What time is it? Telling the time 9:00, 4:00, 11:00 It’s nine o’clock. It’s four o’clock. It’s eleven o’clock. 30 minutes = half ‘половину’ мы всегда плюсуем ‘+’ past + It’s half past ten. ‘читаем’ время It’s 10:30. справа налево What time is it? ‘читаем’ время справа налево + It’s ten past one. ‘past’ = ‘+’ It’s 1:10. приближаться к 10 It’s twenty to ten. ‘to’ = ‘к’ т.е. не хватает 20 минут до 10 часов вторая половина часа It’s 9:40. первая половина часа What time is it? ‘читаем’ время справа налево 15 minutes = quarter + It’s quarter past one. ‘past’ = ‘+’ It’s 1:15. приближаться к 10 It’s quarter to ten. ‘to’ = ‘к’ т.е. не хватает 15 минут до 10 часов вторая половина часа ‘к’ to It’s 9:45. первая половина часа ‘+’ past Tell the time. 12:45 11:45 3:45 5:45 6:15 1:45 4:15 3:15 1:15 It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter past past to past past to to to twelve. four. two. three. one. six. four. one. six. Write in numbers and then check. It’sIt’s five9:55. to ten. It’s quarter It’s 3:15. past three. It’s ten It’spast 11:10. eleven. It’s quarter It’s 2:45. to three. It’s twelve It’s 12:00. o'clock. It’sIt’s five4:55. to five. It’s twenty It’s 8:20. past eight. It’s quarter It’s 1:45. to two. It’s half It’spast 7:30.seven. It’s half It’s past 4:30.four. What time is it? It’s 12 o’clock. It’s ten past one. (1.10) It’s half past four. (4.30) It’s quarter to eight. (7.45) quarter quarter It’s twenty to ten. (9.40) It’s twenty past three. (3.20) It’s five to seven. (6.55) half past – ‘плюсуем’ to – ‘приближаемся к …’ Label. Then answer. to get up to go to school to get back from school 7:45 8:30 15:30 to go to bed 21:30 Whattime time What do do youyou get back from school? gogoget to toschool? up? bed? At At At Atquarter half half halfpast past past tothree. eight. nine. eight. Act out. to get up to go to school to get back from school to go to bed What time do you … ? At … . Daily routine. Make the sentences. 17:50 14:15 10:30 I water the IIIIvisit go mop make study wash get gotoshopping the dressed Grandma the at floor twenty gym dishes bedat at at plants at quarter quarter quarter at half twelve five half ten to past to to five. past past to o’clock. eight. six. seven. eight. ten. two. past three. 19:45 15:15 to mop the floor to go shopping to wash the dishes 7:55 to go to12:00 the gym 16:40 to water the plants to get dressed to visit Grandma to study to make the bed7:30 Tell about your schedule for every day. Act ? out. ? ? ? What time do you … ? At ……… . ? to mop the floor to go shopping to wash the dishes ? ? gym to go to the ? to water the plants to get dressed to visit Grandma to study to make the bed ? Watch the video and enjoy it.