GMR Self-Assessments Parent Document: Workplace Hazard Identif ication and Inspection Procedure Instructions Work through the applicable GMR critical controls and record project compliance against each. Additional criteria have been added to the self -assessment to help workplaces determine whether they have ef f ectively implemented the GMRs. For more inf ormation on how to comply with the GMRs, consult the guidance on the GMR website. Once the workplace self -assessment is complete, the results and any associated actions must be entered into Soteria as a GMR Assessment and approved by the workplace manager. GMR 1 – TRAFFIC, PLANT AND PEOPLE - Review the Workplace Traffic Management Plan, Traffic Control Plans, Activity Method Statement (AMS), relevant TRAs, and conduct a site inspection to answer the following. Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: Work Description / Location: GMR Critical Control Criteria 1.1 Always give pref erence to separating light and heavy vehicles Has a Traf f ic Management Plan (TMP) and/or Traf f ic Control Plan (TCP) been developed f or the site? Does the plan include controls to separate light and heavy vehicles if possible? Is the plan up to date and does it ref lect the current site conditions? Has the site been set up as per the requirements of the TMP or TCP? Are there any overhead services or existing structures within the site boundary? Has the relevant AMS identif ied the most ef f ective control to prevent a service strike in accordance with the Hierarchy of control? Have all the services been either removed, isolated, redirected or controlled using physical barriers or f lagging? Have existing structures been protected f rom damage? Does the site TMP/TCP detail separate access and egress routes f or pedestrians and vehicles/plant/machinery? Do the pedestrian routes on site ref lect the requirements of the TMP/TCP? 1.2 1.3 Physically identif y the location of all overhead services and structures and implement controls to prevent damage Physically separate pedestrian routes f rom operating plant, machinery and vehicles Date: Check Compliance ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ √ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 1 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 1.4 Critical Control Criteria ☐ Seek to eliminate the need f or people to work in the operating zone of mobile plant and vehicles Are there designated pedestrian crossings on site where required? Do the separation controls meet the requirements of the Barricading and Signage Procedure? Has the risk of working in the operating zone of mobile plant been identif ied in the relevant TRA? (e.g. spotters, pipe layers) Are controls stipulated in the TRA implemented on site? Identif y 3 items of plant on site and conf irm: • All plant has a completed Plant Hazard Assessment and pre-acceptance checklist • Plant has been approved to work on site (JH plant sticker attached) • the plant is the most suitable f or the task? • Does rolling stock comply with the BU Managers rolling stock acceptance process (if relevant)? For any modif ied plant on site, conf irm the f ollowing has taken place: • Modif ication request submitted using the Plant/rolling stock modif ication management f orm • Initial review of the proposed modif ication undertaken by the project or regional plant manager. • The impact of the modif ication accessed as either high or low. • The modif ication has been approved by the Project or Regional Plant Manager Identif y 3 items of operating plant and conf irm the f ollowing: • A daily plant pre-start check has been conducted • The operator holds a licence (if required) to operate the item of plant • The operator has a valid verif ication of competency (VOC) f or the item of plant • Copies of the operators licences and competency are maintained in the site of f ice 1.5 Verif y all plant must be f it f or purpose and saf e to operate prior to coming to site 1.6 Ensure any plant modif ied outside of manuf acturer’s specif ications must be engineered, certif ied and approved by a competent authorised person 1.A Only operate plant, machinery or vehicles, if you hold the applicable license, have been verif ied as competent (if required), and have completed a daily pre-start check of the equipment. Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 2 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 1.B Only operate plant, machinery or vehicles if you are f it to work and agree to comply with all relevant road and rail rules 1.C Always sit in the dedicated seating position with the seatbelt f astened 1.D Use a spotter when there is potential f or interaction between operating plant, vehicles, people, structures and/or other hazards 1.E Only enter the operating zone of mobile plant or vehicles if permission is received Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Engage in a conversation with 2 operators of plant, machinery and/or vehicles. Conf irm the person(s): • Is not under the inf luence of alcohol or other drugs. • Is not on any prescribed medication which might af f ect their cognitive abilities in any way. Ask the operators if they believe: • Their mental state enables them to competently and saf ely perf orm their work. • They are physically able to perf orm their tasks adequately and saf ely. Identif y 3 items of operating plant and conf irm the operator is sitting in the dedicated seating position with their seatbelt f astened. ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Identif y any operating plant onsite that is required to interact with other plant, people or other hazards and conf irm: • There is a spotter in place • The spotter has established an ef f ective means of communication with the operator/s • If the spotter can identif y at least 2 risks associated with the work and the controls in place to minimise these risks • The spotter has participated in the Spotter Duties Awareness Presentation Identif y a worker working within the operating zone of mobile plant. Review the applicable TRA and ensure: • the risk of working in the operating zone of mobile plant is identif ied. • The controls identif ied in the TRA have been implemented on site. • The worker has signed the TRA Get the attention of the Spotter and Plant Operator, ask the operator to stand the machine down while you ask them the f ollowing questions: • Did the worker ask your permission to enter the operating zone of the plant? If not, did they ask ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 3 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 1.F Critical Control Criteria Only position plant, machinery and vehicles on even, solid ground unless they are designed / assessed as saf e to operate on the ground conditions present. permission of another person in control of the operating zone? • Is there an ef f ective means of communication between you and the worker (e.g. radio, hand signals etc.)? If plant, machinery or vehicles are required to work on or near uneven or sof t ground, conf irm: • The equipment is specif ically designed to saf ely operate in those conditions • The TRA addresses the risks associated with working in those conditions • Areas that are not designed to be accessed by equipment have been identif ied and delineated Is the task being completed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task Appreciative Enquiry Question Check Compliance ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? Page 4 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments Actions GMR No. Action Due Date Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Person Responsible Action Closed (Y/N) Page 5 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 2 – EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: Work Description / Location: GMR Critical Control Criteria 2.1 Assess excavation design requirements and implement appropriate protective systems 2.2 Obtain all relevant service and structural drawings and identif y services and structural clashes that may impact the planned excavation 2.3 Plan the location of plant, equipment, vehicles and stored materials (including soil) to ensure they remain outside the zone of inf luence Date: Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Review the design documentation f or an excavation greater than 1.5m in depth and conf irm: • Design has been completed by a Temporary Works Engineer in line with the Temporary Works Procedure • Design documentation includes a certif ied sketch of the design • The design has been validated via a permit to load Tunnelling Projects Only • Constraints are included and communicated in the Permit to Tunnel (PTT) Has the relevant Engineer obtained a combined service and structural drawing showing the location of all known services or inf rastructure within 5m of the proposed excavation area Has an excavation and trenching permit been completed and approved? Is the permit valid f or 28 days f rom the service drawings date of issue? ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Have Stakeholder approvals been obtained f or excavations in or near the stakeholders assets. Has the AMS captured the location of plant, equipment, vehicles and stored materials to ensure they remain outside the zone of inf luence? If plant, equipment, vehicles or materials are required inside the zone of inf luence, has the excavation been designed to take the additional pressure into account? Conduct a site inspection and conf irm all materials and plant are at a minimum of 1m behind the excavation’s zone of inf luence Tunnelling Projects Only ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 6 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.A Critical Control Identif y and implement barricading, signage and edge protection requirements f or the planned excavation Communicate the location of all services (isolated or live) within 5m of the excavation area with workers and explain the permit conditions. Ensure a Permit to Tunnel (PTT) is approved and permit controls are in place prior to commencing tunnelling work Mark and positively locate all underground services within 5m of the ground being excavated Criteria Check shaf t barricades and edge protection are suitable f or loading on the shaf t top Has the selection of barricading and signage been considered during the excavation planning? Is the barricading selected f or the excavation appropriate, taking into consideration the depth and width of the excavation, the ground conditions and the proximity to public areas and near by mobile plant? Have all services within 5m of the excavation area been identif ied on the relevant service drawings? Question a worker on site and ask if : • The permit conditions have been explained to them • Their Supervisor has communicated the location of all existing services in the area to them Tunnelling Projects Only Has the Permit to Tunnel been developed, approved, signed and communicated to all relevant personnel on the shif t? Does the permit clearly state the def inition of supported ground and give the requirements f or personnel re-entry? Conduct a site inspection and conf irm: • All relevant service drawings are attached to the excavation and trenching permit • All services identif ied on the drawings as being within 5m of the excavation area have been physically exposed • Services were exposed using a f orm of nondestructive excavation equipment (e.g. vacuum or hand digging) Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 7 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 2.B Only access an excavation deeper than 1.5 metres if it has been benched, battered, shored, or it has been signed of f by a Geotechnical Engineer 2.C Do not enter the saf e approach distance of a service unless authorised by the relevant utility provider / asset owner 2.D Conduct inspections f or excavations and trenches greater than 1.5 metres deep prior to persons entering the excavation 2.E Maintain barricading and signage requirements to prevent unauthorised access to excavations. Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Identif y all excavations deeper than 1.5m and conf irm: • The excavation has been benched, battered, shored or signed of f by a Geotechnical Engineer. • The benching/batter/shoring box has been installed as per design • There is a saf e means of access f or personnel to enter and exit the trench • Access is provided at least every 10m along the excavation Tunnelling Projects Only Is barricading and signage in place and ef f ectively prohibiting access to areas of unsupported ground? Is an Emergency Plan in place, communicated and current? Does the workplace have a Ventilation Plan f or underground works, which is in line with the GMR2 Guidance documentation (GMR Website). If overhead or underground services have been identif ied within 5m of the excavation area, conf irm: • Any relevant utility providers or asset owners have been notif ied of the works • Any saf e approach distances provided by the asset owner/utility provider are being maintained Have daily/shif t inspections been completed f or all excavations and trenches deeper than 1.5m? ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Conf irm the person completing the inspection has been trained in the Excavation and Trenching Awareness Training as a minimum. Tunnelling Projects Only Has the inspection regime and f ace mapping been included in the Permit to Tunnel? Is the barricading suitable f or the task in accordance with the barricading and signage matrix? Has the barricading been placed 1m outside the zone of inf luence? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 8 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria Check Is the barricading maintained, in good condition and ef f ective? Has clear signage been erected? Appreciative Enquiry Question Is the task being completed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ ☐ ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Actions GMR No. Action Due Date Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Person Responsible Action Closed (Y/N) Page 9 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 3 – LIFTING OPERATIONS Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: Work Description / Location: GMR Critical Control Criteria 3.1 All lif ting operations must be planned, managed and conducted by a competent person(s) 3.2 Nominate the role of a Lif t Designer f or both precontracts and delivery phases Date: Check Compliance Use the Lif ting Planning Matrix to identif y the risk category f or the lif t (i.e. low, medium or critical). • Is there a lif t plan in place? Lif t Risk Lif t Plan Must Include: Category Low risk Crane capacity, wind speed, load details and pre-lif t start card Medium Medium risk lif t data, rigging diagram risk and plan view Critical Lif t planning tool, rigging diagram, risk plan view and elevation • Has the lif t been planned by the appropriate person? Lif t Risk Lif ting Planner Category Low risk Crane Operator / Dogger Medium risk Medium Lif t Planner Critical risk Lif t Designer • Is the lif t planner appropriately trained (ref er to the Lif ting Operations Competency Matrix on the IMS)? ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Has a Lif t Designer been nominated by the Workplace Manager or Bid Manager? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Has the Lif t Designer attended the Lif ting Designer Training, completed the theoretical assessment, completed practical component and been issued a competency letter? ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Description / Immediate Actions Taken Page 10 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 3.3 Ground bearing capacities must be assessed, certif ication is mandatory f or critical lif ts and setups on suspended slabs. 3.4 Cranes, lif ting appliances and equipment must be regularly inspected, certif ied, tested and maintained 3.5 Plant and equipment used f or lif ting must be specif ically designed and certif ied and shall not exceed its Working Load Limit 3.6 Conduct a site inspection to visually conf irm there are no f undamental changes or additional hazards posing a risk to the lif t which were not previously identif ied in the lif t plans Conduct a daily pre-start inspection f or all cranes and lif ting equipment and tag def ected equipment out of service. 3.A Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Has the ground bearing capacity been assessed by the appropriate person? Lif t Risk Accessor Category Low risk Accessed by Work Team Medium risk Assessed by Lif t Planner Critical risk Certif ied by Prof essional Engineer Has the crane/lif ting device been set up with outriggers extended as per manuf acturers specif ications? ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Has the crane / lif ting device been inspected has per manuf acturers specif ications? Have the most recent inspection records been maintained with the Workplace Plant Register? Has all lif ting equipment been inspected and captured on a Workplace Lif ting Equipment Register? Conf irm the plant/equipment being used as a lif ting device has the f ollowing: • Burst valves f itted • Audible warning device f itted • slope and level indicators f itted • Working load limit decals with corresponding documentation • Compliant load chart Was a site inspection completed prior to the lif t to ensure the hazards and surrounding environment captured in the lif t plan was a true and accurate representation of the current site conditions? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Has a daily pre-start inspection been completed f or the crane / lif ting device and lif ting equipment? Conf irm no issues were raised as part of the pre-start inspection For low risk lif ts, has a pre-lif t start card been completed? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 11 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 3.B Complete Earthmoving Equipment Used as a Lif ting Device – Pre-Start Checklist prior to using other plant as a mobile crane 3.C Do not enter an exclusion zone unless authorised 3.D Do not place yourself underneath a suspended load or in the line of f ire of lif ting operations 3.E Do not undertake any lif ting operations unless you are trained, qualif ied and competent to do so Appreciative Enquiry Question Check Compliance For mobile plant being used as a lif ting device, has an “earthmoving equipment used as a lif ting device pre-start checklist” been completed? ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Has an exclusion zone been erected around the lif ting activity? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Is the barricading used suitable f or the task in accordance with the barricading and signage matrix? ☐ Is the exclusion zone ef f ective in preventing unauthorised persons f rom entering the area? Conduct a site inspection and conf irm: • Loads are not being lif ted or suspended over people • There is a process in place to maintain the ef f ective separation of plant and people to eliminate the risk of crushing • There is a system in place to ensure workers are consulted when loads are being lif ted over their work area Identif y 1 crane / plant operator and 1 Dogger / Rigger and conf irm • They all hold the appropriate licence (if required) to perf orm their activity • They hold a valid verif ication of competency (VOC) • Copies of the licences and competency are maintained in the site of f ice Is the task being completed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task ☐ ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Description / Immediate Actions Taken Page 12 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 4 – ELECTRICAL SAFETY Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: GMR Critical Control GMR 4 – ELECTRICAL SAFETY 4.1 All persons carrying out electrical work and supervision of electrical work must be licensed and/or verif ied competent Criteria Has the electrical contractor/project team nominated an Electrical Supervisor in their saf e system of work? Is specialist electrical work (HV, hazardous areas, patient areas) being complete on site? If so, has the contractor verif ied their competence? Date: Work Description / Location: Check ☐ Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ If self -delivered, has the project team verif ied the employee’s competencies to carry out specialist work (HV, hazardous areas, patient areas). 4.2 No work on live electrical systems, installations and equipment is conducted unless it is solely f or the purpose of f ault f inding or testing work Select 2 electrical workers and supervisors and conf irm • They are appropriately licenced to perf orm or supervise the work • Copies of their licences / competencies are maintained in the site of f ice ☐ Does the electrical contractor/project team have a documented Live Work process in accordance with the Electrical Saf ety Procedure as part of their saf e system of work? ☐ Has the contractor/project team provided a list of employees authorised to work on live testing, commissioning and/or f ault f inding of electrical systems? ☐ Has the relevant AMS identif ied the risk of contacting live services during structural penetrations (e.g. core holing)? Is live work PPE on site (gloves, mats, hot sticks, multimeters) tested and within date? Are permits being ef f ectively used to control the risk of contacting live services when penetrating structures? ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 13 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 4.3 Document saf e systems of work f or all electrical work Does the electrical contractor/project team have a written saf e system of work (Electrical Works Management Plan)? Has the electrical contractor’s saf e system of work been reviewed and accepted by John Holland using the Electrical Contractor Saf e System of Work Checklist? 4.4 Ensure all electrical equipment is connected to an electrical supply that is protected by an appropriate protective device (e.g. RCD and circuit breakers) 4.A Treat all exposed electrical parts and conductors, including earthing conductors, as live until proven otherwise If self -delivered has the project team implemented and reviewed John Holland’s Saf e Systems of work? Does the contractor/project team have onsite access to all relevant Legislation and Australian Standards on site, including: • Electrical saf ety acts, regulations and Codes of Practice • AS/NZS 3000 , AS/NZS 4836, AS/NZS 3012 , AS/NZS 3017 , AS/NZS 3760 Conduct a site inspection and conf irm: • Electrical equipment sited on inspection is protected by a protective device (RCD/circuit breaker) • RCD’s have been tested in accordance with the below Test type Portable Fixed RCDs RCDs Push Daily Monthly Button Test Timed Every 3 Annually Test months • Testing records are maintained in the of f ice Ref er to the Electrical Contractors Saf e System of Work and ensure they have a system in place f or conf irming electrical isolations. If self -delivered ensure John Holland’s Electrical isolation and permit to work systems are in place f or conf irming electrical isolations. Check Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken ☐ If Electrical Contractor/Project team are working on High Voltage system operated by asset owner, are the asset owner system and processes f ollowed? Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 14 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria Has a contractor been engaged to carry out high voltage or hazardous area work? If so, can the contractor demonstrate the competence of personnel? 4.B 4.C 4.D Install, inspect, test and tag electrical equipment to legislative requirements Maintain regulated saf e approach distances when working near Live Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE), underground services or live electrical parts Ensure electrical supply panels are secured, labelled and signed to prevent unauthorised access Appreciative Enquiry Question If self -delivered does the project have competent employees authorised to carry out high voltage or hazardous area work? If so, have employee’s competencies been verif ied? Conf irm the electrical contractors/project teams TRAs cover this requirement. Conduct a site inspection and conf irm portable electronic equipment has been tested, tagged and are in date. Inspect and conf irm electrical test equipment and PPE (gloves, hot sticks, mats, multimeters) are within test dates. Have overhead or underground services within the work area been identif ied? Will the work require personnel, equipment or materials to enter saf e approach distances around overhead line equipment? If so, are the spotters competent? Has the relevant AMS identif ied the most ef f ective controls to prevent a service strike in accordance with the Hierarchy of control? Question a worker working near the service and ask if they can conf irm the saf e working distance to the service. Conduct a site inspection and conf irm: • Access to all main switch boards are locked • Temporary power distribution boards are locked if possible • All electrical supply panels are signed • Substation access is limited to authorised personnel • Or correct permits are in place f rom asset owner. Is the task being completed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ ☐ ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 15 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments Additional Notes (If the space above is not enough) Actions GMR No. Action Due Date Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Person Responsible Action Closed (Y/N) Page 16 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 5 – WORKING AT HEIGHT Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: Work Description / Location: GMR Critical Control Criteria 5.1 Identif y all tasks that present a potential f all f rom height of a person and implement appropriate control measures Has the risk of f alls f rom heights been adequately identif ied in the WRA / AMS? Has elimination or using f all prevention devices (such as scaf f old, MEWPs and perimeter screens) been considered wherever possible? Do the controls listed in the TRA ref lect the methodology and controls identif ied in the AMS? Is the way the work is being perf ormed in line with the AMS and TRA? If a Ladder or workbox permit is required, conf irm: • the requirements outlined in the applicable permit have been upheld • the permit is in date • the permit is captured on the relevant register Has the risk of f alling objects been adequately identif ied in the WRA / AMS? Has elimination or height perimeter protection with mesh been considered wherever possible? Have exclusion zones and/or overhead protection been implemented as a secondary control where required? Is the way the work is being perf ormed in line with the AMS and TRA? Have penetrations been Identif ied in the AMS? Have penetrations been adequately controlled using one of the f ollowing methods • Cast in mesh • Structural grade plywood • Perimeter protection (e.g. handrails with mesh) • For lif t shaf ts – Full height, lockable security access gates Are all penetration adequately secured and signed? 5.2 5.3 Identif y areas where f alling object risks are present and implement appropriate control measures Prevent persons and objects f rom f alling through penetrations, shaf ts and risers Date: Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 17 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 5.4 Only accept boom lif ts f itted with secondary protection devices (SPDs). 5.5 Ensure grid mesh and chequer plate f looring is installed and removed by a competent person as per design requirements 5.A Do not remove or travel through any edge protection, barricade or exclusion zone unless authorised Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Is the MEWP being used the most suitable f or the task? ☐ Are boom lif ts on site f itted with a secondary protection device (SPDs)? This may include a cage, side protection barriers, operator protective structures, break away bars or pressure sensing bars or control panels. Is the SPD f itted the most suitable f or the task being conducted? Are scissor lif ts required to manoeuvre through doorways? If so: • are they f itted with detachable controls • Does the TRA address this risk? • Is the umbilical cord long enough to allow the operator to stand at a saf e distance during operation Is a grid mesh permit in place and approved? Identif y 2 workers perf orming gridmesh activities and conf irm: • They were consulted in the development of the TRA • They are aware of risks and controls related to gridmesh install / removal? • They have attended (as a minimum) the Grid Mesh Procedural Awareness Training Select an activity that is being perf ormed at heights and conf irm: • The TRA has identif ied appropriate edge protection and exclusion zones controls • The controls stipulated in the TRA have been adequately installed on site. • All barricading, edge protection and signage is maintained and ef f ective in preventing unauthorised access • Any exclusion zones have a designated access point Question 2 workers working in close proximity to edge protection and ask if : • they have suf f icient access to their work area? • they need to gain access to any areas currently barricaded of f or excluded? If yes, does the work ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. ☐ ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 18 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control 5.B Do not overload, or make any adjustments to, working platf orms or f all protection devices unless authorised 5.C Only use a harness as a primary control if approved by the BU Operations Manager and a more ef f ective control is not reasonably practical. 5.D Install roof sheeting f rom below or f rom a solid platf orm only af ter roof saf ety mesh and edge protection Criteria method f or this task detail how work at height risks will be controlled? NOTE – YOU CANNOT GAIN ACCESS TO OVERLOAD A PLATFORM Conduct a site inspection and conf irm working platf orms (e.g. scaf f old, f ormwork, MEWPs): • Have been installed /set up in accordance with any design requirements or manuf acturers specif ications • Are being used as intended • Have not been modif ied outside design or manuf acturers specif ications • Do not have additional loads imposed on them (e.g point loads) • Any alterations/modif ication to temporary works has been approved by the Temporary Works Coordinator • Review the AMS and conf irm a higher f orm of control (such as working platf orms, edge protection and perimeter screens) is not possible f or the work. • Does the TRA detail a saf e means of access to the work area? • Has the f all protection system been certif ied as being installed correctly? • Has the f all restraint equipment been inspected and captured on the work at height equipment register? • Has the installation of anchor points been approved by a competent person? Review the work at height permits and conf irm: • The permit has been endorsed by the Workplace Manager and Saf ety prof essional • Approved by the BU Operations Manager Has the AMS stipulated how roof sheeting will be installed to ensure work is only perf ormed on a solid platf orm? Conf irm workers are only accessing the roof af ter saf ety mesh and edge protection is installed and approved f or use. Has roof saf ety mesh and edge protection been inspected by a competent person prior to roof access being granted? Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 19 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 5.E 5.F Critical Control Criteria has been installed and signed of f A roof loading plan has been developed indicating where roof ing material will land so that workers do not have to walk on the purlins while laying roof sheets. Conf irm there is a saf e method f or workers to access the roof Have personnel planning work at height activities attended working at height procedural awareness training? For work where a work positioning system or f all minimisation system is required: • Have personnel directly supervising the work (e.g. a subcontractor supervisors supervising the work) attended accredited work at height training (e.g. RIIWHS204D)? • Have workers perf orming the work attended accredited work at height training (e.g. RIIWHS204D)? • Are copies of these training records retained in the site of f ice? Have relevant personnel undertaken the Gridmesh procedural awareness training? If access to the back or top of any vehicle / item of plant is required, conf irm: • The need to access this area cannot be eliminated • Access to this area has been identif ied and appropriately controlled in the TRA • There is saf e access to the area • There is appropriate edge protection or controls to protect the worker f rom a potential f all Ensure you are trained to perf orm your role in any work at height and/or grid mesh activities. Only access the back or top of any vehicle or item of plant if f all protection controls are in place Appreciative Enquiry Question Check Is the task being completed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ ☐ ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Actions GMR No. Action Due Date Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Person Responsible Action Closed (Y/N) Page 20 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 21 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 6 - WELLBEING Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: Work Description / Location: GMR Critical Control Criteria 6.1 Assess Wellbeing risks and develop and implement a Wellbeing and Fatigue Management Plan Has a WRA been used to risk assess wellbeing risks? Has a Wellbeing and Fatigue Management Plan (WFMP) been developed to address the risks f ound in the WRA? Has the WFMP been implemented across the workplace and is it ef f ective in controlling the risks f ound in the WRA? Has the WFMP been updated where Wellbeing risks were previously not being ef f ectively mitigated? Have all JH workers been made aware of the f lexible arrangements available to them? Have work rosters been planned and implemented to mitigate the risk of f atigue and ensure work-lif e balance wherever possible? Have any JH workers at this workplace requested f lexible working arrangements? If yes, ask the worker the f ollowing: • Did your Workplace Manager or Supervisor discuss your options with you? • Were you and your Manager able to come to an agreement that suited both you and the workplace requirements? Have Wellbeing risks been considered in the design of the workplace? Is there a dedicated area separate f rom work areas f or workers to eat and socialise? Is appropriate cleaning done on a regular basis to maintain the cleanliness of workplace f acilities and amenities? Is there someone responsible f or managing the maintenance of f acilities on an ongoing basis? 6.2 6.3 Plan and implement work rosters and wellbeing programs that manage the risk of f atigue and support f lexible working arrangements Establish and maintain f acilities and amenities that support healthy working conditions and habits Date: Check Compliance √ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Description / Immediate Actions Taken ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 22 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 6.4 Identif y and manage occupational hygiene risks ef f ectively 6.5 Implement a monitoring and testing program f or Alcohol and Other Drugs Have the f ollowing risks been adequately identif ied and ef f ectively managed in the WRA and relevant AMS? • Asbestos • Hazardous Substances • UV Radiation • Use of Lasers • Noise • Vibration Is there an ef f ective drug and alcohol testing program in place f or the workplace? Is testing being conducted in accordance with the established testing program? Have all conf irmed positive results been managed as an incident and recorded in Soteria? Have workers nominated potential wellbeing champions f or the workplace? Is there evidence of this nomination taking place? Has the Workplace Manager appointed a Wellbeing Champion (WCh) f rom the pool of nominees with the WCh requirements in mind? Has a Wellbeing Committee been f ormed f ollowing the guidelines within the Wellbeing Procedure? Does the Wellbeing Committee have a scheduled meeting to discuss Wellbeing matters as per the Wellbeing Procedure? Note: this can be conducted as an agenda item of a larger workplace leaders meeting Engage in a conversation with 4 workers. Conf irm each person: • Is not under the inf luence of alcohol or other drugs. • Is not on any prescribed medication which might af f ect their cognitive abilities in any way. Ask the workers if they believe: • Their mental state enables them to competently and saf ely perf orm their work. 6.6 6.A Appoint Wellbeing Champion(s) and establish a consultation f orum to ensure Wellbeing is addressed within the workplace Be f it f or work Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 23 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. • 6.B 6.C 6.D Notif y an appropriate person if you or someone else may not be f it f or work Create and maintain a work environment that supports Wellbeing in the workplace Provide/attend training associated with wellbeing They are physically able to perf orm their tasks adequately and saf ely. • Has there been a situation at this workplace where someone has been deemed unf it f or work? If yes, conf irm the unf it person was sent home to rest or ref erred to the appropriate health prof essionals where applicable. Question 2 workers (dif f erent f or those above) and conf irm: • They know who to notif y if they are concerned that they, or someone else, may be unf it f or work Has the Workplace Managers completed the Black Dog Managing for Team Wellbeing training? Are f lexible working arrangements being utilised ef f ectively by workers where needed? Is the number of Mental Health First Aiders consistent with the requirements outlined in the Wellbeing Procedure? Are f acilities available and maintained which support wellbeing in the workplace? Are Wellbeing Risks being ef f ectively mitigated across the project as per the f indings in the WRA and the Workplace Wellbeing Survey? Has the WRA been reviewed in the last 6 months? Has the Workplace Wellbeing Survey been run in the last 6 months? Have all Mental Health First Aiders completed Mental Health First Aid training and associated accreditation? Are all Wellbeing Champions accredited in Mental Health First Aid? Have f urther training opportunities been provided as per the f indings of the WRA and Workplace Wellbeing Survey in order to mitigate Wellbeing risks? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 24 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 6.E Know who your Wellbeing Champions are at your workplace 6.F Participate in regular events that promote the value of healthy relationships Appreciative Enquiry Question Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Is a current list of workplace Mental Health First Aiders displayed on WHS notice boards? Are the contact details of the Wellbeing Champion displayed on WHS notice boards? Are all Mental Health First Aider and the Wellbeing Champion MHFA accreditations up to date? Question 3 workers at the workplace and conf irm: • They are aware of who their Mental Health First Aiders are. • They are aware of who their Wellbeing champion(s) is/are. Does the wellbeing program schedule ref lect the current f indings of the WRA and Wellbeing Survey Questionnaire? Is the wellbeing program schedule being implemented? Do the programs of f ered on the schedule promote healthy relationships and socialisation between workers? ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Is wellbeing being managed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Actions GMR No. Action Due Date Action Closed (Y/N) Person Responsible GMR 7 – TEMPORARY WORKS Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Date: Page 25 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: Work Description / Location: GMR Critical Control Criteria 7.1 Appoint a Temporary Works Coordinator f or precontracts and project delivery Identif y, adequately scope and capture Temporary Works in the Temporary Works Register Has a Temporary Works Coordinator been appointed by the Workplace Manager Is the Temporary Works Coordinator f amiliar with the Temporary Works Procedure and its requirements? Has the AMS identif ied temporary works required f or the activity? Has a temporary works register been established f or the workplace? Does the register detail all temporary works currently installed at the workplace? Identif y 2 types of temporary works detailed on the temporary work register and conf irm: • The temporary works has been assessed against the Temporary Works Risk Matrix and identif ied as either a Category 0, 1, 2 or 3. • The risk category assigned adequately ref lects the consequence and design complexity • The risk category f or the temporary works has been approved by the Temporary Works Coordinator Using the Temporary Works Risk Matrix f or the 2 types of temporary works identif ied in 7.3, conf irm the temporary work has: • the appropriate level of design certif ication • the appropriate level of design review • a site validation f orm has been completed (where necessary) • A design Brief has been developed (where appropriate) Has the TRA identif ied areas where temporary work protection is required to prevent damage? Conduct a site inspection and conf irm site temporary work is protected f rom the risk of damage. 7.2 7.3 Ensure Temporary Works are planned, assessed and approved by a competent person. 7.4 Identif y appropriate design controls and minimum design documentation based on the temporary works risk category 7.5 Protect temporary works f rom accidental impact through physical means or through the provision of suitable impact loading in the design Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 26 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 7.6 Ensure Temporary Works design, installation and removal requirements and loading limits are communicated to any persons delivering Temporary Works Install and remove temporary works in accordance with the approved methodology and design documentation 7.A 7.B 7.C 7.D 7.E Complete a site validation prior to the initial use of Temporary Works Do not exceed the specif ied working load limit of temporary works Implement a temporary work inspection schedule f or all temporary works Check Compliance Have design, installation/removal requirements and loading limits been captured in the AMS f or category 1, 2 or 3 temporary work? Have these requirements been communicated to persons involved in the temporary work? ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Has the methodology f or correct installation and/or removal of temporary works been captured in the AMS and TRA? Does the TRA outline all required competency requirements f or temporary work installation / removal (e.g. scaf f old high risk work licence, VOC etc.)? Conf irm workers on site installing or removing temporary works are appropriately licenced to do so where required (e.g. scaf f old qualif ications and VOC) ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Conf irm a site validation as per the Temporary Work Risk Matrix has been perf ormed prior to the initial use of temporary work Is the working load limit clearly displayed on the temporary work structures? If the temporary work is not a structure (e.g. piling platf orm), question a worker using the temporary work and ask if the working load limit has been communication to them Conf irm the current load imposed on the temporary work is less than the working load limit. Has the working platf orm certif ication been used f or all crane pads and heavy vehicle platf orms (such as piling)? Identif y an item on the temporary work register and conf irm: • The register stipulates inspection intervals f or the temporary work • Inspections are being carried out in accordance with the f requency stipulated on the register Question the Temporary Works Coordinator and conf irm: Description / Immediate Actions Taken ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 27 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria Alterations to installed Temporary Works can only be carried out f ollowing approval f rom the Temporary Works Coordinator • Appreciative Enquiry Question Check No temporary work alterations have taken place without their approval If alterations have been required, has the f ollowing taken place: • Proposed changes submitted to the temporary works coordinator • The temporary works coordinator has communicated these changes to the temporary works designer • If considered necessary by the designer, design changes have been recertif ied • Changes made to the relevant AMS and TRA if required • Once alterations have been made, temporary works has been re-validated prior to initial use. Is the task being completed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ Actions GMR No. Action Due Date Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Person Responsible Action Closed (Y/N) Page 28 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 8 – ISOLATION Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: Work Description / Location: GMR Critical Control Criteria 8.1 Identif y when hazardous material or energy sources require isolation and determine if an isolation permit is needed Has an Isolation Permit Controller been appointed f or the workplace? Have all non-JH isolation procedures in use been reviewed by a John Holland SME? Has the Isolation Permit Controller attended the isolation procedural awareness training? Is the f ollowing equipment being used (if necessary) during an isolation • Red personal locks • Other coloured locks • Document satchels, hasps, lock dogs and lockboxes • Danger, permit holder, inf ormation and out of service tags Has an isolation permit been raised? Note, isolation permits are not required where the worker has direct control, or the Workplace Manager has applied an exemption to a single point isolation (see Isolation Procedure). Review the relevant TRA and conf irm the f ollowing: • The isolation methodology has been detailed • The TRA stipulates that - Isolation points must be labelled and lockable - All energy sources are identif ied and controllable - Isolation integrity and “zero energy” state is conf irmed - Isolation details are verif ied in the f ield - All persons must correctly lock on in accordance with their role Has the TRA identif ied the competency requirements f or the person conducting the isolation? Conf irm the worker perf orming the isolation has the competency requirements stipulated in the TRA? 8.2 Assess the potential risks involved in isolation / deisolation and communicate control measures to ef f ected workers 8.3 Physical isolation and deisolation must be completed by a competent and authorised person Date: Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 29 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 8.4 8.5 8.A 8.B 8.C 8.D 8.E Critical Control All isolation points must be clearly identif ied, proven isolated, tagged, locked and controlled to prevent inadvertent energisation Assess machinery f or components with potential stored energy under tension or pressure. Test bef ore touch - Test f or hazardous material and stored energy prior to breaking containment system Release any stored energy prior to opening hoses or vessels under pressure or working with belts and cables under tension Review the Isolation status af ter any work break or change in conditions Continually monitor isolation controls to ensure they are in place and working as intended Re-instate all guarding and saf ety systems upon completion of work prior to de-isolation Criteria Check Review the isolation permit and conf irm the isolation has been conducted in accordance with the permit conditions Conduct a site inspection and conf irm: • The isolation point(s) is/are clearly identif ied • Each person involved in the isolation has f ixed a red personal danger lock and tag to the isolation point (for single point) or designated lock box (f or multi-point) Does the relevant AMS identif y the need to test f or stored energy prior to breaking containment systems? ☐ Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Has the Isolation of f icer or Permit Holder (where an Isolation Of f icer is not required) conf irmed the “zero energy state” of the equipment? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Conf irm the TRA contains inf ormation on the method f or the testing of , removal and restoration of stored energy Question an isolation worker and ask if they can describe how this process is conducted. Does this ref lect the method stipulated in the TRA? Does the relevant TRA include a step f or reviewing the status of an isolation • Bef ore work commences that day • Af ter a work break • When conditions change Conduct a site inspection af ter a work break and conf irm the isolation status is reconf irmed bef ore recommencing work Conduct a site inspection and conf irm all controls identif ied in the TRA have been ef f ectively implemented on site. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Bef ore plant and equipment is de-isolated, conf irm the f ollowing: • Non-essential items have been removed and equipment components are intact ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 30 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. • 8.F Do not remove another person’s danger tag or isolation lock unless an Authority to Remove Personal Danger Lock Form has been approved. Appreciative Enquiry Question All personnel are at a saf e distance f rom the area where energy is to be returned to the equipment • All guards and saf e systems have been reinstated • The work crew have removed their personal locks • All permits issued f or the work have been signed of f and returned to the permit controller. • The permit has been closed. Question 2 isolation workers and ask if : • They have ever removed another persons danger tag or isolation lock? • they have ever had their danger tag or isolation lock removed by someone else while working under an isolation at this workplace Is the task being completed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task Actions GMR No. Action Due Date Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Person Responsible Action Closed (Y/N) Page 31 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 9 – ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: Work Description / Location: GMR Critical Control Criteria 9.1 Identif y environment risks in the planning phase and allocate appropriate controls and resources to manage the risks Have environmental risks been identif ied via the Workplace Risk Assessment, Activity Method Statements and Task Risk Assessments with controls identif ied and resources allocated? Have environmental controls been documented in the Environmental Control Plan (ECP) and Site Environment Plan (SEP) and ref erenced in the Activity Method Statement? Have environmental risks, sensitive areas and controls been documented in the Site Environment Plan (SEP) Have all environmental investigations, such as contaminated land, heritage, vegetation and f auna investigations been completed as necessary? Have all environmental approvals, licences and permits been obtained (as necessary) and documented in the Approvals and Licenses Register in Project Pack Web (or equivalent system), with individual conditions and requirements documented in the obligations register in Project Pack Web? Has a John Holland Clearing, Dewatering, Out of Hours Work and/or Hot Work Permit been obtained where necessary? Have the requirements of all approvals, licences and permits been captured in the AMS and TRA f or the work? Have the requirements of all approvals, licences and permits been communicated to the work group by the Supervisor, or another suitable person prior to work commencing? Are all ERSED controls documented on an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) or Site Environment 9.2 9.3 Conf irm all approvals, licenses, permits and environmental investigations are completed and communicated prior to commencing work Implement all drainage, sediment, erosion, spill Date: Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 32 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 9.4 9.5 Critical Control Criteria response and water quality controls prior to commencing work Plan (SEP), which is updated as works progress and communicated to the relevant work groups? Are controls in place to prevent mud and dirt being tracked onto public roads by trucks and plant? Are spill kits available at the work area, f ully stocked and ready f or use? Are water diversion controls in place to prevent water entering the work area? Are areas of exposed earth being minimised, with controls installed as soon as practicable to prevent erosion and sedimentation of water? Are all stockpiles stored on f lat ground, or have upslope water diversion controls in place to prevent erosion? Is wind and rain erosion of stockpiles being prevented by covering with geof abric, plastic, hydromulch etc. or by bunding or installation of sediment f ence? Have all protected heritage, f lora, f auna and other sensitive areas been delineated f rom works using barricading and signage? Are these areas clearly identif ied on the Site Environment Plan? Identif y and protect heritage, f lora or f auna and other sensitive areas and delineate using physical demarcation and/or signage Minimise energy, water and waste and prioritise the selection of resource ef f icient materials Are sources of non-potable water being used f or construction and sanitary purposes (where suitable)? Are water minimising controls (such as f low restrictors, sprung taps and waterless urinals) being used? Are low impact materials being used or opportunities to reduce material consumption in place? Is energy ef f icient lighting being used? Are sources of renewable energy being used? Is construction and demolition waste, paper, cardboard, electronics, printing cartridges, f luorescent lights, glass, plastics and batteries being recycled where services are available? Are materials designated f or re-use, recycling or disposal segregated and clearly signed? Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 33 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 9.6 Assess and, if required, classif y spoil and waste prior to being lawf ully removed and disposed Has the waste classif ication, and/or contamination status of all spoil and waste been determined? Have suitably licenced waste f acilities been identif ied to receive spoil and other waste, and have they conf irmed that they can receive it? Are appropriately licenced waste transporters being used to transport spoil and other waste? Is all necessary waste tracking being undertaken to conf irm that the material can be accounted f or, and that it is tracked f rom origin to f inal destination? Has the workplace boundary been clearly delineated using barricading and signage? Is the workplace boundary clearly shown on the Site Environment Plan? If work needs to occur outside of the project boundary has the work been authorised by the Workplace Manager? Is dust f rom works being suppressed and controlled? Are controls in place to minimise noise and vibration and prevent it causing a nuisance to sensitive receivers? Are all works, including deliveries, scheduled to occur within approved site hours? Have any works needing to occur outside of approved site hours been identif ied, af f ected persons notif ied and all necessary permits, licences and approvals obtained (e.g. John Holland Out of Hours Work Permit, client approval, Regulator approval etc. (where necessary)) Are hazardous chemicals being stored appropriately, in a bunded area or container – is the size of the bund suf f icient (i.e. at least 10% larger than the volume of the largest container)? Are chemical storage, plant laydown, ref uelling, washdown/washout and stockpiling areas sited and constructed to prevent any impact on surf ace or stormwater? 9.A 9.B 9.C Do not enter sensitive areas or work outside the workplace boundary unless authorised by the Workplace Manager Minimise dust, noise and vibration at all times and work within approved site working hours Store, handle, use and dispose of waste and hazardous substances in a manner that minimises environmental impact Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 34 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 9.D 9.E 9.F Critical Control Maintain and review drainage, erosion and sediment controls as works progress. Stop and notif y site management if potential heritage artef acts, protected f lora and f auna or contaminated soils are f ound Do not discharge water without authorisation to do so. Appreciative Enquiry Question Criteria Check Have all waste types and classif ications been identif ied, f acilities put in place to manage them and measures taken to appropriate dispose of them to a licensed f acility? Are drainage, erosion and sediment controls being routinely inspected to ensure they remain suitable and ef f ective? Are pre and post rainf all inspections occurring to ensure controls are adequate and in working order? Have workers been instructed to stop work and notif y their Supervisor if potential heritage artef acts, protected f lora, f auna or contaminated soils are f ound? Does the Activity Method Statement and Site Environment Plan include a protocol f or the management of unexpected f inds? Does the Activity Method Statement and Site Environment Plan include the contact details f or appropriate personnel in case of unexpected or unanticipated f inds? Has the requirement to discharge surplus water been identif ied in the Activity Method Statement and Site Environment Plan, where applicable? Has a John Holland Dewatering Permit been obtained f or any water discharge? ☐ Is water discharge occurring in a controlled manner, in accordance with permit requirements and with water quality and overf low potential being monitored? ☐ Is the task being completed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task ☐ ☐ Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Actions GMR No. Action Due Date Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Person Responsible Action Closed (Y/N) Page 35 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 36 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR 10 – WORK ON RAIL Workplace Name: Assessor / Assessing Team: Relevant Supervisor / Leading Hand: Work Description / Location: GMR Critical Control Criteria 10.1 Conf irm all workers perf orming rail saf ety work hold the relevant competency 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Conf irm the qualif ied worker in charge of rail worksite protection understands and can perf orm their responsibilities Ensure the qualif ied worker in charge undertakes a worksite protection site specif ic risk assessment Develop a Worksite Protection Plan to manage the risks identif ied in the worksite protection site specif ic risk assessment Implement controls identif ied in the worksite protection plan prior to commencing work Date: Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Using the Rail Competency Matrices, identif y 3 people perf orming rail saf ety work and conf irm they hold the necessary competencies to saf ety perf orm their work ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Are copies of these competencies maintained at the workplace? Conf irm the qualif ied worker in charge holds the relevant rail saf ety worker competencies to implement the network operator’s rules applicable to the specif ic rail corridor being managed. ☐ ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Has the Worker in Charge undertaken a worksite protection site specif ic risk assessment? Does the risk assessment include the f ollowing where necessary: • An easily accessible saf e place f or workers • Speed of rail traf f ic • Adjacent line protection • Consideration of other workgroups on track • Sighting distance Does the risk assessment ref er to relevant rail network saf ety critical communication protocol? Conf irm a worksite protection plan is in place Has the worksite protection plan incorporated the highest level of controls where possible? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Review the worksite protection plan and conduct a site inspection to conf irm the controls stipulated have been ef f ectively implemented on site. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 37 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria 10.A Always wear rail compliant personal protective clothing and carry your Rail Industry Worker Card 10.B 10.C 10.D 10.E Participate and sign onto a pre-work brief with the qualif ied worker in charge Conf irm with the qualif ied worker in charge that the worksite protection controls are in place prior to commencing work Follow the network rules and rail saf ety instructions of the qualif ied worker in charge Review and revise the worksite protection plan if required and when changes af f ect the worksite protection controls Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Question 3 rail workers and ask them to produce their Rail Industry Worker Card (this question is not applicable f or NZ workplaces) Conduct a site inspection and conf irm all workers on site are wearing: • Protective Helmets (as per AS 1800) • Protective Footwear (high sided lace ups) • Long sleeve and pant protective clothing (as per AS 4602) • Approved eye protection (as per AS 1337) • Gloves - to be carried at all times Review the pre-work brief and conf irm: • The brief includes the site specif ic risks identif ied in the worksite protection plan • The brief was delivered by the qualif ied working in charge Identif y 3 rail workers and conf irm they have participated in and signed onto the pre-work brief . Did the Site Supervisor or Superintendent conf irm all worksite protection controls were in place prior to works commencing? Was this conf irmation communicated to the workers? ☐ Choose an item. Further Action Required? Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Question 2 workers working in the rail corridor and ask if the qualif ied worker in charge gave them permission to enter the corridor? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. Question the qualif ied worker in charge and conf irm all workers are f ollowing their instructions Review the worksite protection plan and conf irm: • The requirements within are up to date and ref lect the current environment • No changes are required. Question 2 rail workers and ask what the process is if changes are required to the worksite protection plan. Conf irm they mention: ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Page 38 Of 39 GMR Self -Assessments GMR Critical Control Criteria Check Compliance Description / Immediate Actions Taken Further Action Required? ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. ☐ Choose an item. Choose an item. • 10.F Ensure rail inf rastructure is certif ied f or operation and clear of any obstructions prior to handback to the Network operator Appreciative Enquiry Question Discussing proposed changes with their supervisor/superintended • Revising the worksite protection plan • Communicating these changes to all relevant personnel For areas that have been handed back to the network operator, conf irm a Network Track Certif ication or Network Operators Certif ication of Completion has been completed. Is the task being completed as planned? Question the workers as to whether they think there is a better way to complete the task Actions GMR No. Action Due Date Revision No: 6 Issue Date: 15/12/2021 Document Number: GCLR-FRM-WHS-006-05 When Printed This Document Is an Uncontrolled Version and Must Be Checked Against The IMS Electronic Version For Validity Person Responsible Action Closed (Y/N) Page 39 Of 39