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2023 - ACCT 2147 Managerial Accounting(1) (2)

ACCT 2147 Managerial Accounting II
Course Syllabus - Winter 2023
Instructor - Marc Gauthier, CPA, CMA
Email: marcg@nipissingu.ca
Class Day and Time: Tuesday - 4:00pm to 6:50pm
Hours: Three hours of lecture per week for one term. Credits: 3
Land Acknowledgement:
Nipissing University sits on the territory of Nipissing First Nation, the territory of the Anishnabek,
within lands protected by the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850. We are grateful to be able to live and
learn on these lands with all our relations.
Course Description:
This course will explore the uses, limitations and methods of accounting information used in
decision making.
Some topics introduced in ACCT 2146 will be explored in more detail as the basis for additional
management concepts. Topics include joint costs, cost allocation, transfer pricing,
decentralization and segment reporting, performance measurement, relevant costing, financial
statement analysis, flexible budgeting and advanced capital budgeting techniques.
Professor Contact information/accessibility
My preferred method of communication is email. Email is monitored frequently, and response is
usually within 24 hours. Face-to-face meetings on-campus can be mutually arranged if required.
If needed, we can arrange a mutually agreeable time and day to meet.
Email – marcg@nipissingu.ca Note: Please include in the subject line your course number and
section if applicable.
Course Requirements
The textbook Managerial Accounting by Garrison, Libby, Webb is required for the course.
McGraw Hill Ryerson 12th Canadian Edition.
ISBN-13: 978-1260193275.
Nipissing University utilizes the learning management system (LMS) – Blackboard.
Your login and password to Blackboard is the same password you used for WebAdvisor.
Grading Scheme
Module Tests (2)
(Module Overview Tests)
Midterm exam
Final Exam
(12.5% each)
Overviews and Lectures
Each module will have an overview, and a detailed lecture.
Module Overviews
The module overviews will be high-level discussions highlighting the various concepts
the module will cover.
Module Lectures
A detailed discussion, which will include class/team/individual, attempts at
technical conceptual questions from the textbook.
Module Overview Test (2 x 12.5%)
Tests will be scheduled and completed in-class on 2-3 recently covered modules.
Midterm Exam – (1x35%)
Your midterm exam will comprise 35% of your term grade and must be completed successfully
for the completion of this course. You must write your midterm at your normal class time. If
you require special accommodation, it is your responsibility to ensure you book those through
Student Accessibility Services. For the Midterm exam, I will review any accommodation
requirements and ensure appropriate options are provided.
The midterm exam is scheduled for two hours. The format of the midterm exam varies,
however, usually consists of multiple choice, short answers, true/false, and technical problems.
Final Exam (1x 40%)
The Final exam will comprise 40% of your term grade and is scheduled via the Registrar’s
Office. The format of the exam varies, however, usually consists of multiple choice, short
answers, true/false, and technical problems.
You must write the Final exam for successful completion of the course. Avoid making travel
plans, until you are aware of your complete and finalized exam schedule.
Double check the Final exam date and time, as you will not be given another opportunity to write
this exam. If you find you have an EXTREME reason to forfeit writing the Final exam on the
specified date and time, you should email myself, and the Dean, Applied and Professional
Studies. It will be the Dean’s discretion, if you will be able to write the Final exam at another
time. Please note if it is a medical reason – appropriate documentation will be required.
If applicable, please ensure you make arrangements early with Student Development and
Services (SDS).
Proposed Schedule of ACCT 2147
Module Due Date
Week1 Jan 10
Intro, Overview
Review Syllabus, Layout, format Lecture
Week2 Jan 17
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Lecture 2
Chp 8 - Variable Costing
Chp 7 - Activity Based Costing
Assigned Questions /
Take up Questions from Chp 8 and 7
Week3 Jan 24
Chapter 10
Lecture 3
Chp 10 - Standard Costs and Overhead
Test #1 - Chapter 8&7
Week4 Jan 31
Week5 Feb 7
Take up Questions from Chp 10
Chapter 9
Finish Chapter 9
Chp 9 – Budgeting
Conclude Chapter 9
Take up Questions from Chp 9
Week6 Feb 14
Mid Term Exam
Feb 21
Reading Week
Week7 Feb 28
Review Mid-Term Exam
Chapter 11
Chp 11 - Reporting for Control
Take up Questions from Chp 11
Week8 Mch 7
Chapter 12
Week9 Mch 14
Finish Chapter 12
Chp 12 - Relevant Costs for Decision Making
Conclude Chp 12
Take up Questions from Chp 12
Week10 Mch 21
Week11 Mch 28
Week12 Apr 3
Test #2 Chapter 11&12
Chapter 13
Finish Chapter 13
Chp 13 – Capital Budgeting
Conclude Chp 13
Take up Questions from Chp 13
Final Exam Review
Attendance (refer to the Nipissing University course calendar).
Punctual and regular attendance is essential for the successful completion of a course. When
absenteeism exceeds 20%, the student may be excluded from writing the final examination.
If an instructor would like to exclude a student from writing a final examination, the Dean
and the student must be notified in writing at least two weeks prior to the exam. Students
who wish to appeal this decision may appeal to the Dean.
Evaluation and Grading System
Grades and the Basis for Assessment Letter Grades and Grading Standards
“A” – (80-100%) “B”– (70-79%) “C” – (60-69%) “D” – (50-59%) “F – (0-49%)
“A” indicates Exceptional Performance: comprehensive in-depth knowledge of the principles
and materials treated in the course, fluency in communicating that knowledge and
independence in applying material and principles.
“B” indicates Good Performance: thorough under- standing of the breadth of materials and
principles treated in the course and ability to apply and communicate that understanding
“C” indicates Satisfactory Performance: basic under- standing of the breadth of principles
and materials treated in the course and an ability to apply and communicate that
understanding competently.
“D” indicates Minimally Competent Performance: adequate understanding of most principles
and materials treated in the course, but significant weakness in some areas and in the ability
to apply and communicate that understanding.
“F” indicates Failure: inadequate or fragmentary knowledge of the principles and materials
treated in the course or failure to complete the work required in the course.
“I” indicates Incomplete. “W” indicates Withdrawal with permission.
Exam policies and procedures – please refer to the current institutional calendar.
Policy and Academic Dishonesty – please refer to the current institutional calendar.
For more detailed course information, refer to the
course schedule.