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BIO 100: The Living World Syllabus

Syllabus for BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
1/10/23, 12:30 PM
Course Syllabus
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ASU BIO 100: The Living World
Spring C 2023
Table of Contents
Course and Faculty Information
Course Structure
Required Materials
Tips for Success
Technology and Course Support
Grading and Assignments
Communicating with the Instructor
Inclusion and Accessibility
Acknowledgments and Disclaimers
Top of page
Course and Faculty Information
Credits: 4
Instructor Name: Maria Ledesma-Barrera, M.Sc.
Contact Info: maledesm@asu.edu (mailto:maledesm@asu.edu)
Office Hours: Please email me to make an appointment.
Course Description
Students in BIO 100 explore concepts in general biology, including biodiversity, evolution, cellular biology, molecular biology, ecology, and human anatomy and
physiology. There are no prerequisites for this course.
In-Person Meeting Times
Lecture: Fridays: 9:00 - 10:15 PM (MUR 201)
Recitations: Tuesdays: 9:00 - 10:15 AM (LIB L62) , 10:30 - 11:45 AM (LIB L62)
Thursdays: 9:00 - 10:15 AM (LIB L62) , 10:30 - 11:45 AM (LIB L62)
VR Sessions: There will be 12 times throughout the in which you will sign up and experience in-person virtual reality (VR) sessions at the Creative Commons
(https://tours.asu.edu/tempe/creativity-commons) .
Course Learning Objectives
The learning objectives for this course are organized around core principles identified in the 2009 AAAS document Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology
Education. Namely, those principles are:
Evolution: “The diversity of life changed and diversified over time by processes of mutation, selection, and isolation.”
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Structure and Function: “Basic units of structure establish the function of all living things.”
Information Flow, Exchange, and Storage: “The macro and microscopic features of organisms result from the expression of genetic information in context.”
Pathways of Energy and Matter: “Biological systems are built and maintained by chemical transformation pathways that are governed by the laws of
Biological Systems: “Living systems are interconnected and interacting."
We also added an additional principle of our own designation:
Nature of Science: "Science proceeds by developing and testing explanations for patterns observed in nature."
Course Learning Outcomes
We have four overarching learning outcomes in this class:
1. To develop understanding of the nature of science and how to reason scientifically.
2. To develop understanding of key biological concepts and theories.
3. To develop the ability to apply scientific reasoning skills and biological knowledge to decision-making, question answering, and problem solving situations
relevant to your life and to the society and world in which you live.
4. During class we expect there to be lively chat discussions and debates about the concepts we are studying. We also expect you to remain respectful of your
classmates and instructors at all times. Any threatening, intimidating or harassing behavior may be punished by expulsion from the class.
More specifically, upon completion of the different modules, students will be able to:
Explain how scientists think and work, and how they interpret data to make and support claims and draw conclusions.
Summarize the scientific method and how it is used in biology to answer scientific and everyday questions.
Examine the fundamental question, “What is life?” starting at the cellular level.
Define the cell as the smallest unit of life and its various functions and roles in sustaining life.
Identify DNA and RNA, and their components.
Describe and define the Central Dogma: replication, transcription, translation, and describe the interaction of DNA and RNA in each process.
Describe how the manipulation of DNA code affects the diversity of life.
Recognize the role of DNA in the treatment of diseases and in the field of forensic science.
Recognize how genetic material provides the information that allows living things to function.
Apply basic probability and mathematical proportions to everyday situations as well as to genetics.
Outline how genetic information is passed from generation to generation through inherited units of information called genes.
Explain the relationship between traits and heredity.
Describe how mutations can potentially affect the current functioning of that genetic information.
Describe the four basic mechanisms of evolution: natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, and migration, and explain how each evolutionary force can
influence the allele frequencies of a population.
Explain how fossils, comparative anatomy, embryology, biogeographic distributions, and DNA are sources of evidence for evolution.
Describe the biological species concept and the process of speciation and biodiversity.
Explain how the evolutionary trajectory of different species contributes to the global biodiversity and disease landscape.
Describe the 7 primary systems that make up the human body.
Identify how these human body systems interact to create a state of homeostasis in an individual.
Consider how the human body behaves in different contexts and environments to achieve homeostasis.
Differentiate between the different organism interactions including commensalism, parasitism, mutualism, predation, and competition.
Explain how weather and climate affect global biomes.
Compare and contrast biotic and abiotic factors and their application to conservation.
Integrate photosynthesis and the carbon cycle into the current global weather patterns.
Explore how conservation science uncovers connections between biodiversity and human health.
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Course Structure
Please check the schedule on Canvas for specific due dates. All due dates and times are Arizona time.
Outside Class Time
1. CogBooks readings and concept quiz questions
Each week you will be expected to have completed all of the required reading and videos in CogBooks. To complete a CogBooks module, you must attempt all the
concept quizzes within CogBooks. You have two attempts on each quiz, and the highest score counts. Come prepared and do the assigned readings before the
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lecture. Each CogBooks module is due before the associated exam.
2. Virtual lab experiences
The primary purpose of the Dreamscape Learn (DSL) virtual labs is to help you understand pertinent biological concepts and develop scientific reasoning skills.
More specifically, the virtual labs will focus on the reasoning skills used to make decisions and test alternative hypotheses and theories using circumstantial,
correlational, and experimental evidence.
You will complete a total of 12 virtual lab experiences in the Tempe campus Creative Commons building. Further information about how to access these labs can
be found on the "Dreamscape Learn Information and Support" page in Canvas.
All virtual experiences must be completed prior to your in-class recitation. Other lab assignments are due by 11:59 pm on Sundays.
Virtual labs are required for this course, and if by the end of the semester you have completed fewer than 8 in-person virtual lab experiences, you will
automatically receive a course failure grade of “EU” for the entire course.
Missing a virtual lab or submitting late lab work is NOT excused due to computer issues/internet issues on personal computers or personal Internet services.
Contact your TA if you have any technical issues.
In-Class Time
3. Recitations - Applied Concept Exercises (ACE) and Dreamscape Learn
During recitations we will either analyze data from the Dreamscape Learn virtual experiences and make decisions for the Intergalactic Wildlife Sanctuary or solve
Applied Concept Exercises (ACE). ACE assignments will address specific topics presented both as an online weekly article, which will be posted on Canvas before
recitation, and in-class work. Your performance as an individual and in groups will depend on these readings as well as on the topics discussed during the
recitations. The work will be done in groups but must be submitted individually on Canvas in quiz format. You will normally have time to complete the associated
quizzes/assignments during the recitation, but if not, they are ultimately due on Sunday at 11:59pm.
4. Lectures
You are expected to attend lectures in person. Participation will be measured using iClicker (both in lecture and in recitations). The number of clicker questions will
vary during each class. An unknown number of questions will be asked this semester. You must have at least 75% of the clicker questions correct to receive a full
score for clicker participation (we will drop the lowest scores). We do not accept written answers to clicker questions – the only way to obtain these points is to use
your iClicker in class. Please be patient, it may take several days for clicker points to be recorded in the Gradebook. If your iClicker malfunctions, you miss class,
etc., you will miss the points. However, you only need 75% correct to get the full score.
5. Exams
Exams will be administered online during the scheduled class date using LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor. This software will lock down the accessibility
features of one's web browser during the exam. Respondus Monitor requires one's webcam to be enabled to record your screen and webcam to flag any
"irregularities". The screen recordings will be reviewed by the instructor and teaching assistants. You must take the Lockdown browser practice quiz to test your
online exam setup before the first exam. You will have 24 hours to complete one exam.
An optional cumulative Final exam will be offered at the end of the semester. Students that are failing the course after Exam 4 are encouraged to take this exam.
This may replace your lowest exam score.
Make-up exams will not be given. Be on time.
Each exam will draw questions from test banks related to the biology concepts and the labs allocated for that unit. Most exam items focus on the key conceptual
issues and require reasoning and application, not just factual memorization.
If for some reason you miss an exam, contact your instructor as soon as possible. Also, questions regarding missing exam scores should be directed to your
Excused absences may be given for medical, religious, or sponsored university activities that make it impossible for you to attend an exam. Excused absences are
not given for recreational travel, wedding attendance, or other such events. Documentation is required before the exam or promptly thereafter in case of medical
emergencies. If you have an excused absence from an exam, your grade will be calculated based on the average score on your other exams.
COVID-19 Student Resources and Information
All our class sessions will follow the COVID-19 protocols required by Arizona State University. Detailed information regarding policies, testing, and
accommodations at the university can be found on the Live Well, Be Well ASU Website (https://www.asu.edu/about/fall-2021) . ASU Student Support is also
available by phone at 1-833-525-0610 or use the live-chat option available here: Experience Center (http://uto.asu.edu/experiencecenter) .
If you are feeling sick and cannot complete your coursework, contact the instructor for alternatives as soon as possible.
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Required Materials
You will be using various technologies, including iClicker, Dreamscape Learn, and CogBooks, all of which you will access through the "Modules" link. Dreamscape
Learn requires purchase. iClicker and Cogbooks are free. Please review the information below for specific details.
Dreamscape Learn (DSL)
Dreamscape Learn is a state-of-the-art, real-world virtual reality (VR) storytelling medium that allows you to experience problems you'll be solving firsthand. In this
course, you will complete DSL-designated lab assignments using Dreamscape Learn Pods on campus.
There are 4 Dreamscape Learn (DSL) modules: Scientific Reasoning, Genetics and Evolution, Physiology, and Community Ecology. Each DSL module in your
course contains a 3-part series, or “Acts.” (Your Dreamscape Learn experience counts as your in-person lab. The associated recitation will focus on the experience
and data collected through the DSL experience that week.)
Participation in this course requires the use of Dreamscape Learn. This course cannot be taken without access to this material. The cost of Dreamscape Learn,
$100 (plus tax), will automatically charge to your student account after the add/drop deadline. The charge will appear under the item type "Dreamscape Learn
Access" a few weeks after class starts with a due date of the 25th of the subsequent month.
You will find additional information in the Welcome to Dreamscape Learn: The Alien Zoo module of this course.
Learning requires systematic practice in a safe and constructive environment. Students only learn when provided opportunities to practice, fail and improve without
the negative consequences. Learning requires frequent feedback that enables one to improve understanding and skills. For these reasons, BIO 100 has an
adaptive learning component called CogBooks. This software tracks your progress in the course, offers feedback on practice tests, and immediately remediates
misunderstandings. You can also email your instructor with questions directly in CogBooks.
How to access CogBooks
You can access CogBooks course materials directly in Canvas in each module through the link provided. Your access begins on the first day of class.
Tech support for CogBooks
Should you have any issues in this process please reach out to CogBooks support via email, with your school email and the course name (BIO 100 + *Semester*
You will find additional information on the CogBooks Information - Tech Support and Getting Started page of the Welcome module.
We will use iClickers for the participation in lectures and recitation. You will create a free account and download an iClicker App onto your smartphone, tablet or
PC/MAC. Follow the instructions on Canvas to create an iClicker account. If iClicker problems arise, please immediately contact clickers@asu.edu
(mailto:clickers@asu.edu) .
We do not use a textbook in this class, but if you would like additional reading, we recommend the free OpenStax version of Biology for nonmajors, Concepts
in Biology
(https://openstax.org/details/books/concepts-biology) .
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Tips for Your Success
Check the course daily.
When possible, start working on your assignments ahead of time, and check the schedule for deadlines.
Ask questions and participate in discussions.
Figure out the instructor's purpose for each assignment. If uncertain, ask the instructor.
While reading and studying, sort out the important from the unimportant information.
Generate and answer questions as you read your text and notes, and try to predict what questions are likely to be on exams.
Make connections among the lectures, the labs, Dreamscape virtual lab experiences, and the text.
Review returned assignments to discover and correct mistakes.
React to, evaluate, and attempt to apply what you have learned to other courses and to everyday life.
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Form a study group with other students to share experiences, ideas, and questions following safe social distancing guidelines.
Get enough sleep.
Access ASU Online Student Resources
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Technology and Course Support
Financial Need
Students in high need of financial support should reach out to their instructor immediately to see if they qualify for a payment voucher for any course materials.
Important: The approval process can take up to several days. Students are strongly advised to reach out right away to avoid missing deadlines.
Course Access
Your ASU courses can be accessed by both my.asu.edu (https://my.asu.edu) and asu.instructure.com; bookmark both in the event that one site is down.
Computer Requirements
This is an in-person course utilizing many online sources. Therefore, it requires a computer with internet access and the following technologies:
Web browsers (Chrome
(https://www.google.com/chrome) , Mozilla Firefox
(http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/) , or Safari
(http://www.apple.com/safari/) )
Adobe Acrobat Reader
(http://get.adobe.com/reader/) (free)
Webcam, microphone, headset/earbuds, and speaker
Microsoft Office (Microsoft 365 is free (https://myapps.asu.edu/app/microsoft-office-2016-home-usage) for all currently-enrolled ASU students)
Reliable broadband internet connection (DSL or cable) to stream videos.
Note: A smartphone, iPad, Chromebook, etc. will not be sufficient for completing your work in ASU courses. While you will be able to access course content with
mobile devices, you must use a computer for all assignments, quizzes, and virtual labs.
Course Time Commitment
This 4-credit course requires approximately 180 hours of work. Please expect to spend around 12 hours each week preparing for and actively participating in this
course. To view more about credit requirements, please visit the ABOR Policy on Academic Credit page
(https://public.azregents.edu/Policy%20Manual/2-224Academic%20Credit.pdf) .
For technical support, use the Help icon in the black global navigation menu in your Canvas course or call the ASU Experience Center at +1 (855) 278-5080.
Representatives are available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Grading and Assignments
The final letter grades will be based on a 90-80-70-60 scale. This means that it is possible that all the students in this class could receive an A in the class. We do
NOT use the +/- grading system in BIO 100 except for A+.
Tentative grading scale
A+ = 98% and above
A = 90% - 98%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60% - 69%
E = below 60%
Graded Assignments
Grades will be based on your total points. NOTE: We do not use the +/- grading system in BIO 100 except for A+. The final letter grades for the course are based
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on the TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS that you accumulate from the following assignments.
CogBooks assignments
5 assignments at 40 points each
Recitation submissions
12 submissions at 5 points each*
In-class participation
Worksheets, iClicker questions, and other in-class activities
4 exams at 100 points each
1 optional cumulative final exam
Virtual Lab Experiences
12 labs at 30 points each*
Feedback Surveys
6 surveys at 10 points each
*The 2 lowest scores from the Recitation and Labs categories will be dropped and
will not count toward your grade.
Note: Bonus (extra credit) points may also be available.
Assignment Due Dates
All assignments, unless otherwise announced, MUST be submitted to the designated area of Canvas by the deadline indicated. Do not submit any assignment via
Assignment due dates follow Arizona Standard time.
Grading Procedure
Grades reflect your performance on assignments and adherence to deadlines. Grades on assignments will be available within 72 hours of the due date in the
Late or Missed Assignments
You should make every effort to actively participate in the course and submit assignments on time. However sometimes circumstances make this difficult, please
contact me as soon as you are able if you find that you are unable to meet deadlines for the course.
Follow the appropriate University policies to request accommodations for religious practices (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd304-04.html) or to
accommodate a missed assignment due to University-sanctioned activities (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd304-02.html) .
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Communicating with the Instructor
ASU email is an official means of communication (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/ssm/ssm107-03.html) among students, faculty, and staff. Students are expected
to read and act upon email in a timely fashion. Students bear the responsibility of missed messages and should check their ASU-assigned email regularly.
Please make sure that Canvas announcements are forwarded to your email account under Notifications!
All instructor correspondence will be sent to your ASU email account. Please do not use Canvas messaging.
Top of page
Inclusion and Accessibility Statements
Arizona State University is deeply committed to positioning itself as one of the great new universities by seeking to build excellence, enhance access and have an
impact on our community, state, nation and the world. To do that requires our faculty and staff to reflect the intellectual, ethnic and cultural diversity of our nation
and world so that our students learn from the broadest perspectives, and we engage in the advancement of knowledge with the most inclusive understanding
possible of the issues we are addressing through our scholarly activities. We recognize that race and gender historically have been markers of diversity in
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institutions of higher education. However, at ASU, we believe that diversity includes additional categories such as socioeconomic background, religion, sexual
orientation, gender identity, age, disability, veteran status, nationality and intellectual perspective.
Diversity and Inclusion: Instructor Statement
With a diverse student population here at ASU; myself, the TA’s, and staff value every student’s unique identities. My goal as an instructor is to ensure all students
feel like welcomed members of the ASU community. Additionally, I strive to provide a supportive environment and the essential tools to foster student success,
both inside and outside the classroom.
We hope to create a learning environment where all feel welcomed, respected, supported, valued, and therefore, able to participate fully. Please feel free to let
your course instructors know if any circumstances arise that affect your ability to participate.
If you go by a name other than what is on the class roster or displayed on Canvas, please let me know so I can correct my roster and assist you with correcting
Canvas. Additional information on how to make name corrections in other university systems is also provided through the University Registrar Services.
Reporting Title IX Violations
Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination
under any education program or activity. Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and harassment based on sex is prohibited. An
individual who believes they have been subjected to sexual violence or harassed on the basis of sex can seek support, including counseling and academic
support, from the university. If you or someone you know has been harassed on the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find information and resources on
the: Sexual Violence Awareness, Prevention and Response (https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/faqs) website.
As a mandated reporter, I am obligated to report any information I become aware of regarding alleged acts of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence and
dating violence. ASU Counseling Services (https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling) , is available if you wish to discuss any concerns confidentially and privately.
Policy on Sexual Discrimination
Arizona State University is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation for the entire university community, including all
students, faculty members, staff employees, and guests. ASU expressly prohibits discrimination (https://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd401.html#discrimination) ,
harassment (https://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd401.html#harassment) , and retaliation (https://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd401.html#retaliation) by
employees, students, contractors, or agents of the university based on any protected status: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status,
sexual orientation, gender identity, and genetic information.
Copyrighted Materials
Students must refrain from uploading to any course shell, discussion board, or website used by the course instructor or other course forum, material that is not the
student's original work, unless the students first comply with all applicable copyright laws; faculty members reserve the right to delete materials on the grounds of
suspected copyright infringement.
Offensive or Discriminatory Content Reporting
If you deem content shared by an instructor or student offensive, bring it to the attention of the instructor or, alternatively, to the unit chair or director.
In an ideal world, science would be objective. However, much of science is subjective and is historically built on a small subset of privileged voices that excluded
the participation and contributions of others. In creating this course, the instructor and the department instructional designers endeavor to represent individuals of
diverse backgrounds in the reading, content, and media used in this class, and to recognize the immense contributions of scholars and scientists from all
ethnicities and national origins, gender and gender identity, sexuality, class, and religions.
However, we acknowledge that it is possible that there may be both overt and covert biases in the material due to the lens with which it was written, even though
the material is primarily of a scientific nature. Integrating a diverse set of experiences thus is important for a more comprehensive understanding of science.
For reporting, please contact the SoLS Undergraduate Programs.
Canvas Personal Pronouns and Preferred Names
As an instructor, I encourage you to share your personal pronouns in Canvas, and your preferred name if it is different from the ASU roster.
Students can follow these instructions to adjust their pronouns.
Students can apply for a Preferred Name Change (https://students.asu.edu/forms/preferred-display-
in some ASU Systems and/or submit a request for a Legal name change.
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Acknowledgments and Disclaimers
Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Statement
Arizona State University and the School of Life Sciences (SoLS) acknowledge the twenty-two Native Nations that have inhabited this land for centuries. Arizona
State University's four campuses are located in the Salt River Valley on ancestral territories of Indigenous peoples, including the Akimel O'odham (Pima) and Pee
Posh (Maricopa) native communities. We acknowledge the sovereignty of these nations and seek to foster an environment of success and possibility for Native
American students and patrons.
Syllabus Disclaimer
The syllabus is a statement of intent and serves as an implicit agreement between the instructor and the student. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the
course schedule but the possibility exists that unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary. Remember to check your ASU email and the course site
Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is expected of all students in all examinations, papers, and laboratory work, academic transactions and records. The possible sanctions
include, but are not limited to, appropriate grade penalties, course failure (indicated on the transcript as a grade of E), course failure due to academic dishonesty
(indicated on the transcript as a grade of XE), loss of registration privileges, disqualification and dismissal. For more information, see ASU's Academic Integrity
policy. (http://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity)
Plagiarism (https://provost.asu.edu/academic-integrity/resources/students#avoiding-plagiarism) is strictly prohibited. Students must refrain from uploading or
submitting material that is not the student's original work to any website, course shell, or discussion used in this course or any other course unless the students
first comply with all applicable copyright laws; faculty members reserve the right to delete materials on the grounds of suspected copyright infringement and
impose sanctions as listed below.
Academic dishonesty includes any act of academic deceit, including but not limited to possessing, reviewing, buying, selling, obtaining, posting on a site accessible
to others, reviewing materials from a site accessible to others, or using, without appropriate authorization, any materials intended to be used for an Academic
Prohibition of Selling Class Notes
Students may not share outside the class, upload, sell or distribute course content or notes taken during the conduct of the course. In accordance with ACD 30406 Commercial Note Taking Services (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd304-06.html) , written permission must be secured from the official instructor of the
class in order to sell the instructor's oral communication in the form of notes. Notes must have the notetaker's name as well as the instructor's name, the course
number, and the date.
Sanctions for Academic Integrity Violations
Possible sanctions include, but are not limited to, appropriate grade penalties, course failure (indicated on the transcript as a grade of E), course failure due to
academic dishonesty (indicated on the transcript as a grade of XE), loss of registration privileges, disqualification, and dismissal from ASU. For more information,
see ASU's Academic Integrity Policy (http://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity) .
Course Summary:
Thu Jan 12, 2023
 CogBooks M1: Overview
Fri Jan 13, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
9am to 10:15am
Tue Jan 17, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
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 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
Thu Jan 19, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Fri Jan 20, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
9am to 10:15am
Tue Jan 24, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Thu Jan 26, 2023
 Exam 1 review questions- Submit here
 CogBooks M2: Cellular Biology
Fri Jan 27, 2023
Sun Jan 29, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
 Act I, Scientific Reasoning: Assignment
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
10:30am to 11:45am
due by 1:30pm
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
Tue Jan 31, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Thu Feb 2, 2023
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
10:30am to 11:45am
 LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor
practice quiz - Requires Respondus LockDown
Browser + Webcam
due by 11:59pm
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Fri Feb 3, 2023
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 Exam 1 - Requires Respondus LockDown Browser
+ Webcam
due by 11:59pm
Sun Feb 5, 2023
 Act II, Scientific Reasoning: Assignment
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
Tue Feb 7, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
Thu Feb 9, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Fri Feb 10, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
 ACE #1 DNA Extraction - Quiz
due by 11:59pm
 Feedback Survey #1: Scientific Reasoning
due by 11:59pm
Sun Feb 12, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
9am to 10:15am
Tue Feb 14, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
Thu Feb 16, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Fri Feb 17, 2023
Sun Feb 19, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
 ACE #2 Forensics - Quiz
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
Tue Feb 21, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
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1/10/23, 12:30 PM
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Thu Feb 23, 2023
10:30am to 11:45am
 Exam 2 review questions - Submit here
due by 1:30pm
 CogBooks M3: Genetics and Evolution
due by 11:59pm
Fri Feb 24, 2023
9am to 10:15am
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
9am to 10:15am
9am to 10:15am
Tue Feb 28, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
9am to 10:15am
Thu Mar 2, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Fri Mar 3, 2023
 Exam 2 - Requires Respondus LockDown Browser
+ Webcam
10:30am to 11:45am
due by 11:59pm
Sun Mar 5, 2023
 Feedback Survey #2: Genetics and Evolution
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
Tue Mar 14, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Thu Mar 16, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 CogBooks M4: Human Body
Fri Mar 17, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
10:30am to 11:45am
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
Page 11 of 15
Syllabus for BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
1/10/23, 12:30 PM
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
9am to 10:15am
Tue Mar 21, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 Bonus - Endocrine and Reproductive Quiz
due by 11:59pm
 Bonus - Homeostasis Quiz
due by 11:59pm
Wed Mar 22, 2023
10:30am to 11:45am
 Bonus - Vaping: Implications in Lung Cancer and
Other Diseases
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Thu Mar 23, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 Exam 3 review questions - Submit here
Fri Mar 24, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
10:30am to 11:45am
due by 1:30pm
9am to 10:15am
 ACE #3 My Beating Heart - Worksheet
due by 11:59pm
 Act I, Physiology: Assignment
due by 11:59pm
Sun Mar 26, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
9am to 10:15am
Tue Mar 28, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
Thu Mar 30, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Fri Mar 31, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
 Act II, Physiology: Assignment
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
due by 11:59pm
Page 12 of 15
Syllabus for BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
1/10/23, 12:30 PM
Sun Apr 2, 2023
 ACE #4 Got Milk? - Quiz
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
Tue Apr 4, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
Thu Apr 6, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Fri Apr 7, 2023
 Exam 3 - Requires Respondus LockDown Browser
+ Webcam
10:30am to 11:45am
due by 11:59pm
Sun Apr 9, 2023
 Feedback Survey #3: Physiology
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
Tue Apr 11, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
Thu Apr 13, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Fri Apr 14, 2023
Sun Apr 16, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
 Act I, Community Ecology: Assignment
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Tue Apr 18, 2023
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
Thu Apr 20, 2023
Page 13 of 15
Syllabus for BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
1/10/23, 12:30 PM
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Fri Apr 21, 2023
Sun Apr 23, 2023
 BIO 100: Maria's Friday Lecture
 Act II, Community Ecology: Assignment
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
10:30am to 11:45am
9am to 10:15am
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
Tue Apr 25, 2023
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Wed Apr 26, 2023
 Bonus - Biomes and Natural Disasters Quiz
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
 BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
Thu Apr 27, 2023
 Exam 4 review questions - Submit here
 CogBooks M5: Ecology
 Exam 4 - Requires Respondus LockDown Browser
+ Webcam
10:30am to 11:45am
due by 11:59pm
9am to 10:15am
10:30am to 11:45am
due by 1:30pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
Fri Apr 28, 2023
 Feedback Survey #4: Community Ecology
due by 11:59pm
 Feedback Survey #5: Overall Course Experience
due by 11:59pm
Sun Apr 30, 2023
Wed May 3, 2023
 Cumulative Final Exam - Requires Respondus
LockDown Browser + Webcam
due by 11:59pm
 Act I, Community Ecology: VR Pod Session
(Schedule Here!)
 Act I, Genetics and Evolution: VR Pod Session
(Schedule Here!)
 Act I, Physiology: VR Pod Session (Schedule Here!)
 Act I, Scientific Reasoning: VR Pod Session
(Schedule Here!)
Page 14 of 15
Syllabus for BIO 100: The Living World (2023 Spring)
1/10/23, 12:30 PM
 Act II, Community Ecology: VR Pod Session
(Schedule Here!)
 Act II, Genetics and Evolution: VR Pod Session
(Schedule Here!)
 Act II, Physiology: VR Pod Session (Schedule
 Act II, Scientific Reasoning: VR Pod Session
(Schedule Here!)
 Act III, Community Ecology: VR Pod Session
(Schedule Here!)
 Act III, Genetics and Evolution: VR Pod Session
(Schedule Here!)
 Act III, Physiology: VR Pod Session (Schedule
 Act III, Scientific Reasoning: VR Pod Session
(Schedule Here!)
 Dreamscape Learn Registration Waiver
 Getting to Know You Survey
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