. - r..: ri.:irrl,. :_{:i:.i A C0ttHcntn[t oF ili l,' { 1 u ".:| ii ,ii A Collection of lce Breakers for C_etLGroups Copyrigbt-@.l99zb5rD2h"n<.n rt.h. M.rh^.ti<r ch,,trh Version1.00 May t99j . Available ftom: Damansara UtaEaMethodistChurch 34,JalaaSS25/28 Taea! Mayang 47301paaliagJaya Tel:03-7031526Fax:03_?031572 E-mail:chrkan@pc jaring.my . MIII';TRETT,IN IEL: 2JA2t7 Tableof Contents Introduction . ... .. .4 TheCellMeeting Agenda:. . . . . .......5 Purpose o sf l c eB r e a k e .r .s. . . . , .......6 Oifferent Typesof lce-Breakers .. ............,'.7 F o rM i x i nAg r o u nadn dc e t t i ncgr o u pp a r t i c i p a t i o n f o r G e t t i nAgc q u a i n .t e . .d. . . ........15 F o rS t a r t i nCgo m m u n i c aAt im o no nC g ellMembers Complete thefollow.ng sentences: PositiP v ee o p l.e- . . . . . , chitdhood ........... A b o uMt yF a m i .t v. ' A b o u t M y s e t f. .. .. -. .. : . . :- . : : . ' ' A b o uMt y s e-l M f yF e e t i n o. s AboutMyseff- Mi opinlo-ns. . . . . . """':" A b o uMt y s e- tMf ic i , , i . "t i i r , . . . . . . . : . . . e ingo A p p e n d2i x: p e o p t B ..... -.....11 .......17 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . l 8 ....-....18 ......le '.....2o ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . - . 21 :. ::: :: .:::. .:::. ..... ....3, D. ForEnmuraging Teamwork or GroupRjationship Appendix 1: LetMe Introduce you . . . . . . . . . . . ............8 . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . - . . . . . 2T .......ea Appendix 3: cingerBreadMan. . . .........30 App€ndix4: CreativeDraMng. . . . .........31 Appendix 5: t.e. TestI f . e T. e s2t ...... t . QT. e s t 3. . . . . : . . t . eT . e s4t . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 3 2 """"'33 .....' 34 t . eT. e s_t A n s w .e. r: s: . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .3 : q p p € { d 6k : T o p T e nW o r sttc e b r e a k /evrE s y E tRo B e U s e d !. !. . - . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 A Colleclionol tce Brcaketsfor Ce croups l. Introduction Thisis a collection of icebreakers for CellGroups(CG)accumulated ovetthe years. w-ere collated ftom various sourcesincluding Jhey trainingresource books,thoseused in-ourdifferent CellGroups, theIntemetandfiomthosewhohadattended seminars or workshops thathadsomeinteresting ones.Overtheyears,C"ffl""O"o f.rn OUVC andother.churches haverequested'this -rpirrti"n j" m"v-o!9"i-io'rppr"","," ,n" valuesof icebreakers. I hopethissmallcollection is helofulin makingyourcell meetingmoreexcrtingand meaningful. lf youhavecomeacrossinteresting andhefptrficeOrJafrclsi pleasesend th.em to meto beaddedto thene)crelease. n,iy con"truifueuoliJu'iiJ,ior tr,i","",,u"r willbe appreciated. MayGodcontinue to blessyouin yourCellministry!! PastorChrisKam .. N jtf ij oanasatauana@GF@ifrjA Pe*p Jaya A Coleclion of lq B'€eko.s lor CeI Gtoups ll. The Cell MeetingAgenda: Meeting Agenda Spiritual Dynamics Duration Welcome (Ice-breakers) Man to man 10minutes Worship (Minisry) Man to God 20minutes Word @dification) Godto Man 45-60 minutes Works (Vision) Man to man 30rninutes CETI. GROUPUFE CYCL€ . AG€IIDA PAITERI{ cE( uF€tPA - Dr&.r Crd. (wii.) ffiF* A Collectionof lc6 Brcakerstor Cell lll. Purposesof lco Breakers 1. Bringseveryonein thecellto a common focus.Everymemberwatksintothecell meetingwithdifferent purpose, emotion, attitudeetc. 2. lt is NOTa gameper s€, butan activitythathelpspeopleto takethe focusoff themselves in orderto feelat easewitheachother.lt mayrequireeachpersonto say somethingon a pre-determined topic,or for smallgroupsof two or threeto accomplish a simpleiaskin a limitedtime. 3. lt helpsbindpeopteto peopte,usuallyon a supemciallevelbut thats whatit's supposedto achieve. 4. lt helpsbreaktheice!Especially soforpeoplewhoarenew,or shy.An ice-breaker youngor old in faithand age, introvertor is non-threatening, whicheveryone, extrovert,easy{oingor seriousin charact€r, childrenor adults,can participate. Thereforeyougeteveryone involved rightfromthe beginning of a cellmeeting! aboutyourmembers which 5. lt enablesyouasa cellleaderto understand something youcanlateremphasize time. as a needduringworshipor edification POINTERS 1. Some cell leadersfeel that ice-breakers are a wasteof time. Nolt They are extemdy valuableforcellsthatarebeginning to knoweachotheror cellsthathave beentogetherfor a longtime. 2. lt is a TOOLto helpyoutakethefirststepintoeachothedslives. thatwouldbe 3. Prayand ask Godto giveyouwisdomin choosingan ice-breakef chosenwith appropriate for theoccasion. Wehavefoundout thatan ice.breaker careallowsGodto minister to somepeopleduringthecell meeting. jusipriorto a cellmeeting.Treatit as seriously 4. Donottty to thinkof anice-breaker as l'ou wouldpreparefor edification or worship. thatyournay 5. Usea resourcelistof ice-breakers. Keepnotesof newice-breakers etc. havediscovered crnventions in seminars, futrfEcra {jd,ama ,,lethodistAurch Pt,a,ingJaya A Co ectktnof lce Baeakersfor CeI Gtoups 6. Oonotexpecttoomuchoutof ice-breakers, i.e.don,tallowit to beoorne a sharing session, unlessit'smeanttobea Make you rem,"t"6;;;i3$:ln'iffil"JJi,:r1",ffi _sure H,j;""iJl,T?,i.,13. tf youfinda member goingoverboard, jurt s""dy i"ilpii;e m"iG anaast t im to bringit up duringsuppertime,or anyother partof ir,e "ertmeetingwhichyou deemappropdate. 7. In general,at the earlierlife of the CellGroup, time for ic€_b,reakers may be generay tonger.pleaseseethediagram above:;i.fi-ei"Lp iif" 6r"re - Agenda Pattem". 8. USEICE-BREAKERS AT EVERYMEETING!! Thisis alsoto senda silentmessage to yourmembers thatyoutakeice_brcakers seriouslv! lV. DifferentTyiresof lce€reakers A. ForMixingArcundandGettingGroupparticipation. B. ForGettingAcquainted C. For StaftingCommunication AmongCe[ Members. D. Forencouraging Teamworkor GroupRelations ; .' {l'. :Sl oanqtgatlaav ieuddffi Pabng -btd lng n9. ne. rim ou A. For MixingAroundand GeftingGroupparticipation 1. Let me lntroduceyou (Appendix i) Welcomeall yourguests(inctuding chitdren) and explainwhatyou will be doing for the niohtHandoutihe pre.print€dsheetsof paperand a pen/pencilto everyone.ptease r!orerne attemativequestionsfor children. Ask them to w.ite downtheirresDonses. d. Collect all the sheets of paper after everyonehas finished fillinq in therr panrcutars.Separatethe children,ssheetsftom the adults_ Ask one person to selecta sheetfrom the collectedpite and have hir/her introducethe personindicatedon the she€t.Havethe chirdrenintioouce eacn oner ttfst from the children'soile. newty intoduced person inrumdrawsfromthepite l5r_,1_"-i:igg!"i"n,.the anoooesthe sameintroductionContinuethroughthepileuntilallareintroduced. People Srhgo (Appendix2) a. Distribute the pEOpLEBINGOSheetto everyons., ";, ;,,,; 1; i.;. b. the word 'Go',_haveeveryiinefnd somionewho his the ciaraaeristic lsh:yl.on any of thesesquaresand'initial his/hernamein that square.The restrictionhere is that you ars alloweda maximumof two initialsfromo!!e person. c- The.p.erson a squaresinitialled across, vertically of diagonauy,..wiii shout -with tnree persons have shouted BINGO,thegamestops._r r _or\e\J-..uvnen o. itjntgrestjng, you.may pick want to one, or all,.ofthewinnersrb6reaO llTal(? out loudwho hadinitialledthesquares, for eg.,"Oh .. I didnt knowJohnhas dimcultyresistingchocotates." : ]:j: Bird-Stone-Water Game: r. I .l a. Everyone mustbestanding in pairs.lfthereis a personwithouta pj;n;r, h€/she will pair later up witha Mnnerfromanexisting pair. . b- Three.symtolsareused:Bird(allfngerstips&nvergeat a point,lifethebeak of a bird),Stone(handsclenchedlikea fstj andWatjr (fngersattouistretcfrea). c. ln pairs,at theendof a countto three(loudlyin unlsoni,eictr pprsgn-will show a symbol.A birdwillwinoverwatbr@irddrinkswateri,stone'o:ji Uird(stone injuresbird)andwateroverstone(ivatersinksin water)r. ThewirinerwittOethe Datzlsgrauamaue6diiffi %a6q Jaya A Collection ol lca Broakets fo. @ll onewhois thelirstto havea totalof threewins. d. Thewinnerwillgo to thenextwinnerof another pairandrepeattheabove.The loserwill be eliminated fromthegameandwill sit down.A solewinnerwill emergeaflera fewrounds,depending onthenumberof people. Anothervariationof thisgameis usingScissors,paper& Stone.All symbdsexcept birdand scissorsarethesame.Scissors is symbotised by wo fingdrc(indexand mjddle)outstretched andthg restclenched, likeshowingthe numb€rtwo.Scissors wrnpaper,paperwinstoneandstonewinscissors. 4. Jumping Up and Down Get into pairs.Countthe numberof abhabetsin yourname.Addyourpartne/s countto yours.Holdingeachotheis hand(botl hands),jumpup anddor.ntogether, the numberoftimes according thetotalscorecountediustnow. c. Memorygame Write about40 to 50 v,ordson a big pieceof paperor transparency.Showit for abo_rrt 30 seconds.Peopleare to writedownon theirown pieceof paperas many as theycan rememb€r. Thewinnerwillbe theonewith the mostnuhGr of words. 6. Nice to:MeetYou! Pass€ largesoftloy (e9.Teddybear,Aig gird, Cartoon{fiaracter eac.)ftomone parlicipantto another.At eachpelson,explainto himthat he is to greetttle toy .Hai, BQBidrd (nameottoy), mynameis Matthew(his name).Nioeto ;e€t you.".At this point he is to _greetthe toy with an ac{ionias well (hand shake, hug etc.) S_ubsequent participanbmlst nothavethesarneaclioniom previousgreaiigs. tn otherwords,everyac{ionis unique.Thiscontinuesuntilthe last person. Nowdo the samethingagainbutthistimeinsteadof doingit to the softtoy,take tumsto do it to thopersonon theright. 7. Buzcame , Sit in cirde andeachpersonwill taketumsto audiblycountoff one at a time.At a muttipleof say5, buzzinsteadof thenumbers is said. variation: IJsedifferentnumbersandsounds. ::ffi;F",'aEdFe";ffi o A Collectionol lce Breakoslot Cott 8. Rldiculous Answersto Slrangeeuesrbrs Oistribute.two piecesof paperto eachperson.On thefirstpieceof paper,writea question thatcomestomind.Onthesecond piece,writetheansweiidtnequesrion. Eg. why doesthe birdnapitswings?To fly,of course!coled aI theluestirns into a singlepile,mixingthemwefl.Dotnesahewittrtheanswersintoa secondpire. Each.person willlhenrandomly takea question andan answereactr. Uewil tnen reaotne question first,thentheanswer. ept rnd )rs 9. Sarte Surname ,1" groups_of peoptewithsumames havingrhesamaarphabet (or 9:,_t"_r:,"]y:: rangeoratphabets, eg.A - E,F - J, etc.)forthefirstletter.Afleryouhavegotteninto yourgroups, sharewilhoneoneanotherone thingyouwouldnormallydowhen you havesomefreetime. 10. Udle Fingers What do you usuatlydo wilh yourlitflefinger? 11: Your Firstlmiresstori Distributea sheetof paperto everyone. Theleaderhas a listof wordsthathe is qomg. aore6dcl.:toneat a time,gi/inga pauseof 1Oseconds(pteasetimeit using a watch).As it is beingread,writedownwhatcomesto youi minO oforrrfirst mpresson)in one,twoor threewords.Whenallthe wods arereadout,,.the leader will 90 through'dach wod andhaveihe groupsharewhattheir,firstimpressions wera. .., .; protonSaga,MsrcedesBenz, The Nameoi your Exampfeof list: McDonald, Cl1urch,The Nameot your Seniorpaitor,politicians,BibleStudy,euiet Time, Movies,Malaysian yourCellGroup,Siubbompeoite,.God, Orfuers, Children, Holy Spirit,etc. (Makoup yourown tist) 12 fdckec! ! 9n lpiece of paper,writedownan actionthatyouwantthe personon yourrightto do.Thetrickis, theleaderwilltumit aroundandsay,now fou do itl .'€'ral€€,'a (,ama MothodislChurdl Aeiahg Ja'€ :f it !L\ ,dY ! '-i- ,'* d; u^ lt- 10 A Collectbh ol lce Ereake6 for Cell Gtoups -_-----._- 13. Telephone Youmustnotlooka, ,n" ,",:r,pT_1n?n sotving thisprobtem. lt is a testof your Fhd g"'u' o'r "iiiri"nuiibers onarereprrone Il:i:ifffi'fi, llt"liXlfli?ili* "'ibers onthe dial'whatis theanswea(The averagetim;i! id:-";";."'l:1canyou beat it?) Answer is zerobecause youwill murtip-ry usinittre-jfi;;:"' 14. Adjectives Takingfums,eachpersonis to introduce himselfor hersellusingan adjective starts with the same arphabet as.hivhe, ili na-m;:'#,a;, Joyftrt thal John, KemaftabteRoger,ArristicAi Leen, fr{r."uf"..il-ung;;g Jt". *. 15. t ser Game each person must nanE "tJ::fii#":ffi:TJril,*i:";I:l1qtums' onethins from everyone else. (Forexample, ai aoventurous g.up ,nur6",',rlJllent ;li',j[:"'#;i:i:?ii$Af :r_:gq,rl"';;;ffi :?jJtr#S"t"Ti NnaOatu,hey'she can put in a O€ )nnyas well' The frst penn€s wins. Person!c aet n:dof all his/her 16. Ttigonometty ".r."piece orpaper raree 8tr"lfri;t l3;i'riT""Rilf-'i::t:fJ,.i" enoqsh gtolrp'whichof thesesvmbols do eacfrof identify with "conect, i" t,i*r answer. 17. thin "i'ir'"ii _. _.-.. _,laracter, iil andwhy do theysay so? fner"t i"no creyElephantfrom Denma* Read theinstructions berow insequence. ffi:"XTi,??tffffi::'.tJJT#:y*e' 'uklgothroughthis anym|stakas- a. PtCKanumberfroml-9 O. SUBTMCT 5 c. MULTIPLYby 3 '5', ratherquicklybutdon'tmake "{# ga^ansaffi@Eidnd; 11 ,l ^ "",,""r1"r.1,* "* d. SQUAREit (i.e.muttipty byitsetf) e. tr morethanonedigitADOuoth; DIGITS untilyouget onlyonedigit(i.e.64 = 6 + 4= 1 0= 1 + O= 1 ) f. lF.your_cunent VALUEis tessthanS,thenaddS ... otheMise subtract4 g. MULTtpLy bv2 h. SUBTRACT 6 )ul ne j:e vill DtGtTjotetter theALPHABET 1=A,2=8,etc. l. lnlt: a nameor a a !n COUNTRY th€tbeginswiththatletter I :1yK K. TAKEIhESECOND LETTER iNihECbUNTRY,S NAME r. I H|NKor anANTMAL thatbeginswiththatLETTER m. THTNK ofthecoloR ofthatiNtMAL Geteveryone to sharetheiranswer. tt shouldbe: A.greyelephantfromDenmark. 18, Howmany squaresare (here? Howmanysquaresaretherein thefollowing diagram? i. . ' 11ti , r ii , '::11;' -'t' Ans,wer-30 - (t ) whole+ (16)x1 + (9)x4+ (4)x9 19. Wodd Vlews Havelotsof old magazines andnewspapers ready.Havethe memberstake some and.browserhroughfor somepiaurdsbr words'whiA;;;#;';;;'quatiries the woddtooksfor in peopte. Tearoutthepictlrre;o; w;;s ;;J'ii-groups or rour,ret themsharewithoneanotherthereasonsfortheir choices trEwffi 12 A Calloclionof lce Breaketstot Cgll ctoups 20. How Are you keling? Handout two sheetsof paperto eachcell member. On a bigsheetof paper,or a rransparency, llash the followingwords: ANXIETY SoRROW PEACE ACCEPTANCE FORC|yElV€SS HEALING REJECTED LOVE GUILT PAIN COMFORT HOPE PATIENCE CONFUSED O€PRESS€D on^the-first sheetof paper,ask)rourmembersto writ€.downa wod fromthe listthat th:y feet in_theirheartsright now.On ttre seconastreet,they witl -o.-9:gb:-._h?y wntedownons olherwordthatdescribeswhatthey want tonight.Theneachtakingtumsto sharewhathas blen Jesus{o bringto ihem written. 21. Etephant,Rhinoand Rabbil Theplayerssit in a.tightckclewith.A, in the middle. "A" points to sorneon€in the crrdeand sa)6 either.Elephant., Rhino.,or,Rabbit". it" p"6n rc *r,o, f," poinbmusteitherputhish;ndsbehind hisbacfrortrre;naLoiF,'p,li i," t "no" into "Elephant", fists in front cf his nose for.the put or -. ;nda( lnrrinor. bottrR-.Gon [i-, io". l',tn t ro fngerspointi;rg upward tcrthe t*o'p""pr"ln';il;;#f il; pla)€rmustputanopenhandfacing .A.totr,efi," pravli" n st [eJ ijrt a fst totheothe/sheadfor"Rhino;.for naOuit"ndy musipii-" "pn"nr "na nit rcn. nu"o upward. A of this must be don" U-"6." l,J*unt otr.n. :'I.:i:,01r9:, lr anyone of thery"ting "A.. three hits to do hispart,he becomes oanansaGiiEffiidid YerauE.E E -^d- "- 22. *"-"-"-*^ clnger Bread Man(Appendix 3) "t the diagEmindicated, whichGingerBreadMando you identifywith ,:""",JilP 23. Creatr.veDrawing(Appendix4) Distribute thediagramin Aooen :!1?:!l:,;':$,?SH::,r tT,*'p"Gii"ffiJ1,p:!,ifi{ '..-: completion, spreadoutthediagrams onthefloorfor affto sl.l24. /.Q. Iesf (Appendix 5) at itl n Thisis a good ice-breakerwhenyouwant somethingto workthe mind. : ,'jtaarg Jaya 14 A Colecticnol lco fuoako'.s[ot CetlGtouDs B. ForGettingAcquainted 1. GuessMy ,........ Taketums to guessthe ...-............ ofthe personon your a. b. c. d- right. occupation hobby favouritetype of movie(omance,action,comedyetc-) (Makeyour own) WhatWouldyou Do ,..... Whatwouldyou do if youwereto see..... a personbeingrobbed? o, a persondrowning? a houseon fire? d. a childcryingat the oadside? a man-sitting downon thepavement lookingdazed? f. a bid in the bushesseemingly hurt? 3. Thtee Factsand A Lia Haveeveryonewrite on a sheetof paperfour startements about themseves,of whic*r threeare factsandonea lie. trrn.-i"-;J;iru;sta;'m-Jl;, L"!"s ever)roneis given a chanceto guesswhich siatefilent is a i; 4. Portrait of My Job of theirJbbs.upon 9-Ye:veryonea sketchpaperand askthemto drawa picture ''-'completion, givean opportunity to exptain trek stetcti yatiari)..'/4seaci perso n showstheir sketcl.-havelhe rcstof therrembers guess theiromupation. ?s:#HffiEEffi -= L92!ig:!!9!3! tceB@ake6rot cett ctoups 5. My Chitdhood photo "u"O,o"gbringa babyor.chitdhood photo. The teaderwi m I:: pnotos and mix themwelland lay themout on the noor.iu"ryone ect a the will havea chanceto guesswhois in thephoto. 6' Taking Thingsfor cranted Pairup andswapwatches. Askeachotherto describethefaceson thetrwatches. Variation:you may wantto usecons. 7. Order your priorities OrderYourpriorities in thefollowing: Telephone Ringing CryingBaby KettleBoiling Clothesoutdoorand nin is siadingto fa r:ii 8. Commonlnterest *ial. somebody you don,tknowwe : Findout l-1 :q of "9.eone, preferably somethiog interest whichiscrmrnon to both-ofvou. 9. IusiveAge Eachpersonis givena sheetof pape'r. Theleaderwillinstructeverypersonto do the bllowing: a- Writedownyourhousenumber. b. Multiplyit be 2 c. Add 5 d. Multiptyby 50 e. Addyourage f. Add 365 yoursheetof paperwitha partner. 9- Exchange n- suDtFact 615ftomthe resuttonyouipartne/ssheetof paper. The&st partofthe numbers isthehousJaddressand your parlnet'sage.Nowyouknowtheageof yourpadnerthelastWo digitswittbe ! oa'rnaaauaniffi Petahg JaF 16 .,t A Collectionot tc6 Breal<e6lor Cell croups C. For StartingGommunicationAmongCell Members Completethe following sentences: 1. Caring forsomeone means... 2. Acc€pting othersis ... 3. Ina groupI liketo... 4. At timesI amafraidto reachoutto othersbecause ... 5. Notbeingacceptedby othersis... 6. I'mtumedoff by peoptewho... 7. I tumoffpeoplewhen| ... 8. I feelcomfortable withpeoplewho... 9. ThelasttirneI got reallyangrywas..... 10. lf I couldimp.ovemy relationship withothers,I would... 11. I wasoncemistaken for....... 12. OnemajorproblenrI hadto solvethisyearwas.... 13. Oneofthe bestthingsI evergotforfreewas.... 14. OnethingI can,tstandto be naggedaboutis .... 15. Onethingwhichhas stressedmeoutthisweek..... 16. Onethingwhichmakesmefeelguilty........ 17. Onelhingwhicht do notunderstand abouttheoppositesexis ....... '18.Onepart'c lardayinightthatI wantedto laStfcreverwas ... 19. Letrneteltyouaboutmy bestearthlyfriend... lr 17 !-*!!:gg{21pu e."*"o forcerrGroups '20. lf I couldchoose my careeroveragainI would... 21. Thehardest thinglhave everdone 22. Thegreatest cornplimentI haveeverreceivedwas .-.. Posltivepeople 23. Whatisfhemostencouraging thingiou havesaidor doneto someone in thelast 24. Whatis the mostencruraqino r,-. hingsnmo^.^ _ , thino someone hassaidor doneto you In thelast oneweek? 25. Saysomething positiveaboutthepersonneKto you. zo_ Aftrm a good quality in the personnexrro vou. 27. ffh"Hf""jj;:,"**1"^n::f Every.one pass thepaper torhereft. ::rop. "v qwu( url, 1,3#i"* HT:llxH:nfl ff"p"T^.C?-,:"#hili';:';#;;:ilifjffi :';;fi ffi;"H;rilTJi::lTlfi :"-*l?Lu::f open . Then ''f read $:ffit and .g:l;ffi it inium. page.Foldthe bottomoitf," p'"or Personar rne boftomofthe to: has been written. Trren pass .ftepaperto the left aoain r,^rirri- ^-l^ull.co]'erwhat Childhood 28. Whatis yourearliestchildhood memory? 29. Whatchildhood fantasies do youhave? 30. Howwouldyou describeyour childhood? 31. Describe yourgrandparents? '.'' 32. Describe yourchildhood / teenage experience ... whatyoulikeanddon'tlikeabout I L ' Vt/hoareyourbestandworstteaehers in achool? l&Iat didyou enjoymostin primary school?. o^a na'suau aniaEiffi iffi iii Feratry JaTa 18 A Colleclionol lce B.eakels for Celt Groups 34. Whatdid youenjoymostin seconoary school? 35. Whatdid youenjoymostin collegeor universig? 36. Whatchildishthingsdo youstilldoas an adutt? 37. Whatis thefunnieststoryyourmotherte s aboutvou? aU couldchange twothingsaboutthewayyouwereraised, wharwoutdthey f#, 39. Wheredidyoufeelwarmest andsafestasa child? oo yourfavou.itechitdhood mernories of timespenrwithyourfathef f*?,;".,ff;t AboutMy Famtty Howmanybrcthersand sistersdo youhave andwhoare you closestto? 11. 42. Getlrourselvesintogroupsof people withthefollowingcriteria: a. EHestin the fam v b. Youngesin thehhitv c. Somewhere 'd. Onlyciild in the middle in lhe family Sharewith oneanotherwhat you likeand dislikeaboutbeingio thatposffi.,i:{: 43. Couplesto sharehowandwheretney frst met. .+4.Eetweenthe agesof Z and .l2... (primaryscftool) [euakereuestions] a. Wheredid youfive? b. tb,y manybmlhersand sistersdid youhave? c. Whatkind.oftransportationdid puit*i, "L, o. who was the personyou fett closestlo? e- when did Godbemme rnorethan a wordto you? 45. Do!,q, hav€a nicknameandif so husbardandchildrsn? ?rC "li; .lrj(: is.'j .ti : whatii iP Vvhatnicknames do youhav€for ygul 5$. Whob lour hvouriterelative?Why? -r:ri,o, V,itD : rr! i;qn '' '-*-,rrAr&. I About Myself 47. Whattalentsdo youwishyouhad? 48. Of all the materialpossessions youhave,whichgivesyou the mostpleasure? 49. Whatdo youthinkaboutwhenyoucantsleep? S. itemsfrom yourpurseand wallet.Sharc somethingaboutyourself I:!" l*: through them. 5'1.On punctuality, whi,rhcategory do youfaltinto?Why?Canyou improveon it? a. Mostofthe timelate.lt hasbecomea habitno matterhowyou try to overcome it. b. Justin time,mosuy.I willbe pantr:ng ftomrushing. c. Afiive ahesdof time,within30 minutesof the aAriatmeeting or ap@intedtime. 52. P-uta few items into a smallbox, eg. pen,pencil,wa et, kelrs,watch,etc. On a o xo preceot pap€r.writedo/vn-your mme. Foldit and dropit intoa seoaraleDox. Eachmember wil rhenarawa iireceoftr" f"td;tp";;.'i;iii's-offr';;, ''' "' ,n" nameon thepaper, relateanitemwiththepu"on "nO"rpf"in ,n"nv] : 53. Whatis tha bestgiftthatyoucangiveto fourself.r 54- Whenwasthelastdmeyouadmitted l,ouwerewro-ngtWhyis it so.hardto do? Tellusoneof theworstfightsyouhaveeve,gonuni"to. 56. "O'n thernoming? Thepurposeis to findout whatthemotivating }lt^1r_y^"i_n:l rorc€sareIn thisperson,s life.lt is a simpte.question, but,it takesa gooddealol thoughtto answer Oannsara UAna Aee&€ Jara 20 A CottectionoI lce Breakes to. Cottc@ut.s 62. Whatis theone thingyouwantto accomptish nextweek? 63. Whatroomin yourhousedo youlikebest? tM 64, Tellus aboutyourtirstda.te. Wha: 65. Whatis yourhobby?Whatis theth,ngyou do to relax? Wha 66. Why did you chooseto five,inKL (or Wha the nameof your townor cifi? About Myself - My Feetings lf yo woul 67. Do you worrypositivelyor negativety? Why? Ata 68. What is your greatestworryin life? ut. Wha . i rimeyoutaughed h€arrity? H"_n^y-": !u ,?st Afler everyone has shareJ. t"tlil;-*-' tfte follo,vingamazingfacts:that cihitdr€n tauoh,n ^, . Iaush anavaE^^ averase orsootimes eveqdtil;#;Jl'il:: 70. l:y_*_u'O O"opt""roundlorJ|ate'ou asa personwhosmites? Anereveqrcne hasshared. tefltremite fdto,ving"rJ"i r""frii"t a,fldrensmite an averageof 400timeseverydayard grown-ups I 5 tinres. 7 1 .Usea faslalexpression to showhowlour,!€ar^lve€ldday hasbe€n? 72. Oescribehowl,ou arefeelins'doht 'Y'tr n ' ow' usingthe weatherteport'€g' doudy, "unny,ou"r"""i, ii;;: ;:" * t" H$"t+:"r:fT;tlll"i ""n""" tur enemv? ro vourbestfriends? ro l..rr 74. Underwhatcircumstances do l,oufe€lmostfimety?L€astlonely?Why? 75. In all lour accomplishrdents, whatonethingareyouproud€stof? 76. Howdo )€u reactwhenyouarentthanked going for cut of yourwaybr sorneone? 77. Whatb yourmostemba.rassing experience? 78. Howhavercu embarrassed someone recenuy? 79.Whatwasthehappiest moment of vourlife? g#ffffi ,rt{*" ff:]o hlsk l{ ro it be lnfo &et ol lce Brcakeslor CellGroups ,.nlteclion |' Myself - My Opinions Whatkindof storewouldyouliketo ownandoperate? Whatis youridealdrivewayfor yourdreamhome? jumpedqueuetwopersonsin frontof you? Whatwouldyoudo if someone lf you couldtakea pillthatwouldenableyouto liveuntilyou reach1000years, wouldyoudo it? why? a commonfriend.Whatwoulddoyoudo? At a meat,yourfriendsstartbelittting Whatdo youvaluemostin a humanrelationship? o?in thatwouldworkonlyonce,whatpointin the.future lf youhada timemachine historywouldyouvisit? lf youwereto go andliveon themoonandcouldcarryonlyonething,whatwould it be? 0OO.Let eachsharehow lnformeveryonethat theyhavejust beengiven$1 OOO theywouldusetheirnewlygained.fortune. ut Myseli- My Chrlstian Life Whatb onethingyouwouldliketo giveto yourSeniorPastoras a birthdaypresent; andwhy? Whatyrouldyouliketo do if givena choiceofjob in heaven? nature.Whichof thethingsthat God'screationby observing We canappreo'ate Godhascreatedfascinatesyou the most? Wouldyoubewillingto livea simplerlifethanyouarecunentlyliving?Whyorwhy not? lf you wereto die this very moment,do you knowwhereyou wouldspend etemM E)elain. wouldyoulikeothersto followaboutyou? Whatexamples lcotleclion of tco grcake.stor Cettctoups 95. Whatis usuay thefirstthingthatcomesto mindwhenyouthink aboutcod? D 96. Inwhatareasof yourlifeis it mostdifficult to trustGod?Otherpeopte?yourself? 1, 97. Whohasbeenthegreatest influence on yourChristian lifeandwhy? 98. Whatmadeyoudecideto attendihischurch<nsed the nameof yourChurch>. 99. Howwouldyouliveyourlifediff€renfly if youknewJesuswascomingbackagain in six months,time? '100.Do you have-avisionforyourownlife?lf youhave,sharewhatyourvtsion is. lf not,whynot? 101.Whatdo youthinkdelights cod aboveeverything elsein yourlife? 2 I 102.Whatdo youwantwrittenon yourtombstone? 103.Whatdo you.want saidat yourfuneral? 104.Vvhatdon'tyouwanlsaidat yourfuneral? 105. WouLiybu like to knowtheexactdateot yourdeath? 106.Whodidcod useto bringyouto thepointwhereyouknewyou neededJesus? i 07. if )'cu courdchangepraceswitha Bibtecharacier,whow6uioy.ori choose?whjdA 108.WhatiSyourfavoudtebookof the Bibte?WhW '.t. 109.Share. a versey'passage of scriptu{e thatis most,neaningfut to you.Whyjs it so.,l 110.Sharea recentanswerto yourprayers. o ama nsayalJbtna Lklna a CM PetalingJaya ' a. A Collectioo ol lce Breakors tor C6ll D. For Encouraging Teamwork or GroupRelationship 1. Camping Trip Divideyour groupintosmallerorounsnf rhEA. ^,,^,.^ v_.. o"v*',pi"i-,,i'p;;ffi ;xl.ii{i::!q!T,_l;,?;J,1,i,:jX",i"l accommodarions. Apartfromyour atrire.a"d hav?";;l, ;;;;pJJon,in yourg.ro rsalowedto bringtenotherthings. WtratwoufayouAe-cijJio?r.uznppoint spokesperson " for eachgroup. Variation:Each group may chall 104ayrip withwharrn.y ur"affig?'e 2. anotherwhethertheycansuNivelhe Teamworkpuzzle In linewiththe edification timefortheCellrneeting,choosean appropriate velse, theme, phrase orvision statement. oetermine_ an6ao oriimenovii"iv'gtr'lp""r ,r,1beinrhecel croup.wtt" o, p,init " pi;;;;;rd' :T:^"j-f?-T_!1 " ","* I otpeper rarse en;;;;;;,; i""Iffil:t#il!fffl8i:Tifii,lil;Ll r copres accordins thenumber fiitr, oforoups. cut tre papeiinio;;l;;;;;; p,"""., wordas a piecul singte Mi, it "l ,p ""d s!th"ii-h";".'l oi". o,,r," :T1:""! tnegroups !o', are to assembte ttrewoitsintJ*e pn."", o"iJ,'i""0 o" Sd leader. the Thetunisintaking fromthepjle.ano teamingiJfV""*"r.Jiil;",t; -can The teaderwi giveno ruteson iow this beoone .have. ::"^pf^:t.-T1)f except tharthe objective isrocomoter" tii" ph;r.;.i;';;"i; ii'irrr#liii#il ';'j,ll^=ij leaderdoes ftot evensavwhetherrhis is a competition .i.,rn""rir^" ^. ^)I ris_is or not.Thbrelre many . lesson< rhAr r_-,., lessons that^,^ canl,^ bet^^^^) leamlo r'omurL.i*A;ffi;;;i; abilityto shareand teamworketc- ;; Your Cell Group a hetptoyou?Eachperson wifitaketh;irtumsto share. S,r:rl feen F: l€ader I-"_T,f The williot down thepointsinosummarise them at theendof thesharino. rhe.loint pont ro tonote note here hereis is that that,";i;;;;i; mostpeopleil".;;#i;;y;# will saythat theyco.e i;;#c;ii io tnu i"ji :ne no!b€ca.use rh","'s ;ibj;'"i6;;i;#'idft l;i#il,*iulll,iii"ij' s"od :::T bveardc€re shown. spenitime Cdl Grnrrn Cdl Group. 1.j|#"i';; il;n-ri,ia-6al aitiii"'', .iusi ffi '',r'. Sharewly youkeepcoming who to thisCeI Group?ts theresomeona Y!!::: tEs beencomingto theCe Groip?Dowe abodit? needtb do something -not vaaaDon. S'harewhy you are glad to be pan of this Celt Group. oanarlsgraL'annai#ffi,Fi.ffi. PetsliogJ€ya ?1 A Colhdion oI lce Brcakors lor Cett Grouos 4. WhichPaft Are you? pi** of a car.Askyourcellmembers: if thecarrepresenrs yourcetl fl!9-, whichpart group, of thecardotheythinktheyareintermso-ifu-n-Jtionatity, ana whvdotheysavso?Thisisa oood, ice-br"ui"itog"rg" ih"].e"xtiiiotownerstrip of thecettgroup.you mavriant.totistoutthe ;;r"", p*; i? J'""" u9.,y.ur, ignition, petroltank,engine, radiator, Oattery, seatslseJt O;1;;FootballMatch imaginethe Ce Groupin a footba stadium.They areto share :l:"^:y:T.* wrn eachotherwherethevseerhemsetves. Aretheyon tt," pi"yiijn"fOZ ff *, wJ ch playersare they?Are theya coach,referee or cheedLai"i n." tnuyu spectatonAn emptyseat?Therearemanypossibitities. Thisis a goodice-brbaker for usewhen_you aredoinga Cdl evaluationwith your asal'nq rh3t T_h" .r,u*ti. " ti iii"llil"tu"rrs"rn"ooes, l"*b""T:^T"1::p orexercise watchins z2-pe-opG who are 61Yi",H$""Hlfi"iiflg;:*:1 Yarn Shadng *re.to get ,vourgroupto openup andshar€the{rfeetingsand *::-:-"^ ::q,.:. 'J,rnsnan elpe- nces.'Tellvouiornupihat.ttrey witiOepartoi "n "-rp"-i-a.ntyou (hotoins oie end of it)tosomeone in(hecircte. :llllTy: l"ll 9lylm one personcatcfies the balt,sheshouldshareanyoneofthe fo o*ing Wrren erperien"e", What God has done for her. What God has donefor someoneshe knows. WhatGod has donefor all of us. Sornethingshe is thanktulfor_ After sharing,she throwsthe ball of yarn to.someone els€ in the circte(while a t.ensrh ofyam),whodrch€slitand*p""i. *,. p.*"". wt., l:.11'T_ato everyone hasshared severat times(or,toctarsesroups, "i L!"ii-"*;, y*u qrs@ver ttpt thegrouphas \4ovena webof iorti. ii,".ipb*Ji. of the folbwtrrgsuggestions: t fff/ilHtuffiffiil ""1 o. *o* A Colleclionol tce Brcakersfor Co fr'i#J::',"#ir:?.T"11lfnlT:: o.n^:*u,nMost savsomethins sroups rike f9ranintricate, even ueiutirutpatte"m emerge, everyone iJ h"o ,oo"n,.ll-?d"l a member or twoto loosentheirhord ontheyam.ir; L"G""iri, i.lite ,Ask sroup.wirtend,.";;;;;;',lX."LiT.,,nTi;'j,XTff 1".,:'l;,fiJ:["?a.rf happens to the *r,"n sroup "orn"onJ iiii.-inlil ,".r" : ;:ff1"J:* ,,Hll no* Finishwith a brief talk about how the Bible instructsus to bear each probtems, othe/s to shareour haDoiness andsonows,to'oLit rn-kiiit" 1,u symbotizes thenetwork oftiesandretation"t ipsu"t*eunylu."].,!iil" ."", o,v". cettmembers, ,nu whichto meansomething, ,riio" ,"i"i"ii,"il;"#*n". oanansaaUtenraueiiEig-ffi& Petaling'}aya , . ] LET ME INTRODUCE YOU Appendlx1 1. Whatis yourname? PE BIN. 2. Whatdo youworkas? Whatis thenameof youtschool?(Chitdren) 3. Whereis yourhometown? whereis yourfathe/sor mothe/shometown? (Chitdren) 4. W_hat is thebestthingaboutyourjob? Whichsubjectin schootdo youlikebest?(Children) sh( V/hatrlrouldb€ onewordthatbestdescnbesme? Whois )'ourbvouriteteached(Children) .6 Whatis yourprcudeslachievement? h whicfisubjec{did you scorethe highestmarkson your last exam?(Chitdr€n) 7. Whatis yourlavouritefast-food? 8. Whatis yourdreamcan (Meni Whatb onethingon the topon yourshoppingtistthat you wouldbuyif youhad the rnoney?(Ladies) Wh€tb ),ourFavourite toy?(Children) 27 -l PEOPLEBINGO Appendix2 BINGO1 Wearssize6 shoes likespizza hasa petdog is left-handed birthday is in December playstennis wentto the cinemalastweek singsin the snower lovesice-cream watchescafloons snoreswhenhe sufname beginningwith "L,' talksin hissleep did not makebed today wholivesin a singlestorey nouse hasthe number "5"on his telephonenumber 28 Gll 9€ !t 3 (Do <D 0) ? a ii o- L o ot 9r$ o (t o, o q o o ! r q a 0) o o'5 o, o o ' 3 o 0) o o o llt *ot o -- o, 0t { t t 0, A' o JP c) \i- o o O 0, o o sE o o) o it c a i=' f d. o 0t 0, { o xm ;+(D < € iro O J o o, 3 (D -a- . 1 5 ,1 o o =P. ' o o o) d' l{ o) o ol .It xq q d F X 6 O o x < ii a; 3 (n o 0) o d 0, L. (D (D'- o q$iii r, sllH.1 GINGERBREADMAN Appendix3 0) o o o 30 r Creative Dlawing App€ndix LQ. TEST1 Appendix5 r.Q. TEST II€rc arc lomc rEaIplzaLr! fo( tout D.ciphcr lhc hiddci! ncaninSof cachsd of s/otd!. 3 aioth6r anoth€r gnollls cry {sitk -D L" aooltt6r :g@ oo "o* 9. ffSXF*" VlT - MIN 7 H t_t A l) P "- ' - P E IN G l1 ' t f " .'"i ' !" . i REI/IRDTAES l6 j NO NO CORRECT head acho ^*l ""'-loo *$ -""{t -..d,, i Apfrindlx I.Q. TEST H.rc 2Jc$mc rcaI pra.Lfl for yoot Daciphcr ulc nrd.l.o mcaningof cachsct of wordt_ l.( LQ.TEST1 Appendix5 r.Q. TEST Hcrc a& !olr& rEal puzd€a for yout Dcciphcr thc tuodanmczninSof cachr.a of v/ord! 3 cry (.itk L cD L- amth€t anolhol anolhs TAil campur 1111+1-9ffiBUS|I|ES snoth6. :g@ oo " ona 9. 'l H tJ A I.l a l!5ffX.'*" v n - M N T4 l{o No CORRECT ! ^ l P P t,-, I G . N t5 ache sitting ^ *s"l -o' t " I " '': t REI'IRDTAES /.Q.rESr3 Appendix5 r.Q. TEST HcrE arc som. rlal Frzzl.r! for youl D.ciphcr uc Nodcit m.2ning of.aa.h satof wolds. 34 I.Q. TEST4 Appendtx I I.Q. TEST Hcrt arcemc tcal_pozu.ld! fo. frit n""ioto ,n" ,uoocomcaning of czahsd of wotdt- I n LOV€ SIGHTSIGllr S|GHT A I l;",,,.; I r c R- s PETS A I JO S E o I DANUBE u 110 Symphon eyebrorvs I encounters encounter€ gncountoro t4 r o rall d t2 '3.O . z u .!.T l, ""T R l f r 3 5 7.9tl \|s. U bufr€r 4Q.rEsr- Answers Appendix5 1 . Cry over spilted milk 2. rjlg man on campus 3. 5rx of one;halfdozen of another 4 . unflnrshed business 5. vance ed check 6. Movingin the n:ght circtes 7. Mtddteof the road 8 . Sittingon top ofthe wortd 9. square meals a dav 1 0 . .r,nree vtramin.A" deficiencv 1 1 - titeppingover 12. Backseatdriver Rt:ghtunderyournose 14- npx tng headache 15. Heatwave t o . Mountainclimbing /.o. rESI3 I,A. TEST2 l z. I:-'P toYo' urnerentStrokes bis i. .j,l"",i,l"l3j""methins 5. Fouledup o. Jay walking /. Justbetweenyou and me o. I tme,suD 9. DeetrseaRshino 10. Forgetit t t. More to it than meets the eve rz. Dpaceinvaders 13. That is besidethe point vyarerunderthe bddge .r.r. Iir. ntgnwayOverpass 16. Makingendsmeet t.a. TEST4 7 Playon words Dipsydoodle Eetterlatethannever raruycloudv HeaCoverhlels in love 6. Fancythat Bedandbreakfast o . r ntsroundis on me 9. Jack-in-the_box ?. '10. asecorro stance 1 1 . ffh9nut 1 2 . Open-and-shut case ,i rcundofdrinks Middleof the ninth Overseasholidav t o - Downhillskiing 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. e. ru. 11, rz. rJ. 'I4. Lyingin wait t auyno Loveat first sioht put it in writin; Circuiarreaso-nino Brokennose A step backward Solddownthe river Unfinishedsymphony UtOSeencounters Out.numbered3 tio 1 u.tts are againstyou xatsed eyebrows Railroadcrossino 15. No U Tum 16. Balancedbudget ' l : _T-_ r1".' ' I 'Top Ten Worst lcebreakers TVEVER to Be Used!! appenaix o '10. Nameonethingyoudislikeaboutyourhost,shome. 9. Whatis thedeepeststronghold in thelifeof thepersonon yourright? 8. Whichpersonin thecellwouldyouleastlikelyinviteto dinner? Whv? , 7. Sharethemostrecentlieyou,ve told. 6. Whatis the biggestsecretyou'vekeptfromyour spouse? 5. . Howoftendo you trimyournosehair? .r'.1 '.4. Nameone person for whomyoustill harbordeep resentrnent and ::, why? lf.youcouldchangeonethingaboutsomeonein this cell,what would ,+3. .: it be? ,. ii : r 2. What'syourgreatesthabitualsin? 1. lf youwonfirstprizein thelottery,whatwouldyoudo with ihe money? I . r / ,^s ,; $r l 37 f6 T