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FPGA-Based DC/DC Converters for Automotive Applications

DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive
Applications: a FPGA Based Approach
M. Chiaberge, G. Botto and M. De Giuseppe
Mechatronics Laboratory – Politecnico di Torino
1. Introduction
One emerging application of power electronics is the driving of piezoelectric actuators.
These actuators can be used for different kinds of application. They are employed for micro
and nano positioning tasks as well as hydraulic or pneumatic valves, where they replace
magnetic control elements. Piezoelectric actuators have some specific advantages such as
high resolution of the displacement, excellent dynamic properties and energy consumption
near to zero for static or quasi static operations.
So, high performances, low emissions and less fuel consumption bring car designers to
adopt new technologies in automotive systems. The use of piezoelectric actuators (used as
injectors) allows less response time with respect to traditional magnetic actuators but
requires high driving voltages in order to be driven in a smaller time. This is a big concern
in automotive environment, where the battery voltage is still the main power source
A switching amplifier for reactive loads generally consists of two components. A
unidirectional DC/DC converter with a small input power loads and large buffer capacitor
and, a second bidirectional DC/DC converter that controls the energy exchanged between
the buffer capacitor and the reactive load.
The requirements on the unidirectional DC/DC converter are few. It only needs to
compensate the power losses of the two stages plus the energy dissipated in the actuator
and the connected mechanical system. Second stage presents more problems, because it
must be designed for full system power.
Conventional DC/DC boost converter is not the best solution in piezoelectric based
applications where high step-up ratio and high efficiency power conversion is required.
The coupled inductor boost converter meets the demanding requirements of these
applications, including high reliability, relative low cost, safe operation, minimal board
space and high performance, therefore an excellent choice for interfacing the battery with
the high voltage DCBUS used for piezoelectric actuator system. An FPGA based controller
allows interleaving two phases reducing both peak primary current and output current
ripple. Moreover, a quasi constant frequency hysteretic current control technique reduces
EMI interferences and ensures control loop stability. A soft start sequence permits to limit
average input current and guarantees start-up phase in a short time.
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
In this chapter an FPGA based interleaved coupled inductor boost converter is presented for
high step-up automotive applications.
Design and analysis of the proposed converter are reported. Finally experimental results are
provided for verification of the proposed converter.
2. System specification and topology
Nowadays piezoelectric actuator allows less response time with respect to traditional
magnetic actuator but requires high driving voltages.
In a traditional magnetic actuator the voltage applied is less than 100V, so a standard
DC/DC Boost topology can be used to step up the 12V battery input voltage. Piezoelectric
actuator require a high DCbus voltage to obtain high performances so high voltage step-up
DC/DC converters are necessary to provide the interface between the standard energy
storage component (battery) and the high voltage DCbus of the bidirectional converter used
to drive the reactive load.
Fig.1 shows the typical power train of automotive piezoelectric actuator system.
Fig. 1. Power solution for automotive piezoelectric actuators
So, the boost converter must be able to generate the a voltage up to 350V starting from a
standard 9V-18V automotive range. If the input voltage is lower than this range, the system
works in safe mode. Limit start up-time to reach the maximum output voltage is limited to
150ms and the maximum output power is 100W. The efficiency of the converter must be at
least 85% under standard operating conditions.
In a conventional DC/DC Boost converter the duty ratio increases as the output to input
voltage ratio increases. This class of DC/DC converter is not the best solution in
piezoelectric based applications where a high step-up ratio (more than 20) and high
efficiency power conversion is required.
Fig.2 shows a coupled inductor DC/DC boost converter topology: this converter is a good
solution to the above problems since it reduces the required duty ratio for a given output to
input voltage ratio in conjunction with a small voltage across the switch S (reducing
switching losses).
The duty ratio and the switch voltage stress can be controlled by the N2/N1 turns ratio of
the primary and secondary inductors (L1 and L2). Therefore, for high voltage step-up
DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive Applications: a FPGA Based Approach
applications, the coupled inductor boost converter can be more efficient than the
conventional boost converter.
Moreover, for high power requirements and redundancy purposes, the coupled inductor
boost converter can be easily interleaved to achieve high power, high reliability and efficient
operation with reduced inductor and capacitor sizes. Various advantages of interleaving are
well reported in the literature (Zhao & Lee, 2003).
Fig. 2. (a) coupled inductor and (b) two phases interleaved coupled inductor boost converters
3. Design
Assuming the coupled inductor boost converter is in a continuous conduction mode (CCM)
the steady state output voltage to input voltage ratio for an ideal converter can be obtained
Vo ( 1 + kD )
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
where Vi is the input voltage, Vo is the output voltage, D is the duty cycle of the converter
and k is the secondary to primary inductor turns ratio. It can be seen from eq.1 that, for the
same voltage gain, the duty cycle can be reduced by increasing turn ratio.
For high current or high power applications interleaving boost converter are well suited
(Dwari & Parsa , 2007). In this approach a single coupled inductor boost converter cell
(fig.2a) is treated as a phase of ‘n’ parallel connected phases (fig.2b). In order to operate at
the same duty ratio a phase shift but of 2π/n radiant electrical angle must be considered.
Under normal of full load condition each phase equally shares the total output load.
3.1 Switching frequency
In an interleaved system the number of cell (n) mainly depends on the step up voltage ratio
and the maximum power demand of the load. In this work the nominal input voltage is
taken as 12V and the range is the automotive standard 9V-18V.
With an output DCbus voltage of 350V, the voltage ratio is greater than 29. Referring to
fig.3, using a secondary to primary inductor turn ratio (k) of 10 and incorporating the switch
voltage and diode forward drop in the converter in equation 1, the duty cycle D is 0.72.
The expression of boundary inductance depends by load condition (eq.2) so, assuming
minimum output power of 50W (half of total output power) the product LfSW must be
greater than 0.767V/A.
Lf SW =
RL D(1 − D)2
2(1 + k )(1 + kD)
Assuming a 5µH of primary inductance, the minimum switching frequency in order to
satisfy the CCM condition is 153kHz, a quite high control frequency that requires a parallel
implementation on a FPGA device with some control tricks to guarantee the control loop
Fig. 3. Comparison among Vo/Vi as k fuction
DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive Applications: a FPGA Based Approach
3.2 Selection of power switch and freewheeling diode
The power switch is a high speed MOSFET in order to have fast rise and fall time and
relatively low RDSon that ensure less switching and conduction losses.
One of the main advantages of this topology respect to traditional Boost converter is that the
maximum voltage on the MOSFET drain is limited by the turns ratio between primary and
secondary inductors:
VD max =
Vo − Vi 350V − 6V
= 30.7V
1 + 10
where Vi is the input voltage, Vo is the output voltage and N is the inductors turns ratio.
The value in eq.3 is obtained considering the worst case, that is when the minimum input
voltage occurs. To avoid over voltage MOSFET damaging the drain source voltage is chosen
at least 1.5 times the VDmax.
The primary peak current value is determined by the duty cycle and the Ton period:
I pk 1 =
Vi D
6V 0.84
= 5A
Lp f SW 5uH 200 kHz
The free-wheeling diode in Boost circuit plays a central role. When the switching transistor
turns on, the diode should turn off immediately because otherwise the transistor will switch
on into a full short circuit to the boosted output voltage close to 350V causing extreme over
current and high dissipation.
Three different technologies could be used:
1. PiN
2. SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes
3. Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode (FRED)
While Schottky and PiN diodes offer similar circuit functionality, their behavior is
determined fundamentally different physical mechanisms. These differences directly impact
the power dissipation associated with these devices.
Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBDs) offer a low junction voltage, low switching loss and high
speed, but suffer from high on resistance.
When operated at high current density, PiN diodes offer significantly reduced on-resistance
due to conductivity modulation, but suffer from high junction voltage and high switching
The FRED diodes could be a good compromise between forward voltage, low peak reverse
recovery currents with soft recovery. These diodes are characterized by a soft recovery
behavior, showing even at very high di/dt (>800A/us) no tendency to “snap-off”, but
present higher leakage current than other diode. However the power loss caused by the
leakage current is small compared to forward current and reverse recovery losses.
In this converter, the output diode should be able to support high voltage (higher than
350V) but a quite low average current (this is the average output current and so it is less
than 0.3A).
3.3 Input filter capacitor
The input filter capacitor limits the supply ripple voltage. The less ripple voltage desired,
the larger the capacitor, and the larger the surge current during the power up period. There
are three major considerations when selecting a capacitor for this function:
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
Capacitance value
Voltage rating
Ripple current rating
The value of the bulk capacitor can be found by:
C IN ≅
200 W
= 330 μ F
f SW VRIPPLEpp 200 kHz3V
We have placed three 100µF electrolytic capacitors and four 10µF ceramic in parallel.
Fig. 4. Snubber Circuit
3.4 Current sense
High side current sense amplifier has been used to monitor the primary input current across
a shunt resistor. The sense voltage is amplified and shifted from the analog power supply to
DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive Applications: a FPGA Based Approach
a ground referred output. Considering 300uF as output capacitance, start up time is less
than 150ms and low input voltage, the average input current in this phase is:
I INstart − up =
300 μ F
= 27.2 A
Assuming a peak current about 30A, to limit the voltage drop below 5% of nominal input
voltage and therefore the power losses, the shunt resistor must have a value lower than
20mΩ. A four wire Kelvin terminals resistance is used to limit the parasitic resistance as well
as series inductance. A high side, unipolar current shunt monitor IC has been mounted in
order to correctly acquire and convert the shunt voltage with the analog voltage range of
digital platform.
3.5 Snubber circuit design
In this type of converter, the resonance between Lleak and Coss causes an excessively high
voltage surge, that cause damage to the MOSFET during turn-off. This voltage surge must
be suppressed and snubber circuit is therefore necessary to prevent MOSFET failures as
shown in fig.4.
The clamping voltage by snubber is:
Vsn = V f + Lleak
I Dsnpk
= V f + Lleak
ts =
Lleak I Dsnpk
Vsn − V f
Lleak I Dsnpk
1.5V f
The maximum power dissipation of the snubber circuit is determined by:
Psn =
1 ts
Vsn I Dsn (t )dt = Lleak I Dsnpk
f SW
T ∫0
The maximum power dissipation is:
Psn(max) =
Lleak I Dsnpk
f SW = c
Vc = Vsn = V f + VLr −
Therefore, the resistance Rsn, is determined by:
Rsn =
f SW
Lleak I Dsnpk
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
The maximum ripple voltage of the snubber circuit is obtained by:
ΔVc =
C sn Rsn f SW
The larger snubber capacitor results, the lower voltage ripple, but the power dissipation
increases. Consequently, selecting the proper value is important. In general, it is reasonable
to determine that the surge voltage of snubber circuit is 1.5 times of Vf and the ripple voltage
is 25V. Thus, the snubber resistor and capacitor are determined by the following equations:
IDsnpk =
Vi D
= 5A
Vsur = 1.5V f = 1.5
ts =
Rsn =
Lleak I Dsnpk
1.5V f
Vo − Vi
= 45V
0.1μ H 5 A
2(45V 2 )
= 10.8kΩ
Lleak I Dsnpk
f SW 0.1μ H (5 A2 )150 kHz
C sn =
30V + 45V
= 1.85nF
ΔVc Rsn f SW 25V 10.8kΩ150 kHz
4. Control
The proposed DC/DC converter is controlled using a quasi constant frequency hysteretic
current mode technique with current sharing and interleaving phases as inner loop in order
to have symmetrical current partition between the switching phases. The outer control loop
is based on a digital PI control law in order to stabilize the DC/DC output voltage.
Fig. 5 shows the schematic diagram of the proposed control technique.
The PWM signal obtained by feedback loop (from the hysteretic comparator) is acquired by
the FPGA and processed to correctly control the two phases of the tapped boost.
To avoid sub-harmonic instability a variable frequency control is needed and to stabilize the
switching frequency it is necessary to introduce a high speed period feedback loop. This is
performed by an integral control law which, starting from the outer loop command,
generates the variable hysteresis for the comparator.
Fig.6 shows a block diagram of a hysteretic control with frequency control loop.
There are several challenges to efficiently implement the proposed control technique with
analog and discrete components. These challenges along with the FPGA implementation are
related to:
Current/voltage sharing and control
Frequency feedback
DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive Applications: a FPGA Based Approach
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of coupled inductor control technique
Fig. 6. Diagram of a quasi constant frequency hysteretic current control with a period
feedback loop
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
4.1 Current sharing
It is really important to obtain an almost equally distributed current between the interleaved
Unfortunately, components tolerances, connections differences from phase to phase, load
conditions and other non idealities may cause the current distribution (sharing) to be
unequal especially during large load transients.
Current sharing between the interleaved converters can be achieved by averaging current of
each converter phase and compare the obtained value with command derived by the outer
loop. Each phase is then turned on using two control strategies:
1. Sequence toggle mode where the ON signal is present only for one phase per cycle
2. Phase shift control technique where the two phases are shifted of half period
Current sharing functionality can be easily implemented using a fast FPGA.
In the first one the two control pulses (Cm1 and Cm2) are generated interleaved starting
from the Cm PWM signal coming from hysteretic comparator (Fig 7a).
In the second control technique CM1 and Cm2 are shifted half period starting from the main
control signal generated by the hysteretic comparator (Fig. 7b).
Fig. 7. Different control techniques: (a) toggle with the two phases (b) half period phase shift
DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive Applications: a FPGA Based Approach
The phase shift control technique has been implemented and tested but it presents some
problems due to the inner frequency control.
4.2 Hysteretic current control circuit
Input current of each phase is sensed using a high side current sense amplifier with a very
low shunt resistor value in order to reduce power losses. Sensed currents are decoupled,
averaged, merged and included in the hysteretic current control.
Peak and valley current commands come from the digital outer voltage loop: peak value is
the output of a PI control law while the valley one is obtained multiplying the command
with a corrective factor derived by the frequency feedback loop.
Peak and valley comparator outputs are directly connected to the FPGA and are used to
generate the two control signal applied to the switches.
4.3 Frequency feedback loop
The frequency feedback loop is implemented on FPGA in order to:
Speed-up the computation of the control law
Guarantee the modularity of the control law
Generate a variable hysteretic width based on frequency measure (or period)
To minimize the number of analytical operations and to simplify the IP design on FPGA, we
have implemented a switching period feedback loop.
This technique is based on switching period measured using a counter and comparator with
a reference previously set (this is a variable of the proposed control). The difference is used
as input of a regulator which generates a corrective factor on the nominal hysteretic width in
order to stabilize the switching frequency.
The relation of corrective factor at the next step is:
kh (i ) = K h (i − 1) + K i (Tmis (i ) − Tref
Where kh is the corrective factor, Ki is the integral gain, i is the digital sampling period, Tref
and Tmis are the nominal switching period and the measured one.
The generated hysteretic width acts on the value of valley current, leaving the peak current
4.4 Frequency feedback loop
Outer loop is a classic digital PI control law with anti-wind up algorithm. The output
voltage is sensed and converted using a 12 bit resolution ADC and compared to the
reference value on an FPGA IP. The error obtained is then transferred to a PI block that
generates the command for the inner current control.
The right half plane zero (RHP) is present and its frequency depends of duty cycle, inductor
value (smaller is better) and the load resistance, so at heavy loads its frequency is the lowest
and the phase delay is the greatest; at light loads instead the RHP zero frequency is higher,
and the converter is easier to control. The RPH zero frequency is obtained using:
(1 − D)2
Lp (1 + N )(1 + ND)
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
Common choice is to limit the bandwidth of the control feedback loop at about 1/5th of the
RHP zero frequency, which considering the worst case (100W at 350V with 12V as input
voltage) is about 17kHz. The cross-over frequency is designed in order to stay under 3kHz.
5. Implementation
As previously explained, the control architecture is based on an inner loop that control and
limit the average current of the two primary inductor currents, starting from a current
reference obtained by an outer loop that maintains stable the DC bus voltage.
Control loops of Boost converter are illustrated in the following technological scheme (fig.8).
All the feedback loops are implemented as IP on FPGA operated at a 100MHz clock,
mounted on a prototype board (EKU) completely designed by the Mechatronic Laboratory.
Fig. 8. Technological scheme of the Boost converter implemented
5.1 Current loop
The inner loop of the Boost section controls and limits the input current of each phase
monitoring the voltage across the sense resistor connected in high side configuration using a
current shunt monitor. The two amplifier's outputs are filtered and averaged in order to
obtain a signal that drives the two comparators (peak and valley). With this control strategy
the inductor currents ramp alternately between an upper limit and a lower limit.
DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive Applications: a FPGA Based Approach
Digital current control is based on two main blocks that are implemented as IP-core on
Duty Cycle Generator
Current Sharing Algorithm
The Duty Cycle Generator, starting from peak and valley comparator outputs, controls the
intrinsic behavior of an SR flip-flop, which turns the transistor of and on (considering one
phase). A current sharing algorithm is added to equally subdivide the input current
between the two phases: our strategy called sequence toggle mode, generates commands
where only one phase is active at switching cycle; phase shift technique is also implemented
but presents instability due to the inherent variable frequency during start up.
Peak and valley references are generated by DAC converters that are directly interfaced
with the FPGA using a dedicated IP.
The hysteretic control maintains a controlled difference between the comparator's input and
therefore variable frequency current loop. The introduction of a frequency feedback loop in
this control leads to have variable hysteresis band but with the advantage of stabilizing the
switching period.
5.2 Voltage loop
The outer loop maintains the output voltage stable around a reference value sent by engine
control unit as a word parameter via CAN. Output voltage are sensed with a voltage
monitor, converted by ADC and compared with digital reference in order to obtain an input
to apply to the voltage loop block.
The tapped inductor open loop transfer function is:
⎛ sLp (1 + k )(1 + kD)
− 1 ⎟⎟
Vo ( k + 1) ⎜⎜
RL (1 − D)
Vo (s )
⎛ s 2 LpC (1 + k )2 s 2 LpC (1 + k )2
d( s )
+ 1⎟
(D − 1)(1 + kD) ⎜
⎜ (D − 1)
RL (D − 1)
It is characterized by two poles, associated to LC output filter components, and one zero,
determined by the ESR of output capacitor that for simplicity is neglected.
The two complex poles are placed at a lower frequency:
ωpoles =
(1 − D)
(1 + k ) LpC
Additionally it presents a RHP zero. This is characteristic of boost and boost derived
RHP zero determines a phase lag in loop gain of the voltage mode controlled boost
converter forcing the maximum cross over frequency to be at most 1/5 RHP frequency. For
this reason, a current mode is preferred, as the effect of RHP zero is mitigated.
RHP is a function of the duty cycle, load and inductance and causes an increase in loop gain
while reducing the loop phase margin.
A common practice is to determine the worst case RHPZ frequency and set the loop unity
gain frequency below one-third of the RHPZ.
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
Fig. 9. Bode plot of Power Stage
Reducing the primary inductance increase the RHP zero location, therefore it may be
possible to increase the close loop cross over frequency.
The Bode plot (Fig. 9) shows the frequency response of the power stage from the error
amplifier output through to power stage output voltage. These approximated plots can be
used to understand how to design the control/compensation circuitry.
Fig. 10. Bode plot of Type I compensation network and the open loop TF
DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive Applications: a FPGA Based Approach
Type I compensation network is added to the control output TF in order to meet the static
and dynamic performance requirements while maintaining stability.
This control gives one pole in the origin and one zero. The pole in the origin increase the DC
gain to reduce the DC error in steady state. The zero is added at low frequency to obtain a at
gain at mid frequency. Bode plot shows the effect of type I compensation. Fig. 10 shows the
gain and phase of the overall system (power stage plus compensation). A cross-over
frequency of 5kHz is achieved with a theoretical phase margin of 30°.
7. Experimental results
A 100W, 12V-to-350V step-up converter was completely designed and tested and the
resulting power circuit components used are:
Inductor: Coilcraft Flyback Transformer GA3459-BL with 5uH as primary inductance
and 1:10 turns ratio
Input capacitors: two 4.7uF ceramic and one 100uF electrolytic for high RMS current
Output capacitors: two 1uF plastic film and 150uF electrolytic
MOSFETs: IRF1018 with 60V VDSS and 7.1mΩ of RDSON
Switching frequency: 200KHz
Operating duty cycle of the interleaved converter is 0.72. Figure 11 shows the prototype of
the converter with the FPGA programmable device mounted on the above control board (a
FPGA based ECU system developed at CSPP-LIM for fast prototyping applications).
Fig. 11. The experimental set-up of the proposed FPGA controlled DC/DC step-up converter
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
Fig. 12. DC/DC converter behavior during start-up sequence
Fig. 12 shows the output voltage (green) and output current (yellow) of the converter during
start up sequence. During this time high primary inductor current in each phase is present
as can be seen from the oscilloscope picture. The system goes in stable conditions in less
than 100ms.
Fig. 13. Converter steady-state conditions
DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive Applications: a FPGA Based Approach
Fig. 13 shows the converter output voltage (green), output current (yellow) and Cm1/Cm2
signals (blue/red) in steady-state conditions. It can be seen that the switching frequency is
stabilized around 200kHz that represent the reference current period of frequency loop.
Fig. 14. Converter response under impulsive load test (10uF / 1.8Ω series RC load)
Fig. 14 shows converter output voltage (green), converter output current (yellow) and load
voltage (red) during a impulsive load test (500Hz charge/discharge of a series 10uF / 1.8Ω
RC load). It can be seen that the converter output voltage is very stable with a ripple less
than 5V during 2A load driving transients.
7. Conclusion
In this chapter a new concept of FPGA controlled coupled inductor boost converter is
presented as a good option to solve high boosting requirements in automotive applications.
High power efficient converters with reduced size output filter can be obtained by
interleaving and control these type of converters.
Using a quasi-constant frequency hysteretic current control it is possible to join the
advantages of fixed and variable frequency control introducing a frequency feedback loop
in a classic hysteretic CM control. Moreover, the FPGA implementation ensures good
dynamic performances, reliability and high computational performances resulting in high
efficiency overall characteristics.
The switching frequency is stabilized around 10% of nominal reference frequency: this
allows the designer to easily estimate the switching losses and efficiently design the output
EMI filter.
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
8. References
Chang, C. & Knights, Mike A. (1995). Interleaving technique in distributed power
conversion systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory
and Applications, vol. 42, (May 1995) pp. 245 – 25.
Dixon, L. H. (1990). Average Current Mode Control of Switching Power Supplies, Unitrode
Power Supply Design Seminar SEM-700, vol. 5, pp. 1-14.
Dwari, S. & Parsa, L. (2007). A Novel High Efficiency High Power Interleaved CoupledInductor Boost DC-DC Converter for Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle. VPPC
2007, pp. 399-404
Levin, G. & O’Malley, K. (1996). Designing with hysteretic current-mode control. , EDN
Magazine, vol.41, pp 5
Sokal, N. & Redl, R. (1985). Current-mode control, five different types used with three basic
classes of power converters. PESC 1985, pp. 771-785.
Yang, X. & Wang, Z. A. (2003). A Novel Quasi-Constant Frequency Hysteretic Current Mode
Control Approach. PESC 2003, vol. 3, pp. 1147-1150.
Zhao, Q. & Lee, F. C. (2003). High-Efficiency, High Step-Up DC–DC Converters. IEEE
Transaction on Power Electronics, vol. 18, (Jan 2003) pp. 65- 73.
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering
Edited by Prof. Marcello Chiaberge
ISBN 978-953-307-517-4
Hard cover, 664 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 08, January, 2011
Published in print edition January, 2011
In the last few years the automobile design process is required to become more responsible and responsibly
related to environmental needs. Basing the automotive design not only on the appearance, the visual
appearance of the vehicle needs to be thought together and deeply integrated with the “powerâ€​
developed by the engine. The purpose of this book is to try to present the new technologies development
scenario, and not to give any indication about the direction that should be given to the research in this complex
and multi-disciplinary challenging field.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
M. Chiaberge, G. Botto and M. De Giuseppe (2011). DC/DC Step-Up Converters for Automotive Applications:
a FPGA Based Approach, New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering, Prof. Marcello
Chiaberge (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-517-4, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/newtrends-and-developments-in-automotive-system-engineering/dc-dc-step-up-converters-for-automotiveapplications-a-fpga-based-approach
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