PEAL Paragraphs Compare and contrast how two characters reacted differently to the same situation. Point Evidence Analyze Link Topic Sentence What will your paragraph be about? A direct quote or passage to illustrate your point Orient your reader by building in some in-text context for the quote Be selective by choosing the best quote, as well as the best part of the quote (i.e. don't include the entire sentences unless you need to) It's okay to use snippets from a text to work with collectively here Your original commentary on the effect/intention of what the author's choices are; break down the quote and show how it supports your argument Make an explicit connection back to your thesis statement and/or topic sentence. Thematic and conceptual in nature Do not base off of a literary feature This is where you start using literary/rhetorical terminology. Consider both form and content Sentence starters The author shows/highlights/outlines... The author highlight... Point Another instance in which the author... In comparison to... The author reiterates this by... The writer explores... The author conveys... Point Evidence Analyze Link Topic Sentence What will your paragraph be about? A direct quote or passage to illustrate your point Orient your reader by building in some in-text context for the quote Be selective by choosing the best quote, as well as the best part of the quote (i.e. don't include the entire sentences unless you need to) It's okay to use snippets from a text to work with collectively here Your original commentary on the effect/intention of what the author's choices are; break down the quote and show how it supports your argument Make an explicit connection back to your thesis statement and/or topic sentence. Thematic and conceptual in nature Do not base off of a literary feature This is where you start using literary/rhetorical terminology. Consider both form and content Sentence starters An example of this is... We can see this when the author writes... Evidence When the character says... This is evident when... For example... The text states... Point Evidence Analyze Link Topic Sentence What will your paragraph be about? A direct quote or passage to illustrate your point Orient your reader by building in some in-text context for the quote Be selective by choosing the best quote, as well as the best part of the quote (i.e. don't include the entire sentences unless you need to) It's okay to use snippets from a text to work with collectively here Your original commentary on the effect/intention of what the author's choices are; break down the quote and show how it supports your argument Make an explicit connection back to your thesis statement and/or topic sentence. Thematic and conceptual in nature Do not base off of a literary feature This is where you start using literary/rhetorical terminology. Consider both form and content Sentence starters This illustrates... This quotation highlights... Analyze This example shows... Here the author displays... This causes readers to... This shows/suggests/implies/indicates/means... Point Evidence Analyze Link Topic Sentence What will your paragraph be about? A direct quote or passage to illustrate your point Orient your reader by building in some in-text context for the quote Be selective by choosing the best quote, as well as the best part of the quote (i.e. don't include the entire sentences unless you need to) It's okay to use snippets from a text to work with collectively here Your original commentary on the effect/intention of what the author's choices are; break down the quote and show how it supports your argument Make an explicit connection back to your thesis statement and/or topic sentence. Thematic and conceptual in nature Do not base off of a literary feature This is where you start using literary/rhetorical terminology. Consider both form and content Sentence starters Moreover... Ultimately... Link Furthermore... Essentially... It is evident that... Through this... Point Compare and contrast how two characters reacted differently to the same situation. Evidence Analyze Link