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Chronic Diseases Worksheet: Obesity Research & Poster Plan

Group Names: _Yuvansh_________________________________ Date: 1/12/24_____
Period:6 ______
Chronic Diseases
Graphic Organizer: Research
Directions: All members of your team will need to complete and submit the graphic organizer.
Use the valid & credible resources provided to gather your information based on your chronic
disease choice.
Chronic Diseases
Cancer - any specific
Chronic Kidney
Heart Disease
Chronic Lung
High Blood Pressure
Alzheimer’s Disease
Sickle Cell Disease
Parkinson's disease
May choose another chronic
disease not listed- need to get it
approved by teacher
Name of
Chronic Disease:
Description of Chronic
A disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of
health problems.
Obesity often results from taking in more calories than are
burned by exercise and normal daily activities.
Signs/Symptoms of
Chronic Disease:
increased sweating.
difficulty doing physical activity.
often feeling very tired.
joint and back pain.
low confidence and self-esteem.
feeling isolated.
Group Names: _Yuvansh_________________________________ Date: 1/12/24_____
Period:6 ______
Risk Factors for Disease:
Lack of physical activity. ...
Unhealthy eating behaviors. ...
Not getting enough good-quality sleep. ...
High amounts of stress. ...
Health conditions. ...
Genetics. ...
Medicines. ...
Your environment.
While genetics play a role in determining an individual's
Environmental Factors that susceptibility to obesity, environmental factors such as diet,
physical activity, and exposure to endocrine disruptors can
can cause Disease:
influence the gut microbiota and contribute to the development of
How disease is diagnosed
(what tests need to be
Prevention Strategies for
The most common way to determine if a person is affected by
overweight or obesity is to calculate BMI, which is an estimate of
body fat that compares a person's weight to their height.
The best way to treat obesity is to eat a healthy, reduced-calorie
diet and exercise regularly. To do this you should: eat a
balanced, calorie-controlled diet as recommended by your GP or
weight loss management health professional (such as a dietitian)
Chronic Diseases
Poster: Plan Your Poster
Directions For Poster: All members of your team will need to participate in your poster
creation. Imagine you are a patient at the Doctor’s Office. You have been admitted in by the
nurse and you are waiting for the Doctor. On the wall is a poster that shows a risk questionnaire,
disease diagnosis, and treatment plan. Be sure to follow the criteria for success to ensure you
have all pieces of your poster.
Note: You are not putting everything from your graphic organizer into this poster
Criteria for Success
Poster includes at least 3 symptoms of the chronic disease.
Poster lists at least 3 questions for a risk factor questionnaire
(this indicates that your group knows the factors/life choices that influence the diagnosis
and/or any human-induced environmental factors. Ex. “Do you or anyone you live with
Group Names: _Yuvansh_________________________________ Date: 1/12/24_____
Period:6 ______
smoke cigarettes?” On a poster about Lung Cancer).
Poster includes information about diagnosing the disease with a description and providing
a treatment plan for the patient
(this indicates that your group knows how factors/life choices impacts the diagnosis &
strategies to choose positive influences & avoid negative influences)
Rubric on next page
Chronic Disease:
Analyzing Influences Rubric
The response shows evidence of the ability to fully recognize
influences/life choices that relate to risk factors for chronic
Accurately and completely explains how the influence impacts
their chronic disease diagnosis.
Able to choose positive influences and provide strategies to
protect themselves from negative influences.
The response shows evidence of the ability to influences/life
choices that relate to risk factors for chronic disease.
Provides a general explanation of how the influences impact their
chronic disease diagnosis.
Able to choose positive influences and attempt to provide
strategies to protect themselves from negative influences.
Group Names: _Yuvansh_________________________________ Date: 1/12/24_____
Period:6 ______
The response shows some evidence of the ability to identify
The response does not provide effective analysis of how the
influences impact their chronic disease diagnosis.
The response shows little or no evidence of the ability to identify
*EVERY group member needs to submit a copy!