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SAP EWM Configuration Guide

Enterprise Structure Definition in SAP ERP
Define Company Code.
Define Company Code.
Define Valuation Level.
Define Plant.
Define Sales Organization.
Define Distribution Channel
Maintain Storage Location.
Maintain Purchasing Organization.
Warehouse Number.
Define Shipping Point.
Maintain Transportation Planning Point.
Enterprise Structure Assignment in ERP
Assign Company to Company Code.
Assign Company Code to Plant.
Assign Business Area to Plant/Valuation Area and Division.
Assign Sales Organization to Company Code.
Assign Sales Organization to Distribution channel.
Assign Sales Organization to Division.
Setup Sales Area.
Assign Purchasing Org to Company Code.
Assign Purchasing Org to Plant.
Assign to Warehouse Number to Plant/Storage Location combination.
Assign Shipping Point to Plant.
Shipping Point Determination Configuration
Assign goods receiving point for Inbound Deliveries.
Define Order Combinations for Inbound Deliveries.
EWM Specific Configuration in ERP
Assign ERP warehouse number to EWM warehouse number.
Define EWM specific parameters.
Delivery Split by Warehouse Number
Generate Distribution Model from SAP ERP to SAP EWM
EWM Specific Configuration.
Creation of Warehouse Number
Define Business System.
Define Business System
Map Business System with ERP WM and EWM WM.
Creation of Supply Chain Unit (T-Code-> /N/SCMB/SCUMAIN).
Assign Warehouse Number.
Define Warehouse Control.
Core Interface of Master Data (Plant and Party Entitled to Dispose) from ERP to EWM.
1. Ciffing of Plant.
T-Code-> CFM1.
In EWM use T-code /N/SAPAPO/LOC3.
2. Ciffing of Party Entitled to dispose.
Creation of Party Entitled to Dispose and ciffing of party entitled to dispose.
T-code-> XK01.
Assign plant to Vendor.
T-Code CFM1.
In EWM go to T-Code BP.
Maintain ID Type CRM011 and identification number as 7058.
Assign party entitled to dispose against Warehouse Number
Define Number Ranges
Availability Group Configuration for Put way Process.
Mapping of Availability Group to ERP storage location.
Checking of Decentralized Warehouse Configuration in EWM.
Simple Inbound Process without HU
Put away Strategies.
We will define storage type based upon the put away strategies.
There will two types of storage type required.
Physical Storage Type (Each Storage Type will have settings based upon Put away Strategies)
GR Area Storage Type ( Basically staging area).
1. General Storage Stock Placement.
A) Define General Storage Type.
Availability Group 002 will be assigned Physical Storage Area.
B) GR Area Storage Type.
Availability Group “001” should be assigned to GR Interim Storage Type.
Storage Section
Storage Bin creation for Storage Type 1000 (/N/SCWM/LS01)
Storage Bin for Interim Storage Type 1001.
Activity Area Configuration.
Sorting of Storage Bin based upon Activities.
Once Sorting is done it will update the activities at the Storage Bin level.
Storage Type Search Configuration with Put away Control Indicator.
Automatic Storage Type search determination is based upon Warehouse Number, Put away
control indicator, Warehouse Process Type.
Define Storage Type Search Sequence.
Warehouse Process Type.
Maintain GR Staging Storage Type and Staging Storage bin.
Maintain Availability Group.
Warehouse Process Type determination.
CIFFING of Material and Vendor.
Quantity and Value update configuration against Material Type.
T-Code OMS2.
Creation of Material Code in ECC.
T-Code MM01
Extending of Storage Location against Plant.
T-Code MMSC.
Ciffing of Material.
T-Code CFM1.
T-Code CFM2.
Material Code in ERP will be determined as Product Code in EWM.
Check Product Master in EWM T-Code /N/SAPAPO/MAT1.
T-Code /N/SCWM/MAT1.
Go to create.
Maintain Put away Control Indicator and Stock Removal Indicator in Product Master.
Vendor Master Ciffing.
Create Vendor in XK01.
T-Code CFM1.
General Storage Type Determination Scenario.
1. Creation of Purchase Order in ERP.
2. Creation of Inbound Delivery.
3. Creation of Inbound Delivery Notification in EWM.
Do Goods Receipt
Click on Create and then Create + Save.
Destination Storage Type will be determined based upon determination of Storage Type
Warehouse Order got created.
Warehouse Order Confirmation.
Check the stock in EWM monitor.
T-Code /N/SCWM/MON.
Check Stock in ERP
This means after goods receipt stock will be placed as Warehouse Stock in EWM after the
Warehouse Task confirmation system will trigger transfer posting from Warehouse Stock to Put
away Stock which will update in ERP by 411 movement.
2. Fixed Storage Stock Placement.
Define Storage Type for fixed bin.
Define Storage Type Search Sequence.
Fixed Bin Put away Strategy Scenario.
Scenario 1.
Material Code has been created.
Ciffing of the Material.
T-Code CFM2.
Check in Product Master in EWM.
Extension of Warehouse Views.
Maintain Put away Control Indicator.
Create Fixed Storage Bin -> /N/SCWM/LS01
Assign Fixed Bin to Product Master through automatic program.
Now go to Product Master (/SCWM/MAT1)
Purchase Order Creation.
Inbound Delivery Creation.
Scenario 2.
Create new Material Code in ERP.
T-Code MM01.
Extend Material Code against Storage location.
Ciffing of Material Code.
T-Code CFM1.
Check in Product Master (/N/SAPAPO/MAT1)
Check in (/N/SCWM/MAT1)
Now we will create 3 bins.
Assign fixed bin to product code manually.
Maintain bins manually.
Check in Product Master (/N/SCWM/MAT1)
Create Purchase Order in ERP.
Create Inbound Delivery.
Inbound Delivery in EWM (/N/SCWM/PRDI).
Check Stock at Storage Bin level or through EWM monitor (/N/SCWM/MON).
Check Stock in ERP.
3. Empty Storage Stock Placement.
Define Storage Type
Storage Type Determination.
Creation of Storage Bin T-Code (/N/SCWM/LS01)
Creation of Storage Bin (/N/SCWM/LS01).
Creation of Material Code (T-code MM01).
Ciffing of Material Code.
T-code CFM2 Distribution Model activated.
Check Product Master in SAP EWM (T-Code /N/SAPAPO/MAT1).
Extend Warehouse View
(T-Code /N/SCWM/MAT1).
Empty Stock Placement scenario.
Purchase Order Creation
Inbound Delivery Creation
Inbound Delivery Notification in SAP EWM.
Stock transfer from one bin to another bin.
Define Warehouse Process Type
Stock Transfer from one bin to another bin T-Code (/N/SCWM/ADPROD).
At first we will check the stock at bin level.
Enter the destination bin.
Check the Stock at Storage bin.
Stock moved from FIXED1 to FIXED2.
HU Configuration
Internal number range of HU in ECC will replicate external number range of HU in EWM.
Similarly external number range of HU in ECC will replicate internal number range of HU in EWM.
HU Configuration in ECC.
Inbound Process with HU
HU Configuration in EWM.
Creation of Packaging Material Type.
Ciffing of Material Code from ECC to EWM.
T-code CFM1.
T-CodeCFM2 (Activation of Distribution Model).
Check Product Master (/N/SCWM/MAT1)
Testing Scenario.
Purchase Order Creation.
Inbound Delivery Creation.
Creation of Inbound Delivery Notification in /N/SCWM/PRDI.
Check Stock in SAP EWM (/N/SCWM/MON).
Process Oriented Storage Control
Define Work Centre Storage Type.
Definition of Storage Section.
Creation of Storage Bin. (/N/SCWM/LS01)
Define Work Centre Layout.
Define Warehouse Process Type.
Define Work Centre
Assign Storage Bin to Work Centre (/N/SCWM/TWORKST)
Define Door Storage Type.
Define Storage Section.
Creation of Storage Bin. (T-Code/N/SCWM/LS01)
Define Warehouse Process Type for Door Storage type and Storage bin determination.
Define Control Indicators for Warehouse Process Type Determination.
Determine Warehouse Process Type.
Define Process Oriented Control.
This designed based upon Unload and then Putaway.
Define Storage Type Search.
Maintain Process Type Control Indicator in Product Master.
Complex Inbound Process through POSC (Unload + Put away)
PO Creation.
Inbound Delivery
Inbound Delivery Notification in EWM.
Two warehouse tasks will be created.
One for stock movement from door to gr area. And another from gr area to fixed storage type.
Check warehouse task in Monitor. /N/SCWM/MON.
Inbound POSC
Process Oriented Storage Control is basically used to map the complex warehouse
process which includes various intermediate steps like unloading, deconsolidation,
quality inspection, value added services etc. before final put away.
In this blog I will involve intermediate steps like unloading and deconsolidation steps
before final put away.
Please find the process diagram below.
Prerequisites to run the process.
Definition of Organization Structures and relevant master data s given below.
Warehouse Number.
Goods Receiving Point.
Storage Location.
Definition Storage Type for Door, GR Area, Deconsolidation Area, Final Storage
Type to be configured in EWM.
Definition of Door Storage Type.
Definition GR Area Storage Type.
Definition of Deconsolidation Storage Type.
Definition of Final Storage Type.
Definition of Storage Section of door storage type, GR Area storage type,
Deconsolidation Storage Type and Fixed Storage Type.
At Door Level
At GR Area
At Deconsolidation Area
At Final Storage Type
Definition of Storage Bin of door storage type, GR Area storage type,
Deconsolidation Storage Type and Fixed Storage Type.
Door Storage Bin.
GR Area Storage Bin.
Deconsolidation Area.
Final Storage Type.
Define Work Centre
Specify Work Centre Layout
Define Work Centre.
Assign Storage Bin to Work Centre (/N/SCWM/TWORKST)
Define Process Oriented Storage Control
In this configuration we will define the process steps involved in complex inbound
Define Warehouse Process Type.
We will create three warehouse process type since warehouse process type
determines the movement of the product from door to final storage type.
This warehouse process type is relevant from Door to GR Area.
Maintain Storage Process “INBD” in Warehouse Task level.
This Warehouse Process Type is relevant from GR Area to Decon Area.
This warehouse process type for Final Put away from decon area to final storage
After this configuration we need to do the configuration in POSC set up.
We need to maintain the external step in Work Centre.
Determine Warehouse Process Type.
We will determine warehouse process type based upon
Warehouse Number + Control Indicator + Document Type.
Then determine the Warehouse Process Type.
Define Storage Type search
Storage Type search is based upon Warehouse Number + Put away Control
Indicator + Warehouse Process Type.
Define Putaway Control Indicator.
Maintain Put away control indicator and Control Determination in Product
Creation of Purchase Order.
Creation of IBD.
*Note* - In case of POSC process HU is mandatory.
Creation of Inbound Delivery Notification (/N/SCWM/PRDI)
GR Status got completed.
Now go to Warehouse Task.
In this Warehouse Task it determines Source as Door and destination as GR Area.
Two Warehouse Task got created.
Now come to EWM Monitor (/N/SCWM/MON).
Now you are able to that 3 warehouse task has been created for each steps.
First Step- SEP1 Unloading has been completed.
Second Step- SEP2 Deconsolidation not yet completed.
Third Step- SEP3 Final Put away is in waiting Status.
Now we will clear second step – SEP2.
Now second step has been confirmed.
Now to complete the third step – SEP3 we need to complete the deconsolidation
first. Now it is in waiting status
Go to T-Code-> /N/SCWM/DCONS
Now Deconsolidation is completed.
Come to EWM monitor screen
Now refresh it.
Now status is blank.
Now confirm the warehouse task.
Now task is confirmed means all 3 steps are completed.
Check Stock in EWM.
Check stock movement in ERP.
Packaging Specification
A packaging specification is master data. The packaging specification defines all the necessary
packing levels for a product for example to put away or transport the product. For a product, a
packaging specification mainly describes in which quantities you can pack the product into which
packaging materials
Attributes such as the name of the packaging specification, username, status, and so on.
A packaging specification contains a product. However, some packaging specifications contain
more than one product, or refer to other packaging specifications.
A packaging specification contains one or more levels. Each level contains a target quantity,
which defines how many times you can pack the previous level into this level.
Element group
For each level there is exactly one element group. However, you can reuse element groups in
several packaging specifications.
Elements consist of a packaging material and a work step.
A text with an identification, which you can use in one or more packaging specifications.
Packaging material
A product that is defined with a packaging material type in the product master.
Example for a packaging specification and its structure
Configuration of packaging Specification are as follows.
Define number range.
Define Packaging Specification Group
Define Level Types
There will be two levels of Packaging
1st Level of packaging is Auxillary Level Packaging.
2nd Level of packaging is Carton Level Packaging.
Hence we will create two level types.
Auxillary Packaging
Carton Packaging
Define Element Type
Define Level Set
Define Work Step
Define Packaging Material Type
Assign Packaging Material Type to Element Type
Assign Work Step to Packaging Material Type
Assign Level Set to Packaging Specification Group
Create Packaging Specification (/SCWM/PACKSPEC).
Testing Scenario.
Create PO
Create Inbound Delivery.
Inbound Delivery Notification
Here you see pack spec determined automatically in form of HU.
VAS Process in EWM
The Value Added Services define the product processing to be performed in a warehouse
and includes activities like packing, labeling, assembling, etc. To perform interim steps in the
goods issue or goods receipt, you can use storage control to perform interim steps.
Business Process
1, VAS related configuration.
VAS Relevance Settings
Warehouse Number Dependent Settings.
2. Storage Type, Storage Section and Storage Bin definition for VAS Work Center.
Storage Section
Storage Bin Creation.
3. Work Centre Settings
Define Work Centre.
Assign Storage Bin to Work Centre.--> /N/SCWM/TWORKST.
4. Warehouse Process Type.
Warehouse Process Type determined based upon Warehouse Number + Process Type +
Delivery Document Number
5. Process Oriented Settings.
Warehouse Process Type Determination.
Maintain Storage Process Control in Warehouse Process Type for POSC process.
Assign Step to Work Centre.
6. Product Master Settings.
Maintain Process Type Determination of Warehouse Process Type Determination.
Maintain PUTAWAY indicator and PICKING indicator for Storage Type Search
7. Packaging Specification
Test Scenario.
a. Purchase Order Creation.
b. Inbound Delivery Creation.
c. Inbound Delivery Notification Creation
Display VAS Order.
Goods Receipt Completed
Warehouse Task Creation.
Confirm Warehouse Task.
d. Warehouse Monitor.
Click on Warehouse Task.
Stock has moved from Door to GR Area
After Confirming the warehouse task, stock moved from GR Area to DCON Area.
e. Deconsolidation through Work Centre.
HU Step completed.
Now Stock Moved from DCON Area to VAS Area.
VAS Activity
VAS Area to Final Storage.
HU is moved.
Combined Storage Control (POSC Process + LOSC Process)
Process Oriented Storage Control (POSC)
POSC during inbound process is used to map complex putaway processes to determine the
relevant process steps required and the sequence of the process steps. this lets you track the
overall process while having visibility to the execution of the individual process steps.
In the customizing for the storage control, you can flexibly define the necessary process steps to
fulfill an overall process. you can see that the following process steps are defined as part of the
POSC for the putaway process for Handling unit. (HU)
1. Unload the HU at the door
2. Move the HU to staging area
3. Deconsolidation of mixed products so that they can be put away separately into the
4. Valve Added Services (VAS) activities like labeling ,oiling etc
5. Put away the HU’s to the final bin
Layout Oriented Storage Control (LOSC)
Business process sometimes needs to use an interim storage type and bin, when transferring
stock from one area of the warehouse to another to check wieght volume etc, you can manage
this requirement in EWM using the LOSC.
Combined Storage Control for Inbound Processing
Both the POSC and the LOSC are used together, the POSC is always checked first during
execution of the storage control. An example of a warehouse storage process that includes both
the POSC and LOSC could include the following process steps:
1. Unloading the HU’s at the door (POSC)
2. Deconsolidation of the HU’s at the work center (POSC)
3. Value Added Services (VAS) at VAS work center (POSC)
4. Placing the goods at one interim storage location for wieght check (LOSC)
5. Lifting the goods to mezzanine floor (LOSC)
6. Putting away the HUs into the high rack bin (POSC)
Unload takes place at door (storage type), goods reciept takes place at GR staging area (storage
type), Deconsolidation takes place at Deconsolidation work center (storage type), VAS takes
place at VAS work center (storage type), placing the goods at ground floor (storage type), lifting
the HU’s to mezzanine floor (storage type) and final putaway of HU’s in to final storage type.
The configuration steps for POSC and LOSC are as follows
1. Define Storage Type, Storage Section and Storage Bin for Doors, GR- Area, DCONArea, VAS Area, Ground Floor, Mezzanine Floor and Final Storage Type.
Door Configuration
GR Area Configuration
Deconsolidation Area.
VAS Area Configuration.
Ground Floor
Mezzanine Floor
Final Storage Type
2. Work Centre Settings for Deconsolidation Area and VAS Area.
Deconsolidation Area Work Centre Settings
VAS Area Work Centre Settings.
3. Warehouse Process Type Settings.
Process Type for Warehouse Process Type Determination.
Warehouse Process Type Determination.
4. Process Oriented Storage Control.
Assign Storage Process in Warehouse Process Type.
Assign External Step to Work Centre.
5. Layout Oriented Storage Settings.
6. Storage Type Search Settings.
7. Packaging Specification Settings.
Assign Level Set to Packaging Specification Group.
8. VAS Order related settings.
9. Settings in Product Master
10. Test Scenario.
Purchase Order.
Inbound Delivery.
Inbound Delivery Notification.
Warehouse Monitor.
If you see this stock is already moved from Door to GR Area.
Now stock moved from GR Area to DCON Area.
Now stock has moved from DCON Area to VAS Area.
Now stock moved from VAS to Ground Floor.
Now Stock moved from Ground Floor to Mezzanine Floor
Now stock moved to mezzanine floor to ground floor.
Now stock from Mezzanine Floor to Final Storage Type.
Understanding Staging Area and Door Determination in SAP EWM
Every Distribution Centre, Where the goods arrive at or leave the warehouse from a location
called Door. The interim storage used to unload goods until they are put away in the inbound
process or goods are staged until they are loaded to a truck in outbound process. So integration
with delivery processing is necessary using staging area and door determination. This blog post
will help you to understand, in SAP EWM how staging area and door determination automatically
runs when you create or change outbound delivery order or inbound delivery.
Vehicles and their transportation units (TUs) drive up to the doors of a warehouse to load or
unload goods there. The doors are in close proximity to the relevant staging areas.
Staging areas are used for the interim storage of goods in the warehouse. They are located in
close proximity to the doors assigned to them. You can define staging areas for different
purposes and even simultaneously for multiple purposes.
In delivery processing, the SAP EWM system uses determination rules to determine the following
for each delivery item:
Staging area groups
Staging areas
Staging bays
Configuration required for door determination.
1. Define Storage Type for GR Staging Area.
2. Define Storage Section for GR Staging Area.
3. Creation of Storage Bin (/N/SCWM/LS01)
4. Define Staging Area.
So Staging Area Group is basically the GR Storage Type.
Staging Area is basically the Storage Section.
5. Define Staging Area and Door determination group.
6. Define Warehouse Doors.
Assign Staging Area and Staging Bay.
7. Assign Warehouse Doors to Staging Area Group.
8. Assign Staging Area to Warehouse Door.
9. Assign the staging area group to Product Master.
10. Test scenario.
PO Creation.
Inbound Delivery Creation.
3. Inbound Delivery Notification in EWM.
Outbound POSC Process (Auto Pick Scenario)
POSC is used in warehouses where there is need for multi steps movements for stocks inside
the warehouse due the restrictions in layout of the warehouse for simple movements. In complex
warehouses, outbound process involves a series of multi step movement. means that the
material which is picked does not directly go the door or goods issue area. instead will go to
interim storage type for packing and value-added services again from there the Handling Unit
(HU) is staged in staging area followed by loading. Handling Unit undergoes the multi-step
physical movements.
The following Process Steps are used in POSC
1. Define Packing Profile.
For Auto Pick HU scenario Packing Profile is mandatory.
2. POSC Settings.
3. Warehouse Order Creation Rule.
4. Define Warehouse Process Type.
Maintain Warehouse Process Type STRT in POSC settings.
5. Warehouse Number Control.
6. Packaging Specification.
Assign Level Set to Packaging Specification group
Packaging Specification creation (/N/SCWM/PACKSPEC)
7. Maintain Stock removal Indicator at the Product Master level.
8. Maintain Start and End Bin in /N/SCWM/SEBA.
9. Define Storage Type.
Test Scenario.
Sales Order Creation – VA01.
Outbound Delivery- VL01N.
Check Outbound Delivery in EWM - /N/SCWM/PRDO.
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