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Focus3 2E Placement Test

Focus 3 Placement Test
Name: ___________________________________
Class: ___________________________________
Total: _________/100
1 Whenever I see him, he smiles all the time. He’s
very ___.
A caring
B cheerful C sensible D generous
2 ‘Who lives in that house?’ ‘___’
A Yes, I do. B I live
C I am.
D I do.
3 How can Joe afford ___ a new laptop?
A buying
B buy
C buys
D to buy
4 Do you ___ any celebrities on Twitter?
A see
B update
C collect
D follow
5 What were you doing when you ___ the text?
A were getting B got
C get
D getting
6 ___ your parents use to have mobile phones when
they were younger?
A Were
B Are
C Did
D Do
7 They’re showing the first ___ of a new sitcom
A scene
B episode
C act
D chapter
8 Is London ___ as Beijing?
A big
B as big
C more big D bigger
9 Jenny is only eighteen but she’s ___ written two
A yet
B ever
C never
D already
10 Can you help me? I’m not ___ to reach this shelf.
A too much tall
B too tall
C tall enough
D enough tall
11 Our house hasn’t got any stairs. It’s ___.
A a bungalow B detached C a cottage D terraced
12 Joe’s lived in that flat since ___.
A a month B a long time C 2012
D two years
13 I ___ you later if you like.
A ’m helping B ’ll help C ’m going to help D help
14 Students have to pay tuition ___.
A costs
B expenses
C fees D prices
15 If we ___, we’ll catch the bus.
A to hurry B hurry C are hurrying D will hurry
16 We’ve got a sofa ___ is also a bed.
A which
B who
C where
17 Nurses often ___ shifts.
A make
B are
C earn
D do
18 If I ___ enough money, I’d go round the world.
A have
B will have C would have D had
19 Everything’s free, so you ___ bring any money.
A have to
B can’t
C needn’t
D must
20 My sister always picks up a(n) ___! Whenever I
go shopping with her, she finds something very
A sale
B offer
C bargain
D brand
21 Students ___ a lot of homework every day.
A give
B are given C given
D gave
22 There are ___ biscuits here – would you like one?
A any
B a few
C much
D lots
23 You’ll ___ over this headache soon.
A suffer
B recover
C get
D take
24 I phoned the ticket office but it ___ closed.
A has already B already C did already D had already
25 Rob said he ___ the film before.
A didn’t see
B hasn’t seen
C doesn’t see
D hadn’t seen
26 It’s important to feel comfortable in your own
A appearance
B skin C face D fashion
27 He might come
as shallow, but in fact he’s
A across
B by
C after
D for
28 I
that aliens have visited the Earth.
A haven’t believed
B not believe
C ’m not believing
D don’t believe
29 I
to go out today.
A ’m not wanting
B don’t want
C not want
D haven’t wanted
30 I’m sorry I’m late. How long
A have you waited
B do you wait
C have you been waiting D are you waiting
31 I
three exercises. Can I have a rest now?
A am finishing
B finish
C have been finishing
D have finished
32 The athletes are out on the
A course
B court
C track
D pitch
33 He’s very ambitious. I’m sure he’ll
on any
A run
B take
C go
D put
34 I
when I suddenly felt a pain in my leg.
A swam
B have been swimming
C was swimming
D had swum
35 I got to the final in 2010 even though I
played tennis before.
A hadn’t
B haven’t
C have
D had
36 The doctor advised
so much fast food.
A not to eat
B me not to eat
C I don’t eat
D not eat
37 Our teacher makes
homework every day.
A us to do B we do
C us do
D us doing
38 I don’t mind
the party.
A missing
B I missed
C to miss
D miss
39 I ___ my bus so I had to wait for the next one.
A caught
B lost
C missed
D dropped
40 No one likes ___ stuck in a traffic jam.
A getting
B picking
C taking
D catching
© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Focus 3 Placement Test
41 This
be our hotel. It’s too old.
A could
B mustn’t
C can’t
D might
42 Don’t throw that shirt away. John
A must want
B might want
C can’t want
D would want
43 The train
yet. It’s only 3.25pm.
A will have left B might have left
C can’t have left D mustn’t have left
44 I
camping when I was younger.
A would hate
B used to hate
C have hated
D was hating
45 This
be a beautiful, unspoilt resort.
A did
B would
C used to
D used
46 These biscuits are ___! I won’t eat them.
A crunchy B stale
C ripe
D mild
47 Don’t put too much vinegar on vegetables or they
will be too ___.
A tasty
B sweet
C sour
D bitter
48 I’ll phone you when I
A will wake B woke
C wake
D ’d wake
49 We’ll go out
it rains. I don’t want to get wet!
A as soon as B unless
C until
D if
50 This time tomorrow, we’ll
by the sea.
A sit B have sat C be sitting D have been sitting
51 How many exams
by the time we leave
A we will have done
B we will be doing
C will we be doing
D will we have done
52 The Carpathians are a mountain
in Europe.
A range
B group
C top
D link
53 When was the last volcanic
A evacuation B eruption C explosion D expansion
54 We live in
east of the country.
B an
C the
electricity can be produced naturally.
B An
C The
56 My uncle,
wife is Canadian, lives in Toronto.
A who
B which
C whose
D that
57 Mr Davies,
worked here, left last month.
A that B who
C which
D whose
58 Mind you don’t ___ yourself on the hot pan.
A scratch
B bruise
C burn
D cut
59 That can’t be true. You’re pulling my
A arm
B hand
C leg
D foot
60 If only I
on holiday.
A was
B am
C would be
D have been
61 If we
more money, we’d go on holiday more.
A had
B would have
C will have D have
62 If you hadn’t talked during the exam, the teacher
you to leave.
A tell
B had told
C have told D told
63 If I ___ my phone with with me, I would have
called you.
A would taken B would have taken
C had taken
D took
64 It’s a very popular programme, with over 2
million ___.
A viewers
B producers
C panels D scripts
65 Don’t ___ yourself up! You haven’t done anything
A let
B blame
C beat
D turn
66 She said that she
to school the following
A wasn’t going B isn’t going
C won’t go
D hasn’t been
67 He told me that there
an accident the day
A has been B was
C had been
D is
68 He asked me
to a wedding.
A have I ever been
B if I had ever been
C if I ever went
D did I ever go
69 She asked me where
A was I
B I was
C I am
D am I
70 Two men broke into the bank and ___ all the
A stole
B mugged C burgled
D robbed
71 The suspect hasn’t been arrested yet as not
enough ___ has been collected.
A witness
B trial
C evidence D penalty
72 My wallet
A has stolen
B is stealing
C has been stealing
D has been stolen
73 Be careful, we
by those two men over there.
A are watching
B have watched
C are watched
D are being watched
74 Have you
your eyes checked?
A made
B done
C had
D been
75 Where did you
your hair cut? It looks great.
A get
B make
C ask
D do
76 I don’t want to fall ___ with my homework.
A out
B away
C behind
D off
77 My dad ___ always hide the newspaper so that
no one could read it before he did.
A used
B did
C would
D was
78 I can’t afford ___ my girlfriend to the cinema this
A to take
B take
C taking
D for taking
79 We should spend more time ___ exercise.
A do
B with doing
C doing
D to do
80 I thought Tom was so calm you couldn’t make
him angry, but yesterday he lost his ___.
A temper
B heart
C will
D soul
© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Focus 3 Placement Test
81 We were late for the show. We ___ as usual.
A had talked
B talked
C had been talking
D have been talking
82 My mum has got a new phone, ___ she hasn’t
learned how to use yet.
A what
B whose
C that
D which
83 What’s that ___ building over there? It looks
A picturesque
B urban C shabby D bustling
84 When we get to New Zealand, we’ll ___ nearly
19,000 kilometres.
A be flying
B have been flying
C fly
D have flown
85 My parents couldn’t come to the party. ___ of
them were ill.
A Either
B Both
C All
D A couple
86 Sometimes it’s better to pay ___ for something
more expensive. The quality is usually much
A out
B away
C down
D up
87 Let’s celebrate our good luck, ___?
A won’t we B don’t we C will we
D shall we
88 I ___ to have gone out on the night before my
A shouldn’t B ought not C needn’t
D mustn’t
89 Before entering the job ___, she wants to
A market
B world
C path
D career
90 Our boss told us ___ talk while we were working.
A don’t
B to not
C not
D not to
91 Our employer recommended ___ on a training
A to go
B us going C going
D we to go
92 The advert didn’t give an accurate impression.
Why would anyone ___ the truth like that?
A distort
B fake
C mislead D misinform
93 ___ you been awake, you’d have known how the
film ended.
A Were
B Had
C If
D Providing
94 We wouldn’t have to do this extra homework if
we ___ late this morning.
A wouldn’t be
B wouldn’t have been
C haven’t been
D hadn’t been
95 She made a huge ___ to science. If it hadn’t been
for her, we would still not know how easy it is to
treat the flu.
A potential
B achievement
C contribution
D recognition
96 Did you enjoy ___ on TV yesterday?
A be interviewed
B to be interviewed
C being interviewed D been interviewed
97 Over one hundred million people are believed
___ blogs last year.
A to start
B having started
C to have started
D have started
98 Did you see the news report? There’s a lion on
the ___. It escaped from the zoo!
A loose
B release
C captivity
D area
99 I’d rather we ___ so much time indoors.
A didn’t spend
B wouldn’t spend
C haven’t spent
D don’t spend
100 Never ___ so scared as I was during the
A I had felt
B I felt
C have I felt
D I did feel
© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)