A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF HAHN’S METHOD FOR DETERMINING AND PROTEOSE.” BY (From the Department Otho S. A. FLORENCE QUANTITATIVE PROTEIN B. SEIBERT. oj Pathology of the Cniversity Sprague Memorial Institute, (Received for publication, of Chicago Chicago.) and the July 23, 1926.) An accurately standardized method for determining quantitatively the content of whole protein and of proteose in a solution is much to be desired. Especially is this true when attempts are made, as with tuberculin, to ascertain whether the biological activity of a preparation is associated with the protein or with the smaller proteose molecules derived therefrom. Such a method will, of necessity, employ as reagents, protein precipitants. Many studies have been made by previous investigators to select the precipitant which will differentiate most sharply between the whole protein molecule and its smaller fragments-the proteoses. Trichloroacetic acid is generally accepted to be the best reagent for this purpose. This acid was used in 1892 by Frankel (1) to free glycogen of protein. Starling (2) found that it would not precipitate Griibler’s commercial “peptone” but that it was efficient in separating the coagulable proteins in plasma, serum, and blood. Greenwald (3) employed trichloroacetic acid as a precipitant in the estimation of nonprotein nitrogen in blood, and showed that when it was followed by kaolin treatment, the protein was precipitated completely. Amino acids are not adsorbed by the precipitate. Hiller and Van Slyke (4) found that whole protein from blood is completely precipitated by trichloroacetic acid and that the precipitate does not contain free monoamino acids or peptide nitrogen. If it is desirable to precipitate, along with the protein, all * Aided by a grant to Dr. Esmond R. Long from the Medical Committee of the National Tuberculosis Association. 265 This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license. Research 266 Protein and Proteose Determination of the decomposition products except amino acids, they recommend picric and tungstic acids as most efficient, and meta-phosphoric acid, colloidal iron, and mercuric chloride, as less efficient. A quantitative comparison of the efficiency of phosphomolybdic, meta-phosphoric, and trichloroacetic acids, as precipitants, was made by Sjollema and Hellerschy (5). Their results led them to conclude that trichloroacetic acid precipitated only the whole protein and that phosphomolybdic acid and meta-phosphoric acid precipitated a part of the decomposition products along with the protein. With this information Hahn (6) designed a method for determining quantitatively the amount of protein decomposition products in the serum of patients suffering from different diseases. He precipitated the serum with 2.5 per cent trichloroacetic acid and determined the nitrogen in the filtrate. A similar amount of serum was precipitated with phosphotungstic acid and again the nitrogen determined in this filtrate. The difference between these two nitrogen figures represents the nitrogen in the protein decomposition products or proteose fraction. He determined the efficiency of the method by showing that casein which had been hydrolyzed for a short time gave a precipitate with phosphotungstic acid but none with trichloroacetic acid, and also that uric acid and creatinine were not precipitated by phosphotungstic acid. It is this method which has been critically examined in this investigation. Method. A 1 per cent protein suspension was prepared and duplicate 1 cc. samples were used for total nitrogen determinations. The solution was filtered through hardened filter paper and again 1 cc. samples were tested for total nitrogen; this figure being the soluble total nitrogen. Two 2 cc. samples were precipitated with 8 cc. of 20 per cent trichloroacetic acid, making a 16 per cent concentration, and after standing 15 minutes the precipitate was filtered off through hardened filter paper. The filtrate was always clear. 1 cc. of concentrated HGS04 was added to 8 cc. of the filtrate in a large Pyrex test-tube, and the liquid evaporated over the free flame until Nitrogen was determined by the micro-Kjeldahl it charred. method, as outlined below. F. B. Seibert 267 Two more 2 cc. samples were precipitated with 8 cc. of 5 per cent phosphotungstic acid (containing 30 cc. of concentrated H&04 per liter), and this precipitate was filtered off through hardened paper and 8 cc. of the filtrate evaporated with 1 cc. of concentrated HzS04 to the fuming stage and then digested as usual. This digestion requires constant attention. The mixture bumps badly because of the large amount of solid inorganic matter which is unavoidably present. The nitrogen in the filtrate from 1 cc. of protein solution precipitated by phosphotungstic acid is the residual nitrogen, or the nitrogen of the monoamino acids and undetermined nitrogen. The nitrogen in the filtrate from 1 cc. of protein solution precipitated by trichloroacetic acid is the proteose plus residual nitrogen, and therefore, by difference between these two filtrate nitrogens, the proteose nitrogen is obtained. (This proteose nitrogen figure really includes diamino acids, since they have been shown by Van Slyke (7) to be precipitated by phosphotungstic acid. The error is so small, as illustrated below, that it can be disregarded in this work.) The difference between the nitrogen in the trichloroacetic acid filtrate and the total nitrogen is equal to the whole protein nitrogen. Blanks were subtracted in all cases. A very important factor for consideration in this method is the concentration of trichloroacetic acid to be used. Hiller and Van Slyke (4) showed that the percentage of nitrogen in the filtrate from a trichloroacetic precipitation of Witte peptone varied with the amount of trichloroacetic acid used; for example, after precipitation with 2.5 per cent there was 85.4 per cent N in the filtrate; with 5 per cent, 77.9 per cent N; with 10 per cent, 62.5 per cent N. With the sample of Witte peptone used by the author, 16 per cent trichloroacetic acid was used and no more precipitate was produced by the addition of more acid. Only 52.2 per cent of the original nitrogen was found in the filtrate. It had been found on different occasions that 10 per cent acid is not sufficient to produce complete precipitation and so a minimum of 16 per cent was used as a routine and in all of the tests made this was found to be adequate. A 16 per cent concentration of trichloroacetic acid does not hydrolyze proteins under the conditions of these experiments. This is amply illustrated in the subsequent pages and can be inferred from the results of Greenwald, 268 Protein and Proteose Determination who was able to show that a 22 per cent concentration was not hydrolytic. In determining residual nitrogen, tungstic acid is recommended by Hiller and Van Slyke and should theoretically be a better precipitant than phosphotungstic acid, since it will not precipitate the diamino acids. The bumping which occurs with this reagent, however, is so much worse than when phosphotungstic acid is used, that a comparison of the determination with the two reagents was made. The residual nitrogen in crystalline ovalbumin, found by means of phosphotungstic acid, was 0.1 per cent N; by the tungstic acid, 0.085 per cent N. In two casein preparations the residual nitrogen determined by means of phosphotungstic acid precipitation was 0.18 per cent N and 0.14 per cent N; by tungstic The two acid, 0.18 per cent N and 0.15 per cent N respectively. methods checked so closely that it was deemed justifiable to use the former in the following analyses. The nitrogen in the filtrates was determined by the microKjeldahl method. The accuracy of the results was not affected by the presence of the trichloroacetic and phosphotungstic acid reagents, and, therefore, no attempt was made to remove them before continuing with the analyses. After the filtrates were concentrated with HzS04 to the fuming stage, solid Na2S04 (about 1 gm.) and a small piece of CuSOb were added and they were digested for + hour after they were colorless. After cooling, about 5 cc. of distilled water were added. 6 cc. of a saturated solution of NaOH were introduced through a pipette, after the distillation apparatus (Koch’s modification of Folin’s apparatus) was closed. The ammonia was distilled over into ~/lo0 HCl and Duplicate the distillate titrated with alizarin and ~/lo0 NaOH. samples were run in all cases and no results were accepted which varied more than 0.2 cc. ~/lo0 alkali, making an error of about 1 per cent or less. Results. Determinations of the percentage of whole protein, proteose, and residual nitrogen were made on a variety of highly purified In order proteins and when possible upon crystallized proteins. to determine the applicability of the method to proteins in general, representatives of four different protein groups were chosen; F. B. Seibert 269 crystallized egg albumin (albumin), crystallized edestin (globulin), gliadin (prolamin), two samples of casein (phosphoprotein), and Witte peptone and a proteose fraction of the latter. Table I shows that all of the whole proteins, which had been purified by the best methods known at the present time, are precipitated quantitatively (within at most 2 per cent) by trichloroacetic acid, under the conditions specified. From these data, the conclusions can therefore be drawn that trichloroacetic acid precipitates pure proteins practically quantitatively, and this supports Greenwald’s findings for the proteins of the blood. TABLE Substance I. T tested. _- Total A5 protein. per Albumin. Crystalline “ Impure “ Ovslbumin “ Ovalbumin “ 1. 2. 1. . . . 2. . .. Globulin. Edestin, crystalline. ... Prolamin. Gliadin (Vickery) . .. ... Phosphoprotein. Casein (author). . .. .. “ (Osborne) .. .. . . Witte peptone. . . ... .. . Proteose . . . . .. . .. . .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... . .. . .. . ... .. . cent W. is proteose. per cent ls residual. per cent . . . . 99.19 98.32 86.15 68.80 0.00 0.08 0.83 13.13 16.89 0.83 0.71 14.30 ... .. .. .. .. . 98.73 0.63 0.63 ... . . .. .. ... 97.80 0.73 1.47 .. .. . . ... 98.61 98.24 47.63 0.00 0.00 0.68 44.55 75.28 1.46 1.06 7.81 24.79 ... . . ... .. .. .. . . .. ... . .. ... .. ... .. - On the other hand, by this method, impure proteins are shown not to contain 100 per cent whole protein. Two samples of egg protein, for example, which correspond to the fraction precipitated by the addition of more (NHI)$04 after the crystalline ovalbumin is removed (or chiefly, the conalbumin fraction and some proteose) are seen to contain comparatively less whole protein (GS.80 per cent and 86.15 per cent) and much more proteose (16.89 per cent and 13.13 per cent) than the crystalline protein itself. And as might be expected, even more proteose (44.55 per cent) is found in Witte peptone. 270 Protein and Proteose Determination If we can assume, therefore, that crystalline proteins and proteins prepared by repeated solution and reprecipitation and dialysis consist of only whole protein molecules, and if trichloroacetic acid precipitates them practically quantitatively while it will precipitate only the whole protein from admittedly impure protein fractions or from Witte peptone, then trichloroacetic acid can be used as a reagent for separating whole protein from proteose. The one further question to be answered before the absolute accuracy of such a method can be determined, is whether this reagent will be as efficient in precipitating whole protein when proteose is also present. An experiment was therefore designed to test this point. Proteose was purified by discarding from Witte TABLE II. Total Total As protein. per cent Crystalline ovalbumin. ....... Proteose..................... Mixture of above. ........... “ (by calculation). .... Difference. ................. N. N. 13.18 13.31 13.24 13.24 0.00 cent 98.33 per 0.00 52.79 48.94 +3.85 A3 proteose. per cent 0.83 75.28 34.82 38.21 -3.39 As residual. per cent 0.83 24.79 12.38 12.83 -0.45 peptone all that would precipitate with trichloroacetic acid, dialyzing the clear filtrate containing only the proteose and residual nitrogen and drying the non-dialyzable residue. Nitrogen partition analyses were run upon (1) the crystallized ovalbumin alone, (2) on the proteose alone, and (3) on a mixture of equal parts ovalbumin and proteose. The results are contained in Table II. A comparison of the results obtained on the mixture, with the theoretical, show that when the protein and proteose were mixed, 3.85 per cent more nitrogen was found in the whole protein fraction than there should be and on the other hand, 3.39 per cent lessof the nitrogen as proteose and 0.45 per cent lessof the nitrogen as residual was found in the mixture. This is interpreted to mean that in the concentrations used, 3.39 per cent of the proteose and 0.45 per cent of the residual nitrogen were carried down from solutions of mixtures of protein and proteose with the trichloro- F. B. Seibert 271 acetic acid precipitate and were then erroneously considered as whole protein. So that the method here outlined is accurate within about 3.5 to 4.0 per cent. Furthermore, attention should be called to the fact that this degree of accuracy will be obtained only when the concentration of protein solution here recommended (namely, 0.01 gm. protein per cc.) is used. Determinations were run upon the same protein (impure egg albumin) when it existed in concentrations of 0.1 gm. per cc. and 0.01 gm. per cc. There appeared to be 4.5 per cent more whole protein nitrogen and 3 per cent more proteose nitrogen precipitated from the more concentrated solution than from the dilute one, and a corresponding loss in the residual nitrogen. The precipitate in the more concentrated solution was very thick and presumably occluded considerable residual nitrogen, and proteose nitrogen. Concentration of impure egg albumin. gm. per CL. 0.01 0.1 Protein per N. cent 68.8 73.3 Proteose N. per cent 16.9 19.9 Residual per N. cent 14.3 6.8 SUMMARY. Hahn’s method, with modifications as described, is reliable with an experimental error of no more than 1 per cent for determining the percentage of whole protein, proteose, and residual nitrogen. Highly purified and when possible crystalline representatives of different protein groups were quantitatively precipitated, to within 1 to 2 per cent, by trichloroacetic acid. This finding supports the conclusions of Greenwald and others with blood proteins. Impure ovalbumin preparations were shown to contain only 86.15 per cent and 68.8 per cent and a sample of Witte peptone only 47.63 per cent whole protein nitrogen by this method. When equal parts of a purified protein and a pure proteose are mixed, trichloroacetic acid precipitates the whole protein quantitatively, but in addition, carries down with the precipitate some of the proteose and residual nitrogen, which then is erroneously considered as whole protein. Within this limit the method is accurate. In the experiment here described 3.85 per cent of the 272 Protein and Proteose Determination proteose and residual nitrogen was included in the whole protein fraction. A considerable error is introduced when a protein solution ten times as concentrated as that recommended (1 per cent) is used, because of occlusion of the decomposition products with the whole protein precipitate. Sincere appreciation is expressed to Dr. Milton his many helpful suggestions and criticisms. T. Hanke for BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. FrBnkel, S., Arch. ges. Physzol., 1892, lii, 125. Starling, E. H., J. Physiol., 1893, xiv, 131. Greenwald, I., J. Biol. Chem., 1915, xxi, 61. Hiller, A., and Van Slyke, D. D., J. Biol Chem., Sjollema, B., and Hellerschy, C. W. G., Biochem. Hahn, A., Biochem. Z., 1921, cxxi, 262. Van Slyke, D. D., J. Biol. Chem., 1915, xxii, 281. 1922, liii, 253. Z., 1917, lxxxiv, 371.