Study Plan

Study Plan
Since I was a child, I had a passion for computers. At first, it started with the
hardware of computers and I enjoyed rebuilding my own computer and fixing my
friends' and relatives' electronic devices. By the time I entered high school, I
started learning about computer software and started programming in C#. First, I
completed the console application and then started learning and coding windows
applications in Microsoft Visual Studio. Then, in the summer of the 9th grade, I
entered Salam high school Computer Olympiad team, and for two years, I learned
C++ and competitive programming skills such as algorithms, data structure, etc. In
addition to programming, I developed skills in problem-solving in combinatorics
and discrete mathematics. After the Olympiad, I continued competitive
programming and I still participate in online contests such as Codeforces,
Codechef, Atcoder and etc. As it is obvious, Canada is one of the top countries for
computer science and technology and Concordia University is one of the highquality universities for majoring in computer science, it is ranked among top 3
universities in Quebec.
I am planning to pursue my bachelor of Computer Science at Concordia
To be honest, since I am the only child in the family, I am really dependent
on my parents; therefore, I have to return to my homeland. In addition, all my
family members and friends live in Iran, who I will really miss and have to see
For the expenses, my father, Alireza Alamdari is responsible for the
expenditures of my university and stay in Canada for the next few years until I
obtain my degree.