ENL1813M Communications I Assignment‐Trading Card Week 01 Trading Card Assignment Value: 5% Due: before week 2 class Trading Card Assignment Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to create a physical “identity” that can help to build community within this online course. It’s also an opportunity to explore some of uploading features in Brightspace. The Process: 1. If you want to hear a Camtasia video describing this assignment, click on this link: https://replay.algonquincollege.com/replay/mccoyl/2011/8/Trading%20Card%20Assignment/Trading_C ard_Assignment_‐_Flash_%28Large%29_‐_20110808_11.22.12AM.html 2. You will need an electronic picture of yourself for this assignment. 3. Go to this web site: http://bighugelabs.com/deck.php 4. Create a trading card that includes your name at the top, a picture, and a general introduction of yourself (2‐4 sentences). Plan, write and edit these sentences. Make sure they say something about what you’re studying, what your goal is, something you’re passionate about. If you want, include several icons that say something about you. 5. When it’s completed, post me your trading card in the Activities Assignments link 6. Be sure to read the rubric so you ensure you are meeting the standard set for this assignment. RUBRIC – BLOG/TRADING CARD ASSIGNMENT YOUR NAME: ___________________________ UNACCEPTABLE 1 2 There is not picture or the picture is not legible The introduction is too brief or non‐existent. There is no connection between points. It reads like a list of facts. The assignment does not seem to show much care or attention. Information seems to be incomplete or superficial The card was posted as a link instead of an image There are more than two spelling errors on the card. There are more than two grammatical errors on the card. The assignment was more than four days late. FAIR TO GOOD 3 4 There is a picture; however, it may be too small or inappropriate There is an introduction, but it could include more detail. Both sentences are linked with some sort of transition, but there may be at least one “leap” between thoughts. For the most part, the assignment seems to have had some planning and preparation. The card may have been posted as an image, but it was not in the correct spot. There are 1‐2 spelling errors on the card. There are 1‐2 grammatical errors on the card. The assignment was several days late. TOTAL ____ = ______ 40 EXCELLENT 5 There is an appropriate picture attached. The introduction is interesting and complete. All sentences are linked together well, so that the introduction flows smoothly. The assignment seems well thought out and planned. The card was posted as an image in the correct spot. There are no spelling errors on the card. There are no grammatical errors on the card. The assignment was submitted on time.