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ADS Oral Exam Questions: Data Structures & Algorithms

Advanced Data Structures (ADS)
Oral Questions
1. Define Data Structures
2. What are Binary Trees?
3. What are Different Binary trees Traversals?
4. What is Left skewed Binary Tree?
5. What is right skewed Binary Tree?
6. What is Threaded Binary Tree?
7. What is In-order Threaded Binary Tree?
8. What is Pre-order Threaded Binary Tree?
9. What is Huffman's algorithm?
10. What is binary Search Trees?
11. Define Graph.
12. Represent Graph using Adjacency matrix.
13. Represent Graph using Adjacency List.
14. Represent Graph using Adjacency multi list, inverse adjacency list.
15. Explain BFS & DFS of graph?
16. What is minimum spanning t Tree?
17. Explain Prims and kruskal’s Algorithm.
18. Explain web graph and Google map using appropriate data structures?
19. Explain Single source shortest path algorithm
20. Explain Hash Table in data structure.
21. Explain Hash function, bucket collision open hashing.
22. What is chaining, open addressing?
23. Explain properties of good hash function.
24. Explain perfect hash function, division, multiplication, and extraction, mid-square.
25. Explain folding and universal, collision resolution strategies.
26. What is Hash table overflow-extendible hashing?
27. Explain Skip list?
28. Why you need a data structure?
29. Give a recurrence for the number of possible binary search trees with n keys.
30. Consider any two binary search trees T1 and T2 with the same set of keys, {1... n}.
We can always transform T1 to T2 using rotations. Sketch a general method for doing this.
31. In class I claimed that the rotate Right (root) algorithm maintains the binary search
tree property, even if root is not the root of the BST, but rather it is an internal node
of the tree i.e. it’s the root of a sub tree. Why is this true?
32 .In class we saw an algorithm for rotating Right. Give the corresponding algorithm for
rotating left.
33. What is the maximum number of nodes in an AVL tree of a given height h?
34. Draw an AVL tree of height 3 that has the minimum number of nodes, that is, the
minimum number of nodes of all AVL trees of height h. Note that this tree need not
be unique. Draw an AVL tree of height 4 that has the minimum number of nodes. Think
how you would draw an AVL tree of height h that has the minimum number of nodes.
35. Give a recurrence for the minimum number of nodes in a valid AVL tree, as a function of
the tree height.
36. Suppose we have an n AVL tree and we insert a node that causes the tree to become
Un-balanced (i.e. so it no longer satisfies the AVL balance condition).
A. In fact there could be multiple nodes in this tree that now fail to satisfy the AVL
balance condition Given an example in which this happens.
B. Show why such unbalanced nodes must lie on a common path from the root to a leaf.
36. What is an AVL tree?
37. Explain Indexing.
38. Explain different indexing techniques.
39. Differentiate B-tee and B+ trees.
40. Explain Trie Trees, Splay tree.
41. Explain K-dimensional tree, A tree.
43. What OBST explain with example?
44. What is heap data structure?
45. Explain heap sort with example.
46. Explain priority queue as heap?
47. Differentiate file structure from storage structure
48. Explain file Organization.
49. What is sequential file organization?
50. What is Direct Access file organization?
51. Explain multi list files, coral rings, and inverted files.
52. What is a cellular partition?
53. Explain External sort?
54. Explain multiday merging-a K way merge algorithm?
55. What is time complexity of AA search trees?
56. What is time complexity of Binary tree?
57. What is time complexity of prim’s and kruskal’s algorithm?
58. What is time complexity of Heap sort?
59. What is time complexity of Huffman coding algorithm?
60. What is time complexity of AVL tree?