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NLC English Accomplishment Report

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Cagayan
Baggo north district
Agaman national high school
National Learning Camp (NLC) English
July 24, 2023 - August 11, 2023
In pursuit of advancing the MATATAG Basic Education Agenda and through collaboration
with the National Learning Recovery Program (NLRP), I assumed a pivotal role as an English
educator for the National Learning Camp (NLC) during the 2022-2023 End-of-School Year
break. This report outlines the program's implementation from July 24 to August 25, 2023, with
my class consisting of 4 students, (4 girls).
WEEK 1 (July 24-28, 2023)
Monday: July 24, 2023
Collaborative Planning and Preparation
Tuesday: July 25, 2023
Participants engaged in icebreaker activities, cultivating camaraderie, and fostering a friendly
learning environment. They also underwent a literacy skill assessment to gauge their initial
proficiency level.
Wednesday: July 26, 2023
The focus was on fundamental grammar and literacy skills. Through interactive group
activities, participants practiced vocabulary, sentence structure, and creativity while engaging
in enjoyable and educational activities.
Thursday: July 27, 2023
Esteemed guest speakers from the field of English shared their expertise, inspiring and
motivating the participants. Collaborative problem-solving sessions enabled attendees to apply
the concepts they had learned to real-world situations, thereby enhancing their critical thinking
Friday: July 28, 2023
Collaborative Review of Instruction
Week 1 Recommendation: The participants exhibited remarkable enthusiasm and a strong
willingness to learn. To further support their progress, it would be beneficial to incorporate
more hands-on activities and real-life applications in subsequent camps.
Address: Agaman Proper, Baggao, Cagayan 3500
Telephone Nos.: 09498253692
Email Address: 306020@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Cagayan
Baggo north district
Agaman national high school
Week 1 Result: Participants demonstrated significant improvement in their problem-solving
abilities and exhibited a positive attitude towards the English language. The assessment results
indicated enhanced literacy skills compared to their initial levels, setting a promising tone for
the upcoming weeks.
Monday: July 31, 2023
Collaborative Planning and Preparation
With resilience, we aimed to re-establish the learning rhythm. Activities revolved around real-world
language challenges related to the storm's effects. By the week's end, attendance had stabilized, with 6
out of 7 students actively participating.
Tuesday: August 1, 2023
A comprehensive review of Week 1's topics allowed participants to reinforce their understanding of
fundamental English concepts. They engaged in exercises to solidify their grasp of basic grammar and
sentence construction, reading, and comprehension.
Wednesday: August 2, 2023
Practical applications of language skills in daily life and various professions were explored. Participants
worked on mini-projects and delivered presentations, demonstrating their ability to apply their language
skills to real-world scenarios.
Thursday: August 3, 2023
Interactive workshops featuring educational games and online resources enriched the learning
experience. Individual and group challenges provided opportunities for participants to test their
comprehension and boost their confidence in tackling English-related activities.
Friday: August 4, 2023
Collaborative Review of Instruction
Week 2 Recommendation: To continue bolstering participants' confidence, incorporating more
problem-solving workshops and providing access to digital resources for independent practice would
be advantageous.
Week 2 Result: Week 2 witnessed participants' growing confidence in their English language abilities.
Engaging activities and practical applications contributed to a deeper understanding of English
concepts. Notably, participants demonstrated improved problem-solving techniques and an eagerness
to explore more challenging topics.
Address: Agaman Proper, Baggao, Cagayan 3500
Telephone Nos.: 09498253692
Email Address: 306020@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Cagayan
Baggo north district
Agaman national high school
Monday: August 7, 2023
Collaborative Planning and Preparation
Tuesday: August 8, 2023
A comprehensive review of topics covered in Weeks 1 and 2 ensured participants had a strong grasp of
the fundamentals. Group discussions helped identify areas for improvement, and personalized learning
plans were created to address individual needs.
Wednesday: August 9, 2023
Workshops on exam strategies and time management provided valuable insights to enhance
participants' exam preparedness. Practice tests were conducted to simulate real exam scenarios, offering
hands-on experience in tackling English assessments.
Thursday: August 10, 2023
The culmination of the camp featured a literacy competition, where participants showcased their
progress and competed with their peers. An award ceremony recognized outstanding achievements and
celebrated the collective growth of all attendees.
Friday: August 11, 2023
Collaborative Review of Instruction
Week 3 Recommendation: To maintain momentum beyond the camp, providing participants with
access to additional practice materials and establishing a supportive online community for continued
learning would be advantageous.
Week 3 Result: The final week marked a culmination of hard work and dedication. Participants
demonstrated significant improvement in their foundational English skills and readiness to face English
assessments with confidence. The literacy competition showcased their progress and celebrated their
achievements throughout the camp.
Address: Agaman Proper, Baggao, Cagayan 3500
Telephone Nos.: 09498253692
Email Address: 306020@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Cagayan
Baggo north district
Agaman national high school
The National Learning Camp in English successfully achieved its objectives of enhancing participants'
English language skills, fostering a positive attitude toward the English language, and promoting a
culture of continuous learning. The participants' notable progress and enthusiasm bode well for future
camps, and we look forward to building on this success to empower more students in their English
language journey.
Prepared by:
NLC-English -Teacher
Checked by:
Head Teacher I
OIC/School Head
Address: Agaman Proper, Baggao, Cagayan 3500
Telephone Nos.: 09498253692
Email Address: 306020@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Cagayan
Baggo north district
Agaman national high school
Address: Agaman Proper, Baggao, Cagayan 3500
Telephone Nos.: 09498253692
Email Address: 306020@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Cagayan
Baggo north district
Agaman national high school
Address: Agaman Proper, Baggao, Cagayan 3500
Telephone Nos.: 09498253692
Email Address: 306020@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Cagayan
Baggo north district
Agaman national high school
Address: Agaman Proper, Baggao, Cagayan 3500
Telephone Nos.: 09498253692
Email Address: 306020@deped.gov.ph