Name of the Subject: Unit No: Name of the Faculty:C. Ashok Kuuna Lecture No: Link to Session Planner (SP):s.No... of SP Book Reference: Date Conducted: Topic: Page No: CONSTPVCTION Dcain n Chaunel GateG) Deplefon Deplenau agic bSotce okanel btweeu tue embedded us ofPtte mafel. Top of M-tufe Chaunel in Couuected thhgh a u ohue Cecnct to feuuiu ufeted s tuu daia( D), hhnes lnwescend of a Aame mateial i Couueed ttoamqh an Hemnn udnd to as the Aousces). e fwo Ptye mntbins ae Councfed touminak ohuie CoutncL to o togetue aund +o t GrteG Intuabseute of au apd Pofeutiak tu TFET hwfwo P-n jctiows md mo-bins Couditty. The aRoejuuCAim Ahowu iu ique, ?wswltry deplefioy vegom JFET Sqmbds Vps M- Chane F P-haunel TtET JFET Opekatiua, ChactoishOS he e twee baic op&nfua ConditiS O V s O, Vps iuahing to Soue Posihue Vae G < 0, Vps t Koue Pokitive Value voluge Coutveled trasstö. OVs O, Vps ineingto Aouye fo4itive Value D G s Ov f M Chaune YpD Name of the Subject: Name of the Faculty: Unit No: Lecture No: Topic: Link to Session Planner (SP):s.No....of SP Book Reference: Date Conducted: Page No: 2 | s Ahoou lw Fig, a Poitive Voltge Vpe rin afplied acusn Chaunel and 2nde is Councfel diteoty to taAeece to asfabliAh Conditm Vgs = OV. Vps nceeated frm Ov to few velk, Theu, he duXefion kesin betmeen Pgate aud -Chaunel tudceases Tuceaiuq tue desketom tugioM, deckcaMes tu ize of -Chanuel Which iSeaAes tue Rehstauce Eveu of M-Chaunel. tuengh, M- Chavunel ftuksfaute 1s ncteasing, tue CWGaut rom Aovkce to doeauiu temgh te Tuinrin beCawe Vos m inOLeating M- Chauuel is udoasing finch off 1f Voc 0 aud Vpg a gustut inckeeasel to av pke teAifrne volage, teu it afpests that two depkatieM fegions would touch s shouu iu ig.3,Coudifsm suefeud to as Prch off will s l t . The leme ot Vpe tunttalishes tux Coustim im ruserudto as Puch. of valtnge aud deutel by Vp DeHM teqjom Pinches off 4e 1-Chaunef Heoe, 1, Loes o drp off to 2ero but iyslead it maufrius tue Antotm level Whew Vps Vp, e of Paupius Coysfaut Same) As Ahoeou i t pss , Cubanf i Axed at p Tpss DRaiuto Aouskce Cuttent wit AotE CPECUs CounectoM ru qnte to Sousce Ibss i waxlum daam Cusrun fe Covdtacs VOV aud TFtT depmed by Vps Ve Piathoff D Sachdenprnleve as oV Apss VGs-P iucalingPANAtuL dueto moiningchae n-Channelfonistauu PonCk etfVec -oy Vpr Y) Name of the Subject: Unit No: Lecture No: Link to Session Name of the Faculty: Topic: Planner (SP):s.No....of SP Book Reference: Date Conducted: Page No: 3 V s <0, Vpsthoe foditre, Undue. Vee Auesnve veltnge of-IVM apkied VDS OV beueen qteaut Aoule teytnals ealoves v VGs -IV ee of Vps. s The efect of plied egtinbias Vas mto etnsluh deplehon Ptagious Atuine to tose obfnnd. uitu V#Ov btat bwee lenes of Vpe The Pronlt ot apkying egte ps to tgne info rerch tuu4twnti lauaf tav louney lanel of Vps M Exupl: I4 Vp 4V, VDs =4v Whau VDS= 3 hw VGe=-I V Va0v TPsalsy dnteatrauleuo fr Ip has Sen teskucd ud frct will Contiune t decSeease s Ve nmad moke ad mpke Megntn Aote to d Fig. b', we Aw tua lmch-off vetfage Coufiune in a pakabeGc mauet as Vgs becomes moku and o e ngadie Fmally, ku Vas -Vp, AntkCn ugfe vsthg unmgh to tnbliAh aAatatrm lene tats Muinlly o mA. ) T e l f Ves tat tendh tap0 dsnl by Vas=Ve, wiw Vp beng neghne vrlta 1-chaunel devces and a Po&it vedpge H P- chaunel THTL. a mA) oCw ef Puch et vclh go ohmic oe 3atuNatm oqRUM DSS Vy Gs/V Vas V VGc-3V S lo -chaunu Shics FET wit sa-4vVe Ipgs 8 mi 4V. ps (V) Fl6 Name of the Subject: Name of the Faculty: Unit No: Lecture No: Link to Session Planner (SP):s.No... f SP Topic: Book Reference Date Conducted: Page No: 4 Yauife chaseacfeiAKCL The Prelafau Ahp betuA 4p t Ves hockles quaon ia defame by Coutro vaahle. - VP Coutfa htrasfeCuswe Cau be obtrined wtg lckueklesya equahan 04 r Outpur chaiactaiAkC, ( Daaiw ChodtncBesteA) ) Tpes Gc- VGsa-3 0 s-v obfainna tue tvaunje Casve from GsFF) DAamCnaRerisf PTO Whew w Ge OV - Ip Ipss GS Vp 4V, 0 mA- Gte Cutoff velge Va VGs) Krsa Voltge Ves), dram cusant Cofein zrtef Af n Kus s Ths Ctop Vallge Gsff) I bedoues 2e0. valaqe Name of the Subject: Unit No: Lecture No: Link to Session Name of the Faculty: Topic: Planner (SP):s.No... of SP Book Reference: Date Conducted: Page No: 5 ( Vofuge-Coufvotlel amfukt t u ohtc vdfnge Coufvolei *eAAtaute teqad. L a tu kagim, TFET Cau be eupkoyed as Vasmble ketmtt hck hone enmtuus m Coutrotlel by nfpiel 0e gnte-to-Aoukcee vdtae As Vas becoues Cscve beCoues to au uDtL aud uupte neqnhie tu Alope mete and ugte iuteaing, taiatrute leue. (11 A hoi3ontal, Coklas pondua Vas Vp kint kotAfauce nt Pafomse leuel of Vas Vs =o P-Chaune TFET G P t Vps M-Chonel, Couatvucfel in kxaoty aue maune JET stwina PaVetAnl of P Pol-uies of Veltg Ge f Vps ond - tye mateeals ae keveAed, p dincfron aYeAed Chaunel nall be reduced by eeanPoAifime vrltgey from rdet deskae aund negatw vedfgu t Vps Name of the Subject: Name of the Faculty: Unit No: Lecture No: Topic: Planner (SP):s.No...ofSP Link to Session Book Reference: Date Conducted: Page No:6 Aigh luwh ot Vne t Cuwey Aadduy iMe VehclG indjCafinq te Thn Cau be occsance of bkeaktown (Pide in Cudunt ,) aveited i Vps Vps Liuew - Sp-ihankesjjan VGSOV Skcakdoun VGs-t VGSt2 VGs +3 2 Vas-6V»Vp ps P-channel TtET elsacteake witu pgcmA und V+6V vauysfoe Chaceishos afPChauel TFtT Vgs VP Name of the Subject: Name of the Faculty: C Ah¢k Kuut Topic: Unit No: Lecture No: Link to Session Planner (SP):S.No.... of SP Book Reference: Date Conducted: Page No: 7 Chaecfosfe Pkaunefas e TFET Prau Cooductnne t a f i o of Chauge iu drau Csount A1 te Change in te t o Kokce VeltrguAes)taCout dranto Koudrce Vel-ge s= Couspau) pA VGS Coustaut Vps tVGSnt Vps - ousfan We ha NG -2DSS A+ Gs- 0, beaus wax Valuv m Ve JMo -Dss Drain keMAfauce (ty): Tlun tu ato of Clage d o to ouree veltge (A Vos) to mngeot draa Cun (ATD) Gs Cousfau. AVps aCewana Ves A1 Alehchi T1 t sactée:(u): defl m katio of Chavge of daam vetfrge (AVps Chauge bf 7te uelge (A Vas)at Coustunf dsaw Cabpn (I - Couttnnt) Vs Re auun Couf Couut I A, kL, m We kaouo t n Vps M Gs AVos A m AI A Mx k COM/ARIS[ON BETNtEN fET BTT BTT FtT .FET uipoa Keui. BTTMa bipchscseujCondicttt Couductt device because ik device beCaywe tucuvunr Coyspta- oentim depends upoutufbwg elemeuds u bot majsitp f waotity Cidiets ie eit holes ok elacfvous st Case Crsieky intus Case. Mouy be 2-Thuinpatimpeiaule of FET 2.Tintiuteluce ig- BTT is muck lasgor(intasaugeofF uylm in CoupsuAim to tho BTT. Mejachm) h easan FET. t u t tunt feuia i-e 9te to soweCe of FET teverse bied ich offor iderly infmk rutane 3. FETM vdtng Coufvollkd delicq3.BTTn Cuhaent Coufreled le 4FET ls mosy. BeCase r e raMO jCtioyS 5.+tighekrequancy hesouse 4TTin unCi mois aftT. Vtiaion affcts PHduauCe G. Cqod tsual stabikty deCauwieb. leubartse de Pondant, tednl 6 nbseuce of wiuptih, CaSwry uaway m Cwe H. Cosfke tuau bTT. 1- Relatuy Cheatse P7-0 BTT fUT .Occues lm staceksnl|. Coupstatiuely biz. ze.Soit io wtel iu ICk. 1.I-Toslo. Alo 1 oftAet vdthge, 4o i WoK ptfu aswitch. 1. Sunll gaan Dandwidu Prodeci I- T,(tr_1) lo.TheeM an alays au iaet vrdfsebesosuijkng . Gtendest thauu FET ) Dto teie higk iuput upeslauce, PET% nta Couunly wMed osinputauplusiees Án deices ive VdtuefeS, OsCillo&Caes, and Ofu ueaAnq deiWices 2) TETS de ahowed in tadio fvequawcy auuplifias M dexics 3) TE ae Mel hixee Gpeation o FMd TV LCer% TETn avdtrze Coudrdled device dueto tuiz, itia mel i oPeatioun updifo utge Vasinble tasstets. 5) TET ta Mas ia laSqsCale inteqrahon (Ls) aud tET DMlvataqes IF ha elrtinely locuer 2aiuwbandiwid iu Proluc Coupares to TT. 2ftT Peformauce degondes od qcuey inScoses. (a i duete t Aeed frckty taderaalnofanc. 3vasCowduCfaue in lbuo, hance veltng qain is lw