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Asset Integrity Management Presentation

Asset Integrity Management
Prepared By:
Dr. Mohamed Azzam
Asset Integrity Management
• Ability of an asset to perform its required function effectively and efficiently whilst
protecting health, safety and the environment.
• Means of ensuring that the people, systems, processes and resources that deliver
integrity are in place, in use and will perform when required over the whole
lifecycle of the asset.
• Continuous assessment process applied throughout design, construction,
installation and operations to assure that the facilities are and remain to be fit for
The aim of the asset integrity management process is to provide the following:
• Compliance with company standards, regulatory and legislative requirements
• Assurance of technical integrity by the application of risk based or risk informed
engineering principles and techniques
• Delivery of the required safety, environmental and operational performance
• Retention of the License to Operate
• Optimization of the activities and the resources required to operate the facilities
whilst maintaining system integrity
• Assurance of the facilities’ fitness for purpose
• Contributing factors to the assurance of current and continued asset
integrity are represented in the following figure.