Ws5 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A APRIL 2018 Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks SECTION A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks) Answer any TEN questions. 1. What is shares? £[SPÒ GßÓõÀ GßÚ? 2. Give any two differences between equity shares and preference shares. \õuõμn £[QØS® ©ØÖ® •ßÝ›ø© £[QØS® EÒÍ H÷uÝ® Cμsk ÷ÁÖ£õmiøÚz u¸P. 3. What is debenture? Phß £zvμ® GßÓõÀ GßÚ? 4. State the meaning of redemption. «m¦ Gߣuß ö£õ¸Ò u¸P. 5. What is balance sheet? C¸¨¦{ø»U SÔ¨¦ GßÓõÀ GßÚ? 6. How do you calculate sales ratio? ÂØ£øÚ ÂQuzvøÚ }º GÆÁõÖ PnUQkÁõ´? 7. What is net assets method? {Pμ ö\õzx •øÓ GßÓõÀ GßÚ? 8. Write a note on intrinsic value method. EÒÍõº¢u ©v¨¦ •øÓ £ØÔ SÔ¨¦ GÊxP. 9. State the meaning of internal reconstruction. APa ^μõ´Ä Gߣuß ö£õ¸Ò u¸P. 10. Mention procedure for reducing share capital. £[S •uÀ SøÓ¨£uØPõÚ |øh•øÓPøÍ SÔ¨¤kP. Ws5 11. Give the meaning of subdivision of shares. £[SPÒ ¤›¨¦ Gߣuß ö£õ¸Ò u¸P. 12. What are the components of final account? CÖvU PnUQß £SvPÒ ¯õøÁ? SECTION B — (5 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 13. Distinguish between authorized capital and paid up capital. A[RP›UP¨£mh •u¼ØS® ©ØÖ® AÎUP¨£mh •u¾US® Cøh÷¯ EÒÍ ÷ÁÖ£õmiøÚz u¸P. 14. What is need for preparation of final accounts? CÖv PnUSPÒ u¯õ›¨£uß ÷uøÁ ¯õx? 15. ABC limited was incorporated on 1.7.2005, which took over a running concern with effect from 1.1.2005. The sales for the period upto 1.7.2005 was Rs. 2,70,000 and the sales from 1.7.2005 to 30.12.2005 amounted to Rs. 3,30,000 The expenses debited to Profit and Loss account included Rs. Director fees 15,000 Bad debts 1,800 Advertisement (Rs. 500 per month) 6,000 Salaries and General expenses 32,000 Preliminary expenses written off 3,000 Gross profit was 1.1.2005 to 31.12.2005 2,40,000 Ascertain the profit prior to incorporation. 2 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A Ws5 ABC ¼ªöhm 1.7.2005À TmkÖÁõUP® ö\´¯¨£mhx. A¢{Ö©® J¸ ÁoP {ÖÁÚzvøÚ 1.1.2005 •uÀ GkzxU öPõshx. 1.7.2005 Áøμ ÂØ£øÚ ¹. 2,70,000 ÷©¾® 1.7.2005 •uÀ 30.12.2005 Áøμ EÒÍ ÂØ£øÚz öuõøP ¹. 3,30,000. C»õ£ |mh PnUQÀ £ØÖ øÁUP¨£mh ö\»ÄPÒ Á¸©õÖ : ¹. 15,000 C¯US|º Pmhn® ÁμõUPhß 1,800 ÂÍ®£μ® (©õu® JßÖUS ¹. 500) 6,000 32,000 \®£Í® ©ØÖ® ö£õx ö\»ÄPÒ 3,000 ÷£õUöPÊu¨£mh •ußø©a ö\»ÄPÒ 1.1.2005 •uÀ 31.12.2005 Áøμ ö©õzu »õ£® 2,40,000 TmkÖÁõUPzvØS •¢øu¯ »õ£zvøÚU PnUQkP. 16. Calculate the amount of goodwill in the following case, on the basis of three years purchase of the last four years average profits. The profits and losses for the last four years are Year Profit Loss Rs. Rs. 2001 10,000 — 2002 16,000 — 2003 — 2004 12,000 6,000 — ¤ßÁ¸® £μ[PøÍU öPõsk |Øö£¯º öuõøP°øÚU Ph¢u |õßS Bsk \μõ\› »õ£zvÀ ‰ßÖ BskPÒ öPõÒ•uÀ Ai¨£øh°À PnUQkP. Ph¢u |õßS BskPÎß C»õ£ |mh® Á¸©õÖ : Á¸h® C»õ£® |mh® ¹. ¹. 2001 10,000 — 2002 16,000 — 2003 — 6,000 2004 12,000 — 3 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A Ws5 17. Give an imaginary profit and loss appropriation account of a limited company. Kº Áøμ¯ÖUP¨£mh {Ö©zvß PØ£øÚ¯õÚ C»õ£ |mh £Qº©õÚU PnUQøÚz u¸P. 18. Given below is the Balance Sheet of a company as on 31st March, 2002 Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. Preference shares Rs. 100 each 2,00,000 Goodwill 1,20,000 Equity shares Rs. 100 each 2,50,000 3,00,000 Fixed assets Securities premium Other liabilities 50,000 Current assets 1,80,000 1,50,000 Preliminary expenses 15,000 P & L account 1,35,000 7,00,000 7,00,000 During 2002-03, the following resolutions were implemented : (a) To reduce the face value of the preference and equity shares to Rs. 50 each (b) To write off other assets (except real assets) by utilizing securities premium to the required extent. Prepare the balance sheet after the reconstruction and also journal entries thereon. Kº {ÖÁÚzvß 31.3.2002ß ÷uv¯ C¸¨¦ {ø»U SÔ¨¦ AÎUP¨£mkÒÍx : ö£õÖ¨¦PÒ ¹. ö\õzxPÒ •ßÝ›ø© £[SPÒ ¹. 100 Ãu® 2,00,000 |Øö£¯º \õuõμn £[SPÒ ¹. 100 Ãu® ¤øn¯ •øÚ©® Cuμ ö£õÖ¨¦PÒ ¹. 1,20,000 3,00,000 {ø»a ö\õzxPÒ 2,50,000 50,000 |h¨¦ ö\õzxPÒ 1,80,000 1,50,000 •ußø©a ö\»ÄPÒ C»õ£ |mh P/S 7,00,000 4 15,000 1,35,000 7,00,000 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A Ws5 2002&03À ¤ßÁ¸® wº©õÚ[PÒ {øÓ÷ÁØÓ¨£mhx (A) •ßÝ›ø© ©ØÖ® \õuõμn £[SPÎß •P ©v¨¦ ¹. 50 BP SøÓUP¨£kQÓx (B) Cuμ ö\õzxUPøÍ ÷£õUöPÊxP (Esø©¯õÚ ö\õzxPÒ uÂμ) ÷uøÁ¨£iß ¤øn¯ •øÚ©zvß £¯ß£kzvU öPõÒP ^μõ´ÂØS ¤ÓS EÒÍ C¸¨¦{ø»U SÔ¨¤øÚ²® ©ØÖ® AuØS›¯ SÔ¨÷£mk £vÄPøͲ® u¸P. 19. From the following particulars of Ganga limited. Calculate the managerial remuneration assuming there are two whole time directors: a part time director and manager. Net profit before provision for income tax and managerial remuneration but after depreciation Rs. 8,70,410 Depreciation provided in the books Rs. 3,10,000 Depreciation allowable under schedule XIV Rs. 2,60,000. ¤ßÁ¸® £μ[PÒ P[Põ ¼ªöhmkUS›¯x. C¢{Ö©zvÀ Cμsk •Ê ÷|μ C¯USÚºPЮ, £Sv ÷|μ C¯USÚº ©ØÖ® ÷©»õͺ EÒÍÚº. CÁºPÎß ÷©»õsø© Fv¯zvøÚU PnUQkP. Á¸©õÚ Á› JxUS ©ØÖ® ÷©»õͺ Fv¯® PnUQkÁuØS •ßÚº BÚõÀ ÷u´©õÚzvØS ¤ßÚº EÒÍ {Pμ C»õ£® ¹. 8,70,410 HkPÎÀ EÒÍ ÷u´©õÚ® ¹. 3,10,000. AmhÁøn XIVß RÌ AÝ©vUP¨£mh ÷u´©õÚ® ¹. 2,60,000. SECTION C — (3 10 = 30 marks) Answer any THREE questions. 20. In January 1998 Green Ltd. issued 2,000 shares of Rs. 100 each at a discount of 5%. The issue was fully subscribed by paying Rs. 20 per share on application the balance was payable as to Rs. 25 on allotment (with adjustment of discount) Rs. 20 on first call and Rs. 30 on final call. All the calls were made and received with an exception of final call on 200 shares held by one Mr. Ram Pass journal entries to record the above and show the resultant balance sheet. 5 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A Ws5 áÚÁ› 1998À QŸß ¼ªöhm 2000 £[SPÒ ¹. 100 Ãu® 5% uÒУi°À öÁΰmhx. AøÚzx öÁαkPЮ •ÊÁx® AÝ©vUP¨£mk Âsn¨£zvß «x £[S JßÖUS ¹. 20® «u® EÒÍ öuõøP JxURk «x ¹. 25® (uÒУi \›UPmh¾hß) •uÀ AøǨ¦ «x ¹. 20® CÖv AøǨ¦ «x ¹. 30 AÎUP ÷Ásk® AøÚzx AøǨ¦PЮ ÂkUP¨£mhx ÷©¾® μõ® GߣÁº øÁzv¸¢u 200 £[SPÐUS›¯ CÖv AøǨ¦ uÂμ HøÚ¯ öuõøP •ÊÁx® ö£Ó¨£mhx. ÷©ØPõq® £vÄPÐUS›¯ SÔ¨÷£mk £vÄPøͲ® AuØS›¯ C¸¨¦{ø»U SÔ¨¤øÚ²® Põs¤UP. 21. What are the various types of debentures which may be issued by a company? Explain them in detail. {ÖÁÚzuõÀ öÁΰh¨£k® £À÷ÁÖ ÁøP¯õÚ Phß £zvμ[PÒ ¯õx? AøÁ JÆöÁõßøÓ¨ £ØÔ²® ÂÍUP©õP ÂÁ›. 22. Prepare final account from the following information : Debit Opening stock Purchases Wages Rs. Credit 50,000 Sales 2,00,000 Discount received 70,000 P & L account Rs. 3,25,000 3,150 6,220 Discount allowed 4,200 Creditors 35,200 Insurance upto 31.3.06 6,720 Reserves 25,000 Salaries 18,500 Loan from MD Rent 6,000 Share capital General expenses 8,950 Printing 2,400 Advertisement 3,800 Bonus 10,500 Debtors 38,700 Plant 15,700 2,50,000 1,80,500 Furniture 17,100 Bank 34,700 Bad debts 3,200 Calls-in-arrears 5,000 6,60,270 6 6,60,270 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A Ws5 You are required to prepare P & L account for the year ended 31.3.2005 and a balance sheet as on that date. The following further information is given (a) Closing stock was valued at Rs. 1,91,500 (b) Depreciation on plant at 15% and on furniture at 10% should be provided (c) A tax provision of Rs. 8,000 is considered necessary (d) The directors declared an interim dividend on 15.8.2005 for 6 months ending June 30, 2005 @ 6%. ¤ßÁ¸® uPÁÀPøÍU öPõsk CÖv PnUQøÚ u¯õº ö\´P £ØÖ öuõhUP \μUQ¸¨¦ öPõÒ•uÀ T¼ ¹. ÁμÄ 50,000 ÂØ£øÚ ¹. 3,25,000 2,00,000 ö£ØÓ uÒУi 3,150 70,000 C»õ£ |mh P/S 6,220 AÝ©vUP¨£mh uÒУi 4,200 PhÜ¢÷uõº 35,200 31.3.06 Áøμ Põ¨¥k 6,720 Põ¨¦ 25,000 \®£Í® 18,500 MD°h® ö£ØÓ Phß ÁõhøP 6,000 £[S •uÀ ö£õx ö\»ÄPÒ 8,950 Aa_ ö\»Ä 2,400 ÂÍ®£μ® 3,800 FUP öuõøP 10,500 PhÚõÎPÒ 38,700 ö£õÔ 15,700 2,50,000 1,80,500 AøÓP»ß 17,100 Á[Q 34,700 ÁμõU Phß 3,200 AøǨ¦ {¾øÁ 5,000 6,60,270 6,60,270 31.3.2005¢ ÷uv÷¯õk •iÁøh²® BskUS›¯ »õ£ |mh P/S ©ØÖ® C¸¨¦ {ø»U SÔ¨¤øÚ u¯õº ö\´P. Cuμ uPÁÀPÒ ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ AÎUP¨£mkÒÍx 7 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A Ws5 (A) CÖv \μUQ¸¨¦ ©v¨¦ ¹. 1,91,500 (B) ö£õÔ «x 15% ©ØÖ® AøÓP»ß «x 10% ÷u´©õÚ® JxUSP (C) Á› «uõÚ JxURk ¹. 8,000 ÷uøÁ GÚ P¸u¨£kQÓx (D) 23. 15.8.2005À C¯USÚº AÔÂzu 6 ©õuzvØPõÚ CøhUPõ» £[Põuõ¯® ãß 30, 2005 6% BS®. The following is the balance sheet of R Ltd., as on 31.3.2008 Liabilities Rs. Share capital Rs. 10 each Assets Rs. 2,00,000 Land and buildings 1,10,000 General reserve 40,000 Plant and machinery Taxation reserve 60,000 Workmen savings account 30,000 Trade marks 20,000 Profit and loss account 32,000 Stock 48,000 Creditors 98,000 Debtors 88,000 at cost (less depreciation) 1,30,000 Cash 52,000 Preliminary expenses 12,000 4,60,000 4,60,000 The plant and machinery is worth Rs. 1,20,000 and land and buildings have been valued at Rs. 2,40,000 by an independent value. Rs. 8,000 of the debts is bad. The profits of the company have been as follows. 2006 – Rs. 80,000; 2007 – Rs. 90,000 and 2008 – Rs. 1,06,000. It is the company’s practice to transfer 25% of the profits to reserve. Ignoring taxation, find out the value of the shares. Similar companies give an yield of 10% on the market value of their shares. Goodwill may be taken to be worth Rs. 1,60,000. R ¼ªöhmiß ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ : 31.3.2008ß ö£õÖ¨¦PÒ £[S •uÀ ¹. 10 Ãu® ¹. ÷uv¯ C¸¨¦ {ø»U ö\õzxUPÒ 2,00,000 {»® ©ØÖ® Pmih® SÔ¨¦ ¹. 1,10,000 ö£õxU Põ¨¦ 40,000 ö£õÔ ©ØÖ® C¯¢vμ® Á›PÐUS›¯ Põ¨¦ 60,000 ÷u´©õÚ® PÈzu ¤ÓS 1,30,000 £o¯õͺ ÷\ª¨¦ PnUS 30,000 ÁoPU SÔ±k 20,000 C»õ£ |mh PnUS 32,000 \μUQ¸¨¦ 48,000 8 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A Ws5 ö£õÖ¨¦PÒ PhÜ¢÷uõº ¹. ö\õzxUPÒ 98,000 PhÚõÎPÒ ¹. 88,000 öμõUP® 52,000 •ußø©a ö\»ÄPÒ 12,000 4,60,000 4,60,000 ö£õÔ ©ØÖ® C¯¢vμ® ©v¨¦ ¹. 1,20,000 ÷©¾® {»®, Pmih® ¹. 2,40,000 GÚ ©v¨¤h¨£mhx. ¹. 8,000 ©v¨¦ÒÍ Phß öuõøP ÁμõUPhß. {ÖÁÚzvß C»õ£® ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ 2006 & ¹. 80,000; 2007 – ¹. 90,000 ©ØÖ® 2008 – ¹. 1,06,000. {ÖÁÚzvÀ 25% C»õ£z öuõøP Põ¨¤ØS ©õØÓ® ö\´Áx ÁõiUøP¯õP EÒÍx. Á›°øÚ uºUPÄ®. £[S ©v¨¤øÚ PõsP. C÷u ©õv›¯õÚ {ÖÁÚ[PÒ Auß £[Qß ©v¨¤À 10% Á¸Áõ´ DmkQÓx. |Øö£¯º ©v¨¦ ¹. 1,60,000 GÚ GkzxU öPõÒͨ£kQÓx. 24. Sick limited had the following balance sheet as on 31.3.2014 Liabilities Rs. Assets 6% Preference shares of Rs. 100 each Goodwill 2,00,000 Fixed assets Equity shares of Stock Rs. 60,000 3,00,000 1,50,000 Rs. 100 each 4,00,000 Debtors 60,000 Debentures 1,00,000 Discount on debentures 10,000 Sundry creditors 1,50,000 Bank 1,000 Profit and Loss account 2,69,000 8,50,000 8,50,000 The following reconstruction scheme was approved (a) Preference shares he reduced to 8% preference shares of Rs. 60 each (b) Equity shares to be reduced to Rs. 80 each (c) The amount thus made available for utilized to write off fictitious assets including goodwill and Rs. 50,000 from fixed assets Give entries for the reconstruction and the final balance sheet. 9 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A Ws5 ]U ¼ªöhmiß 31.3.2014 |õøÍ C¸¨¦ {ø»U SÔ¨¦ ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ : ö£õÖ¨¦PÒ ¹. 6% •ßÝ›ø©¨ ö\õzxPÒ |Øö£¯º ¹. 60,000 £[SPÒ ¹. 100 Ãu® 2,00,000 {ø»a ö\õzxPÒ 3,00,000 \õuõμn £[SPÒ 1,50,000 \μUQ¸¨¦ ¹. 100 Ãu® 4,00,000 PhÚõÎPÒ 60,000 Phß £zvμ[PÒ 1,00,000 Phß £zvμ[PÒ «x uÒУi 10,000 £Ø£» PhÜ¢÷uõº 1,50,000 Á[Q 1,000 C»õ£ |mh PnUS 8,50,000 2,69,000 8,50,000 ¤ßÁ¸® ©Ö^μõ´Ä vmh® AÝ©vUP¨£mhx (A) •ßÝ›ø©¨ £[SPÒ 8% •ßÝ›ø©¨ £[SPÍõP ¹. 60 Ãu® SøÓUP¨£mhx (B) \õuõμn £[SPÒ ¹. 80 SøÓUP¨£mhx (C) QøhUS® öuõøP°øÚ £¯ß£kzv PØ£øÚa ö\õzxPøÍ ÷£õUöPÊuÄ® |Øö£¯º Em£h ÷©¾® {ø»a ö\õzx «x 50,000•® ÷£õUS GÊu ÷Ásk®. ©Ö ^μõ´ÂØPõÚ SÔ¨÷£mk £vÄPøͲ® ÷©¾® C¸¨¦ {ø»U SÔ¨¦ u¯õº ö\´P. ————————— 10 62419/CPZ3A/CPG3A/ CPW3A/CPM3A/CPC3A