines usernam e. Pa ssw or d defines password. Re m ot e num be r defines t he num ber t hat t he server rings back: t he num ber of Handy in which t he script is running. Line num be r defines t he server num ber t o which calls are m ade. Pr e fix defines a prefix writ t en t o all m easurem ent files m ade by t he server. Pr efix cannot cont ain spaces or special charact ers. Sa m ple file na m e defines t he sam ple played by t he server when calling t he channel. Ca ll Re ceive Tim e out ( se cs) defines how long ( in seconds) t he server wait s for a call t o connect before ending t he call. Page 202 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Ca ll dur a t ion ( se cs) defines t he durat ion ( in seconds) of t he call. M OS t hr e sh old can be used t o lim it t he num ber of sam ples saved t o t he server. For exam ple, only sam ples wit h a MOS score below 3 are saved. Sa ve sa m ple defines whet her sam ples falling below MOS t hreshold are saved or not . Ena ble PESQ defines whet her MOS values are calculat ed using PESQ. Ena ble POLQA defines whet her MOS values are calculat ed using POLQA. ♦ N ot e t ha t bot h PESQ a n d POLQA ca n be se le ct ed 7 .1 2 Ch e ck for u pda t e s Nem o Handy- A will aut om at ically search for updat es by using OTA ( Over- t he- air) if Che ck for upda t e s is t apped. Nem o Handy- A will also check for updat es when t he applicat ion is st art ed. 7 .1 3 Sca n n e r se t t in gs Sca nne r de vice s enables you t o select a scanner in a dialog. Sca nne r e na ble d ( ON/ OFF) enables t he scanner. Page 203 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 8 D RT4 3 1 1 B SCAN N ER Nem o Handy- A support s m easurem ent s wit h DRT4311B t est receiver. For det ails regarding hardware, set t ing up and m ount ing t he DRT4311B, DRT4311B soft ware, bat t ery charging and t roubleshoot ing please refer t o DRT4311B Miniat ure Test Receiver Hardware Manual, supplied wit h t he product . 8 .1 I n st a llin g M ps Sca n n e r Se r vice Air u sin g SD ca r d Nem o Handy devices are delivered preinst alled but you m ay need t o updat e DRT Mps Scanner Service yourself. Please follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully t o inst all Mps Scanner Service. 8 .2 I n st a llin g M ps Sca n n e r Se r vice : 1. Uninst all t he old Mps Scanner Service version by going t o Apps\ Se t t ings\ M or e \ Applica t ion M a na ge r and t apping Uninst a ll. 2. Connect t he USB cable t o t he Nem o Handy device and t o t he com put er where you have t he Mps Scanner Service inst allat ion files. 3. Select D isk dr ive / M e dia de vice ( M TP) as t he connect ion t ype. 4. Copy MpsScannerService.apk file ont o your device under Nem o folder. 5. Disconnect t he dat a cable from t he device. 6. Go t o Apps\ M y File s\ All File s\ N e m o and select Mps Scanner Service.apk file from t he list . 7. I f you already have Mps Scanner Service inst alled on t he device, t he inst aller program will ask t o replace t he old version. Select I nst a ll. 8 .3 8. Repeat all st eps for each device. 9. I nst allat ion is st art ed and once it is finished, you can st art using Mps Scanner Service. I n st a llin g M ps Sca n n e r Se r vice fr om N e m o Use r Clu b Nem o Handy devices are delivered preinst alled but you m ay need t o updat e Mps Scanner Service yourself. Please follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully t o inst all Mps Scanner Service. 1. Uninst all t he old Mps Scanner Service version by going t o App\ Se t t in g\ M or e \ Applica t ion M a na ge r and t apping Uninst a ll on your Mps Scanner Service. 2. St art a browser on your Nem o Handy device and log in t o t he Nem o User Club. You m ust have a valid Technical Support Agreem ent and valid access codes ( usernam e and password) . 3. Go t o t he lat est Mps Scanner Service release and select t he set up file ( e.g. Mps SCANNER SERVI CE_1.10.42_Set up) 4. Select Apps\ M y File s\ All File s\ D ow nloa d and t ap t he set up package ( .apk) aft er t ransfer is com plet ed. Page 204 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5. I f you already have Mps Scanner Service inst alled on t he device, t he inst aller program will ask t o replace t he old version. Select I nst a ll. 8 .4 6. I nst allat ion is st art ed and once it is finished, you can st art using Mps Scanner Service. 7. Repeat all st eps for each device. I n st a llin g M ps Sca n n e r Se r vice lice n se Nem o Handy devices are delivered preinst alled but you m ay need t o updat e t he Mps Scanner Service license. Mps Scanner Service ret rieves t he license aut om at ically over t he air when st art ing it for t he first t im e wit hout a license. I f you do not have t he possibilit y t o connect t he Handy device t o int ernet via m obile connect ion or WiFi, please cont act Nem o Helpdesk for t he license. Please follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully t o select t he Mps Scanner Ser vice. Se le ct ing M ps Sca nne r Se r vice lice nse : ♦ The se inst r uct ions a r e m e a nt t o be follow e d w he n a lice nse ha s be e n upda t e d, e .g. w he n a ne w pr oduct ve r sion cont a inin g ne w fe a t ur e s r e quir ing a lice nse is publishe d or w he n a cust om e r ha s pur cha se d a ne w opt ion for a n e x ist ing lice nse . A ne w lice nse is uploa de d t o t he se r ve r by N e m o Te chnica l Suppor t a nd N e m o H a n dy a ut om a t ica lly conne ct s t o t he se r ve r a nd r e t r ie ve s t he a va ila ble lice nse s. 1. I n Nem o Handy, go t o M e nu | About and t ap Br ow se lice nse s. 2. The License Browser view opens. 3. Tap Re fr e sh t o refresh t he list of available licenses for Mps Scanner Service. 4. The current ly used license is highlight ed in green. A net work license displays a product variant , opt ions and expirat ion dat e. There is no addit ional inform at ion available for a regular license. 8 .5 5. Select t he correct license from t he list by t apping it and select ing Loa d. 6. Repeat all st eps for each device. Blu e t oot h pa ir in g Before beginning t he m easurem ent s, pairing t he devices t hrough a Bluet oot h connect ion is required. This can be done t hrough t he devices’ own set t ings: Se t t ings | N e t w or k con ne ct ion s | Bluet oot h | M y de vice . When t he Bluet oot h connect ions are enabled on t he devices, t he available device m ust be chosen for pairing. Once t he devices have been select ed t here are t wo m inut es t o pair t he devices. The devices only need t o be paired once, aft er t he first pairing t he connect ion will be saved in t he devices. I n Nem o Handy select t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | Sca nne r | Sca n ne r de vice s. Select device dialog opens. Select t he correct scanner and press OK. Page 205 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL • Not e t hat DRT4311B scanner’s default pin num ber is 1234. The page for DRT4311 is shown as a default . However, if you wish t o hide t he page, select Se t t ings | Pa ge list | D RT 4 3 1 1 B and unselect Show pa ge , and t ap t he Back key of t he device. On t he DRT4311B page you can connect or disconnect t he scanner. To configur e scanner, select Configu r e . Scan configurat ion page opens. Scan configurat ion page shows you t he configurat ion t hat is being current ly used. You can also select a t ype of scan you want t o configure. To save or load configurat ions press M e nu | Sa ve / Sa ve a s/ Loa d. I f you do not have any earlier configurat ions t o load, you m ust m ake a new configurat ion and save it . To creat e new it em s t ap t he plus icon Page 206 . Select scan t ype dialog opens. NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I f you do not define a nam e for a configurat ion, it will be aut om at ically saved as ScannerConfigFile.xm l. 8.5.1 GSM fr e qu en cy scan On GSM fr e que ncy sca n page you can select band, channel, and operat ion m ode. Tap Ba nd t o select band. Page 207 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL By t apping a current range, Edit channel range dialog opens. I n t he dialog you can define t he channel range eit her by select ing a default range area or by defining t he st art channel and t he end channel. By t apping Add ne w , Add new channel range dialog opens wit h t he sam e opt ions. To ret urn t he default range, t ap Re t ur n de fa ult . By t apping Ope r a t ion m ode , you can select bet ween norm al, enhanced and survey. Page 208 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 8.5.2 UM TS pilot sca n On UM TS pilot sca n page you can select band, t op n values, and operat ion m ode. Tap Ba nd t o select band. By t apping Se le ct cha nne l, UMTS channel range edit or opens. Page 209 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL By t apping a current range, Edit channel range dialog opens. I n t he dialog you can define t he channel range eit her by select ing a default range area or by defining t he st art channel and t he end channel. By t apping Add ne w , Add new channel range dialog opens wit h t he sam e opt ions. To ret urn t he default range, t ap Re t ur n de fa ult . By t apping Top n va lue s you can define how m any t op values are shown. Page 210 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Ope r a t ion m ode allows y ou t o define operat ion m ode: norm al, enhanced, or survey. 8.5.3 LTE pilot sca n On LTE pilot sca n page y ou can select band, channel, bandwidt h, cyclic prefix, t op n values, duplexing, operat ion m ode and num ber, or Tx port det ect . Tap Ba nd t o select band. Page 211 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL To select channel, t ap Se le ct cha nne l. By t apping a current range, Edit channel range dialog opens. I n t he dialog you can define t he channel range eit her by select ing a default range area or by defining t he st art channel and t he end channel. By t apping Add ne w , Add new channel range dialog opens wit h t he sam e opt ions. To ret urn t he default range, t ap Re t ur n de fa ult . Som e of t he LTE pilot scan configurat ions are set on Aut oDet ect as a default . To change bandwidt h, t ap Aut oD e t e ct . Select from Aut oDet ect , Norm al, and Ext ended. To change cyclic prefix, t ap Aut oD e t e ct . Select from Aut oDet ect , Norm al, and Ext ended. By t apping Top n va lue s you can define how m any t op values are shown. To change duplexing, t ap Aut oD e t e ct . Select from Aut oDet ect , FDD, and TDD. By t apping Ope r a t ion m ode , you can select bet ween norm al, enhanced and survey. Tap N um Tx por t de t e ct t o change t he num ber of TX port det ect . Select bet ween Aut oDet ect , 1, 2, and 4. Page 212 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 8.5.4 CD M A pilot sca n On t he CD M A pilot sca n page you can select band, channel, t op n values, and operat ion m ode. Tap Ba nd t o select band. By t apping Se le ct cha nne l, CDMA channel range edit or opens. Page 213 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL By t apping a current range, Edit channel range dialog opens. I n t he dialog you can define t he channel range eit her by select ing a default range area or by defining t he st art channel and t he end channel. By t apping Add ne w , Add new channel range dialog opens wit h t he sam e opt ions. To ret urn t he default range, t ap Re t ur n de fa ult . Page 214 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL By t apping Top n va lue s you can define how m any t op values are shown. Ope r a t ion m ode allows y ou t o define operat ion m ode: norm al, enhanced, or survey. 8.5.5 EVD O pilot sca n On t he EV D O pilot sca n page you can select band, channel, t op n values, and operat ion m ode. Page 215 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap Ba nd t o select band. By t apping Se le ct cha nne l, EVDO channel range edit or opens. By t apping a current range, Edit channel range dialog opens. Page 216 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I n t he dialog you can define t he channel range eit her by select ing a default range area or by defining t he st art channel and t he end channel. By t apping Add ne w , Add new channel range dialog opens wit h t he sam e opt ions. To ret urn t he default range, t ap Re t ur n de fa ult . By t apping Top n va lue s you can define how m any t op values are shown. Ope r a t ion m ode allows y ou t o define operat ion m ode: norm al, enhanced, or survey. Page 217 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 8.5.6 Sca n n in g r e su lt s To show scanning result s go t o Se t t ings | Pa ge list , and select LTE Pilot Sca n Re sult s/ UM TS Pilot Sca n Re sult s/ GSM Fr e q Re sult s. Select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 8 .5 .6 .1 LTE pilot sca n r e su lt s 8 .5 .6 .2 GSM f r e qu e n cy r e su lt s Page 218 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 8 .5 .6 .3 UM TS p ilot sca n r e sult s Page 219 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 9 PCTEL I BFLEX SCAN N ER Nem o Handy- A support s m easurem ent s wit h PCTEL I Bflex t est receiver. For det ails regarding hardware, set t ing up and m ount ing t he I Bflex, I Bflex soft ware, bat t ery charging and t roubleshoot ing please refer t o. 9 .1 I n st a llin g PCTEL Sca n n e r Se r vice u sin g SD ca r d Nem o Handy devices are delivered preinst alled but you m ay need t o updat e PCTEL Scanner Ser vice yourself. Please follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully t o inst all t he scanner service applicat ion. 9 .2 I n st a llin g Sca n n e r Se r vice : 1. Uninst all t he old Scanner Service version by going t o Apps\ Se t t ings\ M or e \ Applica t ion M a na ge r and t apping Uninst a ll. 2. Connect t he USB cable t o t he Nem o Handy device and t o t he com put er where you have t he Scanner Service inst allat ion files. 3. Select D isk dr ive / M e dia de vice ( M TP) as t he connect ion t ype. 4. Copy SeeGullConnect _1.0.0.0.apk file ont o your device under Nem o folder. 5. Disconnect t he dat a cable from t he device. 6. Go t o Apps\ M y File s\ All File s\ N e m o and select SeeGullConnect _1.0.0.0.apk file from t he list . 7. I f you already have SeeGullConnect _1.0.0.0.apk inst alled on t he device, t he inst aller program will ask t o replace t he old version. Select I nst a ll. 9 .3 8. Repeat all st eps for each device. 9. I nst allat ion is st art ed and once it is finished, you can st art using Scanner Service. I n st a llin g Sca n n e r Se r vice fr om N e m o Use r Clu b Nem o Handy devices are delivered preinst alled but you m ay need t o updat e PCTEL Scanner Ser vice yourself. Please follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully t o inst all Scanner Service. 1. Uninst all t he old Mps Scanner Service version by going t o Apps\ Se t t ings\ M or e \ Applica t ion M a na ge r and t apping Uninst a ll on your Scanner Service. 2. St art a browser on your Nem o Handy device and log in t o t he Nem o User Club. You m ust have a valid Technical Support Agreem ent and valid access codes ( usernam e and password) . 3. Go t o t he lat est PCTEL Scanner Service release and select t he set up file ( e.g. SeeGullConnect _1.0.0.0.apk _Set up) 4. Select Apps\ M y File sAll File s\ D ow nloa d and t ap t he set up package ( .apk) aft er t ransfer is com plet ed. Page 220 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 5. I f you already have Scanner Service inst alled on t he device, t he inst aller program will ask t o replace t he old version. Select I nst a ll. 9 .4 6. I nst allat ion is st art ed and once it is finished, you can st art using Scanner Service. 7. Repeat all st eps for each device. Blu e t oot h pa ir in g Before beginning t he m easurem ent s, pairing t he devices t hrough a Bluet oot h connect ion is required. This can be done t hrough t he devices’ own set t ings: Se t t ings | N e t w or k con ne ct ion s | Blue t oot h | M y de vice . When t he Bluet oot h connect ions are enabled on t he devices, t he available device m ust be chosen for pairing. Once t he devices have been select ed t here are t wo m inut es t o pair t he devices. The devices only need t o be paired once, aft er t he first pairing t he connect ion will be saved in t he devices. I n Nem o Handy select t o M e nu | Se t t ings | Se t t in gs | Sca nne r | Sca n ne r de vice s. Select device dialog opens. Select t he correct scanner and press OK. Scan configurat ion page shows you t he configurat ion t hat is being current ly used. You can also select a t ype of scan you want t o configure. To save or load configurat ions press M e nu | Sa ve / Sa ve a s/ Loa d. I f you do not have any earlier configurat ions t o load, you m ust m ake a new configurat ion and save it . To creat e new it em s t ap t he plus icon 9.4.1 . Select scan t ype dialog opens. Fr e qu e n cy scan On Fr e que ncy sca n page you can select band, bandwidt h, and channel. Page 221 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap Ba nd t o select band. Aft er select ing a band a view showing t he chosen band opens. By t apping Se le ct cha nne l a channel edit or dialog opens. Page 222 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL I n t he dialog you can define t he channel range eit her by select ing a default range area or by defining t he st art channel and t he end channel. By t apping Add ne w , Add new channel range dialog opens wit h t he sam e opt ions. To ret urn t he default range, t ap Re t ur n de fa ult . Page 223 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap Ba ndw idt h t o select bandwidt h. 9.4.2 Pilot sca n On t he Pilot sca n page you can select band, num ber of pilot s, and pilot m ode. Page 224 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap Ba nd t o select band. Tap t he N um be r of pilot s field and insert a value t o define t he num ber of pilot s. Page 225 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Pilot m ode allows you t o define t he pilot m ode: aut odet ect , norm al, or ext ended. Tapping Se le ct cha nne l opens a channel edit or dialog. I n t he dialog you can define t he channel range eit her by select ing a default range area or by defining t he st art channel and t he end channel. By t apping Add ne w , Add new channel range dialog opens wit h t he sam e opt ions. To ret urn t he default range, t ap Re t ur n de fa ult . Page 226 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 9.4.3 LTE OFD M sca n On t he LTE OFDM scan page you can select band, bandwidt h, num ber of signals, and Mim o scan. Tap Ba nd t o select a band. Tap Ba ndw idt h t o select a bandwidt h. Page 227 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Tap t he N um be r of signa ls field and insert a value t o define t he num ber of signals. M im o sca n enables m im o scanning. Tapping Se le ct cha nne l opens a channel edit or dialog. I n t he dialog you can define t he channel range eit her by select ing a default range area or by defining t he st art channel and t he end channel. Page 228 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL By t apping Add ne w , Add new channel range dialog opens wit h t he sam e opt ions. To ret urn t he default range, t ap Re t ur n de fa ult . 9.4.4 Sca n n in g r e su lt s To show scanning result s go t o Se t t ings | Pa ge list , and select LTE OFD M Sca n Re sult s/ UM TS Pilot Sca n Re sult s/ GSM Fr e q Re sult s. Select Show pa ge and t ap t he Back key of t he device. 9 .4 .4 .1 LTE OFD M sca n r e sult s 9 .4 .4 .2 GSM f r e qu e n cy r e su lt s Page 229 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 9 .4 .4 .3 UM TS p ilot sca n r e su lt s Page 230 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 1 0 EN D I N G M EASUREM EN TS ∇ Page 231 To e nd t h e m e a su r e m e nt s: 1. St op all calls and dat a connect ions. 2. Tap t he St op logging but t on ( ) . Nem o Handy- A will st op t he recording. You ar e able t o keep, renam e or delet e t he result ing log file. I f you wish t o upload t he log file, indoor m ap file, or a packet capt ure file on a server, select t he respect ive opt ions and t ap Se n d. See Uploading log files on server for m ore inform at ion on t he connect ion set t ings. 3. I f you wish t o exit Nem o Handy- A, select M e nu | Ex it . NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 1 1 EXPORTI N G AN D CON VERTI N G FI LES Measurem ent files need t o be export ed from Nem o Handy- A m anually on a PC or by uploading t hem on an FTP server. Files also need t o be convert ed int o st andard Nem o File Form at . ♦ M e a sur e m e nt file s do not ne e d t o be conve r t e d w it h N e m o H a ndy- A 2 .6 0 or la t e r ve r sions. 1 1 .1 Uploa din g log file s on se r ve r You can upload m easurem ent log files direct ly from Nem o Handy- A aft er st opping a m easurem ent or t hrough t he File Explorer. Tap t he File Ex plor e r but t on ( | Uploa d. ) . Select t he log file( s) and select M e nu On t he Se le ct e d configur a t ion page, use t he previously defined set t ings ( configurat ion) and t ap Se nd or load anot her configurat ion by t apping t he Se le ct Configur a t ion but t on. Select one of t he exist ing configurat ions and t ap Se le ct . For m ore inform at ion on creat ing new configurat ions, see Defining m easurem ent upload configurat ions. Aft er t he files have been uploaded, Nem o Handy- A w ill ask if you would like t o send a not ificat ion of t he uploaded files. You can send an em ail or an SMS. I n order t o send an em ail, you need t o have an em ail account set up on your m obile. The not ificat ion cont ains a link t o t he server from where t he files can be downloaded. Tap t he D e le t e Se nt File s but t on t o delet e t he uploaded files from t he Nem o Handy- A t erm inal. Page 232 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 1 1 .2 Ex por t in g file s m a n u a lly Connect t he dat a cable t o t he m obile and t o a USB port on a PC. Windows will aut om at ically det ect t he USB device. Select D isk dr ive \ M e dia de vice ( M TP) as t he m ode on your Nem o Handy- A m obile. The m easurem ent files ( .nm f) will be on t he m em ory card in folder sdcard\ N em o\ H a ndy\ Re sult s. Copy and save t he files on t he PC where you have inst alled Nem o File Manager. Page 233 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 1 2 POST- PROCESSI N G M EASUREM EN TS 1 2 .1 Post - pr oce ssin g w it h N e m o Ou t d oor Before you can open a Nem o Handy- A m easurem ent file in Nem o Out door, you m ust convert t he file t o Nem o File Form at using t he Nem o File Manager. Aft er t he conversion, you can open t he m easurem ent file in Nem o Out door. Please refer t o t he Nem o Out door m anual for furt her inst ruct ions. ♦ M e a sur e m e nt file s do not ne e d t o be conve r t e d w it h N e m o H a ndy- A 2 .6 0 or la t e r ve r sions. 1 2 .2 Post - pr oce ssin g w it h N e m o An a lyze ♦ N ot e : I f you ha ve N e m o File M a na ge r inst a lle d on you r PC, it is not ne ce ssa r y t o conve r t t he file s t o t he N e m o file for m a t be for e loa ding t he m t o t he N e m o Ana lyze da t a ba se . N e m o Ana lyz e ( St a nda lone a n d Clie nt ) w ill a ut om a t ica lly conve r t t he file s using t he N e m o File M a na ge r a s pa r t of t he pr oce ss of a ddin g t he file s t o t he da t a ba se . ♦ M e a sur e m e nt file s do not ne e d t o be conve r t e d w it h N e m o H a ndy- A 2 .6 0 or la t e r ve r sions. Open Nem o Analyze. Load t he m easurem ent file( s) t o t he Nem o Analyze dat abase by select ing File | M e a sur e m e nt | Ope n M e a sur e m e nt from t he ribbon bar. This is necessary only if t his is t he first t im e you load t hese part icular files t o t he dat abase. Please refer t o t he Nem o Analyze User Manual for furt her inst ruct ions. Page 234 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 1 3 TI PS AN D H I N TS This sect ion gives som e t ips and hint s for using Nem o Handy- A. 1 3 .1 St a r t in g m e a su r e m e n t s Before you st art logging wit h Nem o Handy- A, please check t hat t he m obile is in idle m ode, i.e., t here are no dat a connect ions or calls ongoing. I f t here is a call on when you st art logging, it will affect t he m easurem ent event s logged and you will not have t he signaling at t he beginning of t he log file. 1 3 .2 File loca t ion s The various files associat ed wit h Nem o Handy- A have specific file locat ions. When adding files t o Nem o Handy- A, you should only use t he se spe cifie d folde r loca t ions for t he file s. Measurem ent dat a files are saved t o sdcard\ N e m o\ H a ndy\ Re sult s folder on t he m em ory card of your Nem o Handy- A t erm inal by using e.g. a Bluet oot h connect ion, a cable connect ion, or a m em ory card reader. The following are t he file locat ions where Nem o Handy- A relat ed files should be saved. M e a sur e m e nt da t a ( .n m f) • sdcard\ Nem o\ Handy\ Result s D ispla y configu r a t ion s ( .x m l) • Display configurat ions are inst alled t o t he "\ sdcard\ Nem o\ Handy\ Config" direct ory. 1 3 .3 Usin g t h e GPS r e ce ive r I f you m ove t oo far away from t he ext ernal Bluet oot h GPS receiver or t he receiver bat t ery goes flat , t he GPS st at e in t he Nem o Handy- A GPS view swit ches t o ‘Not connect ed’. I n such a case, you do not need t o rest art Nem o Handy- A, j ust check t hat you have chosen t he correct GPS port in set t ings. I f you want t o change t o anot her Bluet oot h GPS receiver, you need t o delet e t he pairing bet ween t he exist ing GPS receiver and Nem o Handy- A first . Page 235 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 1 4 TECH N I CAL SUPPORT I f you have quest ions on or beyond t his docum ent at ion about Nem o t ools, please cont act our t echnical support service t hrough Nem o Support Port al at ht t p: / / nem osupport .anit e.com , call us ( local phone num bers can be found in chapt er Phone and em ail support ) or send us an em ail at nem osupport @anit e.com . Not e t hat for full support you need t o have t he Maint enance Agreem ent . 1 4 .1 Use r Clu b Nem o User Club offers sev eral new ways t o benefit from Nem o product s. You can find it from ht t p: / / nem ouserclub.anit e.com . Access t o t he Nem o User Club is rest rict ed t o cust om ers wit h SW m aint enance and Technical Support agreem ent s or part ner agreem ent s. I f you are an exist ing Anit e Finland cust om er wit h SW m aint enance and Technical Support agreem ent s, but you are wit hout access t o t he User Club, please com plet e an on- line regist rat ion form . Aft er subm it t ing t he request ed inform at ion, you will receive a personal access key and password by em ail in a few days’ t im e. Once you are regist ered wit h our User Club, you will aut om at ically receive e- m ails inform ing you each t im e a new version of soft ware for your Nem o Product is released. I t is fast , easy, and it is available t o you seven days a week, 24 hours a day. 1 4 .2 N e m o Su ppor t Por t a l Nem o Support Port al is a web int erface for t echnical support , product - relat ed quest ions, and RMA request s. I t offers a fast and convenient way t o reach our t echnical support t eam and subm it repair, warrant y repair, and calibrat ion request s. Cust om ers can open a support t icket , follow t he st at us of exist ing t icket s, and request t echnical support 24/ 7/ 365. Furt herm ore t he Nem o Support Port al includes a Knowledge Base for t he m ost frequent and lat est t opics on Nem o Product s. Subm it t ing a t icket via Nem o Support Port al ensures t hat our t echnical specialist s have all t he necessary inform at ion available t o solve your support case, result ing in fast er response t im es. Please go t o ht t p: / / nem osupport .anit e.com t o access t he port al and click Re que st a cce ss t o obt ain a password t o t he syst em . Page 236 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL 1 4 .3 Ph on e a n d e m a il su ppor t During t he warrant y period, t he phone support relat ed t o pot ent ial soft ware errors is free of addit ional charge. Regist ered users wit h a valid Maint enance Agreem ent are ent it led t o full support . Nem o Support Port al is t he preferred channel for t echnical support request s, but you can also send us an em ail. When em ailing, please let us know t he num ber of your Soft ware Maint enance and Support Agreem ent . Please cont act us at t he following locat ions ( global em ail address nem osupport @anit e.com ) : Globa l Tel. + 358 50 395 7800 Am e r ica s Tel. + 1 469 951 9105 + 1 469 774 4608 ( En español e port uguês) APAC Tel. + 65 9746 2431 P.R. China Tel. + 86 10 6567 8528 I ndia Tel. Page 237 + 91 982 0016372 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL APPEN D I X A A1 EN D - USER LI CEN SE AGREEM EN T I M PORTAN T - READ CAREFULLY: This End- User License Agreem ent ( "EULA") is a legal agreem ent bet ween you ( eit her an individual or a single ent it y) and Anit e Finland Lt d for t he Anit e Finland Lt d soft ware product ( s) , in what ever form , ident ified above ( "Soft ware Product " or "Soft ware") . The Soft ware Product includes com put er soft ware, t he associat ed m edia, any print ed m at erials, and any "online" or elect ronic docum ent at ion. By inst alling, copying or ot herwise using t he Soft ware Product , you agree t o be bound by t he t erm s of t his EULA. I f you do not agree t o t he t erm s of t his EULA, Anit e Finland Lt d is unwilling t o license t he Soft ware Product t o you. I n such event , y ou m ay not use or copy t he Soft ware Product , and you should prom pt ly ret urn t he unused product ( s) in t heir original packaging t o t he place of purchase wit hin t hirt y days of t he dat e of original purchase. SOFTWARE PRODUCT LI CENSE The Soft ware Product is pr ot ect ed by copyright laws and int ernat ional copyright t reat ies, as well as ot her int ellect ual propert y laws and t reat ies. The Soft ware Product is licensed, not sold. 1. GRANT OF LI CENSE. This EULA grant s you t he following right s: Soft w a r e . You agree t hat t he Soft ware product is licensed t o you t o be used wit h t he m obile phone( s) and soft ware prot ect ion key designat ed by Anit e Finland Lt d for such use ( "Designat ed Hardware") . You also agree t hat you shall not have m ore t han one copy of t he Soft ware Product in use at a t im e for any Designat ed Hardware in which t he Soft ware Product is t o be used or t o be dist ribut ed except as expressly provided for in t his EULA. You m ay use one copy of t he Soft ware Product in binary code form only on one com put er at a t im e in order t o conduct syst em m easurem ent s using t he Designat ed Hardware at various locat ions t o t he ext ent necessary for t he perm it t ed operat ion of t he applicat ion soft ware but m ay not duplicat e t he Soft ware Product . St or a ge / N e t w or k / Sin gle Use . You m ay also st ore or inst all a copy of t he Soft ware Product in binary code form only over an int ernal net work, and dist ribut e t he Soft ware Product t o your ot her com put ers over an int ernal net work. However, you m ust acquire and dedicat e a license for t he Soft ware Product for each Designat ed Hardware on w hich t he Soft ware Product is used or t o which it is dist ribut ed. A license for t he Soft ware Product m ay not be shared or used concurrent ly on different com put ers. 2. DESCRI PTI ON OF OTHER RI GHTS AND LI MI TATI ONS. Lim it a t ions on Re ve r se Engine e r in g, D e com pila t ion a nd D isa sse m bly. Rem oval, em ulat ion, or reverse engineering of all or any part of t his product or it s prot ect ion const it ut es an unaut horized m odificat ion t o t he product and is specifically prohibit ed. Not hing in t his license st at em ent perm it s you t o derive t he source or assem bly code of files provided t o you in execut able or obj ect form at s. Lim it a t ions on M odifica t ions, Ada pt a t ion s a nd Ot he r Cha nge s. You m ay not m odify, adapt or ot herwise m ake any changes t o t he Soft ware Product except and only t o t he ext ent you are expressly perm it t ed t o do so under t he applicable m andat ory law not wit hst anding t his lim it at ion or by Anit e Finland Lt d's prior writ t en consent . Page 238 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Se pa r a t ion of Com pone nt s. The Soft ware Product is licensed as a single product . I t s com ponent part s m ay not be separat ed for use on m ore t han one Designat ed Hardware and com put er as designat ed above. N ot for Re sa le . This Soft ware Product is “ Not for Resale" or "NFR" and your license only perm it s personal use and you m ay not sell or ot herwise t ransfer t he Soft ware Product for value except as specified below. Re nt a l. You m ay not rent , lease or lend t he Soft ware Product t o any person or ent it y. Soft w a r e Tr a nsfe r . You m ay not ot herwise give or perm anent ly t ransfer any or all of your right s under t his EULA wit hout t he express prior writ t en consent of Anit e Finland Lt d which such consent shall not be unreasonably wit hheld. Se cur it y M e cha nism s. Anit e Finland and it s affiliat ed com panies t ake all legal st eps t o elim inat e piracy of t heir soft ware product s. I n t his cont ext , t he Soft ware m ay include a securit y m echanism t hat can det ect t he inst allat ion or use of illegal copies of t he Soft ware, and collect and t ransm it dat a about t hose illegal copies. Dat a collect ed will not include any cust om er dat a creat ed wit h t he Soft ware. By using t he Soft ware, you consent t o such det ect ion and collect ion of dat a, as well as it s t ransm ission and use if an illegal copy is det ect ed. Anit e Finland also reserves t he right t o use a hardware lock device, license adm inist rat ion soft ware, and/ or a license aut horizat ion key t o cont rol access t o t he Soft ware. You m ay not t ak e any st eps t o avoid or defeat t he purpose of any such m easures. Use of any Soft ware wit hout any required lock device or aut horizat ion key provided by Anit e Finland is prohibit ed. D ur a t ion a nd Te r m ina t ion. This EULA is effect ive from t he day you open t he sealed m edia package or download and cont inues unt il t erm inat ion. You m ay t erm inat e t his EULA at any t im e. Wit hout prej udice t o any ot her right s, Anit e Finland Lt d m ay t erm inat e t his EULA if you fail t o com ply wit h t he t erm s and condit ions of t his EULA. I n eit her event , you m ust dest roy all copies of t he Soft ware Product and all associat ed m edia, print ed m at erials, updat es and com ponent part s and verify t o Anit e Finland Lt d in writ ing t hat such has been done. 3. SUPPORT SERVI CES. Anit e Finland Lt d m ay provide you wit h support services relat ed t o t he Soft ware Product ( "Support Services") . Any supplem ent al soft ware code provided t o you as part of t he Support Services shall be considered part of t he Soft ware Product and subj ect t o t he t erm s and condit ions of t his EULA. Wit h respect t o t echnical inform at ion you provide t o Anit e Finland Lt d as part of t he Support Services, Anit e Finland Lt d m ay use such inform at ion for it s business purpose, including for product updat es and developm ent . 4. COPYRI GHT AND TRADEMARKS. All t it le and copyright s in and t o t he Soft ware Product ( including but not lim it ed t o any im ages, phot ographs, anim at ions, video, audio, m usic, t ext and "applet s", incorporat ed int o t he Soft ware Product ) , t he accom panying print ed m at erials, and any copies of t he Soft ware Product , are owned by Anit e Finland Lt d or it s suppliers. The Soft ware Product is prot ect ed by copyright laws and int ernat ional t reat y provisions. You m ay not copy t he print ed m at erials accom panying t he Soft war e Product . You m ay not rem ove, m odify or alt er any Anit e Finland Lt d copyright or t radem ark from any part of t he Soft war e Product , including but not lim it ed t o any such not ices cont ained in t he physical and/ or elect ronic m edia or docum ent at ion, in t he Anit e Finland Lt d Set up Wizard dialogue or 'about ' boxes, in any of t he runt im e resources and/ or in any web- presence or web- enabled not ices, code or ot her em bodim ent s originally cont ained in or dynam ically or ot herwise creat ed by t he Soft ware Product . The Soft ware Product m ay include following licenses wit h relat ed copyright s and t it les: WinWAP. Copyright © Winwap Technologies Oy. ht t p: / / www .winwap.com Page 239 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL Percept ual Obj ect ive List ening Qualit y Analysis ( POLQA) according t o I TU- T Recom m endat ion P. 863 included in t his product is prot ect ed by copyright and by European, US and ot her I nt ernat ional pat ent s and pat ent applicat ions and is provided under license from OPTI COM D ipl.- I ng. M . Ke yhl Gm bH , Er la nge n, Ge r m a ny, 2 0 1 1 – w w w .opt icom .de POLQA® is a regist ered t radem ark of OPTI COM Gm bH. Used by perm ission. © 2011 by t he POLQA Coalit ion of OPTI COM Gm bH, Germ any - SwissQual AG, Swit zerland - KPN, The Net herlands - TNO, The Net herlands. w w w .polqa .info Furt her st at em ent s shall be incorporat ed t o prohibit addit ional copying of t he POLQA soft ware in w hole or in part , ot her t han is essent ial for t he proper operat ion of t he POLQA soft war e or for norm al securit y back- up purposes; prevent t he End- User from m odifying, t ranslat ing, reverse- engineering or decom piling t he POLQA soft ware except t o t he ext ent perm it t ed by law; require t hat t he acknowledgem ent of t he right s in t he POLQA soft war e shall not be rem oved from t he POLQA soft ware or any inst allat ion of it ; Percept ual Evaluat ion of Speech Qualit y ( PESQ) m easurem ent t echnology included in t his product is prot ect ed by copyright and by European, US and ot her pat ent s and is provided under license from OPTI COM D ipl.- I ng. M . Ke yhl Gm bH , Er la nge n, Ge r m a ny, 2 0 0 8 - w w w .opt icom .de For furt her inform at ion please refer t o www.pesq.org Furt her st at em ent s shall be incorporat ed t o prohibit addit ional copying of t he PESQ soft ware in whole or in part , ot her t han is essent ial for t he proper operat ion of t he PESQ soft ware or for norm al securit y back- up purposes; prevent t he End- User from m odifying, t ranslat ing, reverse- engineering or decom piling t he PESQ soft ware except t o t he ext ent perm it t ed by law; require t hat t he acknowledgem ent of t he right s in t he PESQ soft ware shall not be rem oved from t he PESQ soft ware or any inst allat ion of it ; Evaluat ion of Talker Qualit y ( ECHO) m easurem ent t echnology included in t his product is prot ect ed by copyright and is provided under license from OPTI COM Gm bH, Erlangen, Germ any, 2011 - ww w.opt icom .de Furt her st at em ent s shall be incorporat ed t o prohibit addit ional copying of t he ECHO soft ware in whole or in part , ot her t han is essent ial for t he proper operat ion of t he ECHO soft ware or for norm al securit y back- up purposes; prevent t he End- User from m odifying, t ranslat ing, reverse- engineering or decom piling t he ECHO soft ware except t o t he ext ent perm it t ed by law; require t hat t he acknowledgem ent of t he right s in t he ECHO soft ware shall not be rem oved from t he ECHO soft ware or any inst allat ion of it ; Libresam ple library and libVLC library dist ribut ed under LGPL license. For det ailed inform at ion, see license files locat ed in t he soft ware inst allat ion direct ory. The license m anagem ent port ion of t his Licensee Applicat ion is based on: Sent inelRMS* Page 240 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL © 1989- 2006 SafeNet , I nc. All right s reserved Sent inelRMSe* © 1989- 2006 SafeNet , I nc. All right s reserved I perf copyright . Copyright ( c) 1999- 2006, The Board of Trust ees of t he Universit y of I llinois. All Right s Reserved. Perm ission is hereby grant ed, free of charge, t o any person obt aining a copy of t his soft ware ( I perf) and associat ed docum ent at ion files ( t he "Soft ware") , t o deal in t he Soft ware wit hout rest rict ion, including wit hout lim it at ion t he right s t o use, copy, m odify, m erge, publish, dist ribut e, sublicense, and/ or sell copies of t he Soft ware, and t o perm it persons t o whom t he Soft ware is furnished t o do so, subj ect t o t he following condit ions: Redist ribut ions of source code m ust ret ain t he above copyright not ice, t his list of condit ions and t he following disclaim ers. Redist ribut ions in binary form m ust reproduce t he above copyright not ice, t his list of condit ions and t he following disclaim ers in t he docum ent at ion and/ or ot her m at erials provided wit h t he dist ribut ion. Neit her t he nam es of t he Universit y of I llinois, NCSA, nor t he nam es of it s cont ribut ors m ay be used t o endorse or prom ot e product s derived from t his Soft ware wit hout specific prior writ t en perm ission. THE SOFTWARE I S PROVI DED "AS I S" , WI THOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KI ND, EXPRESS OR I MPLI ED, I NCLUDI NG BUT NOT LI MI TED TO THE WARRANTI ES OF MERCHANTABI LI TY, FI TNESS FOR A PARTI CULAR PURPOSE AND NONI NFRI NGEMENT. I N NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTI BUTORS OR COPYRI GHT HOLDERS BE LI ABLE FOR ANY CLAI M, DAMAGES OR OTHER LI ABI LI TY, WHETHER I N AN ACTI ON OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWI SE, ARI SI NG FROM, OUT OF OR I N CONNECTI ON WI TH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALI NGS I N THE SOFTWARE. 5. DUAL- MEDI A SOFTWARE. You m ay receive t he Soft w are Product in m ore t han one m edium . Regardless of t he t ype or size of m edium you receive, you m ay use only t hat one m edium t hat is appropriat e for t he syst em s you use t o operat e t he Soft ware Product . You m ay not use or inst all t he ot her m edium on any sy st em . You m ay not loan, rent , lease or ot herwise t ransfer t he ot her m edium t o anot her user, except as part of t he perm anent t ransfer ( as provided above) of t he Soft ware Product . 6. CONFI DENTI ALI TY AND NON- DI SCLOSURE. You agr ee t o keep in confidence and not t o disclose in any m anner or form t o any t hird part y nor publish any such dat a or inform at ion relat ed t o t he Soft ware Product . You agree t o prot ect all inform at ion and dat a provided t o you by Anit e Finland Lt d relat ed t o t he Soft ware Product wit h t he sam e degree of care t hat you use t o prot ect your own like dat a and inform at ion, but wit h not less t han t hat due care exercised by a reasonably prudent person under t he sam e or sim ilar circum st ances. 7. U.S. GOVERNMENTAL RESTRI CTED RI GHTS. The Soft ware Product and docum ent at ion are provided wit h Rest rict ed Right s. Use, duplicat ion, or disclosure by t he Governm ent is subj ect t o rest rict ions as set fort h in subparagraph ( c) ( 1) ( ii) of t he Right s in Technical Dat a and Com put er Soft ware clause at DFARS 252.277- 7013 or subparagraphs ( c) ( 1) and ( 2) of t he Com m ercial Com put er Soft ware Rest rict ed Right s at 48 CFR 52- 227- 19, as applicable. 8. LI MI TED WARRANTY. Anit e Finland Lt d warrant s t hat ( a) t he Soft ware Product w ill perform subst ant ially in accordance wit h t he accom panying wr it t en m at erials for a period of t hree ( 3) m ont hs from t he dat e of receipt , and ( b) any t hird part y hardware accom panying t he Soft ware Product s will be free from defect s in m at erials and workm anship under norm al use and ser vice for a period of one ( 1) year from t he dat e of r eceipt . To t he ext ent t hat im plied warrant ies are disclaim able, t hey are Page 241 NEMO HANDY-A USER MANUAL disclaim ed in paragraph 10. Som e st at es/ j urisdict ions do not allow disclaim ers of or lim it at ions on durat ion of an im plied warrant y, so t he above lim it at ion m ay not apply t o you. Any im plied warrant ies on t he Soft ware Product and, as applicable, t hird part y hardware t hat is not disclaim able are lim it ed t o t hree ( 3) m ont hs and one ( 1) year respect ively. 9. CUSTOMER REMEDI ES. Anit e Finland Lt d and it s suppliers' ent ire liabilit y and y our exclusive rem edy shall be, at Anit e Finland Lt d opt ion, eit her ( a) ret urn of t he price paid, or ( b) repair or replacem ent of t he soft ware or hardware t hat does not m eet t he Lim it ed Warrant y cont ained in t his EULA and which is ret urned t o Anit e Finland Lt d. The Lim it ed Warrant y cont ained herein is void if failure of t he soft ware or t hird part y hardware has result ed from accident , abuse, m isapplicat ion or event s beyond t he cont rol of Anit e Finland Lt d including, but not lim it ed t o Act s of God, act s of nat ure or act s of war . Any replacem ent Soft ware Product s or hardware will be warrant ed for t he rem ainder of t he original warrant y period or t hirt y ( 30) days, w hichever is longer. Anit e Finland Lt d is not responsible for ensuring adequat e backup and st orage for your dat a or records. 10. NO OTHER WARRANTI ES. To t he m axim um ext ent perm it t ed by applicable law, Anit e Finland Lt d disclaim s all ot her warrant ies, eit her express or im plied, including but not lim it ed t o im plied warrant ies of m erchant abilit y, fit ness for a part icular purpose, and non- infringem ent of t hird- part y right s, wit h regard t o t he Soft ware Product , t he accom panying w rit t en m at erials, and any accom panying hardware. This lim it ed warrant y gives you specific legal right s. You m ay have ot hers which vary from st at e/ j urisdict ion t o st at e/ j urisdict ion. 11. NO LI ABI LI TY FOR CONSEQUENTI AL DAMAGES. To t he m axim um ext ent perm it t ed by applicable law, in no event shall Anit e Finland Lt d or it s suppliers be liable for any dam ages w hat soever ( including wit hout lim it at ion, special, incident al, consequent ial, punit ive or indirect dam ages for personal inj ury, loss of business profit s, business int errupt ion, loss of business inform at ion, or any ot her pecuniary loss) arising out of t he use of or inabilit y t o use t his Soft ware Product , even if Anit e Finland Lt d has been advised of t he possibilit y of such dam ages. I n any case, Anit e Finland Lt d and it s suppliers' ent ire liabilit y under any provision of t his EULA shall be lim it ed t o t he am ount act ually paid by you for t he Soft ware Product and/ or t hird part y hardware accom panying t he Soft ware Product . The Lim it at ions of Liabilit y cont ained in t his Sect ion apply t o claim s of every kind, w het her based on cont ract law, t ort law or ot herwise, even if t hese lim it at ions have t he effect of exculpat ing a part y from responsibilit y for it s negligence, fault or ot her conduct . Because som e st at es/ j urisdict ions do not allow t he exclusion or lim it at ion of liabilit y for consequent ial or incident al dam ages, t he above lim it at ion m ay not apply t o you. Page 242