See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Hacker types, motivations and strategies: A comprehensive framework Article in Computers in Human Behavior Reports · January 2022 DOI: 10.1016/j.chbr.2022.100167 CITATIONS READS 25 3,187 4 authors, including: Samuel Chng Ayush Kumar Singapore University of Technology and Design Integral University 45 PUBLICATIONS 801 CITATIONS 6 PUBLICATIONS 33 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Samuel Chng on 20 January 2022. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Computers in Human Behavior Reports 5 (2022) 100167 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Computers in Human Behavior Reports journal homepage: Hacker types, motivations and strategies: A comprehensive framework Samuel Chng a, *, Han Yu Lu b, Ayush Kumar b, David Yau c a Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore ST Engineering-Singapore University of Technology and Design Cyber Security Laboratory, Singapore c Information Systems Technology and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore b A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Cybersecurity Cyberpsychology Hacker Motivation Cyberattack Typology Understanding and predicting cyber malfeasance is an emerging area of research with the increase in cyber­ crimes and heightened awareness about cybersecurity in recent years. The nature of cybercrimes is also becoming increasingly complex as hackers are more proficient and well-financed than earlier. Thus, our un­ derstanding of the various types of hackers and their motivations needs to be consistently updated. We identified and reviewed 11 classifications and typologies of hackers and their motivations published over three decades to consolidate our understanding in this area and summarize the state of the art. Following that, we present a unified framework of 13 hacker types and 7 unique motivations. In addition, we detail the strategies each hacker type typically employs. This framework, applicable to various domains, allows readers to map various motiva­ tions to each hacker type and understand that hackers often hold multiple motivations at once. It also allows for the identification of specific hacker types based on the strategies used during a cyberattack. 1. Introduction Cybercrimes are on the rise globally (International Telecommuni­ cation Union, 2019; Rege-Patwardhan, 2009), including “damage and destruction of data, stolen money, lost productivity, theft of intellectual property, theft of personal and financial data, embezzlement, fraud, post-attack disruption to the normal course of business, forensic inves­ tigation, restoration and deletion of hacked data and systems, and reputational harm” (Cybersecurity Ventures, 2020). These cybercrimes can be transnational, and we expect the number of cybercrimes to continue to increase with the rise in the number of Internet users. It is projected that there will be 6 billion Internet users globally by 2022 and more than 7.5 billion by 2030 (Cybersecurity Ventures, 2020). In the United States alone, cybercrimes are the fastest growing crime and are increasing in size, complexity, and cost (Cybersecurity Ventures, 2019). The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI)’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported 467,361 complaints and more than US$3.5 billion in losses in 2019, the highest numbers recorded since the centre was established in 2000 (FBI, 2019). The techniques employed by cybercriminals have become increasingly sophisticated over the years, with victims finding it more and more difficult to notice any red flags (FBI, 2019). The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the world towards increased technological innovation and online collaboration, and unsurprisingly, the occurrence of cybercrimes has also increased. The United Nations’ disarmament chief reported a 600% uptick in cybercrimes, specifically in sophisticated phishing schemes, during the COVID-19 pandemic (Lederer, 2020). For instance, cybercriminals are posing as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or World Health Organization repre­ sentatives to deceive online victims into taking actions such as clicking on a malicious web link or opening an e-mail attachment containing a virus (PurpleSec, 2020). With cybercrimes causing damage to both private and public enter­ prises, it is estimated that global spending on cybersecurity will exceed $1 trillion cumulatively between 2017 and 2021 (Cybersecurity Ven­ tures, 2019). To date, most research in cybersecurity has focused on technological aspects with less emphasis on the human factors behind cybercrimes. Today, cybercrimes are detected much faster than before, but there continues to be a limited ability to determine who is behind the cybercrime and what are their intentions. This is particularly true for hackers, a group of cybercriminals who work with relative impunity, beyond traditional jurisdictions and physical borders (Rogers, 2011). To answer the above questions, we need a strong understanding of the motivations that underpin the intentions and actions of hackers, and the strategies that they employ to achieve them. This augments cyberse­ curity technologies that are being developed and helps operators decide on appropriate actions during attacks on their systems and networks. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (S. Chng). Received 24 September 2021; Received in revised form 3 January 2022; Accepted 14 January 2022 Available online 19 January 2022 2451-9588/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open ( access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license S. Chng et al. Computers in Human Behavior Reports 5 (2022) 100167 Beveren’s (2001) model assumed that the majority of hackers begin as a novice (e.g., toolkit newbies) before acquiring more skills, knowl­ edge and experience to become semi-professionals (e.g., cyberpunks, old guards). This suggests that as hackers develop their skills, the intentions and motivations sustaining their activities might also evolve. Six prop­ ositions were presented for the development of a novice hacker: (a) positive feedback must be present within the toolkits and information gathered, (b) development of skills is dependent on the available tools and challenges faced within the online environment, (c) flow occurs when there is a correspondence between skills and challenges, (d) a novice turns into a semi-professional via the development of appropriate skills, (e) the flow experience rapidly increases the motivation to further develop skills and search for more challenges, (f) a novice hacker would be drawn toward less sophisticated cybercrimes if there are criminal tendencies within the individual. Abbreviations DDoS SQL PC IT RDP VPN Distributed Denial-of-Service Structured Query Language Personal Computer Information Technology Remote Desktop Protocol Virtual Private Network Historically, hackers were known as one generic group. This was akin to grouping all cybercriminals into a general category, regardless of their actions and motivations (Rogers, 2006). Today, cybersecurity ex­ perts have access to typologies of hackers and their motivations, which provide them with a better understanding of the constellation of cybercrimes. However, the hackers’ motivations, the types of attacks they use, and their level of sophistication continue to evolve. Hence, the typologies of hackers developed in the past few decades need to be updated. In addition, there is a need for typologies to go beyond describing the type of hacker and their motivation by providing further information about how the hackers would typically go about their ac­ tivities. Doing so will aid the cybersecurity community in understanding and analyzing the potential threats from hackers. To address the above, we reviewed existing research and typologies to present a comprehensive framework that maps different types of hackers to their motivations and the typical attack strategies that they employ. This paper is organised in the following manner. In Section 2, we review existing theories on the factors that motivate hackers to hack. In Section 3, we present and discuss the proposed framework. Finally, in Section 4, we discuss ways in which the proposed framework may be used by the cybersecurity community to analyse cyberattacks. 2.2. Bandura’s social learning theory Albert Bandura’s (1977) social learning theory posits that in­ dividuals pick up criminal behaviours through associating with crimi­ nals in personal or social groups. The basic premise here is that both deviant and conforming behaviours are produced by the same high-level learning process whereby learning takes place in the context of social structure, interactions, and situations. Hence, an individual is likely to engage in criminal behaviour if he chooses to differentially associate with criminals and imitate their behaviours, is exposed to definitions (attitudes, norms, orientations) that justify or rationalize such behav­ iour, and whether he received differential reinforcement that rewarded similar behaviour in the past. The positive reinforcement hackers receive from the community often outweighs the punishment received from the real world. Therefore, deviant cyber behaviours might continue unabated or even increase when the overall ratio of positive reinforce­ ment to punishment for the hacker is very disproportionately enticing. However, as existing social norms suggest, humans tend not to engage in deviant behaviours unless otherwise having convinced themselves that their actions are justified. This makes it likely that cybercriminals would then feel a need to justify their illicit activities in the form of pursuing a noble or higher cause (Rogers, 2011). This is encapsulated in the concept of moral disengagement (Bandura, 2014). For example, hackers who have engaged in malicious insider cyber­ crimes may justify their actions as a result of access given to them and enabled by the system’s weakness (Atkinson, 2019). This is similarly observed among hackers who are part of state actors or organizations, whereby they can justify their actions as patriotism or loyalty. 2. Theories on why hackers hack Behavioural science plays a complementary role in cybersecurity, helping develop a stronger understanding of why hackers do what they do, because hackers are, at the end of the day, still humans. That is to say, they possess both rational and irrational cognitive processes and motivations that determine their actions. Different theories across different disciplines have been put forward to postulate why hackers engage in cybercrimes. In this section, we briefly review them and elaborate on their relevance to hackers and their actions. 2.1. Beveren’s model of hacker development Beveren (2001) proposed a model of hacker development based on traditional theories of psychology and the flow construct. Flow, coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is a sense of effortless action felt when highly involved in an activity to the degree whereby attention becomes undivided, and time is obscured by the involvement in the activity (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). This suggests that there is an under­ lying tendency that causes a person to commit a crime, leading Beveren (2001) to theorize that such a tendency is what leads a hacker to grav­ itate towards criminal behaviour as they develop their skills in this area. Accordingly, the motivations to hack were divided into four themes: 1) compulsion to hack, 2) curiosity, 3) control and attraction to power, and 4) peer recognition and belonging to a group. Beveren (2001) theorized that flow occurs within the human-computer interaction experience when (a) the hacker perceives a sense of control over the interaction, (b) the hacker perceives his or her attention to be focused on the interaction, (c) the hacker’s curiosity is aroused by the interaction, and (d) the hacker finds the interaction to be intrinsically interesting. Hence, flow was considered to be a moderator for the development from a low-level to a high-level hacker. 2.3. Theories linking cognition with behavior The Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980) posits that an individual’s intention to hack predicts their actual hacking behav­ iour. In turn, their intentions are predicted by their attitudes toward hacking and the subjective norms. Subjective norms are created by the reinforcement and feedback they receive in the hacker community as they develop their skills and are influenced by the community’s norms (Owen, 2016). The Theory of Planned Behavior (Azjen, 1991) further adds that the hacker’s appraisal of whether the hacking is within their locus of control directly influences their hacking intentions and the subsequent hacking behaviour, termed as perceived behavioural control (Owen, 2016). Further, the General Deterrence Theory (Gibbs, 1985) posits that the knowledge of negative consequences from hacking will deter potential hackers while positive consequences will attract them to support the theorizations of hacking as fundamentally rational behav­ iours and these are moderated by the perceptions of certainty, severity, and celerity of punishments that are potentially meted out when caught (Owen, 2016). 2 S. Chng et al. Computers in Human Behavior Reports 5 (2022) 100167 2.4. Other aspects leading to hacking behaviors for personal privacy and include white hats, sneakers, grey hats, and tourists. They are motivated by curiosity, notoriety, recreation, and ideology. Insiders are disgruntled current or ex-employees who abuse their access to get what they want. They include internals, user malcontents and corporate raiders, and they are motivated by financial gain, revenge, and ideology. Petty thieves refer to criminals who have moved their nefarious activities online and are motivated by financial gain and revenge. They include extortionists, scammers, fraudsters, thieves, and digital robbers. Digital pirates, also known as copyright infringers, possess and engage in the illegal duplication, distribution, download, or sale of copyrighted materials. They are financially motivated. Crime facilitators, including supporters, provide the necessary tools and technical know-how to cybercriminals, thus enabling them to launch sophisticated attacks which would not have been possible otherwise. They can have specific skill sets or areas of expertise and are usually financially motivated. Professionals are highly skilled individuals who act as guns for hire or with the intent of furthering their criminal empire. They are moti­ vated by financial gain and revenge. They are also known as black hats, elites, criminals, organized criminals, information brokers, and thieves. Nation states hackers are highly trained and extremely skilled who work directly or indirectly for one government to destabilize, disrupt, and destroy the systems and networks of a nation or government. They are motivated by financial gain, revenge, and ideology. This category in­ cludes information warriors, cyber terrorists, cyber warriors, state ac­ tors, state-sponsored networks, and spies. Crowdsourcers are individuals who come together to solve a prob­ lem, often using questionable methods or chasing dubious goals. They are motivated by notoriety, revenge, recreation, and ideology. Hackti­ vists, also known as political activists and ideologists, use their technical skills to further their political agendas or use the Internet as a tool for political change. They are motivated by notoriety, revenge, recreation, and ideology. Within our framework, each hacker type and motivation are titled using terminologies widely used within the cybercommunity. Hence, few hacker types proposed by different authors were replaced with the updated terminology instead. For example, script kiddies were renamed as novices. In addition, a separate column in Table 1 listing the different terms these hacker types go by is also included. This also includes terms that were previously known to a specific author. Due to its ambiguous nature, Barber (2001)’s cracker type was not included within the framework. While it referred to hackers who intentionally cause damage to systems, it could also represent a wide range of hacker types ranging from cyberpunks to nation states. Notably, each of the 11 typologies reviewed proposed multiple hacker types and while some shared the same terminologies, others differed. Therefore, hacker types that appeared to share the same characteristics and motivations were combined. Landreth (1985)’s thieves, who had the primary goal of profiting from their nefarious activities, were placed into both professionals and petty thieves hacker types in our framework with their shared similarities in profiting from illegal conducts. Hackers, individuals who possessed deep technical knowledge and were motivated by their curiosity to gain unauthorized access into systems to peek at internal information, were placed under our old guards category given their similarities in charac­ teristics and motivations. Virus writers by Rogers (2006; 2011) as well as coders and writers by Meyers et al. (2009) were moved to our cyberpunks category given the overlap in their threat profiles (Hald & Pedersen, 2012) and similarities in characteristics and motivations with cyber­ punks. Novice, insider, and professional “loners” by Rege-Patwardhan (2009) were placed within our novices, insiders, and professionals cate­ gories respectively. Corporate raiders by Donalds and Osei-Bryson (2014) were placed under insiders given their shared characteristic of belonging to an or­ ganization and betraying their trust for financial gain. Similar to Studies of hacker cultures suggest that the sub-cultural aspects inherent within the hacker community provide them space where they are allowed to freely express themselves with like-minded individuals (Holt, 2005; Lu et al., 2010; Meyer, 1989). This is particularly applicable to novice hackers as they tend to search for ways to ingratiate them­ selves into the sub-cultural group. However, within this sub-culture, there are different communities of hackers, including those who might possess higher conscience to not engage in deviant behaviour and those with lower conscience and may choose to engage in nefarious activities if it is beneficial to them (i.e., ingratiating to become part of the sub-cultural group; Atkinson, 2019). Relatedly, the concept of depersonalized obedience suggests that the reduced level of obedience yielded to social constructs and norms, in addition to the depersonalization afforded by cybercrimes motivate hackers and afford them the ability to act without regard for the impact of their actions (Bandura, 1999; Bocij & McFarlane, 2003). This is especially relevant since cybercrimes occur within digital, non-physical, environments that are more likely also geographically distant. This is seen in hackers who are also activists for causes or terrorists who motivate them to look beyond the impact of their actions and view victimization as a way of promoting their message or ideas or beliefs. The theories discussed above provide greater insights into why hackers engage in their activities, and it is noteworthy that hackers are represented by a community of diverse individuals and organizations who possess varying motivations, intentions and levels of expertise. Being able to identify the perpetrators during cyberattacks accurately and expediently is critical for assessing the level of threat they possess and the countermeasures to deploy. Hence, the next section proposes an up-to-date typology of hackers with their motivations and strategies that are typically employed to aid this process. 3. Proposed framework First, we searched existing academic and grey literature to identify existing typologies of hackers using electronic academic databases, web searches, and forward and backward searching of reference lists. We identified 11 different typologies published up to 2020 that illustrate the evolution of cybercrimes and the types of cybercriminals and their motivations. Synthesizing these typologies, we identify 13 distinct types of hackers (novices, students, cyberpunks, old guards, insiders, petty thieves, professionals, nation states, hacktivists, digital pirates, online sex offenders, crowdsourcers, and crime facilitators) along with seven core motivations (curiosity, financial, notoriety, revenge, recreation, ideology, and sexual impulses). In the following sub-sections, we explain in detail how each hacker type uniquely contributes to cyber malfea­ sance, their motivations while doing so (section 3.1; see Tables 1 and 2), and their strategies/modus operandi when engaging in malicious ac­ tivities (section 3.2; see Table 3). 3.1. Hacker types and their motivations Novices refer to hackers who are less skilled and heavily rely on online toolkits developed and provided by others. Alternative names for this type of hackers include script kiddies, newbies, and system chal­ lenges. Novices are defined by their motivational characteristics of cu­ riosity, notoriety, and recreation. Students have no malicious intent to hack but do so only to gain knowledge. They are motivated by curiosity. Cyberpunks are low- to medium-skilled hackers who wreak havoc for fun and alternative names for this type of hackers include crashers, thugs, and crackers. They are motivated by financial gain, notoriety, revenge, and recreation. Online sex offenders are sexually motivated individuals who misuse the Internet to engage in sexually deviant be­ haviours with children. They include cyber predators and pedophiles. Old guards, like students, are non-malicious hackers who have no regard 3 S. Chng et al. Table 1 Hacker types and authors of existing typologies. Hacker Types Novices Cyberpunks Insiders Old Guards Professionals Hacktivists 4 Nation States Petty Thieves Digital Pirates Online Sex Offenders Lowly skilled hackers who heavily rely on online toolkits Low to medium-skilled hackers who wreak havoc for fun Disgruntled current or ex-employees who abuse their access to get what they want Hackers who do not hack for malicious reasons yet have no respect for personal privacy Extremely skilful hackers who hack to further their criminal empire or are guns-for-hire Hackers who use their technical skills to further their political agendas or use the Internet as a tool for political change Highly trained and extremely skilled hackers who work directly or indirectly for one government to destabilize, disrupt, and destroy the systems and networks of a nation or government Hackers with no malicious intent, who hack to gain knowledge Criminals who move their activities online, using their low to medium skills Hackers who possess and engage in illegal duplicating, distributing, downloading, or sale of copyrighted materials Hackers who misuse the Internet to engage in sexually deviant behaviour with children Alternative Names Author (Year) Landreth & Rheingold (1985) Barber (2001) Rogers (2006) Rogers (2011) Rege-Patwardhan (2009) Meyers et al. (2009) Hald and Pedersen (2012) Donalds and Osei-Bryson (2014) Seebruck (2015) de Bruijne et al. (2017) Atkinson (2019) Moeckel (2019) Script Kiddies, Newbies ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ Crashers, Thugs, Crackers ✓ – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – Internals, User Malcontents, Corporate Raiders – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ White Hats, Sneakers, Grey Hats, Tourists – ✓ ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – Black Hats, Elites, Criminals, Organized Crime, Information Brokers Political Activists, Ideologists ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Information Warriors, Cyber Terrorists, Cyber Warriors, State Actors, StateSponsored Networks – – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – ✓ – – – – – – – – – – – Extortionists, Scammers, Fraudsters, Thieves Copyright Infringers ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – ✓ – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – – – – – – – ✓ – – – – Cyber Predators, Pedophiles – – – – – – – ✓ – – – – (continued on next page) Computers in Human Behavior Reports 5 (2022) 100167 Students Definition S. Chng et al. – – ✓ 3.2. Hacker types and their strategies – – – – – – – – – ✓ Landreth (1985)’s thieves, Seebruck (2015)’s criminals were placed in both our professionals and petty thieves categories. Extortionists, scam­ mers, and fraudsters by de Bruijne et al. (2017) were replaced with petty thieves under our framework given their shared characteristic of con­ ducting nefarious activities for financial gain. Toolkit users, proposed by Moeckel (2019), were moved under our professionals and petty thieves categories. Although they rely on online toolkits, these users may already possess a few skills and use them to engage in illegal activities to earn money. Similarly, for motivations, multiple types proposed by different au­ thors were changed to reflect the most up-to-date terminologies used within the cybercommunity. A few types were also combined under an umbrella term that carried a broader meaning. For instance, challenge and thrill-seeking were placed under recreation. In the case of Barber (2001), vandalism was replaced with notoriety, hacktivism with ideology, industrial espionage was split into ideology and financial, extortion or fraud was replaced with financial, and information warfare with ideol­ ogy. Donalds and Osei-Bryson (2014)’s status, fame, and self-aggrandizement, as well as Seebruck (2015)’s prestige, were replaced with notoriety within our framework. de Bruijne et al. (2017)’s personal motivation was split into notoriety, revenge, and recreation, while geo-political was combined within our ideology motivation. Atkinson (2019)’s espionage motivation was split into both ideology and financial while the destruction was also split into revenge and ideology under our framework. Supporters – – – – – The strategies employed by each hacker type (see Table 3) are also documented. Novices typically re-use codes/scripts/malware found from the Internet and Dark web with little modification as their hacking skills are low-level. They do not possess a proper plan of action in terms of the attack steps to be executed to realize their goal. Also, in many cases, they are not careful enough to cover their online tracks to escape from the law and authorities (Riley, 2015; SecureWorld News Team, 2016; Donnel, 2020). Attack vectors include malware installation, phishing, SQL injection attack, password re-use, simple DDoS, etc. Stu­ dents may also use existing codes/scripts like novices but with some modifications to experiment and study vulnerabilities in systems such web servers, databases, cloud storage servers, etc. They are likely to report the vulnerabilities to concerned companies, security researchers or relevant authorities (Young & Wan, 2019). Cyberpunks may use existing codes/scripts but with some modifi­ cations or write their own ones to suit their goals. They may use attack vectors to cause damage to victim systems, such as bricking PCs or embedded devices so that they cannot be used anymore (Trend Micro, 2019), exploiting bugs in software running on victim’s devices to crash it, and carrying out DoS attacks to deny legitimate users access to the victim machines. Other attack vectors such as phishing, spamming, SQL injection, simple malware/ransomware may also be used for stealing credit card information, unauthorized account transactions, identity fraud, bitcoin theft, etc. These types of hackers are known for garnering public and media attention by targeting high profile victims, posting on their social media accounts (Conger & Popper, 2020) or leaving boastful and demeaning messages on social media accounts/dark web forum­ s/targeted devices’ displays (Sussman, 2019). Old guards use customized codes/scripts/penetration testing tools to reveal vulnerabilities in existing systems such as websites, software, and servers/computers/devices, find new malware using professional hon­ eypots, and track malicious hackers using cyber forensic techniques (Caldwell, 2011; Palmer, 2001). They may take over the vulnerable system and inform their owners about the vulnerability directly, or report the vulnerabilities to concerned companies, security researchers or relevant authorities, or decide to make the vulnerability public. In some cases (e.g., white hat hackers), old guards work with security companies and law enforcement authorities, and in other cases (e.g., Crime Facilitators Crowdsourcers Crowdsourcers are individuals who come together to solve a problem, often using questionable methods or chasing dubious goals Hackers who provide necessary tools and technical knowhow to cybercriminals, enabling them to launch sophisticated attacks – – – – – – – Donalds and Osei-Bryson (2014) Landreth & Rheingold (1985) Definition Hacker Types Table 1 (continued ) Alternative Names Author (Year) Barber (2001) Rogers (2006) Rogers (2011) Rege-Patwardhan (2009) Meyers et al. (2009) Hald and Pedersen (2012) Seebruck (2015) de Bruijne et al. (2017) Atkinson (2019) Moeckel (2019) Computers in Human Behavior Reports 5 (2022) 100167 5 S. Chng et al. Computers in Human Behavior Reports 5 (2022) 100167 Table 2 Hacker types and their underlying motivations. Motivations Hacker Types Novices Cyberpunks Insiders Old Guards Professionals Hacktivists Nation States Students Petty Thieves Digital Pirates Online Sex Offenders Crowdsourcers Crime Facilitators Curiosity Financial Notoriety Revenge Recreation Ideology Sexual Impulses ✓ – – ✓ – – – ✓ – – – – – – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓ – – – – – ✓ – – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ – ✓ – – ✓ – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓ – – – – – ✓ – – – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – – – ✓ – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ – – buyers and competitors for financial gains. The typical modes of oper­ ation are transferring sensitive organizational data to their own devices, accessing company databases/servers, cloud storage, etc. (Petters, 2021). They may also inadvertently leak employees’ company record­ s/customer information or end up infecting the company’s enterprise network with virus/trojan/malware (Nurse et al., 2014) due to lack of due diligence in their online activities such as emailing, browsing on company IT equipment (e.g., workstation, laptop, tablet). Petty thieves who are mainly financially motivated, use attack vectors such as trojans, keylogging, phishing and ransomware which are easily available on the Internet or hacking forums to gain credit card or bank account details of users, or blackmail users into directly transferring a ransom amount in bank currency (e.g., US dollars) or cryptocurrency (e.g., bitcoin; Peters, 2015). Crime facilitators may offer cybercrime-as-a-service to criminals by helping them carry out phishing campaigns (via exploits kits, compro­ mised system access, vulnerable RDPs), renting out malware (generic and customized) and botnets, renting infrastructure (bullet-proof host­ ing, VPN, proxy services), launching DoS attacks against certain targets on the criminals’ behalf, providing access to personal and financial data (credit card numbers, online banking credentials, phone numbers, email addresses) leaked from compromised databases, hacking of email and social media accounts, and managing cryptocurrency wallets to hide illegal transactions. They operate from underground forums and web­ sites on the Dark web which serves as markets connecting buyers and sellers (Europol, 2020). Professionals perform sophisticated attacks using the full repertoire of attack vectors (phishing, ransomware, SQL injection, DoS, cross-site scripting, supply chain attack, session hijacking, trojan/virus/mal­ ware, social media account compromises, etc.) and customized code/ scripts. They are careful to not leave any trail behind which may lead authorities to them or leave clues that are meant to confuse in­ vestigators. They typically operate on their own, in small groups or with criminal organizations. Many of them are active on hacking forums and the Dark web, where they are hired by criminal groups (Kaspersky, 2018). Nation states (Tankard, 2011; Chen, Desmet & Huygens, 2014) perform sophisticated attacks following a series of stages: first, they gain access to a target network through social engineering techniques, spear-phishing emails, malicious files, vulnerable apps; second, they gain a foothold by installing malware on a system inside the network, performing reconnaissance and installing malware on more systems; third, they try to gain administrative rights using techniques such as password cracking to deepen their control of the network, move around and access more secure parts; fourth, they identify and prepare the valuable data for exfiltration and then transfer it to their machines; fifth, they persist and continue the above process for a long time trying not to attract any attention until they are detected or decide to relinquish Table 3 Hacker types and their strategies. Types Strategies Novices Re-use codes/scripts/malware found from Internet. Do not possess a proper plan of action in terms of attack steps. Not careful enough to cover their online tracks. May use existing codes/scripts but with some modifications or write their own ones. Attack vectors include bricking to cause damage to victim systems, exploiting bugs in software running on victim’s devices, and carrying out Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Focused on garnering public and media attention. Use internal confidential knowledge of a company’s cyberinfrastructure to launch attacks or sell that information. May transfer sensitive organizational data to their own devices, access company databases/servers, cloud storage, etc. Use customized codes/scripts/penetration testing tools to reveal vulnerabilities in existing systems. Find new malware using professional honeypots, track malicious hackers using cyber forensic techniques. Include white hats and grey hats. Perform sophisticated attacks using the full repertoire of attack vectors and customized code/scripts. Careful to not leave any online trail behind. Employ attack vectors such as SQL injection, web server misconfiguration to take over databases and leak their contents, deface high-profile websites, disable widely-used public services, etc. Perform sophisticated attacks following a series of stages. First, they gain access to a target network, second, they gain a foothold by installing malware on a system, third, they try to gain administrative rights, fourth, they identify and prepare valuable data for exfiltration, fifth, they persist and continue above process for a long time. May use existing codes/scripts like novices but with some modifications to experiment and study vulnerabilities in systems. Likely to report the vulnerabilities. Use attack vectors such as trojans, ransomware which is easily available on the Internet to gain credit card or bank account details. Steal copyrighted content directly or indirectly and leak them. Befriend potentially vulnerable victims on Facebook or other social media, get hold of compromising pictures/videos directly or through emails/chats embedded with malicious attachments. Join forces and pool their skills together for tasks such as developing new malware, managing botnets, etc. May offer cybercrime-as-a-service to criminals by helping them carry out phishing campaigns, renting out malware and botnets, etc. Cyberpunks Insiders Old Guards Professionals Hacktivists Nation States Students Petty Thieves Digital Pirates Online Sex Offenders Crowdsourcers Crime Facilitators grey hat hackers, sneakers), they carry out their operations anony­ mously to hide their real identities as they may not respect user privacy or authorization boundaries (Kirsch, 2014). Insiders use internal confidential knowledge of a company’s cyber infrastructure (e.g., account credentials, security policies, system vul­ nerabilities) to launch attacks or sell that information to Dark web 6 S. Chng et al. Computers in Human Behavior Reports 5 (2022) 100167 control after meeting their planned objectives, though often a backdoor is left open so that they can access the network again at some point in the future. While withdrawing from the targeted network, they take care to cover their tracks, e.g., removing malware and other tools from the compromised machines/devices connected to the network or deliber­ ately leave clues that are meant to confuse investigators. Nation states typically work in a group and systematically coordinate with each other. They target high-profile state/provincial or national government web­ sites, cloud services, critical power generation and distribution systems, government and hospital IT infrastructure, etc. Hacktivists usually operate in a group. They employ certain types of attack vectors (SQL injection, web server misconfiguration, DDoS, social media account compromises, etc.) to take over databases and leak their contents which may contain sensitive and private information, deface high-profile websites, disable widely-used public services, send fake news or posts containing phishing/malware/trojan links to a large fol­ lower audience which can help them gain the attention of public and authorities to give publicity to their cause (Caldwell, 2015; Man­ sfield-Devine, 2011). They are careful to cover their tracks which may otherwise lead authorities to them. Crowdsourcers operate in a group for most purposes. They are typical visitors of a hacking forum who join forces and pool their skills together for various tasks such as developing new malware, managing botnets, sharing network infiltration tools and techniques, and stealing financial information. Digital pirates steal copyrighted content (e.g., media- music/movies/ photos, games, software) directly or indirectly and leak them using online websites, torrents, etc. For example, they may maintain websites that illegally stream copyrighted movies, TV shows, music, or use free/ subscription-based file-sharing services to distribute digital content files, links to which are further shared on social media, blogs and forums (Poort et al., 2018). Online sex offenders (Briggs et al., 2011; Chan et al., 2016) view or post child pornography on the Internet, initiate sexual online chats with a child/adolescent and have them share sexual con­ tent, and use online blackmailing and luring tactics to force victims for sexual favours. Their tactics include befriending potentially vulnerable victims on Facebook or other social media and getting hold of compromising pictures/videos directly or through emails/chats embedded with malicious attachments. respectively. Unlike extant typologies, our framework was created with the intention to be useful across in various domains and to allow users to also backward trace the history and research available by mapping alternative names given for each hacker type and the typologies that detail them. More importantly, our framework presents the typical attack stra­ tegies employed by each of the proposed 13 hacker types. This con­ tributes significantly towards the value and utility of the framework over previous typologies. Here, it is possible to determine the specific type of hacker or at least the broad group to which a hacker belongs (e. g., based on skill level: low, medium or high) by observing their actions in preparation for or during an attack. For instance, if the victim of the attack is an enterprise/government entity/critical infrastructure, it is found that sophisticated malware/scripts were used for the attack and it is difficult for cyber investigators to trace the online activity of the hacker(s), it can be inferred that the hacker(s) is(are) highly skilled. In this case, the hacker(s) can be a professional, a nation state group or a hacktivist group. Based on the complexity of the attack and the various kinds of expertise required, it can also be concluded if multiple hackers were involved (national state, hacktivist) or it was the work of a single hacker (professional). An analysis of the tools used for the attack and their similarity with the ones used by other known hackers can help investigators further narrow down the hacker type and the specific in­ dividual/group behind the attack. Our proposed framework will continue to be a work in progress as cybercrimes and cybercriminals evolve and the motivation and strate­ gies for engaging in cybercrimes expand further. For instance, with the advancement in tools and increased sophistication in cybercrimes, the strategies employed by hackers will continue to evolve. In addition, new types of hackers would likely emerge as our economy and society evolve to create new possibility for exploitations and cybercrimes. Hence, this framework should be updated periodically to reflect these developments and remain relevant. Nevertheless, we hope that this framework will serve as a useful tool for cybersecurity analysts in detecting and defending against future cyberattacks as well as post-attack forensics. 5. Conclusion A unified framework detailing 13 hacker types, 7 unique motiva­ tions, and the strategies each hacker type typically employ is presented here to contribute towards a better understanding of hackers to address the rising cyber malfeasance in recent years. This was developed after reviewing 11 classifications and typologies of hackers and their moti­ vations published over the last three decades. As the nature of cyber­ crimes evolve and hackers become are more skilled and well-equipped than before, the proposed framework will serve as a useful tool for cybersecurity analysts and researchers. 4. Discussion In this paper, we reviewed the theories and models that explain the development and motivation of hackers. This helps us with the funda­ mental understanding of why hackers hack and what sustains or con­ tributes to their activities. We learnt from Beveren (2001) that flow is pivotal for an individual’s growth from an amateur to a competent hacker and only with an extra variable of a tendency to commit a crime would these hackers further develop into cybercriminals. However, it is limited in that it shows only two ways in which a lowly skilled hacker can develop into a cybercriminal. In describing hackers’ motivations, Atkinson (2019) went on further to map which psychological model or theory applies to each hacker type. This was useful as it allowed us to gain an insight into not only their motivations but also why a specific motivation applied to a hacker type. However, we identified that despite the large number of typologies that exist today, they need to be updated to be more comprehensive either in the types of hackers, types of motivations or both. Hence, we developed an up-to-date framework of hacker typology and motivations that comprises 13 different groups of hackers and seven unique moti­ vations. The typology posited by Rogers (2006, 2011) emerged as the most influential typology in our earlier review and heavily influenced the development of eight of the 13 hacker types and four of the seven motivations that were proposed within this unified framework. Furthermore, three hacker types (students, crowdsourcers, digital pi­ rates, and online sex offenders) were unique to specific authors: Land­ reth (1985), Seebruck (2015), and Donalds and Osei-Bryson (2014), Author contribution Samuel Chng: Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing. Han Yu Lu: Data curation, Writing - Original Draft. Ayush Kumar: Data curation, Writing - Original Draft, review & editing. David Yau: Writing - review & editing. Funding This research is supported by both ST Engineering Electronics and National Research Foundation, Singapore, under its Corporate Labora­ tory @ University Scheme (Programme Title: STEE Infosec-SUTD Corporate Laboratory). 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