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Basic Foot Massage Techniques: A Step-by-Step Guide

Basic FootMassage
Basic foot massage techniques
Other techniques in foot
Rub the heel of the foot. Use
your thumbsfor this, making
small circles with medium to
heavy pressure. Work your way
around theentire heel. Repeat
this action on the ball of thefoot.
Use cross-fiber friction on the
heels of thefeet. This means you
use your thumbs to pushup and
down on the heel. While one
thumb ispushing up, the other
should be pushing down.
Massage around the ankle
bone. Use bothhands to rub in
a circular motion around the
bone on either side, and gently
rub your fingersover the top of the
Use a fist to massage the
arch of the foot.
With your hand closed in a fist,
use the tops ofyour fingers to
apply pressure to the arch. Roll
your hand back and forth to
knead the skingently.
. Massage the toes. Spend
time on eachindividual toe
Go to each toe and gently
pull on it. Thismay cause the joint
to pop, but unless itcauses the
person discomfort, continueto do
this to each toe.
Slide your index finger in
the gapbetween each toe. Spend
time moving itback and forth,
rubbing the base of eachtoe with
your index and thumb if desired.
Other Techniques in Foot Massage
1. Apply the milking stroke. To
do this, holdthe foot in both hands
and give ten short, strongpulls on
one side and then the other.
Imaginethe pulling motion of
milking a cow while doingthis.
3. Try petrissage on the achilles tendon and
lower foot.Petrissage is a type of massage
that involves lifting and squeezing muscles to
stimulate them.
. Massage the long muscle of the
foot.The long muscle begins near
the achilles tendon and ends at the
knee, and is closely tied to muscle
movements in the foot.
Perform ankle rotations.Hold the foot up, and use one
hand to rotate the foot around the ankle. Move the foot
in circles ten times in one direction, and then ten times
in the opposite direction. The ankle joints may pop, but
unless this causes the person any discomfort there is
no need to stop.