Comsumn x x x strictly => to a weakly peters Cerve depicts Indiference for peter y. between indifferent => y An (a, y) => wy se · y Behavior which you to y. on indifferent y:either all the alternative strictly pufe. bundles consumption well-off. equally an and se A Nom-thick. -> Comvex. - -> sloping. Downward - ICz ↑ IC, > Proputies of Princes Completness ramk always any · x[y1y z MRS: the ↳ The IC slope equally · good (7 consumes 7 Convexity -> you intersect the Indiffuma which you for i BudgetConstruint:I The x! z good willing are y, while two bundles the bundles. MRS ere. when better off are of goods combining than with each of - = to remaining well-off. = · of at nath trade cannot Cowrex = Prmnus less = ↓ two of goods bundles to Comvex prefund is ↓ ↓ can More Transitivity y Pyy Prix = = optimal + -Dia bumble Opportunity consuming of good Costof good imunee a y. Budget happens when: him TANGENT t IC; A -Interior Types of Solutions 8 -Conmu U2 U1 n PI Maximisation is solved. problem Always tre when & is xe, 4 an so interior Solution. · Utility:Mostused utility function to profences convex represent is the lobb-Domglas. U(x,y) xx.y = ↳ MRS based Function:MRS=MUn Utility the on MUy - Magimal · Pefunus:when Homothatic two only depends MRS the Optimal consumption E *. Pr = a A is y*.Py Positive Momotomic this espect Types · of Cobb-Damyens defined be two by Prufrmus conditions: Pu-x = Pyy + in the good transformation baskets of I share s d om good thatstill can be y. respects and mate the is a of all numking utility function. Transformations condition. goods PerfectSubstitutes:They 4 -> = consumption ↳ the I Transformations:Amy Momotomic of Combition:MRS=Price Ratio spent · consumption the = BudgetConstraint:1 S ( =) will buntle Tangemcy x of 2,y goods. MRS · entir the on utility of are still convex performas, but strictly. not a MRS 1k1 = - - se · PerfectComplements:Goods thatyou substitutability. yM · MRS 00 = - &- Nofin MRS 0 = 3 always Convex want combine to perfumes. Ex:Gim in fixed & Tomic. proportions, zo · Goods:Leaves Neutral indifferent. you Comvex Violates the property of Can be "more is puffered to commx on less". Preferences. ya MRS = 00 -> -> x · Buts:Commodity - that May comvx. pufer less you be than p. substitutes yN m o re . yM ya ↓ - I A MRS = m x · Perfect S Ex > Connu mor- complements. p. on (strictly) x Solutions substitute ↳. The tangemcy optimizing of in time the a is combitions for bundle consumption because hold not may the consume MRSF Pric which Ratio, =* (**) Epy (**) most (0,) (0) = ⑨ Tr Pratio Can which = · Tr > be tru. yN MRS may - MRS Pratir we have perfectsubstitutes Yes, in consumption this case, bumble is the Ratio? MRS= Price and optimal completely indiffrnt. · Perfect yN Complements: - optimal consumption minhas:y * ....... The Es bunth is dan-BY always = on the Tangany kink. condition defin the tres mussete not optimum. · Conclusions optimality: on Assuming Compute i budgetconstrainthas the inFind all possible Points a) b) Effects · Price ↳ of price to optimal · - the the results well not is find to fint. p. complements: best. the line becomes steper. function?Itis fumand the result of the consumis I B y*= c Pn4 p. * N Budget = If Py, Demand obtain we * ↳ compan MRS when choice. x If and points 2nve How ↳ for changes 4=> good of one Demand utility solutions: I, tangency, the of solutions: interior Kinks:look out types a are solutions. come at of iiiCalculate · utility the then kinks, no => movement along I on Commer the Preferences couve, change Substitutes Only good Amy bumble * Shift in · se, Only good => se y, MRSC MRS of BC, P/Py < P/Py MRS PR/Py = E demand cure, s*. Demand p. Complements x*= 1. I B. Putx.Py y*= 2. I B. Px x + Py I xx* By* = B. C. · Price elasticity Demant: of Prantchange by ofinQx = · ↳ Imlustic quantity demandat when the price immuses 1%. En % Ex the in 0 of im = - P 0x*. Pr Pro Ro Gere = - Demand: changes Gb in than smalle Ex 1 are im change price. ↳ Elastic Demand: changes bigger as in than Ex are 1 in change price. ↳ Unit Elastic PRY Demand:2 1 = * O 1 · Giffen Goods:The for demand good a immases with its price, i.e. the demand is upward sloping, Effects · Emyel of Income Cerve: · the gives Px Imcome changes ad Elasticity: optimal change in ↳ ↳ Imfrion % of IP goods: ↳ => of when imcom imaD im 24:* > I 0 xt:a <0 goods:I4 Neussity goods:0 OD = · Normal for m each Py. Yx ↳ quantity = 76 Luxury goods:2 > 1 * < 1 changes. G. = imcom lival I, kuping constant · Price effectof Decomposition - because - Substitution income Effect:If We should total consumen's · Giffen own Hicks - Demuse stepe. consumption of t he good same. Consumption the when & of set makes Substitute y4. from one up for lange a proportion of the livel. temams. This happens thati t the whenever the outweighs enough income effect substitution effect of the (IEXSE). immuse. price good incore or sloping strong is becomes another. expenditure Behaviour:Upward the is about I .E. came B.C. Pa4=> the to good ↳ Pm4=> the Effect:If Income changes Decomposition Compensation Px4 => allows the afford consume Consumer Budget to SetShrinks the Becomes => Likes livel. utility initial Elappiness, porn (IE) Px I >Makes the ovnall ambigmons. d -> Algebraical Decomposition: Zo:initial i ze:final bundle ImbirectUtility Function, Z:compensated bunth turmand uplan buble se* of functions and y*in the function. utility ~ (Pu, Py, I) Solve: is I T -e that goes Consuming Z through Z attains is the tangent same to a budget utility line livel as with zo slope P P 1- ) S MRS(x',y') B = r(x,y') u(x0,y0) = -> Substitution Effect:the of consumption good P4 whose down yous the and other up, Effect:the Incor -> - the gemeous since it gives New I'=Ph.xo Compute x -> afford the Loves Hicks. than income more basket, consumption same which is way m o re Morey. Decomposition: Calculate is to consume Algebenical i (when they goods both of Decomposition Allows -> less consumes and poore normal). a Statsky gets consumm Level Incom PY + whatthe yo consum would x*(Ph,PY,I) = Substitution y Effect:the livel. incom this with conserve y* (P,PY,I') = consumption of good P4 whose down yous the and other up, -> Effect:the Incor Compensating poore less consumes and Variation:tells as us before how pain change the much the thatreturns price the has the thatis change, to consume to ments consumer the be well-off equally adjustmentin original Hicks Prices, New Original utility > A La Slutsky Prices, Original - Bumble "I E - · z, z Zo · z, Zo · Vo Vo Un I Pxx Pyy = I + Un Pxx PyY = I + 2 Pxx Pyy = I + Pxx PyY = + 2 x How Income much is much to x How the change the original utility?much im a occurb. = New income after utility CV I ÁLa (when they goods both of normal). a · gets consumm much the is the original Incor purchasing change power? to I · Equivalent Variation:The abjustmentin utility had event ALa Hicks Prices, New Old 7 to equal that level the the changes income thatwould occen ha slutsky A Old Utility Prices, New Bundle ya Zn · Zo z, · Zo Vo ⑤ I Pxx Pyy u, = + Vo I Pax Pyy = I =Pax + P,y + I Pax Pyy + Ex > x How would much benease in equivalent loss order in income to cause utility How have to an the as much cause power would the power decuase to equivalentloss an as have income in inmuse? price immeuse? r (P, PY, I) V (Pi,Py,I") EV · the if happened. A to consum's Quasio linem preferences:mon-line U(x,y) y = in = I = - I " good, one f(x) + ↳ strictly & concure immasing limem in the other goods. im onte perchusing Produce Theory i ) max · Production (urenes max - Costs] F) max (p.a.Tecal) function:0 f(k,2) = ↓ 2 Labor ↓ Capital Quantity Product · Short-rum:Fims construind are in some their of choices, production cannot i mmase it capacity. · Long-rum:Notconstruined Production Short Rum in the choice all of imput livels. Function MPL= Ya A. b 20 f(k,L) -> OL ..... APL O = a -> L slope which ~ - 8 and the ~ - process ~ ~ ~ - ↳ L N APL MPL L MPL APL=> APL MPLCAPL=> APL is is immusing. demasing. 7 y Costs Te(a) M2 2 Te(a) x (a = F + = 20 moves Variable Costs the in opposite as w.c = = direction MPL. Ac(a) TC(a) = O Act => MC < Ac AC =MC > Al of production 8. - Slope cure. the lim of comments end the of start the · Economies scale: of When is > Ave Y. AFC ↓ · Diseconomics of LR, the SR, the Production the produce Diminishing can optimizing is of Consequence immuses. differentcombinations decide production of turs in not Productivity:let's 8 = the of consequence ATCH (Ave 9. of imputs which in Moving costs. it can to the be also Isoquants livel are the in 0 LR the in assume (MPLa productivities marginal MPK) non-negative. O 222 2L imports a AC me of is Function produce Marginal O MPL · a when immusing This immenses. efficient economically · I when i Lony-Rum In is MC A · Al scale:When demasing Al S2,K) thatcan Space function. production t he of cenves be used Depects produce to given a all the possible of quantity combinations output. A Properties: k prpriob -> -Do 30 q= from Immuses not cannot - 10 q= origin cross. Dowmwant - 20 q= the be sloping. thick. > ↳perprrt · Margimal Rate of Technical substitution (MRTs):Absolute slope. MRTS MPL MPK Comvex Production Measures between = if constant function => perfectsubstitutes = Comvex Isoquent Curve value the two of how MRTS is the imputs output. => the demasing. Isoquant firme without can cure's Switch demasing its · Production functions witely (CD) CobbDomgeas R ↳ They Recin from the convenient ·Cost Minimization · Technological the Efficiency:relevant in Economic only · All the = · We could and first nk in long and much less on more to is production 50 = - produce the of imputs, given protum the using problem cost mimimization - langemy the production the of firm such costi s to you produce by fixing Condition: MRTS= Isoquant:0 ↳ Proteen 3 will ) ( q = f(k,1) E = -k(qf(x,) use 4K Mat. and 1 rules have exception, an technology a (perfectcomplements). proportions CES Function 1 Solution the problem I k q = ~ - e e L =E P w + E ~ + w - With more by = MPL cost obtaining fixed to extra of All isoquant an thatquantity. ↓ = cost constant. = 4/4 the prices? imput xw If the quantity? given the using 2. lowestisocostthatallows S · product. you produce the runi long-rum;is the factors of =)k + tepictthe the + Isocost combination TC wL short combination minimising Lim how / kP B.(P) - transformations. of imputs amounts Efficiency:relvant Straight about more momotomic positive = (CEs) Substitution of Problem last · iti s concepts, Elasticity (x G ondinal not are Constant L x. x = used: one of unit output himing Lor K. MPK CD Function S (a.(=).() ((u,e,a) = (a.(v):() k(w.e.a) = (a.( reca) Elasticity of substitution:measures (k/2). ↳ High Low CES I Properties Low p 1 = = p ->-00 p -> 0 ofLR => => Fixed a B + to 0 = in q in q technology. P imports. combination of (...). 00 = 0 = Function > = 0 = 0 1 = CostFunctions both imputprices multiplied are by 4** TC the is multiplied Non-Demeasing. in (Weakly) iii Concure immuses, imcenses in Scale - - · a each in & keeping at Imput Individual the and decensing other Price:When import Consequence nute. individual imputprice the cost constant, price of one total imputsubstitution. Economies: No in Es 1 changing immusing production - demasing is constant 3 = < 1 of the LRAC = Function Pod. 1 1 by = = I (MRTS) prin changes Function 1 < I changes price Prob. CD Homogemaity:when i Prob. Limen 2 to unction o: B + = k/L reaction 8: + x flexibility the B x 0 (((x) MRTS 2 MRTS High I (x + = o=G ↳ + (@lat). ex I CRAC(C) · (x b) x = Scale (Dis) Economies Saul Economies=) Scale Disecomomies=> =) LRAC LRAC LRAC is is is temeusing limem; im immusing TC qiTe in is is lima; comcare; 4;Te is convex; K. q Returns Scale to Scale VS Scale Economis Property Related of · · the SR In the Since k The optimal SR, is to Fixed! LR Rutmms to Property Prof. Function of optimal Apply of imputs scale t any combination of imputs. LR the there LRAC the to combination From Economies is The value only firm of one is K is way not the to produce its optimizing or more (which is to him more works imputchorice. that minimizes which be can Jeriving the respectto SRCF SR the = production cost. fome simply by function cost SR with K. m. K r. + a. I PerfectCompetition · The - firm has two Optimal - Stay level:& *. production (on enter) in &*With the producing max(π(q) I Mangimal · Marginal Revenue Revence C TR(q) = profit its compares when producing (exiting). 0 = Tc(q) - MR(q) M2(q) = => 2π(q) is The <0 lastunit product which evenue 2q2 Manket & fina manket:the profitwhen its decisions: important very production exactly brings pays an for additional the additional cost. Structure directly linked to the structure. munket 2P(q) MR(q) P(q) q = x + ↳ Market affect Structures the function Grand fact · · Monopoly:individual firm's PerfectCompetition:individual firm's Perfect lange number Demand of is by finms. individual demand market the Demand is a time Competition part fre Characteristics & of the entry exit finms no identical products Full information transaction costs Demand. maket Rivenue Mangimul The firm · not to from buy change opnate must thatfim, 2P(q) manket will it and of Horizontal = = = Otherwise, price. out go P(q) Pr > 0 the = business. Demand MR(0) P(a) Pu = SR = perfectcompetition finms profits max, I when: MC(q) Pr = (...) Analysis Shutting · will Function 6q Thus, consumos firm The oms Down Decision should from the exit profits the if market from staying lown are than the exitimg: P < Ave (a) Pa MC AC AVC 8 Pz P, ---------- I Short Rum P(0) · * 8 - SR of -> E = Sinn The Frinms 0 P P P P2 = > Arc=P. & P, dP2 AVC ↓ Not exie > Q PS mim AVC(a) SRMC (a):P> = chave is min when such the Avecal AVC thatthe is firm minimum, exits the the if market PC we is producing min AVe. AVC. firm exit? MC() Simu Avc(a) Meca), the it = Supply i supply Should => P have above that: the minimum LR Analysis · Equilibrium quantities pR pSR - p(R -> pSR 1 = the are on firms => = > the SR in SR supply Shutting Down cost ruginal P equilibrium profits because: different is (LR Cure by given demand;the and manket zen diffen LR and LR of SR). of intersection the is om instrut given by the conditions. Decisions P>LRAC (a) · The finms only thatare in the in market LR the that: such and LRAC (a) (RMe(a) = The · -> -> From · the The firm profits to fims to SR producing is to produce supply at the A: finas min henu perfect competition: LRAC cruves; min P(0) the 66 20 - 30 = ofthe se 02 - 20 + 2 individual 8 100 - + 4 + supply fims 200 fims -> + cenves like like the of this. this. supply: Avc(a) P(0) B: of their minimum = FinmB:SRTC(C) Individual is cure SRTc(a) A: CRAS, the LR market Firm of minimum 0; the * at the = S min = 0, = E 0 3 - 20 202) + +20, (2) = PC min(3 -0 8) + = - = P S - Are = PC 6-40 Ave(a) (6 20 20,P>4 + 1 2a + 0 = Arc(z) 1 = = firms. Write the · I The · supply curves them and ser all , PC 0 (1 (2) 200. 200.(1 supply immuse musting the flatter becomes leads P to finas heterogemous with quate a fims mon The to because a in immun discontinuities. has and you as supply: P> + + ceuve zure in to 100.(1 22), 2] ( supply market , + firms' individual PC " + market sam O(P) as the inverse market, firms more the and immase. price S Pa - - - - a MarketPrice The · demand market The so to enter of thus gives of supply fumand shift firms. individual expanding the market a the demand individual individual the profit market, the in because all firme. each This The equilibrium the price triggus supply market cores. goes up firms new friving and the down. price when Now · gives pain of ser of the the the the supply immases price does and · the is and equilibrium When · cave fumant of intersection price. Change price demases, is firm in an the the If in firms the will the LR enten the Pa SAC p........... a) a typical ↳ finm is changes making and market Pa.------------ 9172 firm immeficientSRAC firm SMC " the a Pr. the quantity from (LRMC(qu) profit Finos radjust iiiiiii 02 miket > until (RA2(92)), (RMC(q)= ---qu Ez O e) a typical ! " individual more LRAC Pa > 01 b) to curve. Pa O q 9, (q). LR · market Contrary supply to SR, the because cerves pB Ceure supply firm each supply market does have not GR Quantity is = defined a by given firme of individual ser supply cuve. by Quantity produced p(R (RAe(q(R) (RMC(q(R). at finm each given by is = = a = p. function demand the Individual n t he not is [(RAC(q7] min = q(R=) LR the => firms of number to muded cm the maket. q(R Equilibrium Horizontal With SMC Pa P - P, LR Supply enr Pa MC . OP At P: => the 4P (From P firm Equilibrium has With i to (q) Immasing SMC Pr MC I P2) > 0 LR · firms More will short-nun supply P, a) typical firm again SM2 Me - - - - - - - - · before b) a entry Pa P S typical ai. --------- e) the market firm ↳S s' ----------- R........ Pr a 93 O Al - > a the price (marketLR conve -------------- 91 market until cave Pa As shifting the enten supply to comveges P P, LRS D' > ↑ S := · ----------- ----------- S AC after entry the eventually equilibrium). If · imputprices This upwants. w · and i tiffen SLRACSql] min Note them drives the Demasing LR efficient with SMC - - - - - - - firms slopes cure when constant a to sufficient not are firms expants, highe with market. firm's imbivitual cost cerves of because up immusing a) Curve supply Pa Al MC : P, - - > Q fim afte entry S - - - - - - - - ------ --- c) the the imput down because ↑ - q2 cunves · - typical b) A ... when - 93 entry bom P, cost - - O P2 finm's - > typical Finm happen MC A2 Pa May SMC - q1 · firms demand as the enter Pa - supply prices. Equilibrium P, LB them size, of individual SRMC most the and will thatentry imput if even market demand, satisfy the market constant. an firms If · happens the with incase LRS D' 7 93 a market price demases of with demasing market size. Entry drives the individual imputprices. I · The comrugene process is very mussy. do Finas everything in their to hands escape the -profittendency: -> Immovatingi Advertising; -> Production · An from Diffuntiating - Factor finos competitors; Demants alternative competitive their to way is to solve letthe the profitmaximization produm choose directly problem (and K: for perfectly Eno- max 1, (P.F(k,2) -n-k) w.L - k ↓ F.O.C. I 6f MPL The firm until the hi = = P ↓L 6f MPk of cost M = = P ↓k function: q to mangimal the employing of unit laborn, Same ECD benefit mangimal equal is labor employs the more wage. capital for holts one LB. = Conditional Demand Combitional Demand for * L: q. = * fin K: E. = T Total 1) P Cost MC(q)()q* = factor 2) q. Fr Function:TC[q)=2. 9.r.w E demands: maximization p = (* ** P3/27-w = = PP/27.22.w problem:(...):k W = L T ↳ E q (* P3/27.w2. PA to expression second plan FOC K and =P3/27.r2.w * * k5. ()q* = p2 = THUS, they are imbut equivalent M.w Loss S P MC(q) At this seis · G* to Willingness the D > Q for good In the is pay the LR, being at the the smplus). equal total the competition, all the pointi n to the which mangimal the consume's production cost of society. the product is produms semplus have is no min[LRAC(q)) also maximized (since smplus and the in the consumes h espectively. - = = p* this firstand the in 9. Welfan Using perfect good have is Monopoly · Momopoly is long price:as · Momopolies ↳ ↳ for as there - lechnological Where - example there would ↳ · Cantels When - Profit faces firm the behave produms as => Elastic:2>1 Unit · = MR(q) scale and to imitrial the so that anyone way a emforad. who entres the demand the firm MR(q) MeCq). firm Amd, = P.(1 5) MR(q) monopolists - is (Remenus 0 = in immusing qand in qand in immusing deneasing P). in P). maximuml. a whem:P profits maximise benessing is (Roverus <0 => = = (Revemus 20 MR(q) Elastic:2 1 Twerfone, being returns single a ofa choice MR(q) Rigit:2<1 patent a quantity. positive a sets demand. market the is valid in momopolist losses, make quantity maximizing yields entry: high very A manket. cave sharp very are is investment the to barins are for all demand price Govnment, - thatsuves that because exist Legal firm single a - MC(9)= I ↓ Lernes Index:witely always Picks a point in demand the are => when E1. <1? - - - - - PY > = TRY& TCt because &t => iY ↳ Theron, the optimising incuse E -> 10 - = What is MR(0) 3 = calculate power. Whynota p to manket Monopolist CH used 50()a 2 = relationship the 10 = - TR(a) between 100 = MR(C) the - and = 5).(E) 2 = - - 1 profits since not can fruther. E? 2,0 = is 50 100 2. xt firm = I MR(a) > 0i0ca MR(a) 0,0 = < 1 1 = MR(a) <0;1 (AC2 be What will - the MR(a) Mc(a) = P Graphical 10 = - P for monopolistset the b? MC(a) a = = * () 5.2 10 10 = 100 1 () = - 5,5t 2 - O = Amalysis Price Pa is two MC equal inversely is cost. mangimal not related The the elasticity demand the to between wedge AC p*-----------costs · A fte D --------- Pa AC P=AC(C), loss a The p*Ac*--------- welfare in efficiency p* > B loss cost mangimal SR is be companison to always = Society from gains competitive the by be will firms. departure PC. > * O The loss efficiency quantity of the from the provided be monopoly market, and is turs in emits of the of good mot. an Loss proum Smplus:π - ( FC) - 4 = P.q FC SRC/q) = + - below Produm Smplus:4 P.q Ve(q) 0 always can VC(q) LR there and perfectly quantified We · mil pricing. MC(**) thatshould · + will MR missing Deabweight in on Cavel. AC) 0 - profits based set is price (Demand consumos = Wherever O of Profit (P > R MC · the quantity, pay MR &* = the knowing Willingness to by the = - ↳ es will the PA MC Comsumm 24. ii· R. Smplus:A A D Produm Seplus:B Deadweight Demand N 24 > R Loss:2 integrating mangimal + = compute + D + E the cost the area cuve. from Pricing Then · from simples forms several are the of to consume discrimination price the and Price produm. always discrimination emtails demass of transfer a the efficiency cost of momopoly. First Full · (aka Degre transfer thatthe price because to E P perfect) 10 consumes What is Mc(a) profit the with the - monopolist firm The it. tres not MR need sells is crum to benense for unit each termand the the price the emore of purious 1 discrimination? price = 9 for pay firme The produms. = max(π(0*)) ((10 F.0.2: to unit t he more to consumes willing are one 5x - from of sumplus insucess = Discrimination 50 (a 0 = profit 5a)60 - a ga = - Ed = 9.(5) is - - E.(f) = 8.1 Profitwithoutprice discrimination. · Realistic?No. Total -> Third · simples monopolist momopoly for price two from segmentation) each of discrimination: price protum. consume to Discrimination market facs features immuse. may of (aka Degre The Smplus Transfer -> Butit illustrates differentfumand several couves and sets its profit-maximising segment. market * Two distinctmarketsayments:h-business s p" p" · Welfan ↳ ↳ some ifand only cass studentclass -> "c if effects: In Single comparison price consumes to perfect discrimination, monopoly:Ovall may be better welfare ovall I ont. the off others. We welfare cam t mere know for se since units. Secomb · (aka quantity) Deynu The changes price Discrimination the with thatis quantity No sold. mad to separate her. consumes Tariffs:each Block quantity has lage given a which price, is demasing in the block. Pa Pa ·o so 50 isso o cor 60 --------- ! a) = te ↳Produm 6 450 = m i 7 N Demand MR > O O Smplus:A Single b) Discrimination Consumo ↳ 30 Demand Quantity ↳ m 40 20 -----.. F 900 ao ↳ 2 Consume + ↳ Simples Smplus:E Produm Seplus 4:B = ↳ Deadweightloss:D Momopoly Price 4:F = Deadweightloss:6 E P 10 50 = MC(x) P, 10 = - - Profitwith 1 = 5q,P2 10 592 - = blocks? two max (Pq1 Pz(q2 + - 71) - 72] 71,72 I F. O.C. 10 10q, - (10 - 5q2) - 0 = (=) 10 592 - 5(q, - Profit:π More Two-part 1 - 0 = E 5,4P(a) = = blocks T4 -> Taniffs:the unit Consumm q1) - t pays: S ps:a = 2St which P + =, pay Total -> - consumos price I fixed a does Smplus 4. for change not qto consume to access with the good and them quantity. q W E cannot anything. on the be Since quarter t monopolist has than no the CS, impacto n profits o otherwise the should it the quantity be consume dermantes, set the at highest decides ithas 2.5. = to not no buy impact a E P 10 50 - = Mc(a) 1 = Profit two-parttwiffs? With C.S.:5q2 (=+(10 -50) a) 45 = - max 9,192 2 Exactly the so For · single a two-pat twifti s 1) Demand 2) Set banies to Cost O -> same. function, demand same the perfectdiscrimination: mimic *. the part the is to t of full the extract to semplus consume monopolist. Mangimal Will keep to avoid the equal to Pricing losses and monopolist by fims between competition eliminating the in does the the not pufer the exit muket to is price. the pesence market subsidige of a to run. impose a monopoly natural long the in is monopoly competitive in work to ofthe immuficiencies The sime only it to way losses. its Monopoliss Natural A matural quantities, qsuch the stimulate Pricing thatis Cost make a to aim way ceiling price · fixed to way the perfectdiscimination as entry. A natural · Mc(a) regulations Mangimal · simple a profit show consumus same Regulation These · if all on = the the Price consume the momopoly for either thatthe all whole oon Al the when occurs the is When do CA Al AC > would A2 MC ----. D > O the attained MC and make so losses. a produced produced because happens competitive good be only can This - - - - of lange is cave beneasing, is not wise, firm -----....--- n AC of broad a at satisfiet. PA .......... over the minimum fumunt maket demeasing is by whenver perfectly market the by the Al monopolist. is demasing, competitive firm