EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 PART 1 START Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 END Prior to each flight, the flight crew must accomplish or verify that the maintenance crew has accomplished the following checks : • ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PUMP SWITCHES ………………………………….……. ON - Alert ground personnel before pressurizing hydraulic system - System A & B pressure 2800 PSI minimum • PARKING BRAKE ……………………………………………………..………………. SET • • EXTERIOR LIGHTS ……………………………………………………..………. STEADY WHELL WELL LIG HT ……………………………………………….…………………. ON - Parking brake warning light (red) illuminated - Do not forget to take a flashlight during night time inspection. EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 STEP 1 PART 2 STEP 3 Check Captain Pitot probe OK & unobstructed Check no fluid Leakage & no damage Check Alpha Vane OK & unobstructed Check TAT probe OK & unobstructed Check no damage STEP 2 Check lower nose compartment door closed Check doors mechanism & linkage OK (both sides) Check : 1) No hydraulic fluid leakage on gear strut (strut not fully compressed) 2) Taxi light OK 3) Nose-wheel tire 4) Shocks in place Check snubbers in place (Left & Right) Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 Check Steering Pin lockout IN or OUT STEP 4 EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 STEP 5 5 PART 3 STEP 7 Check no damage on dome (conductor strip in good condition) Check no fluid Leakage & no Damage Both wipers in place Tire in good condition Windshield in good condition Max tow angle sticker for tug driver. STEP 6 STEP 8 Check F/O emergency handle in position. Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 Check Pitot Probes & Alpha Vanes OK & unobstructed. Check CAPT & F/O Static ports (Clean & no damage) Check GPU correctly connected. If not used, check door is properly closed. STEP 9 Check Cargo compartments (no leakage, no damage, no suspect luggage, lights operating normally) Check door operating normally Check alternate static port (clean & no damage) Check antenna in place under the fuselage (not visible on this picture) Check Oxygen pressure relief green disc in place (not visible on this picture) EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 PART 4 STEP 10 Check Turn off & Fixed Landing lights in good condition Check Ram air deflector door extended & not obstructed Check Drain mast Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 Check equipment cooling exhaust door under the fuselage (closed) STEP 11 2 Check Landing light in good condition Check Wing surfaces are clear of ice, snow or frost. Check Leading edge flaps Check Gear strut not fully compressed & door in place. Check tire in good condition No structural damage. STEP 12 2 Check Vortex in place No structural damage on engine. Check IDG access door fully closed + Engine cowl latch EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 PART 5 STEP 13 Check fan blades in good condition (no fan blade damaged) & turning normally (anticlockwise) Check no suspect leakage under the engine Check no structural damage. Check maintenance door fully closed Check reverse sleeves in position (black stickers in front of each other) STEP 15 2 Check Wing surfaces are clear of ice, snow or frost. Visually inspect the lower wing surface. If there is frost or ice on the lower surface outboard of measuring stick 4, there may also be frost or ice on the upper surface. The distance that frost extends outboard of measuring stick 4 can be used as an indication of the extent of frost on the upper surface. Note : Takeoff with light coating of frost, up to 3 mm (1/8 inch) in thickness on lower wing surfaces due to cold fuel is permissible. However, all leading edge devices, all control surfaces, tab surfaces, upper wing surfaces and balance panel cavities must be free of snow or ice. Check Leading Edge slats in good condition Check Vortex in place No structural damage. Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 STEP 14 2 EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 PART 6 STEP 16 Check refuelling panel access door in position (defueling panel should be closed) STEP 14 2 Check wingtip White Strobe lights & Green position lights OK & cover in place. Check aileron & tab Check 4 static dischargers in good condition STEP 15 2 Check trailing edge flaps (no structural damage ). Check Ram air vent scoop non obstructed Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 Fuel measuring sticks retracted & agree with alignment marks STEP 17 EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 PART 7 Check aileron & tab in good condition Check Flaps in good condition Check Ground locking pin Check : - Tire condition - Check strut extension (not fully compressed) = approx. 3 fingers Check all 4 brake wear pins Brake wear pins STEP 19 2 Check no structural damage . Check damaged tread impact fitting (in place) Check Main Landing Gear Pin lockout OUT Check all tire bolts in place Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 STEP 18 2 STEP 20 EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 PART 8 Check APU Fire Warning Horn in place Check APU Fire Warning Handle (sealed & UP) Check Standby hydraulic system reservoir (no leakage) STEP 21 2 STEP 21 2 Check System B hydraulic reservoir (no leakage) Check System B hydraulic reservoir quantity indicator (RF or above) Check System A hydraulic reservoir (no leakage) Check System A hydraulic reservoir quantity indicator (RF or above) STEP 22 2 Check lower beacon in good condition Check Aft Cargo Compartment (no leakage, no damage, no suspect luggage, lights operating normally) Check door operating normally Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 Check Brake accumulator indicator (2800 PSI minimum) EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 STEP 23 PART 9 Check APU Air Inlet Door in good condition (OPEN) Check Negative Pressure Relief Valves (CLOSED) Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 Check Pressure Relief Valves in good condition (UPPER & LOWER) Check Outflow Valve in good condition (FULL OPEN) Check Aft Water Drain Mast in good condition. Check Tail Skid (Green Warning Decal in view. If not, call maintenance crew) STEP 24 Check Rudder Static Dischargers (total of 4) Check Elevators Static Dischargers (3 LEFT + 3 RIGHT = 6) Check Elevators & Tabs (LEFT & RIGHT) Check : - APU Cooling Air Inlet (UPPER) - APU Exhaust Air Outlet (LOWER) - APU access door closed - Tail cone strobe light in place - Water service door closed Check Elevator Pitot Probes (LEFT + RIGHT) Not visible on this picture EXTERIOR INSPECTION B737-800 PART 10 STEP 25 Check APU Shroud & Hydraulic Drain in good condition STEP 25 STEP 25 Check Both Engine Fire Extinguishers Pressure in RIGHT wheel well OAT -20°C 0°C +20°C +40°C Mini PSI 515 605 735 935 Maxi PSI 665 755 890 1095 PROCEED ON LEFT WING / LEFT ENGINE / LEFT FUSELAGE AS SHOWED ON PREVIOUS PICTURES Copyright © Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE 2001 Check Aft Heated Water Drain Mast in good condition S1001 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT FLOOR STRUCTURE - DRY AREA 100 S1002 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT FLOOR STRUCTURE - WET AREA 100 S1003 FORWARD AFT CARGO COMPARTMENT FLOOR STRUCTURE 100 S1004 KEEL BEAM UNDER WING-TO-BODY FAIRING 100 S1005 KEEL BEAM IN MAIN WHEEL WELL 100 S1006 FORWARD SIDE WING CENTER SECTION INSPECTION 100 S1007 AFT SIDE WING CENTER SECTION INSPECTION 100 S1008 LOWER SIDE WING CENTER SECTION INSPECTION 100 S1101 AREA ABOVE AND OUTBOARD OF NOSE WHEEL WELL 110 S1102 E/E COMPARTMENT INSPECTION 110 S1121 FORWARD ACCESS DOOR INSPECTION 112 S1122 AREA FORWARD OF NOSE WHEEL WELL 112 S1171 E/E EQUIPMENT COMPARTMENT DOOR INSPECTION 117 S1172 FORWARD AIRSTAIRS INSPECTION 117 S1201 FORWARD CARGO COMPARTMENT 120 S1202 FORWARD BILGE INSPECTION 120 S1203 AREA AFT OF FORWARD CARGO COMPARTMENT 120 S1221 FORWARD CARGO DOOR CUTOUT 122 S1301 AREA ABOVE WINGBOX CENTER SECTION 130 S1302 AREA ABOVE MAIN LANDING GEAR WHEEL WELL 130 S1303 UPPER SIDE WING CENTER SECTION INSPECTION 130 S1401 AFT CARGO COMPARTMENT 140 S1402 AFT BILGE 140 S1403 AREA AFT OF CARGO COMPARTMENT 140 S1421 AFT CARGO DOOR CUTOUT 142 S2001 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT DOOR CUTOUTS 200 S2002 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT FLOOR STRUCTURE - DRY AREA 200 S2003 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT FLOOR STRUCTURE - WET AREA 200 S2004 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT FLOOR STRUCTURE - WET AREA 200 S2101 FLIGHT COMPARTMENT 210 S2102 FLIGHT COMPARTMENT FLOOR STRUCTURE 210 S2111 CONTROL STAND ACCESS COVERS 211 S2113 SIDEWALL & CEILING LINING - CONTROL CABIN 211 S2121 CONTROL STAND ACCESS COVERS 212 S2122 MANUAL EXTENSION ACCESS DOOR - LANDING GEAR 212 S2123 SIDEWALL & CEILING LINING - CONTROL CABIN 212 S2201 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT 220 S2301 FORWARD PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STA 360 TO 663.75 230 S2401 AFT PASSENGER COMPARTMENT 240 S3001 RUDDER, ELEVATOR, AND ELEVATOR TAB ATTACH FITTINGS S3101 STABILIZER TORSION BOX AND APU COMPARTMENT 310 S3102 STABILIZER TORSION BOX COMPARTMENT INSPECTION 310 S3231 VERTICAL FIN REAR SPAR FITTING 323 S3232 VERTICAL FIN INSPECTION 323 S3311 LEFT HORIZONTAL STABILIZER LEADING EDGE INSPECTION 331 S3331 LEFT HORIZONTAL STABILIZER LEADING EDGE INSPECTION 333 S3411 RIGHT HORIZONTAL STABILIZER LEADING EDGE INSPECTION 341 S3431 RIGHT HORIZONTAL STABILIZER LEADING EDGE INSPECTION 343 S4001 LEFT STRUT FORWARD AND AFT ENGINE MOUNT ASSEMBLIES S4002 RIGHT STRUT FORWARD AND AFT ENGINE MOUNT ASSEMBLIES S4101 LEFT FORWARD ENGINE MOUNT ASSEMBLY INSPECTION 410 S4201 RIGHT FORWARD ENGINE MOUNT ASSEMBLY INSPECTION 420 S4331 LEFT STRUT BOX EXTERNAL INSPECTION 433 S4332 LEFT STRUT BOX INTERNAL INSPECTION 433 S4431 RIGHT STRUT BOX EXTERNAL INSPECTION 443 S4432 RIGHT STRUT BOX INTERNAL INSPECTION 443 S5001 LEFT WING OUTBOARD TRAILING EDGE STRUCTURE S5321 LEFT OUTBOARD INTERNAL WING INSPECTION 532 S5521 LEFT INBOARD GROUND SPOILER INSPECTION 552 S6002 RIGHT WING OUTBOARD TRAILING EDGE STRUCTURE S6321 RIGHT OUTBOARD INTERNAL WING INSPECTION 632 S6521 RIGHT INBOARD GROUND SPOILER INSPECTION 652 S7131 NOSE LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLY INSPECTION 713 S7341 LEFT MAIN LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLY INSPECTION 734 S7441 RIGHT MAIN LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLY INSPECTION 744 S8211 FORWARD CARGO COMPARTMENT DOOR 821 S8221 AFT CARGO COMPARTMENT DOOR 822 S8311 FORWARD PASSENGER ENTRY DOOR 831 S8321 ALL EMERGENCY HATCH (737-800 ONLY) 832 S8331 EMERGENCY HATCH 833 S8341 AFT ENTRY DOOR 834 S8411 FORWARD GALLEY SERVICE DOOR 841 S8421 ALL EMERGENCY HATCH (737-800 ONLY) 842 S8431 EMERGENCY HATCH 843 S8441 AFT GALLEY SERVICE DOOR 844 LEFT EN GIN E RIGHT EN GIN E LEFT WING LOWER SURFACE RIGHT WING LOWER SURFACE LEFT HORIZONTAL RIGHT HORIZONTAL AC Transfer Bus 1, C phase P6-4 C15 AC Transfer Bus 2, A phase P6-4 C10 AC Transfer Bus 2, B phase P6-4 C11 ACARS MU AC P6-1 E7 ACARS CMU AC P6-1 E8 ACARS CMU DC P6-1 E9 ACMS P6-1 E4 ADF 1 P18-1 A4 ADF 2 P6-1 A17 ADIRU, Left, DC P18-1 E5 ADIRU, Left, AC P18-1 E7 ADIRU, Right, AC P6-1 C14 ADIRU, Left, EXC P18-2 E8 ADIRU, Right, EXC P6-1 C15 ADIRU, Right DC P6-1 C17 AFCS, Sys A, FCC (DC) P18-1 D2 AFCS, Sys A, Engage Interlock P18-1 D3 AFCS, Sys A, Mach Trim (AC) P18-1 C4 AFCS, Sys A, Mach Trim (DC) P18-1 D4 AFCS, Sys A, Sensor Exc (AC) P18-1 C5 AFCS, Sys A, Warn Light (Bat) P18-1 D1 AFCS, Sys B, FCC (DC) P6-2 B3 AFCS, Sys B, Engage Interlock P6-2 B4 AFCS, Sys B, Mach Trim (AC) P6-2 C1 AFCS, Sys B, Mach Trim (DC) P6-2 B2 AFCS, Sys B, Sensor Exc (AC) P6-2 C2 AFCS, Sys B, Warn Light (Bat) P6-2 B1 Air Cond Bleed Air, Press Ind P6-4 B5 Air Cond Bleed Air, Valve Isln P6-4 A5 Air Cond Bleed Air, Valves Left P6-4 A7 Air Cond Bleed Air, Valves Right P6-4 B7 Air Cond Bleed Air, XDCR Left P6-4 A6 Air Cond Bleed Air, XDCR Right P6-4 B6 Air Cond Compt Lt P92 C3 Air Cond Mix Valve Pos Ind (6-7) P6-4 D7 Air Cond Ovbd Exh Valve, Cont P6-4 D1 Air Cond Ovbd Exh Vlv, Recon Cont P6-4 Air Cond Overheat (6-7) P6-4 C4 Air Cond Pack/Eng Bled Air, Oht, Lt P6-4 C8 Air Cond Pack/Eng Bled Air, Oht, Rt P6-4 C7 Air Cond Pack Cont, Lt Elect DC (8) P6-4 A9 Air Cond Pack Cont, Lt Elect AC (8) P6-4 A11 Air Cond Pack Cont, Rt Elect DC (8) P6-4 B9 Air Cond Pack Cont, Rt Elect AC (8) P6-4 B11 Air Cond Pack Cont Valve, Left P6-4 C6 Air Cond Pack Cont Valve, Right P6-4 C5 Air Cond Ram Air Mod Cont, Left P6-4 A8 Air Cond Ram Air Mod Cont, Right P6-4 B8 Air Cond Ram Air Mod Left P6-4 A4 Air Cond Ram Air Mod Right P6-4 B4 Air Cond Recirc Fan, Cabin (6-7) P6-4 E4 Air Cond Recirc Fan, Cont (6-7) P6-4 E1 Air Cond Recirc Fan, Rt Cont (8) P6-4 E2 Air Cond Recirc Fan, Rt Cabin Air (8)P6-4 E4 Air Cond Temp Cont, 35° F Lt (6-7) P6-4 A1 Air Cond Temp Cont, 35° F Rt (6-7) P6-4 B1 Air Cond Temp Cont, Auto Lt (6-7) P6-4 A2 Air Cond Temp Cont, Auto Rt (6-7) P6-4 B2 Air Cond Temp Cont, Manual (6-7) P6-4 A3 Air Cond Temp ContValve Close Lt (8) P6-4 Air Cond Temp ContValve Close Rt (8) P6-4 Air Cond Temp Ind P6-4 D8 Air Cond Temp Valv/Fan Cont, Aft Pass (8) P6-4 Air Cond Temp Valv/Fan Cont, Fwd Pass (8)P6-4 Air Cond Temp Valv/Fan Cont, Flt Dk (8) P6-4 Air Cond Trim Air Press (8) P6-4 D9 Air Cond Zone Tem, Dct Ovht, Aft Pass (8) P6-4 Air Cond Zone Tem, Dct Ovht, Fwd Pass (8) P6-4 Air Cond Zone Tem, Dct Ovht, Flt Deck (8) P6-4 Airfone P6-1 E2 Alternate Power, Engine 1, Chan B P18-2 A4 Alternate Power, Engine 1, Chan A P18-2 A5 Alternate T.E. Flap Drive P6-2 D13 Anti-ice, Alpha Vane Heater, Left P18-3 C3 Anti-ice, Alpha Vane Heater, Right P18-3 D3 Anti-Ice, Aux Pitot P18-3 D6 Anti-Ice, Capt Pitot P18-3 C1 Anti-ice, Drain Heater P18-3 E5 fmcguide.com/media/cb678.pdf A-H C2 C3 C4 A3 B2 B3 A1 B1 Anti-ice, Drain Mast Heater, Air Anti-ice, Drain Mast Heater, Grd Anti-ice, Elevator Pitot, Left Anti-ice, Elevator Pitot, Right Anti-ice, Eng 1, Cowl Anti-ice Valve Anti-ice, Eng 1, Engine & Wing Cont Anti-ice, Eng 2, Cowl Anti-ice Valve Anti-ice, Eng 2, Control Anti-Ice, F/O Pitot Anti-ice, Hose Heaters Anti-ice, Master Caution Anti-ice, Temp Probe (Rosemount) Anti-ice, Windshield Wiper, Left Anti-ice, Windshield Wiper, Right Anti-ice, Wing Anti-ice Valve Anti-skid, Inboard Anti-skid, Outboard APU AC Gen Ind APU Control APU Fan Power APU Fire Detection APU Fire Extinguisher Bottle APU Fire Switch Power APU Gen Control Unit APU Gen Control Unit APU Start APU Start Conv ATC 1 ATC 2 ATC, Ant switch Audio, Capt Audio, F/O Audio, Obs Aural Warn Auto Brakes Control Auto Brake Cont 1 Auto Brake Cont 2 Auto Slat DC 1 Auto Slat DC 2 Auto Speed Brake Auto Throttle DC 1 Auto Throttle DC 2 Aux Battery Charger Aux Power Unit Cont Aux Power Unit SCU Fan Power Bat Bus, Sect 1 Bat Bus, Sect 2 Bat Bus, Sect 3 Bat Charger Bat / Stby, Sw Pos Ind Bleed Air, Overheat, Right Bleed Air, Overheat, Left Bleed Air, Press Ind Bleed Air, Valve Isln Bleed Air, Valves Left Bleed Air, Valves Right Bleed Air, XDCR Left Bleed Air, XDCR Right Boost Pump, Tank, Center Left Boost Pump, Tank, Center Right Boost Pump, Tank 1, Aft Boost Pump, Tank 1, Fwd Boost Pump, Tank 2, Aft Boost Pump, Tank 2, Fwd Brake Pressure Indicator Brakes, Anti-skid, Inboard Brakes, Anti-skid, Outboard Bus Power Control Unit Bus Power Control Unit C/B NATS Clock Cargo Fire, Ext 2 Cargo Fire, Ext 1 Cargo Fire, Fwd Det B Cargo Fire, Fwd Det A Cargo Fire, Aft Det B Cargo Fire, Aft Det A P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P6-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P6-3 P6-3 P91 P6-4 P6-4 P6-2 P6-2 P6-2 P6-4 P92 P18-5 P91 P18-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-2 P6-2 P6-2 P6-3 P6-3 P6-3 P6-3 P6-2 P6-2 P6-2 P18-1 P18-1 P91 P6-4 P6-4 P6-5 P6-5 P6-5 P92 P6-5 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P91 P92 P92 P91 P91 P92 P6-2 P6-3 P6-3 P6-4 P91 P6-1 P6-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 A11 B5 D14 E14 D23 D22 D24 D18 A17 A18 A16 C14 B14 B9 E1 E3 E3 A14 B14 C4 C5 A1 E1 B5 C7 C8 B5 A5 A7 B7 A6 B6 D6 D6 D2 D2 D4 D4 A13 E16 E18 F13 C10 E2 A2 B16 B17 C16 C17 C18 C19 E4 E3 C4 D4 A7 A6 B7 B6 D5 F16 D9 C2 B3 B1 A1 E16 E18 B11 A14 B14 A23 C23 B19 F12 C9 CIRCUIT BREAKERS (6-7-8) Cargo Light Cont P92 C102 Cargo Loader Cont, Aft P6-11 D8 Cargo Loader Cont, Fwd P6-12 D8 Cargo Loader Drive, Aft P91 E8 Cargo Loader Drive, Fwd P92 D10/E4 CDU 1 P18-2 A7 CDU 2 P6-1 D15 Clock, Misc P6-3 A2 Clock, Display P6-3 A1 CMU, ACARS, DC P6-1 E9 CMU-1 AC P6-1 E8 CMU-2 AC P6-1 E7 Coffee Maker 1 & 2, Aft Galley Aft Galley Coffee Maker, Forward Galley Fwd Galley Communications, HF1 P18-2 E11 Communications, HF2 P6-1 D2 Communications, VHF 1 P18-2 D11 Communications, VHF 2 P 6-1 C 3 Communications, VHF 3 P18-2 D12 Compass 1, Alternate Transformer P6-1 B12 Compass 2, Alternate Transformer P18-2 B 3 Computer, Air Data 1 (26V AC) P18-2 A 9 Computer, Air Data 1 (AC) P18-2 A 8 Computer, Air Data 2 (26V AC) P 6-1 B6 Computer, Air Data 2 (AC) P 6-1 B7 Computer, FMCS P18-2 E 8 Cowl Anti-ice Valve, Engine 1 P18-3 A7 Cowl Anti-ice Valve, Engine 2 P18-3 B7 Crew Call P18-3 A9 Cross Feed Valve P6-3 B7 Data Loader P18-2 A9 DC Bus 1, Sect 2 P91 C12 DC Bus 1, Sect 1 P91 A2 DC Bus 2, Sect 1 P92 C12 DC Bus 2, Sect 2 P92 A2 DC Bus 1 XFR P91 A1 DC Bus 2 XFR P92 A1 DC Bus Indication, Bat P6-4 F14 DC Bus Indication, Bus 1 P6-4 F16 DC Bus Indication, Bus 2 P6-4 F18 DC Bus Indication, Hot Bat P6-4 E15 DC Bus Indication, Sw Hot Bat P6-4 E16 DC Bus Indication, Stby P6-4 E18 Display, Capt EFIS Control Panel P18-2 D1 Display, Capt Inbd P18-2 D3 Display, Capt Outbd P18-2 D4 Display, Ctr Lwr P6-1 E12 Display, Ctr Upr P18-2 D2 Display, DEU 1 Holdup P6-1 D10 Display, DEU 1 Pri P18-2 D5 Display, DEU 2 Holdup P6-1 D9 Display, DEU 2 Pri P6-1 D11 Display, FO EFIS Cont Panel P6-1 E13 Display, FO Inbd P6-1 E11 Display, FO Outbd P6-1 E10 DME 1 P18-1 B3 DME 2 P6-1 A14 Door Area Heater - Fwd P91 A16 Door Area Heater - Aft P91 A14 Door Area Heat Cont P18-3 E11 Door Lock P6-3 E1 Dual Bat RCCB Remote P6-5 A4 E/C PC Power P6-12 A8 EFIS, Cont Panel, Capt P18-2 D1 EFIS, Cont Panel, FO P6-1 E13 Elect, AC Bus, Stby Bus, AC Disc P6-4 D15 Elect, AC Bus, Stby Bus, AC Ind P6-4 D16 Elect, AC Stby Bus Pwr P6-4 D18 Elect, Battery Charger P91 Elect, Gnd Svc DC Hot Bat P6-4 E12 Elect, Gnd Svc Cont P6-4 E13 Elect, TR 3 XFR Relay Cont P6-4 E11 Elect, Txfer Bus 1, 26v AC, Sect 2 P18-3 C5 Elect, Txfer Bus 2, 115v AC, Ind P6-4 D13 Elect, Txfer Bus 2, 26v AC, Sect 2 P6-4 D14 Elevator Tab Valve Right P6-2 B8 Elex Panel lights, Capt Fwd/Aft, Centr, F/O Aft Pedestal Eng 1, Alt Pwr, Channel B Eng 1, Alt Pwr, Channel A Eng 2, Alt Pwr, Channel B Eng 2, Alt Pwr, Channel A Eng 1, Engine & Wing Control Eng 2, Engine Control Eng 1, Ignition, Left Eng 1, Ignition, Right Eng 2, Ignition, Left Eng 2, Ignition, Right Eng 1, Run/Pwr Eng 2, Run/Pwr Eng 1, Start Lever, Channel A Eng 1, Start Lever, Channel B Eng 2, Start Lever, Channel A Eng 2, Start Lever, Channel B Eng 1, Start Valve Eng 2, Start Valve Eng Fuel, Eng 2, HPSOV Cont Eng Fuel, Eng 2, HPSOV Ind Eng Fuel, Eng 1, HPSOV Cont Eng Fuel, Eng 1, HPSOV Ind Eng Pump Depress Valve 1 Eng Pump Depress Valve 2 Engine Vibration Monitor Entertainment, Aud, LH Entertainment, Aud, RH Entertainment, Aud, PA Tape (AC) Entertainment, Aud, ENT VID-DC Entertainment, Aud, ENT VID-AC Entertainment, Aud, Video 1 Entertainment, Aud, Video2 Equip Cool Exh Fan Control, Altn Equip Cool Exh Fan Control, Norm Equip Cool Exh Fan Power - Norm Equip Cool Exh Fan Power - Altn Equip Cool Low Flow Dect, Supply Equip Cool Low Flow Dect, Exhaust Equip Cool Sup Fan Control, Altn Equip Cool Sup Fan Control, Norm Equip Cool Sup Fan Power, Altn Equip Cool Sup Fan Power, Normal Ext Pwr Ext Pwr 1 Ext Pwr 2 Ext Pwr BPCU Fasten Seat Belt, Left Fasten Seat Belt, Right FCC AFCS System B (DC) Fire Detect, Ovrht, WW, Wing-Body Fire Detect, APU Fire Detect, Engine 1 Fire Detect, Engine 2 Fire Detect, MA Warn & Cont Fire Extinguishers, APU Fire Extinguishers, Right Fire Extinguishers, Left Fire Extinguishers, Altn Right Fire Extinguishers, Altn Left Flap Load Relief Flap Shutoff Valves Flight Cont Shutoff Valve, Flt Cont Flight Cont Shutoff Valve, Spoiler Flight Cont Shutoff Valve, Stby Rud Flight Cont Altn T.E. Flap Drive Flight Recorder AC Flight Recorder DC Flight Recorder, Position Sensor FMCS Bite DC FMCS CDU 1 FMCS CDU 2 FMCS Cmptr No 1 FMCS, Cmptr 1 FMCS, Cmptr 2 FMCS, MCDU 1 FMCS, MCDU 2 FMCS, Xfr A-H FSEU DC 1 P6-2 A8 P18-2 A4 FSEU DC 2 P6-2 A9 P18-2 A5 Fuel Boost Pump, Center Tank Lt P91 D6 P6-2 D7 Fuel Boost Pump, Center Tank Rt P92 D6 P6-2 D8 Fuel Boost Pump, Tank 1, Aft P92 D2 P18-3 A6 Fuel Boost Pump, Tank 1, Fwd P91 D2 P18-3 B6 Fuel Boost Pump, Tank 2, Aft P91 D4 P18-2 A3 Fuel Boost Pump, Tank 2, Fwd P92 D4 P18-2 A1 Fuel Cont P6-3 A3 P6-2 D6 Fuel Cross Feed Valve P6-3 B7 P6-2 D4 Fuel, Eng 1, HPSOV Cont P6-3 E5 P18-2 B3 Fuel, Eng 1, HPSOV Ind P6-3 E6 P6-2 B5 Fuel, Eng 2, HPSOV Cont P6-3 E3 P18-2 B1 Fuel, Eng 2, HPSOV Ind P6-3 E4 P18-2 B2 Fuel Ind P6-3 A4 P6-2 B6 Fuel Qty 1 P6-3 A6 P6-2 B7 Fuel Qty 2 P6-3 A5 P18-2 B8 Fuel Shutoff Valve, Bus P6-3 C6 P6-2 C4 Fuel Shutoff Valve, Pwr Pack P6-3 C4 P6-3 E3 Fuel Spar Valve, Eng 1 P6-3 B4 P6-3 E4 Fuel Spar Valve, Eng 2 P6-3 B3 P6-3 E5 Fuel Spar Valve Ind P6-3 B5 P6-3 E6 Fuel Temp Ind P6-3 A7 P6-2 B15 Galley Bus A P92 F7 P6-2 B Galley Bus C P91 F7 P6-2 A2 Galley Bus D P91 F6 P6-1 C7 Gasper Fan P6-4 E7 P6-1 C8 Gen 1 Load Shed P91 C7 P6-1 C9 Gen 2 Load Shed P92 C7 P6-1 C10 Generator Control Unit 1 P6-4 F10 P6-1 C11 Generator Control Unit 2 P6-4 F11 P6-1 C12 Generator, APU Gen Cont Unit P6-4 F12 P6-1 C13 Generator, Bus Pwr Cont Unit P6-4 F13 P6-4 C15 Generator Disc 1 P6-4 F8 P6-4 C14 Generator Disc 2 P6-4 F9 P91 E1 GPS 1/MMR 1 P18-1 A7 P92 A10 GPS 2/MMR 2 P6-1 A9 P18-3 A17 Grey Water Drain Valve P18-3 E19 A9 P18-3 A18 Ground Prox Warn P18-1 B7 P6-4 C13 Ground Serv 1, Sect 1 P91 E5 P6-4 C12 Ground Serv 1, 28 vac P91 E11 P91 A8 Ground Serv 2, 28 vac P92 E6 P92 A8 Ground Serv Clg Night Cont P91 C4 P91 A12 Ground Serv Cont P6-4 E13 P92 A18 Ground Serv DC 1 P6-4 D11 P92 A15 Ground Serv DC Hot Bat P6-4 E12 P92 A12 Ground Serv Wdo Brt Cont P92 C1 P18-3 C9 Heads Up Guidance, Cmp Altn DC P18-2 C6 P18-3 C8 Heads Up Guidance, Cmptr DC P18-2 C5 P6-2 B3 Heads Up Guidance, Cont Panel DC P18-2 C4 P6-2 A19 Heads Up Guidance, DEU AC P18-2 C3 P6-2 A23 Heads Up Guidance, DEU Altn AC P18-2 C1 P6-2 A24 Heads Up Guidance, Pwr Mon AC P18-2 C2 P6-2 A22 HF1 P18-2 E11 P6-2 A21 HF2 P6-1 D2 P6-2 B21 Hose Heaters P18-3 F16 or E18 P6-2 B20 Hot Bat Bus P6-5 B3 P6-2 B22 Hyd , Brake Press Ind P 6-2 A13 P6-2 B23 Hyd , Landing Gear Xfer Valve, Prim P6-2 C16 P6-2 B24 Hyd , Landing Gear Xfer Valve, Sec P6-2 C15 P6-2 A6 Hyd , PTU Valve, Cont 1 P6-2 A15 P6-2 A7 Hyd , PTU Valve, Cont 2 P6-2 A16 P6-2 B13, C13 Hyd Pump, Sys A P92 F3 P6-2 B12 Hyd Pump, Sys B P91 F3 P6-2 C11 Hyd Eng Pump Depress Valve 1 P6-2 B15 P6-2 D13 Hyd Eng Pump Depress Valve 2 P6-2 A17 P18-2 C 9 Hyd , Electric Pump Cont Sys A P92 C8 P18-2 C10 Hyd , Electric Pump Cont Sys B P91 C8 P18-2 C8 Hyd Shutoff Valve, Eng 1 P6-2 C19 P18-2 B10 Hyd Shutoff Valve, Eng 2 P6-2 C18 P18-2 A7 P6-1 D15 P18-2 E8 & A6 P18-2 A6 P6-1 D16 P18-2 A7 P6-1 D15 P6-1 E15 Leading Edge Libraries 1998 © fmcguide.com/media/cb678.pdf Ignition, Engine 1, Left P18-2 A3 Ignition, Engine 1, Right P18-2 A1 Ignition, Engine 2, Left P6-2 D6 Ignition, Engine 2, Right P6-2 D4 ILS 1 P18-1 A2 ILS 2 P6-1 A13 Instrument Transfer P18-2 A2 & E2 Instrument Transformer 1 P18-2 A1 Inst Transformer 2 P6-1 A12 Intph and Warn (Interphone & Warn) P6-2 D21 Interphone Power, Capt DC 2 P6-2 C23 Interphone Power, Capt Bat P6-2 C24 Interphone Power, F/O DC 2 P 6-2 C21 Interphone Power, F/O (Bat) P6-2 C22 Inverter, Remote P6-5 A5 Inverter Volts P6-5 A2 Landing Gear, Air/Gnd Sys 1 P6-3 C16 Landing Gear, Air/Gnd Sys 2 P6-3 C15 Landing Gear, Air/Gnd Relay P6-3 D15 Landing Gear, Altn Extend Sol P6-3 D16 Landing Gear, Anti-skid, Inboard P6-3 E16 Landing Gear, Anti-skid, Outboard P6-3 E18 Landing Gear, Aural Warn P6-3 D18 Landing Gear, Autobrake Bite Cont 1 P6-3 A18 Landing Gear, Autobrake Bite Cont 2 P6-3 A16 Landing Gear, Autobrake Bite P6-3 A17 Landing Gear, Latch & Press Warn P6-3 B17 Landing Gear, Nose Gear Steering P6-3 D17 Landing Gear, Parking Brake P6-3 B16 Landing Gear, Takeoff Warn Cutoff P6-3 C18 Landing Gear Xfer Valve, Primary P6-2 C16 Landing Gear Xfer Valve, Second P6-2 C15 Lavatory Hose Heaters P18-3 F16 Lavatory Occupied Sign P18-3 D9 Lavatory Smoke P18-3 E12 Lavatory Water Heaters, A P18-3 F13 Lavatory Water Heaters, D P18-3 F14 Lavatory Water Heaters, G P18-3 F15 Light, Access Comp P91 C5 Light, Air Cond Compt P92 C3 Light, Anti-collision Red P18-3 B12 Light, Anti-collision White P18-3 B13 Light, Auto Dim Entry P6-4 E10 Light, Capt Panel (3) CA Rud Adj Light, Cargo Compt Lt Aft P92 C5 Light, Cargo Compt Lt Fwd P92 C4 Light, Cargo Light Cont P92 C10 Light, Ceiling, Right P91 D11 Light, Ceiling, Left P91 D12 Light, Center Console Panel, Fwd, Aft Console Light, Center Panel (2) CA Rud Adj Light, Circuit Breaker Panel P6-3 C9 Light, Compass, Standby P6-3 A13 Light, Cont 1 P6-3 C11 Light, Cont 2 P6-3 C12 Light, Cont 3 P6-3 C13 Light, Cont 4 P6-3 C14 Light, Control Stand P6-3 A8 Light, Dome White P6-3 A15 Light, Elec Rack, Fwd P91 C2 Light, Elec Panel P6-3 C10 Light, Emer and F/O’s Panel (5) FO Rud Adj Light, Emer Chgr, Fwd P18-3 A11 Light, Emer Chgr, Left Aft P18-3 A10 Light, Emer Chgr, Right Aft P18-3 B10 Light, Emer Panel P6-3 D8 Light, Entry Brt P91 E10 Light, Entry Dim P6-4 E9 Light, Galley P18-3 B10 Light, Galley P92 E10 Light, General Light Cont P18-3 D12 Light, Gnd Serv Clg Night Cont P91 C4 Light, Gnd Serv Wdo Brt Cont P6-3 D12 Light, Ind Master Dim, Bat P6-3 D12 Light, Ind Master Dim, DC 1 P6-3 D13 Light, Ind Master Dim, DC 2 P6-3 D14 Light, Ind , Master Dim, / Test Cont P6-3 D11 I-Z Light, Ind Master Dim, Sect 1 P6-3 Light, Ind Master Dim, Sect 2 P6-3 Light, Ind Master Dim, Sect 3 P6-3 Light, Ind Master Dim, Sect 4 P6-3 Light, Ind Master Dim, Sect 5 P6-3 Light, Ind Master Dim, Sect 6 P6-3 Light, Ind Master Dim, Sect 7 P6-3 Light, Ind Master Dim, Sect 8 P6-3 Light, Landing, Left Fixed P18-3 Light, Landing, Left Retractable P18-3 Light, Landing, Right Fixed P18-3 Light, Landing, Right Retractable P18-3 Light, Lavatory Mirror P18-3 Light, Lav Occupied Sign P18-3 Light, LCD P6-4 Light, Logo, Illum P18-3 Light, Map & Kit P6-3 Light, Nose Gear Taxi P18-3 Light, Observer Reading P6-3 Light, Overhead, 28V Primary P6-3 Light, Overhead, 28V Sec P6-3 Light, Overhead, 5V Sec P6-3 Light, Overhead, 5V Sec P6-3 Light, Overhead, 5V Sec P6-3 Light, Overhead, 5V Sec P6-3 Light, Overhead, 5V Sec P6-3 Light, Overhead, 5V Sec P6-3 Light, Panel & Instr, 28V Prim, Capt P6-3 Light, Panel & Instr, 28V Prim, F/O P6-3 Light, Panel & Inst, CB Panel P6-3 Light, Panel & Inst, Elex Panel P6-3 Light, Panel Flood Cont P6-3 Light, Panel Flood Stby P6-3 Light, Pass Read, Rt, Sta 340-451 P92 Light, Pass Read, Rt, Sta 451-500E P92 Light, Pass Read, Rt, Sta 500E-552 P92 Light, Pass Read, Rt, Sta 552-692 P92 Light, Pass Read, Rt, Sta 692-727B P92 Light, Pas Read, Rt, Sta 727B-727G P92 Light, Pass Read, Rt, Sta 727G-768 P92 Light, Pass Read, Rt, Sta 768-880 P92 Light, Pass Read, Rt, Sta 880-937 P92 Light, Pass Read, Lt, Sta 340-451 P91 Light, Pass Read, Lt, Sta 451-500E P91 Light, Pass Read, Lt, Sta 500E-552 P91 Light, Pass Read, Lt, Sta 552-692 P91 Light, Pass Read, Lt, Sta 692-727B P91 Light, Pass Read, Lt, Sta 727B-727GP91 Light, Pass Read, Lt, Sta 727G-768 P91 Light, Pass Read, Lt, Sta 768-880 P91 Light, Pass Read, Lt, Sta 880-937 P91 Light, Position, Left P18-3 Light, Position, Right P18-3 Light, Runway Turnoff, Left P18-3 Light, Runway Turnoff, Right P18-3 Light, Sect 1 P6-3 Light, Sect 2 P6-3 Light, Sect 3 P6-3 Light, Sect 4 P6-3 Light, Sect 5 P6-3 Light, Sect 6 P6-3 Light, Sect 7 P6-3 Light, Sect 8 P6-3 Light, Stby Compass P6-3 Light, Thrsh P91 Light, WDO, Left P92 Light, WDO, Right P92 Light, Wheel well P92 Light, Window, Left P92 Light, Window, Right P92 Light, Wing Scan P18-3 Light, Work and Thrsh P91 Mach Trim, AC Sys A P18-1 Mach Trim, DC Sys A P18-1 Mach Trim, AC Sys B P6-2 Mach Trim, DC Sys B P6-2 Mach Warn Sys 1 P18-2 Mach Warn Sys 2 P6-1 B8 B9 A13 A12 C13 C12 E11 E12 E13 E14 F11 F12 F13 F14 A14 C1 E12 E11 C2 E12 E11 A14 C3 C4 D4 C1 B2 E3 B7 B4 B1 E11 E12 E13 E14 F11 F12 F13 F14 B15 C15 C14 B14 E14 D9 F1 A15 A9 D14 A10 D9 D10 E8 E9 E10 F8 F9 F10 B9 B10 C9 C10 A11 A12 P91 P92 P6-1 P6-3 P6-3 P6-3 P6-3 P6-3 P6-3 P18-1 P6-2 P6-3 P18-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P18-1 P6-1 P18-1 P6-1 P18-3 P18-3 P6-4 P6-4 P6-2 P6-2 P6-2 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P6-1 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P6-12 P6-12 P91 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-1 P6-3 P6-3 P6-3 P6-2 P6-2 P6-3 P 6-2 P 6-2 P18-1 P6-1 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 P6-5 P6-4 P18-3 P6-4 P6-4 P18-3 F6 F6 A13 B12 B13 C11 C12 C13 C14 D5 C3 A1 A2 A13 C8 C7 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 A3 A15 B1 A10 C11 C10 D1 D2 D2 D1 A19 F7 F8 F10 F9 D4 A9 A11 B9 B11 C6 C5 B16 B8 A8 A9 D11 A8 A5 A18 F3 F5 F7 F6 F1 E5 F18 F16 D2 A8 A9 D1 A15 A16 B4 A16 A8 B8 A4 B4 A4 E4 E7 E4 E1 E9 CIRCUIT BREAKERS (6-7-8) Main Bus 1 Main Bus 2 Marker Beacon 2 Master Caution, Annunciator Bus 1 Master Caution, Annunciator, Bat Master Caution, Annunciator, Cont 1 Master Caution, Annunciator, Cont 2 Master Caution, Annunciator, Cont 3 Master Caution, Annunciator, Cont 4 MCP DC 1 MCP DC 2 MIDU MMR 1 (GPS 1) MMR 2 (GPS 2) MPES MK II, Aeris Fx MPES MK II, Main Mux MPES MK II, VCC 28 vac MPES MK II, VCC 115 vac MPES MK II, VDU 1-4 MPES MK II, VDU 5-7 MPES MK II, VDU 8-10 Nav Control Panel 1 Nav Control Panel 2 Nav Sensor DC-1 Nav Sensor DC-2 No Smoking, Left No Smoking, Right Overboard Exh Vlv, Cont Overboard Exh Vlv, Reconfig Cont Overwing Flight Lock, Left Overwing Flight Lock, Right Overheat, Wheel Well, Wing-Body Oxygen, Indicator Oxygen, Manual Control Oxygen, Pass, Left Oxygen, Pass, Right PA Amp, Bat Pack Controller, Left Electronic (8) Pack Controller, Left Electronic (8) Pack Controller, Right Electronic (8) Pack Controller, Right Electronic (8) Pack Cont Valve, Left Pack Cont Valve, Right Parking Brake Passenger Call Right Passenger Call Left Passenger Crew Call Passenger Sign Cont PC Power, Y/C PC Power, F/C Pot Water Compressor Pressurization Control, Auto 1 Pressurization Control, Auto 2 Pressurization Control, Ind Pressurization Control, Manual Pressurization LCD Ltg PRTR (printer) Probe, Indication, Capt Probe, Indication, F/O PSEU, Altn PSEU, DC 1 PSEU, DC 2 PSEU, Primary PTU Valve, Cont 1 PTU Valve, Cont 2 Radio Altim 1 Radio Altim 2 Ram Air Mod Cont, Left Ram Air Mod Cont, Right Ram Air Mod Left Ram Air Mod Right RCCB, Remote Recirc Fan, Cabin Recirc Fan, Left Cabin Air (8) Recirc Fan, Right Cabin Air (8) Recirc Fan, Control Recirc Fan, Left Control (8) Recirc Fan, Right Control (8) P6-4 RMI 1 P18-1 Rudder Authority Limiter P6-2 Rudder Trim Indicator P6-2 Run/Pwr, Eng 1 P18-2 Run/Pwr, Eng 2 P6-2 SELCAL 1 P18-2 Sensor Exc, AC, AFCS Sys A P18-1 Service Outlet, 28 VDC P6-3 Service Outlet P92 Shaver Outlet 115 VAC P18-3 SMYD-1, Computer DC P18-2 SMYD-2, Computer DC P6-1 SMYD-1, Sensor EXC AC P18-2 SMYD-2, Sensor EXC AC P6-1 SPCU, Normal P6-5 SPCU, Standby P6-5 Spoiler Shutoff Valve P6-2 Stabilizer Trim P18-1 Stab Trim Actuator P6-2 Stab Trim Control P6-2 Stall Warn, Asym Mode P18-2 Standby Altm / ASI Vib P18-2 Standby Att Ind P18-2 Standby Bus, 28v AC Dist P6-4 Standby Bus, 115v AC Ind P6-4 Standby Bus, Sect 1 P6-5 Standby Bus, Sect 2 P6-5 Standby Hydraulic Pump P92 Start Lever, Eng 1, Channel A P18-2 Start Lever, Eng 2, Channel B P18-2 Start Lever, Eng 2, Channel A P6-2 Start Lever, Eng 2, Channel B P6-2 Start Valve Eng 1 P18-2 Start Valve Eng 2 P6-2 Stick Shaker, Left P18-2 Stick Shaker, Right P6-1 Switched Hot Batt Bus P6-5 Takeoff Warning Cutoff P6-3 TCAS P18-1 Temp Control, 35° F Left (6-7) P6-4 Temp Control, 35° F Right (6-7) P6-4 Temp Control, Auto Left (6-7) P6-4 Temp Control, Auto Right (6-7) P6-4 Temp Control, Manual (6-7) P6-4 Temp Control, Valve Close Left (8) P6-4 Temp Control, Valve Close Right (8) P6-4 Temperature Ind (600/700) P6-4 Terrain Display P18-1 Thrust Reverser, Cont, Eng 1 P18-2 Thrust Reverser, Cont, Eng 2 P6-2 Thrust Reverser, Ind, Eng 1 P18-2 Thrust Reverser, Ind, Eng 2 P6-2 Thrust Reverser, Interlock, Eng 1 P18-2 Thrust Reverser, Sync Lock, Eng 1 P18-2 Thrust Reverser, Interlock, Eng 2 P6-2 Thrust Reverser, Sync Lock, Eng 2 P6-2 Total Air Temperature Indicator P18-2 TR1 P91 TR3 ALTN P91 TR3, DC Indicator P6-5 TR3 XFR Relay Cont P6-4 Trail Edge Flap Pos Skew Snsr & Ind, Rt Trail Edge Flap Pos Skew Snsr & Ind, Lt Transfer Bus 1 Sect 2, 28 VAC P18-3 Transfer Bus 1, 28 VAC P91 Transfer Bus 2, 28 VAC P92 Transfer Bus 2, 115 VAC Ind P6-4 Transfer Bus 2, Sect 2, 28 VAC P6-4 Trim Air Press (800) P6-4 Trim Control, Aileron P6-2 Trim Control, Rudder P6-2 Trim Indicator, Rudder P6-2 TRU 1 P91 TRU 2 P92 TRU 3 P92 TRU 3 Altn P91 E2 A5 C9 D16 B3 B5 D15 C5 F1 E7 F12 E5 B5 E6 B4 B1 B2 B12 C2 D10 B10 E7 D10 D9 D15 D16 C1 C2 F2 B1 B2 B6 B7 B8 C4 E4 B6 B4 C18 B6 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 A1 B1 D2 A7 B5 C7 B4 C8 B6 B7 C6 C5 A7 A6 A4 C3 E11 P6-2 A11 P6-2 A12 C5 B10 B10 D13 D14 D9 D18 D19 D16 A6 A4 A6 A4 P92 P92 P18-3 P91 P91 P18-2 P6-1 P18-2 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P6-1 P18-2 P18-1 P6-1 P18-3 P18-3 P91 P6-1 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P6-11 P6-12 P6-11 P6-12 P6-11 P6-12 P18-3 P18-3 P18-3 P91 P91 P92 P92 P18-1 P18-1 P18-1 P18-1 P6-4 P6-4 P6-4 I-Z E9 E8 D19 F2 C11 D11 C3 D12 C7 C5 D5 D6 D7 D8 D7 A1 A12 D18 E19 A9 C9 D13 E1 F2 D2 D2 D1 E2 E2 E2 B9 A9 or B9 B7 A8 or B8 B8 A7 or B7 B3 B1 A1 F4 F5 F4 F5 C7 D7 C6 D6 C2 C3 C4 Leading Edge Libraries 1998 © Vacuum Outlet, Aft Vacuum Outlet, Fwd Vacuum Waste Vacuum Waste Blower Vacuum Waste Cont VHF 1 VHF 2 VHF 3 VID Cont Center AC VID Cont Center DC Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Voice Recorder VOR / MKR BCN 1 VOR 2 Waste, Water Line Heaters Water Drain Valve, Grey Water Qty Ind Weather Radar, R/T Window Heat Control, Lt Front AC Window Heat Control, Lt Front DC Window Heat Control, Lt Side AC Window Heat Control, Lt Side DC Window Heat Control, Rt Front AC Window Heat Control, Rt Front DC Window Heat Control, Rt Side AC Window Heat Control, Rt Side DC Window Heat Power, Lt Front Window Heat Power, Lt Side Window Heat Power, L4 & L5 Window Heat Power, RtFront Window Heat Power, RtSide Window Heat Power, R4 & R5 Windshield Wiper, Lt Windshield Wiper, Rt Wing Anti-ice Valve XFR BUS 1 SECT 1 XFR BUS 1 SECT 2 XFR BUS 2 SECT 1 XFR BUS 2 SECT 2 Yaw Damper AC Yaw Damper 1 DC Yaw Damper Indicator Yaw Damper 2 DC Zone Temp, Duct Ovht, Aft Pas (8) Zone Temp, Duct Ovht, Fwd Pas (8) Zone Temp, Duct Ovht,Flt Deck (8) -./ Jan 1999 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK CTC-188 CFMI Customer Training Center Snecma (RXEF) Direction de l’Après-Vente Civile MELUN-MONTEREAU Aérodrome de Villaroche B.P. 1936 77019 - MELUN-MONTEREAU Cedex FRANCE CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL CFMI Customer Training Services GE Aircraft Engines Customer Technical Education Center 123 Merchant Street Mail Drop Y2 Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 USA Published by CFMI Page 1 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL -./ CFM56-7B THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL -./ CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 2 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL COPYRIGHT 1998 CFM INTERNATIONAL COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 3 Jan 99 In addition, the technical data therein and the direct product of those data, may not be diverted, transferred, re-exported or disclosed in any manner not provided for by the license without prior written approval of both the U.S. Government and CFM International. The information (including technical data) contained in this document is the property of CFM International (GE and SNECMA). It is disclosed in confidence, and the technical data therein is exported under a U.S. Government license. Therefore, None of the information may be disclosed to other than the recipient. This CFMI publication is for Training Purposes Only. The information is accurate at the time of compilation; however, no update service will be furnished to maintain accuracy. For authorized maintenance practices and specifications, consult pertinent maintenance publications. -./ CFM56-7B THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL -./ CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 4 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Component Identification Exercice 2. GENERAL EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK 129-134 Index CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 128-134 7 8-9 10-127 7-127 5 Page Numbers Page 5 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Appendix A 3. Table of Contents 1. Objectives Component Identification Exercise Instructions Component Identification Exercise Topic SECTION -./ CFM56-7B THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL -./ CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 6 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL ENGINE CONFIGURATION EXERCICE OBJECTIVES CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ... selected components of the Nacelle ... selected components of the Engine Buildup Unit ... selected borescope ports or plugs ... selected components of the Fan Module ... selected components of the Core Module ... selected components of the HPT Module ... selected components of the LPT Module ... selected components of the AGB Module ... selected components of the TGB Module ... selected components of the IDG Cooling system ... selected components of the Fuel and Control system ... selected components of the Ignition system ... selected components of the Air system ... selected components of the Indicating system ... selected components of the Oil system ... selected components of the Start system COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 7 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL GENERAL Given an Engine Configuration Exercice, the student will identify and match the purpose of : -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL ENGINE LH SIDE ENGINE RH SIDE EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL VIEWED FROM BELOW VIEWED FROM BELOW Page 8 Jan 99 AFT LOOKING FWD (ALF) AFT LOOKING FWD (ALF) FWD LOOKING AFT (FLA) SIDE VIEW VIEWED FROM ABOVE TRAINING MANUAL SIDE VIEW VIEWED FROM ABOVE VIEWING POINT KEY : Enter the item number in the left hand column that corresponds with the identification of the line, accessory or component shown in the picture. Then enter the item number in the right hand column that corresponds with the purpose for the line, accessory, or component shown in the picture. General ENGINE CONFIGURATION EXERCICE -./ CFM56-7B 1 ITEM NO. CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 9 Jan 99 Provides access to thirty-four internal bolts that attach the spinner to the fan disk. Forward acoustical panel Provides noise suppression and a smooth aerodynamic secondary airflow path Provides the majority of the thrust produced by the engine SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides a smooth, inner aerodynamic flowpath for air entering thr engine 1 ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Fan Blade Spinner Spinner cover IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ENTER NUMBER HERE ENTER NUMBER HERE MATCH THE NAME OF THE COMPONENT TO THE CORRECT ANSWER. -./ CFM56-7B 3 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-001-00 -./ 4 CFM56-7B 1 5 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 2 Page 10 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides an aerodynamic surface between the fan blades. Enables engine balancing if vibration limits are abnormal. Balance screw Spherical indent for Fan Blade #1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 11 Jan 99 Provides containment of the fan blade spacers and the retaining ring. Spinner Front Cone jack screw hole GENERAL Provides a threaded hole to remove the spinner front cone. Spinner Rear Cone SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides alignment of the spinner cones and fan blades to the # 1 position for engine balancing. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Fan Blade Platform IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 2 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-002-00 -./ CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 3 4 Page 12 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Supports the fan blades. Balance weight for the fan disk CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 13 Jan 99 Holds and provides alignment of the platforms between the fan blades. Fan Disk GENERAL Provides retention of the fan blades and spacers. Fan Blade Dovetail Slot SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Allows extra weight to be added to the fan module for balancing at shop level only. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Fan Blade Platform Retention Pins IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 2 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-003-00 -./ 3 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 14 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL The Primary airflow entry. Outlet Guide Vanes (OGV’S) CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Directs the fan discharge airflow. Stage 1 booster vanes Page 15 Jan 99 SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Divides the Secondary and Primary airflow. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Splitter fairing IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 6 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-004-00 -./ 5 4 3 CFM56-7B 1 2 7 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 16 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides protection against ice formation. Provides axial retention of the fan blade spacers and provision for balance weights. Enables minimum clearance to be maintained between the fan blades and fan case. Monitors fan inlet temperature. Spinner front cone Fan Abradable Material Engine inlet cowl T12 sensor CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 17 Jan 99 Provides a smooth, inner, aerodynamic flowpath for air entering the engine. Fan blades GENERAL Provides most of the thrust produced by the engine. Spinner rear cone SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Supports the fan cowl for maintenance. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Fan cowl hold open rod IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 3 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-005-00 -./ CFM56-7B 6 4 5 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK 2 GENERAL 7 Page 18 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL A backup lock for the Thrust Reverser opening actuator in the Open position. Reverses Secondary airflow to reduce engine speed after landing. Diverts Secondary airflow. Commands deploy/stow of thrust reverser. Thrust Reverser opening actuator Thrust Reverser opening actuator inlet fitting Thrust Reverser opening actuator safety lock Thrust Reverser opening actuator lock collar Thrust Reverser translating actuator CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 19 Jan 99 Connection for the hand pump on the Thrust Reverser opening actuator to open the Thrust Reverser. GENERAL Mechanically locks the Thrust Reverser actuator in the Open position. Thrust Reverser blocker door SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Holds the Thrust Reverser open for maintenance. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Thrust Reverser IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-006-00 -./ 2 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 3 Page 20 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 21 Jan 99 Provides an access to the T12 sensor. Oil tank filler door GENERAL Provides an access for servicing the oil tank. T12 access panel SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides access for maintenance of the RH side of the fan module. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL RH fan cowl IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 6 1 8 7 5 4 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-007-00 -./ 12 11 CFM56-7B 3 2 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 10 9 Page 22 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Vents the oil tank with the forward sump Returns the oil to the oil tank to be used again Provides N1 speed information to the EEC and flight compartment. Provides the forward support structure for the engine core, fan module and forward engine mount Steel plate that indicates serial number, thrust ratings, etc. Provides support for some LRU’s and provides fan blade containment. Provides a place to store oil for the engine. Provides the opening to fill the oil tank and a drain area if the oil is spilt Provides the external means of checking the oil quantity inside the oil tank Oil tank Balance pressure line Oil scavenge return line Fan case Oil fill port and oil scupper Engine data plate Fan frame Remote oil filling ports Oil sight glass CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 23 Jan 99 Provides remote pressure servicing (optional) of the oil tank. Vibration sensor connector GENERAL Provides oil quantity data to the flight compartment Oil quantity transmitter SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides vibration data to the flight compartment ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL N1 sensor IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-008-00 -./ 1 CFM56-7B 2 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 24 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 25 Jan 99 Provides cooling airflow to the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) Unit. Inlet cowl thermal anti-ice valve SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides hot air flow in the engine inlet cowl. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Flexible cooling duct for the EEC IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-009-00 -./ 1 1 1 CFM56-7B 2 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 26 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 27 Jan 99 Provides the "brain" for engine control EEC wiring connections harness SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides an interface for engine and aircraft systems. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL EEC IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 3 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-010-00 -./ 4 5 1 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 6 Page 28 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides ambient air pressure information to the EEC from station 0. Provides air pressure information to the EEC from station 25 and is optional. Provides air pressure information to the EEC from station 3. Air sense line PS13 Air sense line PS3 Air sense line P0 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 29 Jan 99 Provides air pressure information to the EEC at station 13 and is optional. Air sense line P25 GENERAL Supports the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) or (ECU). EEC Identification Plug (P11) SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides electronic data that gives information to the EEC for engine configuration. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL EEC shock mount IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 3 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-011-00 -./ 4 2 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 5 Page 30 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides a path for the electrical energy to reach the RH igniter plug to cause a spark. Provides a path for the electrical energy to reach the LH igniter plug to cause a spark. LH ignition lead 115 Vac power supply connection CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 31 Jan 99 Provides the LH igniter plug with electrical power to start combustion. RH ignition lead GENERAL Provides the RH igniter plug with electrical power to start combustion. Lower exciter box SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the exciter boxes with aircraft electrical power. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Upper exciter box IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-012-00 -./ 3 CFM56-7B 4 5 6 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 32 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL ITEM NO. -./ ITEM NO. Discharges hot airflow from the engine inlet cowl. Provides air discharge for the starter. Provides cooling air to the EEC. EEC air inlet duct Outlet for the inlet anti-ice system Fan cowl airflow outlet CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 33 Jan 99 Provides protection and aerodynamic airflow over the engine LH fan module area. IDG access door GENERAL Allows servicing of the IDG. LH fan cowl latches EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL Mechanical fastener to secure the fan cowls. SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT TRAINING MANUAL LH fan cowl IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT CFM56-7B 2 1 3 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-013-00 -./ CFM56-7B 4 5 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 34 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Extracts the energy to turn the fan and LPC. Provides 80% of the thrust to operate the engine. Core Major Module Fan Major Module CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 35 Jan 99 Provides the energy to operate the engine. Inlet cowl GENERAL Provides electricity for the aircraft. Low Pressure Turbine Major Module SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides air into the engine. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 7 9 6 8 5 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-014-00 -./ 2 3 CFM56-7B 4 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 36 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Mechanical fastener to secure the IDG. Provides the electrical connections for the aircraft electrical systems from the engine. Allows servicing of the IDG from a remote oil supply system. Provides the ability to disconnect the IDG shaft and reset it after maintenance. Provides the ability to check the quantity of oil in the IDG. Provides the primary electrical energy for the aircraft electrical systems from the engine Phase lead terminal Disconnect reset ring Electrical connector Charge filter Pressure fill adapter IDG oil inlet port CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 37 Jan 99 Provides cooling oil from the IDG oil coolers to IDG for lubrication. IDG GENERAL Allows servicing of the IDG oil filter. Oil level sight glass SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides an electrical connection for the cockpit oil pressure signal. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL QAD ring IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 2 3 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-015-00 -./ 5 CFM56-7B 6 4 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 38 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Brings hot oil to be cooled by the IDG oil coolers. Allows adjustment of the AGB alignment. The support structure for the forward engine mount and the engine. Fan frame Differential pressure switch electrical connector AGB turnbuckle CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 39 Jan 99 Provides cool oil back to the IDG. IDG fuel/oil cooler OUT line GENERAL Cools IDG hot oil with cooler fuel. IDG fuel/oil cooler IN line SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Electrical connection for the differential pressure switch for the engine scavenge oil filter. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL IDG fuel/oil cooler IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-016-00 -./ 1 CFM56-7B 2 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 40 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 41 Jan 99 Provides cooling for the IDG oil using fan air in a heat exchanger. Aft acoustical panels SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Reduces engine noise. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL IDG air/oil cooler IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-017-00 -./ 4 CFM56-7B 3 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 42 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic pump. Hydraulic pump electrical connection CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 43 Jan 99 Provides hydraulic pump operation electrical information to the airplane. Hydraulic pump OUT line GENERAL Provides hydraulic fluid pressure to the airplane systems. Hydraulic pump IN line SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic pump. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Hydraulic pump IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-018-00 -./ CFM56-7B 4 5 3 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 44 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides air pressure to the starter. Provides N2 rotation by the manual method. Hand cranking pad EEC alternator CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 45 Jan 99 Provides electrical power to the electronic engine control box. N2 speed sensor GENERAL Provides core speed to the EEC and to the airplane systems. Starter air supply duct SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides N2 rotation using air pressure during starting. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Starter IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-019-00 -./ 1 CFM56-7B 2 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 46 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 47 Jan 99 Allows manual opening of the Starter Air Valve. Starter Air Valve SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides normal supply air pressure to the starter. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Starter Air Valve manual drive IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-020-00 -./ 3 4 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 5 6 Page 48 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Supplies hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic filter. Operates the thrust reverser to deploy and stow. Supplies electrical feedback information about the thrust reversers position. Hydraulic connector for the supply line Thrust reverser actuator Hydraulic connector for the hydraulic fluid filter CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 49 Jan 99 Supplies hydraulic fluid to the airplane. Electrical connector for the thrust reversers GENERAL Supplies hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic pump. Fuel supply line to the engine SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides fuel to the engine fuel pump. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Hydraulic connector for the pressure line IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-021-00 -./ 2 CFM56-7B 3 1 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 5 Page 50 Jan 99 4 TRAINING MANUAL Provides downstream protection to fuel nozzles. Provides fuel flow information to the airplane for indication. Fuel Flow transmistter electrical connector In-line fuel filter CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 51 Jan 99 Secures and safeties the actuator. Fuel Flow transmitter GENERAL Supplies electrical information path to the airplane for fuel flow indication, etc. Thrust reverser opening actuator safety lock collar SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Operates the T/R to open or close it. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Thrust reverser hold open actuator IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 5 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-022-00 -./ 3 1 4 CFM56-7B 2 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 52 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Supplies electrical information to the airplane for engine oil pressure indication. Provides fan blade containment and support for some LRU’s. Oil pressure sensor Fan case CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 53 Jan 99 Supplies electrical information to the airplane for engine oil temperature indication. Oil pressure sensor electrical connection GENERAL Supplies electrical path to the airplane for engine oil pressure indication. Oil temperature sensor SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Supplies electrical path to the airplane for engine oil temperature indication. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Oil temperature sensor electrical connection IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 3 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-023-00 -./ 4 CFM56-7B 5 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 1 Page 54 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides cooling of the engine oil. Heats the engine fuel to prevent ice particles entering the engine servo systems. Engine fuel supply line Servo fuel heater CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 55 Jan 99 Provides the N2 drive for the AGB. Main fuel/oil heat exchanger GENERAL Supports and turns the accessories for the engine and aircraft. Transfer Gear Box (TGB) SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides fuel to the fuel pump. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Accessory Gear Box (AGB) IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 8 1 7 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-024-00 -./ 6 CFM56-7B 3 4 GENERAL 5 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK 2 Page 56 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides the hydraulic muscle to operate the servo systems. Carries an HPSOV position signal to the EEC, then to the ENGINE CLOSED light. Electrical connection for EEC channel B. Electrical connection for EEC channel A. Allows inspection of the LP stage pump impeller Hydromechanical Unit (HMU) Fuel pump Fuel line QAD ring Low Pressure stage fuel pump inspection plug CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 57 Jan 99 Provides the fuel to the engine fuel systems. Airframe shutoff (HPSOV) feedback GENERAL Secures the fuel pump to AGB. Channel A SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides fuel from the LP fuel pump to the IDG oil cooler. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Channel B IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-025-00 -./ 3 1 2 CFM56-7B 7 6 4 GENERAL COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK 5 Page 58 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides pressure information to signal fuel filter clogging. Filters oil from the engine oil return. Allows adjustment of the AGB for alignment. Allows draining of the engine fuel filter. Fuel filter drain plug Fuel filter differential pressure switch Oil filter differential pressure switch AGB turnbuckle CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 59 Jan 99 Provides pressure information to signal oil filter clogging. Fuel filter GENERAL Secures the oil filter and prevents rotation. Oil scavenge filter lock release SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Filters fuel from the LP pump. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Oil scavenge filter IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-026-00 -./ 2 4 CFM56-7B 6 3 7 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 5 Page 60 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides alignment for proper installation. Provides the oil for the engine AGB. Provides the oil supply and return for the engine oil system. Allows the use of a tool to remove the scavenge oil filter. Supply oil filter pop-out indicator Pressure oil supply filter AGB oil supply line Scavenge oil filter unlocking lugs CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 61 Jan 99 Provides a clogging indication by a red pin that pops out if the supply oil filter clogs. Magnetic chip detector GENERAL Allows inspection for sumps debris. Magnetic chip detector bayonet slot SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Filters the oil. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Lubrication unit IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-027-00 -./ 2 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK 4 GENERAL 3 Page 62 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL returns oil from the engine AGB and TGB. Provides the oil to the engine sumps and accessories. Forward sump scavenge oil line AGB TGB scavenge oil line CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Returns oil from the engine forward sump. Rear sump scavenge oil line Page 63 Jan 99 SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Returns oil from the engine aft sump. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Engine oil supply line IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-028-00 -./ CFM56-7B 2 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 64 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 65 Jan 99 Provides the electrical path to the junction box then to the airplane CDU. Debris Monitoring System chip detector lead SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the CDU information on oil system contamination in the AGB, TGB, forward and aft sumps. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Debris Monitoring System chip detector IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 3 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-029-00 -./ 1 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 2 Page 66 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Drain line CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 67 Jan 99 Provides the electrical path to the junction box then to the airplane CDU. Debris Monitoring System chip detector lead GENERAL Provides the CDU with information on oil system contamination in the AGB, TGB, forward and aft sumps. SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Oil tank scupper drain. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Debris Monitoring System junction box (optional) IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 2 3 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-030-00 -./ 1 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 68 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 69 Jan 99 Supplies pressurized oil to keep the anti-leakage valve open. Oil pressure line GENERAL Allows removal of the lubrication unit without draining the oil tank. Oil supply line SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the lubrication unit with oil. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Anti-leakage valve IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 2 3 4 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-031-00 -./ 5 6 7 CFM56-7B 8 9 10 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 11 Page 70 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL 6:00 o’clock drain tube bundle Strut drain line HMU drain line Main fuel/oil heat exchanger drain line LPTACC valve and burner staging valve drain line HPTACC valve drain line Transient Bleed Valve drain line LH VSV actuator drain line RH VSV actuator drain line LH VBV actuator drain line RH VBV actuator drain line IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ ITEM NO. CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 71 Jan 99 SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT TRAINING MANUAL 2 3 4 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-032-00 -./ 1 5 8 6 9 7 CFM56-7B 11 10 12 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 72 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides the fuel pressure to operate the LPTACC valve. Provides the fuel to operate the HPTACC valve. Provides fuel pressure to open the VSV’s. Provides the fuel pressure to close the VSV’s. Provides the reference pressure to operate some valves. Provides the fuel pressure to close the BSV. Provides the fuel pressure to open the VBV doors. Provides servo system fuel signals to operate engine components and regulates fuel for nozzles. Provides the electrical signal to operate the HPSOV. VSV Head line Transient Bleed Valve line HPTACC valve line LPTACC valve line HMU PCR line Burner Staging Valve line HPSOV electrical connector Fan frame CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 73 Jan 99 Supports the forward part of the engine. VSV Rod line GENERAL Provides the fuel pressure to close the VBV doors. VBV Close line SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the fuel pressure to operate the TBV. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL VBV Open line IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 3 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-033-00 -./ CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 1 Page 74 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 75 Jan 99 Relays the N2 drive for the AGB. Fan frame strut fairing GENERAL Provides the air signal to operate the engine oil pressure indicator. Transfer Gear Box SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the housing for the 9 o’clock tube bundle. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Forward sump vent line IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-034-00 -./ 1 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 76 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 77 Jan 99 Provides the mechanical drive power to operate the VBV’s. LH VBV actuator SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the high pressure bleed air control. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Engine High Pressure bleed air regulator IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 4 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-035-00 -./ 3 CFM56-7B 2 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 78 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Supports and provides rigidity to the fan frame Fan frame strut CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 79 Jan 99 Redirects the air out of the fan Internal V-groove panel GENERAL Provides the cover over the VBV and the air outlet when they are open Outlet Guide Vanes SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the attachment support for the thrust reverser system and core cowl air sealing ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Fan duct panel IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-036-00 -./ 4 5 CFM56-7B 3 7 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 6 Page 80 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Changes the hydraulic actuator movement into a mechanical movement, to open and close the VBV’s. Changes the hydraulic actuator movement into an electrical position feedback signal to the EEC. Drains the fuel in case of actuator seal leakage. One of the muscles to open the VBV doors. VBV actuator LVDT position feedback connector VBV actuator rod line (close) VBV actuator head line (open) LH VBV actuator CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 81 Jan 99 Fuel pressure to close the VBV’s. Variable Bleed Valve actuator drain line GENERAL Fuel pressure to open the VBV’s. Variable Bleed Valve actuator connecting rod SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the booster air control into the core to prevent a stall. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Variable Bleed Valve door IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-037-00 -./ CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 4 Page 82 Jan 99 3 TRAINING MANUAL Supports the HPC Stators. Metal core measurement placard CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 83 Jan 99 Indicates the dimension of the core for modular maintenance. High Pressure Compressor forward stator case. GENERAL Changes the hydraulic fluid to a mechanical force to move the bellcrank assembly. Variable Stator Vane actuator SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Changes the hydraulic actuator movement into a mechanical movement, to open and close the VSV’s. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Variable Stator Vane bellcrank IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-038-00 -./ 3 2 4 CFM56-7B 1 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 84 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Inlet Guide Vanes Variable Stator Vane stage 3 Variable Stator Vane stage 2 Variable Stator Vane stage 1 IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ ITEM NO. CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 85 Jan 99 SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-039-00 -./ 1 3 CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 2 Page 86 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 87 Jan 99 Provides the cover over the VBV and an air outlet when VBV’s are open. LPT air inlet scoop GENERAL Provides the booster air control into the core to prevent a stall. Fan duct panel (removed) SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides air to cool the LPT turbine stator case. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Variable Bleed Valve door IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 3 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-040-00 -./ CFM56-7B 1 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 88 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 89 Jan 99 Controls the clearance inside the engine between the HPT rotor and HPT shroud. HPTACC Valve GENERAL Provides structural strength to the HPT shroud. HPT air duct SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides 4th and 9th stage cooling air to the HP turbine shroud support. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL HPT shroud support IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-041-00 -./ CFM56-7B 5 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK 4 GENERAL 3 2 Page 90 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides the valve position feedback to the EEC. Supplies vibration monitoring data to the AVM. HPTACC valve fuel manifold FFCCV electrical connection CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 91 Jan 99 Provides the hydraulic pressure to move the HPTACC valve. HPTACC electrical connection GENERAL Supplies high pressure bleed air for HPT rotor and HPT shroud clearance control. HPTACC Valve 4th stage bleed air duct SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Supplies low pressure bleed air for HPT rotor and HPT shroud clearance control. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL HPTACC Valve 9th stage bleed air duct IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 4 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-042-00 -./ 3 CFM56-7B 5 2 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 1 Page 92 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Controls the fuel flow for the staged fuel nozzles. The other fuel nozzle manifold that is not controlled by the BSV. (SAC) fuel nozzle (SAC) Burner Staging Valve CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 93 Jan 99 The 10 fuel nozzle manifold where fuel can be turned ON or OFF by the BSV. (SAC) Unstaged fuel manifold GENERAL Provides protection from fuel going all over the engine if a leak occurs. (SAC) Staged fuel manifold SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the fuel flow in the combustion chamber. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Fuel spray shield IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 5 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-043-00 -./ 3 CFM56-7B 4 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 2 1 Page 94 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides access to the combustion chamber to be inspected. Provides the electrical feedback signals to the EEC. Combustor borescope plug BSV electrical connectors CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 95 Jan 99 Provides the electrical path for the spark in the combustion chamber. RH ignition lead GENERAL Controls the fuel flow for the staged fuel nozzles. LH ignition lead SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides the electrical path for the spark in the combustion chamber. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL (SAC) Burner Staging Valve IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-044-00 -./ 2 4 3 5 6 CFM56-7B 7 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 96 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides access to the HPC for inspection. Provides access to the HPC for inspection. Provides access to the HPC for inspection. Provides access to the HPC for inspection. S6 Borescope plug S5 Borescope plug (DAC) Burner Modulating Valve (DAC) Burner Modulating Valve electrical connection CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 97 Jan 99 Provides access to the HPC for inspection. S7 Borescope plug GENERAL Provides the electrical path to the EEC for position of the BMV. S8 Borescope plug SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Controls the fuel flow between the staged and unstaged DAC fuel nozzles. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL S9 Borescope plug IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 4 3 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-045-00 -./ CFM56-7B COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK GENERAL 2 Page 98 Jan 99 TRAINING MANUAL Provides the fan air path to the LPT case HPT air duct CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION WORKBOOK Page 99 Jan 99 1 of 4 tubes that cool the LPT nozzles with fourth stage air. LPT nozzle cooling manifold GENERAL Ducts cooling air to the HPT shroud support. LPTCC valve SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Controls the fan air to the LPT case. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL LPT air duct IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 5 4 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-046-00 -./ 3 CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 100 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 2 GENERAL 1 TRAINING MANUAL Provides the path for electricity to the LH igniter plug. Provides the path for electricity to the RH igniter plug. Carries HPC inlet temperature data for the control logic. RH ignition lead Ignition lead cooling manifold T25 sensor lead CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 101 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Provides 9th stage bleed air to the airplane systems. LH ignition lead SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides cooling air to the ignition leads. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL High Stage Bleed Air Valve IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 3 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-047-00 -./ 4 CFM56-7B 1 5 COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 102 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL Provides the electrical path to the EEC for position of the TBV. Operates the TBV butterfly. Controls the fuel flow for the staged fuel nozzles. TBV electrical connection BSV Transient Bleed Valve CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 103 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Controls 9th stage air bleed to ease engine acceleration. Ignition lead cooling manifold SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Cools the ignition leads. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Transient Bleed Valve actuator IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 5 6 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-048-00 -./ CFM56-7B 2 1 3 COMPONENT WORKBOOK 7 Page 104 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL 4 TRAINING MANUAL Fuel nozzle with a blue band. Prevents 9th stage bleed air reverse flow into the HPC. Provides access to the HPT rotor trailing edge. Supports the HPT shroud. Distributes fuel into three manifolds the pilot, main 1, and main 2. (DAC) Cooling fuel nozzle (DAC) Bleed fuel nozzle (DAC) Fuel manifolds Borescope plug HPT Shroud support CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 105 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Fuel nozzle with a gold band. 5th Stage bleed air check valve SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Controls 9th stage bleed air to the airplane. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL High Stage bleed air valve IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 4 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-049-00 -./ 1 3 2 CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 106 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL Prevents leakage if the B nut comes loose. Distributes fuel into the staged and unstaged manifolds (SAC) Fuel supply manifolds Fuel nozzle drain shroud CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 107 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Sprays the fuel into the combustor. PS3 line (also called CDP) SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Sensor line for the 9th stage air called compressor discharge pressure (CDP). ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL (SAC) Fuel nozzle IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 2 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-050-00 -./ 1 CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 108 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 109 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Senses engine fires and sends the information to the flight compartment HPTCC sensor SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides information to the EEC on the HPT shroud support temperature. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Fire loop detection sensor IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-051-00 -./ 2 CFM56-7B 1 COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 110 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 111 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Supports the combustion chamber. T3 sensor SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides information to the EEC on the CDP temperature. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Combustion Case IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-052-00 -./ 2 1 CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 112 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL 3 TRAINING MANUAL Supports the LPT case and attaches to the rear engine mount. Turbine Rear Frame support CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 113 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Provides provision for tooling attachment. T5 Sensor (optional) SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides information to the EEC on the LPT exhaust temperature. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Turbine Rear Frame IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-053-00 -./ 2 CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 114 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL 3 TRAINING MANUAL Drains the LPT case. LPT case drain CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK GENERAL Page 115 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 Returns the oil from the rear sump. Oil scavenge line SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Provides oil to the rear sump. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Oil supply line IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-054-00 -./ 3 2 CFM56-7B 1 COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 116 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL Supplies cooling air to the LPT manifold impingement holes. Fire loop detection sensors CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 117 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Monitors the T49.5 station and sends the data to the EEC and flight compartment. EGT harness and probes SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Sends fire information to the flight compartment. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL LPT cooling tubes manifold IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-055-00 -./ 2 CFM56-7B 3 COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 118 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL 1 TRAINING MANUAL Transmits the thrust between the engine and aircraft. Fire bottle discharge distribution tubes. CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 119 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Controls the quantity of fan air directed to the precooler. Thrust bar SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT To put out engine fires. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Precooler air valve IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-056-00 -./ CFM56-7B 3 2 COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 120 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL Cools the bleed air for the airplane systems. Precooler 450 Degree F. Temperature sense Line CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 121 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Transmits the precooler temperature to the A/C systems. Precooler downstream pressure sense Line SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Transmits the precooler pressure to the A/C systems. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Precooler IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-057-00 -./ 2 CFM56-7B 3 COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 122 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL Supports the engine. Labyrinth seals Page 123 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 COMPONENT WORKBOOK GENERAL Ducts the primary airflow. Rear engine mount CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TRAINING MANUAL SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Contains engine fires. ITEM NO. Primary exhaust nozzle IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-058-00 -./ CFM56-7B 2 4 COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 124 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL 3 TRAINING MANUAL Transmits thrust from engine to aircraft. Reduces A/C speed after landing. Thrust Reverser Thrust link CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 125 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Smooths the primary airflow. Exhaust plug SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Primary airflow inner duct and sumps venting. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Primary exhaust nozzle IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B 1 CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL CTC-189-059-00 -./ 3 CFM56-7B 2 COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 126 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL Slows down the airplane with up to 80% of fan air and ducts the secondary airflow. Thrust Reverser CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 127 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Exhausts primary air. Flame arrestor SEL ECT THE PURPOSE THA T MA TCHES THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT Stops fire from entering the engine center vent tube. ITEM NO. TRAINING MANUAL Primary exhaust IDENTIFY THE L INE, A CCESSORY OR COMPONENT EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL ITEM NO. -./ CFM56-7B CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL -./ APPENDIX A CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 128 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL Accessory Gear Box Aft acoustical panels AGB oil supply line AGB turnbuckle Airframe shutoff (HPSOV) feedback Air inlet duct for EEC Air sense line P0 Air sense line P25 Air sense line PS13 Air sense line PS3 Anti-leakage valve Balance pressure line Balance screw Bleed air check valve (5th stage) Bleed fuel nozzle (DAC) Borescope plugs S5 thru S9 Burner Modulating Valve (DAC) BMV electrical connectors Burner Staging Valve (SAC) BSV line BSV electrical connectors CDP line CFMI logo Charge filter Channel A connector Channel B connector 55. 41. 61. 39/59. 57. 33. 29. 29. 29. 29. 69. 23. 11. 105. 105. 97. 97. 97. 93/95. 73. 95. 107. 17. 37. 57. 57. CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL COMPONENT PAGE -./ 37. 71. 27. 45. 29. 29. 27. 117. 37. 17. 23. 49/55. 63. 77. 125. 17. 17. 111. 95. 105. 35. 65. 65/67. 67. 39. PAGE INDEX CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 129 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Combustion case Combustor borescope plug Cooling fuel nozzle (DAC) Core major module Debris Monitoring System chip detector DMS chip detector lead DMS junction box (optional) Differential pressure switch electrical connector Disconnect reset ring Drain tube bundle (6 o’clock) Electronic Engine Control EEC alternator EEC ID plug EEC shock mount EEC wiring connections harness EGT harness and probes Electrical connector Engine inlet cowl Engine data plate Engine fuel supply line Engine oil supply line Engine HP bleed air regulator Exhaust plug Fan abradable material Fan blades COMPONENT TRAINING MANUAL Fan blade dovetail slot Fan blade platform Fan blade platform retention pins Fan case Fan cowl hold-open rod Fan disk Fan disk balance weight Fan frame Fan frame strut Fan duct panel Fan major module FFCCV sensor lead Fire loop detection sensors Fire bottle discharge distribution tubes Flame arrestor Flexible cooling duct (EEC) Forward sump scavenge oil line Forward sump vent line Fuel filter Fuel filter drain plug Fuel filter differential pressure switch Fuel flow transmitter Fuel flow transmitter electrical connector Fuel line Fuel manifold (DAC) Fuel nozzle (SAC) Fuel nozzle drain shroud Fuel pump 13. 11. 13. 23/53. 17. 13. 13. 23/39. 75/79. 79/87. 35. 91. 109. 119. 127. 25. 63. 75. 59. 59. 59. 51. 51. 57. 105. 93. 107. 57. CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL COMPONENT -./ PAGE 89/93. 107. 45. 101. 57/73. 71. 83. 73. 89/99. 105. 89. 91. 89. 71. 91. 73. 91. 91. 109. 49. 49. 49. 43. 43. 43. 43. 35/69. 33. PAGE CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 130 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Fuel spray shield Fuel supply manifold (SAC) Hand cranking pad High stage bleed air valve Hydro-Mechanical Unit HMU drain line HPC forward stator case HPSOV electrical connector HPT air duct HPT rotor borescope plug HPT shroud support HPTACC electrical connection HPTACC valve HPTACC valve drain line HPTACC valve fuel manifold HPTACC valve line HPTACC valve 5th stage bleed air duct HPTACC valve 9th stage bleed air duct HPTCC sensor Hydraulic connector (hydraulic fluid filter) Hydraulic connector (pressure line) Hydraulic connector (supply line) Hydraulic pump Hydraulic pump electrical connection Hydraulic pump IN line Hydraulic pump OUT line Integrated Drive Generator IDG access door COMPONENT TRAINING MANUAL IDG air/oil cooler IDG fuel/oil cooler IDG fuel/oil cooler IN line IDG fuel/oil cooler OUT line IDG oil inlet port Ignition lead cooling manifold Inlet cowl Inlet cowl thermal anti-ice valve Inlet guide vanes In-line fuel filter Labyrinth seals LH ignition lead LH fan cowl LH fan cowl latches LH VBV actuator LH VBV actuator drain line LH VSV actuator drain line Lower exciter box Low Pressure Turbine major module LP stage fuel pump inspection plug LPT air inlet scoop LPTACC valve & BSV drain line LPTACC valve line LPTCC valve LPT air duct LPT cooling tubes manifold LPT nozzle cooling manifold Lube unit 41. 39. 39. 39. 37. 101. 35. 25. 85. 51. 123. 31/95. 33. 33. 77/81. 71. 71. 31. 35. 57. 87. 71. 73. 99. 99. 117. 99. 61. CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL COMPONENT PAGE -./ 61. 61. 55. 71. 83. 23. 45. 23. 59. 61. 69. 53. 53. 23. 59. 59. 23. 69. 69. 37. 69. 23. 21. 53. 53. 33. 33. 15/79. PAGE CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 131 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Magnetic chip detector Magnetic chip detector bayonet slot Main fuel/oil heat exchanger Main fuel/oil heat exchanger drain line Metal core measurement placard N1 sensor N2 sensor Oil fill port and oil scupper Oil filter differential pressure switch Oil filter pop-out indicator Oil pressure line (anti-leakage valve) Oil pressure sensor Oil pressure sensor electrical connection Oil quantity indicator transmitter Oil scavenge filter Oil scavenge filter lock release Oil scavenge return line Oil scupper drain line Oil sight glass Oil level sight glass (IDG) Oil supply line Oil tank Oil tank filler door Oil temperature sensor Oil temp sensor electrical connection Outlet for inlet cowl anti-ice system Outlet for fan cowl airflow Outlet guide vanes COMPONENT TRAINING MANUAL PCR line Phase lead terminal Power supply connection (115Vac) Precooler Precooler air valve Precooler downstream pressure sense line Precooler temperature sense line Pressure fill adapter Pressure oil supply filter Primary exhaust Primary exhaust nozzle Quick attach/detach ring Rear engine mount Rear sump cavity drain Rear sump oil supply line Rear sump scavenge oil line Rear sump scavenge oil return line Remote oil filling ports RH fan cowl RH ignition lead RH VBV actuator drain line RH VSV actuator drain line Scavenge oil filter unlocking lugs Scavenge oil line (AGB/TGB) Servo fuel heater Spherical indent Spinner front cone Spinner rear cone 73. 37. 31. 121. 119. 121. 121. 37. 61. 127. 123. 37/57. 123. 115. 115. 63. 115. 23. 21. 31/95. 71. 71. 61. 63. 55. 11. 17. 11/17. CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL COMPONENT -./ PAGE 11. 15. 93. 15. 45. 45. 47. 47. 71. 111. 113. 21. 17. 101. 119. 125. 19. 19/49. 19. 49. 51. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19/51. 55/75. 103. PAGE CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 132 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL Spinner front cone jack screw hole Splitter fairing Staged fuel manifold (SAC) Stage 1 booster vanes Starter Starter air supply duct Starter air valve Starter air valve manual drive Strut drain line T3 sensor T5 sensor (optional) T12 access panel T12 sensor T25 sensor lead Thrust link Thrust link (power plant) Thrust Reverser T/R actuator T/R blocker door T/R electrical connector T/R hold-open actuator T/R opening actuator T/R opening actuator inlet fitting T/R opening actuator lock collar T/R opening actuator safety lock T/R safety lock collar Transfer Gearbox Transient Bleed Valve COMPONENT TRAINING MANUAL TBV actuator TBV drain line TBV electrical connection TBV line Turbine rear frame Turbine rear frame support Unstaged fuel manifold (SAC) Upper exciter box Vibration sensor connector VBV actuator connecting rod VBV actuator drain line VBV actuator head line (open) VBV actuator LVDT position feedback connector VBV actuator rod line (close) VBV close line VBV door VBV open line VSV acuator VSV bellcrank VSV head line VSV rod line VSV stage 1, 2, & 3 V-groove panel 103. 71. 103. 73. 113. 113. 93. 31. 23. 81. 81. 81. 81. CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL 81. 73. 81/87. 73. 83. 83. 73. 73. 85. 79. COMPONENT PAGE -./ CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 133 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CFMI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EFFECTIVITY B737-600, -700, -800, -900, -BBJ/ALL -./ CFM56-7B COMPONENT WORKBOOK Page 134 IDENTIFICATION Jan 99 GENERAL TRAINING MANUAL EQUIP CENTERS - E-2