Uploaded by Mary Rose Llamas

Career Pathways: Self-Assessment & Exploration

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. identify the different career exploration; and
2. explore different career opportunities through
identifying work clusters
Worksheets, Career Cluster Interest
Survey questionnaire
Review/Lesson Preview
Directions: Complete the outline below by providing the correct information.
Factors Influencing Career Choices among Adolescents
Internal Factors
External Factors
Self-esteem/Self Image
Ideal Job
School and
Earning Potential
Learning Activities
Concept Notes
Career Pyramid
Step 4:
Taking Action
Step 3: Decision
Step 2: Career Exploration
Step 1: Self-Assessment
Developmental Activity
If you want to explore more careers check this 16 Career Cluster
16 Career Clusters
a) Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
b) Architecture & Construction
c) Arts, A/V Technology, & Communication
d) Business, Management, & Administration
Gather Labor-market information like
-Salary Range
-What workers do on the job
-Working conditions
Research has shown that people are
usually happier and more satisfied if
there is a fit between who they are (their
personality) and their chosen work
Education & Training
Governmental & Public Administration
Human Services
Health Science
Hospitality & Tourism
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, & Security
Marketing, Sales, & Service
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution,& Logistics
Activity: Career Pyramid
Directions: Identify the first two steps in Career Pyramid and explain why they are important.
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Guided Practice
Activity: Personal Abilities Checklist
Direction: Evaluate your own abilities in the following areas by rating your degree or competency according
to the following:
1 = not very much ability in this area
2 = some ability in this area
3 = average ability in this area
4 = above average ability in this area
5 = exceptional ability in this area
1. Realistic abilities
_________manual skill and dexterity
_________technical abilities (working with machines, instruments, blueprints)
_________working with animals
_________putting things together (assembling/constructing)
_________ working outdoors
_________ physical strength and stamina
_________athletic ability
_________repairing things
_________Sum of Realistic Abilities
II. Investigative Abilities
_________analyzing facts or ideas
_________synthesizing (putting ideas together)
_________solving problems (looking for solutions)
_________thinking logically
_________classifying things or ideas
_________evaluating data or ideas
_________questioning or probing into ideas, arguments, problems
_________understanding complex concepts or ideas
_________Sum of Investigative Abilities
III. Artistic Abilities
_________finding new solutions to old problems
_________expressing ideas or feelings in a written or verbal form (e.g., writing, speaking, acting)
_________expressing ideas or feelings nonverbally (e.g., painting, decorating, sculpting,
ceramics, singing)
_________sensitivity to artistic and aesthetic endeavors
_________perceptual and motor skills
_________Sum of Artistic Abilities17
IV. Social Abilities
_________serving or helping others
_________listening to others
_________talking with others
_________demonstrating ideas, techniques, etc.
_________explaining or teaching
_________cooperating and working as a team member
_________settling disputes
_________relating to a wide variety of people
_________Sum of Social Abilities
V. Enterprising Abilities
_________managing others
_________coordinating events or other people
_________negotiating or mediating
_________persuading or motivating
_________delegating responsibility
_________Sum of Enterprising Abilities
VI. Conventional Abilities
_________being neat and orderly
_________arranging data, files, supplies
_________working within structure
_________following instructions
_________ record keeping
_________ budgeting
_________arranging events or meetings
_________keeping to a schedule
_________ Sum of Conventional Abilities
Now that you have evaluated your abilities, go back through the entire list and rank order, from highest to
lowest, your five strongest specific abilities (e.g., talking with others) or competencies.
My Top Five Abilities
Independent Practice
Activity: Activities You Enjoy
Direction: Think of ten activities that you most enjoy. Include leisure time and social as well as job and
school related activities. Also include any activities that you definitely want to pursue in the
near future. Now, list these
The possible occupations to meet my needs and wants:
activities below.
Next, put a “W” by each activity that you want as part of your work life. Be aware of your interests and how
you would like to implement them in your work life.
Closure Activity
Now, think of potential occupation or careers that will make you capable off getting your wants and needs:
Take note: The jobs you select today to explore are not automatically the ones you will choose t pursue after grade 12. Change
is constant, your skills and personal interest might change and develop as you grow.
Enrichment Activity
Activity: Values
Direction: Below is a list of seventeen values, followed by three blank lines labeled “other”. If some of your
values are not included in the list, write them on the blank lines. Also, if your definition of any of the values
differs from that listed, feel free to use your own definition.
Now, go through the entire list and rate each value in terms of its importance to you. If it is very
important, write a 3 next to it. If it is moderately important, write a 2 next to it. If it is not very important,
write a 1 next to it.
3 = very important
2 = moderately important
1 = not very important
____________ Adventure—experiencing new and exciting events and opportunities; sometimes
involving some element of risk.
____________ Spontaneity—being able to do things without extensive planning; on the spur-of-themoment.
____________ Variety—experiencing a wide range of ideas, activities, opportunities and environments.
____________ Intellectual Challenge—experiencing frequent situations that require thinking
abstractly, problem solving, and/or calling on prior learning to perform tasks.
____________ Security—predictability, orderliness, being free from future concerns, either financial or
____________ Achievement—producing services and/or projects that give tangible and enduring
evidence of accomplishment.
____________ Work Associates—importance attached to relationships, contacts, and interactions with
____________ Autonomy—having a decision-making role regarding work activities and/or schedule.
____________ Aesthetics—appreciation of and attention to beautiful and/or appealing products.
____________ Recognition—receiving attention, praise and/or other social rewards for
____________ Leisure Pursuits—having time and resources for non-work activities.
____________ Altruism—working for the benefit of others without regard for personal benefit.
____________ Managerial Responsibility—directing the work activities of others and/or having
organizational duties.
____________ Financial Security—importance attached to amount of monetary income. 20
____________ Creativity—developing new ideas, services and/or products; combining existing aspects
in new ways.
____________ Collaboration—working on projects with others; compromising and blending ideas,
sharing effort.
____________ Ecological Concerns—importance attached to how components of work activities
impact the larger world.
____________ Other— ___________________________________________________________________
____________ Other— ___________________________________________________________________
____________ Other— ___________________________________________________________________
Now, in the space below, write the name of each value to which you assigned a rating of 3. (When
thinking about values in terms of career exploration, it is important to keep in mind that it is unlikely that
any one career will satisfy all your important values.)
Explore Activity
Activity: Interest Survey
Directions: Take the Career Cluster Interest Survey. The teacher will distribute the copies and do not forget
to attach the survey in this worksheet.
"There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one
wants, and a burning desire to possess it." Napoleon Hill
------------------------------------------------------Assessment tool
1. What is the step 1 in career pyramid?
a. Self-assessment b. Career Exploration
2. What is the step 2 in career pyramid?
a. Self-assessment b. Career Exploration
c. Decision-making
d. Taking Action
c. Decision-making
d. Taking Action