Survival Korean Expressions 1. Greetings (polite) An-nyong-ha-se-yo? How are you! 안녕하세요? Bahn-gahp-seum-nee-da! Glad to (meet) you! 반갑습니다 Mahn-nah-saw-Bahn-gahp-seum-nee-dah. Glad to meet you! 만나서 반갑습니다. Ahn-nyong-hee-Ga-se-yo. Good Bye. (Go well!) 안녕히 가세요. Ahn-nyong-hee-ge-se-yo. Good Bye.(Stay well!) 안녕히 계세요. 2. Greetings (casual) An-nyong? Hi! 안녕? Ahn-nyong~. Bye Bye. 안녕~. Jahl Gah~ Go well! 잘 가~ Jahl-ee-ssaw! Stay well. 잘 있어~ Bahn-gah-wo! Glad to (meet) you! 반가워! Mahn-nah-saw-Bahn-gah-wo! 만나서 반가워~. Glad to meet you! 3. Appreciation Gahm-sah-hahm-nee-dah. Thank you. 감사합니다. Chon-mahn-e-yo!/Ah nee eh yo. You’re welcome. 천만에요. 4. Appreciation(casual) Goh-mah-wo. Thank you. 고마워. Ah-nee-ya! You’re welcome./Don’t mention it. 아니야. 5. At the table Jahl-mawk-get-seum-nee-dah! I will eat well. 잘 먹겠습니다. Jahl-maw-got-seum-nee-dah~ I ate well. 잘 먹었습니다. 6. At the table (casual) Bae-goh-pah! I am hungry! 배고파. Bae-bool-law~ I am full. 배 불러. Mawk-ja! Let’s eat. 먹자. Jahl-Maw-got-saw~ 잘 먹었어. I ate well. 7. Self-Introduction Jaw neun ____________________ eem nee da. 저는 I am _________________. 입니다 1) name 2) Song-kyun-gwan-dae-kyo-hwan-hak-saeng (SKKU exchange student) 성균관대 교환학생 3) country name-Sahrahm (Han kuk Sah-rahm) 사람 nationality (한국 사람) Korean 8. Asking name Song-hahm-ee-aw-ddo-ke-dwe-se yo? (Formal) What is your name? 성함이 어떻게 되세요? Ee-reum-ee-mo-ya? (casual) What is your name? 이름이 뭐야? 9. Getting Attention Yaw-g(k)ee-yo~/Jaw-g(k)ee-yo~ Here!/Over there! 여기요~/저기요~ Yaw-bo-se-yo~ Hello! 여보세요~ Jahm-shee-mahn-yo~ (Just second please) 잠시만요~ 10. Numbers K# Sino # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 하나 둘 셋 넷 다 여 일 여 아 열 열하나 열 스 섯 섯 곱 덟 홉 둘 물 오 육 칠 팔 구 십 이 이 십 일 이 삼 사 십 십일 100 백 1,000 천 10,000 만 200 이백 2,000 이천 20,000 이만 300 삼백 3,000 삼천 30,000 삼만 350 삼백 오십 3,500 삼천 오백 35,000 삼만 오천 11. Shopping 1 Ee-gaw-awl-mah-ye-yo? How much is this? 이거 얼마예요? Ee-Sagwa—awl-mah-ye-yo? How much is this apple? 이 사과 얼마예요? Jaw-gaw-awl-mah-ye-yo? How much is that(over there)? 저거얼마예요? J(o)aw-Sagwa—awl-mah-ye-yo? How much is that apple? 저 사과 얼마예요 12. Shopping 2 _________won-ee-e-yo. It is _________won. _________원이에요. Bee-ssa-yo. It is expensive. 비싸요. Ah-nee-yo, ahn-bee-ssa-yo. No, it is not. 아이뇨, 안 비싸요. Gga-gga-joo-seh-yo. Discount please. 깎아 주세요. ________won-eh-ju-seh-yo. ________원에 주세요. ______won pls. Ddo-ol-gge-yo. I will come back. 또 올게요. Yo-gee-ee-so-yo. Here we are! 여기 있어요. 13. ____________aw dee ye yo? Where is ________? 어디예요? ____________aw dee eh ee saw yo? 어디에 있어요? Hwa-jang-shil 화장실 restroom Eun-haeng 은행 bank oo-che-gook 우체국 post-office 14. _________ ee saw yo? Do you have __________? _________ 있어요? Wa-ee-pah-ee 와이파이 wifi 15. Restaurant Yaw-gee-yo! Here! 여기요. Jaw-gee-yo! Hey there! 저기요. Meh-nyu-jom-ju-se-yo. Menu please. 메뉴 좀 주세요. Ee-go mae-wo-yo? Is this spicy? 이거 매워요? Jo-geum mae-wo-yo. 조금 매워요. A little bit spicy. Ahn-maep-ge hae-ju-se-yo. Make it mild(less spicy) please 안 맵게 해주세요. Ee-go(gaw)-Joo-se-yo. This please. 이거 주세요. Ee-go set joo-se-yo. 3 of this please. 이거 셋 주세요. Ee-go seh-gae joo-se-yo. 3 of this please. 이거 세 개 주세요. 16. The food is spicy Mool- ju-se-yo. Water please. 물 주세요. Mool-jom ju-se-yo. Water please(modest). 물 좀 주세요. Mool-jom daw ju-se-yo. More water please. 물 좀 더 주세요. Ban-chan-jom daw ju-se-yo. 반찬 좀 더 주세요. More banchan pls. Cf. Banchan: side dishes with rice 17. Paying money Ge-san-so ju-se-yo. Bill please. 계산서 주세요. Ge-san-so dda-ro ju-se-yo. Separate bill please. 계산서 따로 주세요. Awl-mah-ye-yo? How much is it? 얼마예요? Kah-deu-dwe-yo? 카드 돼요? Do you take credit card? 18. Café Yo-gee-so deu-se-yo? Do you eat here? 여기서 드세요? Ne, yo-gee-so mo-go-yo. I am eating here. 여기서 먹어요. Po-jang-hae-ju-seh-yo. To go please. 포장해 주세요. Po-jang- boo-tak-hae-yo. To go please. 포장 부탁해요. 19. Emergency call: 119, 112 Aem-byul-lawn-seu-boh-nae-ju-se-yo! Send ambulance here please. 앰뷸런스 보내주세요. _______________ ah-pah-yo. (Body part) hurt/is painful. 아파요. _______________ dah-cho-sso-yo. (Body part) got hurt! 다쳤어요. _______________eh-so Pee-nah-yo! (Body part) bleeding! 에서 피나요. Doh-wah-joo-she-yo! HELP!!! 도와 주세요. 20. Direction Jeek jeen yo. 직진요. Straight please. Oh-reun-jjok-yo. 오른쪽요. Right direction please. Wen-jjok-yo. 왼쪽요. Left direction please.