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Umeå Energy Analysis: Organization, Environment, Change

1. Developing a business understanding. Present your analysis of Umeå Energy’s current organization
and situation based on appropriate frameworks and methods from the course literature. The analysis
should include:
a. A description of the organization’s external environment.
What is the solar potential in Sweden?
In Sweden we have the capacity to output approx. 1,000 kWh of solar energy per
square metre. As we have clean air, a cooler climate and periodic snow which
reflects solar radiation, a solar cell plant at our latitudes can produce just as much as
a facility in Central Europe.
How much solar energy is used in Sweden?
Solar power
Solar PV capacity in Sweden reached 2.3 GW in 2022, up from 0.14 GW in 2016.
Solar power accounted for roughly 1% of the nation's total electricity consumption in
What is the best geographic location for solar energy?
These factors are latitude, cloud cover, aerosols, elevation and shading. Not
surprisingly, the site with the highest solar energy potential on Earth happens to be
near the equator, surrounded by an arid climate away from major sources of
pollution, and it also happens to be on a plateau.
b. A description of the organization.
About Umeå Energi
We are an energy and communications group that develops innovative and sustainable solutions for electricity,
heat and broadband for and in collaboration with our customers. Umeå Energi's vision is to give our customers a
simpler everyday life and the region a sustainable future. Our offering includes district heating, cooling and
electricity. Our electricity network covers the local network for the entire Umeå region and the city network with
our broadband is among the fastest in the western world.
We are an ambitious organization with a clear vision and ambitious goals in an industry of the future in rapid
transition. We are certified according to both ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 and currently have over 400 employees.
Umeå Energi has four business areas that together supply electricity, heat and broadband to our customers and
build and maintain our networks.
Produces electricity, district heating and cooling for all districts in Umeå, including Holmsund. The offering also
includes service agreements for facilities and geothermal heating for both private and business customers.
Through our facilities in the Dåva area, we also offer waste management services for industries, collection
companies, municipalities and other public organisations.
Operations are conducted by: Umeå Energi AB, 556097-8602
What are the benefits of installing solar
panels as a company?
There are many advantages to installing solar panels and it is a
sustainable investment that both the company and the environment
have a lot to gain from. Solar panels do not require much
maintenance, and by producing your own energy, you do not have
to worry about how the price of electricity changes over time. As
you produce your own environmentally friendly energy, the
company's environmental and sustainability profile becomes clearer,
and if you periodically produce more electricity than you consume,
you can sell the surplus to the grid. A real win-win situation for both
the company and the environment!
Ownership structure and group structure
The parent company, Umeå Energi AB, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Umeå Kommunföretag AB (UKF). Umeå
Energi AB, in turn, owns all the shares in Umeå Energi Elhandel AB, Umeå Energi Elnät AB, Umeå Energi UmeNet
AB, Umeå Energi Sol Vind och Vatten AB and 2.6% of the shares in Norrlands Etanolkraft AB.
Umeå City Council appoints Umeå Energi's Board of Directors for four years at a time.
Our vision
Umeå Energi's vision is to give our customers a simpler everyday life and the region a sustainable future.
This is summed up in our three core values, simplicity, closeness and responsibility, which should
permeate everything we do.
So how do we put this into practice?
Well, as Umeå's own energy company, we are of course involved and contribute to a safe and secure society. Our
core business is to ...
... have a well-developed electricity grid with very few interruptions. Every year, we invest around SEK 80 million in
the networks to increase security and keep up with Umeå's rapid growth.
... through our open city network UmeNet, connect Umeå – and its residents with the world. UmeNet offers one of
the fastest broadband in the western world.
... provide virtually all Umeå residents with comfortable heating. Thanks to a well-developed district heating
network, Umeå residents have significantly reduced their emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution. The
heart of the smart heating system in the city is the state-of-the-art combined heat and power plant Dåva.
... Also take social responsibility and, for example, support school and education projects, youth initiatives, as well
as various sports and cultural projects.
Our management and board of directors
The parent company, Umeå Energi AB, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Umeå Kommunföretag AB (UKF), which in
turn is wholly owned by Umeå Municipality. Umeå City Council appoints Umeå Energi's Board of Directors for four
years at a time.
Advantages of district heating
The benefits of district heating are many. It's a good investment – for your own convenience, for the
environment and for your wallet.
District heating is a resource-efficient and environmentally friendly form of heating. A plant such as the combined
heat and power plant at Dåva, with advanced purification and qualified staff, replaces many small boilers. Almost
all district heating is heat that would otherwise not have been used, such as waste heat from industry, energy
from waste and residues from logging.
District heating is also good for the indoor environment. It does not smell, does not make noise and provides
pleasant warmth. District heating is also good for the climate, read more about it here. District heating is fantastic
for our climate
The heat distribution centre takes up little space, it is quiet and reliable. Once you have set the central to the
house's heating needs, it basically takes care of itself and also adapts to the outside temperature. You have
unlimited hot water, so you never have to risk a cold shower.
Being a district heating customer is carefree and safe. An uncomplicated and proven technology means very high
operational reliability. You get an even and reliable heat in the house.
The installation cost is low, the price level of the heating is stable and the maintenance costs are low. Installing
district heating also increases the value of the house.
Sell the surplus electricity
With your own solar energy, you reduce your company's electricity costs. When your electricity produced exceeds
your own consumption, you can sell the surplus to us. We pay for the electricity you feed into the grid for others
to use.
c. An analysis of the aims of organizational change in this context (i.e., identify suitable goals) and
the nature of the complexity of such change