VISION A premier university in historic Cavite recognized for excellence in the development of morally upright and globally competitive individuals. Republic of the Philippines CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY Don Severino Delas Alas Campus Indang, Cavite College of Nursing MISSION Cavite State University shall provide excellent, equitable and relevant educational opportunities in the arts, science and technology through quality instruction and relevant research and development activities. It shall produce professional, skilled and morally upright individuals for global competitiveness. TITLE OF THE CASE Presented by: YEAR LEVEL / SECTION / GROUP #: Members Presented to: Prof. _________________ , RN, MAN Prof. _________________ , RN, MAN Prof. _________________ , RN, MAN Prof. _________________ , RN, MAN Clinical Instructors, Level II or III Date: Month xx, year In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in NURS 50/55 or NURS 60/65 for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Demographic Data………………………………………………………………………………….1 II. Reason for Seeking Health Care…………………………………………………………………1 III. History of Present Illness…………………………………………………………………………..1 IV. Past Medical History………………………………………………………………………………...1 V. OB-Gynecological History………………………………………………………………………….1 VI. Heredo-familial History…………………………………………………………………………...1-2 VII. Developmental History……………………………………………………………………………...2 VIII. Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns…………………………………………………………..2-5 IX. Physical Examination…………………………………………………………………………….5-12 X. Diagnostic Test…………………………………………………………………………………..12-13 XI. Review of System……………………………………………………………………………………13 XII. Concept Maps………………………………………………………………………………………..13 XIII. Case Management…………………………………………………………………………………..14 A. Medical……………………………………………………………………………………………14 B. Surgical……………………………………………………………………………………………14 C. Nursing…………………………………………………………………………………………15-16 XIV. Ongoing Appraisal………………………………………………………………………………….16 I. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA A. Initials of Clients’ Name B. Address C. Age D. Birth Date E. Birth Place F. Sex G. Civil Status H. Religion I. Highest Educational Attainment J. Occupation K. Monthly Income / Budget Date of Admission: Time of Admission: Date of Interview: Primary Informant: Secondary Informant: Other Data Sources: II. REASON FOR SEEKING HEALTH CARE III. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS (Critical characteristics: setting, timing, location, quality, quantity, associated factors: aggravating / alleviating; client’s perception) IV. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY A. Childhood / Adult Diseases B. Injuries / Accidents C. Hospitalization D. Operation E. Allergies F. Medication G. Immunization (to be tabulated for Pedia clients to keep track of time interval and dose, but for Adult clients state if they have been fully immunized or not) H. Last Examination V. OBSTETRIC-GYNECOLOGICAL HISTORY (if applicable) A. Menarche B. Menstruation - LMP - Usual amount - Usual Duration - Cycle - Associated discomforts and relief measures C. EDC, AOG, GP-TPALM VI. HEREDO-FAMILIAL HISTORY A. Genogram Paternal Side Maternal Side CT DU DM MR 64 y/o 65 y/o 59 y/o 55 y/o A&W CVA JT CA A&W DM 26 y/o 25 y/o A&W 36 y/o PIH NDT 5 y/o A&W ET LB COPD GB 3 y/o 8 y/o A&W A&W unknown LEGENDS: will depend on what is used. B. Family APGAR Constructs Adaptation Partnership Growth Affection Resolve Questions Almost Always (2) Some of the Time (1) Hardy Ever (0) I am satisfied with the help that I receive from my family when something is troubling me. I am satisfied with the way my family discusses items of common interest and shares problem-solving with me I find that my family accepts my wishes to take on new activities or make changes in my lifestyle. I am satisfied with the way my family expresses affection and responds to my feelings such as anger, sorrow and love. I am satisfied with the way my family and I spend time together. TOTAL VII. DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY (Determine the exact stage based on client’s age and his milestone and provide some justifications that would be most applicable to the specified developmental stage) A. J. Piaget’s Cognitive Development Stage Specific Task(s) Evidences of Milestone Achievement B. E. Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Stage Specific Task(s) Evidences of Milestone Achievement C. S. Freud’s Psychosexual Development Stage Specific Task(s) Evidences of Milestone Achievement D. J. Fowler’s Spiritual Development Stage Specific Task(s) Evidences of Milestone Achievement E. L. Kholberg’s Moral Development Stage Specific Task(s) Evidences of Milestone Achievement F. R. Havighurst’s Developmental Task Stage Specific Task(s) Evidences of Milestone Achievement G. Williams’ Metro Manila Developmental Screening Test (MMDST) Personal-Social 1. Task for a particular month 2. 3. Score Passed / Failed / Refused / No Opportunity Justification Fine-Motor Adaptive 1. Task for a particular month 2. 3. Score Passed / Failed / Refused / No Opportunity Justification Language 1. Task for a particular month 2. 3. Score Passed / Failed / Refused / No Opportunity Justification Gross-Motor Behavior 1. Task for a particular month 2. 3. Score Passed / Failed / Refused / No Opportunity Justification VIII. GORDON’S 11 FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS A. Health Perception – Health Management Interaction Observation Measurement B. Nutritional – Metabolic Interaction Observation Measurement *3-day Diet Recall MEALS Date & Day Breakfast (time) - amount per serving Snacks (if any) - amount per serving Lunch (time) - amount per serving Snacks (if any) - amount per serving Dinner (time) - amount per serving Date & Day - amount per serving - amount per serving - amount per serving - amount per serving - amount per serving Date & Day - amount per serving - amount per serving - amount per serving - amount per serving - amount per serving Snacks (if any) Total Fluid Intake C. Elimination Interaction Observation Measurement - amount per serving ___mL D. Activity – Exercise Interaction Observation Measurement *7-Day Activity Table Time Day 1 Day 2 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am 6 am 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 nn 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm 10 pm 11 pm 12 mn - amount per serving ___mL Days of the Week & Date Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 - amount per serving ___mL Day 6 Day 7 *Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living Activities Independence = 1 point Dependence = 0 point Points (1 or 0) No supervision, direction or personal With supervision, direction or assistance needed personal assistance or total care Bathing Dressing Toileting Transferring Continence Feeding TOTAL POINTS: E. Sleep – Rest Interaction Observation Measurement *7-Day Sleep Diary Constructs Hours of Sleep Sleeping Time Waking Time Bedtime Rituals Feeling upon waking up Problem Encountered Day 1 F. Cognitive – Perceptual Interaction Observation Measurement G. Self-Perception – Self-Concept Interaction Observation Measurement H. Role-Relationship Interaction Observation Measurement *Ecomap I. Sexuality - Reproductive Interaction Observation Measurement J. Coping-Stress Interaction Observation Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Measurement K. Value-Belief Interaction Observation Measurement IX. COMPREHENSIVE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION A. Vital Signs Date / Time of Exam: ____________ O T = __ C PR = __ bpm RR = __ cpm BP = __/__ mmHg Pain (if any…since this is the 5th vital sign, using the PQRST method) Provoking factor Quality Region/radiation Severity (using pain or face pain scale) Time B. Anthropometric Data (only those applicable) Height = __ cm (for both adult & pedia) BMI = __ (for adult) Weight = __ Kg (for both adult & pedia) IBW = __ (for adult & pedia) Head Circumference = __ cm (for pedia) Chest Circumference = __ cm (for pedia) Abdominal Circumference = __ cm (for pedia0 C. General Appearance 1. Body build and height-weight proportionality 2. Posture and Gait 3. Over-all hygiene and grooming 4. Body and breath odor 5. Obvious signs of distress / illness 6. Mental status 7. Attitude 8. Affect/mood; appropriateness of responses 9. Quantity and quality of speech 10. Relevance and organization of thoughts D. Focused Assessment Body Part Examined INTEGUMENT Skin I: color, uniformity, edema, lesions P: moisture, temp. turgor Hair I: evenness of growth thickness, texture, oiliness, infection or infestation, body Actual Finding Normal Finding Clinical Significance hair P: smoothness Nail I: plate shape, texture, bed color, surrounding tissues P: Blanch test HEAD Skull and Face I: size, shape , symmetry : facial features : eyes for edema and hollowness P: nodules, masses, depressions Eyes and Vision I: eyebrows for distribution & alignment, quality & movement : eyelashes for evenness of distribution & direction of curl : eyelids for surface characteristics, position in relation to cornea, ability to blink & frequency : bulbar & palpebral conjunctiva for color, texture, and lesion I/P: lacrimal gland sac, nasolacrimal duct for edema, tenderness / tearing I: cornea for clarity, texture & sensitivity I: pupils for color, shape, symmetry of size, direct and consensual reaction to light, & accommodation * Visual Acuity (near & far vision test) * Visual Field Test * EOM Test Ears and Hearing I: auricles for color, symmetry and position : external canal for cerumen, lesions, pus or blood P: auricles for texture, elasticity and areas of tenderness * Gross Hearing Acuity Tests: normal voice tone and whispered voice * Watch Tick Test * Tunning Fork Tests: - Weber for bone conduction - Rinne’s to compare air and bone conductions Nose and Sinuses I: nose deviation in shape size, color, flaring, discharge; : nasal mucosa for redness, swelling, growth or discharge Pa: tenderness, masses, displacements; : nasal patency : maxillary and frontal sinuses for tenderness Pe: the above sinuses for tenderness Transillumination Test Mouth / Oropharynx I: lips for symmetry of contour, color, texture, moisture, lesion : teeth for alignment, loss, dental filings and caries; : gums for bleeding, color, retraction, lesions, swelling : tongue for position, color & texture; movement, as well as the base of the tongue, mouth floor and frenulum : salivary gland ducts for swelling, redness : palates for color, shape, texture, presence of bony prominences : uvula for position & mobility : oropharynx for color & texture : tonsils for color, discharge, and size Test for Gag Reflex P: nodules, lump and excoriated areas NECK Neck Muscles I: abnormal swelling or masses, head movement, and muscle strength Lymph Nodes P: enlargement Trachea P: lateral deviation Thyroid Gland I: symmetry and visible masses, rise during swallowing P: smoothness A: bruit THORAX & LUNGS Posterior Thorax I: shape & symmetry from posterior-lateral views; spinal alignment for deformities Pa: temperature, bulges, tenderness, abnormal movements, respiratory excursion, vocal fremitus Pe: for symmetry of resonance; diaphragmatic excursion A: breath sounds Anterior Thorax I: breathing pattern, coastal and costovertebral angle Pa: respiratory excursion, tactile fremitus Pe: symmetry of resonance A: breath sounds Heart I: precordium for pulsations & lifts or heaves A: heart sounds (S1, S2, etc.) Central Vessels: Carotid Arteries P: volume, quality A: bruit Jugular Veins I: distention Peripheral Vessels I: presence or appearance of superficial veins, signs of phlebitis *Buerger’s Test *Capillary Refill Breast & Axillae I: breast for size, symmetry, contour or shape, discoloration, retraction, hypervascularity, swelling, edema : areaola for size, shape, symmetry, color, surface characteristics, masses, lesions : nipples for size, shape, position, color, discharge, lesion P: lymph nodes, breast, areola & nipples for tenderness, masses, nodules, discharge ABDOMEN I: skin integrity, contour & symmetry, hernia, distention (girth), movements associated w/ respiration, peristalsis & aortic pulsations A: bowel, vascular, & peritoneal friction rub sounds Pe: all quadrants / regions for tympany and deviations Pa: light to deep palpations ALL quadrants from least painful to most painful for masses, tenderness, muscle guarding; liver (bimanual) and bladder palpation * Leopold’s Maneuver for OB clients for presentation, lie, engagement, attitude, position If necessary / MUSCULOSKELETAL applicable / significant Muscles I: size, contractures, fasciculations, tremors P: tonicity, flaccidity, spasticity, smoothness of movement, strength Bones I: structure, deformity P: edema, tenderness Joints I: swelling P: tenderness, smoothness of movement, swelling, crepitation, nodules NEUROLOGIC Mental Status - Language - Orientation - Memory - Attention Span / Calculation Consciousness Level Glassgow Coma Scale Cranial Nerves - I to XII Reflexes - Deep, superficial & pathologic - Neonatal Reflexes Gross Motor/Balance * Walking Gait * Romberg * Standing on 1 foot w/ eyes closed * Heel-toe walking Fine Motor - Upper Extremities: * Finger-Nose Test * Alternate Supination & Pronation of hands on knees * Finger to Nose & to RN finger * Fingers-to-fingers * Fingers-to-thumb - Lower Extremities: * Heel down opposite skin * Toe / Ball of Foot to RN’s finger Sensory Function * Light/Deep Touch * Pain Sensation * Temperature * Position / Kinesthetic * Tactile Discrimination GENITALS *For males: I: pubic hair for distribution, amount, characteristics : penis shaft and glans for lesions, nodules, swelling, inflammation : urethral meatus for swelling, inflammation, discharge : inguinal areas for bulges or swelling For Adult For Pedia If necessary / applicable / significant P: penis for tenderness, thickening, nodules : scrotum for appearance, size and symmetry, and underlying testes, epididymis and spermatic cord : inguinal areas for palpable bulge * For females: I: pubic hair distribution, amount, characteristics; its areas for parasites, inflammation, swelling, lesions : clitoris, urethral and vaginal orifices for inflammation or discharge P: bartholin’s glands, lymph nodes for enlargement, tenderness, swelling * Internal Exam for OB clients for cervical dilation, effacement and AP pelvic diameter RECTUM & ANUS I: anus and surrounding tissue for color, integrity, lesions P: anal spinchter tonicity, nodules, masses and tenderness : if male, prostate gland for tenderness : if female, cervix through the anterior rectal wall for tenderness X. Diagnostic Test A. Non-Invasive Specific Test Sputum Microscopy If necessary / applicable / significant If necessary / applicable / significant Actual Finding Normal Finding Clinical Significance Urinalysis Fecalysis Radiology Other: ECG, MRI, CT B. Invasive Specific Test Actual Finding Normal Finding Clinical Significance Blood Chemistry Hematology Electrolytes ABG Visualization procedures (surgical approach) Note: Please indicate ONLY those diagnostic tests that were actually performed to confirm the identified pathology. For OB and Pedia clients, please utilize the appropriate tools for labor and delivery as well newborn assessment. XI. Review of System (include only those that are significant to the case under study) A. Neurologic B. Pulmonary C. Cardiovascular D. Hematologic E. Immunologic F. Gastrointestinal G. Renal H. Musculoskeletal I. Reproductive J. Integumentary XII. Concept Maps A. Theory-based Physiology (for 2nd year) / Pathophysiology (for 3rd year) Predisposing Factors: - Age, gender, family history, genetics Precipitating Factors: - Lifestyle, diet, exercise, medication, etc. Main Etiology Effect Effect Sub-effect Sub-effect Sub-effect Sub-effect Clinical manifestations: - s/sx - s/sx Clinical manifestations: - s/sx - s/sx - s/sx DISEASE CONDITION B. Client-based (only those facts related to the case are included) XIII. CASE MANAGEMENT A. Medical (present only those that are applicable and w/c have been done for the patient) 1. Pharmacologic Intervention Drug Features Therapeutic Effects Nursing Responsibilities - Brand / Generic Name Indication Contraindication Desired Untoward - Classification - Prescribed Dosage - Route - Frequency 2. Dietary Prescription / Restriction 3. Procedures (If any) a. Oxygenation by nasal prong, venture/face mask, mist-tent, ambubag, ventilator, Tpiece b. Suctioning c. Osteorized Feeding d. Intravenous Fluids e. Catheterization - Gastric - Urinary - Intravenous Lavage f. Enema g. Diversional Ostomies h. Drains i.e. Hemovac, Pleurovac, JP, Ventriculostomy, etc. i. Others B. Surgical (for 3rd year) 1. Pre-operative 2. Intra-Operative 3. Post-Operative C. Nursing Management 1. List of Nursing Problems (minimum of 5 for 2nd year; minimum of 10 for 3rd year) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 2. Prioritization of Nursing Problems Criteria Weight Nature and 3 Actual Problem Extent 2 Risk / Potential 1 Wellness State Modifiability 2 Easily Modifiable 1 Partially Modifiable 0 Not Modifiable Peventive 3 High Potential 2 Moderate 1 Low Salience 2 Needs immediate attention action 1 Not needing immediate attention 0 Not perceived as a problem/ condition needing change Multiplier Computation Justification 1 3/3 x 1 Situational Urgency based on: - ABC Principle - Maslow’s HON - Nursing Concept 2 2/2 x 2 Availability of resources and interventions(financial) 1 3/3 x 1 Likelihood of occurrence of complication w/ respect to measures taken 1 2/2 x 1 Client’s perception and recognition of the problem TOTAL 3. Plans for Nursing Actions a. Nursing Care Plan Assessment Diagnosis Subjective: Problem r/t The client Etiology, w/ verbalized, Sign/symptom “_______” (defining characteristics) Objective: PE Findings Lab Findings 5 Priority # 1 Planning Implementation At the end of 4 hours of rendering nursing care, the client will be able to: 1.________ Independent Rationale & Dependent Reference Collaborative *Choose the applicable: 1. Actual 2. Probable 3. Risk 4. Syndrome 2.________ 5. Wellness Dx 3.________ Evaluation After 4 hours of nursing care, goal was met / unmet / partially met, as evidenced by: 1. Independent Rationale & Dependent Reference Collaborative 2. Independent Rationale & Dependent Reference Collaborative 3. b. Teaching Plan Intended Outcomes Content 1. Cognitive Topic Subtopic 2. Affective - concept 3. Psychomotor - concept Subtopic - concept - concept Strategies Teaching Learning Activity Activity Resources * Materials * Human Resources * Time Evaluation Pen and paper test Recitation Return demonstration Observation c. Discharge Plan Medication Exercise Generic/Brand - Type - Dose - Frequency Frequency - Route - Time - Side effects Treatment - Nebulization - Chest physiotherapy - Physical / Occupational / Speech / Psychotherapy Health Education OPD Diet Signs and FollowSymptoms up - Pertinent - What - Limits - Things that Knowledge, W/ - Inclusion need to be Skill, or whom reported Attitude - When immediately - Where to primary care provider XIV. ONGOING APPRAISAL Day 1 - Medical and Nursing Care provided for managing the case - Significant conditions or improvements noted Day 2 - Medical and Nursing Care provided for managing the case - Significant conditions or improvements noted Day 3 (last day of duty or encounter with the patient / day of discharge) Prepared by: NENITA B. PANALIGAN, RN, MAN MARY ANTONIETTE D. VIRAY RN, MAN CARLOS LOUIS RN, MAN Level II Clinical Instructors Noted by: JOCELYN B. DIMAYUGA RN, MAN Over-all Clinical Coordinator Approved by: EVELYN M.DEL MUNDO RN, MAN PhD Dean, College of Nursing